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Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?

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Deepak Sharma said: (Mon, Mar 24, 2014 12:16:01 PM)

HI friends,
I am Deepak sharma.
According to me villages of India is both strength and weakness. First we discuss about the strength, India is known as the country of villages and
our basic need is food which comes from villages. If we discuss about the weakness so there are no such facilities as compare to cities like better
Health services, better construction and many.
So we need to develop our villages.
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Sks said: (Sun, Mar 23, 2014 01:34:03 AM)

Hello friends.
I truly agree that village is our backbone and strength of INDIA because 70% of INDIAN population are still in village and from them 55-60% are
depend on the agricultural and cultivation and the rest of 10% people indirectly depend on the agricultural. The GDP also depend on agriculture. The
other people are getting food from the village area only. They may go to food market and food bazaar but the retail people are getting the food from
the village people.
Not only in the terms of only agricultural but also some other parts like in Indian culture, traditional and environment also good as compare to city or
But yes in some criteria like pure water, electricity, education and social awareness we need to focus and really need to do something as think as
village is our strength as so much positive terms.
Thank you.
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Ashwani Agarwal said: (Sat, Mar 22, 2014 08:02:14 AM)

Indian villages are our strength, when it comes to feeding stomach of populace of the world's 2nd most populated country and considering India as
economy whose GDP depends on agriculture.
Villages have now become weakness of India because there is no more cornucopia of crops, since people are dying of hunger. Poor quality of crop is
due to lack of education among villagers. Most of the evils of society such as superstition, dowry, child labor etc. Are prevalent in villages. The
TALENT OF VILLAGERS remains ostracized from the rest of the world simply because of the fact they are uneducated.
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Abhijith.U.R said: (Thu, Mar 20, 2014 05:15:51 PM)

I just want you all to be aware of one fact.

If our farmers decide not to sell what they cultivate, no one except them will live in this country.
They are producing food for all of us. They all are living in villages. We cannot live without depending them. So sustainable development in the case

of essential requirements such as food, water, cloth, electricity etc should be ensured for villagers.
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Pradeep said: (Tue, Mar 18, 2014 02:56:12 PM)

In my point of view Indian villages are our weakness because of low facilities. You may think about agriculture. My question is why can't we people
make city soil to suit for agriculture. My point is we have to make city whichs suits agriculture also or we have to make villages equal to city range.
Thank you.
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Shiv said: (Tue, Mar 11, 2014 08:45:00 PM)

I am from village and I can not stand if someone speaks against the villages. It's the villages of India who provides food to your tables, so thinking
before that the villages are our weakness, just have a look at your lunch box.
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Praveen Jose Moorthy said: (Thu, Mar 6, 2014 02:27:34 PM)

Indian culture is boomed in villages not in cities. What we see in city is the flower side of the plant but the roots are deeply rounded in the heart of
villages. Without village cities can not survive but without cities villages can grow.
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Ojasvi Sancheti said: (Wed, Mar 5, 2014 09:11:40 PM)

Hi friends.
The topic is villages are strength or weakness in my point of view at this movement villages are definitely our weakness because many of you says
that it contribute to GDP of India but true is that our GDP is not so good, the reason is that 60% human efforts in agriculture but it contributes only
20% GDP, it means our GDP is low because of agriculture.
And at this movement in villages there is illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, lack of education facilities, orthodox thinking, no importance to girls,
malnutrition at high rates.
My conclusion is that at this time villages are weakness but its not like that we can't make it strength yes we can, we have to, because it is essential
for our INDIA for our development.
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Priya said: (Tue, Mar 4, 2014 05:16:21 PM)

In my point of view, Villages plays very important role in our country. Because these are the main sources to get food resources. That to there is no
pollution but in cities we have pollution all over. Many of the successful people are came from villages even thought there is no certain facility to
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Akansh said: (Mon, Mar 3, 2014 01:59:41 PM)

The soul of India lives in villages.
Yes it is good saying by MG. Gandhi. Villages are backbone of our country. Here only we cultivate food to eat and also for other purposes. Village play

a role to grow our economy. This also play a main role to import our product. They are. Good school to learn culture skill of country and hence village
strengthen our country.
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Uday Patil said: (Sun, Mar 2, 2014 03:33:30 PM)

Yes I also agree as Nishu because Indian economy is very much depends on agriculture which belongs to village and one more thing that villages are
responsible to connect peoples together which not as much possible in city.
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Parthipan said: (Fri, Feb 28, 2014 02:17:44 PM)

Hi friends. In my point of view Indian villages are weakness for our country because as per today senses one third of the people did not get their
meals properly. Most of them highlight that Indian villages are "backbone" if we are the backbone means why should we import food material from
other country. Really if we are backbone means we want to export the all food material to other country. Did you all agree this?
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Sumathy said: (Tue, Feb 25, 2014 08:37:13 PM)

In India, villages are the backbone of our country. Here only we cultivate our food to eat and also for other purposes. Villages play a main role to
grow our economy. This also play a main role to import our products. It play a main source for water. But today no of former's are decreasing. Most
of the youngsters are not interested to do cultivation including me. So our products come to market is also decreasing because less cultivation.
Villages are growing towards the city. Our tradition, cultures are leaving. ? What else we do for that.
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Vignesh Sivaram said: (Fri, Feb 21, 2014 12:30:36 PM)

Hi friends, my opinion is villages are the backbone of the country. Because the culture, skills and character of the each person which shows the
culture of the country. Now a days the culture may varies due to the technology improvement of the countries. But the ability which should not be
change which is nothing but the character our country people.
But we should have individual quality. Among the all, the one is common for is our nationality. Without our past culture there is no the present.
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Rashmi said: (Thu, Feb 20, 2014 08:13:59 PM)

As per my perspective, Indian villages are our strength and somehow or somewhere each of us have been originated from a village. Village is the
best school for learning Indian culture and tradition and even social knowledge also. Most of the villagers are working in agriculture field and because
of this, it is really proud to know that Indian economy is also known as agrarian economy which contributes around 70-75% GDP of our country
every financial year. Villagers are more hardworking and trustworthy as compared to the people living in urban area. So really, government Should
take some strict measure to provide proper education, proper health facility, water supply and electricity to the village people because they are
POWER, WORTH and HOPE of our country.
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Krishna said: (Wed, Feb 19, 2014 07:57:54 PM)

Hello friends,
In India villages are backbone, I agree with that but income per person in villages are very less, few people purchase all at very less rate and export

at higher sorry highest prices. So sufficient measures are taken to educate to them. To get more profits.
In villages not all people having own land, in India we have unused land, we are not using for any purpose, it has more boards like "this land belongs
to" we want to use those lands in effective manner so that owners, workers will get profit.
In western countries land is more and less people those less people use high machinery hence they are getting more profits, in India situation is
different we are having less land (most land in real estates, kabja's etc) and more people and we are using outdated 1800 methods in agriculture so
Indian farmers are getting more losses than profits.
Thank you.
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Jyoti said: (Tue, Feb 18, 2014 07:44:22 PM)

Well thinking of village life brings out two different phases of living to my mind.
Being a kid of a metropolitan city I would definitely long to go visit a village and would want to observe and learn a lot about our Indian tradition and
But as far as an adult concerned with the development of their country, I would wish there were no places like villages, where there is illiteracy,
Poverty, Unemployment, Lack educational institutes, a place of people with orthodox thinking, place that supports killing girl child, etc.
Now what we have to decide is what is more important for us, The tradition and culture of the old India, or the development and concern for the new
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Abhi Saraf said: (Tue, Feb 18, 2014 01:09:27 PM)

73% revenue of our GDP is coming from only agriculture sector. I think people do work for agriculture is our strength.
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Jagdish said: (Mon, Feb 17, 2014 09:23:43 PM)

Villages are definitely our strength. But because of less support for agriculture, village people are migrating to cities. Government should provide
loans and insurance for agriculture. Government should provide them chance to sell their products directly to costumers. And Government Should
concern about education and basic needs of village people.
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Narayan Choudhary said: (Mon, Feb 10, 2014 08:35:35 AM)

Villagers is our strength. We should provide many facilities, new technology which helps in agriculture field. Subsidies helps in save from damages
due to unforeseen circumstances like heavy rains also affect crop and draught condition all these condition.
Our 90% growth depends on agriculture sector. Many problems are facing by villagers.

Poor education.
Technology infrastructure.
Old techniques.
Not proper method of survivor.

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S. Megha Singh said: (Sun, Feb 9, 2014 06:44:05 PM)

Dear Citizens,
I actually wanted to say that the educated villages should be the backbone of our country. In this technological world without scientific application it

should have many problems to make the stronger nation. Village education must give prior or at least equivalent level to metro cities in India. When
we bringing up the village life with sufficient facilities in this modern era, then the Tricolor Flag of India will flying high in the world.
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Fahim Ahmad said: (Sat, Feb 8, 2014 12:53:19 AM)

Hello friend.
After listening all of you view. I am add some of my views. India is a agricultural country there 1/3 people depend upon it. But our govt policy,
corruptions and not knowing the new technology and equipment that is usefulness for agriculture field that is improved economic of country and also
improved the farmers profit and export improvement.
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S.Prafful Jain said: (Thu, Feb 6, 2014 07:25:08 PM)

INDIAN VILLAGES are backbone of to our country because we getting 90% agriculture goods produced by villages only. Farmers are playing
important role for cultivation "people can live without technology but they can't live without food" if our government increase the facilities like.

Proper water facility.
Transportation and more.

For example let us take a Building as a country, Roof as a cities, Beam OR Pillar as a towns and BASEMENT as a VILLAGES.
CONCLUSION: Villages are our strength but our village are suffering from some problems. Thus citizen should take action and save tress from
THINK ABOUT IT. Thank you friends.
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Sumi Raphel.M said: (Wed, Feb 5, 2014 06:50:28 PM)

Hai, friends.
When we hear about this topic firstly we remember the words of Mahatma, he said that "Villages are the heart of our nation". If we try to do anything
there should be a good foundation for it, otherwise it will be a worst thing. Like wise we should give much more importance to villages. But what is
happening is just an imitation of foreigners. Now a days we are facing a huge disaster that these villages are vanishing from our country which
should be seriously concerned by the authorities.
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P.Dineshgct said: (Fri, Jan 31, 2014 12:08:51 AM)

Village is close to the nature whatever we want we can get it in village you can see there every thing that makes you calm that makes you as man
without jealousy that makes you as mercy mankind honesty humanity there will be land which would have been covered by green.
We can see there variety of birds we can hear their sounds as songs if you enter the village you will be fulfilled by some thing but it was before five
years. Now village is not like this. The main main reason is lack of rain. Rain is not sufficient to cultivate. Those a days farmers were happy but now
even if they have many land they could not cultivate reason is the lack of rain. Main reason of this is villagers only.
They CUT the trees continuously whereas the government put order not to cut the trees. The villager forgot to replace trees by planting small trees
because of unawareness. Those Days most percentage of people were not educated. Thats why now well is drier. Borewell is also going to be drier.
All gardens and land are being sold for construction. Village people are coming out to city to seek job for wages.
This situation is still going to be severe in coming days if we do not take any action we will have to cultivate for our requirement ourselves it will
come very soon this is my feeling I am a villager I know how it was but now how it is so that we can not say that village will be back bone of India
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Ramya said: (Tue, Jan 28, 2014 09:01:55 PM)

Hi friends.
The name village itself brings in a lot of happiness and fun-filled memories. The place where we can smell the land, we can see all-round greenery
and peace far away from the chaos and hustle life of cities. The Indian culture is almost dead in cities but these are still living in villages.
Now if we consider festival Village people are celebrating the festival is really good. If Villages are not there then festival is also gone. Without village
no more cities and peoples can live. Because we are getting all the materials for food are coming from village only by hardworking villagers.
Villages are the biggest support for India, from the past to future. They are the one that does not depend on any other cities, but the entire India is
dependent on the villages. They contribute to our modern India in every fields starting from agriculture, economy, prettiness of our country. Hence, I
conclude that villages are the biggest strength to our India.
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Atishay said: (Thu, Jan 23, 2014 09:28:06 PM)

Hello to all of you,

According to me villages are good for our country because.
It contains the Indian cultures and traditions it tells us who we.
Really are and what was our past and the other advantages of village is that,
{1} We get fresh or non-polluted air which is good for our health.
{2} We get to live in a free area whereas in cities, we are trapped in flats and apartments.
However, there is scarcity of technology in villages which is not good for our country's development so, we should live in villages but with sufficient
amount of with us.
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Charan said: (Mon, Jan 20, 2014 11:43:23 AM)

Hi friends,
In my opinion villages are backbones of our country. When we compare cities and villages, villages are no pollution, fresh air, people communicate
system, we can learn our culture in villages only. Village people are living a unity, helpful, hard workers. Finally am says villages are our strength and
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Hemraj said: (Sun, Jan 12, 2014 03:30:02 PM)

I totally agree with you dear, nowadays no one farmer want to work in field inspite he has a lot of field because why we do that much hard work he
wanted to his chief become a doctor, engineer and anything else.
Govt not provide all basic things to farmer and not too much facilities in rural area comparison to urban area, govt providing lot of bills, schemes but
hot implementation what is need we know 70 percent population live under poverty line and 40 percent live below poverty line, so why we are not
focusing by govt.
Govt want to uplift without any cost. It's not possible by anywhere.
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Mitali Jaiswal said: (Sat, Jan 11, 2014 01:24:45 PM)

Hello friends.
In my opinion we can't give more importance to a single thing i.e. village.

For a bright future a country should have a balance between village and urban areas.
As we all know that our agriculture contributes more that 70% of GDP. But in our country no attention is given to these farmers and on their lifestyle.
Farmers who work hard, don't get enough money to survive in this inflated economy!
In present scenario, no farmer wants his children to work in his field or to join agriculture work. He only wills that his children may study in good
schools and get higher education so that he can make his children a successful man working in good organisation or working as a doctor or some
other profession other than agriculture.
Rural people because of unemployment and other technological backwardness shift to urban areas leaving their heritage in search of any kind of work
unaware of their land importance which is of so much importance for our country.
I as a part of this beautiful country want that there should be equitable development in both rural as well as urban areas in fact there should be no
difference between these two areas. People working at fields should provided with opportunities like loan facilities, agricultural knowledge, better
education, lighting, transportation, communication facilities in rural areas so that it can match urban lifestyle.
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Anshu said: (Sat, Jan 4, 2014 12:00:59 AM)

Hi friends its right that villages are the backbone of our country and around 65 percent population of India living in villages. And its a peaceful place
there is no pollution and we can get fresh air and only because of farmers we get vegetables fruits and our food but look at other hand in rural areas
people have lack awareness lack literacy and lack of knowledge about national and international issues. So in some way village are weakness of
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Hema said: (Fri, Jan 3, 2014 11:49:08 AM)

Hi friends.
Indian villages are not weakness for nation. Because the India's main trade is on agricultural products that are all cultivated only in villages. Of
course there is no space in cities for cultivation. Thus our country economical status goes on increasing only because of villages.
VILLAGES are backbone for India!
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Nita said: (Mon, Dec 30, 2013 03:49:38 PM)

Hello friends.
According to my opinion villages are our strength it is not weakness and can not be a weakness for India. Village means it is the part of our beautiful
past, It is the natures Beauty.
India 74% of GDP (Gross domestic Product) is obtained from villages. Village is need of city because 75% to 80% peoples from villages are farmer.
And farmer is like a god only because of them we are alive. And our nation is known as "Krushi Pradhan Desh(Agricultural country)".
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Santosh Kumar Rai said: (Sat, Dec 28, 2013 06:46:28 PM)

My dear brothers & sisters.

Every one known as the villages are strength of our country & 70% population lives in the village, so our country is known as country of former's.
Today a hand business with forming is require for our farmers/villagers, which develop the leaving states of former's/villagers than our country will
become a developed country of the world.
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Sukanta Dhar said: (Thu, Dec 26, 2013 09:11:22 PM)

This topic I faced in a group discussion in Canara Bank Interview. There everybody said with confidence that rural India is our strength. But is it
really so ? Is rural India in its full strength ? Imagine India has tow hands- one providing food and other technology. But the hand which feeds does
not get food neither the technology of the other hand. But the other hand gets both. Can a person be in fully able with one weak hand ? That's why I
believe Rural India is not our strength yet but has the potentiality to change India if it gets support from other hand.
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Vasu said: (Wed, Dec 18, 2013 08:29:04 PM)

HI everybody,
Its to very back bone of our country because of their mainly occurs agriculture producing raw materials they have a so much formality's and good
atmosphere. Most have some traditional.
This is very important of country to need a village.
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Ajay said: (Wed, Dec 18, 2013 02:42:13 PM)

Hi friends I too agree with the statement that Indian villages are back bone to our country but the food (90%) we are getting is from villages. But
there is no right to a farmer to fix the price of the food what ever they produce. Indian government should fix this problem.
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Maheswari said: (Fri, Dec 13, 2013 11:04:37 PM)

Hi Friends,
Yes, all points are most important. Another one point in my point of view is, please think in cities we buy the vegetables for cooking, if its purely
fresh? not possible. It may in cooling or use after 2 or 3 days from picks.
See in villages mostly used vegetables are 90% fresh, after 4 or 5 hours we will use. Which one is best chemically freshen or naturally freshen.
This freshness not only vegetables, also fruits, fish. Etc.
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Rinku said: (Wed, Dec 11, 2013 01:42:29 PM)

Hello friends,
I Things That Indian village are more important for our country because of.
Most part of agriculture are depend upon the villages and it increase the economy and GDP growth of our country. It provides the all type of fresh
food items. Village peoples are more helping nature, hard working person and inspiration to world. In villages seems the traditional and many
foreigner saw the our traditional and culture so we are the proud of our country.
I thing that Indian village are backbone for our country.
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Rishi said: (Tue, Dec 10, 2013 06:42:05 PM)

I too agree that village are our strength, our cultivation concentrates in villages. A country becomes stronger when it becomes self independent in
agricultural production. So government must paid attention in cultivation concentrated in villages. They should introduce new policies which brings
more people interested in cultivation.

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Swapna said: (Sun, Dec 8, 2013 08:39:40 PM)

Yes, I too agree with that villages are strength of our country because we have seen many reasons above and I too want to add one point here that
many foreigners likes our country because of our tradition and culture. This culture and tradition is mainly in villages not in cities. We learn many
things in villages other than cities.
So this is also one of the reason in my point of view.
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Surendhar said: (Thu, Dec 5, 2013 09:02:52 PM)

Hi friends.
First fall people is like technology. Is anybody want earning money in easily. In our country is 75 percent in the village. The village people to only one
know agriculture his on to prepare to provide on spread in all over India. Indian economic level to increase on other country to comparison. It has
must on village in our India.
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Saikrishna said: (Mon, Dec 2, 2013 10:05:04 AM)

1. Hi Friends according to my point view Indian villages are backbone of to our country. Because we getting 90% agricultural goods produced by the
villages only. Farmers are playing important role for cultivation. "People can live without technology but they can't live without Food". Food is a very
basic necessity.
2. Person who belongs to village has positive minded against other, they have emotion of help and sympathy. So this types of well Mannered
behaviour may helpful for society.
But the people who lives in city, they confines (restrict some one) in itself. They don't think about other.
3. Villages are greatest strength of our nation. If our government increases the facilities like education, electricity, medicine and transportation then
villages will also provide equal contribution compared with cities.
Because in their also needy peoples are alive. Without getting strong backbone the people are won't stand, similarly without improving the village
people life our India will not be improve.
4. Not only for agricultural purposes, even many persons who want a Mental Relaxation they need to go some villages. Because there is no pollution
at all and some relaxation is over there. Of-course there is no entertainment mall at all but there is ever green farm everywhere in village.
5. But our villagers are really suffering from some problems, like.
1. Proper water facility.
2. Sufficient hospitals.
3. No proper education.
4. Electricity.
Conclusion is villages are our strength but our villages are suffering from some problems we have to solve those problems for our beautiful villages.
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Lakshmi said: (Fri, Nov 29, 2013 12:29:19 PM)

I can really agree with the comments villages are back bone our country we getting food from the villages only farmers are playing an important role
for cultivation as the same time they facing so many problems like water, power most of the food items are export to foreign countries from India so
they strength of our India.
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Sangamithirai said: (Wed, Nov 27, 2013 06:55:20 PM)

Hi friends,
According to me absolutely Indian Villages are our backbone, and heart of our economy, but if they are provided with more technology, it would
provide more profit and make our economy more strong. It will make us more courageous to stand in front of every other nation. We can't say that
villages are pollution free, because every industry is situated at a rural area where all the waste from industry is put into clean lands and rivers of
villages. They are also the place which leads to population problem, due to lack of knowledge. All Indian village need is education.
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Madhu Sudhan said: (Sun, Nov 24, 2013 08:05:59 PM)

Hi Friends according to my point view Indian villages are backbone of to our country. Because we getting food from the village only. Farmers are
playing important role for cultivation. At the same time farmers facing so much problem because of no proper water supply, current and proper
At present days due floods total cultivation is wash out. Government should sanction funds who are affected by floods but the funds are not receiving
properly to everyone. So, government should look after about this problem.
Due to this facing problems the framers are leaving the village and coming to city and doing some work. So, people stay in villages government so
provide all facilities to them like hospital, road. Etc.
By developing the village we can say that it strength but here so many cons/disadvantage are facing by them still now.
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Rajesh said: (Sat, Nov 23, 2013 08:03:06 PM)

Hi friend according to me Indian villages are our strength because person who belongs to village has positive minded against other, they have
emotion of help and sympathy. In the village We learnt that to help the other is primary thing. We think about other. But the people who lives in city,
they confines in itself. They don't think about other. So this types of well mannered behaviour may helpful for society. They will be the icon for
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Siva K said: (Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:57:37 AM)

Yes, Villages are the backbone of India. Lets try ourselves to develop Indian Villages as much as we can.
I am from village in AP and working as a software Engineer. Its my responsibility to help and develop my village, as part of it. I had started some
activities. I know you have very good ideas in Indian village development. If you can let me know your ideas, I will try to implement it in my village.
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Priya said: (Sun, Nov 17, 2013 05:52:28 PM)

Villages are greatest strength of our nation. If our government increases the facilities like education, electricity, medicine and transportation then
villages will also provide equal contribution compared with cities. Villages can be easily incorporated with this facilities. So as a job of youngsters we
have to take care of villages and help this to promote and make our nation developed soon.
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Karthika said: (Thu, Nov 14, 2013 11:19:39 PM)

I too agree with them. Villages are the backbone to our country. Compare the city with village is better than it. Because there we see the good
people who survive for others. City people have so much of money but without the villagers are doing the agriculture no one to live in this world.

From this we have to know the money is not an issue for living.
But as a citizen I felt bad for seeing the village people because they are willing to giving food at the same time what we are going to give to those
people. Because in their also needy peoples are alive. Without getting strong backbone the people are won't stand similarly without improving the
village people life our India will not be improve.
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Sushil Sundi said: (Tue, Nov 12, 2013 03:57:11 PM)

Hii friends, I agree with the point villages are our strength because India is a agriculture based country as well as economy is depends upon the
same. If want relax then village better place then city because of pollution and population.
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Nivetha said: (Tue, Nov 12, 2013 11:17:48 AM)

Hi to all,
Absolutely villages are our strength. Not only for agricultural purposes, even many persons who want a mental relaxation they need to go some
villages. Because there is no pollution at all and some relaxation is over there. Of-course there is no entertainment mall at all but there is ever green
farm everywhere in village.
The government must take a step to improve villages for Education and Employment.
Thank you all.
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Hameed said: (Wed, Oct 30, 2013 12:27:35 PM)

Hi All, As all know that Indian economy is a agricultural economy, I strongly believe that Agriculture is a backbone of our country, in fact most of the
food items are export to foreign countries from India. "People can live without technology but they can't live without Food". Food is a very basic
necessity, and that is in the hands of Indian farmers, but it does not mean that we have everything, we need to develop in different aspects. No one
the denied that we are the culprits who are continuously avoiding this sector.
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Ranjan said: (Mon, Oct 28, 2013 12:14:23 PM)

Hello friend,
I really supported that the Indian farmers are our strength if they developed the n our nation will developed and it is possible when they will give
preference over education also. They will have to forgot all the traditional blind faith.
Apart of this discussion the are also needy for the financial help from the government.
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Ananya said: (Sun, Oct 27, 2013 10:25:03 PM)

Hello friends,
Yeah I too agree this one. And I'm so happy to share my thoughts over here about this point because I'm from village. It is a beautiful world, village
is comparatively small in size than cosmopolitics. But there is a place we can learn a lot in fact there is no need for class for good attitude, adaptive,
punctual, etc. Mostly products are exported from this small villages only. People who are all too brisk, hard workers, if they loose also they won't
worry for it, start to redo those things. Products which is produced for other countries is from cities, but things for us and also for abroad is mainly
from this cute small place called village. Yes village is a protein for our body (INDIA).
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Mounika said: (Fri, Oct 25, 2013 02:36:32 PM)

Hai friends,
Indian villages are indeed our strength. There is no doubt in that. But we ourselves are weakening our strength by neglecting the villages and
running after the city life. Its a pity on us. We should know what we are missing. One thing is that if the farming was taken in a scientific way it
would be better because we can yield in a great manner. So that our country can develop to some extent. It means that every farmer should be
educated or literates should do farming in a scientific way. Then we can prove to the world "What India is".
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Rekha said: (Tue, Oct 22, 2013 02:19:32 PM)

Good afternoon friends,

Now a days everyone wants to work out also villagers.
Some of the problems can be removed by.
Providing new agriculture techniques for farmers.
Providing proper water and electricity to villagers.
Give basic knowledge about internet from that farmers can find out about e-mandi, dealer concession etc.
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Vishal said: (Sun, Oct 20, 2013 03:00:27 PM)

As there is a lots of wealthy peoples in rural areas are there and they have a good income to spent also and as our country is known by the farmers
and the contribution from agriculture in GDP is a lot, so the rural are the strength of India.
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Jeny R J said: (Fri, Oct 18, 2013 04:09:04 PM)

Surely villages are blessing for us, now a days they are going to be distinct. If it continues, we have to remember one thing that is the entire life
cycle is going to be disappear. Save villages.
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Akshara Tyagi said: (Fri, Oct 11, 2013 10:00:33 PM)

My hi to one and all.

As per being the youth voice of our country, I would like to provide the major fact that its only our villages how are preventing and securing our
historical traditions which we have learnt from our holi manuscript, myths, and mythologies people of our society is forgetting our sanskaar day by
day which shows its -ve effect in the lives of people. In this way we are destroying our lives by our own hands. Due to this an individual has turned in
evil monsters, girls had lost their independence and freedom. Delhi cases are the major example of lost humanity.
And the second point is it is the most superior.
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Dhananjay Patil said: (Fri, Oct 11, 2013 02:23:21 PM)


Here my opinion is it is absolutely true that our villages are basic strength developing India because 70% agricultural goods produced by villagers
farmer which help to grow more Indian economy & values but main problem in rural people illiteracy and lack of money, unemployment lack of
awareness, and also education.
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Udhayakumar said: (Tue, Oct 8, 2013 06:31:50 PM)

Hello everyone,
According to my point of view villages are good to India. Because agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. We can get fresh air in villages.
Many agricultural products were exported to other countries. But the farmers facing a lot of problems real estate business and price hiking of
fertilizers. So they give up agriculture and searching other jobs. So the government should take care of them. Thank you.
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Sindhu said: (Tue, Oct 8, 2013 11:43:24 AM)

Hi friends good morning to all.

I here would like to present overcome the issues.
According to my view Indian villages are our strength. Because there are many harvesting areas they are producing the food materials. And the
villages are more nature. Living infrastructures are high and live in villages we against the diseases.
Negative points:
At the same time in villages the infrastructure, education and economics are not developed. Uneducated families and facilities are not there.
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Akshay said: (Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:58:54 AM)

Villages provide us with agriculture which is the backbone of Indian economy. Also, Indian handicrafts and handloom are doing good business. Our
rich culture has evolved in villages and is surviving because of them otherwise it would have been long forgotten as people in urban areas are
Most of India's population resides in villages and thus our villages are a storehouse of human resources. By improving the state of education and
other facilities like electricity supply we can tap the greater potential of these human resources. I agree that social malpractices like dowry system,
female foeticide exist in Indian villages which is hindering india's growth but education will surely help in alleviating them. To conclude, I would say
Indian villages are our strength. In fact they possess much more strength than has been tapped because of the current sorry state of affairs.
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Padmaja.P said: (Fri, Sep 27, 2013 12:52:37 PM)

Villages in India are strength because of agriculture products that produced by them. Now all villagers are not doing agriculture due to some regions
among them a few and important things are:
1. Climatic changes (due to construction of small and medium scale industries ex: stone cutting industries, plastic industries, cement industries).
2. Decrease of water table.
3. Financial aspects.
4. Educational aspects.
5. Accessibility. Etc.
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Karan said: (Thu, Sep 26, 2013 11:00:13 AM)

According to my point of view Indian villages are our strength as well as our weakness. Indian villages are providing the a big amount of agriculture
support to urban area. And the villages are also help to increasing the Indian economy because there are many crops which are export to other
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Nagaraj said: (Mon, Sep 23, 2013 07:50:14 PM)

Hi friends.
. We shall talk about the Indian villages are strength or weakness. In my part of Indian villages are strength.
. Due to economic situation of today most of richer by the land for sale at high cost. Due to the more money the farmer sold their land. Due to their
economic situation.
. Government is not taking steps to develop the Indian villages they rectify only a few part of the villages at least 20% of overall India.
. Due to corruption the amount provided for agriculture is not going for framers completely. Many govt officers take up some money for giving fund.
. Due to enlargement of urban areas today villages going in disaster. Pollution is also a main cause for agriculture due to increase in population the
under ground water goes down there is no water for drinking how the people should cultivate.
. The government provide water for urban areas but not for villages they think about the urban but far as village thank you.
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J V Sandeep said: (Fri, Sep 20, 2013 02:03:34 PM)

Hello good afternoon my dear friends,

Coming to the sentence "indian villages - our strength or our weakness", I do preferably say that INDIAN VILLAGES ARE A GREAT BOON TO US,
because villages in India do protect us from several unaware environmental issues and I can definitely say that villages are the protesting places to
pollution, global warming and many more. Depleting of these environmental issues India is facing several natural disasters, recently we can see in
kedarnadh (UTTARAKHAND). These villages stand as a role models in protecting environment. We can learn certain methods which must be adopted
in towns and cities to protect environment from villages.
I can proudly say that the places which are free from pollution and global depletion can purely found in India those are villages.
Not only this, villages are the roots of our Indian economy, we export many eatables to other countries which are purely extracted from villages. We
cannot eat a bit of food like roti, rice even sandwich without villages and we get completely relaxed and remove our mental stresses when we visit
villages. The main exports are spices which gain our Indian economy to stand in present position, these spices are also farmed in villages. Without
villages we cannot live even for a minute, the cotton which we use in our clothes is also farmed in villages. We are complete dependents of our
Villages are the pulp of our culture and traditions. Villages are the main artifacts of our culture. We should know about our culture and follow our
tradition. To progress the trademark of India we must promote our culture and improve our Indian villages.
So, finally I conclude that villages are a great boon to India and definitely say that the are our strength and we have lot more to learn from villages
to prosper India. Thus, we must improve our villages and promote its progress.
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Sathvika said: (Sun, Sep 15, 2013 04:00:52 PM)

Hello friends.
To tell boldly, villages are the strength of the country. We get rice, maize, corn etc. From villages only. As many people said earlier, villages do have
certain cons like illiteracy of the farmers etc. But we must never forget the words said by father of our nation, 'To see the real beauty of India, we
must visit the villages in the country', villages are the heart of the nation. If possible we the citizens of the country must try to improve the villagers
and villages condition by serving the country, instead of running away.
Thank you.
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L.Archana said: (Sat, Sep 14, 2013 11:51:31 AM)

Indian villages are our strength but no leaders fight to develop villages not even govt give support for the villages. Even if we have many villages and
people who are ready to produce good food to the country but govt was not providing good facilities to do agriculture. So govt need to provide water,
crops, electricity and all other which are required. In cities we have 24 hrs electricity but even in this fast growing environment no villages have
power supply for at least half a day.
So Govt itself need to think that its our responsibility to develop villages along with cities.
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Ravinder Singh Kiroula said: (Fri, Sep 13, 2013 11:05:53 PM)

According to me villages are bad for India as there is very less job opportunities in villages as compared to cities. The education is also poor in
villages. Talent inside any person remain hidden in villages because of traditions of villages to work in fields. The most important thing is that girls
are not given the chance to study or show their talent i.e. they are not given proper education. According to village people's thinking girls are born
only to do household works and after 19 age marriage without their choice.
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Sakthi said: (Thu, Sep 12, 2013 10:12:28 PM)

Everyone said their point of view about village. As per me, in India, village is the important one thing. Natural resources only available in village city
also depending only villages for getting agriculture oriented foods. Most of the city peoples are preferring village foods. During the festival time like
Pongal sugarcane it will be demand for that. People must depend only on village resources in this village also getting the strength.
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Lipson Peter said: (Thu, Sep 12, 2013 11:52:53 AM)

Its an accepted truth that villages are backbone of a country. This statement was true before some period of years but now the villages are becoming
The farmers move to the cities for good employment, this happens because still the farming is the difficult job with less profit. And also the
agricultural lands are sold for some factory uses.
So, my point of view is that if government increases the payment of crops to farmers with reduction in taxes etc, then their will be a increase in
farmers so, obviously its an advantage to our country.
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Monoj Yohannan said: (Thu, Sep 12, 2013 11:52:41 AM)

Villagers are our strength still because it dose not matters city has developed or not but they are providing us food in the sense wheat, rise pulses
sugarcane which can useful for sugar.
So we can't avoid to the country made PEOPLE because a lot importance they have in regarding for the all people who they are living in city or
village. And 70% are living in village and under the sunrises they are working hard for country. Weakness we can't say to them because they are our
hero of India. They have enthusiastic to do anything in regarding the country problem. I love my villagers people.
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Mebin Paul said: (Thu, Sep 12, 2013 11:50:04 AM)

People who really want to enjoy nature must taste serenity of villages. The aesthetic pleasure one derives out of it has no match with the pompous
cities. If we shift our attention from agriculture we would reach a point where we have to import food from other countries, agricultural products are
more important than capital goods. We can think of luxuries only when we have our necessities are satisfied, it will be a fantasia if villages are to be
totally neglected. In this era when we think of THE GLOBAL VILLAGE. How can it be a weakness. Think about it friends.
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Sheetal Chauhan said: (Thu, Sep 12, 2013 12:00:41 AM)

It is absolutely true that village is the strength of Indian economy. As India generate GDP in agriculture economy not because of cities or else just
only and only because of villages economy. Secondly, villages are not the cause of generating global warming. Due to pollution free environment.
Thirdly, villages generate tourism marketing of our country as villages shows the real traditional stuffs of our culture and worships.
Mostly, the foreign visitors are appreciative to visit villages just because what I said in above lines. Villages are not the weaknesses its just the
motivating part of our country which led us to learn about how to be more efficient, hard worker and the real risk takers. I must say that its not all
about how the villages are? It's all about our Indian democracy or government who make our mind to think I about this point whether villages are
strength or not? because if there has been no corruption into our country.
Indian villages will never going to lack behind in education, health and medical facilities, agriculture related technology for productivity,
transportation, and all such requirements like banks, toilet facilities and all other such requirements. Indian government should provide all of these.
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Anitha said: (Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:57:11 AM)

In fact, Yes villages are both our strength and weakness. They are our strengths in case of the fields that grow crops for our daily bread, they are our
strengths in case of the greenery which we admire when we are there for spending our holidays. They are our strengths in case of the culture that
they still follow. They are our strengths in case of the people with innocence.
The negativeness in villages, am using this word as I do not want to put them down using the term weakness, are the basic facilities that they are
lacking with, which is difficult for the people who are adjusted to live in cities. The level of education that they are lagging behind, lack of
transportation etc.
Yes, villages can be still improved if the government plays its role to develop them, without destroying the nature which is gods gift and make it only
a strength to all the citizens.
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Abhishek said: (Mon, Sep 9, 2013 04:13:54 PM)

From the time past indias whole economy is based on the agriculture. And in the work of agriculture almost 75% peoples are engaged and the lives
in villages. If that large no of population is contributing for country continuously then how can we say that it is weakness for ours.
Anywhere if Indian culture is left it is only in villages. Otherwise people who are living in cities or metros are unaffected even if their neighbour is
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Shaik.Razia said: (Sat, Sep 7, 2013 04:39:48 PM)

Very good evening villages are real strength of any country. Under developing conditions around global various cosmopolitan cities could be
developed in ease but a beautiful village could not be made. Basis of an industry like raw material which are essential for functioning of an industry
should always come from villages. Hence villages are country's prosperity where there is no further accretions in this. Villages are wealth of country.
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Anitha said: (Fri, Sep 6, 2013 01:24:45 PM)

In my view both village are really great why because we can get good environment and there is no pollution and also we can enjoy good
environment. Our health is so good in villages why because we can get fresh air. In villages number of peoples working in fields from morning to
night its really great so that we are getting wheat, grains and maize etc. Coming to cities we are getting more pollution so that most of the peoples
getting different kinds of diseases. In cities they are not providing good products so that most of the peoples suffering from diseases.
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Apoorva Shrivastava said: (Tue, Sep 3, 2013 03:22:37 PM)

I think everything has it's pros & cons. But I am with the view, that Indian villages are our strength. We urban people only use our daily products
such as milk, eggs, cheese, etc. We get them from the shop very easily but the shopkeepers get it from the farmers, from the villages. In India, all
the culture, tradition we get from the villages. And if there would be no villages, there would be no development. Only in the villages we can inhale
pure air, there is something in the air. So, villages are our strength.
Thank You.
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Rajesh Sharma said: (Tue, Aug 27, 2013 06:44:08 PM)

Hello friends.
I would like to raise only one point against relying on agriculture strength that is :.
1. Indian Land is >2.2% of world land, we have managed the 17% of world's population on that land giving our 60% human efforts in agriculture
activities but still that 60% human resource serves only 20% part of our GDP. Whereas 20% of human resource we do apply in services (IT,
MEDICAL etc. ) sector and we obtains 50% of india's GDP. That surely illuminates the weakness of agriculture.
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Arpit Verma said: (Mon, Aug 26, 2013 05:24:47 PM)

Hello everyone!
I'm not satisfied with those who told that villages are our strength. I think we can't totally say that the villages are our strength as we take example
of America, tell me what things are running in your mind to listen this word America. What a country. What are the peoples. Their high standard, this
place is very clean, their buildings.
Now think about Indian. What you catch. In my opinion villages are our strength I agree but we have to do a lot that changes the map of India
because most of the population of India live in villages and we have to make the villagers literal, educated and most important that in villages we
have to set up factories that help to them so they can't move to cities.
Like any other country we also establish the earning mode in villages so that the people of villages reside there and they do their earning.
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Krishna said: (Mon, Aug 26, 2013 04:14:58 PM)

Villages are strength of India. With villages in the country we have less pollution. Village people contribute to the agriculture. As the matter of fact
the global warming is a issue of the world the we humans have to take care of. Villages have no pollution creating industries, therefore its good for
the nature and environment.
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Sameer said: (Sun, Aug 25, 2013 05:24:17 PM)

Villages are truly the strength of our nation. As it is from this that we are so high in agriculture. We should give proper respect, honor, facility and
push up so that it generates more revenues through agriculture. Facilities such as proper electricity, clean water for drinking and irrigation purposes
should be made available. Cities with industry are at there place but villages with agriculture are also important.
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Jitu said: (Sun, Aug 25, 2013 01:22:13 PM)

According to my opinion global villages are our strength as well as weaknesses because I obey it that what you get in village you cannot get in town

areas i.e. piece, happiness. But now government not giving so much importance to village peoples so in odisha if you compare BBSR and near
villages you can understand. Till now they are not able to receive good health, communication so they becoming weak.
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Praveen Kumar Gudepu said: (Sat, Aug 24, 2013 11:28:59 AM)

Hi friends. Everything you have spoken is well and good. But, once think about the ways to keep the Indian villages to be most strongest backbone of
the country.
And, moreover we need to protect our culture, as well as the development has to be there in villages. Like, road, sanitation, Water and Education
facilities for the growth of the country.
For this development try to suggest your ideas.
(Ex. Punsari village in Gujarat has developed a lot. ).
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Abhinav said: (Sat, Aug 24, 2013 05:25:39 AM)

Good morning everyone.

All of my friends are talking about the strength of our country as villages but I want you all to think in another side of this topic -is villages really our
I would necessary answer this question no, because we ourselves can clearly see that nowadays nobody wants to live in villages, every other person
is going to get job in cities and thus there are migration of villagers.
They are not able to satisfy their basic needs as we can see the examples of children getting malnourished in villages are always on higher side due
to lack of money, lack of education. Indian villages show us the mirror of our weakness in field of development, lack of primary education, lack of
implementation of various laws created by government for the village peoples.
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Sneha said: (Thu, Aug 22, 2013 03:59:37 PM)

Gd evening one and all.

In my point of view Indian villages are strengths to our country:
1. This is the place where we can see our culture and tradition to extremes.
2. We can see a good way of wishing, inviting people.
3. We can enjoy the pollution less climate with beautiful scenery where we can fetch tourism.
4. They adjust and preserve what they have.
We can learn many moral values from villages.
But I am sad to mention that village people migrating to cities for better livelihood.
So we along with government should take our part of increasing facilities there so that they live happily and thus we can improve our countries
strength by increasing villages strength.
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S.Subha said: (Thu, Aug 22, 2013 12:29:28 PM)

Hi friends,
MY opinion is village is the best one I choose, because it is our backbone of our India.
I am also a village girl. There are some basic problems for villagers:


They do not have proper toilet.

Do not have electricity.
Do not have bus facility.
Do not have proper education.
They are having their knowledge but also.

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Priya said: (Sat, Aug 17, 2013 02:21:49 PM)

Good afternoon friends,

In my point of view villages are strength of our country.
In village people produce rice, vegetables and other food items. They take it, and remaining give to others. So, our country economy is increasing.
We know agriculture is the backbone of our economy. It is only done in village. But nowadays, the proper water facility is no, and the education and
other facilities are less. So many villager's go to city. If the government take the steps to provide education and other facilities the villager's are live
in a village. I'm proud to say it. Thank you for this opportunity.
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Janardhan said: (Thu, Aug 15, 2013 04:10:11 PM)

Without any doubt I can say that villages are strength of India. People who live in villages mainly depend on agriculture and the major part of our
GDP is from agriculture. Due to the lack innovative methods in agriculture, farmers are not able to get the expected production and return as well. In
addition to that there is lack of infrastructure and education. With these reasons people are not interested to live in villages. So the government
should take certain steps to provide the basic facilities. Villages are pride of India and there is poverty in villages.
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Asha said: (Tue, Aug 13, 2013 09:42:00 PM)

I would like to share point on this topic villages are gives greater strength to the country. In the villages resources are plenty but uses of that one is
not proper if we use it proper it give more economy to country development.
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Rita Francis said: (Mon, Aug 12, 2013 04:25:05 PM)

Hi friend,
We all know, the prominent role of village in India. I feel we are some were missing the importance of handicraft, handloom and small scale
industries. We have to shift our focus from agriculture because most of the village are gaining lot of importance for the attractive and rare piece of
art people create.
Today tourists are attracted to these exotic and royal designs that show that India is the mother land of handcraft and hand-looms. I have been for
many social work in village. I could see the true India lives in villages. The brotherhood unity and integrity that constitution asks for is really seen in
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Supriya said: (Mon, Aug 12, 2013 02:19:14 PM)

We all knows that villages are backbone of our Indian, agriculture fields are mostly in villages and economical condition of our India is mostly depend
on agriculture. We know that Gandhiji had said that, if we want to become our country more strong than "khedyakde chala". Whenever time villages
will strong then only our India will become developing country.
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Hemamalini said: (Sun, Aug 11, 2013 09:31:38 AM)

According to me in our country villages have a special and significant place. It produces the food we eat & the chairs which were made of wood it's
nothing but the hard work of the villagers is in our shops & many people are buying it ? everyone in this country should remember"when villages are
developed then only the country is said to be developed" the farmers in our country are illiterates by this also the production of grains will be
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Swathi said: (Fri, Aug 9, 2013 11:49:40 AM)

Hi Friends.
Indian villages - our strength or our weakness? It is very good topic, we have a minimum responsibility to discuss about this topic because now a
days all villages are vanished day by day because of People mind set. They think that we have to change our village, we don't have proper facilities in
villages for that they are destroying the forests and greenery natures.
Once we recall the past years back, In past years people are very healthy and they live around 100 years, but now 60 to 70 years is the maximum. It
is happening because of air, water, food all are polluted. In villages we are have seen Agricultural lands are almost destroyed as result of we are not
getting a Quality food and Quantity of food also very less. If it is happening like that in future We are not able to see at least one crops also.
In villages we get fresh air and good Quality of food and Good relationships, culture everything we get in villages. So friends I believe that Villages
are Backbone to Our Country. Please cooperate to save the villages from selfish people.
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Nithiya M said: (Tue, Aug 6, 2013 12:01:33 PM)

Good morning to everyone present here.

I am pleasure to start this group discussion.
In my point of view I will say that Indian villages are strength for our country.
They are the backbone of our country and exports of large items are done only because of farmers who are in villages. We cannot speculate our
Indian economy without our villages.
Villages are really wonderful in my point of view. Speaking about the surroundings in villages it is greeny and we can breathe fresh air there.
The country's wealth can be determined only by the exports and their production which mainly depends on villages only.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to speak about my country. I am proud to say about my country.
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Yogeswaran said: (Mon, Aug 5, 2013 05:15:05 PM)

Hi friends.
I strongly say villages are our strength.
Everyone knows that agriculture is the backbone of our India. In village only most of agriproduct are producing. Village plays a major role in
development of our economy. In olden days many country are came to India to get agri products like spice, nuts, other smell goods etc. Villagers are
producing these product. They are the first people to export and made a good trading around the world. By the help of villagers India became richest
country in the world in olden days.
City are came by village,
Village are the source of city.
No village No city.
Now we got time to strong more our backbone I mean village.

We do one-thing make village as strong, stronger, strongest then India will become developed country in the world.
Thank you.
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Indian said: (Sat, Aug 3, 2013 11:28:15 AM)

In my view village is far better than Indian cities.

1) Although villages have multiple lack of facilities but villagers are very hard working and contribute 70% of India's GDP. They provides us grains,
vegetable and non veg items.
2) To see true India, I mean Indian culture, one should go to village they use mostly traditional stuffs. If the village has good location with respect to
climate and visiting area it can be use for encouraging tourism.
3) Villagers have very good nature although they are somewhat conserve which is due to lack of education. They will respect you when you go to
village like 'Atithi devo bhavh'. But by city people you can't find such responses, sometimes they even don't know who is staying next to their door
4) There we can find lot of greenery and open place. Their environment are really very nice to see and fresh and pollution free, that is why villagers
never tired. They are very honest, almost zero corruption.
Indian government should provide more and more facilities to villagers like education, health facilities at least, agriculture related technology to
increase productivity, so that migration of villagers to city can be minimized or controlled, otherwise city will become crowded and corruption will
increase, city people will cheat these innocent villagers.
I want to tell you a very short story.
Once a rich man along his 8 years old son went to visit a village. Son had never seen a village before. There he saw villagers' kids were playing in a
big field near to a lake with lot of cattle and goats. Son was very happy to see that, He asked his father, are they so rich they have big ground to
play and lot of pets and then said very sadly why we have just two dogs in our house and a very small playground and a small swimming pool. Then
rich man was speechless.

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