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Tuesday, April 24, 2012











Srpske/hrvatske poslovice i njihovi engleski ekvivalenti

June 13, 2010 by Spring
Filed under Prevodioci

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Ako ne pone nee ni zavriti
Translation: If you dont start, you wont finish

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Bez muke nema nauke.
Translation: Without suffering, there is no learning.
English equivalent: No pain, no gain.

Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio.

Translation: God first created a beard for himself. (Meaning that everybody looks after themselves


Bog visoko, a Rusija daleko.

Translation: God is high above, and Russia is far away. (Meaning that help is far and unlikely)
Bolje ikad nego nikad.
Translation: Better ever than never.
English equivalent: Better late than never.
Bolje spreiti nego leiti
Translation: Better to prevent than to have to cure.
English equivalent: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani.
Translation: Asparrow in the hand is better than a pigeon on the branch.
English equivalent: Abird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Lyrics & Translations (prevodi pesama)


ovek je oveku vuk.

English equivalent: Man is mans wolf.
Latin equivalent: Homo homini lupus est.
ovek sanja, Bog odreuje.
Translation: Men wishes(dreams), but god decides.
English equivalent: Man proposes, but God disposes.



Tekst i prevod pesme: Danity Kane - Damaged

by: Spring
April 24, 2012, 12:50

Tekst i prevod pesme: Pink Floyd - Us And Them

by: Spring

Da padne na lea,razbio bi nos.
Translation: If he fell onto his back, hed broke his nose.
English equivalent: ? when the person is very unlucky

April 24, 2012, 11:49

Re: Srean roendan, Spring!

by: Spring
April 24, 2012, 09:20

Dala baba dinar da se uhvati u kolo, a dva da se pusti.

Translation: Grandma gave a dinar to dance, and two to stop.
English equivalent: Be careful what you wish for.

Re: Pink
by: volja

Daleko od oiju, daleko od srca

Translation: Far from the eyes, far from the heart
English equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind

Re: O L&T prevodiocima... :)

by: Spring

April 23, 2012, 12:37

April 23, 2012, 09:28

Gde ima dima ima i vatre.
Translation: Where there is smoke, there is fire too.



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Translation: Where there is smoke, there is fire too.

English equivalent: Where theres smoke, theres fire.


Gde ti mnogo obeavaju, malu torbu ponesi

Translation: Where people are promising much to you, bring a small bag.
English equivalent: ? Similar to There is no free lunch.

Glava u oblacima.
Translation: (To have the) head in clouds.
English equivalent: To have ones head in the clouds
Gvoe se kuje dok je vrue.
Translation: Iron is worked when its still hot.
English equivalent: Strike while the iron is hot.

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Il kuj, il ne mri ga!

English equivalent: Shit or get off the pot.
Imati vee oi od eluca. (Samo su mi oi gladne only my eyes are hungry)
Translation: To have bigger eyes than the stomach.
English equivalent: Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
Ispalo vragu iz torbe.
Translation: (Something that has) fallen out of a devils pouch.
English equivalent: untamed.
Ispeci pa reci.
Translation: Bake it and then say it.
English equivalent: Think before you speak.
Iver ne pada daleko od klade.
Translation: Asplinter doesnt land far from the trunk.
English equivalent: An apple doesnt fall far from the tree
Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla.
Translation: The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.
Jedna lasta ne ini prolee.
Translation: One swallow does not make a spring.
English equivalent: One swallow does not make a spring.
Source of original proverb: Aristotle

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Saro on Britney
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Spring on Britney
Spears Baby
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Saro on Britney
Spears Baby
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Rudyard Kipling

Jutro je pametnije od veeri.

Translation: Morning is smarter than evening.
Kad make nema, mievi kolo vode.
Translation: When cat is absent, mice dance.
English equivalent: When the cats away the mice will play.
Kad na vrbi rodi groe.
Translation: When willows bear grapes.
English equivalent: When pigs fly.
Kako dolo, tako prolo.
Translation: The way it came is the way it will go.
English equivalent: Easy come, easy go.
Kao maka oko vrue kae.
Translation: Like the cat around the hot meal.
English equivalent: Beating around bush.
Ko drugome jamu kopa sam u nju pada.
Translation: Who digs a trap for others ends up in it himself.
English equivalent: What goes around, comes around.
Ko nema u glavi, ima u nogama.
Translation: Who doesnt have in his head has in his feet.
English equivalent: Absent-minded do the work twice.
Ko rano rani, dve sree grabi. (Ptica ranoranilica prva crva nae)
Translation: One who gets up early is doubly lucky.
English equivalent: The early bird gets (catches) the worm.

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Ko s vragom tikve sadi, o glavu mu se obiju.

Translation: If one sows pumpkins with the devil, they will bash onto ones head.
English equivalent: ? Similar to As you sow, so you shall reap.
Ko seje vetar, anje oluju.
Translation: Who sows wind will harvest storm.
English equivalent: ? Similar to As you sow, so you shall reap.
Ko ui znae, ko tedi imae
Translation: Those who study will know, those who save will have.
English equivalent: ?
Ko ume, njemu dve
Translation: The one whos able gets two.
English equivalent: Skilled worker is paid double.
Ko vino veera, vodu dorukuje.
Translation: Who has wine for dinner, he has water for breakfast.
English equivalent: ? You cant avoid paying consequences for your deeds.
Kruh bez motike. (SR: Nema hleba bez motike)
Translation: Bread without shovel.
Krv nije voda.
Translation: Blood is not water.
English equivalent: Blood is thicker than water.
Lepa re i gvozdena vrata otvara.
Translation: Akind word opens even the iron doors.
English equivalent:You can succeed in anything by being polite.
Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata.
Translation: (speaking) of the wolf as the wolf (comes) to the door.
English equivalent: Speak of the devil.
Latin equivalent: Lupus in fabula.
Na mladima svet ostaje.
Translation: The world is left to the young.
Na muci se poznaju junaci.
Translation: In trouble you know a hero.
Na nevidiu nema krivice.
Translation: If it isnt seen, theres no guilt.
If you do something without being caught it isnt done.
Najtamnije je ispod svee
Translation:Its the darkest underneath the candle.
Its the darkest underneath the candle.
Nai iglu u plastu sena.
English equivalent: Finding a needle in a haystack.
Navika je dobar sluga, ali lo gospodar.
Translation: Habit is a good servant, but a poor master.
Ne gledaj poklonjenom konju u zube. (Poklonjenom konju se ne gleda u zube)
Translation: Dont look a gift horse in the teeth.
English equivalent: Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.
Ne laje pas zbog sela, nego radi sebe.
Translation: The dog doesnt bark because of the village. (everybody cares about themselves the
Ne maljaj vraga na zid. (SR: Ne crtaj vraga)
Translation: Dont paint the devil on the wall. Dont invite misfortune; dont talk about bad things that
might happen because that could invite them to happen
Ne moe kruka da rodi jabuku.
Translation: Apear tree cannot bear an apple.
English Equivalent: ? Similar to An apple doesnt fall far from the tree
Ne moe imati i ovce i novce.

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Translation: You cant have both money and sheep.

English equivalent: You cant eat your cake and have it too
Ne kupuj maka u vrei. (Ne kupuj maku u daku)
Translation: Dont buy a cat in a bag.
English equivalent: Dont buy a pig in a poke.
Ne vidi umu od drvea.
English equivalent: Cant see the forest fores for the trees
Ne stavljaj sva jaja u jednu koaru.
Translation: Dont put all your eggs in one basket.
Ne sej tikve gde jos nisu nikle!
Translation: Dont plant pumpkins where they never sprouted!
English equivalent: ? Dont waste your time trying things which are proven not to work.
Ne tri pred rudo. (SR: Ne tri pred rudu)
Translation: Dont run in front of a carriage.
English equivalent: Dont jump the gun.
Nema hleba bez motike
Translation: Theres no bread without a hoe
English equivalent: You cannot make omelets without eggs.
Similar to Only hard work pays off.
Nema vatre bez dima.
Translation: There is no fire without smoke.
English equivalent: Where there is smoke there is fire.
Nema mirnog deteta ni mlade babe.
Translation: Theres no quiet child nor young grandmother.
Nesrea nikad ne dolazi sama.
Translation: Misfortune never comes alone.
English equivalent: When it rains, it pours.
English equivalent: Bad luck comes in threes.
German equivalent: Bad luck rarely comes alone. (Ein Unglck kommt selten allein.)
Nije zlato sve to sija.
English equivalent: All that glitters is not gold.
Novac se na novac lepi.
Translation: Money sticks to money.
English equivalent: Money hangs around money.
O mrtvima sve najbolje.
Translation: Speak only the best of the dead.
English equivalent: Dont speak ill of the dead.
Latin equivalent: De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
Od Kulina bana i dobrijeh dana.
Translation: Since Koohleen the prince and the good times; in remembrance of the good old days of
Lord Kulin
English Equivalent: Back in the good old days.
Obeanje ludom radovanje
Translation: Promise makes a fool happy.
English equivalent: Do not be fooled by empty promises.
Odelo ne ini oveka.
Translation: Asuit doesnt make a man.
English equivalent: You cant tell a book by its cover.
French equivalent: Lhabit ne fait pas le moine.
Odneti gae na tapu. (Na kraju ostanu samo gae na tapu)
Translation: To end up with underpants on a stick. (i.e. be really poor)
Ovca bleji, zalogaj gubi!
Translation: The sheep that bleats loses its share in food.
Papir trpi sve.
Translation: Paper can withstand anything (doesnt mean its true (a fact))
Pas koji laje, ne grize. (SR: Pas koji laje ne ujeda)
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Translation: Adog that barks does not bite.

English equivalent: Barking dogs seldom bite; His bark is worse than his bite.
Po jutru se dan poznaje.
Translation: The morning shows how the day will be.
Poisti prvo pred svojim vratima.
Translation: First sweep the ground in front of your own door.
English equivalent: And why do you look at the splinter in your brothers eye, and not notice the beam
which is in your own eye?
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones (dont criticize other people when you
yourself have faults and weaknesses )
Pomozi si sam pa e ti i Bog pomoi. (SR: Pomozi sam sebi pa e ti i Bog pomoi)
Translation: First help yourself and then God will help you.
English equivalent: God helps those who help themselves.
Pomozi sirotu na svoju sramotu.
Translation: Help the poor one for your own shame.
Pored takvih prijatelja to e mi neprijatelji.
Translation: With such friends, one doesnt need enemies anymore.
English equivalent: With friends like those, who needs enemies?
Posle kie dolazi sunce. (Posle kie uvek doe sunce)
Translation: After rain comes sun.
Praviti od komarca magarca. (od muve slona).
Translation: To make a donkey out of a mosquito.
English equivalent: To make a mountain out of a molehill.
Prodati rog pod svijeu.
Translation: To sell a horn as if it was a candle.
Prodati maka u vrei.
Translation: To sell a cat in a bag.
To succeed in selling something useless or of a very poor quality.
Prola baba s kolaima.
Translation: The old lady with cakes has already passed by.
Now it is too late to act (you have missed the opportunity to do something).
English: To miss the boat; American Sign Language: train go sorry
Prvo skoi pa reci hop.
Translation: First leap, and then say hop!
English equivalent: ? Do something before you brag about it.
Puno baba, kilavo dijete. (SR: Mnogo babica kilava deica)
Translation: Many midwives, child will be feeble.
English equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Prvo skoi pa reci: hop!
Translation: First leap, then say: jump!
English equivalent: Look before you leap.
First do your task, then talk about it
Raditi raun bez krmara. (SR: Praviti raun bez krmara= raditi nepromiljeno)
Translation: To make the bill without the bartender (to do something hasty)
Rugala se sova senici. (SR: Rugala se erpa loncu, iroka mu usta; Rugala se ruga; )
Translation: The owl mocked the tit. / Apan was mocking a pot because his mouth is big.
English equivalent: The pot calls the kettle black.
Ruka ruku mije.
Translation: One hand washes the other.
English equivalent: You scratch my back and Ill scratch yours.
Latin equivalent: Manus manum lavat.
Runoj devojci ogledalo krivo.
Translation: An ugly girl blames the mirror.
English equivalent: ? Abad craftsman blames his tools.
Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava
Translation: Only unity saves the Serbs.

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Sit gladnom ne veruje.

Translation: The well fed one does not believe the hungry one.
Svakog gosta tri dana dosta.
Translation: Three days of any guest is plenty.
English equivalent: Fish and visitors stink after three days.
Sve je dobro to se dobro svri.
English equivalent and translation: Alls well that ends well.
Sve se vraa sve se plaa
Translation: Everything has to be returned, everything has to be paid for.
English equivalent: What goes around, comes around.
Sve to je dobro kratko traje.
Translation: All thats well lasts short.
English equivalent: All good things come to an end.
Svuda poi, kui doi.
Translation: Go everywhere, but come back home.
English Equivalent: Theres no place like home.
Svi putevi vode u Rim.
English equivalent and translation: All roads lead to Rome.
Strpljen spaen.
Translation: Patient saved.
English equivalent: All things come to he who waits.
to bi gore sad je dolje, a to bi dolje sad je gore.
Translation: What once was up now is down and what once was down now is up
English equivalent: What goes around comes around.
to je previe, ni s kruhom nije dobro.
Translation: What is too much is not good even with bread.
English equivalent: Too much of anything is bad for you
to moe danas, ne ostavljaj za sutra.
Translation: Do not leave for tomorrow, things you can do today.
English equivalent: Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today (Better now than later).
Teko abu u vodu natjerati.
Translation: It is difficult to chase a frog into the water. (sarcasticaly)
Tiha voda brege dere. (SR: Tiha voda breg roni)
Translation: Still water wears down mountains./Anything is possible with time.
English equivalent: Still waters run deep.
Tko kupuje to mu ne treba, prodavat e to mu treba.
Translation: He who buys what he does not need will (eventually have to) sell what he needs.
Tko pita, ne skita. (SR: Ko pita ne skita)
Translation: He who asks, need not wander.
Tko pod drugim jamu kopa, sam u nju pada. (SR: Ko drugom jamu kopa, sam u nju upada)
Translation: He who digs a hole under someone else will fall into it himself.
Tko rano rani, dvije sree grabi. (SR: Ko rano rani, dve sree grabi)
Translation: He who wakes up early, catches two fortunes.
English equivalent: The early bird catches the worm.
Tko s malom djecom lijee, popian se budi. (SR: Ko sa decom spava, popian se budi)
Translation: If one goes to bed with small kids, wakes up wet.
Tko se zadnji smije, najslae se smije. (SR: Ko se poslednji smeje, najslae se smeje)
Translation: He who laughs last has the sweetest laugh.
English equivalent: He who laughs last laughs best.
Tko umije, njemu dvije.
Translation: He who can, gets two.
Tko eli rata, bio mu u kui.
Translation: Who wishes war, may war be in his house.
Tri loa ubie Miloa.
Translation: Three bad ones killed Milosh.
Triput meri, jednom seci.

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Translation: Measure thrice, cut once; think first, act later.

English Equivalent: Think twice before you cut; Think first, act later.
Similar to: Think before you speak
U lai su kratke noge.
Translation: In lies one has short legs.
English equivalent: Alie has no legs.
U tom grmu lei/ui zec!
Translation: Thats the bush where the hare squats.
English equivalent: ? to find a solution to a problem
Umiljato jagnje dve ovce sisa.
Translation: Cuddly lamb sucks two ewes.
English equivalent: Similar to Flattery will get you anywhere.
Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse.
Translation: Trust yourself and your horse.
English Equivalent: If you want to get things done, do it yourself.
Vreme je novac.
English equivalent and translation: Time is money.
Vrana vrani oi ne vadi
Translation: Acrow doesnt pick out another crows eyes.
English equivalent: Athief does not steal from another thief.
Vuk dlaku menja, ali ud nikada.
Translation: The wolf changes his hair, but never his temperament.
English equivalent: Afox may change its skin, but never its character.
Latin equivalent: Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores.
eljezo se kuje dok je vrue. (SR: Gvoe se kuje dok je vrue)
English equivalent and translation: Forge while the iron is hot.
uri polako.
Translation: Hasten slowly.
English equivalent: Slowly but carefully.
Latin equivalent: Festina lente.
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15 Comments on "Srpske/hrvatske poslovice i njihovi engleski ekvivalenti"
Stephaan on Sat, 27th Aug 2011 3:07 pm
Zanimljiva tema
Evo nekih poslovica koje su meni pale na pamet, i neke za koje ve postoje, jo po
neki preddlog.
Vuk dlaku menja ali ud nikada.
Equivalent: ALeopard Cant Change His Spots
Meaning: You cannot change who you are.
Pas koji laje ne ujeda.
Equivalent: All bark no bite
Sve to je brzo to je i kuso
Equivalent: Haste makes waste.
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Meaning: Quickly doing things results in a poor ending.

Glava u oblacima.
Equivalent: Head over heels.
Meaning: Very excited and/or joyful, especially when in love.

Spring on Sun, 28th Aug 2011 2:19 pm

Hvala Stefane!
Samo .. ne bih se slozila da je Head over heals ekvivalent za Glava u oblacima
Head over heals je recimo zaljubljen do usiju
poslovice on Fri, 9th Sep 2011 12:04 pm
Da dodam par poslovca:)
Slogom rastu male stvari, neslogom se i najvee raspadaju.
Svako ima prava koliko ima moi.
Bogatstvo mijenja ud, rjetko nabolje.
Veliku sreu prati zavist.
Dobar ovjek uijvek ostaje poetnik.
Ravnodunost je najbolji nain u brigama.
to ljudi imaju vie, to vie ele.
Prijatelju i neprijatelju daj uijvek dobar savjet, jer prijatelj ga prihvata, a neprijatelj otklanja.
vladislav on Fri, 18th Nov 2011 10:41 am
Imaju dve engleske poslovice koje ja volim ali ne bih se usudio da prevedem na
engleski.Prva je : Osmotri prvo dzunglu pre nego sto udjes i povuces tigra za
rep.Druga je:Pocesi mi ledja ako mislis da i ja tebi nekad pocesem.
Spring on Fri, 18th Nov 2011 1:09 pm

Druga nije problem jer, kao i na srpskom, i na engleskom ima sasvim pristojnu
You scratch my back and Ill scratch yours
Meutim, prva.. hm ne mogu da se setim neeg slinog na engleskom a mislim da to nikad
nisam ula ni na srpskom pa molim za prevod (sa *** umesto rei zbog kojih to oklevanje u
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