Monitoring and Evaluation

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An individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment, whether oral

or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and duties. Also called worker.
employs such as data analysts, product developers, planners, programmers, and
researchers who are engaged primarily in acquisition, analysis, and manipulation of
information as opposed to in production of goods or services. Popularized by the US
management guru Peter Drucker

Knowledge workers are workers whose main capital is knowledge. Typical examples may include
software engineers, doctors, architects, engineers, scientists, public accountants, lawyers, and
academics, because they "think for a living".[1]
1. Knowledge worker productivity demands that we ask the question: What is the task?
2. It demands that we impose the responsibility for their productivity on the individual
knowledge workers themselves. Knowledge workers have to manage themselves. They have to
have autonomy.
3. Continuing innovation has to be part of the work, the task and the responsibility of
knowledge workers.
4. Knowledge work requires continuous learning on the part of the knowledge worker, but
equally continuous teaching on the part of the knowledge worker.
5. Productivity of the knowledge worker is not at least not primarily a matter of the
quantity of output. Quality is at least as important.
6. Finally, knowledge worker productivity requires that the knowledge worker is both seen
and treated as an asset rather than a cost. It requires that knowledge workers
want to work for the organization in preference to all other opportunities.

The Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation

1.Collecting information so that you can check regularly on your
services progress (monitoring)
2.and look back to find out what difference your service has made
(evaluation) should be part of
3.a services routine work. Some people think I dont have the
time!, but monitoring and
4.evaluation are fundamental to the continued existence and improvement
of a service.
Why so much emphasis on monitoring and evaluation?
to service users
to funders
to tax payers
to the wider field
Service development
knowing what works and why
knowing what helps
knowing how to make improvements
demonstrating your effectiveness to funders
getting ideas for future service

Performance Appraisal
Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which
people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a
whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee
leaves your organization.

Many writers and consultants are using the term performance management as a substitution
for the traditional appraisal system. I encourage you to think of the term in this broader
work system context. A performance management system includes the following actions.
Question: How Can Managers Improve Performance Appraisals?
Managers at large organizations are often required to adhere to a certain process of employee
performance appraisals. How can those managers improve performance appraisals when they can't
overhaul their employee evaluation system altogether?
Not every manager has the opportunity to impact or improve the overall performance appraisal
system within which they must work. But, every manager has the opportunity to take the system
theyve been dealt and turn the performance appraisal process into a positive, rewarding,
beneficial process for both themselves and the employees who report to them.
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Performance Appraisal
Performance Management
Performance Employee
Staff Assessment
Feedback Management

Managers can improve performance appraisals and make them into an effective communication,
goal setting, and development tool for employees while operating within the requirements of
their system of performance appraisals.
Managers can start by implementing the suggestions in these performance appraisal FAQs
(frequently asked questions). They can end up with the required performance appraisal
document but make the performance appraisal process useful by their approach.
Here are five ways managers can immediately improve performance appraisals.

Use the performance appraisal document periodically, at least quarterly, throughout

the year to assess employee progress. The performance appraisal document is a useful
discussion starter. It consolidates employee performance information in one spot. The
performance appraisal document provides a running record of employee performance
discussions all year. It provides a picture of the employee's accomplishments and
progress throughout the year.

Provide feedback to employees regularly - not just in the annual performance

appraisal. Employees like regular feedback (particularly millennial employees) and an
effective manager takes time every day for employee feedback. Managers get more
comfortable with feedback, better at giving feedback, and they nip problems before
they become big.

Engage the employees in a two-way discussion whenever their performance is the topic.
You can improve performance appraisals by involving the employee in the discussion all
year long. Then the official performance appraisal day is just an extension of the
normal performance discussion. Effective performance appraisals are never a talk by a
manager. If the manager is talking even half the time, the performance appraisal is
not a two-way conversation. Its a lecture. Make the majority of the conversation
positive, reinforcing, and developmental for the employee. After all, it's his or her
stage - done correctly.
Improve performance appraisals by using an employee self-appraisal prior to the
performance appraisal. Far too many managers give employees a copy of the actual form
prior to the performance appraisal meeting. In the worst cases, both the manager and
the employee fill out the form, give the employee a grade or score, and then, arrive
at the performance appraisal meeting dug into their positions and points of view. Even
worse, some managers tell the employees to fill out their own performance appraisal,
and if they do a good job, the manager will sign it. In this recommendation, the
manager arrives at the meeting with ideas jotted down on the form; the employee
arrives with their self-appraisal filled out and then - the discussion begins.

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An effective performance appraisal trusts employees to do the right thing, if they

know what the right thing is. Consequently, setting performance goals is critically
important, but how you set the goals is the most important factor of all. Set goals in
a way that reinforces the employee's ability to plan and implement the steps necessary
to reach the goal. The performance appraisal must support and reinforce the employee's
empowerment, his or her ability to chart the course to successful accomplishments. See
more about how to make goals effective.

You can use these five ideas immediately to improve performance appraisals.
Share how performance appraisals work in your organization. See what other readers describe
about their performance appraisals.
Performance Appraisal Tips

Where Do Managers Go Wrong With Performance Appraisals?

How Can Managers Improve Performance Appraisals?
How Can a Manager Successfully Approach Performance Appraisal Goals?

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