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The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved



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The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter

Written by: Skilldo
Copyright 2006 2008 Attract Empire (
All rights reserved.

Written permission must be secured from the copyright owner to use or

reproduce any part of this electronic publication.
Copying or/and distribution of this electronic publication without the
permission of the copyright owner is illegal. Your support of the authors
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Names mentioned in this publication are either shortened or not actual names
in order to respect the privacy of the people involved.
Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed
to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference.
There is no implied endorsement if one of these terms is used.
The responsibility of carrying out any form of social behavior resides in the
reader. Nothing in this guide is intended to replace common sense or other
professional advice (legal or otherwise), and is meant only as an opinion to
inform the reader.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved



My True Story: How It All Started

How to Get the Most Out of This Book


A Quick Warning



If You Meet 10 Singapore Women, How Many Will You Attract? 23

Why You Are Supposed to Attract Ladies


The Traits in Men That Spore Girls Get Attracted To


The Best Way to Behave In Front Of Women


How Important Are Looks In Men?


Getting Untouchable by Rejection



You Will Never Run Out Of Women


Seconds Before The Approach (Removing Approacher Blocks) 52

Ways To Approach Women in Singapore


Your Main Weapon For Approaching


Foreseeing/Creating Situations To Approach Ladies


Your Bag Of Tricks


The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

W.D.Y.T Approach Line


Usual (and Unusual) Places in Singapore to Meet Women


One Final Word About Approach Lines



Keeping the Conversation Going While Getting The Woman

Interested In You


Simple Technique to Kill-Off Awkward Silences During



11 Engaging Topics to Keep the Conversation Going


Establishing An Opportunity to Get A Womans Number

& Meet Up


Pocketing Phone Numbers/ Msn Addresses


A Tactic To Find Out If The Woman Is Single Or Not


Getting A Lady Out the First Time


What To Do If She Can't Make It Or Turns Down The Date?


Minimizing Last Minute Cancellations



What You REALLY Should Be Doing On Dates


How To Draw Out Good Vibrations From Women

On Dates (Part 1)


How To Draw Out Good Vibrations From Women

On Dates (Part 2)


Make Touches Between You And Her Happen Naturally


The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

Strategic Places in Singapore to Bring Women on Dates


Obtaining the Next Meet-ups After The First Date


The Danger of Going Too Many Dates With The Same Girl


Dealing With the Shy, Quiet and Conservative Type of Gals


Witty Replies to Difficult Questions Women Ask


3 Green Lights to Tell Whether a Lady is Into You


Chapter 6 - GET THE GIRL

A Mistake That Delays A Woman To Want To Be Your



How to Go From Just Talking to Kissing


5 Seconds After You First Kissed Her (Technique to Increase

the Physical Heat)


Sexy Time (Gaining Sexual Intimacy)



Total Mastery With Women


The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved



My True Story: How It All Started

Yep, my dating life is all I ever wanted now. But years

One of the first questions I believe you may have is Why
was this book about meeting and dating women in Singapore
For a start, Im a Singaporean male myself. Born and raised
here. So the natural inclination to like women whos of the
same type, descent or region would only be natural.
By that I dont mean I dislike other ethnic groups or races. Not
at all. Racism is NOT practiced from how Im brought up. I
like women in general. But having a preference like any men
would, Id go for women in my homeland.
With that origin, its been a practical study for me (for a full
decade) to get close to women.
And this book chronicles what consistently works in our
lovely lion city. (After all, Spore had been used as a personal
testing and operating ground for my experiences with
With that, you can conclude what youll learn on every page
has a laser-focused essence that focuses on boosting your
success in meeting, attracting and dating women here in
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved


For me, currently Ive reached a point in my social life where

its considered fulfilling and un-regrettable.
At this writing, Im in my 30s and majority of the women in
my life (former squeezes and girlfriends) are mostly
No matter where they are now, Im grateful for the fact that
they had once been present in my life.
It would be a big lie if I told you my lifes been a smooth
success with women since the start.
Ill give you a more in-depth history but for now, its relevant
to let you know that I mix with a group of men who are also
successful in the pursuit of gorgeous girls.
A number of them are players.
Others are in it to give themselves more social options.
Therere also those who dont fool around. They devote
themselves to ONE quality woman.
All these men have different intentions, but EVERY one of
them attained fruitful results based on what they want.
Yet when you listen to their history, youre almost certain to
discover NONE OF THEM started out as popular with women
as they are now.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved


To share, just days back, I was talking to one of these men

who calls himself Assassin.
He is known among us to be quite a fast-puller.
Meaning he can meet a cute girl last night, and wake up next
to her in bed this morning. And he repeats this many times
over with different women consistently and reliably.
Now, Assassin may be smiling wide about his social life
currently, but when he disclosed to me what he was like in the
past, I cant help but see him as a tragic hero.
Kinda like Darth Vader from Star Wars, where Vader wasnt
always the dark helmet guy. He was this Skywalker mamas
boy who wanted to play nice yet through a series of hits
from life, it caused him to embrace a high-powered alter ego.
Assassins case was similar. Just a mere four years ago, he
was a total social idiot. Then, he liked a girl in his University
The girl knew he liked her all along but the problem is she
doesnt feel attracted to Assassin but decided to string him
up anyway.
She knew as long as Assassin is kept on the leash of hope,
thered be endless supply of gifts, movie-treats and one-sided
The girl never wanted to be with him. But each time she
accepted a gift from Assassin, he was given the impression he
was one step closer.
This went on for one year. Yes, one FRICKIN year! In the
end, Assassin got tired of being held in limbo and confronted
the girl to ask if they were heading somewhere.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved


The reply wasnt the typical I just want to be friends. It was

No way am I going somewhere with you. Dont tell anyone
you like me ok? Its embarrassing. was her reply.
Its no surprise Assassins heart was destroyed from the
ordeal. He stopped going to school for a full 2 weeks. Most of
the time was spent in his room, trying to figure out what went
wrong while letting bitter tears run without restraint.
That time was perhaps the darkest two weeks that ever
happened to Assassin.
In the end, he considered that the problem lies within himself.
He was too desperate projected to the girl he was
deprived showed an insecure side of himself by drowning
her with gifts.
As the answer hit him, Assassin vowed never to do any of
such activities again. He was strung like a tied-animal on a
string because he gave the rope to the girl in the first place.
Assassin revealed to me When he finally exited the room
after 2 weeks of crying, he made a personal vow to have as
many conquests with women as possible.
To wrap up his story, Assassin lived past his ordeal. A player
was born and he never looked back since.
Assassins story (though born out of hurt) was quite a
What about my own?
Id say similar yet different from Assassins.
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

~ 10 ~

See, I had a past that involves getting strung as well. There

were a lot of rejection and humiliation from girls in my early
days. But unlike Assassin (which I sensed a big amount of
hatred in him), I came from a standpoint of CURIOSITY.
When a screw-up happens, I find ways and means to counter it
so it wouldnt be repeated with the next girl.
I came from a position of SEEKING ANSWERS, not seeking
Dont get me wrong, Assassin is not inhuman. From what I
know, hes filial to his parents and treats his friends very well.
He just simply chooses to let a pain from his past motivate
him socially.
Objectively, we all need a slap from the past to push us into
action. So I guess thats okay and at the very least, it worked
for Assassin.
For my own past, theres no way to measure whether its as
bad as Assassins. But there contains a lot of pivotal points
that are responsible for making me into who I am today
Back in the 90s, when male cousins around me were getting
attached to girls, the only thing I can do is wonder how to be
like them.
Plus, ten years in a totally boys school didnt help much in
terms of opportunities to meet the opposite sex. (I can only try
to date female teachers then, dont think I didnt try... an
attempt to ask a female relief teacher out went crashing down.)
That went on for quite a while and at age 17, I finally went to
a Polytechnic where for the first time to me, guys and gals
were mixed together in a lecture hall. (That was almost like
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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striking gold... seeing so many dresses assembled in a hall.)

Did I get lucky?
Sorry to say, I did try to talk to girls but its only done in... an
on and off basis. Didnt have much action.
The first turn of events finally came when I reached age 19. I
managed to get a first date.
Bear in mind in Singapore that was not bad but not good
Because guys and gals usually have their first everything
around age 14-17 (that includes first date, first kiss, first sex,
first getting caught by parents while fingering each other, etc)
The girl: cute wide eyed, small sized and petite. The date
occurred because I happened to ask if she wanted to go for
drinks after Ive helped her with project work.
In retrospect, thats kinda like a merciful grant since she
wanted me to continue helping her get good grades.
Anyway, the date didnt go so well because I would ask her a
question, she would answer... and theres a silence of 20
seconds. I would ask another question, she would answer and
from there, a 40 second silence...
(Today, Id call this a conversation maintenance problem.
Easy to handle now, but not so then.)
This would go on for the rest of the night and theres no 2nd
date from there.
Lousy as it may seem but the first date actually opened up my
mind. It made me wanting to try asking other girls to go out...
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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Tried I did. You see, for the next two years, I went around
trying to date women. My style was pretty much just chaotic
asking. It wasnt prepared or systematic.
There will be times when I clumsily asked and surprisingly
got to hang out with some beauties for drinks. There will also
be times when I asked a girl out and was given nasty looks.
All these happened in a haphazard manner without me
knowing why.
Its bumming around with no system...all luck. Simply ask and
see if the girl will agree. I wasnt aware that some level of
skillful attraction needs to be built.
Two years later... my social life then was STILL nothing to be
proud of. Hits and misses mostly misses.
Those years were just random things happening to the point
of sadness.
The inconsistency almost made me want to just settle for
any girl who likes me (instead of having two-sided liking). I
wanted to give up any ideas to have a girlfriend and just drift
through this world.
Luckily, I met a rescuer.
It was then I had a conversation with Andrew my sisters
friend who I considered the first person that made me see.
(Side note: It is worth noting that Andrew once met a pretty
waitress in a tea hut whom he brought out that night, and she
became his girlfriend after meeting up twice. And that is
considered SLOW by his standards.)
When Andrew heard what I had been doing for the past two
years, his quote to me was, If you carry on with what you had
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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been doing, even if you get a girl, its really because you got
lucky. Suppose you lose the girl for some reason, you
probably dont know how to attract another one.
It hit me.
I realized should I devote to treat this as a masterful skillbuilding as opposed to a haphazard activity there would be
so many approach & dating scenarios where I can turn around.
So it began... the REAL phase of spinning my life around. I
told myself Id commit to discover the hidden gems to
create strong and fast attraction in Singapore women.
I devote to study men like Andrew, apply the stuff, succeed in
dating and KNOW HOW AND WHY it was done.
Firstly, making a list of such socially successful people is
difficult but the effort of finding them through friends of
friends eventually paid off.
Over ten men (one of them is Andrew) made it to the list.
These are guys who had proved time and again that they can
attract Singapore darlings.
But strictly speaking out of so many, only four of them
impacted me much more than the rest (I consider these four
my mentors).
One of them is a devoted husband who has a massive record
of dating experiences before he got married (By the way, his
wife is one of the prettiest woman to ever surface in Spore).

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Another one is overdone by most standards. He changes

girlfriends every two to three weeks since age 22 (hes 28
when I knew him... Playa, playa!).
Whatever their background, theres always something these
men knew that I can use in my own dating endeavors.
I wanna learn it all, so there came a phase where Id follow
some of such men around clubs/malls/gatherings and spy on
the action.
By the way, its not free at times. There is a price to pay when
I told them of my intention to learn.
Club entry and drinks were levied on me. One of them even
asked for a $200 per night tuition fee.
No regrets, theres no value in free advice anyway. Learning
from them, and witnessing how easy they play the human
dating game helped shave a lot of unnecessary time off
learning from misinformed sources.
Id keep all transferred knowledge in sheets of papers, all
compiled into a binder.
More importantly, compiling different actual Singaporean
experiences from so many sources allowed me to fuse every
knowledge into a collective body of wisdom, and apply it
This was how I experimented with that collective dating
Back then everyday after 6pm, Id definitely go to a mall, cafe
or club to do approaches. A favorite place is Marina Square
where Id go from SHOP TO SHOP to approach young
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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The process was fabulous where from such daily

approaches, I got to know W, a lady assistant in an icecream outlet (We eventually dated and got into a relationship
that lasted 2 months.).
Then there was S, part time student working at a gift shop
(We went out clubbing the following night and that was the
first time my shoes got puked on by a drunk girl). S was
cute but she had some anger problems and I had to end it all
after 1 month.
There was J (Malaysian girl working in Singapore she
looked like one of the singer from cantopop group Twins).
Straight from Js mouth when we went out In the shop
where she worked at, there were at least 2 dudes per day who
tried getting her number. She had never given to any.
Yet, she told me she didnt know what made her break that
personal tradition and gave her number to me. (I credit a large
part of it to a little tactic called Common grab point. More
on that later.)
To add, there were dozens of other girls whose numbers were
obtained. There were times when I planned on the calendar to
call a particular gal three days later, but before that was up,
theyd call me first and playfully asked if I will be visiting
their shop later.
The social experiment can be considered a mini success at that
point but I do know there are always MORE to it in dating
Other than what I learnt from mentors, therell be times when
I intuitively think a line or a tactic will work Only one way

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to find out I went ahead and try it on women in real

When it does work, I note it down. When it doesnt, Ill
simply modify it or chuck it away.
Its simply about Daring to step into the unknown, daring to
try different dating tactics and increase my dating abilities.
Also, Ive some platonic lady friends some Ive dated
previously but when things dont work out, we became
hangout friends.
Such is an advantage when I want to find out secret thoughts
about women straight from their mouths.
Hot questions were thrown across to the ladies in order to
understand the female psyche.
The point is to understand what women desire in a male and
find the common denominator from the pile of info.
The tricky part though
is to get these women to be totally HONEST and not cover
up their thoughts with nice things to say. (Its just like how
most men would say they never go for looks in a girl thats
one nice thing to say but seriously dont you sense a
cover up?)
So I want these female friends to go ahead and say what
REALLY works for them. Even if its insulting or
demoralizing to guys, I want to hear it!
Heres one honest piece I got Most women like a man whos
in charge and have a taint of badness in them. A little dont

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care attitude is paradoxically, a TURN-ON for ladies.

Along the way I obtained more secrets. Some of which
shocked me because it made me realize how Ive been doing
things wrong.
Through the use of such discoveries, it elevated things up.
I met and got into relationships with wonderful women... at a
more PRODUCTIVE and SPEEDIER rate than before.
To conclude, the social experiment was at first something I
wanted to do to improve myself. Yet, it EVOLVED to a point
where a skillset was developed out of it over the years.
I am thankful for what happened to me so far. At this writing,
Im together with my beautiful and most kind-hearted
girlfriend (who I wouldnt be with if I didnt possess any of
such attraction skills).
Still, I dont stop.
I strive to continue working to bring you the dating
strategies that had been discovered and accumulated over the
There are always bigger frontiers... more areas of discoveries
made each day about dating women in Singapore
all of it waiting to be transferred from one man to another.
With that, it is my honor to bring you the key experiences and
secrets discovered in this book.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

~ 18 ~

How to Get the Most Out of This Book

I managed to relate a big chunk of my life into only a few

pages in the previous section. And you can probably guess I
am someone who values learning.
Fact is, if I didnt learn from the mentors or if I didnt go into
dating scenarios with a learning frame of mind, I might just
stay the same way as I was more than a decade ago.
So this book contains techniques and ideas that could at times
SEEM to oppose reason or logic.
(Trust me. I resist these ideas, some for years even though I
see it working wonders for my mentors.)
But the moment I go into a curiosity mode to try and see the
flood gates to a fantastic dating life happened.
So heres ONE requirement I ask of you
Go through this book with a curious open mind.
Let your mind be in an atmosphere of What can I learn
from this page?
To sum up, below is a piece I wrote that describes Effortless
mastery through curious learning.
Ugly Guys With Beautiful Gals
Now, you must have witnessed this scene... a turtle-lookalike
dude grabbing the waist of a fever-hot girl while happily
chatting on the street.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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See, some people who witnessed this may swear or complain

whys the girl so blind to want to be with turtleman.
Then again... its either a guy can complain about turtleman
or he can LEARN from turtleman.
There is always an underlying reason why turtleman has a
gorgeous girl. He may KNOW something that others dont,
thats why he succeeds despite looks.
I had that simple mind shift from cursing to learning,
where I encountered and friendlily INTERROGATED a few of
such below average-looking guys with hot women.
The idea here is to find out the question of When a lot of
things are against a person, how does he still manage to get a
stunning lady?
From picking their brains, the following points are worth
One such guy, Teo says, As a man without looks, my guts
must be two times higher than another guy with looks.
(Teo mentioned that his current girlfriend was being pursued
by many other guys when he knew her.
During their second date, he brought her to the beach and
kissed her on the spot... something other guys would be
terrified to do.
The girl let him kiss her simply because he dared to. Thats
how he got her.)
William, another gentleman says, In the past, I got rejected
by women to the point where I have nothing to lose
The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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It is a deciding point. Someone who has been pushed as far

as I have can either give up... or become a ferocious
Casanova from there... I chose the second path.
Thats how I got my first girlfriend. Ironically, when I go out
with my girlfriend to a party, other women took note and try to
know me.
Theres an invisible competition going on between girls.
Theres also this internal thing going on in their mind that
goes What does this guy have that lets the other woman cling
to him? Hmmmm, Ill find out for myself.
To finish up, the next time you see a socially successful ugly
man, have a frame of mind that shouts Im keen to learn
and curious to apply what this man knows.
Personally, that is how I managed to change myself from
hopeless with women to becoming successful with them.
To restate, the very same learning frame of mind is
guaranteed to have you get the most out of this book.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

~ 21 ~

A Quick Warning

When you pick up the skills as depicted in the rest of this

book, you probably have a different goal in mind than another
Some males got this book so they can gather information
about dating women, and use it as and when they meet a lady
of their type.
Others would want it so they can have different women climb
into their beds.
Whatever your goal may be, Im not really keen on judging or
telling you WHAT you should do morally with the skills. Im
only interested in showing you HOW to do it.
Yet, I advocate a warning
any of the women you are targeting.
If youre just out to play, make sure the woman is as well.
Let the experience you have with any woman you desire from
here and now be satisfying to BOTH SIDES.
If you never had an experience to be with the type of woman
you want, or have been single for some time, I want the skills
here to be the very turning point in your life.
I know what I say next may mean nothing to most people
because one has to experience it to know it.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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But nothing feels as good as having the feeling of mastery

over your social life. To know you have the power to
exercise control over who you choose to be your girl.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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If You Meet 10 Singapore Women, How Many Will You Attract?

I have an assumption where... you as a reader of this book is

of a reasonable MATURE age.
That in mind, you would have lived long enough to come
across some males who consistently succeed with women
as well as those who are lousy with women.
I like to call such opposite results as Probability.
To elaborate
Group A These are men who attract a large number of
women in Singapore. Probability of 7 - 8 out of 10 women
who met such a guy will like him.
[These guys pick and choose which lady to be with.]

Group B These are men who attract a small number of

women in Singapore. Probability of 0 - 2 out of 10 women
who met such a guy will like him.
[These guys usually settle for any woman that just comes
along. Or they will not have any women and resort to paying
for sex or staying single... if they dont change.]
So, Group A are men with a High Girl-Attracting Profile.
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For simplicity well call it Profile from here. And there are
common traits to what this attractive Profile is like.
The traits will be disclosed in the following pages and my
promise to you is this As long as you hold the traits of the
Profile, you will get good with women.
Some of these traits may not be something you can associate
with. You may even suspect if some traits really work. Again,
my advice is Suspend judgment. Dont fight it.
Dont be so comfortable with your character to the extent you
cannot flex it.

Why You Are Supposed to Attract Ladies

Believe it or not, when we were born, our DNA has planted
this Profile as a default intention to be inside us all along.
Males by default are intended to attract females, so that both
parties can mate and produce babies in turn mankind will
live on.
But in todays age, in the process of growing up in Singapore,
males got distracted by tons of artificial things that twist and
devastate their default intention
The result is they forgot their mating role.
Ill give you an example. When a boy reaches puberty during
teenage-hood, he has more erections than before, he grows
hair in different places on his body, his voice turns from a kid
into that of a man.

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All of these are body signals to him that he is ready to mate.

Nature has sent a message to him that he is ready to claim his
birthright You are officially a man. Go find a girl.
But there are of course the previously stated artificial things
that will cancel out the males original programmed intention.
The male will be distracted by video games for instance. The
luxury of staying at home playing a manmade invention will
negate any wants of going out to socialize.
Also, there is easily attainable porn which provide numerous
masturbation sessions, conveniently causing the male to forget
he is meant to reserve his sex drive for a woman.
All these activities habitually become the males ritual. Worse,
most males caught in such situations are not aware they are
As the male enters the workforce, instead of chances to meet
women, he is crammed into another artificial thing an
isolated work cubicle where social interactions are shut from
As if that is not enough, when his friend calls him saying,
Hey man, Im going to Charles party at 7pm tonight, and I
heard therere lots of single girls there. Can make it or not?
The male has to politely decline because his boss just ordered
him to stay overtime at the office to churn out a report
Or another scene
In Singapore today, most guys studied engineering and will go
on to be engineers whereby interacting with machines are
more likely to be the job scope than interacting with

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humans another example of social situations being

minimized from life.
Eventually though, therell be a time where the male meets a
girl at a chance occasion.
However, hes bound to screw up because he has NOT many
references of interacting with females.
He doesnt know how to ACT.
He doesnt know what it takes to ATTRACT.
Its like this big thing to him.
So many interferences occurred in life, to the point that
the Profile got thinned.
On the flip side, on a nation-wide scale in Singapore, a minor
group of men still have their attractive Profile in one piece.
Some of them are fortunate to NOT get distracted all their
lives. Others might have diluted it at some point in their lives
but they managed to RECOVER it and hang on to it since.
While Im at it, let me use another story from the natural
world this time from the animal kingdom.
And Im using it to illustrate how we humans have the
fortune and superior intelligence over other species to
transform ourselves in girl-getting scenarios.
Lions have their own version of Profile. Within a group of
lions, there will be some strong ones who choose lionesses to
mate with.

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Other male lions who do NOT display such strong profile will
not get to mate. In turn, they grow aggravated and will wait to
see day by day.
If it happens by chance, it happens.
Very few of these male lions will succeed though.
Because if an attractive Profile is absent, and they project
traits of an under-par character, even when a female lioness
is thrown in front of them, it wouldnt help much as she would
refuse mating.
Some lions can even live a life without mating.
The bad news for these animals is they dont have the
ability or AWARENESS to transform from a puny profile into
a strong one.
Good news for us HUMAN is we are unlike animals. We
can transform to attain an attractive Profile simply
because of freewill and human instinct.
Right now, NO MATTER if youve never kissed a girl, or you
have not been intimate with any woman for ten years. As long
as you are AWARE there is a need to transform and
incorporate a High Girl-Attracting Profile in yourself (plus
you understand you could exercise the freewill to change), you
can still become a ladies man.
And once you display the qualities inside the Profile (it can
even be as quick as the moment you finish reading the next
few sections), your probability when it comes to having more
women desire you HEIGHTENS.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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Side note: When you do have the Profile as part of your

being, youll sense an increase in positive female responses.
Do NOT doubt it. Do not think its just luck. Its actually the
better you that is working.
The later part of this book will show you techniques and lines
to apply in scenarios with women...
but I emphasize having the right Profile FIRST before
any of it. It doesnt matter if you have the worlds best
opening line or the greatest tactic to get the number it wont
work well if the Profile is absent to begin with.
So lets explore it right here with

The Traits in Men That Spore Girls Get Attracted To

Up to date, Ive talked to literally more than a thousand

women. There are two reasons for interacting with them
One is of course for social amusement.
Secondly (perhaps more importantly), it is to satisfy my
curiosity of what CAUSES them to respond.
It is therefore without exceptions that I want to know the traits
of a mans profile that most girls get drawn into.
Yes, one lady will say she likes this type of man while another
will say she wants someone opposite. But in the end, when
you hear from ENOUGH women (who are unafraid to tell the
brutal truth), there are common MAJOR points that meet.

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To me, a man doesnt have to know what attracts every

women (thats impossible anyway). As long as he knows what
attracts MAJORITY of women, he is ahead of 99% of other
So heres the golden summation.
The man who has a very high chance of attracting females has
these traits in his Profile:
- Not hungry for affection
- Not so nice yet show ability to protect
- Able to take charge
- Project an ambitious male drive
- Being in demand

Not hungry for affection

Repeat after me The one sure way to NOT get women is to
show that you need them.
I know many people have been brought up thinking if they
need something bad enough, they will get it. This may be true
in certain cases.
The same thing however CANNOT be said about getting
girls due to the fact that it involves inter-human dynamics.
If you hungrily desire an object or item, for instance a nonliving thing such as a plasma TV you can get it since it is
immovable and its not going anywhere.
But if youre dealing with a PERSON, its different.

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If you hungrily desire a person (woman) and she knows it, she
can run, move, go further away from you, hide, torment, make
you work harder etc.
See the difference?
Hungry for affection is desperation and thats no good.
In simple terms, if you show you need a girls affection very
badly, all she has to do is to sit and wait for your efforts.
(Theres no incentive for her to do anything for you.)
Shell sit back, relax and play hard to get.
I heard this funny-but-true description somewhere about the
difference between the desperate guy and the un-desperate guy
(If I recall who says it, Ill credit him in the next version of
this book).
It says the desperate guy is the one who stands in the rain,
looking up at the girls HDB flat. In his hands, hes holding a
bouquet of drenched flowers and hoping to catch a glimpse of
his beloved girl from her room window while she is
ironically making love to the un-desperate man upstairs in her
So the trait here is to show you are a balanced man who is
self-assured to talk or date girls BUT NOT to the extent of
being hard up for it.
As a tip, use No Big Deal thinking it simply means
Theres no woman on earth who you need so badly that
you have to show it.

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For instance, if you go to a party and see a super cute lady,

you walked up and talked to her. She says Go sleep with a
pig! Guess what? Its No Big Deal.
Conversely, you talked to her and she grabbed your face and
gave you a wet-kiss there and then. Guess what? Its No Big
Deal as well.
In any case, avoid showcasing any emotion hunger.

Not so nice yet show ability to protect

The Not so nice and show ability to protect traits go hand
in hand so I shall explain them together.
Since the beginning of dating, there exists a classic battle
between the typical nice guy and the bad boy and the
question is
Who usually gets the girl he wants?
In the past one decade, Ive observed how nice guys try to get
girls and Ive seen bad boy attempts as well. The frank answer
SELDOM do I see a nice guy end up with a girl he really
And even when these nice guys do make it, its usually
because the girl uses him just to squeeze presents and freebies
out of him.
Or because she pities him and succumb out of sympathy
(which doesnt last long because when a better man comes
along, the girl will simply say Sorry to the nice guy and
leaves him).
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A third reason is due to the girl recovering from a break-up

and the nice guy just happens to come along as a rebound.
It is possible that girls sometimes run out of male friends to
turn to, and a nice guy happens to be her only pillar who offers
a shoulder to cry on.
Shell have that nice guy as a boyfriend but once her mood
recovers, theres almost a certainty where shell ask herself
Why the hell am I with this softie?
Note: Im being realistic. Therere too many examples (you
may even have friends who had this happen) of a nice guy
getting dumped by a girl and he starts wondering why it
happens despite being extra nice to the girl.
Bad boys on the other hand have better chances in getting
the lady. We must however have a common agreement on how
we DEFINE bad boy
A bad boy isnt bad in terms of lawful activities. A guy
DOESNT have to sniff glue, smuggle 100kg of ecstasy pills
or kidnap children to be a bad boy.
A bad boy is NOT a bad person.
Instead, many women have defined to me that a bad boy is
someone who can give them a sense of adventure a thrill to
be with (a little shade of dangerous charm would be an ideal
As compared to a nice guy, bad boy doesnt give flowers or
buy women drinks. He gives women other forms of gifts
including a sense of stimulating variety and feeling of being

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She feels she is with a man who showcases power NOT

Somehow a bad boy projects to women that he is his own
He displays a side of him with a survival instinct and he can
outlast weaker males. In turn, this translates to women that he
has strong abilities to PROTECT her.
Personal Note: As an ex-nice guy for many years, I fight
this point for longer than I can recall. Back then, I refused to
face the reality that my over-niceness is the very factor that
scares women away.
Even after seeing girls I like being taken away by bad boys, I
still refuse to accept the evidences. But I remember the
moment I stopped being excessively nice, I got pursued by a
cute girl instead (That was my very first experience of getting
chased it dawned on me somethings working).
Do take note of that, and itll make fuller sense with this

Able to take charge

I got to know a group of female bankers at a party two
Christmases ago. One of them had broken-up with her
boyfriend after one month.
Whats interesting then was the rest started discussing about
their previous boyfriends and how they broke up.
In the midst of their chatter, a very important female statement
was heard. It went like this

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My ex was the man at the start but as we proceed in our

relationship, I feel like IM THE MAN INSTEAD He
would suddenly turn into a guy with no directions, asking me
where I like to go for dinner, whether to go to a park or a caf
after that I mean DAMMIT man! If you want to go to the
park, bring me there! Why the wishy-washy crap?
With that story in mind, understand
Your level of take charge-ness must be higher than a woman
to attract her.
You must show you can lead her and NOT seek approval all
the time.
As you think about it, youll realize the lack of a take charge
attitude had caused countless girls to feel low about a guy.
When a guy seeks for permission more than taking charge, he
becomes softer by the day.
Compare these two sentences thats said to a girl
A) I was wondering and its ok if you dont have time, but
would you like to have sushi with me this Saturday?
B) I know this chef who opens his own Sushi bar. Im going
to his place this Saturday. Come along. If you hate Sushi, the
food there will change your mind.
Which one do you think projects the manliness to take charge?
Which one of the two sentences carries more strength?
All I know is consistent lady-getters use B) type of
language all the time.
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So starting today, show women you have this casual

governance over yourself.
Stop seeking approval. Destroy sentences such as Would you
like to go for coffee?
Instead, say things like Im going to get myself a drink at
Starbucks, come along.
You are your own authority.

Project an ambitious male drive

Time and again Ive noticed this:
A man with nothing to show for. He has no looks, no cash, no
height, no sports car
but as long as he displays a stance that suggest he knows
what he wants in life and is determined to get it, he establishes
a powerful presence in womens minds.
Yes, women are magnetized towards a man of ambition.
By that it means ambition including career, finance or travel
related matters.
To give an example, a friend of mine portrays his ambitious
side to women very sharply.
For a start he works in a fashion boutique. And at social
gatherings or parties, when women ask him what he does, he
could have said that he works in a boutique and it would just
end there

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but INSTEAD, he tied in ambition related phrases into his

He tells women his passion is in fashion and shares his
intention of opening up two chains of clothing outlet before
the end of next year.
One would be opened in Singapore while another is located in
He will add so far he has a few designer friends who are
signed on to design clothings for his line. And overall life has
been one hell of a busy but fun ride for him.
That is his story and through that, realize the idea is
You project to women that when you are man enough to
handle your own life you will be man enough to take care of
a potential woman in your life.
Subconsciously, it shows you have power in the ability
By the way this is not to be MISTAKEN as you have to be a
rich man to get girls.
Let me explain. Firstly, the people I know who are ladies
man quite a number of them are everyday folks with regular
jobs and not-so-delightful salary. Some are even broke.
No joke.
But how can they still go around and get women to like and
enjoy their company?
Answer: Simply because of the male drive they possess.

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What turns women on is not that the guy needs to be a multimillionaire, but the perception that he is CAPABLE of being
the captain of his own life.
Secondly, I would not deny some rich guys do have women
BUT so does the guy studying in JC who gets $20 pocket
money from his parents.
In Singapore there is almost no fixed pattern when it comes to
what type of profession will get the best set of dating life.
Bottom line: Your projection of an ambitious male drive is far
more important than your profession.

Being in demand
Ill start off this part by saying a lot of Singapore males
prefer to have a woman who is chaste or inexperienced (well,
for the lack of a better word, many would prefer their girl to
be as untouched by previous guys as possible).
But can we say this is what women prefer in men?
Actually... no.
In fact its a big mistake to represent to women a reality of
you as being inexperienced or lousy with women (Usually,
guys admit that part to females by saying they are luckless in
I know it counters logic but heres why
Women will wonder What the heck is wrong with this
guy? What makes him so creepy that he does not have much
female activity around him in the past?

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A womans mind would think you are not man enough to be

with other females, so you probably arent right.
She would feel unsafe from a lousy guy who doesnt have
what it takes to have gals to like him.
So, am I suggesting you to portray yourself like a world-class
Not at all.
I do understand however that a nice dose of mentioning some
females you were close to in the past can get women to
perceive you as a man of quality.
The thing I want to stress here is
Just MENTION being close to girls in the past but dont
Otherwise it could go overboard or come across as bragging.
Its just a simple passing statement. Sprinkle some bits about
an ex-girlfriend or a lady you were close to previously.
An example: While in conversation with a woman, casually
mention My ex-girlfriends father is a teacher but hes
those type that gets bullied all the time by his students. There
was this time when he got itching powder poured down his
collar. And that was insane he almost quitted his job that
very day.
See, the words ex-girlfriend was a brief mention.
Again, you just have to use a simple passing comment about
an ex-girlfriend (or a girl youre close to last time) without
elaboration. But women will get it Theres some demand
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in you. Youre good enough for other females to like you so

all in all youre good.
Bring up just enough small chunks of other gals to have
women thinking, Hmmmm, this guy has got something that
other women want, he cant be too bad.
So far, weve talked about the traits of a highly attractive man.
On the whole, these traits are not readily visible and you can
only have ladies detect them while interacting with you.
There is however something VISIBLE to women though
In fact it can be visible from the very first minute of talking to
Its your behavior.
And the entire section below has been devoted to address that.

The Best Way to Behave In Front Of Women

There are so many personalities you can portray in front of

You can portray the quiet personality or crazy personality
or (in bad cases) disgusting personality.
And women sum up your personality base on how you act or
So what is the most ADVANTAGEOUS type of behavior
you must display in front of women?

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The answer
A playfully confident behavior.
Note: By the way, Ive personally experimented with different
sorts of behaviors in front of women. Being playfully
confident is really the finest to the extent that I dare say
theres no better behavior to portray.
First lets talk about confidence by itself.
Have you ever NOT buy something from a salesman (even
though the product is good) simply because he seems unsure
of himself?
I sure have.
See, recently I made a trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with
my girlfriend. Its a yearly ritual where I like to go to a famous
shopping alley and return with a bagful of exquisite stuff.
We went into this little shop that sells colorful robes. Trust me
when I say the types of robes they sell are so beautiful, that I
want to get them just to put in a glass case instead of wearing
As we were browsing, this weak looking shop assistant came
up to me. Heres whats been exchanged
Weako Assistant: Can I help you sir?
Me (picked up a robe): Yep, what is this made of?
Weako Assistant: Uh actually I dunno. I think its wool.
Imported from New Zea uh nevermind.
Me: Were you trying to say something?
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Weako Assistant: Its nothing. Nevermind.

Me: Think you were trying to tell me its imported from New
Weako Assistant (scratching ear): I think so someone else
said its from New Zealand.
Me: So I cant be sure if this is from New Zealand, since
youre not sure as well.
Weako Assistant: Uh actually some of our robes came from
New Zealand, so I think this one also.
I placed the robe back on the display, grabbed my girlfriend
by her waist and got out of the shop as if were jumping out of
So as you can tell, I wanted the robe. But the amount of
confidence I feel from that sales guy made me unwant it.
See how this relates to your quest in attracting ladies?
It doesnt matter if you can give a woman numerous hours of
orgasm. If she feels low confidence coming from you, she
wouldnt even let you have her number let alone letting you
do anything that far.
So confidence or no confidence has big influence over
whether a lady want or unwant you.
There are various types of confidence. Theres arrogant
confidence, stern confidence, leader-like confidence etc

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And the type of confidence that is the best when used in the
presence of girls in Singapore (no matter what) is PLAYFUL
By playful, I mean almost mischievous. Be teasing and be
You know how women say they like men with humor?
This is it. And when a woman thinks a guy doesnt have
humor, what she essentially means is the guy is not able to be
playfully confident.
Dont be afraid to tickle the girl if the situation is right.
When she told you she had a good day at work, jokingly tell
her youre going to buy some clothes later and SHE will pay
for all your expenses since she had a good day.
Lightheartedly tell her you once sneaked into a wedding
dinner of people you dont know and playfully conspire
with her to go try it one of these days.
Things like that convey you are bursting with life and full of
I wish there was a ten-step program or twenty one-days
method for you to become a playful confident man and get
your ideal woman in lightning speed but I dont have
anything like that.
HOWEVER, I do subscribe to this concept
Feel your way into being

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I believe in habits. Anything you do long enough will become

a habit. Anything you indulge in strong enough will become a
If a human being feels playfully confident (even if its for
nothing), his first fine fiber of playful confidence is laid on the
floor. When he feels it again, the second fiber is laid.
Followed by the third fourth fifth
All the fibers eventually come together to form a solid trunk of
playful confidence.
So, start stuffing your day with the behavioral mood of being
playful and confident because
what we are talking about here is NOT just a temporary
confidence fix.
I believe if you want long term success, whether its with one
lady or many stunning women, you must have HABITUAL
confidence that sustains you day after day, night after night.
When you FEEL enough playful confidence, you BECOME
playfully confident.
Another tip: I usually start with being playful FIRST.
Confidence follows from there. Its like confidence is a subset
of being playful.
By being playful, the humor and confidence automatically
RISES to the occasion. It creates a very relaxed internal
environment within your head and sets the stage of a smooth
path to attract women.
So when in doubt in any meet or date women scenario
be playful.
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How Important Are Looks In Men?

That question reminds me of a scary incident that happened

to a friend I knew in the early 2000s.
For the sake of privacy lets call him H.
H is 1.6 plus meters in height. Looks wise, in my opinion he
looks reasonable. In fact he has great flawless complexion
where others (men or women) would be jealous of.
As it goes, H is not happy at all with every bit of himself.
He has a lack of success with females in his life for quite a
while and believes it is because of his looks, height and
He spent a full year consuming pills and herbs that claimed to
be able to help with height increment. Eventually he went for
a therapy process that I would not elaborate here (it does
require surgery though).
Somehow, that process got him to be taller than before.
He also carried out a strict exercise regime because he thought
he was fat. He eventually did slim down quite decently and I
would say the overall the physique of H is better than
Despite that however, he was still unable to be successful with
women. For half a year he wasnt seeing results.
In all fairness, he did NOT proactively go out to interact a lot.
Nor did he have the ability to behave in a playfully confident
way around women.
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No matter how he looks, he was behaving all wrong in the few

social situations he went.
But he refused to acknowledge all of that.
The scary part as I was describing just now came to the point
when H became depressed and had thoughts of suicide (Im
not joking here).
Thing is No matter how good a person looks, if the soul of
his attractive persona is not awaken, then hes not going to see
results soon.
So let me answer the question that is posted at the beginning
of this section.
Looks and height in a man are NOT as important as how he
plays his interaction with women.
How points are scored with females are counted by the
character a man projects, and the amount of interestingness in
the interaction.
Besides, lets understand what is controllable and what is
Looks and physical attributes of a man are mostly
The level of confidence and playfulness he puts into an
interaction with women however are CONTROLLABLE.
That is why you see (and you will continue seeing everyday
years from now) men without good looks or tall height being
with women of absolute high quality.

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One more thing you do not have to look super gorgeous

BUT you have to come across as hygienic.
The most suave looking guy would not get girls if he has bad
(By the way, take really good care about the smell part...
because one will not realize how he smells and friends do not
tell how each other smell for the fear of losing the friendship.)
Make it a morning ritual to use mouthwash and bring along
mints wherever you go. Cologne will do you good as well.
So again you do not have to look like a male model you just
have to look reasonable. But when it comes to hygiene factor,
its 100% compulsory.
In summary, if you ask me which priority comes first in
terms of what you should be concentrating to be awesome
with women, Id say this
Concentrate equally and heavily on 1) Interaction and 2)
On a free and available basis, spend effort on 3) Looks.
[Provided number 1) and 2) are already handled]
Shall elaborate here
1) The Interaction How you push attraction buttons in
women, how you project confidence, how you be cozy with
women no matter what and how relaxed your posture is in
front of them.
2) Hygiene The way you smell and how clean your
appearance turns out.

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3) Looks Separate this into changeable and unchangeable

factors. Changeable factors are things you can control like
dress sense, hair style, shape of eye brows. These can be
molded in whatever way desired.
Unchangeable factors are things that cannot be altered
naturally but by artificial means like surgery. For instance,
how tall your height is or how high your nose is.
When you get results base on improving 1) and 2),
unchangeable factors in 3) may not be an issue after all.
So ultimately when it comes to looks, groom to the maximum
for the controllable factors and DONT unduly worry about
the other factors you cannot control.
The idea is NOT to be the most good looking guy in the room,
but being the one who can make girls miss and think about
you after the interaction.

Getting Untouchable by Rejection

Feed your mind with this question... What are some things
that prevent a Spore man from succeeding with women?
List your thoughts down and go ask the question to a few guys
you know. I can be certain that if you compare thoughts with
them, theres one COMMON point that keeps surfacing. Its...
... fear of rejection.
By that, I mean some guys fear getting rejected during various
courtship stages. The fear can raise its yucky head... at the

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approach... or at the time you want to call a lady out... or when

you want to get a gal as your girlfriend.
So the moment this fear appears, most attempts to move
forward with a woman are reduced.
Now, before we talk about handling fear of rejection, lets see
how rejection is being generally defined.
Most Singapore guys would see rejection to mean being
That meaning is not so bad. The bad part is when
- They allow the meaning to CONSUME them and in doing
- They project the meaning onto themselves ahead of time
(even before they attempt anything with a woman).
On the other hand, men who ARE GOOD with women, tend
to not accept the generally accepted meaning of rejection.
If they receive a cold response from a lady, they do not see it
as being refused (theyll NEVER see it that way).
Instead, these men define the situation as If a girls response
is not positive, she is essentially giving me the golden ticket
to talk to and attract ANOTHER girl.
So its NOT about being refused, its that these men gave
themselves permission to interact with women
to see eventually which woman enjoys interaction and
which one doesnt. Thats all there is to it.
And they wont project ahead of time whether rejection will
happen, because frankly, no one can say what will happen
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No matter what it always starts from the foundation of NOT

accepting rejection to mean what most guys out there think.
Rebel against the limiting definition that everyone else
believe. For you remember the golden ticket instead.

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You Will Never Run Out Of Women

Lots of techniques in this chapter but first Im going to risk

saying some commonsensical stuff here.
Singapore ladies are abundant. Suppose you meet one new
lady (of an adult age) everyday for the rest of your life, therell
still be tons more whom you wont meet.
Understandably, meeting one new woman a day may be too
far-fetched to some. Lets say meeting one new lady every 3
days then.
But even so, that may be a challenge to a lot of guys in
Heres why
During some of the live training events I hold for men, I
asked this question How many women have you
approached in the last one month?
Answers came in packets. A voice would shout out Two.
Another would say One. And someone would say Must
they be women? Men can or not?
Overall, most of the males had not known any new women in
the past 30 days.

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Yet, the number of Singapore women available for meeting is

SKY HIGH (well, for a start, there are more females than
males here. Statistics are in your favor).
So right now, starting this moment if the voices in your
head or any friends tell you things like, Spore women dont
like to be approached or All the good ones are taken
STOP accepting such messages immediately.
No one should avoid approaching because if anyone does
good luck knowing women through telepathy.
And this part is about applying conversation starters and
scripts (approach lines) to meet women.
Side note: If you skip the earlier parts of the book to read this
part, please dont.
It is important you understand the requirements of building for
yourself a High Girl-Attracting Profile first.
Reason being a guy can hold the most powerful opening
line in the entire universe. But if he possesses the wrong type
of male profile, the approach would fall apart.
The Profile is the infrastructure for everything else.
Remember the formula:

Profile +

Good Enough
Approach Line

Buys you the next few minutes

(even hours) with the girl where
you can apply more attraction
strategies in the interaction

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Seconds Before The Approach

(Removing Approacher Blocks)

A guy is at a public place and the scene is great for

He sees a lady who looks friendly to talk to... and he can walk
up anytime now...
... but as that is happening, a hold back happens.
He starts to have THOUGHTS or a voice in his head calling
out, Wait, this type of girls usually have boyfriends. or She
probably dont want to talk now.
That thing in his head causes the Want/ Dont Want internal
struggle, that ends up with him staying at his same spot rather
than going up to have a conversation.
Then when he returns home, he starts thinking I could have, I
should have, I would have done this...
The End.
From a bigger view, there are so many times where guys can
just spring into action with an approach that leads to the
woman chatting.
But it was pulled back ONLY seconds before it can happen...
... because some thought or voice suddenly jumps out in the
And every day in Singapore, many approaches on women
(that didnt happen) went unused.

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How do you reduce this pull back that happens in the last
moments before youre ready to approach?
A neat tactic a mentor once taught me, is to make the Inner
Critic (the discouraging thoughts or voice in your head)
become a CHARACTER.
(Thats right. Youre going to take the invisible stuff holding
back your victories with women, and turn it into a character.)
- Give this Inner Critic character a name.
- Define how he (may even be a she) looked like.
- Know how this Inner Critic behave.
Perhaps this Inner Critic character is a younger or less cool
version of yourself. Maybe its not even a human (one of my
friend describes his Inner Critic as a masked creature).
Try to identify yours now. Reason being you can easily deal
with it in case it springs up again during critical moments
before you walk up to a cute gal.
As an example, my own Inner Critic is named Zero.
Whenever Zero tries to critic or discourage me in my mind,
Ill mock him playfully... even to the extent of making him
Do the same with your Inner Critic as well. Slam any
discouraging messages back.
For instance, youre about to walk up and talk to a gal. Your
Inner Critic goes, Dont do it. She may have a boyfriend.
Then you can TALK BACK to your Inner Critic like this
Maybe. But Id rather talk to her and find out for myself. You
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dont have to approach. Ill be doing it and you can just hide
in a hole and watch.
Or when youre in a bookstore and ready to talk to a gal. The
Inner Critic goes, Eh, shes looking at books and if you talk
to her, you will disturb her.
Go ahead and shoot back, If Im disturbing her, thats for her
to tell me. NOT you. So go jerk off somewhere while Im man
enough to attempt things you dont dare to.
You may choose to be less aggressive. You may not want to
bully", thats cool. As a suggestion, just take on a HIGHER
position and pin down your Inner Critic from throwing
messages that can block you from meeting women.
Use it. Hold-backs that happened seconds before you want to
walk up to women will be reduced (even eliminated)

Ways To Approach Women in Singapore

Donkey years ago, when I first started trying my hand at

walking up and talking to women, I thought theres such a
thing as an all-rounded first line that would get ladies
Fact is it doesnt exist.
No approach line is all-rounded or perfect. It just needs to
be GOOD ENOUGH for a conversation to happen.
To add, approaching women doesnt have any one-fixed-way.

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There are times when a simple Hi is the best word; therell

be other times when you may make a comment or tease her to
start a conversation.
It all differs on various occasions.
With that, there are different types of approach lines, each
with its own suitability and flexibility for different scenarios.
Well start with

Your Main Weapon For Approaching

A mentor once said to me When a man is in a state of
curiosity, he DOESNT need to think much to come up with a
conversation starter line.
As the idea suggests, you open the conversation with a woman
based on something youre curious about. You either
- What is on her (any objects she wears or holds)
- What shes doing (what activity shes carrying out at the
- What shes feeling (what emotion she seems to be
having at the moment)
- Whats her being (what identity/occupation is she)
Curiosity is your major weapon.
One example to start off:
You see this gorgeous girl at a bookstore reading The Da
Vinci Code a book by Dan Brown.

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Get curious and say:

Hey, Im not really a fan of Dan Brown, but why are so many
people reading his stuff?
Its a simple curious line, yet it makes you come across as just
casually saying it. Women wont feel threatened that way.
Using the same bookstore scenario, you can use another
curious approach line (even without any knowledge of the
book shes reading).
Matter-of-factly move closer and open in a playful confident
Im looking for a book thats interesting to read but havent
found one so far. (Point at her book) How interesting is that
one youre holding?
[Important: By the way, dont worry about what you need to
say next after the approach line for now. Keeping the
conversation going is covered later.]
Change scene. Say now youre in a gym.
You noticed a lady with well-toned abs on the treadmill. Go
up and curiously open:
Ive been training my abs for 2 weeks. Its firming well but
not fast enough. Base on what you know, how can I speed up
the toning process?
In this case, youre not directly complimenting her body or
anything (which most guys probably will). Youre just curious
about the amount of training she puts into toning the abs
section, and her tips may very well help you in your own absbuilding.
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Just a word about directly complimenting a woman on her

beauty or body It can actually turn a guy into a low person in
the mind of the woman.
I know most guys are brought up THINKING that
complimenting another persons outer appearance will make
the person feel good.
True in general cases. But in an approach opposite sex
she may feel good but she may NOT like you in the guy/gal
Before you, too many guys had told her the same thing. So
whats one more?
Compliments can come AFTER you had attracted her. NOT
before (and definitely NOT during the approach).
Another setting, say a food court.
You may notice a lady sitting in the opposite table who looks
like she may be Singaporean or not.
Get curious about her being and say, Im guessing youre
Singaporean. Then again, you look like youre from Hong
Kong. Which of the two guesses are correct?
By the way, its NOT about accuracy on guessing things
correctly; instead its about starting a dialogue.
Still in a food court, can you be curious about anything else?
Of course. Take for instance whatever the woman is eating.

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Curiously go, Hey, at first I almost wanted to get what youre

eating, but I didnt cos a friend told me he tried it and its quite
tasteless. Tell me, is my friend correct?
One more example and this is from my personal archive
That was more than two years ago where I was in a club at
1am in the morning.
Given that time, its the peak where clubbers will be at their
highest point of clubbing elation. Just diagonally to my right
near the drink counter stands a girl who was looking lost not
dancing just standing.
That got me curious. I moved close to her and opened:
This is a club. You are not supposed to look lost, you are
supposed to dance. Why arent you doing that?
She went on to explain her mobile phone got lost just minutes
ago and she has a friend at another section of the club. Shes
just waiting at the pillar hoping her friend will find her.
From there, I told her about how I misplaced my phone once
at a mall and a search party of seven friends went looking for
it like a swat team.
The incident was an amusing one and it got her to feel more at
ease and better about her situation.
Before long, we talked about other things such as clubs weve
been to in the past. And when we witnessed some funny dude
dancing like a monkey on drugs, we mocked and laughed
Unexpectedly, the DJ played a song I fancy. I casually
grabbed her and danced to the explosive tune.
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Long story short, her friend eventually found her, but left us
alone after seeing we were having so much fun.
We danced for about an hour, exited the club and walked to a
scenic spot by the river.
With such a cozy scenario and having lots of attraction builtup, youre probably guessing something snug will happen.
Youre right. A satisfying make-out soon followed.
Now, all these wouldnt have happened if I wasnt curious
about why she was just standing there. Other men in the same
situation may think shes having a bad mood or fear shell
reject anyone who approaches her.
Cmon, I was in a state of curiosity. EVEN if a rejection
happens, so what? If thats the case, I simply did not get my
curiosity fulfilled, thats all.
Side note: Your curiosity did not get fulfilled if a woman
rejects you. Thats the most it will get. No biggie. But think of
how it would be if she didnt reject you? Along with a fulfilled
curiosity, you might get MORE down the road I dont have
to elaborate.

Foreseeing/Creating Situations To Approach Ladies

This type of approach line is based on predicting or

deliberately causing a situation that facilitates an approach.
Whatever situation you are in, there are surrounding objects,
incidents or people that you can use as starting points to open.
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Example: Girl in electronic store, looking at a displayed ipod

mp3 player.
You can use the ipod as an opening line:
Hey, my phone can play mp3 just like this ipod. So if I were
to buy this, it would be a waste of money, you think so?
Or another one based on the ipod is:
Im thinking of buying the ipod youre looking at, but I heard
somewhere its button doesnt respond sometimes. Think I
should believe such rumors?
Sometimes, such an approach line is applied when an incident
happened there and then. This requires you to be well-tuned to
USE the incident and come up with an opening line.
For instance, youre at a supermarket, along the aisle where
they stock potato chips. A lady in front of you grabs a packet
of chips but accidentally caused another packet to fall to the
Go up and pick the packet up say:
Quick, put it back before anyone sees it and asks you to pay
for damaged goods.
Another scene. Youre in a public bus and the girl close to you
sneezes. With that situation, hand her a tissue and playfully
Here. Use this and meanwhile Ill go get you a doctor.
Use it and if she doesnt smile from that, I think she really
needs a doctor one who treats humor disorders.

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At times you can FORESEE A SITUATION.

For instance, if you are in a CD store and a girl is holding on
to a CD while browsing through the display, shes likely to
want to buy that CD.
So where do you predict shell go next?
The cashier to pay for the CD of course.
So situate yourself near the cashier and continue browsing
stuff. When she walks near to the cashier to queue up, thats
the opportunity.
(Point to her CD) Hi tell me, why did you choose to buy that
CD instead of downloading it off the Internet?
Or if you know just a bit about that CD, use this:
(Smilingly playful) You know that CD youre holding, 2 of
my friends actually own it. Whys everyone listening to it?
Lastly, sometimes when the situation doesnt seem to provide
anything for you to open, you CREATE A SITUATION.
Yep, you cant wait for things to drop or girls to sneeze.
Neither can you foresee situations all the time, so you create a
situation for yourself and open from there.
Its simpler than many people think.
Example: You are in a library reading a book and across your
table sits this fair-skinned gal. Flip through your book and
when you come across a word thats hard to pronounce,
theres your situation you created!

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(Curiously point to the word) Say:

Hey, how do you pronounce this word?
Thats it. Short and simple. Shell pronounce it her way and it
doesnt matter if its correct or wrong, you ask You sure
thats how it sounds?(Then give off a confident chuckle.)
Shes bound to smile along as well and you can follow with
I have a presentation on Tuesday so I have to pronounce
words like this one correctly. And you, whats your reason for
being here?
So as you can see, libraries are seldom seen as a place to
socialize. But with the above tip and a little creativity, you can
construct means to talk to women.

Your Bag Of Tricks

A gimmick is a device. Its something that causes a

conversation to happen. Such may include things like a digital
camera, folder with some papers, an inkless pen, candy, even a
Which is why this section is called Your bag of tricks
because its advantageous to you to have some gimmicks
equipped the next time you go out.
Well go one by one.
My friend Markor actually uses a digital camera as a gimmick
to approach women a few times so far.
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Hell go to a park (like Botanical Gardens) and when a

beautiful woman is spotted, he walks up and says:
Hi (hands digital camera over), help me take one, (points
behind him) with me in that scenery.
Now this is not the main stuff yet. Its a pretty standard line
and the deal happens right AFTER the lady finishes taking the
photo and hands it back to Markor.
Markor will pre-empt the girl from walking off by saying,
Hang on, lets review the picture.
He reviewed the picture on the digital camera screen and says:
Not bad, with enough practice you can be a professional.
Never have I seen a lady NOT giggle after Markor says that
It gets strategic here. When the lady almost finishes her
giggle, Markor will go:
Here, well take one together.
And he proceeds to stand next to her while stretching out one
hand to take a duo self-portrait.
Note: Notice he DIDNT ask the girl if she wanted to take one
together, because the girl can just say no. He issued a casual
command Here, well take one together. It is easier for her
to agree.
This gimmick approach line has multiple advantages because
you can email the pictures from the camera to her. It gives you
a reason to get her email address. Plus, this gimmick is highly

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repeatable and remarkably

approachers and experts alike.





Next prop a folder with stacks of papers.

While walking along Shenton way and holding on to your
folder, when you see a pretty office lady walking towards you,
get close enough and drop the folder on her feet. Make sure
the papers are loose enough to come out.
Chances are good shell help you pick up the papers. (If she
doesnt by stepping on your papers and walks off, youre
better off NOT knowing her)
As shes picking up the pieces, and while youre also bending
over to pick up, open:
(Playful confidently) Very kind of you. By the way, these
papers have top secret stuff printed on them. Your fingerprints
are on them and youre in serious trouble.
Smile while continuing to pick up the papers and teasingly ask
her if she is having her lunch break now or is she secretly
slacking from her job.
This particular approach line allows you to meet women while
theyre on the go.
Granted, many indoor places are easier to meet women as
compared to the streets. This is because when people are on
the move, they carry with them a momentum to keep moving
and not get interrupted.
So, the above example stops them in their tracks and breaks
their momentum so you can have a conversation.

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The next gimmick an inkless pen.

Ive tried this about three times and it works a treat. However,
the real credit for this idea actually goes to a lady! Specifically
my female friend, Sugar (her nickname).
Now, while Sugar was studying in a University years back,
shed carry an inkless pen in her pocket. The Uni campus has
many study areas where benches and tables are supplied to
students to revise their books.
Sugar would sit herself down opposite a dude and pretend to
write some stuff in her notes. Before long, her actions showed
that the pen is dry. (Apparently she shook the pen a few times
and such actions must be seen by that guy)
Usually, the guy would voluntarily hand Sugar with his own
pen. But if he doesnt, Sugars line is:
Hi, like to borrow a pen from you. Mines dry.
While holding on to the pen, Sugar would go on a second act
and pretend that the guys pen is out of ink as well (even if its
working, write lightly and slanted. Very little ink will come
Shell say:
(While smiling playfully) You know what yours is dry as
well. Today is one of those days where everything goes
That dude sniggers as well and Sugar goes:
When was the last time one of those days happened to you?
A conversation is guaranteed to ensue.
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This gimmick may originate from a female but guess what?

When used by males, the positive results are the same. (Well, I
used it!) Its universally practical.
How about a candy as a gimmick?
Yep, candys pretty useful.
The next time you go to a trade show or exhibition (try motor
car shows because they hire really spicy women as
promoters), bring along a box of candy those you would
pop in your mouth when you need to sooth your throat.
Heres the deal, the ladies would be spending the day using
their voice to promote the products. Its daunting (I know so
because an ex-girlfriend used to work as a tradeshow
promoter. Its normal to spend at least 13 hours a day on the
While talking to one about whatever shes selling, tell her to
hang on, take out your box of candy and offer her. Playfully
You look like youre working as if theres no tomorrow. I
know you love your job but your voice needs to rest too, ok?
Very often this helps to move from just sales talk from the
woman to personal talk.
Stock some candies in your gimmick sack its a multipurpose invention. It assists you in your approaches while
keeping your breath fresh.
I cant help but to bring up a dog as a gimmick. Sure you cant
stuff the whole dog into your gimmick sack but its useful
when deployed.
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[There are variations of this gimmick]

Go to a park and sit on a bench while holding your dog
(borrow one if you dont own any). If by the end of one hour,
no woman stopped to pat your dog, it could mean either the
dogs not cute enough or the parks not very populated.
When a woman does come by and play with it, open:
Youre the first person who doesnt get bitten by him. You
must have seduced him.
I admit this wait for women to stop by approach may not be
desirable for those who like to control who they want to meet.
Its like letting chance take over. So perhaps its suitable only
for those starting out to practice.
Whereas in the event you want to control who to meet, walk
up and use this: Hi, Im looking for a jogger wearing a blue
trackpants. Did you see anyone like that? He was running and
almost stepped on my dog just now.
The woman will then comment how horrible the guy is or
ask how the dog is now is it hurt etc.
All in all, gimmicks are fantastic to cause dialogues to occur.
Arm yourself with some.

W.D.Y.T Approach Line

W.D.Y.T stands for What do you think. These type of

approach lines would work well on working ladies in shop

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fronts or counters, where seeking their views on certain

matters can act as a bridge to stem conversations from there.
You simply open with an intent to find out an answer to
something. Its not so hard, and pretty much as close as asking
a charming waitress for her view regarding which menu dish
would she recommend and why.
Related case: GK, a good friend of mine got a beauty off the
scale cosmetics salesgirl as a girlfriend recently. He started
the approach by walking up to her counter and asked what she
thinks about a situation:
I have a sister who recently turned 16 and shes starting to
beautify herself with cosmetics. But in doing so, she actually
got lesser attention than before. So, should she just stop using
cosmetics or switch brands what do you think?
The salesgirl started to offer her own thoughts. Before long,
she and GK were both giggling and flirting with each other.
Of course, the rest is history where they exchanged contacts,
started to go on dates and got into a relationship shortly.
And whats interesting is, GK had this approach line prepared
in the back of his mind but it appeared as very spontaneous to
the lady.
Lets use a club example. Say youre at a random club,
dancing away. You spot a good-looking gal. Use:
The music here is too much techno, not enough R&B. I think
Zouk is better. What do you think?
Another personal example

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I was with my male buddy at a fast food restaurant, using

wireless Internet to surf for laptop skins (Its a fad where
funky or tattoo designer skins are placed on your laptop to
make it look cool. Kinda hot in Asia for a while.).
While were having a blast surfing the sites, two young gals
walked into the restaurant and sat two tables left from us.
They put down their bags on the seat and one of them went to
the counter to order the food.
Call it instinct or simply a die-hard approach habit, I turned to
the left, called out to the seated one and opened:
Hey, me and my friend here are surfing for new laptop skin
designs. We like someone elses view on which one looked
good. Come on over. We like to know what you think.
She walked over and sat next to us, even joked with us by
saying that she thought we were surfing sex-sites! That really
made us laugh and it created a good impression on me that this
girl has a sense of humor.
When her friend returned with the food, its natural that shell
come over our table to join her friend and us.
Not bad at all for a day where we got to know such cool
ladies and all I wanted initially was to just surf the net
By the way, when I did my approach line, I didnt even walk
up to her. I simply turned to her direction and talked a little
louder because the situation then allowed me to do so.
The more important point here about these What do you
think lines is - it cannot look out of place. While surfing for
laptop skin in a restaurant, I USE exactly surfing for laptop
skins and wanted another persons perspective on choosing a
design as an opening line. It fits the scene.
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Do you necessary have to use the entire phrase What do you

Of course not. Have variations of it to get their view on
something. You can use the shortcut What you think? or
Think so?
Just for fun, go to a nearby mall and jump from shop to shop
to open pretty shop assistants with What Do You Think
approach lines.
Ive coined a name for such an activity of systematically going
from shop to shop to do approaches. Its called Mall Fling.
If youre in a gift shop, get the sweet salesgirls thoughts with:
Hi, I wanted to buy a gift for my friend. Hes a 36 year old
father of two so I guess teddy bears are definitely out. What do
you think would be ideal for him?
If youre in a toy store, get the cute lady assistants thoughts
Hey, I heard a rumor about toy stores. It may look fun on the
outside but working in one is a total nightmare... Whats the
If youre in a shoe store, playfully get the lady assistants view
Hi, let me ask you, I heard that without using a measuring
device, you can tell what a persons shoesize is. Youre the
expert here so how can that be done?
Keep going. Mall Fling is a safe way to practice approach
skills. As you read this book, youll learn secrets to get
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numbers. With that, you can always upgrade your Mall Fling
adventures by systematically visiting shop to shop and go
beyond just chatting but to also pocket numbers.

Usual (and Unusual) Places in Singapore to Meet Women

You had just learnt the how tos of approaching. Lets

uncover some ideas of where to do it.
Below describes a number of girl-meeting locations, venues
and places in Singapore.
Some of them are common places where other guys are
there doing their own look-around as well.
Other places are not-so-common and the beauty of it is - they
are low-competition areas.
Ideally you may want to pick and choose the top one to two
places among those described, and visit them within 3 days
after youve completed reading this book.
For a start there are

Cafs, Food Courts, and Restaurants

Pick an optimal position to sit (otherwise known as a table
with women just next to yours or not too far away).
In a caf setting, its no surprise that in just a few hours on a
Saturday with you and a cup of latte, you can meet half a
dozen females.

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In the case of a restaurant, check out those with cute

waitresses or/and female patrons.
Note: The good thing about such eating places is You can
PREVIEW the scene inside by making a quick glance from
outside the window
and if the scenery is not good (suppose nothing caught
your eye), you can choose to not eat there.

Gym, Fitness Centres, Yoga Classes

Well, if not for anything, at least these places keep you healthy
(but you know as well as I do that women are present in such
A little neat trick: Go to every brand of gym or venues
offering fitness classes
and take on their free trial.
Fact is, you can visit fitness centre A one day B the next
day and C the next (Plan your own schedule but as you
can tell, this is a WIDE socializing strategy.)
Normally, trial may go either by a period of time (say 2
weeks) or by a limited number of classes.
In either case, the trial is a reasonable enough timeframe for
you to meet a variety of gals (you may choose to stay on for
your own fitness reasons after the trial ends if you like).
Use it. The number of ladies you meet using this line of
attack can turn out to be quite substantial.

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Clubs, Pubs
Most people would think this is a highly competitive area
where other males are there to talk to women as well. But do
not fret, because most guys are there to look and see as
opposed to taking action.
One good thing is these places have women who are inclined
to be more social than say, on the streets.
Theyre in this party mood to rid whatever work stress
accumulated over the days.
With that in mind, while most women are there to throw their
feet into the air, you should take advantage of it.
When you see a group of 2 or 3 girls happily dancing, go
ahead and energetically open one of them, Is it your birthday
today or are you always this happy?
Such places are going to be noisy... just talk LOUDER.

Gift Shops
Same thing as a restaurant Look inside. If the staff or
female customers look promising, go in.
Whats awesome about gift shops is you can chat up women
and get them to give you ideas for a gift.
Heres an idea
Hold two birthday cards in your hands, go up and say Hey, I
would like to get some ideas from a random person. My
friends wife is having her birthday next Saturday. So which
of these two cards would be better for a woman?
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Ask them reasons for their choice and get them talking.

CD stores, DVD stores

A big note
If you decide to go to a CD or DVD store, you might as well
go to a big one as opposed to those small size outlets in a mall.
The obvious reason being if it is bigger, there are more
females. Plus given the location size, you can spend the entire
day there moving from one section to another.
(Its always like this With bigger size of place comes bigger
number of women. And with big number of women, the
fraction of quality ones among them are naturally more.)
For starters, give HMV at Heeren a shot.

Bookstores, Library
If you dont prefer the noisy places such as a club. You may
like venues that house books (well, if you do prefer noisy
places, such book venues are for you too).
Relevantly, I cant help but recall an incident that occurred
about 3 years back in a library.
This happened in the now-closed Orchard Library where I was
looking for books on Ufos and the unknown mysteries.
Given the crowded scene, there are stray seats, where in a
table with five seats, four would be taken and one would be
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I saw a table with 2 attractive ladies and an empty chair.

Automatically, I walked up and sat down.
As I was flipping through one of the books, a silly looking
word thats hard to pronounce appeared on the page. (You
probably guessed I used the tactic as revealed in a few
sections above.)
I turned to one of the lady sitting on my right, pointed to the
word and casually opened, Hi, how do you pronounce this?
She looked at it for three seconds, smiled and tapped her
friend to ask how the word is pronounced.
As both ladies got really fascinated by it, they began coming
up with their own versions of how the word would sound. One
would say it sounded like this while another would disagree
and pronounced her own version. The dialogue caused all
three of us to laugh (quietly of course, were in a library!).
It was a casual setting so I continued, Im currently interested
in unknown mysteries, thats why I have to read books with
such crazy words. And you, whats your reason for being
They mentioned themselves as final year Uni students and
were researching for info that was tasked by their jackass
lecturer. (Seriously, thats what these two ladies called him)
So for the rest of the one hour I was there, its all cozy and fun
conversation with the two lovely ladies.

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Now that weve listed some of the usual places to approach

women, do understand that by no means is that complete.
Just because a type of place is not listed here doesnt mean it
cannot be a location to meet women.
In fact, Im going to go as far as to say, if you develop your
approach skills well, EVERY SQUARE INCH of Singapore
can be a place to strike up conversations with women.
(Therere taxi stands, weddings, supermarkets, parties, cinema
queues, MRT stations, furniture stores such as IKEA,
Speaking of which Ive known real cases where men
approached women in unconventional settings and got the
girl eventually.
To elaborate, a friend of mine actually first talked to his
current girlfriend while they were both standing in line to
wash their hands at KFC.
Another met his girl while he was squatting outside 7-Eleven
at Mohammad Sultan.
So who says places to approach have to be standard?
On that note, its ideal to bring up some
NOT-SO-USUAL places to carry out your approaches.

Bus Stops Outside Hospitals

A previous student of mine carry this out consistently (Im not

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even going to say how many numbers and romantic gettogethers he got out of it, but the amount is SHOCKINGLY
What he did was to be at bus stops outside hospitals during
times when nurses knock-off from work. Therere bound to be
many nurses waiting to go home... so why not benefit from
such a scene?
Thats what he did... talking to females... teasing them about
the medical adventures they face at work... getting numbers to
meet up again etc.
Probably just this place alone is plentiful for your socializing
needs, but wait, theres more...

Waiting/Eating Places in Changi Airport

There are now three terminals at Changi. (nice...)
If youve observed around the terminals, there exist areas in
the huge departure hall, where women stay put until they go
into the glass gate for their flight.
Theres Burger King, Mcdonalds, Starbucks, rows of chairs...
Somehow women are in a state of sociability during such an
excited-for-a-tour situation.
Chances are high youll chat with fellow Singaporean ladies
going for a tour somewhere. Get them talking about where
theyre traveling to and whats installed in the trips itinerary.
(Sorry if you met a lady whos going to study and not
returning till three years later... but its also as likely youll
meet someone whos going for a short trip.)
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Finish up, exchange numbers/msn by instructing them to

contact you and tell you more about their travel tales once they
Onward with the next location...

Pet Stores (Or A Supermarkets Pet Food Aisle)

You wont want to miss this.
Pet stores (choose those that house dogs and hamsters in cages
and glass boxes) often have more women patronizing than
Well, gals are there browsing at the furry creatures and
exclaiming how cute they are. As such, it provides you with
HUGE opportunities.
Other than the female patrons, lets not forget about the staff
working there (I used to know of this pet store in Thomson
Road that is constantly hiring temp female assistants. Its like
each time I went back to the store, it reloads itself with a
new lady).
I mean its a no-brainer that women working there are animal
lovers easy to strike up conversation with whatever animals
they have a heart for.
As for supermarket aisle that stocks pet food, I admit you
wont find as many women there as compared to a pet store.
But then again, if youre going to go to a supermarket for
groceries or just to get a can of Coke, no harm taking a peek at
the pet food aisle each time.

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As it happens, an old BMT bunkmate of mine met his

previous girlfriend from one such opportunity at Holland
Village Cold Storages pet food aisle.
He witnessed her at first looking at a can of dog food.
With that, he smilingly approached her along the lines of
I better warn you. My cousins dog ate that brand and got
really hyper. You may want to think twice about getting it. But
curious whats your dogs breed?
A conversation ensued and one thing led to another.
So you might just see a lady holding on to a can of dog food
next time youre at such a place. Modify/use the above
phrase and play your cards well.

Singapore Indoor Stadium (before/after a concert)

Plays, concerts, big productions in this gigantic stadium. And
theres a few of such gigs happening in any given month.
It all means one thing...
The beauty of this particular stadium is Therere a couple of
holding areas outside (At the top where the main entrance is
and at the bottom, right below the fleet of stairs).
And before and after a concert, theres bound to be gatherings
of women. (some by themselves, others in groups of 2, 3 or
more) in this area.

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The best part You DONT even have to pay to attend

whatever is on. You simply turn up outside the stadium
whenever you know something is playing.
After all, theres no crime to hang around outside a stadium
just because youre in the area, is there?
Socialize away.

One Final Word About Approach Lines

Youve been shown different types of approach lines, each

with its own lethality.
Its recommended that you equip 5 to 6 of them in your head
hours before you go out.
Say youre going to a shop to get a DVD.
Hours before you head out, go ahead and mentally come up
with 5-6 DVD shop-related approach lines.
There is no shame in getting prepared before that. Why go
ahead with an impromptu performance when you can get
mentally practiced before that?
Prepare and execute it well and the next lady you approach
may potentially turn out to be your next girlfriend or mate.
To end this section, Im tempted to share a quote I once heard
No military general would go into the war-zone without
first preparing ammunition.

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Keeping the Conversation Going While Getting The Woman
Interested In You

You began a conversation with a neat approach line. The cute

lady replied with a giggle.
Theres a five seconds pause following that.
You said something again. She replied to it.
Now, an eight seconds pause. In that time, you tried to think of
something to say.
You got one. And blurted it out. Again she replied.
You nodded. Pause Pause PAUSE
Shes feeling uncomfortable and so are you.
You gave a loopy smile and bid her goodbye.
The End.

Cold silences and pauses are dreaded by many. In fact, from

what I gathered, most guys feel the fear of not being able to
continue a conversation well with a lady is more worrisome
than not being able to approach.
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What Im talking about here is Maintaining a conversation

Heres the thing While you are maintaining a conversation,
its NOT just to keep a chat going.
Theres one more component. While maintaining, you are
meant to install attraction into the conversation, to make her
feel liking for you.
This statement is worth repeating
So below list some actionable ideas for you to carry on the
As you use them in a real-life situation, never forget to project
your Profile (as discussed in Chapter 2) because this is the
main essence that gets women interested and attracted.

Simple Technique to Kill-Off Awkward Silences During


If you study or eavesdrop on real CONNECTED

conversations between people (not just a man and a woman,
but between two females or two males), their conversations
actually follow a flow from start till end.
These dialogues seem to go from one thing to another without
uncomfortable quietness.

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Heres what I discover conversations like that follow a

branch and stem path where a central topic can stem
upwards, downwards, sideways and so on.
Just like a tree.
And when you follow this tree way of talking, you wont
find yourself in a situation of thinking what to say next.
Speaking of which, I call a dude who tries hard to think of
what to say next as Mr TONTS (Well, TONTS means Think
Of Next Thing to Say)
For now, lets look at how Mr TONTS would cope when he
meets a woman.
In a club
Gal: Hi there.
Mr TONTS: Howre you doing?
Gal: Great. Im enjoying myself very much.
Mr TONTS: Ok good. (silence while thinking of next
Mr TONTS: Your dress looks very nice.
Gal: Thank You. I just bought it yesterday.
Mr TONTS: Ok. Its nice.

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Mr TONTS: Whats your name?
Gal: Jasmine. Whats yours?
Mr TONTS: Its Mr Tonts. Please to meet you.
(Shakes hand then followed by another period of silence)
Mr TONTS (trying real hard to say something): The club is
really loud.
Gal: Yeah. But the music is good.
At this point, another guy comes along, approaches and talks
to the gal leaving Mr TONTS looking in utter shame.
<<End of example.>>

Ok, well leave Mr TONTS to think about what hes done. But
as you can tell, such conversations are dreadful to go through.
Talk and stop, zig and zag its totally unbearable!
Whereas a man who tree talks, his outcome would go like
(For demonstration purposes, well use the same club setting)
Guy: Hey, looking like youre enjoying yourself.
Gal: Hi there. Yes I am.

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Guy: How come? Its your birthday or wait I know, youve

just won 4D.
Gal: Haha! I wish it was the case. I just like this type of music,
thats all.
Guy: Yeah, share the same thoughts as well. If you like this
type of music, go to St James Powerstation.
Gal: Oh, I was there last week.
Guy: What do you think of it?
Gal: The crowd is very young and with my age, I feel out of
place there.
Guy: Right, Im not going to ask you about your age then. But
if you havent said that, I would still think youre a student.
Gal: Student? No way, haha! But yes if it was 3 years ago.
Guy: Where?
Gal: NP.
Guy: That was so close to where I used to study.
Gal: Really? Where then?
Guy: Make a guess. Its real obvious. If you dont get it within
one try, Im gonna laugh at you.
Gal: Woah, dont tell me you were a student at SIM?
Guy: Congratulations. You got it but I dont have a prize for

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Gal (smile): You can owe me one then.

Guy: Evil. Makes me think youre probably the top naughty
student at NP, right or wrong?
Gal: Well, I skipped classes from time to time but hey, I
scored well for my exams. Besides, I dont go clubs then. So
that makes me half-naughty! Haha!
Guy: Cool, my nephew is still studying, you can help him with
some class-skipping tips then. By the way, my names Guy.
Gal: Please to meet you. Im Monica.
Guy: For the rest of the night, I wont call you Monica. Halfnaughty girl sounds better.
<<End of example.>>

From examining the dialogue, you see one thing stem to

another without outrageous digressions.
Compare with Mr TONTS.
Mr TONTS jump and skip his talk. Randomly running without
a head.
The better example however, moves up, down and sideways.
His conversation structure is like a tree:
From stating to the gal about how she looked like she is
enjoying herself,
He branched to ask whats her reason for
being so joyous.
The reason is, she liked the music.
From music, he mentioned about how another club is having
the same type of music
The gal had actually been to that
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club so he branched out to know what she thinks of the club

Gal let known about her age being not-so-young for that
From age, he branches to the topic of her looking
young, easily mistaken as a student.
Student further
branches to schools both of them studied previously.
School again branches to what her behavior was like when
she was schooling.

Thats what I mean by Tree Talking.

Can you talk and move to another seemingly unrelated topic?
(In other words, start a new branch)
Yes. To move to another topic that seems unrelated, or to start
another branch, use these magic words
By the way
Hey you know, I suddenly thought of something...
Look how its done in the above example:
Guy: Cool, my nephew is still studying, you can help him with
some class-skipping tips then. By the way, my names Guy.
Or another example
Lets say you are halfway talking to a girl about movies and
you are moving on to an unrelated topic
You: The latest James Bond flick was alright. Id give it 7 out
of 10.
Gal: At least its worth my admission fee. Haha!
You. Meanwhile Id patiently wait for its sequel. Hey you
know, I suddenly thought of something. My phone had been
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giving me problems lately, thinking of buying a new one. Has

yours been working fine for you?
Gal: So far its been nice to me. But its quite new. Had been
using it for only less than a week.
You: One week? Ill take a look at it.

Talk like a tree. Weird way to describe it but thats how you
must talk to maintain a conversation well.
This ISNT theory. Fact is, ALL (not just some) of the
consistent girl-getters talk like that.
They keep advancing forward.
They never let how beautiful or how sexy the girl is distract
If one were to worry about being afraid to say the wrong
things and end up speaking like a rigid statue, hes guaranteed
NOT to get women.
Playfully maintain. Do it care-freely.
Thats not all. Next, Im going to give you some ready
topics to load into your mind such that you have backups for

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11 Engaging Topics to Keep the Conversation Going

2 important points before we carry on:

1) DONT mistaken that you have to use the featured topics
below in sequence (like topic 1 first followed by topic 2).
You can deploy them in any order you see fit.
2) NEVER assume these topics can only be used on the first
meet with a lady. Conversation maintaining techniques are
meant to be at your disposal during ANY interactions with
women (On first meet, on future dates, when shes your
girlfriend etc).
Its crucial to state this again Believe in getting prepared
even BEFORE any interactions with women happen.
Most males would do the figure-it-out-on-the-spot thing
where they try talking to women or attend a date without any
form of backup ideas in the back of their mind.
Dont be like that.
While you want a conversation with ladies to be spontaneous
and natural, I have a secret to share with you
The most spontaneous men I knew are actually the ones
who are most prepared with a head full of conversation topics.
So here are some that you can use as a means to get females
locked delightfully in dialogue.

1. Incidents of Adventure
Interestingly, this gets women talking.
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A simple line starts it off, My instinct tells me that youre

quite a daring person. So if I were to ask you whats the most
adventurous thing youve ever done, what would it be?
Various responses will come back where women go about
long verbal strings of how they went bungee jumping, or roller
coaster rides etc.
Needless to say, relate your own incidents as well.
Conversations are about exchanges.

2. Books Read Presently and Previously

Ill usually tease women by telling them they must be one of
those geeky gals who stand in line of bookstores to get the
latest Harry Potter book.
It doesnt matter what her reply is because from there, its
easy to get her talking about what other type of books she
usually reads.
If its a book or category I know, Ill test her knowledge on it.
Again using Harry Potter as an example, if she says shes a fan
of the series, I will go, Since you claim youre a fan, let me
test you... What is book number 3 in the series?
Play with her, and if the type of books she reads is something
youre clueless about, even better. Get her to tell you what the
book is about and what makes her like it so much.

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3. Travel Tales
There is something very appealing about this topic for the fact
that almost all women had been out of Singapore and
certainly must have travel experiences or accounts to share.
Now, how I go about starting this topic with a lady, is to
volunteer a little tidbit that next month Im considering
traveling to either Hong Kong or Europe
and Ill get her input by asking which of the two had she
been to.
Its of course ok if shes never been to either. It still allows me
to get her talking about which OTHER countries she had been
to then.
It does not end there.
When shes done, I volunteer details of personal thrilling or
mind-boggling travel incidents. The predictable outcome is
the lady enthusiastically shares a few of her own too.
Be flexible. Travel tales doesnt have to be limited to your
own accounts. Something interesting may have happened to a
friend of yours during his or her trip, and such provides you
with a nugget to share with gals.

4. Public Holidays
This is simple and easy to pull off. It can be as forward as
saying to women, I m curious, you still remember what you
did during last years Christmas?
Or at times you can start a topic of such kind by FIRST
relating an incident that happened to you, during one of the
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public holidays. From there, get the lady to recall what

happened to her at that period of time.
There is a lot of space to operate with this.
For instance, I tell women that last years Chinese New Year
was one of the most DRAMATIC New Year ever.
The story goes: I had cousins visiting my place then.
Similarly, the neighbors to the right of my house had also
invited guests to their place for a gambling session.
So while I was in the middle of chatting up with the cousins, a
loud crashing noise like someone smashing a table was heard
at my neighbors followed by screams.
My gang of cousins and I got real curious about what the heck
happened and decided to take a peek.
There, as we looked through my neighbors opened door, we
witnessed a fight took place over a mahjong disagreement
two dudes were rolling on the floor, punching each other
while others surrounding them looked helpless and didnt dare
pry them apart.
As the fight progressed, the two dudes started throwing stuff at
each other. Beer cans, chairs, ornaments you name it.
Finally, one of them got knocked to the ground leaving the
other just standing there panting.
Before long, someone mustve called 999 and the police
arrived at the scene, asked a few questions before handcuffing
the two fellows away.

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Cheekily, one of my cousins turned to me and said, Theres

no need to watch wrestling on TV. I can watch it live at your
My Chinese New Year that time turned out to be a lunatic fest.
End of story.
Now, Ive done this over and over Just from sharing this
Chinese New Year incident to a woman, the usual response is
her exclaiming shock and asking me more about it.
Once Im done, its easy to ask her, What about your side? I
bet its less dramatic but tell me what happened to you last
Chinese New Year.
Apply this (you may take my story, modify it a bit and use it.
But best if you have your own colorful and cool public holiday
but hang on, there are more topics to follow...

5. Other Peoples Relationships

For some funny reason, Women love to listen to, and more
importantly TALK about the good and not so good things
about relationships of friends, colleagues etc.
With that, it is to your advantage where you can bring this in
as a conversation topic.
I know youre probably thinking, For talking about other
peoples relationships, would this make me into a gossip king
Yes and no. A balance is required.
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You will look like a gossip king if thats ALL you talk about
to women. You wont if you spread it out and sprinkle this
topic among the other topics you learnt here.
Just remember You cannot be focusing on any one topic all
day long.
Usually, Ill tell women about how a particular male friend is
bugging me with his girlfriend issue.
Ill voice, Something uncool happened to buddy days back.
Ill share with you what happened and you tell me what you
See, he was at Tampines Mall three days ago. While hes just
walking around, minding his own business, he caught a
glimpse of what looked like his girlfriend with another guy.
At first, my buddy was quite ok until he sees his girlfriend and
that guy teasing and looking really close to one another. She
was slapping that guys shoulder and he was poking her in the
So my buddy got confused and walked off. He hasnt called
his girlfriend or answered her call since. Now tell me, given
such a situation, what do you think he should do?
Thats one example you can use wholesale (you can expect
women to chatter away while giving thoughts about
To give you more ideas, heres how you lead into the topic.
Tell her:

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Recently, something crazy happened to my (friend/cousin/old

classmate). Ill tell you what happened... and I bet youre
going to shake your head after hearing it.
Then you relate an Other Peoples Relationships Scenario to
3 scenarios you can use
Scenario A)
This female classmate I knew from old schooldays wanted to
audition for Singapore Idol. And her boyfriend threatened to
break up with her because he never liked showbiz... thinking
its all fake glamour and phony people. So lets say it
happened to you... what will you do if you are her?
Scenario B)
Its this old army friend I knew. He liked Jay Chou a lot and
he planned to go to the concert. At first, he wanted his
girlfriend to go with him... but her schedule doesnt allow it.
So in the end, he asked a female friend to go and guess what?
His girlfriend knew about it, kicked up a fuss and demanded
he go to the concert by himself... not with that female. So now
hes already bought the tickets and is stuck with an angry
girlfriend. What do you think he should do?
Scenario C)
This couple I know had been together for 5 years. They both
have the same lovers tattoo on their ankles but lately, the
girl went to enhance the tattoo with extra designs without
telling the guy. When the guy saw it, he was upset and told the
girl her tattoo is no longer something that signify their love...
since it looked different now. The girl then suggested him to

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enhance his tattoo to look like hers. But he refused flatly. So...
whos right and whos wrong in this case?

The above ideas are suggestions that you can modify or use
entirely on its own. But itll be more powerful if you can find
some real relationship scenarios from people you know. In any
case, use it as spice for your dialogues with women.

6. TV (Reality Shows / Drama Series)

I can be very certain that any woman you know from here and
now has a favorite show to watch on TV.
Broadly, it could be reality shows, drama series or programs
they stick to frequently.
The great thing is when you both happen to watch the same
things, you can discuss the characters, plots and favorite
scenes together.
If she happens to watch something you do not, get her to
indulge you with what the program is about.
Note: do not be afraid of spoilers, let her tell you plot twists
and character development.
Personally, I once dated this lady who enjoyed watching the
Simpsons. While I cannot claim to have watched more than 5
episodes of the Simpsons, I got her to indulge me in all she
knew about the show.
Overall it fascinated me a lot from what she passionately
described about the cartoon.

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With some of the knowledge about TV shows that a woman

has fed you, it is easy to bring up some What if scenarios
about the show. Perhaps the next section best describes what
Im trying to say

7. What If (Fantasy) Scenarios

As it suggests, what if or fantasy scenarios involve engaging
in a topic or situation that
probably would never happen in real life.
Take for instance, the case from the previous part where the
woman told me she loves watching the Simpsons.
A what if scenario can be brought up by asking her, Hey,
on that note, if you have a chance to be a Simpsons character,
who would you be?
What would you change about the show if you have a chance
to write future episodes of the Simpsons?
This gets women talking.
For me, bringing fantasy situation is not only important, it is a
MUST especially on dates.
Reason being, such topics touch base with the imaginary
dream-like part of a ladys mind.
You could go, If you were at the next Singapore Idol
audition, what would your audition song be?

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Or if you dont want to tie it to TV, an example of a fantasy

topic is, If you never have to work a single day in your life,
what do you think you would be doing all day long?
Topics like that break out of the boring patterns of everyday
See, when a woman meets you on a Friday evening after work,
the last thing she wants to do is to have a topic that forces her
to talk about work. So fantasy type topics give her an
opportunity to take a breather. And it goes without saying
she gets drawn closer to a man who has the ability to create
such a fantasy mental escape.

8. Photos
One pre-step before anything else... go on the Internet to
download some funny photos of people goofing around.
Either that or snap pictures with either your phone or digital
camera of interesting stuff such as your drunken friend
sleeping in a crazy position or someone playing a prank on
Equip 3-5 of these photos because these would essentially be
topic generators during a conversation with a lady.
Simply whip out your phone and say to her, Hey show you
something cool, bet you never seen something like this
Show her the first photo.
What happens is you created a space for both of you to
discuss about the photo. Giggle a bit and show her the second
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But before you get too carried away or if she asks if you have
any more of such cool pictures, do not come so easy...
Get her to show you what she has in her handphone first.
Tell her its a fair exchange you show her cool stuff, she
must show you something in return.

9. Would You Dare To...

This kind of topic engages a woman on the level where she
shares how far shes willing to go when it comes to certain
For example, its as clear cut as challenging them, Hey ask
you something, would you dare to sky dive if given the
Yes or no doesnt matter because there are always things to
talk about from there.
Women like to justify why they will or wont do certain
things. So this topic frames itself around the idea of
challenges, dares, and how far she would push herself.
More examples:
- Would you dare to travel to a foreign country alone?
- Would you dare to scold someone in public it that person
jumps queue?
- Would you dare to eat uncooked food?
- Would you dare to watch a horror movie if all your friends,
even the bravest one, tell you it is damn scary?
Use them word for word, modify or create your own.

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10. Top 3 Something...

Realize this Each time youre talking about something broad
with a woman, you have the chance to narrow the topic down.
And in doing so, it creates a NEW thought-path to talk about.
For instance, if she happens to be talking about a movie she
just watched, say a comedy go ahead and narrow the
dialogue with, On that note, among all the comedies youve
watched in your life, what would be your all-time favorite?
Whatever replies she gives, therere always room to engage
further by asking her REASONS for her choice.
Do not stop there though. Once she gives you her choice of
favorite comedy, challenge further and ask her what would be
her top 3 comedies then.
The idea is
With X representing a girls broad interest, first get her talking
about her top most favorite X then challenge her further by
getting her to rack her brains for her top 3 favorite X.
A clearer example
If a woman enjoys watching stage plays, get her to tell you out
of all these plays shes watched so far, what would be her
favorite of all time.
If she says, Its definitely Phantom of the Opera.
Get her to indulge you and tell you why.
When shes done chatting about reasons for her choice, get her
to chatter about her top 3 stage plays then.

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There is virtually no limit to this kind of topic.

11. Entertainment Culture/ Whats Happening

A little preparation would help you a lot for this one
Give yourself a whole load of topics Take just 10 minutes
(seriously, just 10, dont need a lot of time for it), scan through
the Sistic website or the Life! section of Straits Times or the
Yahoo! Entertainment page to know briefly whats happening
in town (either now or soon).
Perhaps a musical group/rock band is performing in Spore?
Perhaps a superhero movie is coming soon to theatres?
Perhaps a star got herself thrown into jail for drunk driving?
All these mini-factoids help a lot in keeping an unbreakable
dialogue with women.
It is as simple as saying it like it is, I was reading the papers
before leaving my place, one newspiece wrote Edison Chan
got into deep trouble again.
From there, its a piece of cake to engage about what other
stars got themselves into trouble before (which celebrity used
to get arrested or jailed etc).
If you happen to read that the great Spore sale is in town, use
that as a topic
I was reading the papers and they say the great Spore sale is
here again. Its funny cos previous years when it happened, I
only knew it AFTER its over! Bet something like that wont
happen to you right?

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(Just so you know, with such subject matter, women usually

laugh and say when it comes to shopping season, they wont
miss a thing.)
There are just too many variations and spin-offs you can apply
with this topic type alone. Just remember, the substance of it
is in the entertainment/popular culture and whats happening
news around you.
With it, youre supplied with virtually an unlimited source of
conversation materials.

Establishing An Opportunity to Get A Womans

Number & Meet Up

While you are in a conversation with a woman, Id like you to

adopt this frame of mind
While she is talking, she is essentially FEEDING you with
information to meet up again.
Thats right. Its no exaggerations that in some conversations,
women easily feed four to five points of information that can
be used by the man as a future meet-up.
You just need to be savvy enough to catch it.
I call these points of information Common Grab Point.
To put it simply common grab point is a piece of information
you got from a woman which becomes a reason to meet up
with her again.

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(Which of course with a reason, its much easier to get her

contact number or msn address)
For instance, you talk to a lady stranger at a friends party. In
the middle of conversation, she revealed she studied fashion
two years ago.
Grab and lock that piece of detail in your head while carrying
on the conversation. Along the way, you are very likely to
collect other details.
But for this example, lets use the one common grab point
youve got the fact that she knows stuff about fashion.
So, when youre closing the conversation, causally bring up,
Hey, good talking to you. Ill be going around this party to
chat with other people. You mentioned earlier you studied
fashion ya. Great, this will be handy. Cause I planned to get
some clothes in Taka this Saturday around 6:00pm. Come on
over, you can be my fashion consultant.
As explained, a common grab point eases up the process of
exchanging contacts with women.
Here are more ways that you can get common grab points.
Firstly think can what she does professionally become a
focus for you to get her out?
Say she works as a fitness instructor, the common grab point
is you want tips to gain muscle mass fast, because you might
be doing it the too-slow method. Exchange contacts with her.
Another common grab point is discovering she owns an
OBJECT or ITEM that you want to borrow from her.
Example: You talked to a lady in a bookstore and she
relevantly mentioned she is a Chronicles of Narnia fan.
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She claims she owns the entire collection of Narnia books

and movie DVD.
There you go a common grab point.
It can be minutes later or towards the end of the dialogue, you
tell her, Hey got to go because Im meeting a friend in 5
minutes. Funny you mentioned youre a Narnia fan, because
Ive been wanting to read the books since years back but had
been putting it off.
Talking to you is a sign that I should get down to it. Tell you
what, Ill make you a deal lend me the first two books in
your Narnia collection and in case I have something cool from
my house, Ill lend it to you.
When you do that, you got yourself an opportunity to meet up
again for her to hand the books to you. Of course, in reality the
meet-up got you a CONTINUATION and more time to build
attraction with her.
So look for what she owns at home certain things and items
she possess that she can bring out to lend you in future.
Next, her passions, past time, hobbies or activities she enjoys
can turn out to be common grab points.
I once knew a lady at a friends birthday bash who mentioned
she goes bowling a lot. With it, I told her to show me all the
skills and techniques she knows about bowling. That got us to
hang out immediately the next day.
(Specifically, I told her if she helped me bowl above 200
points, Ill teach her a card trick I knew.)

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We had an absolutely fabulous time together. By the way, up

till now my bowling skills are still lousy but seriously does
it matter?
Now, you may ask What if in the conversation, no common
grab points were caught what can be done?
Realize this if you cannot catch any common grab points
you still have a BACKUP common grab point.
What is it?
Its the fact that you both had a great chat.
Deploy this, Hey my friend is waiting for me right now, great
chat with you but well have to continue this conversation
some other time.
Using that allows a transition to exchange contacts.
But like I said this is a backup common grab point.
Rely on this ONLY when there are no other forms of
common grab points being caught.

Pocketing Phone Numbers/ Msn Addresses

Repeat after me I will never say Can I have your number

ever again.
Thats right, this is probably the most obstructing phrase a guy
can use to cause a ladys hard to get shield to spring up.

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Its rather weird but when a guy and a woman talk for the
first time, she may be keen to want to see him again.
But in the end, when the guy uses the Can I have your
number line
something CAUTIOUS happens in the mind of the woman
(against her will).
Thats probably because this line has been overused by dudes
everywhere and it became a worn-out phrase.
Often, the moment a woman hears such a phrase, the alarm in
her will call out Dont give your number to him!
So the scene usually ends up with the lady doing not-sopositive stuff such as
- Saying no
- Hesitating to give her number
- Takes the guys number instead of giving hers away
There is (luckily), an alternate way to get a womans phone
number while MINIMIZING the hard to get shield from
jumping up.
Use these words instead How do I keep in contact with
Example, you met a lady in Borders bookstore.
In ending, you go, Hey, great talking but I have to meet a
friend in 10 minutes. Not cool to let him wait since me and
him havent met for ages. Well continue our chat again. How
do I keep in contact with you?

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See, its a casual line and at the same time offers flexibility. A
woman can give you her number or msn address, and in
instances both.
Best of all, it casually evades any unnecessary hesitance in
Also, a way of getting an msn address (if that is what you aim
for) is to casually command the situation.
In other words, you dont even have to ask for a number. You
relaxed-ly direct her to input her number.
Go ahead and say Hey, good chat. But I have to run off in 30
seconds. Well continue our conversation on msn. Take out
your phone and jot my msn address down, Ill record yours as
Then go save each others msn address in the phones message
draft or notepad.
If you prefer getting her phone number, same thing applies.
Modify from the above script accordingly. Matter-of-factly get
her to take out her phone and record your number and you
record hers as well.
The key here is to casually command your way to pocketing
There the no sweat method of connecting further with

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A Tactic To Find Out If The Woman Is Single Or Not

Its funny
But what most guys do when they chat with a lovely lady for
the first time, theyll carry out STANDARD things to find out
whether shes single.
For instance, glancing at the womans handphone to see
whether theres a wallpaper photo of her with her boyfriend
or theyll try to sneak in a bloody obvious status-finding
question to the woman like, Last week never go out with
your boyfriend ar?
For me, heres my take
Personally when I talk to a lady for the first time, I do not care
if shes single, attached, divorced, lesbian or prefer animals.
No, dont get me wrong. I do not care, not because I want to
mess up a ladys relationship if she has a man (no point doing
that because therere tons of single women around).
The truth is I do not care of a ladys status because I see my
interactions with women as not just skewed towards romantic
I see the interactions as socializing with a BIGGER
picture in mind.
Put it this way
The next time you talk to a lady, you may just find that shes
well-connected to certain famous people or celebrities whom
you want to know
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or she may be the person to teach you a new skill or

or she may introduce you to her husband who is a multimillionaire and eventually partners with you in a big business
So, romantic liaisons are great. But understand the BIGGER
picture youre socializing to bring yourself an awesome
dating life AND a well-connected lifestyle.
Also, the next woman you meet may not be single, but whos
to say she does not have a cute single friend at her workplace?
No matter what, heres a tactic you can use to find out if she is
Its a two part gambit during conversation beginning with, I
got a feeling you could be the youngest child in your family.
Correct so far?
Answer may be right or wrong. Dont worry as the real deal is
not the accuracy of your answer.
So if she replies, No Im actually the oldest among my
Deploy your second part, Oldest. Nice, you know what it
means about being the oldest among the siblings?
She goes, What?
You continue, It means that... wait, before that, are you single
or attached now?
She replies Single.
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You say, So what it means is, as oldest in the family, you

should look for a future partner whos the youngest in the
family. Else two of you will fight like crazy. Sounds odd but
its true.
There, on the whole it looks like youre decoding a meaning;
and when its delivered as a two-part gambit, she wouldnt
know youre actually checking her status.
Be flexible. If a woman says shes the only child, say, You
know what it means about being the only child?
Of course she wouldnt know, so shell ask, What?
You say, It means that... wait, before that, are you currently
single or attached?
She replies, Im married.
You say, So what it means is, as the only child in the family,
your husband should ideally be not the only child in his
family. Opposites actually balance each other very well.
Sounds odd but I personally believe it.
There you got your answer of the womans status.
Realistically, when you use this tactic, you cant expect all the
women you chatted with to be single.
Never feel crappy about it if she has a man. Lightheartedly
continue your conversation with her and remember the forementioned BIGGER picture.

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Getting A Lady Out the First Time

This ties in closely with the previous section of establishing an

opportunity to meet up where common grab points
heighten the probability of women agreeing to go out with
Its important to inform you of a DONT here.
When getting a woman out, never and I repeat NEVER tell her
its because you want to know her better.
Reason being If you let the woman know she is made the
object of focus, shes very likely to play hard to get.
In many cases she will turn down your offer.
Instead if you use a common grab point, for instance playing
tennis, the object of focus is TENNIS.
Not her.
So, whether the common grab point is going out to
Assist you in picking some book titles
or going out to teach you a skill
or going out so she can lend you her Simpsons DVD
The main focus is NOT her.
I need to stress using a common grab point restricts any
unnecessary siren from running off in the womans head too
early in the dating process.
I enjoy using SMS a lot when it comes to getting women out.

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Below is a text structure you can use. By the way, there is NO

NEED to fluff talk on SMS, like asking how she is doing and
how is her day etc.
Because I know that prior to a lady giving me her number, I
would have playfully teased and projected a profile strong
enough for her to be attracted.
Which is why, base on that the first SMS to her can simply
be used to get her out.
Heres the SMS structure
Hey, (girls name) good talking at Coffee Bean last Sunday, I
will be heading to Courts this Saturday to get a new MP3
player, around 5:30, come on over and assist me in picking a
model. (your name)
The structure is Mention her name first followed by good
chat at where you both met then you bring up an activity at
a place you want to go tell her a pre-determined day and
time get her to come on over (because she is a contributing
factor to assist the activity) sign off with your name.
I will end this section with the other example
Hey, (girls name) been one crazy chat with you at HMV last
Friday. I will be going to Ikea this Saturday to get a new lava
lamp around 6:00pm. Come on over and use your decoration
knowledge to help me out. (your name)
Use the given examples as templates. Send the message
without expecting a fast reply (even if you get a reply the next
day, its no big deal). Send it and go get busy with your own
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What To Do If She Cant Make It Or Turns Down The Date?

It happens
You put forward a plan to hang out and she cannot make it.
Typically it is a Sorry, I cant. Have something on.
When such happens, first NEVER take it personally.
To start, she may be pre-booked weeks or even months in
advanced on the day you want to hang out. Her cousin may be
getting married and she had been booked to help out way
before she met you.
That is just one example and its valid.
(Come on, we ourselves cannot 100 percent turn up for all the
outings offered to us, whether its a best friends birthday or
reunion or whatever...)
So again, anyone who takes it personally or thinks the whole
deal is destroyed just because she cannot make it ONE
TIME is weakening himself unnecessarily.
Also in cases where a woman cannot make it, you must
NEVER counter with another date.
Seriously, DO NOT use the all too familiar, So which other
day are you free? (It comes across as desperation and the
dreaded hard to get button of a female gets pushed hard!)
When you want to get a lady out, say to go shopping make
the object of focus on the very act of shopping.

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You dont make her as the object of focus. Which is why do

not counter with another day to meet.
A better strategy is to simply reply, Cool enjoy what you are
doing that day.
This gives off the signal that youre probably going to shop
with or without her around.
If she says something more specific like, Oh sorry Friday
night I cant make it. I have to attend a family dinner.
Reply with, Cool, enjoy the feast then.
Put a smiley [ or :) ] when you send the message via SMS.
A smiley makes it sound youre saying your message in a
relaxed tone.
Next, be willing to wait one week before an attempt to get her
out again.
Reason being some women would get self-conscious and try
to redeem themselves WITHIN this one week.
With that, she may call or sms you to get you out (Its
frequently the Sorry for not being able to make it last Fri.
This Wed you free? type of sentence women will put across).
Then check your schedule. If you are able to make it for her
proposed day, go enjoy hanging out.
But if she doesnt contact you in this one week you have to
FIGHT the temptation to want to contact her via any means
within this one week gap.

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Date other women during this gap. As it turns out, when you
got ANOTHER lady who is more responsive, the original lady
may not be an issue after all.
(Its a secret practice among men who are good with ladies to
concentrate more on those who give you the time of the day.
As for those women who dont give you the time of the day,
never take it personally.)
So in this one week, when there isnt any contact from her,
only then do you contact her again after the one week is up.
This round, simply get her out by first seemingly jeering at
her for missing out on the original activity.
An SMS example Hey the shopping spree days back was a
thrill. Youre such a bore for missing it! This Saturday Im
going Borders at 6pm to savage the whole bookstore. Come on
over and assist me in picking some titles.
There send it out. (You may realize this taunts the woman
here. Women love that so never be afraid to do it.)
It she agrees, good. If not, this time round you can either wait
two weeks before another shot
or simply dont bother. After all, you can always choose to
attend to other women who are more responsive.

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Minimizing Last Minute Cancellations

Ages back, when I first started getting women out, the girl and
I would both set a time and place to meet on weekends over
the phone.
It was joyous at the beginning when the call ended with her
saying, Okay, so Ill see you 6pm this Saturday.
Id happily bounce around thinking This is it, the dates
gonna happen!
Yep, its a sweet feeling...
... but the shocker comes later.
Saturday came. And a few hours before were supposed to
meet, the girl would call to say Sorry, I cant meet you. I
suddenly have something on.
In a second, I turned from joyous... to jackass.
Anyone who had a similar experience would know how it
Its like, after a date has been abruptly called off, the next few
hours (or days) feels like youve drank a huge bowl of bitter
Of course, to just let problems happen and not do anything to
kill it will lead to more of it happening.
As I learnt, heres a discovery
Preventing a date cancelled at the last minute can be set inplace with a tactic.
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I call it a Nail-Down Sentence.

It is used at the point of time when she agreed to meet you.
Like this
Girl: Sure, Friday I have nothing on, 7pm is okay. Ill meet
you at McDonalds outside Plaza Singapura.
You (playfully deliver the Nail-Down Sentence here): Deal.
No backing out last minute. That goes for both of us. Haha,
whoever cannot make it buy dinner next time.
Note: The very act of casually bringing up no backing out
last minute will minimize girls from backing out.
The idea is to deliver the sentence playfully and casually. Its
called Nail-Down because you nail the date down on the
spot once both of you agree to meet.
[Dont deal with it when she cancels on you. PREVENT it
from the start.]
Ever since this tactic was used, it has done great stuff for me
(minimized women abruptly calling off a date by almost
80%). Its just one sentence, but it makes BIG differences.

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What You REALLY Should Be Doing On Dates

Heres something amusing you may want to try with some of

your guy friends.
Go ahead and write on a piece of paper the following words
dinner, drinks, movie, chat.
Dont let your friends see the paper first, then ask them this
question When youre out with a girl on dates, what do you
usually do?
I can almost predict that the answers out of their mouths are
along the lines of those written on the paper.
My point here is most Singaporean guys have a too
predictable (and flawed) idea of what they should be doing on
For me, there is only one REAL thing you should (and must)
do on dates.
Which is to ATTRACT the lady. (Well, not a surprising
answer after youve read till this far, is it?)
Dont misunderstand. Dinner or movies may still happen but
they are incidental. They are secondary things that happened
along the way and should NOT be taken as the primary things
that make or break the date.
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Triggering attraction in the woman is the primary thing.

The whole date is a timeframe for you to showcase the traits
of a male (Profile) as per mentioned previously.
Such traits are your SOLID groundwork. With that equipped,
youre on to gain FURTHER attraction on dates with two
1) Create a connection emotionally with the woman (Bringing
out good vibrations and feelings in her).
2) Make physical bonding happen (Making touches between
you and her to occur).
Think about it
Emotional and physical they each make up two halves of a
complete attraction.
Ive devoted the following sections below to address these 2
critical areas of dating.
Note: By the way, if you presently have a lady whom you
knew for a while but going nowhere with her, do pay
attention as the next parts are going to have you shift
modes and show you what you can do DIFFERENTLY.

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How To Draw Out Good Vibrations From Women On Dates

(Part 1)

Heres something I can confirm

Each time a lady says Ok to a date, right away shell think to
herself, Oh, please let this guy be different from the other
cannot-make-it guys.
Shes hoping shell FEEL something shes secretly wanting
to experience something different about you at the upcoming
date as compared to the other no-chemistry ones
and it is crucial that you bring her such an experience.
First of all, have you ever wondered what makes a date to
NOT generate good vibrations?
Based on personal, as well as experiences of hundreds of
clients, the main trend I see in a zero-good-vibrations-date
such dates usually look like Q&A sessions.
Meaning The guy asks a question, the gal answers The
guy asks something else, and the gal gives another answer.
Sometimes the role reverses where the gal asks something and
the guy answers. This fills up the entire time of the date which
in any case, is not a good thing.
Lets look at the reverse a date that is bursting with GOOD
Again, the trend of such fruitful dates have one thing in
common the first minute till the last minute of the date is
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filled with ACCOUNTS of both parties, sharing each others

life experiences and stories.
Their dialogues are packed with memorable experiences in
their lives amusing occurrences that happened to them
thrilling tales they have heard etc.
Note: While therell still be some questions and answers
floating here and there, but such things DONT dominate the
entire date.
See the difference?
- Dates that dont set off good vibrations = Mostly plain
question and answers.
- Dates that set off good vibrations = Mostly both parties
sharing with each other interesting stories and accounts.
The key is: On dates, you must relate juicy experiences from
your side to the woman and have her relating experiences to
you as well (thats where exchange of good feelings happen).
In other words during dates, your identity is to be a
The benefits are multiple
While sharing incidents and accounts in your life with her, you
get her smiling and interested. Along with it, you let her know
youre a man with cool experiences (not someone without a
Lets look at the other way round. While you get her to share
memorable amusing episodes and accounts in her life, she
FEELS enjoyable telling you such incidents.

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(Its like if you get her talking about a thrilling travel

experience, she feels those thrills one more time as shes
relating the experience to you).
Tip: Its easier for her to share her own life-accounts, when
you share one of yours FIRST.
And when shes at the point of sharing with you incidents and
soaked in a passionate or enthusiastic ON mode, you must
ENCOURAGE it further.
Meaning shes already in that state of feeling good, why
not prolong the emotions further? Its your job to amplify
extra good vibrations.
There are so many times on dates when you can catch a
woman in that ON mode:
For instance:
- When shes relating a humorous incident that happened
during National Day three years ago.
- When shes smiling away about a time when shes in Tokyo
- When shes sharing about how much she enjoys windsurfing as her hobby since two years ago till now.
- When shes jollying about her crazy old school days.
- When shes laughing about a favorite scene from a movie
that she watched with her friends last weekend.
So youre supposed to bring it all further whenever shes in
this ON mood.

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This is when its ok to pose questions because it regards to

you getting her to tell you more about the lovely experience
and AMPLIFYING her good feelings as a result.
For instance, she went to Europe a month ago and chatted
about how lovely the place is. When shes finished, DONT
go talking about something else!
(Shes already feeling magical about telling you a super
experience; dont switch directions by talking about another
You prolong her feelings by saying, Based on what you told
me, I might just visit Europe next year. Tell me, what else
makes the country so enjoyable?
This gets her talking and feeling some more. From there, go
ahead and share similar enjoyable incidents youve
encountered in the past.
Most guys on dates are so dense that they dont know how to
amplify wonderful feelings in women. Now that you know
this youre way ahead of other males.

How To Draw Out Good Vibrations From Women On Dates

(Part 2)

Another thing
Dont be afraid to play date games with women.
By that, I dont mean indulging in childish antics, but there are
certain forms of fascinating games or devices that naturally
bring out pleasant thrills in women.
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An example is those self-discovery games (it doesnt

interest a lot of men, but women LOVE it for some reason).
For these types of games, well, I used to think theyre idiotic. I
resisted using them for a long time when Im out with women.
Yet, when I applied them just to see what happens, the results
were clear bonding happens.
My point: Whatever doesnt appeal to men, does not
necessarily mean it wont appeal to women.
Here are two examples of self-discovery games.
Start by saying you got to know something real cool last week
and you want her to try it.
Tell her it requires imagination and tease her by saying, You
seem like someone who has imagination, so I believe this will
work for you.
Get her to imagine shes dressing up and preparing to go to a
dinner-and-dance function.
There are four earrings lying on her dressing table. Each pair
contains a gem of a different colour yellow, red, green and
Ask her which pair of earrings she would be most likely to
Now let her make her choice. From there, decode for her with
the following
If she picks the yellow earrings, it represents, she put friends
as a priority over other areas in her life.
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If she picks the red earrings, it means she puts health first.
If she picks the green earrings, it means she puts money first.
If she picks the pink earrings, it means she puts love first.
(As an alternative in the beginning, you may add a variation to
this game by asking her which pair of earrings would she
LEAST likely to wear, then decode what priority in her life
does she focuses on least.)
Again, dont think this is a kiddy antic. Women love it! They
are drawn to mystical elements and if you can lead them
through a fun self-discovery process, theyll be fascinated.
Another you can use:
Tell her to imagine walking down the street one day. As shes
minding her own business, she came across a bag. She opened
it and found that its stuffed full of hundred-dollar notes
enough to let her live comfortably.
Now ask her, What is the first thing you think to yourself
when that happens?
Let her answer, then ask her, What would you do if someone
tries to take that bag of cash away from you?
All sorts of answers will come out.
Heres what it all represents whatever she thinks to herself
when she got hold of the bag is the same thing she would
think if an attractive member of the opposite sex asks her out
for a date.

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Secondly, whatever she would do if someone tries to take that

bag away from her represents what she would do when
someone tries to steal that attractive person away from her.
Now, dont worry about the accuracy of these tests. The idea
is not to be accurate (seriously, thats not the point). The
purpose is to pump the date with interest and keep it engaging.
Such is the perfect atmosphere for squeezing good vibrations
out of her.
You can uncover more of such self-discovery games by
searching online with the term personality tests or selfdiscovery tests.
Or check out the last section at the end of this book to know
where else can you find an entire arsenal of Singapore-tested
date games.

Make Touches Between You And Her Happen Naturally

Let me start off this section by stating a MISTAKE I made

early on in life.
For a large number of women I went out with then, I didnt
want to touch them or to physically have parts of our bodies
brush with each other.
Thats because l was under the self-manufactured modesty of
trying to be polite.
I mistaken that if I touch the lady, I might be seen as being too

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Even at times when the conversation was a delightful

exchange and the lady touched me, I was too rigid to know
how to touch her back.
The result is both of us usually finish the date feeling there
is a nice chat but we somehow DONT feel any closer in the
As I learnt, a man has to touch and connect at a physical level
when hes out with a woman.
The idea here is NOT to touch every few seconds or stick your
touches on her like a leech (now, that is sleazy), but to
tactically cause touching happen in a natural manner.
So, here are some key examples of how touches can be made
to happen.
When you are in one of those seated locations such as a
restaurant or coffee house, try not to sit face to face.
Instead, sit SIDE BY SIDE.
That way, as you both are having conversations and something
funny or amusing is exchanged, you can give her a playful
shoulder-to-shoulder NUDGE.
For instance, I was once out with a lady, seated side by side at
Caf Cartel.
In the middle of the meal, she joked about an incident that
relates to a race of people from another country.
Right after, I gave her a mischievous nudge, saying, Hey, I
got a feeling you may be racist but I didnt know you are
THAT racist.

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And this occured a few times within a short span of minutes

where we progress to nudge each other comfortably and
without hold-backs.
Another advantage of sitting side by side is you can
occasionally tap her forearm.
To illustrate, while ordering food and you both are looking at
the menu, tap her forearm, point to your menu while saying,
This dish looks good in the picture. But usually when the real
food comes, it looks totally different from the menu!
Touches also happen in situations where you wanted to tell her
something secretive and have to WHISPER into her ear.
For example, say in the middle of dialogue with her, you
noticed a weird looking guy with a funny hairstyle walking
Say this to the lady, Tell you something (cup your hand
against your mouth and lean into her ear as if to tell her a
secret), I dont want to say it too loud but look at that dude
over there pretty odd isnt it?
The trick is while youre whispering into the ladys ear, have
your cupped hand contact a little bit of the ladys face.
A side benefit of this is its as though youre conspiring
something with her while whispering. This builds up a bond.
Let this physical bonding continue through nudges, taps and
whispers, and you can see an UPWARD shift in comfort
where the woman touches you more as well.
From there, bring up the level.

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Recall the earlier parts describing about how playfulness can

get you far?
Playfulness lets you get away with further touching as well.
Once healthy two-way touching is established, increase the
intensity by having her give you a MASSAGE.
Heres how you do it
Lets say you and her are done with dinner and are chatting
somewhere close to a river. Casually tell her
Yesterday, right after work, I went to the gym to workout for
four hours straight. Must have overexerted and today I woke
up with a stiff left shoulder. Tell you what, I got a feeling you
have good massage hands (turn and point to your shoulder),
help me ease some tension.
There you go. Never come across as you are pleading her for a
massage. Instruct it in a carefree way.
Lets not forget, touches can be made to happen at various
I shall put a halt to this for now and let the immediate next
section do the in-depth explanation.

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Strategic Places in Singapore to Bring Women on Dates

Fact: The places you go on dates are meant to strategically
bring up attraction in women.
Yes, they serve a purpose. Most guys in Singapore had awful
results on dates because they only know of the too common
types of places.
By common, I mean the typical restaurant, caf, movie theater
It is dangerous to only limit yourself to such common places
because it makes you turn out to women aswell, common.
The last 5 guys she went out with probably bring her to places
like that. Dont fall trap to the common you must be
attractively uncommon.
So, the key is bring women to venues that FACILITATE
emotional connection and physical bonding.
(Be strategic. You want the connection and bonding to come
EASIER. Certain places have the in-built conditions to do so)
See, Im not saying common places such as restaurants and
cinemas are to be avoided.
Just DONT RELY solely on such general locations to build

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Look at the diagram here:

On any date, you must CYCLE through these three places

(Regardless of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd date, every date must contain a
mixture of these places).
Ill be giving you a list of such places in a while. Do take note
as a side benefit
when you bring a lady to these DIFFERENT types of
places on a date, it creates a wonderful subconscious image in
her mind that she has been to places with you, and seems to
know you for a while (even though everything happened
within a few short hours).

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So lets begin with...

Common Places
Yep, these are the generic setting such as a restaurant, cafe,
kopitiam or ice cream parlor
the deal is, if youre going to sit down and eat or drink (as
an unavoidable date activity) in such places, you might as well
be seated in an OPTIMIZED position.
Optimized meaning sitting side by side (as talked about in
the touching section).
For Common Places, I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is, these places are INESCAPABLE because no
matter what, over the course of the date either she or you
will definitely get hungry or thirsty.
The good news is, if you are sitting in a Common Place (and
provided its an optimized sitting position), emotional
connection and physical bonding can still take place
but on a LIMITED level.
Why limited?
Because such places can get quite prone to distractions and
For instance, it wouldnt be sweet if youre in the middle of
establishing good vibrations with a gal in the restaurant and
suddenly... the waiter comes over and interrupt you with,
"Would you like something else to drink?" or Any last orders
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It may sound funny but Ive numerous occasions where I

almost murdered the waiter for disrupting my attraction
moment with women.
Note: Which is why the other 2 places Emotional
Connection Place and Physical Bonding Place need to be
included in the date. They serve the function of letting you
build extra attraction with the limitation being lifted.
For now, let me list down the Common Places that offer side
by side sitting arrangement.
Sushi restaurants (with rotating conveyor belts) are superb due
to its shoulder to shoulder sitting configuration in front of the
Suggestions: Sakae Sushi (Raffles Place, Orchard Wheelock
Place, Suntec City) and Sushi Tei (Paragon, Takashimaya).
If its not a Sushi restaurant, the same applies where you must
do your best to avoid sitting face to face.
Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream at Grand Cathay (the high stools).
Hagen-Dazs Ice Cream at Esplanade (the red colour sofas),
TCC at Boat Quay (upstairs bean bag seats) are superb
Important note: Therere a number of eating places in Holland
Village and Clarke Quay that suit the optimized criteria but
the challenge is
since this book is time-sensitive and many of the places
come and go, theres no way of pinpointing the exact
locations. In fact, some of the named places above may just be
under-renovation or even closed as youre reading this.

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So, as a tip:
Do some reconnaissance scouting of different optimized
Common Places before the date and keep a list of your own.
Just understand that as long as it lets you sit side-by-side, its
considered ideal.

Emotional Connection Places

Again, if you want to cause good vibrations to happen via date
games or swapping experiences with each other, Emotional
Connection Places set the atmosphere for it to happen.
Lets start with one example Fountain of Wealth at Suntec
City (upstairs).
The entire circle surrounding the fountain has railings for you
and her to lean on and benches for you to rest. Either case, use
that opportunity to have playful chatter there. Insert a date
game or two.
More examples of Emotional Connection Places
Vivo City (big outdoor space at the third level)
Istana Park (the stretch of walkway opposite Plaza Singapura)
Esplanade (balcony on the top floor)
Esplanade (outdoor compound outside Harrys Bar, close to
Makan Sutra)
Marina Square (outdoor area with benches and sitting areas
connecting to Millenia Walk)

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Bridge leading towards Merlion (the stretch of railings along

the sea)
So imagine youre with your date after a meal. Take charge
and lead her to any of these suggested places to forge deeper
emotional ties.
Finally we have

Physical Bonding Places

This part follows closely to the touching part youve read in
the previous section.
Physical Bonding Places allow you and a lady to have mutual
touches happen because the place smoothen the progress of it
Fashion accessories stores are the most wonderful type of
Physical Bonding Place (I should probably even call such
places an ultra blessing!).
Go shopping for some accessories at 77th Street (Bugis
Junction, Far East Plaza, Heeran) with her. Playfully put sleek
sunglasses, bangles or funny looking ski caps on her. That act
alone creates touching and closeness.
Or tell her you want to shop for a new fragrance and go to a
unisex perfume/cologne shop or counter together. While
youre there, playfully take her hand, spray it with one of
those scents and give it a whiff (For this type of Physical
Bonding Place, try Sasa at Wisma Atria or just about any
fragrance section in Isetan or Robinsons).
Departmental stores (window shopping for clothes) is another
activity that causes touching.
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Tell your date you want to look for some menswear at a

departmental store.
Of course, most departmental stores (Isetan, Takashimaya) are
situated in such a way that before reaching the mens
department, youre certain to walk past the ladies department.
So while you both are strolling there, the moment you see an
odd or auntie looking blouse, take it off the hanger and
jokingly pin it against her shoulders (another touching
Pull her leg with, Ha, you know what this is exactly your
style! Go try it on.
The lady is bound to laughingly protest that she wouldnt dare
or defend that she has more fashion sense.
Continue pinning the blouse, taunting her with, Come on,
dont be such a coward. You might just create a new fashion
statement with this.
As you can tell you had just created a touch and tease
moment. Apply this tactic good-humoredly.
Next, believe it or not, a video game arcade is also a Physical
Bonding Place (but only with a condition).
It wouldnt be helpful if you just bring a lady there and play
any random game.
Whereas, itll only be advantageous to you when you lead her
to play this game called PhotoHunt.
To explain, its a touch screen game where both of you are
INVOLVED. You and her sit side by side and lay your hands
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on the screen to point out differences between two identical

(If youve no idea what this game is, go check out an arcade to
see it. Try Plaza Singapuras arcade next to the cinema.)
At various times throughout the game, give her light taps on
her forearm while teasing her to quickly discover where the
difference is on screen.
Thats not all. The sweetest thing about PhotoHunt is its a
timed game. So when times running out, the lady would get
anxious and both of you can start nudging each other.
With these 3 types of strategic places (and so many suggested
examples) in mind, your next immediate date with a woman
will be different.
And I mean different in the ATTRACTIVE sense. The idea of
a date again is to heighten the amount of attraction in the lady
youre out with.
When you did that, she will have the incentive to want to go
out with you again. What were talking about here is securing
So lets discuss

Obtaining the Next Meet-ups After The First Date

This wont be a very long section probably the most

commonsensical section of all if I may add.
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But whats common sense is easily ignored.

In this case, when a guy goes on a first date with a girl and
everything goes well. Shouldnt the second date be pined
down there and then?
Well, supposedly. But most guys would neglect to do that. Its
usually after a marvelous date, a male would forget to pin
down the next meet-up and went home
then he essentially has to start from scratch by calling the
girl out again.
Yup, that is what I mean by neglect. Understandably, there
will be times when guys do not pin down the second date on
the first simply because he does not know how to. I will
provide some pointers for that.
On your first date with any women, the entire timeline will be
a reasonably few hours long.
In this time, there would be (and must be) playful conversation
exchanges. Having said that, many of those things that the
woman say or reply to you in those hours potentially provides
MANY MORE common grab points.
For instance, when youre both chatting, she reveals she had
eaten in a cheap and good Indian restaurant at Raffles Place.
Lock that piece of information in.
Towards the end of the date bring it up. Hey, you mentioned
just now about the unknown Indian restaurant. I have to try it
to see how cheap and good you said it is. Tell you what, well
eat there this coming Thursday after Im done with work.
Show me where it is.
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Point here is Over the course of few hours on the date, there
are simply so many common grab points to capture and use
as a next date opportunity. How nice.
Other than that, there is a second path to get women out.
Base on past first dates, when I adequately attracted a woman
and we had a super time in the end, Ill just teasingly get her to
meet up again using the fact that we both had fun.
I tease with, Initially I thought you look like a nasty woman
who will get me into a whole load of trouble, but you turned
out to be fun. Im heading home now but well continue the
fun again. I would prefer Friday after 7pm at Plaza Sing, tell
me more of your crappy companys stories then.
Set it up there and then. Do not go home and start from
scratch. With that Im going to sound like an old recorder that
keeps repeating itself by saying
Pin down date 2 on date 1, Pin down date 3 on date 2.

The Danger of Going Too Many Dates With The Same Girl

Usually in some of my trainings, a question that pops up from

men is How many dates should I go before I can safely get
a woman to be my girlfriend?
There is not really a fixed amount of dates a man must go
because as we know, some men took three dates before getting
the girl.
Some took four.
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At times, it happens quickly on the very 1st date.

So it is not so much about the number of dates but the
AMOUNT OF ATTRACTION being built up.
I need to WARN however, a trend of failure is often seen
when it comes to going out too many times on dates with the
same gal.
Put it this way, in the past there were some ladies I went out
with dates after dates meetings after meetings. In the end
we ended up as nothing else but FRIENDS.
Surprisingly, when we talked as friends, many of them openly
admitted that they were attracted at first but as we went out
more and more times, things became habitual.
It is like attraction chemicals dilute in the womens brain as
we proceed. And after hanging out for so long without
sealing the deal, the union naturally becomes a friendship.
You may think that such a thing just happens to me. But
frankly, if you observe around, seldom do you see a guy get a
girl by going out too many times. (By many, I mean 7 times or
Usually in Singapore, a man (who knows what hes doing)
gets a girl on average around the 2nd to 4th date. (By the way,
this is a reasonably durable attraction type of girlfriendgetting were talking about here NOT those one night stand
On the same note and incidentally, the fantastic women I
ended up being with previously all happened within two,
three or four dates. (So whoever told you to chase a girl for
months and months is wrong.)
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It may seem counter logic that less is more. But understand

When you had adequately attracted a lady during the first
meet-up, you have a window of opportunity to cause
male/female coupling to happen.
This window is ACTIVE within the first four dates
(attraction in her is at its STRONGEST).
Strictly speaking, you can still get the lady within the 5th or 6th
date but that is the yellow light zone (attraction in her is
dwindling and coming to a stop already).
Usually the reason why you would want to go into 5th or 6th
date is for your own personal reason. For instance you just
want to be sure if this is the lady you prefer over the other
women you are casually dating.
7 dates or more is the friend zone. By now, its either you,
her or both parties got TIRED of going out without progress.
So naturally, thoughts of a romantic development get shoved.
Avoid it.
To sum up
When a man generates attraction in the woman, a few dates is
satisfyingly enough to get the girl.
When he doesnt generate attraction, even a 100 dates will be

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Dealing With the Shy, Quiet and Conservative Type of Gals

Bet youve encountered the...

Quiet lady
Closed-up gal
Introverted type
Cold goddess
Whatever theyre called, theyre generally the shy female
form. And when youre interacting with one, it makes you
wonder why she has to give those less than 5 words replies.
Firstly, understand therere two main types of shy girls.
Type 1: Those who come across as shy AT FIRST because
they want to keep it cool/demure and NOT look like a
Believe it or not, therere also gals who appear shy because
theyre attracted to a man. They dont know how to act or fear
saying the wrong things, so coming across as shy would be
their fallback stance.
Type 1 typically warm up as you proceed.

Type 2: Those who REALLY are shy. Its in their personality.

With the exception of few people they know for a while, they
talk to EVERYONE ELSE in their unresponsive mode.

The GOOD NEWS is Most shy gals are Type 1.

So, when you encounter a shy female, you wouldnt know at
the beginning whether shes Type 1 or 2.
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Still, you can find out... and the best position to be in is to

talk more first.
Be the leading figure in the conversation and talk more.
(I mean, look around the examples in your life... dont those
men who talk a bit more than other males seem to have higher
rates of getting girls?)
To make it more descriptive, you have to put in 95% of the
talk-power at first while the shy gal puts in 5%.
As you continue from there, youll see the shift in dynamics
where she warms up more and youre talking 80% while shes
talking 20%.
These signs will proceed till the conversation becomes more
balanced. She talks more than when she began and often
initiates new topics to talk about.
Note: Guess what? Normal guys give up on the conversation
too soon.
Initially, they put 95% power into the conversation. But before
any warm up can happen in the lady, these guys take it as
disinterest and let things stay silent.
Shyness and disinterest are two separate things.
However, if after 10 minutes and you sensed nothings
changed and shes still putting in the same 5%... well, shes
Type 2.
Its not the end though.
If a ladys Type 2, realize you have nothing to lose (youre not
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enjoying yourself anyway) by rising up to say it like it is.

Meaning, youre going to (casually and powerfully) let her
know the chat will only be enjoyable if she crawls out of her
Shes still replying you with those short sentences.
You (break into a smile): From our chat so far, I can tell you
dont talk much. I may just mistaken your shyness as being
creepy. (continue smiling)
Shy gal: Actually, I talk a lot with people I know for years.
You: Haha, I knew it. For now, you can pretend to know me
for years or the rest of our chat is going to feel cold.
The key here once again is to take a powerful but casual stand.
In such situations, the shy gal usually feels self-mindful about
making others feel uncomfortable and start to talk more as an

Witty Replies to Difficult Questions Women Ask

Its unavoidable
In the course of meeting women and going out with them, you
will face tough scenarios where they PROBE you with
questions that will make a lesser guy fall over.

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We will use this chance to address this sticky issue in case you
get it.
If a woman asks:
1) How much do you make? or What is your monthly
Actually, that is quite a valid question where a woman wants
to inspect a guys level of earning capabilities but that does
not mean you must give a direct answer.
Personally, I leave my answers vague (and its ok to leave
women wondering about the answer even for years down the
So when given the question, I would say, Enough to put food
into my stomach plus some leftovers.
Should the woman probe further, its okay to tease her
(remember when in doubt revert to playfulness).
Smilingly go, Whoa, you got it all wrong. We are just
hanging out. The search for a husband can come later.
Never be afraid to tease and be vague.
Another you can use
I earn enough to put a smile on my face but not enough to
have people wanting to kidnap me for a ransom.
There, no numerical figures stated.
Heres another question you might get:
2) How many girlfriends do you have last time?
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Now, this may be thorny for many guys but frankly, it can
be easily handled.
The idea is to again dont state any number and leave her
wondering but at the same time not come across as being
lousy with women.
Say this, Let me count.
Then act out the action of counting your fingers. When you
run out of fingers, mime the action of counting your toes. At
this point, she will giggle.
Right there, break into a smile and say, Actually, Id rather
not talk about things that happened in the past. There are good
times and not so good times with previous ladies in my life.
But no matter, that is past tense. The future seems more
Say it casually and matter-of-factly. Reveal no numbers but
reveal you are worthy enough for other women to be with you.
There is another question you are most likely to hear:
3) Do you drive? or What type of car do you drive?
Firstly most guys will feel threatened by such a question
because theyre afraid if they do not drive a car (or drive a
cheap car), they would be viewed as inferior.
It is my job to remind you when you attract a woman, car or
no car is NOT an issue.
Plus Ill be the first to tell you I personally hate driving. I like
cabs better and by not having a car, it DOES NOT IMPEDE
my dating in any way.
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Same goes for you, never let presence or absence of a car

create any obstruction in you controlling the amount of
attraction you input into the interaction with women.
So if you do not drive and the women ask, What type of car
do you drive? Go ahead and pull her leg. Say, Cement
Or straightforwardly reply, Cars? You mean those things
with four wheels? Nope, getting driven around in taxis are
more fun.
One last question to end the section. Women may ask:
4) Are you a player? or Are you someone who goes around
toying with womens feelings?
When the woman senses you are more sociable than the
average person, shell drop this type of question as a test.
Obviously, if they perceive a male as the type of player who
goes around hurting women, they will detest him.
On the other hand there is another type of man who has the
same caliber of skills as a player but he gets the respect of
This is a man who does not apologize for the fact he enjoys
dating all in the pursuit of finding that one fantastic lady.
You must position yourself as such a man.
So, if you are posed with player-related questions by women,
say this

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I love to socialize, be it with men or with women. But as for

fooling around, I think people who do that are just wasting a
lot of energy.
Women will be reasonably convinced after hearing that. You
continue with To me, loving to socialize is a way of life. See, when Im
looking for a great woman to be with, she might turn up
anywhere, so there is no reason for me to be sitting at home
and not date.
So again you want to project that
youre highly sociable but at the same time, your intention
is strong and respectable.
Take note that when difficult questions are asked by women,
its partially because they want to see whether you sweat
while answering.
The lady wants to inspect your display of confidence. A guy
loses when he shows sweat. The bottom line is you must make
your answer
playfully effortless.

3 Green Lights to Tell Whether a Lady is Into You

Let me begin this part by telling you what I DONT rely on to

tell me whether a lady is into me.
Personally, I know some guys like to observe a ladys body
language to look for clues of liking.
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My opinion is dont bother.

That is because first of all, women are very good at hiding
certain emotions.
Youd be surprised that a woman may be very interested in
you or turned on by you but she still doesnt show any
bodily clues of liking.
Secondly, human beings are too much of a black box to be
Theres no fixed body movement on a lady that equates to a
confirmed meaning. Which is why I do not really believe in
looking for bodily movements on a woman to see signs of
Neither should anyone (I knew guys spending the entire date
looking for bodily clues on the gal and getting flustered
simply because no clues surface).
So what I do instead is I use 3 green lights to verify
whether or not a woman is interested in a man.
The first green light is when the woman touches you more.
Touching had been covered in the earlier parts and whats
known is, when theres an INCREASE in touching from a
woman, its enormously healthy.
Having said that, I know a question you might bring up is
What if I encounter a woman who is naturally touchy, not
just to me but to all guys. How do I tell then?

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Heres what I want you to do in such a case, assume

attraction. (Assume her touches are attractively zoned for you.
You dont lose anything by doing that.)
Continue projecting the attractive traits in the Profile;
continue emotional connection and physical bonding.
Never self-doubt when a woman touches you by thinking in a
hundred directions.
Its worth repeating assume attraction.
Still, if you want to be more self-assured, heres the next green
The second green light to see whether or not a lady is into you
is Knowing the fact that shes out with you again (for the
2nd, 3rd or 4th time).
Think very hard about it why do you think a lady wants to
go out with you for another couple more times?
Well, isnt it true that you could have done certain things
RIGHT already?
She could have not gone out with you
She could have stayed home
She could have gone out with another guy
But the fact that she is out with you again comes to show
somethings working.
There is of course a danger in going out too many times with a
lady and still not converting her into your girlfriend (as
mentioned previously).

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Lets reiterate it here. Attraction or interest may wither over

time. Initially the girl would be very interested in the guy she
goes out with the first few times.
But lets say a ton of dates later, the guy still does not pull the
trigger and get the girl, she will just lose interest
or in may cases, even the guy himself lose interest.
So, remember the second green light, which is if the lady is
willing to go out with you the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time, you have that
WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY then to close the deal.
Thirdly, the last green light If a lady is willing to follow you
to what I call, an ISOLATED place
she likes you. (That is really the conclusive litmus test of
her interest for you).
By mention of an isolated place, it doesnt mean anything
shady like a cheap hotel or anything like that. Not at all.
Isolated Place is a venue with minimum human traffic (its
very much like those Emotional Connection Places
described above but with lesser human activity around you).
Plus the scene at the place itself sets the mood for a romantic
coupling to happen.

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A diagram to illustrate it:

Over dates, build attraction with a woman at places in the big circle, then lead her to
an Isolated Place. When shes cozily parked there with you, that itself is the
ultimate green light of her liking for you.

Examples of Isolated Places:

- Harbor Front (walk out of Delifrance, the open space with
benches facing the sea)
- The bare stretch along Singapore River overlooking Asian
Civilizations Museum
- Sentosa Siloso Beach (during nighttime obviously)
- Fort Canning
Thing is, when you are in an Isolated Place with a lady, I dare
say she can be yours at that point already
because she is expecting something to happen.

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Yes, she followed you there to an Isolated Place. She

TRUSTS you enough for that to happen. She is EXPECTING
(I mean cmon, you and her are at a secluded location, what do
you think you both are there for? Catching spiders???)
A woman in such a situation is thinking, If he kisses me now,
I will let him.
And that is of course you must have ways to go in for the kiss.
You have there and then to make it happen. The next chapter
is devoted to offer you strategies to do so.

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A Mistake That Delays A Woman To Want To Be Your Girlfriend

Does the following sound familiar?

Guy goes Boat Quay to meet a girl he likes. Theyve
previously met up for a few dates already. After some drinks
and chit-chat, they went for a stroll. When the time seems
right, the guy would say... Will you be my girlfriend?
Silence follows. The girl lowers her head, purse her lips and
replies, Im sorry. I think its best we remain as friends.
[Other famous replies from girls include Im not ready for a
relationship, I never think of us that way., Please dont
joke about such things. etc]
At times, her reply is similar to Im not sure.
With that, a relationship with the girl is unlikely to happen that
night... at best, its been delayed.
See, among the cluster of men I met who are successful in the
dating arena, we all agree theres something VENOMOUS
about the Will you be my girlfriend line (In fact, if theres
one sentence you can totally get rid from your dating
dictionary, this is it!)
Why is it whenever guys made a request with this line, the
respond is almost certain to be heart-wrenching?

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One reason is because such a line has zero charm factor, plus
its easy for girls to say no to.
To quote one lady I knew. She said, Ive been out with this
guy 3 times. I was quite interested in him UNTIL he ASKED
can I be his girlfriend.
Suddenly, the interest I have for him dropped. Because this
man whom I find alright previously, made it look like he was
begging for me to grant a relationship...
... it made me have an uncomfortable lowly opinion of him. Of
course we didnt get together. Somehow if he did it
differently, I would be with him.
Another reason is
Will you be my girlfriend is a clich phrase that makes
women play hard to get.
(The guy may still get the girl eventually IF shes attracted
enough but usually not on that night. Because when the
womans hard-to-get button is pushed, she can afford to play
with the guy further, thus delaying the process.)
Brainwash this line away from your head.
How else can it happen then... how else can she be yours then?
Check around, and most men (who know what to do) will tell
you they got a girl NOT by asking.
They take charge, they dont ask.
So instead, it happened because the man made the girl feel

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physically and emotionally comfortable enough... and he lead

her into a kiss.
Note: Seriously (REALLY seriously), it worked by NOT
flooding the girl with over-sentimental mushy words. But
from confidently going in for the make-out.
Lets explore that with

How to Go From Talking to Kissing

Im friends with a restaurant owner for about ten years now,

and hes considered to be 95% lucky with women.
Why the weird percentage?
Well, heres what he is like
He easily chats up with female patrons in his restaurant and
obtaining numbers is as easy as eating rice to him.
He even went out with dozens of women from those obtained
According to him, lots of teasing and attraction were
established in the many times he hung out.
But when it came to the point where he can go in for the
he gets stuck.

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Its like, the moment is there he and a lady were at a dimlylit spot the mood suggested a high degree of intimacy to
And hell RACK HIS BRAIN with what to say to make
kissing happen.
Time will pass and hell still be thinking.
All of it reaches a point where very often, the lady will tell
him, Its late. Lets go home.
This explains why hes never lucky all the way but often
95% lucky with women.
Such a scene appropriately sums up what lots of guys in
Spore face A chance where every sign, every signal points
towards the direction of kissing
but the guy didnt know how to LEAD into one, thus
blowing up a chance that couldve been a sure win.
Ill give you some tactics to lead from conversation into a kiss.

Girlfriend Vacancy Tactic

Heres something you can do. During conversation with the
girl at an Isolated Place, transit to this question: Hey, how
many times did we go out so far, 2 or 3?
Let her give the answer, following that say, So far these few
outings had been fun. In fact, youve been quite a crazy gal.
But thats a good thing and I enjoy our friendship a lot.
(The word friendship is meant to throw the girl off
balance for a while anyway)
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Continue, But tonight, this friendship will end. Because I

have too many friends already so many that all friends
position are filled up.
so too bad, I have no vacancy for you. But I do have a
vacancy for a girlfriend though. And I want you to come in.
Say it strong, unperturbed and firm.
From there, caress her cheek with one hand for a few seconds.
Travel downwards to her chin and move your lips towards

Dimple Tactic
At an Isolated Place, while you and the lady are conversing
and immersing in the cozy atmosphere, do this
Look at the side of her face and say, Theres something I
noticed about your face.
Shell get baffled and ask what you noticed.
Reply her, When you smile, theres a dimple on one side of
your face but not the other. Smile again and Ill show you
what I mean.
She smiles and you playfully insist what you just said is true,
Yep, only one side of your face seems to have a dimple
(use your index finger and touch the dimple) right over
Now, dont move your hand away so quickly. Give her cheek
a mild pinch while commenting, Another thing you have a
gentle face.
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Its unlikely at this point shell resist. Shell continue smiling

(After all, everythings been built far enough for you both to
be at the Isolated Place).
Extend the other fingers and caress her face for a few seconds.
Change to the back of your palm and continue feeling for a
while more.
At this point theres no stopping you. Move in for the kiss.

Silent Seduction
Perhaps it would be nice if I share an experience (contained
within is a tactic. Emulate it!).
This was years back where I was sitting side by side with my
date (ex-girlfriend now apparently) outside UOB centre along
Singapore river.
We were yakking about hilarious scenarios in our lives
Like how she once took part in a play and almost fainted
during a performance, because the costume given to her was
bursting tight and she couldnt breathe!
We laughed about such hilarious and nonsensical incidents
it was a riot.
Then, it came a point where we reached an end of a
conversation string, and looked at each other smilingly and
Not for long anyway thats where a kiss tactic was

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I told her You know, someone once told me when a guy and a girl
were talking like we are now, and suddenly a silence happens,
few things can happen from there
One, the guy and girl will try to find things to talk about
Two, they will continue being silent
And three, they will kiss.
Right now, I like number three the most.
From there, I held her chin, moved my lips towards hers and
kissed it firmly.
Note: Be flexible with this tactic where you dont necessary
have to wait for a smiling silent moment. You can CAUSE it
to happen.
How? By NOT continue talking non-stop or quickly start
another topic right after you both chuckled over something
funny, humorous or playful.
At an Isolated Place
a mini smiling silent window with a golden moment for
kissing opens IMMEDIATELY after you both giggled over
something amusing.
Dont close it by ignoring it and continue rambling away.
To wrap this part up, remember this When you heavily
attracted a woman, she EXPECTS kissing to happen; but she
wants you to be man enough to cause it.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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5 Seconds After You First Kissed Her

(Technique to Increase the Physical Heat)

After having been exposed to the ideas on how to move in for

the kiss, I believe one of the key questions you may have is
Once Im kissing a woman, how do I tune up the heat on the
Heres something I recommend that is mutually pleasurable to
both you and the lady
While in the middle of kissing, stop for a while. Separate your
face from hers and say this, That kiss was good, now I want
you to make it 10 times better.
Then keep quiet and let her put in the effort.
2 things might happen
One, if the gal is the creative type, shed automatically do
more intense stuff like kissing you on your neck, nibbling your
ear, etc. (I hope you got a girl like that)
Two, if shes not so quick to catch the idea, shell ask you
In this case, casually DIRECT her. Point to your neck and say,
Kiss here.
Whatever the case is, this is how you make the passion
hotter right there and then.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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Sexy Time (Gaining Sexual Intimacy)

So, you have kissed the girl. From then on, that would be the
most basic and minimum thing to happen every time youre
with her.
As time goes, you may see her as a potential for whatever
plans you decide for your social future be it a long term
companion, or the lady you marry.
So while her attachment with you is ongoing, the issue of
bedroom intimacy cannot be avoided.
Lets state the obvious before I go on. When it comes to
anything sexual with a woman, never force a female to do the
things she wont want to do.
Note: Singapore is a country with strict laws. No woman is so
beautiful or irresistible that you have to do anything forceful
or illegal to her. Get it?
So with regards to initiating bedroom passion, heres a hint
never make it a request, make it a moment that was
NATURALLY LED to happen.
As youre behind closed doors, kissing the woman and
moving up the heat
constantly lower any of her unwanted inner barriers (that
causes sudden stops), by softly saying, Relax, dont fight the
good feelings.
But in the event she does prevent you from going further,
dont push it. Persisting forcefully will only get the woman
into a fight or flight mode.

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Never look like the hungry or hurt puppy. In fact, in case she
avoids going further, respect that. Forthrightly say to her,
Youre real passionate but we better take it slow.
Then lessen the intensity for a while. (You may even back off
temporarily by going to the toilet. Dont come across as you
need it badly. Return minutes later, gradually resume with
the heat building. Go a little further with each continuation.
Guide and lead. Never beg or force.

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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Total Mastery With Women

Youve reached this final portion of the book, and I thank you
for coming so far.
Till here, Im very certain youve learnt MORE THAN one
idea that will make your interactions with women less
worrying and more powerful.
I always believed things can change from difficult to
becoming easy simply because of one word learning.
Im going to say it in a different way
Attracting women ALWAYS becomes easy due to learning.
Constant updating and upgrading gives you the highest form
of mastery with women and dating. Its always been like that
and will continue to be this way.
So right now, I believe youre thrilled to make your success
with women come to you very easily and swiftly. If youre
prepared to take and expand what youve learnt here to a
higher level, take a look at my other programs.
Dynamo Dating
Courtship Secrets From Over 1,000 Hours of Dates With
Spore Women REVEALED
This live training concentrates INTENSELY on the part
when youre out 1-on-1 with a lady. It shows you how to

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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design the entire frame of the date to bring out DEEP

LEVELS of interest, fascination and attraction from the lady.
Youll master tons of proven-to-work date games that set off
smiles, teases and giggles in Spore women leading all the
way to the INTIMATE stage. (Get not just my secrets but also
experiences of men I personally knew who are the BEST in
dating women in Spore)
Check out the details here:
Skilldo System (2 Days Bootcamp)
Approach, Dating, Girl-Getting Skills Entirely For
Singapore Use
Join me in this training event (which had gained some
underground fame in Spore) and youll learn so many
attraction concepts including building permanent confidence,
hidden conversation secrets, approaching women online and in
public places plus too many more to list here. Theres even
an extended special curriculum on how to cause women to
drop heavy hints or CONFESS their liking for you.
With a combined fourteen hours of training, youll know the
step-by-step further techniques and insights to make yourself a
complete success with women.
If you want more details, its all here:

Thank you for reading The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter.

With Respect,

The Ultimate Singapore Girl-Getter by Skilldo 2006 2008, All Rights Reserved

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