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REFERENCES a ety W. Acoma Sub and Automat Control” ral of he Arma ft Sine 18 9 (1951), p. 39-617 Riven FH. Atonate Conger New York McGrail, 199, Ko BC. Auta Con Sites ngewe Cis. NF Prene-Hal, 173 ‘Stingers 8M Madera Coro ton hry and Apteatn Readg MA’ Ad soe Wes 1978 D'Sous, A Desig of Cora Some. Engh Ci, Nb: Pete Hal 1988. $a Fev Gio Sc And De Ege CBN ig. Cora Ex Now a Win CHAPTER 8 Application of Classical Control Theory to Aircraft Autopilot Design “The oppiaton of tomatic consol stems alert promises to bing aout the most important new advances in aevonauis inh flue Wiliam Bolly, 1th Weight Brothers Lecture, 1950 8 INTRODUCTION ‘Te apd advancement ofsrerat design fom the very ted capuiits of the ‘Weight brother” fs uecesfol sipane to to's hgh perfomance miliary, ‘omer and general aviation srerft equied the development of many tech ‘ol’ atodyoamics, strates, materials, populson, and ight conta. To ‘sys aleraft design rly eavly on astomatc cond stems te monitor and ‘onl many ofthe area's sabgstems. "The devekpment of aeomatic cor yt has layed an important rein the growth of civil snd military tion. Mode aera clude avait of ‘tomatic conrl tems that hte fight cre i naigaton, Right manages, td augmenting the tabi characteris ofthe plane. In chi chaper we wse onirl theory to den simple apts that ca Be ase by the Might crew v0 lesen their workload dorngerosing ind lp them lad thi aircraft curing adverse weather conditions. In adon, we alo discus how automatic control ‘yee can be wed provide artifil wabty to improve the Pyng uaies of Sharplane “Tbl 8.1 fis some of the function that aomatic contol tems provide for fight control. In aon fo the stoma ight eonsal ser, moder aircraft ‘ue control stem na in the navigation of he sera ‘The development of atop cosy followed the sucessful development of 2 powered, humas-carying suplane bythe Weigh bothers. In 1914 the Sperry Iwotiersdcmonstatod thes Suecesflauiopio. The apt was capable of ‘maining pth ol abd eag angles. To demonstrate the effectiveness of ther desig, Lawrence Sperry rimmed his plane for straight ad evel fight and ‘hen engaged the auopio. He tea proceeded Wo stand i he oookpt with his hands raed above is bad while hs mechanic waked oat along the wings in an ‘242 curren 8: Classical Control Theory, Aircraft Autopilot Design, Ata ight conte system SS Att corel yan ph lob Spend coal gpemie main cin dor Mat oer "aati yr me, ed ye ca vi iol Sng crcl nal chee Sage hd tpn ym gee pe donnie he nay ‘cin ap ier a beatin wh say ei rine dicen dove te oe ‘Sr on pn th at ae ei eo te she igure 81 Sper fight emonsaion os thee sei conta sem (om [8.1 8.2 Aircraft Transfer Functions 243 attempt oopet the splane’s equim, Figure 8.1 shows a photograph of the ‘emarkale fight Te autopilot povided aileron, ra, and elevator commande ‘otha he airplane enalaed in wings-lee atid 82 [AIRCRAFT TRANSFER FUNCTIONS ‘The onlin and lateral equations of motion were described by ast of nae fleet equationsin Chapter 3A very ful oncepin the analysand design ‘of conta stems isthe transfer function The transfer function gives the relation Ship between the output of and input assem. Inthe case af icra dynes [aspects the relationship ecween the motion variables and the onl inp. The ‘waster function is defined asthe aio he Laplace tansfoem othe outpt othe Laplace transform of the input wih ll he inal conditions stv . (ue, the ‘sims asumed ob nial in equiv), For he reader who aot fit ‘with theory of Laplace ansfrmaton, a ie review of the basic cooceps of {Laplace tranearmaton theory i nctoed in Append Cs the ed ofthis ook Inthe following setions we velop the wansfe function bas onthe longtainal and lal approximations developed in Chaps 4 and 5. We develop these Simpler muhematcal models so that we can examine the ide behind various sutopilt without unde matbematcl compe. ‘824 Short-Perio Dynamics InChapter the equations forthe short period mations were developed forthe case where the contol was fed. The entation with contol inpt rom the devatar Insta space form can be writen a, [ek] = Da, ig a lle i kta? 9 “The conto eto the propulsion sytem i nelected bee for simply. Taking he [Laplce transfor ofthis sation yds (~ Zid) Bats) ~ Bao) = Zaft 88,0) 2) (My + Ma Zl) Aas) + [x (a, + MA) ae) co = + M2) 88, rw divide hese equations by 880) we obtain a set of algebraic equations in terms ofthe tansfrfunctons Saf /SB(0) and Aet}/N30" = rng Se) _ ald 4 (o> Zale 65 — acy ~ 2M (2) 284 carter 6: Class aa Sein (8) ad 3/865) by Caer ray 2 te = 4+ my tae + zy A te — an + a AO = ay + ae mz Ss te + aA = a + C5 at _ Ni ARG) BL) 5 Zig ee Ht, + aa) 9 + ‘Wa pine th ee enon pep nLite variables. The coeficens of the pelyoomials area function of the sabl- ity devivatives: Meer, Ashkens, and Graham [8.2] wse a shorthand notation to express the transfer fonction polynomial. We will bse this convenient nota- tion to present the transfer function developed here. An example ofthe notation fa dol) MO A+ BO)” 3,0) AP RS an where the cote the urea an deorsnuoe ae given in Table 8.2. “The rane onetion forthe change npc rato the change incleator angle et te shown to be Zalty Taf (a Mia a+ i BO” 3,0") = ae | ae Ha + tl) 9 0+ 9 i a M8 sa ea BAG) ~ gi) A= FC Again the coefcens of the polynomials ate dened ia Table 8.2. ‘Shorted trae function appronations ae TMM Zak) EM Me Mine Ma Mz Maat Zaha ~ Mae {822 Long-Period or Phugoid Dynamics “The sate-space equation for the long period or phusid approximation areas me x -# Ky Xe 2 +| 4 (8.10) (l-[% Jfl-[ 2]eg mien eee SE pe Bay + ran = 2a) —Zani am rota on als), 5 OCH) So Z dat), MO. Za 7 ty BBs) "BAG ty aa ‘eesti mtn ne ened at of gies inne the desired transfection, These qantions can he soe old the raser fencions o-oo % ey (15) sup _ Bo {Ina similar manner 83/88() can be shown tobe aw mem le MO the ein 2h ‘The ransfer fanetions canbe write in a symbole orm in he elowing manner MO vata, 30 wre (8) Mas + By BO mer mte where 4, Bands forth ae die in Table 83. The rane unetions forthe Propulsive cont, tts, us}, and As), have the same frm feept tha the dives with respect 8 are replaced by derivatives ith respect 6, Therefore, Table 8.3 canbe aed for oth aerodynamic and prop Sve conta raster functions provided thal the appeopiste conto deat ae teed (619) 823 Roll Dynamics “The equation of motion for «pure rlliag motion, developed in Chapter 5, is 89 ~ 1, Ap = Ly, A, (320) ‘The trans functon8p()/8,) and eh) canbe obtained by taking the [Laplace wansform othe oll equation: (= £3) Aa) = by 8.) ean o 32) Put the oil ate pis deine 8d therefore, 046) = 5860) a2) @ agi) te 34)" GE) bet! 824 Dutch Roll Approximation “The il simplied tans function we wil develop i forte Dutch rll mation. ‘The appecuimate equations can be sbown be [al-[ap EP alls ‘iin i Lp nr ad agg C= Mand 30 rT BA)= TSB) 29 200) 6M) Be) = a4) + MBB) (827 ‘The vans functions 4/40), A/A448), 4/94 (9, and rN) canbe obsind by sting A) 00 and solving fo 6/89) and 87/88). ‘Nex set (0) equal O and soe for 4840) /44,0) and 88). The transer funesons 0/38,9) and Ar()/48() ae obtained as fallow: 8) 4x, rea 88 rg BO ry cam Peas arenes 1,888 «my SO 2 Sling ore ar fein yds ji 20) BL) ee «an 58) MO Aw +B bl BBG) ~ Bogls) ~ As? + Bo + C a ‘MO As 8, BBG)” Seis) A + BC es) Beare meee a, bara at aso 200) MO ay +8 8513)” Bend) AS + Bs +e ‘sand ei) NGO Ans nay SRO) Beeld AP FB EC ‘288 cuarrun : Classical Control Theory, Aircraft Autopilot Design atch rol rane fenton approxinations ape ot © —t Ta oN GN NTS Mae MMM Th Mans M0 Mla Flin MO 0 Oa, WM td “Thecoetcents ofthe polynomials inthe Dutch ol ransfe functions ar included in Tale 8. The denominator coefcens are in he fit row andthe numerator ‘coeients ae died foreach transfer Function in he sbuequet rows. Tithe previous section, transfer fanctons were deriv for both lng and lateral dynamis based onthe approximations wo thse motions Fra pein inary autopilot design these approximations ae appropiate. However, a the ab tepot concep i fied and developed itis necessary to examine the aii performance ising transfer factions based on the compe et of either the Fengitainal o lateral equations. This i parteulary important forthe lates equations. Av we owed in ChapierS the lterlapprenimatons not perl ‘ea very accurate representation ofthe Duch rll moto, “The longitudinal an aera transfer functions forthe compete set of equations ae determined in he same manera he appesimate ane foncons derived 83 ‘CONTROL SURFACE ACTUATOR In dion to the wrios transfer fetions that represent the sireraft dynamics ‘we need to develo the tanfer function for the oe ements tit make ope ‘Sonia stem, Ths would fede the servo acoso to dec the serena Conta serace y wol asthe transfer fnction for any sensors inthe contol oo for example am atte gyro ate gyro, lime, or veloity Senso. The transfer fnetons for most sensors canbe approximated by again, In this ection We develop an expression for he transfer feeton ofa simple positon conc sero that sed to accurately elect the aerodynamic cota sorfees nan automatic ‘vem ‘Control sufice sen actuators can be eter ecru, pcumati, ‘orsome combination of he thee, The ante function snr freach ype, We ‘il develop the contol sae ero actuator taster function fora serv based ondidinl contre trate factions aM m) 2 TEM gM Tia B Zia EE a aS 2 = ene * Maat, XB) Caer ux) la 260 zal, 2M) The M2. 2K 1M) Mo, deat +40, else ea Kam 2) = Suz, Md 104 2.~ 2843 Pate Mae 8 aia. +m, 4M + 20k. H84,— bm) Pb = M1) + ml — tad + (usm) red, = 8) + b+) Mids + Hd sien) nme 0M) ce n “Te torque proce hy an tric mts proportional othe comtl voltage ss fiom Th=ke, 30) where i constant. The angular postion ofthe motr shaft canbe determined ‘hom the equation (a3 “The relationship between the angola positon of he motion shaft (output) and the mote controlvltage (np piven by the tanster function Le ae In general the motor will ncorporte rate feedback loop as astated in Fig- ‘te #2, Thetranfer fonction ors te with ae feedhack can be shown 0 Be paver a Heed 38) 639) 1 1 nap mobo am) “The motor ime constant rina measure of ow ft the motor responds change ‘in contd ota. If 7, sal, the motor responds rapily and the tans finton ofthe moter with rate feodback canbe apron 35 were (an | simple poston contro serve syste canbe developed fom the contol diagram Shown in Fare 83 The motor shaft angle, 6 can be replaced by the Hp angle, (2) rreator]_ Jena rror]_& = Bs Ste poston conte fo come stice ‘ecntn, 292, caarten &: Classical Control Theory, Airratt Autopilot Design 4, of the coma suc. Fo th postions feedback stem the closed loop tanafer funtion canbe showa to hve the fllowing fra oe (32) where and rare dio in terms of chasers of the sero, = 1, and (843) Be te ‘The tme constant ofthe control race servos typical ofthe onder os. Inthe problems that flow we ass this yale as representative of typical conza rfce servo cme constants 84 DISPLACEMENT AUTOPILOT (One ofthe crest autaplotsto be used for scraft contol isthe so-called di placement antop. A dsplacement type autopilot ean be used to contol the ‘ngular orientation fhe alpine Concepaly. he dsplacemetautopt works {nthe following manne. In pitch attude displacement utopi,the pith angle |s sensu by a vertical gyro and compared wth he desired pith angle create an ror angle” The difference o err in pichaitude sued t produce proportional ‘deplacements ofthe eeatr so tha the crior signal is redhoed Figure 84 & ‘bock diagram of eter a ptch or roll ange displacement autopio. “The heading angle of the airplane aso can be conrlled sing 2 simi Setere. The heading angle i Sesed y a destioal gyro and the eco inal is ‘sed to dplace the rudder to rece the eror signal. A displacement beading Sop aaa shown in Figre 85. In practice the dislacementauopioes engaged once the aipane hasbeen ‘rimmed in sraight and eel Might To maewer the ipl whe the autoplat 4 [racer Eom] area] ¢, FIGURE as aeL ame. fa | seme | 5 ames ‘Aral er pick dpticemen 1 3 api ¥ [econ] [Caneel] ® aera |_# es heating tcemen apt ‘8.4 Displacement Autopilot 293 ‘engaged the plot mus adjust the commande signal. For example theaeplane ‘an be made i clin o descend by changing the ich command. Turn can be ‘Sieve by itrodcing the dese bank ange while simultaneously changing the Trading command. Inthe flowng sections we examine several displacement supe concep ‘84.1 Pitch Displacement Autopilot “The tsi compaents of pitch tad control system are shown in Figure 4 Forts design the rlerence ich ange compare wi the actual ange mex ‘ured gyro to produce an err signal tacit the control sero. general the ero signa is amplified and sent tothe contol srace atator to ee the ntl surface, Movement of the con srace causes the art achieve @ ‘sw pth cenatioa, which sed back clos the lop. "folate how sich an wstopot would be designed, we wil examine this purl pth placement sop concept for busines jet sicaf. Once We five decid ona conta concepe, our next sep mathe east he perfor ‘mance ofthe control gem, To aeompl this we must die the transfer functions foreach ofthe clement inthe Hock diagram dseig the tem. For {his discussion we asm that the tater functios of both he gro and amir ‘an be represented by simple pans, The elevator Servo aster funtion can Be Fepreened ae fistorer stem vet where, kv and rae the vor deflection angle, np voltage, elevator servo {un and servomotr me contant Tine constants for piel vervomovar ln range 005-0.25» Forourdscusion we asumea time constant of 0.1 Finally. ‘ve need to apeiy the tsfr function forthe airplane. The transfer fnction ‘eltng he pc attudew levator defection was developed eater. To hep the ‘eserption this design a simple as possible, we represent the aierafdjramis ‘ays the sort ped approximation, The sor period ranser fonction fore ‘snes et ia Appendix Bean be shown 19 be ‘80-204 +03) BB HGP O65e +215) Figure 6 isthe lock diagram representation ofthe autplt. The problem snow isomeof determining th gunk that the conse il havethe deed Performance Selec ion ofthe gain canbe dcermined using 0a ous poof | "he kop nse functio, Figure 87 ithe vot as pla forthe busines jet pitch utp As the gan increased fom 0, the ssi damping decreases apily tnd the stem becomes unstable. Brea for low values off, he system damping ‘would be fo low for satisfactory dymmi performance. The reason fo he poor evlormance of ths desig ithat he pane bar very le war damping To ‘294 cuaprun &: Classical Control Teeory, Aircraft Autopilot Design fei eee +2) Sead amie Apitch dvlacement api fr unin , : icure 87 F oot spo of te stem gina pick ‘plcemea nop a i 5) me] 6 T oI ‘Aiea cota employing ih at fac, improve the design ne could increase the damping ofthe sort period made by ating an inser feedback lop. Figure 8.8 isa block diagram ofa displacement utp with pitch rate feedback for improved damping. nthe inne op the pitch ‘ate measured by arate gyro and fed buck wo be added with tbe er nal inert by the dference mpc atide Pigre 89s block agra forthe Basins jet when pitch rat i incorporated inf the design. For hs problem we ‘ow hae two parameters select; nately, the gains K and ky. The oot oes ‘tod ean be wed to pick both parameter. The prosdore ently b tal land eror. Fs the root oes diagram determined fr the inner lop 0 gain isselected, and thew toute rot leu plot construed Several rains ay ‘be required unl he desired oveall tem perfomance achive ‘8.4 Displacement Autopilot 295, catty fe FIGURE Sy ‘Nuns ep te coml atm with pick re edb ee es icuee 810 Phin pt with PID cone [EXAMPLE PROBLEM 8.4, Use ePID costal fr «ph tite sop ‘ned a ue 810. The andr fence fo x component are ge a Seton, Using the Ziegler und Nils mths! diced in Scion 74 he PID ‘un can be sited om te le gin hich stb gin flor wich the ‘Sms mga stl when ny he propo con! beige. Pigae 811 ite rot ew sec he eer tn 3.04, ame as “Te rot co he inary as = 5.13 Te pin fhe se can ound fom th gn ei ey ~ 86.7. The poi T,= l= 122 “Te gest ah rope propane nd proportional ‘iegral-derave enrler ue 12 shows the eps of tech ade ram = ata for Example Problem 8 & << i | Boo V 1 a a es “THT Pour 08h, = 35 \] I Plowtrd —§, = 0434, = 892 ESasstyjoa = 92 PDeoamnl 4, 06h, = 8.22 ES oaijnsry ~s724 fm oabgonas) =e tris sep iat Nai that se poprton no | bt contra whe Sater cab pede ing = 1 Poprtona pina contd esr Mp np of ph apis heer 2 Po PID cata 298 cuarrun 8: Classical Control Theory, Aireraft Aucopilot Design py fos wt z (a Pepa gt i oa vicune s12 foc proportion gunk = 4428 i266 ‘he sted state er ca then eke: ‘Theee te response wl 1 0.73 insted af ue the teaser, 8.42 Roll Atinde Antopiot ‘Te roll tite ofan pane can be controled by a simple bank angle aupioe, ss illsented in Figure 13, Concepeully the rll angle ofthe srl ca be ‘antined t whatever angi one dearest practice we woul pial deste Sttopit to maintains wing vel ate or # ~ 0. Th asap composed of omparater, alton stator, srraft equation of metion (Wane uncon, nda atte gyro to measie the aplane's oll age 8.4 Displacement Autopilot 299 . é Fe a} SEE [xXAMPLE PROBLEM. Design aol atin cox se to ssn a wigs Jee atid fora veh vig te long raters Dy~ 20K 1, = ~05h ‘he stem performance sw he & damping tio, £~ 707, and a9 undp trl equine, = Ora A psn concep of aralatiecontl ee ‘town inte ok diagram in Fre 1 Sutton, Once we hve decded on oa mie conse ou ex ep ete he eine he popoed cone cm Tecoma ths we need erp {te eprops meted le! for es ta componet orth eae we ‘Sse ta hese acti deter can reqs yin a ye he ‘ett st ema respec, The euion of maton fr alae conse (pre roling moon wa deepen Caper tant fncton 30)/88) Stdeclope ae in shaper Te ol age eos apt ae ton ‘hes aane ane shown tbe 86. _ ty aiid HT For this example we consider the snort he a pero devi the feck path then canbe epesenied at unity feedback ee Faure 815). The forward path ‘ean Func is bined by combining the clement inthe forward pth 8s) Bd, BG) ha=) oa ~ Freak] 6 MIGURE SIS ein al steel eoncet oe 4% (Q\ face e Qe ES tga 300, cnarrem 8: Classical Control Theory, Airerft Autopilot Design “The fed tran action siden 8 por ser: Ho) =1 Filly the oop ean anton, G9 ean be ened by combining the forward and eek pth rns sons oom = ere bok OO = 05) “ded damping ri of £ = 0.707 canbe shied with he present cota ‘prem The gin rte nee etemined by conn ne ro he gn 35" ‘Ziad eroar no pot Real athe ping ato was town beg {the abving eres frome here i ensued from he pve el au ine oemeracoe econ. Ay Tooting his ine apg ati of 070. The an his pecan ‘Gremine rom the mgt etc i ie a5} tere 1 = ~025 + 028. Suiting a he igi ouon adders the maga of ah compen leo k= 001% orth ep we se ttt posible set» ins at he dang ao ‘epeennt ssa, weer, Be undampod natural eerny ch owe 08 Rec hatte undp natural equenc is ul he aia tance from the ‘go epithe cs ssc a eet es sch, The pole ths gum th lw al ning Ito ot Ly were generate eal ‘ee the vera snmp of he rot cs woul shi thee Ths ted i ‘hero we ech (Figure 816 byte ded ot es cot The thal npg roc, ay stw tobe uct ote wing sa hee, we sid key more pave by resign pat he vl Ths ay eines ud owe nea at rong ene png By mene 2 Matty agaomaon mcm. This canbe accomplished by lover 3a ‘eda ops sen Fg Ba "Tein hop ase ston ca be exe sows ae Sta a a ricuRe 816 ont ile of GM) = de +08, ipa ram [i]t be ricuns 837 Rite fect ck agra fort sca pam, for he allen eve, y= fr the ago, The ther lop waste antiwar on 5 eee Ma hala, Hoy.= ‘Theme op canbe epic bythe futon Gli, TF ei, Mi. -FFTR “The ier nop snc be lsd mor the aoe rel ot ater at sag The epee fhe ne np tore as = 1414 throat oa al eat othe toh ah he ested dang ah named mata acy, (San be ctr Than tha be ne pg dg mon oen 13.6 Th op ‘Thsfrfncton GUM the outer hop canbe epee at oun sith th aeration, provi he ner np danping te seein for {hd Zarbmn aie The mp sin canbe sown gu. Pie ‘tows he une ry eps ote cont as wh eae ia ‘Gerince int nk ge 5 Th onral tn pial ings ei ac teva: ee ade sil exam he chalet einer "aii saying lhe en speseaons Int parc ee We eed ‘badd conpemutn th nial eotee neem as ae eda np mee ooh tc dong ao ud aang atl eqeney pits 84.3 Altitude Hold Control System The altude of an asplane can be minted by a aide hold anol. A impli te hold atop shown a Figure 8.19. Basically the auto 4 Displacement Autopilot 303 Ry a ri FIGURE 819 ‘Ait dco em, tis Forexamle, we know tat the git sablitycoeliciens ae a function ff the horizontal al volume rao. Therefore we could selects tl sze and ot Iocation s that Cand Cy, provide the proper daring and frequency for the short period mode. However, for an airplane that will fly throughout an extended Aight envelope, one can expect the salty To vary spnifianty, owing pinay to changes in the vehicle's configuration (Lowering of aps ad landing per) ot Mach and Reynolds umber effects onthe tabi coeficents Reease the stab ity derivatives vary ver the ight envelope the handing quis ao wil change. ‘Obvioualy, we weuld ike to provide the fight cew wth ansplane tht as abe handing gus over is ear operational envelope. This sacom plished by employing sabiy augmentation ses. ‘exantrLerRonLentns To sip sbdestand bow a sabliy agmetton ye ‘oy hl onder the ceo a plane hag poor shor prod amie Saracen crass we sme ht tbe aera has en ne ee from 1 ping ton aut enero gay The onan f maton es ‘Sosa pig ton as eseoed in Chae 48 DU MgO ae = Ma 18.5 Stability Augmentation 313 “Te damping rt and undamped mata fequny at gen by ee ~y + 60) te aerodynamic and inert res fa ies ig ese ae ich ‘hate peeing equation Have he nme ves 9 + 00710 + S490 ~ 6715 the i damping im oy een ents ng =2¢ ma rte sh uid hit hsp pr igi Oca SS Sah ee ta eae Fate tim heron mya “Sante ping mpg Pci vie eae stapes Rowe 19 pe of ope eels ch ape ‘Rh sate on po al eign ergh SREUIES ene Tare cpt iy peta on cece kc a eprint chr ge es or ana ee thr sta a he srr en cy te Arie ‘nae tenons ances acd emer ‘eto I we set te expen far aa ag back no te eon ‘moe, won oom + 6790+ S450 = 6718, Comping is uo wi he andr fem of 2 seconde steels Mm= (001 +671) ak w= 349 “Tesoro daping ao ow a anton of te ro gia band can be scene dapag a wl prove ee handing aes Fo aml, ite etoen to Be 02, te he daring ao ~ ricue 629 Ssh anemone wing pish rte odbc. ‘314 cuarren 8: Classical Control Theory, Aircraft Autopilot Design 86 INSTRUMENT LANDING ‘With the advent of the instument landing atm (ILS), strat became ale to operate safely in weather condition with rete vsti. The instrument an Ingato compused of ground based sgl raat and aboard rcsvng ‘equipment. The ground based equipment nlades radio ans fr the loesl- ‘ae, glie path, and marie Deacons. The equipment onthe plane costs of seeclver for detecting the gna and indicators to Spay te information “The baie function of the TLS ix to provide pts ith information tat will permit thm gud the aizpane dow hr the coud pont where the pilot ‘e-establshes sal sighing ofthe ray, In completely stoma landing the ‘utp sudes the siplane all the way down to ouchdown and rll at Before addresing the autaand rye, we brie review the ase ets behind ‘he ILS equipent. To gue the airplane down towered the rami, the guide ‘mus be latral and vera Tho aie beam ewe o pon he icf on ‘trajectory so tha wl intercept the cetrine ofthe rumvy The texmiet ‘ads at fequecy in a band of 108-112 MH. The pps of ths beam it ‘neat the plane relative oa centeine ofthe runway. Ths ccomplined by eating azimuth guidance signal hat are detected bythe onboard oclzr re ‘lve. The azimuth guidance signal I rested by supposing 490-1 signal (Grete ward theft and a 180-He signal dete othe rip on the carer Signal Figure 8.30 shows a astrarent lacing loealizer signal. When the nicrft ‘sing directly slong the projected extenen of the raneay centring, both superimposed signals ar detcted with equal strength, However, when the aireraft eves say wth ight of centerline, the 1S0-He ina sone. The reciver nthe coopit detects the dilfernce and direct the pl to the acral othe eft ty way ofa vertical baron the ILS indicator tat hows the airplane othe ight of ‘he ramay. the plane deviates othe tte idiatr wll deflect the ae ‘el ofthe runway marker, ‘The glide patho glide spe beam i cated ear the runway ehesold and adits at frequency inthe range 329.3-335.0 MH purpose io gue the sirerat down a predetermined descent path The glide spe is ypically an angle ay — = Se a, runway ‘Noize beam en, ‘5.6 Instrument Landing 315. £253" tothe horizontal Figure 8.31 shows a schematic ofthe gis path beam. ‘Noe that he lide path angle has boca exaggerated in this sch. AS nthe ase ‘ofthe calize. wo sips re superimposed on the case fequeny to rete an ror ignite alert sete high Orlow with espect the lie path This ‘ually is indicated bya hizontal baron te TLS indeator that moves op or Sow ‘with respect the glide path indicator. The marker beacons ure sed to oat the sivraft tela the runway Two markers are used, One, ated matical miles ‘rom the runway, called te oter marker. The secondo aer, mare i eated 3300 fom the runway tread. The beams are directed vertically nto the ‘escent path ata frequency of 75 MH, The signals are coded, and wen the tiplane is cveread the nals are detected by an onboard eciver The pb. iraleed tothe passage vera marker beacon by both at ati signal and isa Snal. The audio signal it ard ove the aircrafts communication mye andthe ‘sual signal presenta byway ofa colored indiator ight on the insrument panel fying th iplane in poor vs the pt ws the HS equipment in the folowing manner. Te plt descends fom crise alta under ieton of round coral an alitide of approximately 120 above he ground. The pibt then’ vectored so thatthe rat inereeps the localize at dstance ofa east ‘nau miles fromthe ray. The pil postion thesirplane sn the aie isla so that its ona heading tovard the runway centetine, When te srt approaches the outer marker, the glide path signal is inteeeped. The seat laced in its fal approach conigraton and the pit fies down the glide path lope. The pilot follows the beams by manevering the ines atthe veil ‘nd borzmtal bars onthe ILS incr sbow no deviation fom th ese Hight bath: The ILS pte does no guide the ira sl the way ouchiown AL some ont dering the approach the pt stoke say fom the lastuments and ‘ute the window to establish a visual reference forthe fsa porn of the sie ‘Relie sope bea em. 316 cutarren 8: Classical Control Theory, Airraft Autopilot Design pees FicuRe $32 ‘Av plane died om the ge pth landing. The plot may tke Sor 6 seconds establish n outside visual ference, ‘tony the plot most dots at fice altitude and stance fom the cunway +o that if he runvay not vib the pil ean abort the landing. This ives is to "decison height which ia predetermined bight above the runway tha the pilot cannot go beyond without vassal sighting the runway ‘The ILS as ouined in the previous paragraph i an negra part fa flly somatie landing system. To be able o land an apane with ho val eerie tothe runway reires un aiomatic landing sytem that can nereep the lealzet tnd glide path stgas, then gid the aizplane down the lide path wo some pre ‘elected alto a wich the nerf’ descent rate Yedoed and the airane ‘outs are maneer so that touches own with an sccptale ik ate The !utolnd gtem comprises «numberof automatic cata stems, which ince 2 oclize and glide path coupler, attitude and aspeed contol and an automatic Aare contol ster. "igure 8.32 shows an airplane descending toward the rune. The arlane shown is below te ineaded lide pat. The deviation dof he azplane rom the ‘tide path isthe normal distance of he airplane above of below the desiced ide uth. The ange Tithe ference between he actual pd died sie pat angle 8nd is the eal stance ofthe aiplane fom the glide slope transite. To ‘maintain the siplane alg tbe ge path, one ust make equal 0. Figure 833 ‘saconceptul design fan ania that wll ep the airplane onthe ge pth The transfer functions ford and are obtained trom he geometry and are noted sa Figure 832 ‘As the siplane descends log the lide pth ite pitch tite and sped must be controlled” This gai is scomplhed by means of a pich displacement abd seed contrlautopit. The ph displacement apt would be conceptually esa see 3 fe“ [5 pa nae FIGURE 833 ‘Aeon pide pa conl sea ‘he same asthe one discus erie inthis chap. Figure 8.34 shows an auo- ‘mai control em tht could be ese to maintain x constant sped aking the Aight path. The dlferece in fight sped s wed to produce u proportional is placement of the engine ote 10 tat the sped ilerence ir redsed. The omponent of the ste lbeed compensation is a devs incoported into the ‘sign so tat the eloed-bop sytem can meet the desired performance spec ‘eatin Final. asthe scplane pet very clon othe rn trest the de ath control este is dsengaed and a fare maneuver is execute. igure 8.35 ‘lysates te Hare maneuver jt pir ouchdown. The are maneuver needed 52) compmnenin ml can, | i ‘Ax atom ped contra sem, we riGuRE as icURE 836 ‘a torn recom ste 1 decrease the vertical descent rate 9 eel consent withthe ability of te landing sear to dsp the energy of the impact at lending An automatic Rae contol system i showa in Figure 8.36. A deta dicusion ef tbe aualand system 1 provided by Blakelok [8] a7 SUMMARY [nts chapter we examine tify the ose of an sutomti contra system that a8 beused io ede the p's workload, guide the sire to se landing in poor nity, aad provi tbilty augmentation i improve the fying quale ‘plans with poor sabiity characterises, Adon applications of asomate ‘contol ecole islad lead alleviation and Pte oppression, Toad alleviation en be achieved by wing active wing contol 9 reds the ing-bending moments. By reducing the wing deg load trough active control, Uedsier ca increase the wig spun or ede thestrcaral weight ofthe wine Increasing the span fora pven wing area proves he seredynami eflency of the wings tat it increases the hifvo-drag rao, The improvement n ery namic efficiency andthe potential for lower wing weigh el in bter crise fe ciency. ‘Stblity augmentation tems alo can be wed to improve silane pesor- mance witout derading the vehicle's ying qualities. I tb Rorizoatal an ericl tal control surfaces ate used ia ansctive control system, the tall area cn be reduced. Reducing th sae stability resus in smaller trim drag forces. The ‘combinaon of salle tll areas and reduced State sabi Yield over dag ‘contin rom the al suas, ich wil improve the performance characte Ines ofthe ailane. “Anotec tea in which ctie contol ca pla an inportat roe i in suppess- ing ter Flutes an usable suuctrl motion that ana sttural re ‘of any af the major components of sn siplane: win, tal fuselage, or conta Surfaces. Fater i caused bythe Interaction between steuctral vibration athe ‘erodymamie fore acing 08 the surface undergeing ute. During Mater the ‘evodynaic surface exact ent fom the aseam w feed this undesrable ‘maton. An automatic convo sytem incorporating active cont canbe designed. {0 preven ter rom occurring by contain he nructorl baton PROBLEMS Probes tha eu thease f«cmptr me the capital ae Cate the pele umber ‘ANC. Aro compen shown in Pigpe PL. Shtchthe rote agra fortis Sea. 1 Detrine hls eno tat one ba damping ao ote a7, (i) Whar te tedster for ap and ap ipa (0 Shh the response of he nol gem oS phage io bak aa (a) Roget hi probe sing come iis stare ah eb MATLAB, FIGURE PEL 8210, Use ate etic ine op ingore the wane sesponse othe cor ‘pre in Problem 1 The yt damping ao eat = 0707, $240 ore het con em ova PS emi en essay 9 improve be nem harceston othe eam str a {lowing pesomance{ = 03, up = 2.0,aih Asse tha he aera rae tei te th tame he in iar A a Secon FIGURE P83 ‘AMC A spied ph col optem sown ln Figs PEA.Desin PUD contrat Ft ape apt sponse of the stem wt sp change inthe Home| 90 count Contd Comeat They, Alseratt haaptne Design, Aint namie {SIC) The Wight Fer was tsa and dynamical ut Honee, cathe ‘Wig tate ncrpried tase sone abo fer egy ty seal ft plane cel. Alou the alae was fea 1), (Be combina he lt and plane cui be a sable gem. In (8) he lsd ps represenie a pure gan, andthe plch ade xa ‘Adesion genom 2 notes 05¥ +30) RO Geom + Lane + 35H Deer een pa he nap ston ne PS FIcURE Pas {26{. Th ck gr rpc tide contd nem fora pacer shown gure P.S Con al pcsraf ached rou rer ocelot ‘abo te sacral sled in Fae PROD (a) Deere th ot bear lt rhe sone em if te ate op icon ‘ated Comment on he poten prtrnance of thik ao eal tech aum (2) Demi the ae un yan the trop 30 gua otha te has duping rai = 0.07 anda set ine, = 1S - 10. 8810. 5910 Problems 321 7 FIGURE P86 (contin) He inti! moe const stat tc rat ot abot tex xi a i pu yang oto, The gut of moton fr soared Ying a ‘a sown in Chapter 50 ea lw SB NAD+ Ne Ay = NS, here y= 2083.8, = -054 an = 105". Des beading cota ‘rite mode asthe long seo perme charters: i=06 Asume tat the rar seo water ation ca be represen Mk ry ist or sie peng as eocounered rough ight deo amon elon. Te bumpy ie duo the wplaeensounering verte el ‘Wien anaiplane corinne gut cise le cata of wi i Changds cana the silane to aor nthe teres! reson Th ‘rad ton canbe nth eae og evita em I be ing [canbe ona te aceon oe utc dented One an of comrling the ing by wing ect coms. Basal, diet it ‘otal in up tala ated por dow eher res ot ‘acres the wing it Conrad tunel model conrad a oton ly ‘he vert deton th oe paging moon. Also amet th ms ‘ped with dia it fap: See Exam Poker 3. Ds coal se Sheil nel oth th eal ely eed ea, Aue the aor ew asg contre sem fr he wind tone! motel of Probl Sn maint ‘oso vera pono the win ne, 4322 CHAPTER 8: Classical Control Theory, Aircraft Autopilot Design REFERENCES 1, Balla, W."Aeodjnamie Staliy and Ault Control" Jour fhe Aeon eo Scene 1826.9 (198) 569-81. 12, Meter Ds ASikems and Graham Alt Dyamiesand AuomateConra, ‘lle 1 Automatic Court of Arf and Mies. New Yk: Wey, 1981. lle J Automat igh Cnr Lends: Granada Pts, 1973 (Clk, FEC. "Blig a 1903 Wight Fjer—by Commitee” AIA Paper 8 05, ie, BEE CHAPTER 9 Modern Control Theory 94 INTRODUCTION InChapters 7nd the desi of fedhack control stems was scompihed wing the ot locus echsige and Bode methods developed by Pans and Bode, respec: tively. These tecaigs ake very ssefl in designing many pect contol ‘sens. However, the den of contol msem sing eer ofthe techsgues ‘heal by tal and ero. The major advantage ofthese dsp proedures thespian eax of we, Tis danagedsppesrs quickly asthe comple: iy oft sytem ines. "With the rapid development of highspeed computers durag th recent ec, how apptoach conta atm desig bis eotved. Ths new spproach, commonly called modern conl thor, permits amore estematie approach © etl sem design In moder conto hor, the cong Sse is pec as ystems order dfereatial equations. By formulating the problem i his ‘manner, the contol sem designer can fully exit the dial computer fr falvng complex contol problems. Another advantage of modern cosa theory is ‘hat optimization ecaigus canbe epi Wo design optimal contol sens. TO ‘ompreend this teary fully one needs fo have a good understanding of marc Slsia; Brief dscnson of marx alba nlaed in Appendix C. tis ao possbl in asingle chapter present a thorough discus of madera ‘omzo theory. Out purpoce it expose the reader to ome of he concepts of Ioder contra theary and then apply the procdars tothe design of acral fuopis. Tes hoped that this bit acon wil provide the reader with an ‘ppresatio of moder consol theory and i aplication wo the desig of ara fight consol stems. Addidonal background material on modern contol theory fan te found in the elernces nce athe end ofthe cape [941-95] mm

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