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Preparing User for Training.

Microphone Volume / Sound Quality Check

1. Start Dragon Software, and open the user profile.
2. Click Audio option and again click Check Microphone option.
3. Position the Microphone as per description provided on Screen.

4. Explain the customer the importance of positioning the Microphone correctly to achieve the accuracy and click
5. Explain the customer Dragon Volume adjustment screen and further explain that once the Start Volume
Check button is click he/she has to ready the highlighted paragraph normally till they hear a beep.
6. Once they here the beep explain that the microphone volume adjustment is completed and then click next.
7. Again explain the customer Dragon quality check screen and ask them to read the paragraph, similar to
previous step. (If check microphone fails follow step no 8 and if check microphone is Acceptable jump to step no
8. Adjust the Microphone closer to mouth, make sure no direct air is blowing on the microphone through fan or AC
and ask the customer to read the paragraph a bit louder.
9. Click Finish to complete the Microphone Check.

Reading Training Text to adapt user voice profile

1. Click Audio option and again click Read text to improve accuracy option.
2. Explain the customer about this training were the software will adapt to the voice, tone and pattern of voice
which will further get stored as user profile. Ask customer to read it at a normal pace and with clear tone. Also
explain that the yellow arrow will provide a visual guide which needs to be followed during the reading session.
Once a text in the box is read out wait for the next text to appear or see for the yellow arrow which indicates
that the user need to start reading again from the word which is indicated.

3. Click Go button and ask customer to read the text which appears on in the box.

Once training gets started you have to select the training modules from the list.

5. Select Sample Legal Documents (Harder Reading: Legal) from the list and click OK button.
6. It will take approx 7 minutes of reading session; once the reading session is completed a Box will appear asking
for adaptation. Click yes button to allow the software to adapt the training to user profile. The adaptation
process may take some time to complete.

Once the adaptation is completed, the user profile is created for Initial use.

Dragon Software usability training

Start Dragon
1. First exit all the open window including dragon and explain customer that this is the screen which appears when
you start the computer.
2. To start dragon software the first thing to remember is to connect the microphone to the computer.
3. Once the Microphone is connected the software can be started by double click Dragon NaturallySpeaking
icons from the desktop.
4. Explain customer that once you open Dragon software it takes approx 10 seconds to load the user profile.
5. Once Dragon software is opened the Dragon Bar will appear on Top of the screen and at the center of the
dragon bar it will show the current status of the software. For example: Loading user profile or Dragons
Microphone is off, ect.
6. Once dragon software is properly loaded the message Dragons Microphone is off; you can press its hotkey or
click its icon to turn it on will appear on the center of dragon bar.
Exit Dragon
1. To exit Dragon the user need to click on Profile Option to open the profile menu.
2. Under profile menu the user needs to click Exit Dragon option.
Note: To re-open the dragon software the user needs to wait for 10 to 15 seconds after exiting dragon which
allows the user profile to be saved and backup.
Turning NaturallySpeaking On and Off
1. Start Dragon Software.
2. Click once on the Microphone button

to turn it on.

3. Again click the Microphone button to turn it off

4. Also one can on and off the microphone using the hot keys assigned during installation.
5. Ask the customer to notice the color change on status bar during the on and off of the microphone.
6. Also explain the color change on status bar once microphone is on.
Yellow Indicates the user is not speaking or speaking very softly.
Green Indicates the user is dictating at a normal tone
Red indicates that the user is too loud and hence needs to dictate a bit softer
Ask the customer to try open / close the dragon software and On / Off the Microphone for couple of times.

Start Dictating
Note: Dont worry about errors.
1. To start dictating you need to open the dragon software and on the microphone.
2. Once the microphone is on you can open the word editor by dictating Open Microsoft Word
3. Once MS word is open you can start dictation. For this training please follow the below instruction.

Say Writing with your voice is faster than typing [Full Stop]

ii) Say Learned counsel for the petitioner submitted the departmental inquiry [Full Stop]
iii) Say In view of the aforesaid directions, this writ petition is disposed of [Full Stop]
iv) Say 4-5 phrases, sentences, of your choice. Dont worry about errors.
New Paragraphs and Punctuation
1. Say The Honble Single Judge in the said application passed the order impugned [Comma] which is under
challenge in the present appeal [Full Stop] [New Line]
2. Say Whether reporters of local papers may be allowed to see the Judgment [Question Mark] [New Line]
3. Say Registry is directed to enlist this matter on 9th May, 2011 under the heading [Open quote]For Final
Disposal [ close quote] [ New Paragraph]
4. Say Complaint for the offences punishable under sections 506 [sub two] of Indian Penal Code.
5. Say Date [colon] 10 [slash] 3 [slash] 2013 [Full Stop] [New Paragraph]
6. Say Date [colon] 10 [hyphen] 3 [hyphen] 2013 [Full Stop] [New Paragraph]
Scratch That and Resume With
Scratch That: This Command deletes Word / phrase /Sentence which was last spoken without any pauses
Resume With: This commands helps to correct the dictation and in case of changing the sentence creation.
1. Say Registry is directed to enlist this matter on 9th October, 2013
2. Say under the heading [Full Stop]
3. Say [Scratch That]
4. Say [resume with ON]
5. Say 21St May 2013

Try out on your own to dictate along with punctuations and rephrasing your dictation.

Selecting and Dictating Over Text

1. Say [Create a new document]. This command will create a new file
2. Say In view of the aforesaid directions, this writ petition is disposed off[Full Stop]
3. Say [New Paragraph]
4. Say [Select] petition.
5. Say [Select] disposed.
6. Say [Select] writ petition.
7. Say [Select] aforesaid to disposed.
8. Say [Un Select] all. This command with unselect the selected text.
9. Say [Select] high court. Since NaturallySpeaking cant find the word to select, so it doesnt select anything.
10. Say Counsel for the petitioner submitted that since long the claim of the petitioner is pending with the
respondents and they are not finalizing the claim of the petitioner [ Full Stop]
11. Say [New Paragraph]
12. Say [Select] Claim. Since the word Claim appears twice in your document, dragon will give numbers the
selected word according to ascending order. You can say the number indicating the word you wish to select.
13. Say One. This will select the First word claim which appears on your Screen.
14. Say [Select] petitioner
15. Say Four
16. Try selecting various words and practice.
17. Say [Un Select] all.
Dictating over text
1. Say I have heard learned counsel for the petitioner and have also gone through the record with the help of the
lawyer [Full Stop]
2. Say [New Paragraph]
3. Say [Select] petitioner
4. Say respondent
5. Say [Select] Record
6. Say Documents
7. Try replacing few words yourself and practice

Correcting Text and nouns

1. Say [Create a new document].
2. Say Mr. Dasgupta submits that although there is a direction by this Court on March 28, 2013 for service of the
copy of the revisional application, but as yet no copy of the revisional application has been served on his
3. Say [New Paragraph]
4. Did it recognize what you said? Did it recognized when nouns (Names)? If no, correct the word or words it did
not recognize by Selecting and Dictating Over Text technique for standard words & to train the nouns follow
step no. 6.
5. Once you use the selection technique Dragon should show you list of the probable correct words. If you have
the correct word in the list you can Say and select the appropriate word by saying Choose <x> were x indicates
the number representing the word.
6. Say [Select] <text>. In this case the <text> will be the wrong word which dragon has typed instead of nouns
(Names) For example if dragon has typed Mr task of the instead of Mr Dasgupta then Say [Select] task of the
7. Say [Spell That]. Spell that commands provides you a spelling windows were you can type a word and train it
along with adding the same to softwares vocabulary.

8. Type the correct word in the spelling windows. In this example type Dasgupta
9. Say [Train]. This command provides you an option to make the software learn how you pronounce the added


Say [Click Go]

Say Dasgupta. Speak the word which appears on the training window.
Say [Click Done]

Say In view of urgency pleaded by Mr. Anindya Lahiri, learned advocate appearing for the petitioners, we
take up this matter for hearing out of turn in presence of Mr. L. K. Chatterjee, learned advocate appearing for
the respondents.
14. Make the corrections following steps 4 to 11.
15. Say 4-5 sentences, of your choice. And make correction.

Formatting words
1. Say [Create a new document].
2. Say In view of the aforesaid limited submissions and looking to the facts and circumstances of the case
[comma] I hereby [comma] direct respondent no.3 to treat this writ petition as a representation and decide
the claim made by the petitioner [comma] in accordance with law as expeditiously as possible and
practicable [Full Stop]
3. Did it recognize what you said? If no Make the corrections following Correcting Text and nouns guide.
4. Say [Select] respondent no 3
5. Say [Bold That]. It makes the selected text Bold
6. Say [Select] facts and circumstances
7. Say [underline that]. It makes the selected text Underlined
8. Say [Select] treat this writ petition
9. Say [Italicize that]. It makes the selected text Italicized
10. Say [Select]possible and practicable
11. Say [Cap That]. It makes the first character of selected text capitalized
12. Say [Select] accordance with law
13. Say [All Cap That]. It makes the selected text capitalized
Moving the curser
1. Say [Go to Top]. It takes the curser to the top of the document
2. Say [Go to Bottom]. It takes the curser to the bottom of the document
3. Say [Insert after] <text>. It takes the curser after a text you want. For Example if you Say [Insert after]
submissions, it will place the curser after the word submissions from your current screen.
4. Say [Insert before] <text>. Similar to step 3 it takes the curser before any particular word.
5. Say [Page up]
6. Say [Page down]
Aligning the text
1. Make the selection of the text you want to align by saying [Select]<text>
2. Say [Right align that]
3. Say [Center align that]
4. Say [Left align that]

Please check Command sheet for more commands and try the same during practice session.

Common Dragon Voice Commands



New line

Press the Enter key

Press the Enter key

Space bar

Press the Space Key

Tab key

Press the Tab key

Go to bottom

Move to insertion
point to the end of the
Move the insertion
point before or after
certain text to insert
text there.

Selecting text
Select <word or

Select Again


Cutting / Pasting / Deleting Text

New paragraph

Insert before
/ Insert after
<word or words)


Select a particular
word or words to
replace, correct, or format. Example: Select
Mary had a little lamb
Select the same word
or words again but in a
different place


Copy That

Copy selected text

Cut That

Cut selected text

Paste That

Paste cut or copied


Scratch That

Delete the last thing

you said

Inserting Basic Punctuation

Period or Full stop


Question Mark

Exclamation point






Open quote

Close quote

Open parenthesis

Close parenthesis

For more information, see the Users Guide

or the online help
Sample Commands

Bold That

Apply bold to selected


Italicize That

Apply italics to selected text

Underline That

Apply underlining to
selected text

Restore That

Remove formatting
from selected text

Cap <word>
or Cap Next

Start the next word

with a capital. Example: Cap hot Cap
dog = Hot Dog

All Caps <word>

Type the next word in

all capitals.
Example: All Caps
yikes = YIKES

What can I say?

Brings up a partial
list of available
commands that
work in the active

For a complete list of commands, start the

Command Browser.
Copyright 1997-2008 Nuance Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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