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02nd January, 2015

Volume No.: 41

Issue No.: 01





Message from PRINCIPAL

Editorial board
Historical article
News Update
Knowledge based Article
Disease Related Breaking
Upcoming Events
Drugs Update
Campus News
Students Section
Editors Note

GNIPST Photo Gallery

For your comments/contribution

OR For Back-Issues,



"It can happen. It does happen.

But it can't happen if you quit." Lauren Dane.

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

It gives me immense pleasure to pen a few words for our e-bulletin. At the onset I would like to thank the
last years editors and congratulate the newly selected editors for the current year.
Our first consideration is always in the best interest of the students. Our goal is to promote academic
excellence and continuous improvement.
I believe that excellence in education is aided by creating a learning environment in which all learners are
supported in maximizing their potential and talents. Education needs to focus on personalized learning
and instruction, while promoting an education system that is impartial, universally accessible, and meeting
the needs of all students.
It is of paramount importance that our learners have sufficient motivation and encouragement in order to
achieve their aims. We are all very proud of you, our students, and your accomplishments and look
forward to watching as you put your mark on the profession in the years ahead.
The call of the time is to progress, not merely to move ahead. Our progressive Management is looking
forward and wants our Institute to flourish as a Post Graduate Institute of Excellence. Steps are taken in
this direction and fruits of these efforts will be received by our students in the near future. Our Teachers
are committed and dedicated for the development of the institution by imparting their knowledge and play
the role of facilitator as well as role model to our students.
The Pharmacy profession is thriving with a multitude of possibilities, opportunities and positive
challenges. At Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, our focus is on holistic
needs of our students.
I am confident that the students of GNIPST will recognize all the possibilities, take full advantage of the
opportunities and meet the challenges with purpose and determination.
Excellence in Education is not a final destination, it is a continuous walk. I welcome you to join us on
this path.
My best wishes to all.
Dr. A. Sengupta

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During his few short years, Carl Wilhelm Scheele gave to the
world discoveries that have brought its people incalculable
advantages. Yet he never forgot that he was, first of all, a
pharmacist. Encouraged by enlightened preceptors, all of his
discoveries were made in the Swedish pharmacists in which he
worked, as apprentice, as clerk, and finally as owner, in Kping. He
began in a corner of the stock room of Unicorn Apothecary in
Gothenburg. With rare genius, he made thousands of experiments,
discovered oxygen, chlorine, prussic acid, tartaric acid, tungsten,
molybdenum, glycerin, nitroglycerin, and countless other organic
compounds that enter into today's daily life, industry, health, and


New version of common antibiotic could eliminate

risk of hearing loss: (02nd January, 2015)

A commonly used antibiotic can be modified to eliminate the risk

that it will cause hearing loss, a study in mice has demonstrated.
The newly patented antibiotic, N1MS, cured urinary tract infection
in mice just as well as sisomcicin, but did not cause deafness, study
results show. The study presents a promising new approach to
generating a new class of novel, nontoxic antibiotics, researchers
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Not all obese people develop metabolic problems

linked to excess weight: (02nd January, 2015)
Obesity does not always go hand in hand with metabolic changes
in the body that can lead to diabetes, heart disease and stroke,
according to new research. In addition, obese people who didn't
have these metabolic problems when the study began did not
develop them even after they gained more weight.

HIV vaccines should avoid viral target cells,

primate model study suggests: (02nd January,

Vaccines designed to protect against HIV have backfired in clinical

trials. Non-human primate model studies suggest an explanation:
vaccination may increase the number of immune cells that serve as
viral targets. In a nonhuman primate model of HIV transmission,
higher levels of viral target cells in gateway mucosal tissues were
associated with an increased risk of infection.

Predicting superbugs' countermoves

drugs: (02nd January, 2015)



With drug-resistant bacteria on the rise, even common infections

that were easily controlled for decades are proving trickier to treat
with standard antibiotics. New drugs are desperately needed, but
so are ways to maximize the effective lifespan of these drugs. To
accomplish that, researchers used software they developed to
predict a constantly-evolving infectious bacterium's countermoves to one of these new drugs ahead of time, before the drug is
even tested on patients.

More efficient, sensitive estrogen

developed: (02nd January, 2015)


A new method for detecting trace amounts of estrogen has been

developed by scientists, an advance that will help health
researchers. The hormone estrogen plays an important role in the
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human body and has been linked to everything from tumor growth
to neuron loss during Alzheimer's disease. But detecting very small
amounts of it in blood and other biological fluids can be difficult
for health researchers, especially in the limited amounts available
in laboratory experiments.

Findings point to potential approach to treat

virus causing illness, possible paralysis: (01st
January, 2015)
New research findings point toward a class of compounds that
could be effective in combating infections caused by enterovirus
D68, which has stricken children with serious respiratory
infections and might be associated with polio-like symptoms in
the United States and elsewhere.

Killing for DNA: A predatory device in the

cholera bacterium: (01st January, 2015)

Scientists have uncovered the unconventional way that the cholera

bacterium stabs and kills other bacteria to steal their DNA, making
it potentially more virulent. Cholera is caused when the bacterium
Vibrio cholerae infects the small intestine. The disease is
characterized by acute watery diarrhea resulting in severe

predominant role in cancer, study shows: (01st
January, 2015)

A statistical model has been created that measures the proportion

of cancer incidence, across many tissue types, caused mainly by
random mutations that occur when stem cells divide. By this
measure, two-thirds of adult cancer incidence across tissues can be
explained primarily by bad luck, when these random mutations
occur in genes that can drive cancer growth, while the remaining
third are due to environmental factors and inherited genes.
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Fat isn't all bad: Skin adipocytes help protect

against infections: (01st January, 2015)

When it comes to skin infections, a healthy and robust immune

response may depend greatly upon what lies beneath. In a new
paper, researchers report the surprising discovery that fat cells
below the skin help protect us from bacteria.

Researchers target the cell's 'biological clock'

in promising new therapy to kill cancer cells:
(01st January, 2015)

Cell biologists have targeted telomeres with a small molecule

called 6-thiodG that takes advantage of the cell's 'biological clock'
to kill cancer cells and shrink tumor growth.
For detail mail to editor


Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer arises when cells in the pancreas, a glandular

organ behind the stomach, begin to multiply out of control and
form a mass. These cancer cells have the ability to invade other parts
of the body. One to two in every hundred cases of pancreatic
cancer are neuroendocrine tumors, which arise from the hormoneproducing neuroendocrine cells of the pancreas. These are generally
less aggressive than pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Signs and
symptoms of the most common form of pancreatic cancer may
includeyellow skin, abdominal or back pain, unexplained weight
loss, light-colored stools, dark urine and loss of appetite.
Pancreatic cancer rarely occurs before the age of 40, and more than
half of cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma occur in those over 70.
The many types of pancreatic cancer can be divided into two
general groups.
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The exocrine group is dominated by pancreatic adenocarcinoma
(variations of this name may add "invasive" and "ductal"), which is
by far the most common type, representing about 85% of all
pancreatic cancers, although the pancreatic ductal epithelium from
which it arises represents less than 10% of the pancreas by cell
volume. This cancer arises in the ducts that carry certain hormones
and enzymes away from the pancreas, and is covered in detail in
other sections. The next most common, acinar cell carcinoma of the
pancreas, arises in the cells that make these products, and
represents 5% of exocrine pancreas cancers. Like the "functioning"
endocrine cancers described below, it may cause over-production
of pancreatic products, in this case digestive enzymes, which may
produce symptoms including skin rashes and joint
pain. Cystadenocarcinoma represents 1% and has a better
prognosis than other types.
Pancreatoblastoma is a rare form, mostly occurring in childhood,
and with a relatively good prognosis. Other exocrine cancers
include adenosquamous
carcinomas, signet
carcinomas, hepatoid
carcinomas, undifferentiated carcinomas, and undifferentiated
carcinomas with osteoclast-like giant cells. Solid pseudopapillary
tumor is a rare low-grade neoplasm that mainly affects younger
women, and generally has a very good prognosis.
The small minority of tumors that arise from elsewhere in the
pancreatic neuroendocrine
tumors (PanNETs). Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are a diverse
group of benign or malignanttumors that arise from the
body's neuroendocrine cells, which are responsible for integrating
the nervous and endocrine systems. NETs can occur in most organs
of the body, including the pancreas, where the various malignant
types are all considered to be rare. PanNETs are grouped into
"functioning" and "non-functioning" types, depending on their
hormonal characteristics. The functioning types secrete hormones
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such as insulin, gastrin, and glucagon into the bloodstream, often in

large quantities, giving rise to serious symptoms such as low blood
sugar, but also favoring relatively early detection. The most
common functioning PanNETs are insulinomas and gastrinomas,
named after the hormones they secrete. The non-functioning types
do not secrete hormones in a sufficient quantity to give rise to
overt clinical symptoms. For this reason, non-functioning
PanNETs are often diagnosed only after the cancer has spread to
other parts of the body.
Signs and Symptoms:
Pain in the upper abdomen or back, often spreading from around
the stomach to the back. The location of the pain can indicate the
part of the pancreas where a tumor is located. The pain may be
worse at night and may increase over time to become severe and
unremitting. It may be slightly relieved by bending forward. In the
UK, about half of new cases of pancreatic cancer are diagnosed
following a visit to a hospital emergency department for pain or
jaundice. In up to two-thirds of people abdominal pain is the main
symptom, for 46% of the total accompanied by jaundice, with 13%
having jaundice without pain.
Jaundice, a yellow tint to the whites of the eyes or skin, with or
without pain, and possibly in combination with darkened urine.
This results when a cancer of the head of the pancreas obstructs
the common bile duct as it runs through the pancreas.
Unexplained weight loss, either from loss of appetite, or loss of
exocrine function resulting in poor digestion.
The tumor may compress neighboring organs, disrupting digestive
processes and making it difficult for the stomach to empty, which
may cause nausea and a feeling of fullness. The undigested fat leads
to foul-smelling, fatty feces that are difficult to flush away.
At least 50% of people with pancreatic adenocarcinoma
have diabetes at the time of diagnosis. While long-standing
diabetes is a known risk factor for pancreatic cancer (see Risk
factors), the cancer can itself cause diabetes, in which case recent
onset of diabetes could be considered an early sign of the disease.
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People over 50 who develop diabetes have eight times the usual
risk of developing pancreatic adenocarcinoma within three years,
after which the relative risk declines.
Medical imaging techniques, such as computed tomography (CT
scan) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) are used both to confirm
the diagnosis and to help decide whether the tumor can be
surgically removed ("resectability"). Magnetic resonance
imaging and positron emission tomography may also be
used, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography may be
useful in some cases. Abdominal ultrasound is less sensitive and
will miss small tumors, but can identify metastasis to the liver and
build-up of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (ascites). It may be used
for a quick and cheap first examination before other techniques.
A biopsy by fine needle aspiration, often guided by endoscopic
ultrasound, may be used where there is uncertainty over the
diagnosis, but a histologic diagnosis is not usually required for
removal of the tumor by surgery to go ahead.
Liver function tests can show a combination of results indicative of
bile duct obstruction (raised conjugated bilirubin, -glutamyl
transpeptidase and alkaline phosphataselevels). CA19-9 is a tumor
marker that is frequently elevated in pancreatic cancer. However, it
lacks sensitivity and specificity, not least because 5% of people
lack the Lewis (a) antigen and cannot produce CA19-9. It has a
sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 73% in for detecting pancreatic
adenocarcinoma, and is used for following known cases rather
than diagnosis.
Surgery with the intention of a cure is only possible in around onefifth (20%) of new cases. Although CT scans help, it can be
difficult to determine whether the tumor can be fully removed (its
"resectability"), and it may only become apparent during surgery
that it is not possible to successfully remove the tumor without
damaging other vital tissues.
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The role of radiotherapy after potentially curative surgery has been
controversial for many years, with a continuing tendency for
clinicians in the US to be more ready to use adjuvant radiation
therapy than those in Europe. Many clinical trials since the 1980s,
testing a variety of treatment regimes, have failed to settle the
matter conclusively.
In people not suitable for curative surgery, chemotherapy may be
used to extend life or improve its quality. Gemcitabine was
approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in
1997, after a clinical trial reported improvements in quality of life
and a 5-week improvement in median survival duration in people
with advanced pancreatic cancer. This was the first chemotherapy
drug approved by the FDA primarily for a nonsurvival clinical
trial endpoint.
Jeenatara Begum
Assistant Professor


Human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9)

virus China: (30th December, 2014)

On 27 December 2014, the Department of Health, Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region confirmed a human infection with
avian influenza A(H7N9) virus.
Read more


The 102nd Indian Science Congress to be hosted by University of

Mumbai, Mumbai from 3rd to 7th January, 2015.
Conference on Drug Carriers in Medicine and Biology will be at
Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India on 7th and 8th January,
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Hospira Receives U.S. FDA Approval of

sodium) Injection: (30th December, 2014)

Hospira, Inc. (NYSE: HSP), the world's leading provider of

injectable drugs and infusion technologies, and a global leader in
biosimilars, has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for Dyloject (diclofenac sodium) Injection,
a proprietary nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
analgesic. Dyloject is indicated for use in adults for the
management of mild to moderate pain and for the management of
moderate to severe pain alone or in combination with opioid
Read more

Some of the teachers of GNIPST attended the 4th International
Conference of World Science Congress at Jadavpur University on 16th
December to 18th December 2014.
Congratulation to Tamalika Chakraborty, Assistant Professor of
GNIPST, who got 3rd prize for the poster presentation in the
National Seminar on Opportunity in Medicinal Plant Research,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India from 29th -30th November,
On 29th November and 30th November many of the faculty
members and students of GNIPST presented their posters in the
National Seminar on Opportunity in Medicinal Plant Research,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India from 29th -30th November,
The teachers and students of GNIPST attended the National
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workshop on Redefining the Role of Pharmacist in Health Care

System which was held in Dr. H. L. Roy Auditorium, Jadavpur
Universirty Kolkata-700032 on 16th November 2014, organised by
Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Bengal Branch, Kolkata
Congratulation to Rupam Saha, student of M.Pharm 2nd year, who
got 1st prize for the poster presentation in the National seminar on
Control of Viral Menace using Delivery Design organised by Dr.
B.C.Roy College of Pharmacy & AHS in association with IPA
Bengal Branch.
On 14th and 15th November 2014 the Industrial visit of B.Pharm 2nd
year students was conducted in East India Pharmaceutical Works
Limited, Kolkata under the supervision of Mr. Jaydip Roy, Mr.
Debabrata Ghoshdastidar, Mr. Samrat Bose, Ms Jeentara Begum,
Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya and Ms. Moumita Chowdhury.
A Debate on Unity was held on 14th November 2014 and the joint
winner was Sreejit Roy , Bsc 2nd year and Pratik Nandi ,Bsc first
year (Chairperson of debate: Dr Lopamudra Datta and Ms.
Priyanka Ray).
On 14th November, 2014 a Quiz competition was held on World
Diabetes Day and the winner was Pratik Nandi and Sreyosi Dey,
Bsc first year.
Runner up Anirban Roy and Ankur Mondal B.Pharm third year
(Quiz Master: Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya)
A Seminar was held on 14th November 2014 World Diabetes Day
on Angiogenesis and Role of Amino Acids by Dr Debatosh Datta,
Research scientist.
GNIPST commemorated the 126th Birth Anniversary of Maulana
Abul Kalam Azad on Tuesday, 11th November 2014.
On 7th November 2014 the students of GNIPST participated in the
Run for Unity as a mark of tribute to the efforts of the country's
first Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
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Congratulation to the winner of Cricket Tournament-B.Pharm 3rd

year, 2014
Runner up team-B.Sc and BHM, 2014
Congratulation to the highest run scorer of Cricket TournamentTanmoy Das Biswas, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
Congratulation to the highest wicket taker of Cricket
Tournament-Subhodip Das, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
Congratulation to the winner of Carom Tournament (Boys)Sk. Abdul Salam, B.Pharm 2nd year, 2014
1st Runner up-Subhayan Dutta, M.Sc (Biotechnology Department)
2nd year, 2014
2nd Runner up-Nirupan Gupta, B.Pharm 1st year, 2014
Congratulation to the winner of Carom Tournament (Girls)Aishwarya Datta, B.Pharm 2nd year, 2014
1st Runner up-Krishnakali Basu, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
2nd Runner up-Rituparna Das, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
Congratulation to the winner of Chess Tournament (Boys)Basab Brata Dey, M.Sc (Biotechnology Department) 2nd year, 2014
1st Runner up-Ankit Chowdhury, B.Pharm 1st year, 2014
2nd Runner up-Smaranjeet Banik, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
Congratulation to the winner of Chess Tournament (Girls)Rituparna Das, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
1st Runner up-Varsa Srivastav, B.Sc(Bioptechnology Department)
1st year, 2014
2nd Runner up- Krishnakali Basu, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
The GNIPST Cricket Tournament, Carom Tournament and Chess
Tournament was held on 21st and 22nd October, 2014.
The Cultural Programme on Bijoya Dashami and Kali Puja was
held on 20th October, 2014
An exhibition on Photography and Painting was held on 20th
October, 2014
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Congratulation to the winner of Football Tournament-B.Pharm

3rd year, 2014

Runner up team-B.Pharm final year, 2014
Congratulation to the winner of Table Tennis TournamentKrishnakali Basu, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014
1st Runner up-Aindrila Bhowmick, B.Pharm 2nd year, 2014
2nd Runner up-Sayani Banerjee, B.Pharm 2nd year, 2014
The GNIPST Football Tournament (for male students) and Table
Tennis tournament (for female students) was held on 25th and
26th September, 2014.
On 5th September, 2014 the students of GNIPST have arranged a
wonderful Teachers Day Programme. On behalf of all the teachers
of GNIPST I would like to thank our beloved students.
The Freshers welcome programme was held on 14th August, 2014.
Welcome 1st year students.
We congratulate the following M.Pharm. final year students who
have made their positions in different pharmaceutical companies.
Anirban Banerjee (Emami Ltd.)
Mahender Roy (Stadmed private Ltd.)
We congratulate the following B.Pharm. final year students for
their success.
Samadrita Mukherjee (Abbott India Ltd.)
Suman Sarkar (Tata Medical Centre-Apollo Pharmacy)
Shrewashee Mukherjee (Fresenius Kabi-Parenteral Nutrition)
Avishek Naskar (Glaxo SmithKline-Marketing)
Bappaditya Manik (USV Limited)
Sarbani Das (Nutri Synapzz-Marketing)
Ankita Roy (Nutri Synapzz-Marketing)
Rahul Mitra (B M Pharmaceuticals-Production)

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The following B.Pharm. final year students have qualified, GPAT2014. We congratulate them all.
Utsha Sinha
Satarupa Bhattacharya
Sandipan Sarkar
Purbali Chakraborty
Reminiscence, 2014(GNIPST Reunion) was held in College
campus on 2nd February,2014.
1st Annual Sports of GNIPST was held on 3rd February,2014 in
College campus ground.
An industrial tour and biodiversity tour was conducted in Sikkim
for B.Pharm and B.Sc. students under the supervision of Mr. Asis
Bala, Ms. Jeentara Begum and Ms. Moumita Chowdhury.
B.Pharm 3rd year won the GNIPST Football Champions trophy,
2013. B.Pharm 3rd year won the final match 1-0 against B.Pharm 2nd
year. Deep Chakraborty was the only scorer of the final.

Othmar Zeidler first synthesized
which insecticide in 1874?

Answer of Previous Issues Questions:

A) BioCryst Pharmaceuticals

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Identify the person

Answer of Previous Issues Image:

Satya Nadella

Quiz/Puzzles/games/write-ups or any other
answers of this Section at

Wish you a very Happy New Year 2015. It is a great pleasure for
me to publish the 1st issue of 41th Volume of GNIPST BULLETIN.
All the followers of GNIPST BULLETIN are able to avail the
bulletin through facebook account GNIPST bulletin I am very
much thankful to all the GNIPST members and readers who are
giving their valuable comments, encouragements and supports. I
am also thankful to Dr. Abhijit Sengupta, Director of GNIPST for
his valuable advice and encouragement. Special thanks to Dr.
Prerona Saha, Mr. Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar and Mr.
Soumya Bhattacharya for their kind co-operation and technical
supports. Thank you Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya for the
questionnaires of the student section. An important part of the
improvement of the bulletin is the contribution of the readers. You
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are invited to send in your write ups, notes, critiques or any kind of
contribution for the forthcoming special and regular issue.
GNIPST organized a garment distribution programme on 28th
September, 2013 at Dakshineswar Kali Temple and Adyapith,
Kolkata. On this remarkable event about hundred people have
received garments. More than hundred students and most of the
faculties participated on that day with lot of enthusiasm.
GNIPST celebrated World Heart Day (29th September) and
Pharmacists Day (25th September) on 25th and 26th September,
2013 in GNIPST Auditorium. A seminar on Violence against
woman and female foeticide was held on GNIPST Auditorium on
25th September organized by JABALA Action Research
Organization. On 26th September an intra-college Oral and Poster
presentation competition related to World Pharmacists day and
Heart day was held in GNIPST. Ms. Purbali Chakraborty of
B.Pharm 4th year won the first prize in Oral Presentation. The
winner of Poster presentation was the group of Ms. Utsa Sinha,
Mr. Koushik Saha and Mr. Niladri Banerjee (B.Pharm 4th year). A
good number of students have participated in both the
competition with their valuable views.

Teachers day was celebrated on 5th September, 2013 by the

students of GNIPST in GNIPST Auditorium.
Azalea (exotic flower ) , the fresher welcome programme for
newcomers of GNIPST in the session 2013-14 was held on 8th
August in GNIPST Auditorium.
One day seminar cum teachers development programme for
school teachers on the theme of Recent Trends of Life Sciences
in Higher Education organized by GNIPST held on 29th June,
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2013 at GNIPST auditorium. The programme was inaugurated by

Prof . Asit Guha, Director of JIS Group, Mr. U.S. Mukherjee, Dy
Director of JIS Group and Dr. Abhijit Sengupta, Director cum
Principal of GNIPST with lamp lighting. The programme started
with an opening song performed by the B.Pharm students of this
institute. The seminar consists of a series of lectures, video
presentations and poster session. On the pre lunch session 4
lectures were given by Dr. Lopamudra Dutta, Mr. Debabrata
Ghosh Dastidar, Ms. Swati Nandy and Ms. Tamalika Chakraborty
respectively. On their presentation the speakers enlighten the
recent development of Pharmacy, Genetics and Microbiology and
their correlation with Life Sciences. On the post lunch session, Ms.
Saini Setua and Ms. Sanchari Bhattacharjee explained the recent
development and career opportunities in Biotechnology and
Hospital Management. The programme was concluded with
valedictory session and certificate distribution.
About 50 Higher secondary school teachers from different
schools of Kolkata and North& South 24 Parganas district of West
Bengal participated in this programme. A good interactive session
between participants and speakers was observed in the seminar.
The seminar was a great success with the effort of faculties, staffs
and students of our Institute. It was a unique discussion platform
for school teachers and professional of the emerging and newer
branches of Life Science.
The general body meeting of APTI, Bengal Branch has been
conducted at GNIPST on 15th June, 2012. The program started with
a nice presentation by Dr. Pulok Kr. Mukherjee, School of Natural
Products, JU on the skill to write a good manuscript for
publication in impact journals. It was followed by nearly two hour
long discussion among more than thirty participants on different
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aspects of pharmacy education. Five nonmember participants

applied for membership on that very day.
GNIPST is now approved by AICTE and affiliated to WBUT for
conducting the two years post graduate course (M.Pharm)
in PHARMACOLOGY. The approved number of seat is 18.
The number of seats in B.Pharm. has been increased from 60 to
AICTE has sanctioned a release of grant under Research
Promotion Scheme (RPS) during the financial year 2012-13to
GNIPST as per the details below:
a. Beneficiary Institution: Guru Nanak Institution of Pharmaceutical
Science & Technology.
b. Principal Investigator: Dr. LopamudraDutta.
c. Grant-in-aid sanctioned:Rs. 16,25000/- only
d. Approved duration: 3 years
e. Title of the project: Screening and identification of potential
medicinal plant of Purulia & Bankura districts of West Bengal
with respect to diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, Jaundice,
hypertension and developing biotechnological tools for enhancing
bioactive molecules in these plants.

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