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Keeping cleanliness is very crucial. It is important to ensure; a healthy body, a healthy and
comfortable living space, a healthy environment, and most important it portrays ones
personality. No doubt.
Last week our group had been assigned to snap pictures around Cempaka 1 (C1)
building at Faculty of Law. We also had been told to write a report on our observations. Based
on our finding, few areas in C1 of our faculty aren't clean enough. This argument can be proved
by photos of few dirty areas at this building. They can be seen as below:

These photos clearly showed that parts of facilities are not keeping clean. As can we see
the biggest concern areas are cleanliness of construction and gazebos areas. In this situation, lack

of dustbin, possibly a shortage of supervisors to inspect the cleanliness of the building and the
students attitude were to blame.
We as part of the Faculty of Law communities should realize that we are totally
responsible towards the mother earth and we should do something to create and maintain a
clean, green and safe environment. For example, we can organize a cleanliness program by
encouraging students to join this noble deed of cleaning the classrooms, the streets and
surroundings of faculty. We believe that this is a better suggestion rather than doing a
cleanliness campaign as action speaks louder than words. It is time for action rather than

creating awareness as we believe that all the lawyer-to-be aware of the important of keeping

In order to plan and execute the cleanliness program, it requires full-fledged commitment
and support not only from the students but also from administration of university. We hope that
the university can improve cleanliness standards in the long run by appointing the best cleaning
companies to maintain the cleaning work. For example, the university can set a requirement that
in order for cleaning companies to provide their cleaning services; they need to meet minimum
standards. This is important to ensure that cleaning staffs are properly trained for better
efficiency and quality of work. Besides, better cleaning standards will help safeguard
communities health and at the same time improve the image of the university as a prominent
and prestigious learning institution.
In conclusion, we hope that our report will help to pass environmental messages
especially to Faculty of Law members to keep our faculty as a better place to live in. We know
that a journey of million miles starts with a single step. Thus, let us begin our environmental
journey with small initiative. Collecting rubbish, perhaps!

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