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Chalcolithic Age in India

May 4th, 2011

Chalcolithic is also known as Eneolithic period which saw the use of the
metals among which the Copper was first. It is called Chalcolithic which
means use of stone and well as copper was prevalent in this period. The
earliest settlements of the Chalcolithic period range from the Gangetic
basin to Chhotanagpur Plateau. The economy of this period was based
upon agriculture, stock raising, hunting and fishing. Limited number of
Copper and bronze tools have also been recovered.
The presence of painted pottery is a hall mark of the Chalcolithic
The burial practice was another striking feature and the dead
were buried in a particular direction all over a particular area.
The largest site of the Chalcolithic period is Diamabad situated on
the left bank of the Pravara River.
The pottery ranges from Red ware , deep red ware to deep
brown and black, Pictographic red and black and polished red.
Some Chalcolithic Cultures:
Ahara Culture: The sites of Ahar Culture were Aahar
(Rajasthan), balathal, Gilund etc. The distinctive feature is black
and red ware.
Kayatha Culture: Located in Chambal and its tributaries, the
sturdy red slipped ware with chocolate designs is main feature
Malwa Culture: Narmada & its tributaries in Gujarat. One of the
largest Chalcolithic settlements.
Svalda Culture: The well-known sites are in Dhulia district of
Prabhas & Rangpur Culture: Both of them are derived from
theHarappa culture. The polished red ware is the hall mark of this
Important Observations about Chalcolithic Culture
The lower Palaeolithic sites were not found on the plains of
Indus, Saraswati, Brahmaputra and Ganga because probably
material in the form of stone was not available over there. As

Stone was the major industry of the time. Then, in northern India
, Mesolithic sites have not been recorded.
The main difference between the Lower Paleolithic and upper
Paleolithic was that in Lower Paleolithic quartzite was mainly
used while in upper Paleolithic crypto-crystalline silica was mainly
In Kashmir, the people of Neolithic settelements used to bury
dogs with their masters .
Apart from the stone tools, there is one side in India which gives
evidence of Bone tools in Paleolithic Era. It is Muchchatta
Chintamanu Gavi. Its located in kurnool .
Cultivation of cotton was a main feature of Mehrgarh as well as
Indus Valley Civilization.
The Earliest evidence of Rice cultivation has come from Belan
The Middle Palaeolithic Industry based upon stone was located in
southern Thar desert in Rajasthan and it was called Luni
The most common animal in the cave paintings of Palaeolithic and
Mesolithic era was was deer.
The people of Gilund in Rajasthan were NOT aware of bricks.
The Banana, Coconut, areca nut etc. Came from South East Asia
around 2000 BC

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