Formal Prop //zsu

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Task 9

Title of Magazine:
Cult is the name of the magazine due to during researching it has the connotation to how young
people idolise and follow musicians due to how accessible information is due to the internet era.
Also, the content from rappers now have associate themselves to a god level these artists include:
Jay Z, Kanye West and Eminem.
Explanation of chosen genre:
I have chosen this genre of music magazine as I am confident that I know what the target audience
would expect in this magazine (type of language to mise-en-scene in shots). I also have strong
knowledge in the history of this genre. Compared to other genres outside of hip/hop I lack an ability
to recognise artists and the sub-genres within that genre of music whereas with rap music I can tell
the difference between Trap to Crunk music through having knowledge in the beats per minute
and variation in snares. Due me having an interest in hip/hop music I believe I can create a better
product that would be at a professional level through knowing what colours are suitable and have
the right connotations to the genre.
Target Audience:
My target audience is directed at British, (predominantly) Black ethnicity who are aged 16-21 and
come from a middle class background. This is because from my questionnaire the results display that
hip/hop music is aimed at a Black audience (100% vote) and aimed at youths aged at 16-21 (87%).
Although, I did not ask what social classes hip/hop music is aimed but through researching the
history of hip/hop music I have learnt that hip/hop music originated in the hoods of Brooklyn and
these individuals came from the lowest of the lowest social classes, but now through the years
hip/hop music has become commercially successful it is aimed at more middle class due to having
the disposable income to buy music or have a device where you can listen to music (such as
streaming services like Spotify or YouTube).
Initial Ideas of Front Cover:
For the front cove I plan on using a medium close up for the main image on a model this is because I
can apply the rule of thirds and thus centre hotspot areas for parts of the model. I will apply a
header occupied with recognised artists as this would attract the niche market of people who are
interested in those artists hence maximising sales. Also, through implementing areas of interest in
the footer people can get a general idea of the content in the magazine through short text. I plan on
layering the cover lines above the model so the text is clear to read however formatting the text to
make it bigger/bolder hence easier to read. I intend to use a pug for promotional offers because it
will stand out due to the shape attached to the text and hence the promotional offer will get more
interest of the magazine from the target audience.
Initial Ideas of Contents Page:
I have chosen to use three columns as it will make the organisation of the contents page clearer thus
easier to read and to navigate around the magazine. I have chosen to have a main image of an article
in the upper central column as the rule of thirds can be applied thus the image would be a part of
the hotspot areas. I also plan on using sub-headings as it will allow the content of the magazine to be
split into categories and again easier for navigation. To ensure I have applied direct address I will
adjust the tone of language so it suitable for the genre of the magazine (through being informal and
usage of slang). Also, I would also reach general codes and conventions through having consistency
in the house style by applying the masthead and issue date as well items like the editors letter.

Initial Ideas of Double-Page-Spread:

My aim for the content in the double-page-spread includes creating a free flow article and giving
descriptive details through the recent success this individual has had. This is because it gives a
greater understanding of the artist than simple Q&As which are just subjective to the questions
asked. I will have the article on the left A4 consisting of 2 columns as this gives better organisation
and a clearer reading experience for the reader than 3 columns or 1 column. In the centre of the 2
articles I will have a grab-quote as it allows the audience to have a short insight to the article if they
are flicking through pages.
Initial Ideas of Photographs:
My idea for the double page spread includes me using the longshot camera technique so mise-enscene can be applied because it will show the models environment and connotations can be made
about the model through them seeing the whole body. The setting for the shot would be in a music
studio and props including: Speakers, MacBook (with MIDI software open), and Model listening to
the music and focusing on writing lyrics.

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