Incidents During Homeopathic Treatment

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-Second Prescription
-Evaluation of the Course of Treatment
-Therapeutic Aggravation
-Pharmaceutical Provings
-Parallel Allopathic and Homeopathic Treatment
-Potency Selection

Athos Othonos
Homeopathic Medical Doctor


1.1 What do we ask at Second Prescription?
1.2 When the patient is better grade 3
1.3 What do we investigate when our patient is better 1?
1.4 What must be checked if our patient initially improved and then
suddenly has a relapse
1.5 We always prescribe the each time simillimum
1.6 What to search for when our patient gets worse
1.7 Homeopathy isnt harmful but still requires a well trained doctor

2.1 Whats Therapeutic Aggravation?
2.2 Whats not a Therapeutic Aggravation?
2.3 When and why Therapeutic Aggravation takes place?
2.4 Misinterpretations of Therapeutic Aggravation

3.1 Whats a Pharmaceutical Proving?
3.2 How can a Pharmaceutical Proving be caused?

4.1 Can Homeopathy be combined with other treatments?
4.2 Why a homeopath must definitely be a medical doctor?

5.1 How do we select the similar potency?
5.2 How do we reach idiosyncratic diagnosis in babies?

As Hippocrates said, Medicine is at the same time Science and Art. An
Art that needs on the part of the doctor several years to thrive while Life
is short, Art is long. Nevertheless, wisdom, as all true virtues, depends
not on quantity but on quality. Its based not on the quantity of
experiences but on the right processing of these events.

Only a processing according to Universal Laws and according to Holistic

Thinking can transform experiences to wisdom. If not, what prevail are
subjective opinions, arbitrary theories and all kinds of experts and
gurus. Thats the reason why Hahnemann - founder of Homeopathy
and the first one to introduce the modern scientific method of Double
Blind Trial which he called Proving - named Allopathic Medicine of
his times as Empirical Medicine contrary to Scientific Medicine.

Unfortunately, this is also true for Modern Allopathic Medicine despite

its international academic and clinical prevalence. Its true because its
not founded on any diagnostic or therapeutic law with general validity
originating from the general Universal Laws, as any true Science should.
Thats the reason why every day chemical drugs and therapeutic
techniques are triumphally introduced to modern diagnosis and treatment
as being very effective and harmless, only to be silently withdrawn after a
while, as ineffective and harmful, not to say lethal.

Thats the reason why both Scientific Methodology (Universal Laws) and
Art (experience) are valuable to any true Science, Medical Science not
excluded of course. Nevertheless, in Homeopathic Medicine one more
crucial factor is of absolute need in order to transform a doctor into an
effective healer: The healing of the healer!

Since homeopathic case taking aims at the diagnosis of the patients
idiosyncrasy body and mind it is indispensable that the doctor be
objective, unbiased and balanced since he is the very measurement
device of his patients idiosyncrasy. He definitely has to overcome, at a
certain degree, his own idiosyncratic illusive tendencies and moreover
have the right moral attitude towards his patient. Only then, will he
become an effective healer worthy of his name and position.

This book is a contribution in the area of art/experience regarding

applied homeopathic treatment. It refers to the incidents that usually
appear during any homeopathic treatment from the first prescription until
the end of the curative effort. This book is the outcome of 25 years of
clinical application of Homeopathy according to Universal and
Homeopathic Laws. I believe that I analyze some very controversial
therapeutic subjects like:

-Second Prescription/Follow up
-Evaluation of the Course of Treatment
-Therapeutic Aggravation
-Pharmaceutical Provings
-Parallel Allopathic and Homeopathic Treatment
-Potency Selection

There are many well trained homeopathic doctors as case taking is

concerned, that fail to heal their patients because they lack the correct
knowledge and technique regarding follow up of the patient until the
completion of the treatment, until achievement of cure. They fail to
evaluate correctly the course of their patients state of health and
impatiently prescribe this and that remedy in this and that potency and
repetition until they have spoiled the case.

In order to have a successful cure you have to follow not only diagnostic
laws but as well as therapeutic laws. And that is the purpose of this book
which is a product of my lectures to doctors about Homeopathic
Therapeutics. You can judge what I say only if you apply it in clinical
practice. I did that for 25 years and I am now confident enough that it
works and thats the reason why I propose it to you. Enjoy the theory and
moreover the clinical practice!

If, on the other hand you are a patient, by reading this book you will
become a well informed patient, able to follow the course of your
treatment and able to judge the therapeutic actions of your doctor. A very
valuable thing nowadays, if you come to think of how many doctors
arent worthy of their title.



1.1 What do we ask at Second Prescription?
1.2 When the patient is better grade 3
1.3 What do we investigate when our patient is better 1?
1.4 What must be checked if our patient initially improved and then
suddenly has a relapse
1.5 We always prescribe the each time simillimum
1.6 What to search for when our patient gets worse
1.7 Homeopathy isnt harmful but still requires a well trained doctor

Good Evening! Tonight we will discuss certain incidents that happen

during homeopathic treatment like for example Therapeutic Aggravation
and Pharmaceutical Treatment. But first we will discuss about the
Evaluation of Course of any Homeopathic Treatment and about Second
Prescription or Follow Up.

This is usually done one month after the first consultation of our patient.
The goal of first prescription is to find the simillimum while the aim of
second prescription is to evaluate the course of our patient as a whole and
decide if our first prescription was right or wrong.

1.1 What do we ask at Second Prescription?
What do we ask at Second Prescription? The first thing to do is to run
through, one by one, all his symptoms and diseases and ask if anything
changed. The proper way to ask for every symptom and disease so as to
get an unbiased answer is Are you worse, better or the same?

We must be specific each time because often syphilitic individuals will

try to downgrade or understate their improvement or even lie about it.
This is usually done so as not to feel obliged to the doctor. But it may
also be done for another reason: they dont want you to lower your effort
to help them and give them weaker medicines!

Syphilitic individuals and especially Lachesis may also act the other way
round and start praising you loudly and in front of other patients saying:
Bravo doctor! You are God! You do wonders! I will have your picture in
my praying room! Dont you think that they say these out of mere
gratitude! They flatter you so as to force you to keep up the good work.
They do know the meaning of the saying many people hated money but
nobody hated glory!

Then we go on asking if there is any change in his general mood or any

change as to his anxiety state, irritability, joy or sorrow. We also ask if
the psychological special traits of the idiosyncrasy that affects him at the
moment, have changed; not if they vanished but if they became less
intense and more normal. For example, be it a Nux Vomica, we will ask
about fastidiousness or irritability; be it a Thuja we will ask about lack of
self-confidence; be it an Argentum Nitricum we will ask about fixed
ideas and compulsive behavior, etc.

We also ask about the patients general physical condition. We ask if his
sleep became normal or if it improved, that is, if its easier for him to go
to bed, if he sleeps more deeply and without interruptions and if he is

more refreshed in the morning. We also ask if his physical strength has
improved and if he has more stamina. In a woman we ask about her
menses. Does she have less pain? Is her menstrual cycle more balanced?
Have her intense premenstrual symptoms become better? What about the
quantity of blood and the duration of her menses?

If our patient was a greedy one, we ask if this has improved; if he didnt
have any appetite we ask whether this has changed to normal. What about
his sexual desire? If it was low did it improved to normal? Does he enjoy
sex more than before the treatment? How about his early ejaculation or
lack of erection? Is he less anxious about his sexual potency?

All the above reveal if he got better and at what degree, because all the
above can be changed to normal by the action of the homeopathic
medicine! And that is a common thing for any skilled homeopathic
doctor! That doesnt mean that all the above will improve or that they
will improve from the first month of the treatment, but eventually a
general improvement will be the outcome. This improvement has to do
with his symptoms, his diseases, his general physical state, his
psychological state and the imbalances of his idiosyncratic

You may also find out that your patient doesnt catch colds so easily
because his immune system has become more effective. His
psychological endurance to stress and misfortunes will increase;
behaviors that caused imbalance to him in the past will affect him less
than before. If he is a student he will realize that he can be more efficient
regarding his studying and have less anxiety during his tests. A working
man will be more relaxed and still more efficient at his job. Most mental
functions and even memory will become more enhanced.

What on earth? Is this a magic pill? Yes! In some cases this is indeed the
case! The patient feels that and expresses it: Oh doctor! What on earth

have you given to me! My whole life changed! Its as if I am a different
person! Its as if I found my good old self!

Unfortunately, this is not so common nowadays. Our modern way of life

has driven most human organisms to exhaustion so its not a common
thing to find better grade 3 cases after administering the simillimum.
But still its not a rare thing to happen. As a rule the patient eventually
becomes better grade 2 or 3 but not magically in just one month.

1.2 When the patient is better grade 3

Now, lets examine one by one, all possible cases during Second
Prescription. Lets begin with the better 3 case. What does better 3
stands for? The patient is definitely improved psychologically. He tells
you: I feel so much better and even my close ones have noticed this
change. Or he says So many bad things happened during this month but
still I managed to deal with it satisfactorily, I was calmer, cooler,
composed and self-possessed! What a weird thing! Have I become
insensitive or thick-skinned?

He is also physically improved. He may tell you: My headaches have

almost gone; my colitis is a lot better; I eat things that I wouldnt dare to
touch in the past! Most of his physical symptoms have improved at a
great and profound degree and some even vanished. This is definitely a
better 3 case confirming to the doctor that he definitely prescribed the

Another sign confirming that weve hit the bulls eye, that weve
prescribed the simillimum, is Therapeutic Aggravation; of course, most
of the times the patient is improved without the occurrence of therapeutic
aggravation. From my experience, this phenomenon happens at a
percentage 15% only although the patient is improved. When therapeutic
aggravation happens and if its a therapeutic aggravation this is a

strong sign that weve prescribed the simillimum. I deliberately say and
if its a therapeutic aggravation because as I will show you later many
homeopathic doctors name all kinds of irrelevant things as therapeutic

When we have to do with a better 3 case, then we never, ever, prescribe

anything else for the moment. We may only change the tissue salts to be
given. We wait and wait and wait! We may wait for months. As long as
our patient remains better 3 or even better 2 we dont give any other
idiosyncratic medicine. We keep giving tissue salts and wait.

1.3 What do we investigate when our patient is better 1?

If our patient is better grade 1 then we start asking ourselves: Is it a
matter of time? Is my prescription correct but my patient, being a psoric
person, improves only gradually? Or is it that my prescription is not
correct but I try hard to convince myself and my patient that he has
improved although he didnt?

Nevertheless, he may be better 1 during the first month of the treatment

only because he suffers from a severe and chronic disease. What did you
expect, for God sake? To do wonders in only one month for a person
suffering for years or decades of years! In such a case, the expected
course is gradual improvement from better 1 to better 2 and maybe
better 3 eventually.

During the first month in chronic diseases, only some symptoms and the
general state of the patient are slightly improved. Then, gradually most
symptoms tend to improve. Some symptoms may not change at all and
this is the case when non-reversible tissue destruction has taken place.

Often, in chronic diseases, during the first month of treatment there may
be a clear psychological improvement but no improvement regarding his
physical symptoms. You may even find that he has a general physical
improvement but the symptoms of his physical disease have not changed.
We never change our prescription in such cases. Psyche is hierarchically
superior to the body and improvement travels from above downwards.
Thats the Law of Hierarchy and we should have it in mind.

Many times physical changes and tissue changes need time while the
general psychological state of the patient is easily improved being
directly affected by the energy-etheric action of the energy-homeopathic
remedy. Nevertheless, if physical change does not manifest itself we must
re-examine our case.

If my patient is better 3 or even better 2 I never re-examine anything.

I wait and see. If on the course of treatment my patient does not improve
any more or if his state declines then I will re-examine the case. In the
case of better 1 or even more, in the case of zero change we definitely
reconsider our prescription.

First I have to check me, myself, the doctor! Did I give the simillimum or
did I prescribe a relative, a similar remedy but not the one and only
similar remedy, i.e. the simillimum? A relative medicine may have
caused a slight improvement, a palliation of the patients condition but
will not go any further.

For example I may have in front of me a patient whose basic idiosyncrasy

is Sulphur but at the moment, temporarily, he is affected mostly from
Argentum Nitricum. The right thing to do is to give him Argentum
Nitricum and when time comes, that is, when his improvement starts
declining and if he still has Sulphur as basic idiosyncrasy, to prescribe


But if I prescribe Sulphur from the beginning then I may have a palliation
but not an effective cure. My patient will keep calling for Argentum
Nitricum. You see, you have to unfold such a multi-layer case from top to
bottom. You must prescribe each time according to the top layer because
that is the simillimum each time!

So, whenever we have a better 1 case we first check the doctor if he has
prescribed the simillimum, then the pharmacist if he has prepared
correctly the prescribed medicine and finally the patient if he has
followed our orders and if he hasnt been drinking coffee. Moreover, its
important to check if my patient has undergone any intense physical or
psychological stressful conditions. Did any relative or close friend died or
got severely ill? Has he faced a separation or a love disappointment?
Were there any extreme financial problems or job problems?

If any of the above happened it is expected that my patient instead of

becoming better 3 to become better 1 although Ive prescribed the
simillimum. He may also improve physically but still not

We also have to take in consideration irritating external factors regarding

his disease. For example I may give the simillimum, he may improve
psychologically but his gastritis may not improve because he was
working away from home and eating junk food all the time. Or his
arthritis may not improve due to extreme weather conditions or physical
exertion. Nevertheless, most of the times, even if the external conditions
are adverse if he gets the simillimum he may overcome them and have a
physical improvement too.

As Ive told you before, in all cases where there is a clear psychological
improvement with no physical improvement we never change our

prescription. We wait and we try to get rid of any factor that may hinder
the patients physical improvement such as food, alcohol, side effects
from chemical drugs, weather conditions, stress, physical exertion, etc.

If we have a slight psychological improvement without any physical one,

we must also check if this is not caused from our treatment but if its due
to pleasant occurrences in our patients life such as a new promising
companion, love fever, vacations, won the lottery, his bitch mother in law
died, etc! (laughing)

We must also take in consideration that many patients tend to attribute

their improvement to external conditions and not to the treatment so as
not to feel obliged towards the doctor. It may also happen that his
improvement may be a combination of the homeopathic drugs action and
of pleasant external factors.

However, as homeopathic doctors we have many criteria to use in order

to differentiate between all these factors. Dont forget that most external
factors usually act locally and temporarily while the therapeutic action of
the homeopathic remedy is holistic and permanent. For example a
healthier diet may improve our patients gastritis but it will not drive
away his depression in one months time. Or a pleasant occurrence may
improve his psychology but it will not improve his arthritis or vaginitis.

1.4 What must be checked if our patient initially improved and then
suddenly has a relapse
Whenever our patient initially improved at grade 2 or 3 and then suddenly
has a relapse at grade 1, 2 or 3 then we have to check a lot of things. First,
we have to check if the energy action of the homeopathic medicine given
has been de-activated by the use of coffee or substances that have
caffeine. Sometimes, even one coffee or one cola refreshment is enough
to cause deactivation of our treatment especially if it acted at first stages.

But, be careful. There are cases where the patient has been drinking a lot
of coffee but still his treatment hasnt been affected.

Then we must check if adverse external conditions and misfortunes have

hindered his improvement although the medicine administered was
indeed the simillimum. In the latter case or in the case of deactivation of
the treatment due to coffee I will have to repeat the simillimum in the
same potency or at times at a higher one, but only if he is still being
affected by the same idiosyncrasy.

You see, a certain misfortune may change his idiosyncratic state. He may
now be affected by a different idiosyncrasy and I have to prescribe
accordingly. He may have been Medorhinum and now after a job
problem, he may develop Phosphor. Or she may have been Natrum
Muriaticum and now due to love disappointment she develops Ignatia or
even Sepia.

If he was initially better 1 and now this slight improvement has

vanished I must strongly check if what I gave him was not the
simillimum but a relative to the simillimum remedy that caused a
temporary palliation. So, I must consider all relative remedies to the one
that I have prescribed.

We also have to check if the chemist did give him what we have
prescribed and at the correct potency.

1.5 We always prescribe the each time simillimum

Rule Number One, an inviolable rule: We always prescribe the each time
simillimum; that which is similar to the present state, to the current state
of the patient. If I gave him a certain remedy one year ago or even one

month ago and he did great, that doesnt mean that today the same
remedy will do the job.

We are not machines! We are not cars to be dispatched from the factory
as Toyota Corolla and remain Toyota Corolla when withdrawn from use!
We keep changing all the time because we are living creatures. Its true,
of course, that during a lifetime we tend to be affected by certain relative
idiosyncrasies but, nevertheless, we do change. If we keep giving the
same good old remedy we simply violate the Law of the Simillimum. If
the lock changes you must also change the key that unlocks it!

Very often the patient says: Please doctor, just give me the same
medicine that you gave me last time because I did great then! But we are
not allopathic doctors; we dont prescribe for the disease that remains the
same; we prescribe for the patients idiosyncrasy that keeps changing
although disease stays the same. We must always ask ourselves two
questions. First question: How did my treatment go? Second question:
Is he still affected by the same idiosyncrasy?

Now lets examine one more case: the patient is the same, both physically
and psychologically; zero change! Again we must check the doctor if
he has prescribed the simillimum, the chemist if he prepared the
medicines correctly and the patient if he followed our orders.

One more thing; we have to check the patients state of health. Even in
very severe or incurable diseases a slight physical and psychological
improvement is to be expected during the first or second month of the
treatment. Sometimes there is no improvement to the symptoms of the
disease the first month but still there is at least a slight improvement to
his general physical state and to his mood.

If you have an incurable case like for example a cancer at terminal stage
then you may see a general temporary physical improvement and a
psychological improvement at first. As illness takes its course, first the
physical improvement will go away and gradually the psychological also
because the patient is affected by his physical symptoms and the
deterioration of his state. Any hope is gradually lost.

Nobody can avoid his destiny; no matter what he does and no matter what
his doctor does; even if you give him the best thoroughly selected
homeopathic or other drugs. Its not up to the doctor. Nature and God
calls! We, doctors are but go-betweens, simple tools of Mother Nature
and God. We may be good or bad go-betweens, good or bad tools and we
are going to be judged as so and not according to the outcome of
treatment. Got it! Merely go-betweens! But be careful, go-betweens of
Nature and God and not go-betweens of our egoism or of Medical and
Pharmaceutical Companies! (laughing)

1.6 What to search for when our patient gets worse

There is one more case on the course of any treatment: deterioration! The
patient not only didnt improve but it got worse both physically and
psychologically. Something definitely went wrong and we must urgently
take a very close look at our case! Again we must investigate if the
patient used caffeine or if the chemist did not prepare the medicine
correctly or gave a wrong drug or if we, the doctors prescribed a totally
irrelevant medicine.

A medicine not properly prepared, a patient deactivating the energy

action of the proper medicine and the prescription of an irrelevant drug
can all have the same result if the patient already declines from a severe
active disease: the continuation of deterioration! Nothing stopped the
declining course of the patients health and things got worse!

The homeopathic drug doesnt have any side effects of any kind at the
physical level because it acts on the energy level. If it suits the energy
state of the patient then it will act and mobilize all his psychological and
physical therapeutic mechanisms towards cure. If its not the simillimum
but still similar to the patients energy state, then it will do a positive
action but not so strong and permanent as if a simillimum would do. If
its irrelevant to the energy state of the patient then it will do nothing at

You see we have to do with energy phenomena and not with material
action and there are distinct differences in action. For example if you try
to charge your mobile telephone with the wrong charger nothing will
happen. It needs to be charged at a certain voltage, at a certain frequency
and at a certain amber range.

Nevertheless, if you keep trying to charge your mobile telephone with the
wrong charger again and again and especially at voltage and frequency
that differ very much from the proper ones, then after a while you may
cause certain malfunction to the device. In the same way there is a slight
possibility that you may cause trouble to a patient if you insist giving
again and again, very frequently the same irrelevant homeopathic
medicine for months and months at very high potencies. Then you may
cause a Pharmaceutical Proving by the homeopathic medicine.

Its not a rare thing to prescribe an irrelevant to the simillimum

homeopathic medicine, in fact its human, but, nevertheless, its very rare
to cause a proving because you have to prescribe wrongly again and again
in high potencies and very frequently. If you follow the above rules
regarding the evaluation of the course of treatment you must be blind not
to see that the specific medicine you have prescribed does not have any
positive effect so why give it again and again and in high potencies.

Even if you have a patient with a very sensitive organism who develops a
Pharmaceutical Proving from the very first administration of an irrelevant
homeopathic medicine something extremely rare - you definitely have
all the signs in front of you that tell you that youve caused a proving! So
you can overcome such a situation immediately deactivating what you
have given either by giving coffee to your patient or by simply giving the
simillimum. Even in this rare case no permanent physical symptoms or
diseases are caused; only temporary mild functional physical symptoms
and temporary mild psychological symptoms.

Any therapeutic action must be done with great care no matter what
therapeutic system we employ. We are dealing with human beings and
that is the reason why any healer should be a medical doctor and on top
of that a well trained doctor. Moreover any doctor should be honest and
sincere not only to others but mostly towards his conscience. He must
feel free to say to himself: Damn you! Why were you so careless!
Youve definitely done something wrong and you must fix your wrong
action immediately!

Moreover, in such cases we have to have our patient under close medical
observation until things are clear. Not only in such rare extremely rare
cases but also in any case that things did not go as well as expected we
must keep a close eye to our patients. Whenever things are not clear or
stable I tell my patient: Youll call me once a week just to keep me
posted on your state. From my experience most patients appreciate this
concern and say to themselves: He is not playing God! He really tries
hard to do his job!

Follow up/Second Prescription is more difficult than First Prescription

because you have to overcome yourself and your standard procedures in
order to identify possible mistakes. Re-considering is tougher than
considering! Moreover, if the patient calls me in two weeks time after his
first consultation and says that nothing has changed or that he is worse,
I have to re-consider in a few minutes time.


If I just cant do it in such limited time I find it more honest on my part to

tell him to come again for consultation instead of waiting another two
weeks. But, due to years of experience, that is a rare thing to happen. Do
you want to ask anything?

1.7 Homeopathy isnt harmful but still requires a well trained doctor
-Lets say that a patient comes to us for the first time with asthma. He is
in a state of exacerbation of his disease, started taking cortisone but still
his symptoms are intense and he tells you: My symptoms are at their
highest. Can we start homeopathic treatment or should we wait a couple
of months until things calm down? I mean I am afraid I might have a
therapeutic aggravation as I was told and expose myself to danger. What
do you say to him and what do you do?
-Youll apply homeopathic treatment right away! You must know that the
human organism is wiser than all the doctors of the world! When any
organism is in an emergency it rarely proceeds to a therapeutic
aggravation. Even if it does, usually in lighter cases, this is never a
dangerous or harmful thing for the patient.

Therapeutic Aggravation is an intense reaction of the organism but still a

fully controlled action. For example therapeutic aggravation never
involves psychological symptoms and never physical symptoms that
could be harmful or dangerous for the patient.

You may have a temporary rise of the fever, an exacerbation of the

cough, a headache or an exacerbation of the eczema of the patient. All
these are controlled and temporary and are purposeful; they are in the
direction of overcoming the present febrile state of the patient and on the
direction of somatization(release to the body) existing anxiety. Thats the
reason why after the initial crisis the patient is very relieved both
physically and psychologically and his state of health is improved.


Our organism is very wise because his creator is the source of any
wisdom, the Wisdom itself. Its not programmed to harm itself. Only the
human egoism can do such things. Nature never behaves in an unnatural
way! Only humans do!

It so happens that every now and then a patient comes to me and says:
Doctor I suffer from depression and suicidal tendency. If I have a
therapeutic aggravation as they told me, what will happen to me? And I
say to him: My dear, your organism isnt as stupid as those who told you
this! Never, ever, has any therapeutic aggravation involved psychological
symptoms! Only physical symptoms and never dangerous ones! So dont
be afraid of anything! In fact most of the times a therapeutic aggravation
involves decompression of psychological anxiety by somatization, so
dont be afraid!

If you are a homeopathic doctor and you apply during your clinical
practice, all those homeopathic laws that I have taught you, then you have
nothing to fear about. That doesnt mean that you wont make any
mistakes! Its bound to make mistakes since you are human but if you
follow homeopathic laws it will be minor and not severe ones.

You are excused to make minor mistakes as doctors because after all you
are humans. But you were trained to identify them and correct them.
Thats what makes you real scientists. Apart from that you must have the
moral background to practice Medicine in good intentions and to the best
of your abilities.

If that is true and acceptable about any allopathic doctor who employs
harmful drugs and dangerous operations in his clinical practice why not
be true and acceptable about a homeopathic doctor who employs natural
healing means in his practice? A homeopathic doctor has the advantage

even when he is mistaken in prescribing not to harm. He may not do good
but at least, he wont do anything bad. Benefit; dont harm! according
to Hippocrates!

Homeopathy is never a dangerous therapy. Its a natural healing tool at

our disposal. It wont do harm but still it needs a skillful and moral
personality on the part of the doctor so as to benefit. And thats your
obligation as doctors. And thats what this training is all about!




2.1 Whats Therapeutic Aggravation?

2.2 Whats not a Therapeutic Aggravation?
2.3 When and why Therapeutic Aggravation takes place?
2.4 Misinterpretations of Therapeutic Aggravation

2.1 Whats Therapeutic Aggravation?

There are so many misconceptions and false ideas when it comes to the
phenomenon of Therapeutic Aggravation! A complete chaos! Not only on
the part of patients but also on the part of doctors! We, doctors, are the
main cause of misconceptions that exist in the minds of patients as
medical concepts are concerned.

What is Therapeutic Aggravation? As its name reveals, Therapeutic

Aggravation is an aggravation/crisis/exacerbation of symptoms, yet of
therapeutic nature. It happens only to physical symptoms that the patient
already had for example headaches and certain skin problems. It doesnt
happen so often as most people and doctors think; from my experience it
happens at a percentage of 15% among patients examined for the first
time. It doesnt happen in the course of treatment. From that time on,
patients are gradually improved without any exacerbation of any kind.

This exacerbation of physical symptoms is only temporary; the onset of a
headache may happen the first hours or days after taking the simillimum
and may last from some hours even seldom to some days. When it comes
to eczema or psoriasis this exacerbation may last for days or more rarely
for a few weeks. The intensity of the symptoms varies from light to

But, whats of great importance for any doctor or patient are the criteria
that can define that a certain crisis, a certain exacerbation of symptoms is
indeed a Therapeutic Aggravation and nothing else. Let me tell you these
firm criteria.

First of all it involves only physical symptoms and only what already the
patient has suffered from. It never involves new symptoms, that is,
symptoms that the patient didnt have in the past. Secondly, its of
unusual intensity and thirdly, immediately or gradually after the
exacerbation there is always a clear and definite improvement of these
certain symptoms.

Fourthly, this improvement involves the whole, i.e. other physical

symptoms and diseases, the general physical state of the patient and his
psychological state. The last one is the most important criterion. There
cant be any Therapeutic Aggravation without psychological
improvement to follow it. No psychological improvement, no Therapeutic
Aggravation! Its as simple as that!

2.2 Whats not a Therapeutic Aggravation?

There are of course times when certain idiosyncrasies that are very
nervous and restless, like for example Lachesis or Valeriana or Platina,
will tell you: Oh, doctor, what did you give me? The first hours/days of
the treatment I felt befuddled/stupefied/dazed and wanted to sleep all the
time! This wasnt an exacerbation of any existing symptom. What really

happened was that her organism in order to gain strength and reduce
anxiety was tuned at a lower rate of function.

Its like a car that was working at 6000 revolutions per minute going on
the edge of burning its engine and then the mechanic tuned its function at
a normal frequency. Nevertheless, when a person is used to function at
very high revolutions then when brought back to normal feels as if he is
stupefied. Its of course a fact that at times before the final
adjustment/setting is achieved that the revolutions tend to rock back
and forward from very high to very low ones for some time.

Nevertheless, this isnt deterioration; this is an adjustment done by the

organism with the help of the energy he got from the homeopathic
medicine; in fact, its a beneficial and purposeful adjustment! It will last
for some hours or days and then things will not be back to the previous
unbalanced state but back to normal.

For example a restless and overactive Platina will feel at first as if

stupefied; if she wasnt told by the doctor about this possibility this will
make her worry whether the doctor gave her something equivalent to
sedatives. But this isnt suppression of brains function; this isnt
suppression of mental activities. She can drive efficiently and work
mentally efficiently but more relaxed and in a slower pace.

Then after some hours or days she will be again active and restless
because this is her idiosyncratic characteristics but it will be in a more
relaxed and balanced way. Homeopathic remedy doesnt change anyones
idiosyncratic characteristics; it smoothes/grinds the edges of any extreme
characteristic thus making it closer to normal, closer to balance.

How can one distinguish between the relaxing healing action of

homeopathic medicine and the suppressive action of a chemical sedative?

Its something you have to know as doctors in order to know whats
going on with your treatment and in order to explain it to your worried

The chemical sedative suppresses all the functions of the patient,

psychological as well as physical. His physical strength and stamina are
decreased, his movements become slower, his sexual desire is decreased
and he may also have many other physical side effects, for example skin
symptoms or peptic symptoms. He wants to sleep all the time but even
after much sleep he doesnt feel refreshed; his thinking is slow, his
memory weakened, his concentration low. And thats the reason why a
person on sedatives is advised to avoid driving. He is also advised to
avoid alcohol because one kind of suppression is already enough!

On the contrary, when a person starts homeopathic treatment he feels

more relaxed and due to this he has a slight aversion to spoil this relaxed
state and enter any stressful job, like the ones we usually do in our
modern professions. Nevertheless, if he decides to do so, he will manage
to do the job quite efficiently because all his mental and physical
functions are working properly and are not suppressed. The above state
can be compared to the relaxed state that one has just after a refreshing
sleep when he refuses to spoil this positive feeling and enter a cruel
program of work.

A similar adjustment can be done to another function: sleep. The patient

may feel sleepy for some days especially when it comes to people that
havent been sleeping enough for a long period and definitely need rest. It
has nothing to do with suppression of the brains function and thats the
reason why on waking the patient feels very refreshed and calmer than
before. Its simply a therapeutic action done by the wise organism in
order to calm the soul and refresh the brain and body. Patients that have a
lack of energy and a lack of body weight may experience an increase of
their appetite for some days or weeks until they gain what they need.

-Does this sleepiness have anything to do with the stop of drinking
-Thats a very good question! Many people, even if they dont drink more
than one or two coffees per day, develop a caffeine addiction. So when
they stop drinking coffee at the onset of treatment may experience
sleepiness for some days. But this sleepiness is accompanied by
nervousness, bad mood, weakness and lack of energy. This is not a
positive adjustment done by the organism; these are but withdrawal
symptoms. Most of the times the beneficial action of the homeopathic
treatment helps the patient overcome this situation very quickly and with
less burden.

During any therapeutic aggravation no exacerbation of psychological

symptoms can happen; only some already existing physical symptoms
may increase for a little while. You see, during therapeutic aggravation
we have a beneficial somatization (release to the body) of anxiety done
by the organism in its effort for quick cure. Its a beneficial release of
anxiety done at the right curative course from the center to the
circumference and from higher levels to lower ones according to the
homeopathic Law of Hierarchy.

You may also see a Thuja or a Staphisagria patient telling you: During
the first days/weeks of the treatment I was more irritable than before. In
such cases I always ask: Did you really were more irritable or is it just
that you felt freer to express your anger whenever you got angry?

Then you see that sparkle at the face of the patient that shows that he has
realized something very profound and he usually says: Oh God! You are
so right! Thats what really happened! Its not that I get angry more than
before; its that I express my anger more easy; Ive started claiming my

2.3 When and why Therapeutic Aggravation takes place?
Now its time to answer to a very crucial question: When and why
Therapeutic Aggravation takes place? There are two cases. The first one
is when we have given the simillimum and the mobilization of the
organism was intense. Accordingly the somatization of existing great
anxiety was intense. There are cases where its not a matter of intense
anxiety; it may be that the mobilization of the patients physical
therapeutic mechanisms was great.

In both versions there is a sudden effort of the patients whole to drive the
Illness to more external levels and free him from the burden of
imbalance. I feel free to use an analogy: If you start your car and you are
in a hurry first you engage the first gear and then you violently step on
the gas pedal and suddenly release the clutch. The wheels spin noisily and
the car is shaken violently. But as you shift to the second or third gear the
car accelerates in a less violent way.

Thats the reason why therapeutic aggravation takes place only the first
days of the first month of treatment. Even if you repeat the same
idiosyncratic medicine next month you wont have a therapeutic
aggravation. Yet, if a patient has followed a successful treatment, did
well, stopped and after some time comes back for a new start, he may
again have a therapeutic aggravation. But, nevertheless, this is a rare
thing to happen and if it happens it will be less intense.

The second reason for which a therapeutic aggravation happens is the

following: The medicine we have prescribed for the patient was indeed
the simillimum but the potency used wasnt similar to the patients
state. That is, we went too high regarding his state. We either gave a very
high potency or a normal one but the patient was very sensitive. In simple
words we pushed somebody to the right direction but yet, suddenly and
too hard compared to his needs. And if you push someone too hard you
shake him! You trouble him but only on the physical plane and not on the
psychological one.


Its a normal and common thing to have therapeutic aggravation. As Ive

already told you it happens at a percentage 15% during the first month of
the treatment. But its not a desirable thing to have a very intense
therapeutic aggravation; not desirable for the patient and not desirable for
the doctor. If the doctor is experienced and well trained he can, most of
the times, foresee such a possibility and prevent it from happening by
giving the simillimum at a lower potency, for example 200CH instead of

Now that I am more experienced I try to prevent an intense or prolonged

therapeutic aggravation from happening. I remember the first time that I
experienced such an event on my first year of clinical practice! It was a
case of a small Sulphur child with eczema. Instead of starting the
treatment with a low potency like 200CH or even 30CH I prescribed
Sulphur 1M! Oh God! The eczema spread all over his body just hours
after the onset of treatment and insisted for weeks. He had terrible itching
and much serofluid was flowing from his patches. The boy was
complaining and the parents were in despair and worried.

Thats when you are tested as doctor! First you have to have the
knowledge to identify whats going on. You must diagnose correctly if
this is indeed a therapeutic aggravation or something else. If its a
therapeutic aggravation you know that you gave the simillimum and that
you are on the right tract but still you have to convince the patient and his
relatives to be patient.

If you live in Greece and you have to do with Greek parents worrying
about their offspring then things arent so easy! Greek parents are very
worried about their children! And not only parents are involved to their
kids but also the grandparents and the uncles and even the friends of the
couple and the next door neighbors! Moreover, all Greek people consider
themselves as doctors and act accordingly giving free medical advice to
all others around them!


Its been many years since I had the last such case of extreme therapeutic
aggravation. Experience taught me to be more careful. I take in
consideration the age of the patient; the younger the child the lower the
potency. I also take in consideration the disease of the patient and his
idiosyncrasy; skin problems like eczema or psoriasis tend to be
aggravated intensely and for long especially in Sulphur individuals.

The young and inexperienced doctor or the ambitious doctor wants to

achieve spectacular and quick therapeutic results and may prescribe high
potencies and this may cause intense therapeutic aggravations. We must
never judge according to us but according to the needs and state of our
patient. That is the rule! The only rule!

So if you go higher than needed regarding potency you may trouble the
patient with an intense therapeutic aggravation. On the other hand if you
go lower than needed you may have no result or very poor and temporary
results. You are on the right direction but you havent pushed enough. If
the patient is slightly improved and then relapses and only if we are
definitely sure that weve prescribed the simillimum then we may give
the simillimum at a higher potency.

I say may because we may have prescribed a similar remedy but not the
simillimum. Or it may happen that the patient suffers from a chronic
disease and he is exhausted and its easy to relapse, or or

You have to be very careful when repeating the same remedy at higher
potencies because if you insist repeating the same remedy at high
potencies and if its not the simillimum but its irrelevant to the patients
idiosyncrasy you may cause pharmaceutical proving in sensitive patients.

2.4 Misinterpretations of Therapeutic Aggravation
Let me discuss with you a relatively common incident. A doctor
prescribes a remedy that is irrelevant to his patients idiosyncrasy. The
most common outcome is that the remedy doesnt act at all and the
patient stays the same. If before treatment he was at a declining state of
health then during the treatment this declining course will continue. Then,
this ignorant homeopathic doctor sees this declining state, misinterprets it
and says to the patient: So, you say that you got worse! Bravo! This is a
very good sign; this is Therapeutic Aggravation! You will be troubled for
some months and then youll be cured! This is a very severe mistake, not
to say a stupid mistake.

There are crystal clear criteria, as mentioned above, that define a

therapeutic aggravation so there is no excuse for any homeopathic doctor
regarding misinterpretation of therapeutic aggravation!

When it comes to wrong prescription nobody could accuse any

homeopathic doctor for not giving the simillimum because not all cases
are clear. You are excused not to be able to read the mind and see the soul
of your patient. After all, any homeopathic doctor isnt superhuman, isnt
God. Accordingly an allopathic doctor may find it difficult to diagnose
the disease of his patient. But, if the doctor is well trained and cares for
what he does, he will try again and do his best and most of the times
manage to help his patient.

But no scientist is excused to misinterpret a declining health state for a

therapeutic aggravation! There are definite rules and the only thing they
demand is common sense.




3.1 Whats a Pharmaceutical Proving?

3.2 How can a Pharmaceutical Proving be caused?

3.1 Whats a Pharmaceutical Proving?

There can rarely be a case where the patient may get worse due to
homeopathic treatment; its the case of Pharmaceutical Proving. In order
for someone to understand the latter we have to say a few basic things.

What is the usual procedure of Proving? I administer a crude substance of

mineral or plant origin, in repeated doses, to a healthy human being until
the minute he starts developing symptoms. These symptoms manifest
themselves when the poisoning action contacted at the experiment
overcomes the defense threshold of the organism and his physical and
psychological defense mechanisms are mobilized in order to produce
these useful symptoms.

The sum of these symptoms is but the pharmaceutical action of this crude
substance to the human organism. Several substances were used to
healthy human beings and the several pictures of symptoms produced
were included in the Homeopathic Pharmacology or commonly known
Homeopathic Materia Medica.

If the crude substance to be proved is a strong poison then in order to
eliminate the possibility of severe symptoms and avoid harming the
healthy individuals we not only use dilution but also percussion of the
crude substance, i.e. potentization. In simple words we use homeopathic
medicines in repeated doses. After some time this procedure overcomes
the defense threshold of the healthy person and causes symptoms. The
sum of the persons symptoms is the Proving of this substance done in a
more safe way.

Now lets move on to what can happen during homeopathic treatment. If

I prescribe the homeopathic medicine Sepia to a patient whose
idiosyncrasy is indeed Sepia then I will cure him because I gave him the
simillimum. He will definitely have no side effects.

But if his idiosyncrasy is an irrelevant one compared to Sepia and

provided that I keep repeating it at high potencies and the patient has a
sensitive organism, then I may cause a Pharmaceutical Proving. Apart
from his naturally existing idiosyncrasy and on top of that, he will
artificially and pharmaceutically develop another idiosyncrasy irrelevant
to the already existing, a Sepia idiosyncrasy. The symptoms of Sepia will
make him feel bad both physically and psychologically.

We could say that this is a case of energy side effects. This has nothing to
do with Therapeutic Aggravation. Its a Pharmaceutical Proving caused
by our false and repeated homeopathic prescribing. It may not be
dangerous but still it causes a burden to the already suffering patient. I
must say that this is a rare incident happening only to sensitive organisms
but still its something that must and can be avoided.

3.2 How can a Pharmaceutical Proving be caused?

How can this Pharmaceutical Proving be caused? As I have told you
before if you give the simillimum then you have cure and no side effects.

If you give a similar remedy but not the simillimum then you have a
palliation of the patients symptoms. If you give an irrelevant to his
idiosyncrasy homeopathic medicine then most of the times nothing will
happen; no action at all. But if you keep repeating it in high potencies and
the patient is sensitive to energy actions then you may cause
Pharmaceutical Proving.

A question pops up: How can a homeopathic doctor end up doing such a
totally false thing? Ok, I can understand that if he is not well trained he
may prescribe an irrelevant to the simillimum medicine but then why
doesnt he see that and why does he keep repeating this false medicine in
high potencies?

This is done due to the misconception of a correct and useful technique

adopted by James Tyler Kent, a great teacher of Homeopathy. Kent said
that If you administer the simillimum in low potency and the patient after
getting better for some time, starts becoming worse again, then, if he is
still influenced by the same idiosyncrasy and only then, you can go
higher. That is, you can repeat the same homeopathic medicine at a
higher potency and the patient will get a lot better and you may even
finish the case.

Its as if you have given a push in the right direction but not strong
enough to finish the case and then you have to push harder. So you repeat
the same medicine at a higher potency and maybe again the same
medicine at a much higher potency. For example you may give Sepia
200CH, then Sepia 1M and then Sepia 10M. But this is done only if the
patient is indeed Sepia, only if you started low and the patient improved
for a while and then relapsed and only if he is still Sepia. Moreover you
go higher only after he has relapsed. Usually you dont have to repeat the
medicine more than once or twice higher.

This technique of Kent has nothing to do with the false procedure used by
those ignorant homeopathic doctors that cause Pharmaceutical Proving.
Being wrongly trained they often administer irrelevant to the simillimum
homeopathic medicines. Then being ignorant, if in chronic cases their
patient not only improves but keeps declining they misinterpret this as
Therapeutic Aggravation and say to themselves: I gave the simillimum
and my patient has a Therapeutic Aggravation. But then the patient still
keeps declining. So they say to themselves: I must have given a low
potency, so according to Kents law I must go higher.

They go higher and the patient keeps declining. So they go again higher
or repeat the irrelevant homeopathic medicine thus causing
Pharmaceutical Proving! Again, being not well trained they dont identify
that they have caused Pharmaceutical Proving and the patient enters a
vicious circle.

From my experience Pharmaceutical Provings are often done by the use

of Sepia and Arsenicum. These idiosyncrasies are not so often nowadays
as ignorant homeopathic doctors think. Furthermore, ignorant doctors are
not well acquainted with the true idiosyncratic pictures of these
idiosyncrasies. So they keep prescribing them again and again thinking
that they are on the right tract misapplying the technique of Kent of
going higher.

Whenever I come across to a patient that has Pharmaceutical Proving

done by a previous doctor I do case taking and prescribe the simillimum
and the whole mess comes to an end. The false idiosyncratic picture
produced by the Pharmaceutical Proving goes away and the real
idiosyncratic picture of the patient is treated and the patient gradually
becomes balanced.
-But how can you distinguish between these two existing pictures and
decide what is his natural idiosyncratic picture and what is his
pharmaceutical picture?

-Its very easy. The patient himself tells you: I didnt have these
symptoms before my taking Sepia. Furthermore you know the
idiosyncratic picture of Sepia and you identify its characteristic
symptoms. Apart from that you can ask your patient about his course
during the treatment with the previous homeopathic doctor and identify
that not only he didnt go well but on top of that he suffered from
Pharmaceutical Proving.

Your patient tells you that he had some symptoms. Then he was given
Sepia and his symptoms did not improve. Then he was given Sepia again
and new symptoms developed on top of the previous ones. What else do
you need to know in order to understand what happened? When you have
confusion in your mind like the previous doctors you see without
seeing and you act without knowing what you do!

If you are theoretically well trained and you have substantial correct
clinical practice, then you have order in your mind. If you have order in
your mind then you can automatically be tuned with the order that exists
in natural phenomena or the lack of order that exists in many human
brains, be it the brain of a patient or a doctor! You can see truth only if
you are full of it inside you! Theres no other way!





4.1 Can Homeopathy be combined with other treatments?

4.2 Why a homeopath must definitely be a medical doctor?

4.1 Can Homeopathy be combined with other treatments?

Some patients, especially the syphilitic and mistrustful ones, may say to
me: Doctor, before starting your treatment I will stop chemical drugs so
as if I get well to know what did the job! or They told me to do also
Acupuncture together with Homeopathy but then how will I know what
helped me?

Excuse me! I tell them. Whats our main concern? Your improvement
or whos going to get the credits? If we can help a patient in more than
one ways why shouldnt we? As a homeopathic doctor I have in my mind
all the criteria that will allow me to know if the homeopathic drug that I
have prescribed has acted curatively or not and at what degree.

There are some homeopathic doctors that deliberately refuse any other
treatment to their patient so as not to lose him on the process of parallel
treatment. They say to themselves: If he gets better he may think that it
was Acupuncture that helped him and not Homeopathy and then he will
prefer the other doctor! This is not only wrong; its also immoral on the

part of the doctor. Its my duty to do my best and its the patients right to
choose whatever he likes even if he chooses wrong. I havent got the right
to deprive him of the possibility to get well following any other allopathic
or alternative treatment.

There are also some homeopathic doctors that believe that anyone on
homeopathic treatment shouldnt take any other medicines of any kind.
They say that chemical drugs counteract or neutralize or deactivate
homeopathic drugs. This is, of course, wrong because homeopathic
medicines act on the energy level while allopathic drugs act on the
material level. Its true, nevertheless, that allopathic drugs have side
effects or suppress symptoms and diseases and that troubles the patients
organism but most of the times this isnt a serious obstacle to the progress
of homeopathic treatment.

I certainly would prefer to start my homeopathic treatment having a

patient free from allopathic drugs but this is not possible most of the
times. In fact, many times its medically wrong to stop abruptly any
allopathic medication and proceed to homeopathic treatment right away.
First you have to help your patient in order to be able to stand on his own
feet and not need allopathic medication and then proceed to the gradual
stop of his allopathic drugs.

If you have a patient with a broken leg first you have to fix his leg and
then get rid of the crutches. Crutches arent curative means but still they
support your patient until he gets well. Accordingly, most of the times,
allopathic medicines arent curative but instead they are palliating or
suppressing symptoms, but still they often support the patient; so you
mustnt throw it to the dustbin before you have already helped, up to a
point, your patient by homeopathic treatment.

If you throw away his crutches before he is ready to stand on his own
then he will fall down and you will be responsible for this action. Even if

you dont harm him, you may cause trouble to him because you have
taken away the palliative action of his allopathic symptomatic treatment.
Thus you may also force him to stop homeopathic treatment because he
suffers again from the symptoms of the disease since the allopathic drugs
that relieved him were thrown away. You see, there is a period of time
during which homeopathic treatment hasnt yet progressed to the point of
relieving the patient and during this period he needs allopathic medicines.

For example if you have a patient taking systematically antihypertensive

drugs for 10 years or more its definitely wrong to stop his drugs as soon
as he starts homeopathic treatment. First you have to do a parallel
allopathic and homeopathic treatment and only after he has improved in
general youll start systematic measurement of his blood pressure in order
to see whats going on. You will measure his blood pressure a whole
week, twice a day, with and then without antihypertensive drugs and
compare the two set of measurements. If without allopathic medicines his
blood pressure is normal then and only then you are allowed to cut them

Even if you are sure that he has a nervous high blood pressure and not a
pathological one and that he doesnt need the antihypertensive drugs, still
you have to act as described before for reasons of your patients

Nevertheless, there are allopathic medicines that should not be cut off not
only during homeopathic treatment but even after its successful
completion. For example if you have a patient with a certain degree of
heart or respiratory failure you will never cut off allopathic medicines
that support his heart and lungs function. In any case of irreversible
damages where allopathic drugs are definitely indispensable its wrong to
discontinue allopathic medication.

4.2 Why a homeopath must definitely be a medical doctor?

See why any homeopath must definitely be a medical doctor and
moreover a good one? How can he treat his patient as a whole if he isnt a
medical doctor? How can he deal with the already existing allopathic
treatment of his patient if he isnt a medical doctor? How can he deal with
any diagnostic test if he isnt a medical doctor? Most of the patients that
consult a homeopathic doctor for the first time are already on allopathic
medication that failed to help them but still they are in need of it. How
can you deal with them if you arent a medical doctor? Its out of the

If we allow the practice of Homeopathy to non medical doctors then we

condemn Homeopathy to become a mere Herbal Medicine practiced
only complementary. The patient will be treated by the allopathic doctor
and as an extra action, in the same way that he may also take some
vitamins he will also take some homeopathic medicines.

Seriously, is that what we want? Seriously, is that what Homeopathy

deserves? Homeopathy is not a complementary or alternative medicine.
Its Medicine; in fact, its true Medicine! Its Scientific Medicine! Its
natural and effective Medicine. At least thats what it is for me! And
thats what it is in reality.

You have to deal with your patient first as a doctor and then as a
homeopathic doctor. I believe that if you arent a medical doctor you
wont be able to reach a correct homeopathic diagnosis and you wont be
able to effect a successful treatment. Furthermore, if you arent a doctor
you can harm your patient. Hahnemann was a medical doctor. His
students were medical doctors. Hahnemann taught Homeopathy only to
medical doctors. How can any medical doctor teach non doctors how to
practice Medicine! Its absurd! Its wrong!

Its true that there are homeopathic medical doctors that dont deserve to
be called so, but would you trust any alternative non licensed engineer

to build an apartment building for you? Or would you trust a non licensed
mechanic fix your precious car? How, on earth, can you trust a non
licensed medical doctor deal with your body and mind? I just cant get it!




5.1 How do we select the similar potency?

5.2 How do we reach idiosyncratic diagnosis in babies?

5.1 How do we select the similar potency?

Now, lets talk about another subject. Lets talk about the selection of the
most suitable potency; most suitable to the patients state of health. In the
same way that we call a homeopathic medicine similar to the patients
idiosyncrasy we could call a certain kind of potency as similar to the
patients state of health. So, how do we select the similar potency?

From my experience in most chronic cases I start with the thousandth

potency, i.e. 1M, i.e. 1X100 to the thousandth power. In chronic cases I
rarely start with low 200CH potency or very high 10M potency. In small
children and especially when suffering from eczema do to the possibility
of an intense and prolonged therapeutic aggravation I go low at first,
either with 30CH or 200CH and then only if needed I proceed gradually
to 1M.

There are some homeopathic idiosyncrasies that are suitable to intense

psychological states like for example Ignatia or Staphisagria and from my
experience the corresponding homeopathic medicine can be given from

the beginning at 10M potency. In all other cases its advised to start with
1M unless its a very clear and intense state and we are very sure that our
patients idiosyncrasy is indeed what we have diagnosed. I have rarely
used 50M potency and only in certain idiosyncrasies like Lycopodium,
Lachesis and Hyoscyamus because there was no need for it.

You can proceed from 1M to 10M only according to the technique of

Kent of going higher but only, I repeat only under the presuppositions
that I have already told you. Only if the first prescription was the
simillimum and did a very good job but then the patient relapsed and only
if he is still the same idiosyncrasy as before. Most of the times I dont go
higher; I just repeat 1M and the job is done quite well.

You have to be very careful not only with homeopathic medicines but
also with potencies. If you go too low there will be no action or slight
action. If you go too high there will be no action or you may even cause a
pharmaceutical proving if your patient isnt what you have diagnosed and
if he has a sensitive energy structure.

In acute conditions I usually apply the 30CH potency or more rarely the
200CH; only rarely when I have a very intense and characteristic picture
with not only characteristic physical symptoms but also with
characteristic psychological symptoms I may use 1M.

I consider 12CH not suitable for idiosyncratic homeopathic prescribing. I

use it only for tissue salts that accompany the idiosyncratic homeopathic
medicine. I give the first day the idiosyncratic homeopathic medicine
usually at the 1M potency and from the next day on I prescribe one tissue
salt at the 12CH potency each day as a supportive of the organism
treatment that doesnt interfere with the main action of the idiosyncratic
medicine. Tissue salts are salts of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium,
Magnesium and Ferrum and mostly carbonic, phosphoric, sulfuric and
nitric ones.


5.2 How do we reach idiosyncratic diagnosis in babies?

-How can you reach to an idiosyncratic diagnosis when you have to do
with babies that arent able to talk and cant be questioned?
-We receive valuable information from non-verbal elements as I have
taught you; and of course, we get information from their parents and
close ones. Something that helps a lot in these cases is that babies and
small children tend to be affected by a short list of idiosyncrasies. The
same thing is also true for animals. Dont forget that babies and animals
are more primitive in the mental level and thus arent yet very diversified.

The most frequent idiosyncrasies in babies and small children are from
top to bottom, Medorhinum, Phosphor, Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Cina and
Lachesis. Only rarely you will prescribe Lycopodium, Nux Vomica or
Lilium Tigrinum to small children because these idiosyncrasies tend to
have a more complicated mental sphere not easily found in small
children. So you have a lack of some information in childrens case
taking but then you have a shorter list of idiosyncrasies to check.

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