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Database Management - a task related to creating, designing, organizing, handling, maintaining,

retrieving, and extracting information used within the system

database - is a collection of related information about a subject organized in a useful manner
record - a collection of data for a specific object or table
field - basic building block of any database, relational or not
field object - represents a column of data with a common data type and a common set of properties
data - are known facts that could be recorded and stored on a computer media
Types of Database
Personal Database designed to support 1 user
Workgroup Database relatively small group of people who collaborate on the same
project or application.
Department Database a functional unit within the organization
Enterprise Database the scope refers to the entire organization
Create - add new data
Read - retrieve data
Update- modify data
Delete delete dataRDBMS - Relational Data Base Management System - allows you to group its data
into one or more distinct tables that can be related to one
another by using fields which are common to each related data
fields - are the types of data that make up the database
Creating a database
1. Blank Database
2. Local Templates
3. Office Online
Tables - This is where you store your data
Queries - is used to view, change, and analyze data in different ways
Forms - a more presentable way for viewing data from a table or a query
Reports - a summary of information of data from a table or query that can show groups of data with
subtotals and totals
Macros - are a set of actions that you can create to help you automate common tasks

Modules - user-written functions using Visual Basic for Applications such as statements, declarations,
and procedures stores together as one
Ribbon - is organized into tabs
Quick Access toolbar - includes the Save, Undo, and Redo commands
Microsoft Office button - resides in the upper-left corner of the Access window and includes key
menuoptions such as New, Save, Print, and more
Navigation Pane - The main control center of each Access database
Shutter bar - right side of navigation pane
record - row
field - column
table - contains data about a particular subject
Table Create a new Blank table. You can define the fields directly in
the new table, or open the table in design view
Table Templates Create a new table using templates. Access includes
for common subjects, such as contacts, issues, and tasks
SharePoint Lists Create a list on a SharePoint site and a table in the
current database that links to the newly created list
New Object Table Create a new table in Design view. You can add
new fields, set indexing options, and perform other advance table
design tasks
Field name - can be up to 64 characters long including spaces
Data type - determines the kind of values that users can store in the field
Description - . It helps you describe the field and is also displayed in the status bar when you select this
field on a form
Text - Plain, ordinary typed text, which can include numbers that dont require calculations, letters, and
symbols. A Text field can contain up to 255 characters.
Memo - Lengthy ordinary text, except this one doesnt have a maximum field length. A memo field can
contain up to 65,535 characters.
Number - Used for entering numbers
Date/Time - Use in entering dates and time, such as birthdays. Date/Time field is from 100 to 9999

Currency - A number formatted as an amount of money.

Autonumber - Access enters a value that is incremented automatically with each new record added to a
Yes/No - The answer to a true/false question.
OLE Object - You can insert Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) objects. A link to another database or
Hyperlink - A field that enables you to enter active Web addresses.
Lookup Wizard - Lets you create a list to choose a value from another table or list of values in a combo
box for each record.
Primary key - a field that contains a unique value for each record and is used to identify the record
Field size - Used to set the maximum size for data stored in a field
Format - Assigns a specific display format
Decimal places - Sets the number of decimal places displayed
Input Mask - Specifies formatting characters
Caption - Supplies a label to be used in forms and reports
Default value - A value supplied by the user
Validation rule - Specifies a rule that will validate entries in a field
Validation text - Displays a custom message when the validation rule is violated
Required - prevent the user in entering a null or blank value into a field
Ctrl + ;(semicolon) - insert current date
Ctrl + :(colon) - insert current time
Ctrl+alt+spacebar - insert default value
Ctrl + '(apostrophe) - repeat value from previous record
Sorting - process of arranging data in ascending or descending order
Indexing - used to sort the field alphabetically or numerically
Filtering - useful way to look at, or analyze data
Relationship - used to relate or join two or more tables by means of a common field that exist in each
One-to-one - if each record in one table corresponds to exactly one record
in the other table

One-to-many - if each record in one table has many matching records in

the other table
Many-to-many - if each record in tables has many matching records in the
other table, and vice versa
Referential Integrity - keeps you from making data entry mistakes
Query - is simply a more formal way to sort and filter
Query Wizard Launch a Query Wizard, which helps you create a Simple Query, a Crosstab Query, Find
Duplicates Query or a Find Unmatched Query.
Query Design Create a new, blank query in design view. The show table dialog is displayed, from which
you can choose table or queries to add to the query design.
Select Query - s one of the most commonly used query types
Field this is the field from a specific table or another query that is to be part of the new query
Table this is the origin table/query of field specified.
Sort the user has the option to arrange the display of records queried either in ascending or
descending order.
Show if checked, the field will be a part of the datasheet when the query result is displayed; otherwise,
the query result will not include the display of this field.
Criteria these are restrictions you place on a query or an advanced filter to identify the specific records
you want to work with
Action Query - is a query that makes changes or performs a specific action on a table in just one
Make-Table Query - creates a new table from a selection of records in one or more tables
Delete Query - deletes a group of records from one or more tables
Append Query - adds a group of records from one or more tables
Update Query - allows you to make global changes to the data in one or more tables
SQL - Structured Query Language

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