Talentmanagement Pucciarelli

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The 6 Implications of the 3rd Platform

on IT Staffing
Joseph C Pucciarelli
Vice President and IT Executive Advisor
April 28, 2014

My staffing challenges are the worst they have ever been.

-Retail banking IT Executive

There are a lot of emerging technologies we

dont run ourselves because we dont have the
skill set.
-Media and Entertainment IT Executive
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The 3rd Platform Will Have Significant

Implications on IT Staffing
The 3rd Platform is a business
platform that changes:

How they engage with

The speed at which they deliver
their products and services
How they innovate
Their resiliency
The reliability of their operations

Inversion of business from

make-sell to sense-and-respond
2014 IDC Visit us at IDC.com and follow us on Twitter: @IDC

The 3rd Platform Will Change

the Skills for 95% of IT Roles
Over the Next 3-5 years
especially IT Management
& Executives roles

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The 18 Major IT Job Categories IDC Examined

IT Management


IT managers & executives

Project Managers
IT vendor mgmt, procurement & IT finance
Clerical and IT administration


Business analysts
Application Development & Maintenance
Mobile development
Web /eCommerce/Social
Data architects, BI, & analysts
Quality assurance & testing

Technical Services

Database administrators
Systems programmers, engineers, server
admins and facility engineers
Computer ops and production control
Network, telecommunications & message
Security professionals

Help desk
Desktop technical support
Training, documentation and IT

Source: ComputerEconomics.com
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Implication 1
Youll Need to Cultivate New IT Roles and Sunset Old Held Ones





Implication 2
The 3rd Platform Will Create a Skills Gap

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Implication 2
that Will be Costly to Fill

Organizations will pay an average premium of 18% to fill these positions

Business Intelligence & Analytics
IT Management and Executives
Enterprise Architecture
Mobile Development
Data Architecture, Management and Storage
Application Development






Source: IDC's 2013 IT Staffing Survey - Jun 2013

Question: For roles you indicated are difficult to hire, what % premium is your organization willing to pay to hire qualified
candidates in this role?

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Implication 3
Business Skills Will be Critical in the IT Organization of the 3rd Platform

41% of new IT hires this year will primarily have business skills
as opposed to technical skills

Business And Technology

My role is becoming more business oriented.
Todays its about delivery of business results and
less about technology capabilities. As a result I am
more focused on business plans then looking for
technologies to address the business needs.
IT Manager
Financial Services


Technical Skills are Primary Skill Set

Business Skills are Primary Skillset
Source: IDC's 2013 IT Staffing Survey - Jun 2013
Question: In 2013, out of the new FTEs your IT organization plans to hire, what percent of the new hires will primarily have
business skills and what percent will primarily have technical skills.
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Implication 4
Mobile Will Disrupt Application Development and Security Roles
Over 80% of IT organizations report the skills for AppDev and security
positions will significantly change in the next 3-5 years as a result of mobile
BI & Analytics


App Development
Mobile Development

Help Desk

Social Community Admin

Project Management
IT Sourcing & Procurement

Application Operations

Enterprise Architecture

Business Analysis

IT Management & Execs

Social Developers

Data Architecture, Mgmt &

Service Management
Training & Documentation
Network Operations

Technical Support

Source: IDC's 2013 IT Staffing Survey - Jun 2013

Question: For each of the following positions indicate if you believe the skills for that position will significantly change in the next 3-5 years as a result
mobile initiatives.

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Implication 5
The 3rd Platform IT Workforce Will Govern More than Build IT Systems
This year 60% of all work performed by IT full time equivalents will go
towards governing and managing IT systems as opposed to building and
implementing IT systems



IT Systems
Governing and
Managing IT Systems

Source: IDC's 2013 IT Staffing Survey - Jun 2013

Question: For all the IT FTE in 2013, what percent of the work do you estimate will be allocated to the following activities:
Building/implementing IT systems, Governing and managing IT systems

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Implication 6
Cloud Will Disrupt Architecture, Security, and Network Ops Roles
Over 78% of IT organizations report the skills for architecture, security and
network ops positions will significantly change in the next 3-5 years as a
result of cloud
Data Architecture, Mgmt &
Enterprise Architecture

Network Operations

Social Developers


Social Community Admin

BI & Analytics
Business Analysis

Mobile Development

IT Management & Execs

Training & Documentation

Service Management

Project Management

IT Sourcing & Procurement

Help Desk

App Operations

Technical Support
App Development

Source: IDC's 2013 IT Staffing Survey - Jun 2013

Question: For each of the following positions please indicate if you believe the skills for that position will significantly change in the
next 3-5 years as a result cloud initiatives.
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Essential Guidance
Spend Time Working in Your IT Garden
Assess job roles to determine whether they are currently of high or low
importance and whether they are expected to increase or decrease in
importance going forward
Optimize your IT workforce for the 3rd platform
Assess which IT roles will be impacted by the 3rd platform and how
Reshape existing roles for 3rd platform
Staff for reshaped IT roles and new 3rd platform IT roles
Start tackling the difficult-to-staff IT roles today
Justify, plan, and budget for the recruiting and training necessary to hire for
the required skills that are identified in the assessment.
Support government and educational initiatives that develop and nurture
technology, engineering, science, and math skills in emerging fields.

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Contact Information

Joseph C. Pucciarelli
Vice President & IT Executive Advisor
Twitter: JPUCC

5 Speen Street
Framingham, MA 01701

About IDC: IDC is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory
services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and
consumer technology markets. IDC helps IT professionals, business executives, and
the investment community make fact-based decisions on technology purchases
and business strategy. More than 1,000 IDC analysts provide global, regional, and
local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110
countries worldwide.


Talent Management in the Third

Platform Era
Adoption of third platform technologies mobile,
social, cloud and big data -- will redefine 90% of IT
roles. Effective talent management will be key to
realizing third platform business value.
Joe Pucciarelli will share IDC's latest research on IT
He'll cover which roles will be reshaped by the third
platform, which roles will be less important and
which ones will be the toughest to hire.
Joe will also share strategies your peers are
employing to address the talent challenge facing

IDC Visit us at IDC.com and follow us on Twitter: @IDC


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