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It's Official! We're adopting!

May 8,2010

Mark and I have been praying about adopting children for a couple of
years now. Why? It's so difficult to put into words! Sometimes I don't
really know where the urge to adopt began. It's like I feel that
EVERYTHING in my life led up to this point. How do you explain a lifetime
of God's work in your heart in one blog entry?

I guess it's best to start with the beginning. From the time I was little, I
remember feeling a heavy burden for injustices in the world. Seeing
people who are hungry, the faces of homeless children, or
the devastation of poverty bothers me. I can't shake it. There is
something in me that will not let go of a cause, no matter how difficult or
complicated it may be.

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The African Children's Choir arrived at my church in traditional African
attire of royal blue patterned with vibrant colors. I had never seen an
African in person much less clothing that looked like a traditional
Ethiopian habesha qemis. I was enamored by their beauty and African
dialect and even more intrigued to hear them sing for us. A little boy
caught my attention from the beginning. He was small, 4 or 5 years old. I
couldn't imagine what he was thinking and feeling, as he was in the United
States for the first time. Did he miss his parents? Did he miss his school?
When would he find the time to make up his homework? I couldn't
understand why a boy so young would be allowed to travel around the
world without his family. My parents would never let me ride my bike
across the busy street behind our house, much less travel the globe alone!
It wasn't long before the concert began. The music was lively! The
children clapped, smiled, and sang with all their hearts. It was a beautiful
if somewhat discordant cacophony of drums, stomps, and voices crying
out praises to God. I had never heard such singing, but I wanted to sing
along! The little boy who caught my attention from the beginning was
placed front and center on the stage. His face was turned heavenward as
he sang, "Glorify Thy Name" in broken English. Toward the end of the
concert, the little boy approached the microphone. I leaned forward in
anticipation as he began to share his story. He said his English name was

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Ben, but his African name was too difficult for my 10-year-old mind to
grasp. His parents had recently died and he had no one to take care of
him. He lived on the streets of Africa hungry and homeless. By God's
grace, he was found by the organization that founded The African
Children's Choir and it allowed him the opportunity to be educated through
a tutor, housed in a comfortable home, and eat everyday. He spoke of
God's goodness as if he knew him personally, and now I realize he did. In
the worst of circumstances Ben was grateful, happy, and faithful to God,
even at such a young age.

Ben stayed in my family's home for the next week before they went on to
the next city. The joy, gentleness, and love that exuded from him struck
me deeply. How unfair it was that this child had no parents, no home, no
Christmas morning with his brothers and sisters sitting around a Christmas
tree. There was no security in his life, no guarantee of the next meal. Yet
his life was full, vibrant, and radiant with Christ. Ben taught me an
important lesson that week that Jesus is ALL we need. Only God can be a
perfect Father, Protector, Deliverer, and Friend.

I guess it was then that a seed was planted in my heart by God. Through
Ben I saw first-hand God's heart for the Fatherless, and a garden of

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compassion had grown in me since then. When I read scripture like, "I will
not leave you as orphans, I will come to you..." I can't get Ben's face out of
my mind. God rescues the poor and the needy, and I want to be on His
team. When I read in James, "Religion that God the Father accepts as pure
and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." I
can no longer think metaphorically or symbolically, as it is sometimes
tempting to do. It is clear. If I really live what I believe, I must do as Jesus
did and defend the cause of the Fatherless.

I don't know what that calling means for everyone logistically. We all have
different gifts and capacities; however, the cause of the orphan is a cause
we should all be behind. Whether you mentor a child, give money to
orphanages abroad, or adopt, the calling is the same...

Isaiah 1:17, Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, Defend
the orphan, plead for the widow.

Thank you, Lord, that you didn't leave us as orphans, but you came to us.
Help us to do the same for the forgotten children of the world.

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That is so awesome. You have an amazing heart, and the child you adopt
will be so richly blessed. A co worker of mine adopted from Ethiopia a
couple of years ago. Trent and Dana
by "venture" did you really mean "journey"? Jon and Anna

Adoption Miracles...ALREADY!
May 9,2010
Mark and I didn't discuss having children much when we were dating. It
rarely came up, and when it did, we agreed to wait A LONG time before
trying to have children. We were so young when we got married (22 and
23), we moved to a new city (New Orleans), started new careers, joined a
new church, etc. It was too much to adjust to right away, and kids did not
fit into the mix. Two years after our wedding Hurricane Katrina hit New
Orleans. An entirely new set of circumstances arose from post Katrina
aftermath. Our focus was on rebuilding our church and our city,
supporting our somewhat traumatized youth group, and rebuilding
relationships. there just hasn't been a moment until recently to think
about expanding our family.

Meanwhile, many of my friends began having babies and announcing the

start of a new phase of life. I questioned myself during this time and

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asked God to reveal to me why I did not have a desire at the time to have
biological children. During my prayer time, I felt a peace about not having
this desire, but when I was with my pregnant friends, I thought that maybe
something was wrong with me! Sometime about two years ago, I felt a
strong urge to adopt children during a women's conference. I can't
remember exactly what it was...in fact, I don't think it was anything
prompted by man that impressed my heart to adopt. The focus of the
conference was not on adoption, and I really can't boil it down to any one
thing that influenced my heart's desire to adopt that day. The only way to
explain the desire I had was by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I came
home from the conference and excitedly announced to Mark that I felt
called to adopt! I just knew that he was going to be thrilled with the word I
felt I'd heard from God. After all, he prays daily and reads the word, so of
course he would understand my desire to adopt! Much to my surprise and
disappointment, Mark was taken aback by my desire to adopt and unsure
about the possibility. I felt a quiet whisper tell me to not say another word
about it and simply pray for him. Mark is a godly man, and I knew I could
trust God to bring Mark to the same conclusion that I had come to if it was
right for us to adopt.

A year later, something inside me urged me to bring up adoption again. I

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was shocked to hear Mark say, "This is definitely a part of our family plan.
There is no doubt we will adopt; it's just a matter of when and how we will
adopt." God had done his miraculous work in Mark's heart and I had done
nothing but pray! It's amazing what God can do when we let him! Now
Mark is so passionate about adoption that it can only be explained by
God's work in his heart. It is so good to know that we don't have to
change people and force them to see things our way...God is in the
business of changing hearts and he does it perfectly!

Once Mark and I decided to adopt, there was a small (Mark would say
"huge") obstacle in our way...FINANCING ADOPTION. To adopt a child
internationally, one could expect to pay between $20K and $50K
depending on the country. This is not the kind of money that we have
lying around, obviously. We began to pray about God providing the money
if we were supposed to adopt. We know that all things belong to God, and
if He wanted us to bring home a baby from another country, He was going
to have to provide a way. About two months into praying about this, God
gave us several monetary blessings that are ONCE IN A LIFETIME kind of
situations: a performance bonus, an increase in salaries, a little here, a
little there. Before long, we had exactly what we needed to move forward
with the initial stages of adoption! The best news was the government re-

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approved and increased a tax refund to adoptive families from $12K to
$13K! This sealed the deal. God had granted us favor and unfathomable
monetary blessings that can only be explained by His faithfulness to us.

In March, Mark and I applied with America World Adoption Agency to

become adoptive parents to an Ethiopian child. We were drawn to Ethiopia
because of the vast need there. There are 4.5 million orphans in Ethiopia
due to Malaria, AIDS, and poverty. Most of these orphans live in
institutions or on the streets. They are malnourished, neglected, and too
much for the government to care for on its own. This crisis causes many
children to live their lives alone, begging for food, shelter, and other basic

We requested a 0-6 month old baby boy (s). We could end up with two
siblings, cousins, or just one boy depending on the availability when we
receive our referral.

We were accepted into AWAA's program at the beginning of April and

began initial paperwork and Home Study meetings. We received the
official Dossier documents that will go to Ethiopia on Thursday, April 29th
and announced our adoption Monday, May 3rd.

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Mark and I are currently collecting paperwork, such as original birth

certificates, marriage certificates, background checks, immigration
clearance, passport photos, etc. This can be a slow process and it
sometimes requires us to do additional paperwork depending on our
situation. So you can be
praying that our
paperwork will be
acceptable and completed
in a timely manner
(hopefully early June).
Thank you so much for
praying for us and sending us notes of encouragement. It's so awesome
to have such supportive friends and family! Here's a picture of the journal
Mark got me to write letters and prayers to our future adopted child
(children). Isn't he the best! You can't tell in this picture, but all of the
continents are outlined in reddish brown except for Africa which is outlined
in black. I think its a sign. :)

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Hi friend! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to hear all about it. Your
child is going to be so blessed to be a part of your family. I love you & can't
wait to meet your new little one. Lori

May 10, 2010
Our first piece of paperwork arrived
today!!! Mark's birth certificate from
Illinois wins the fastest arrival time
award. Way to go Illinois! Texas...what
in the world???? How could you let
them outdo us like that???

Paperwork is part of my job description

as a public middle school teacher. I do
it ALL the time! I almost thrive on
seeing how fast I can do it. Is that sick,
or what? You want a growth plan? I'll give you a growth plan! Bam!
Done. Part of being "type A" is that checking things off the list

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is exhilarating. There's a sense of progression and achievement when you
see paper moving in Education. As I grade papers, I stop periodically to
count how many I have left, look at the clock, and time myself. With each
stack of papers, I am more efficient and timely. Wonderful.

Adoption paperwork, while MUCH slower, is also exhilarating. With each

signature on a line, each demand for a notary, and each time UPS rings
my doorbell, I get closer and closer to seeing my child! I come home
every day now and check the mail first thing. I then open my email
accounts to check for any updates from my Family Coordinator or contact
from my Home Study person. When there are no updates, or very few, I
then spend the next hour or two reading updates on the AWAA Yahoo
Group about people all over the country receiving referrals, getting court
dates, traveling to pick up their child. Not to mention the countless blogs
that I read of Ethiopian adoptive families who have received their children.
I am officially obsessed. It's no longer "OCD tendencies", it's certifiable.
While obsession over the internet, paperwork, and any adoption media I
can find is not necessarily healthy, I do wonder if this is what God feels
when he's pursuing us. I don't think we have any idea what goes on
behind the scenes. We go through the same daily rituals blinded to the
spiritual world around us. Sometimes we forget that God is even there.

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We have no idea that he cares about our situation or that he even exists.
Meanwhile, God is lining up all the necessary items until we are officially
His. Our baby has no idea who we are or what we are doing to bring him
home, and it's the same for us. If we had any idea what God was doing to
bring us home, we would be filled with joy and anticipation of our
homecoming day.

Today, one of my students said..."So...he isn't even born yet?" Wow. Yea, I
guess our child isn't even born yet. Since we requested a baby 0-6
months old, he may not even be conceived. Yet every day, ALL day, he is
all I can think about. God said in Isaiah 49, "Before I was born the LORD
called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name." Just as Mark
and I think and dream about our little one to come, God dreamed of us
before we were conceived. He knew us in our mother's womb Psalm 139
says, and in Jeremiah 1:5, He says "before you were born, I set you apart."
Oh how I hope that our little one always knows that they were thought of,
mentioned by name, known, and chosen before we even laid eyes on him.
What a beautiful picture of how God sees us.

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Hi Cimbrey, you don't know me. I'm a high school friend of Mark's. My
dad sent me your blog tonight. And wow! So excited to see this news and
read about your journey thus far. We are also passionate about adoption
and have discussed Ethiopia at times. But honestly I don't know where
we'll end up next. We'll see where God takes us. I love finding other
families similar to my own. So I am thrilled to be reading as you bring
these babies home! Melodie
Wait a minute.... Mark's not native Texan????? JUST kidding! :-) Love y'all!

Dr. Visits
May 12,2010
So apparently TB is something you have to get tested for before you
complete your Dossier. No big deal, unless you have no idea what TB is! I
go to the Dr. today to get a "physical". I'm thinking sight, hearing, reflex
exams, you know? Isn't that what a physical is? I get there and they tell
me I have to get blood work. Blood work is NO PROBLEM for me. I've had
to get blood work so much this year that I tell THEM what vein to poke
these days. What I don't like is UNEXPECTED pokes, and that's what they
did to me today. For a TB test you don't get poked in a vein, but in your

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forearm. I don't know why this makes me wince as I write. It's not like
I've never seen a needle, but I guess I've always known where the needle
is going! I was totally stressed out as the Doctor randomly stuck me in the
arm. I just thought I'd warn anyone reading this that might be considering

Besides that, what's with the Doctor asking you if you've been working
out???? Ugh! No, okay! I've been a little too busy for that! WHY ARE YOU
ASKING? Do I look fat in this outfit? Geez-o-peets! (Cajun for "Golly!")
Isn't it enough that you already know my weight?

On a lighter note (yes that is sarcasm), I will be getting my HIV

and Hepatitis B blood work done tomorrow. This stuff is intense.
Necessary, but intense nonetheless.

I am grateful though, that with every "test", "stick", appointment, and

phone call we are one step closer to our child in Ethiopia. It's gonna be
MORE than worth it all!

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I've had 2 TB tests in my life. I had to do it for substitute teaching and then
again for full-time teaching. For some reason, it's just stressful because
you have to wait 2 days or something for them to recheck you for results. I
mean, I know I don't have TB, but I overanalyze where they poked me and
think it "doesn't look right." haha! Laura and Ben

Final Home Study!

May 18, 2010

Mark and I completed the last leg of the home study last Friday afternoon.
I don't think my house has EVER been that clean! I really didn't know
what she would be looking for, so I WAY overdid it. Mark dusted every
corner, I vacuumed twice in one week. We put away everything that could
be perceived as clutter. We moved furniture and decor around 5 times to
see how it would look in various positions. I scrubbed the bathroom floor,
toilets, and bathtubs with pumice. We did laundry, and I EVEN IRONED
THE PILLOWCASES that go on our bed! I was sure she was going to look in
our refrigerator to see if we kept food in our house (you know, to make
sure the baby won't starve); therefore, Mark and I stocked up at WinnDixie with fruit, vegetables, whole grains. We had all our basis covered.

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Our case worker came in the house, took a brief tour to see the rooms,
commented on how great our furniture was, and then sat down to talk. I
almost blurted out, "WAIT! DIDN'T YOU WANT TO SEE OUR FOOD??" When
the "good angel" tapped on my shoulder and reminded me that I can't risk
looking "psychotic" with a social worker in our house seeing if we'll be fit

In all seriousness, it ended up being a breeze. We felt very comfortable

and talked with our case worker for 2 1/2 hours about all kinds of topics
related to adoption. It was a great conversation, and I was encouraged
and energized when she left. It was clear, I had no need to worry about
the house, especially the food in it.

Our home study will be complete shortly. We are still waiting on a TEXAS
birth certificate and marriage license. (God love 'em.) And we need to
finalize our financial statement, receive proof of medical and life
insurance, and get everything notarized. Once that is done, we are ready
to send off our dossier to America World!
By the way, neither Mark or I tested positive for HIV, Hepatitis B, or TB.
Phew. That's a relief.

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whooohooo! almost completed home study!! glad to hear you guys are
disease free. whew. oh, and you are hilarious by the way. Jon and Anna

yay! you're getting closer!! good call on not asking the lady if she wanted
to see your food.. could've been weird! praying for yall Rachel

Awesome news! I am really excited for you guys. I have a few friends who
are on the same journey as you. Very exciting stuff! I will continue praying
as you get closer and closer to meeting the newest Brannans! (I am Mark's
cousin Michelle!) - Michelle

Domestic vs. International?

May 19, 2010
One of my wonderful friends from college told me today they were thinking
of adopting! YEA! I was so excited to hear that! One of her questions for
me was, "How did you decide between domestic or international
adoption?" Good question! There are different families called to different
types of adoption or foster care. It is definitely not my place to persuade
anyone in one direction or the other, as domestic and international
adoption are both VERY important. We have some close friends here in

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NOLA that just adopted domestically. Their story is so inspiring, and their
call to domestic adoption is undoubted. There are so many reasons why
children should be adopted from one's own country. As a Ukrainian pastor
I heard speak recently said, "You can't take all of our children! There
would be many problems for us if all of our children were adopted by
Americans." His point in saying this was that his country his in the middle
of a transformation. Church members all over the Ukraine are sensing
God's call to care for orphans in their country. The orphan population has
gone from 300,000 to 30,000 in the last 5 years because Ukrainian people
(pop. approx. 45 mil.) are taking care of Ukranian orphans. This allows
them to raise up a new generation of Ukrainians to be responsible citizens,
and compassionate people toward future orphans in the country. Only an
orphan can truely know how to minister to another orphan in need. The
Ukraine is developing an army of orphans that will pay it forward to future
generations. There is something to be said for this. I think it is vital that
American citizens care for American orphans in the same way. America
has a population of approximately 307 million. There are approximately
123,000 children in foster care. If the Ukraine can shrink a larger number
of orphans by 90% with a population of 45 million, America can definitely
place 123,000 children in permanent homes with a population of 307
million! We should raise up a generation of compassionate children that

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love others the way that they have been loved. This will only happen if
American people will provide permanent families for foster care children.
The need is great in America, but we don't often see the need glaring at
us, as an orphanage building would as you drive to work in the Ukraine.
Many of these children are in foster care homes, which provides a
temporary solution, but they ultimately need forever families.
On the other hand, there are many countries, such as Ethiopia, where their
citizens are dying of HIV and Malaria. Children are orphaned by disease
and poverty. Parents are unable to care for their own children, much
less the children of neighbors. It is a crisis situation there. 4.5 million
orphans fill orphanages in Ethiopia. This is only ONE country of many in
Africa have the same plight. Rwanda has 1 million orphans because of
war, disease, and famine. The number of orphans in Africa is a problem
that requires global attention.
Recently, I shared a passion I have with our home study worker. When she
asked us how we would keep the culture of Ethiopia alive in our home, I
told her that I hope to raise a son that loves his country so much he wants
to go back there to minister to others who need God's love. She gave a
beautiful reply, "I don't see how it could be any other way. With your
hearts so impassioned about Ethiopia and your desire for orphans to know

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the love of God and a forever family, your child will have no other choice
than go back to his country." Then she uttered words that seemed almost
prophetic. "I have seen a lot of people who adopt children from various
countries, but the ones who adopt from Ethiopia are different. There is
something different about them...they are passionate about a purpose.
Imagine these parents raising Ethiopian children to love Ethiopia and hear
the calling of God to help their country. You could have an entire
generation of Ethiopian adoptees who willingly return to their country and
change their country's future." Wow. That's exactly the passion of my
heart. As much as it would hurt to see my baby grow up and leave me, I
know that God is his inheritance and his destiny is with Him. I want my
child to be wherever God is working, even if it means being a world apart.
In the debate over whether to adopt Domestically or Internationally, there
is no question about the bottom line:
"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows this is God, whose
dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families."
Psalms 68:5-6
We were made to love God and love people. Our calling is clear - "Father
the fatherless." What your role is in that no one can know but God.
Whether adopting domestically or internationally the need is great, our

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mission is clear, our time is short, and lives are at stake. Learn to do good.
Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for
the rights of widows.

Isaiah 1:17
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for
those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that
they get justice.
Proverbs 31:8-9

I definitely agree that both are EXTREMELY important but I think we dont
see it GLARING at us here because the national and state government do a
GREAT job at keeping it hidden! :) LOVE reading about everything going
on...SO EXCITED for you guys! The Albrittons
I linked to your coffee thing on my blog. I reach people you might not...so
maybe God can bless you that way! Michelle
Beautiful response:) Little lamb

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Worth Reading...
May 20, 2011

My good friend, Anna, and missions minister at my church (I'm proud to

say), posted this last night on her blog. It is so timely with the last entry I
posted. I would love for y'all to read her perspective on American orphans
and widows. See the entry
here: http://thepalmersjourney.blogspot.com/2010/05/functional-orphanswidows.html.
Great blogging, Anna!

Casey and Mary Beth Picker

May 21, 2010
Casey and Mary Beth's baby will be coming home soon! They passed
court today! YEA! Support their adoption of Evelyn by buying their t-shirt.

Dr. Livingstone, I presume?

June 1, 2010

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Wow. A lot has happened since I posted last.
School ended on May 26th with kids and May 27th for teachers. Mark and
I celebrated at the Court of Two Sisters on Royal St. in the French Quarter.
The courtyard was beautiful, and we lazily sat for three hours sampling
New Orleans best cuisine: jambalaya, turtle soup, shrimp etouffee, roast
beef and gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, oyster dressing, crawfish
dressing, bread pudding, praline sauce, homemade vanilla ice cream, etc.
It is an amazing place to go to get a complete taste of NOLA in one stop.

Mark and I spent the rest of the weekend looking at furniture, hoping to

get a Memorial Day deal. When you know someone is expecting a baby,
the natural thought is to think, "They were looking for baby furniture!" Oh
no. Not us. We have waited 7 years to get our bedroom furniture, and by

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golly we're getting it before the baby
comes. I know that our priorities will be
entirely shifted to the needs of our baby
when he comes, so the time is now. We
have been using old furniture Mark's dad
gave us when we got married, and it
wasn't designed to last very long. We
have procrastinated long enough, so on
Monday we bought a bedroom suit. Here
is the set we got. Unfortunately, the
windows in this picture were not included.

Since it was raining all day Sunday, Mark

Dr. David Livingstone

and I went to the library and picked up some books/DVD's on Africa. The
Jefferson Parish library is pretty
amazing. I have to admit...the best books on Ethiopia are picture books
from the children's section.
We picked up a DVD called Expedition Africa which was originally aired on
the History Channel. If you're ever in the mood for a 5 hour quest through
Africa, this is the DVD for you.

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The premise of the film is 4 modern-day explorers journey through

Tanzania along the same route that Sir H.M. Stanley took in search for Dr.
David Livingstone. To recap the story briefly, Livingstone was best known
for being a missionary/explorer who searched for the source of the Nile
River. During his time in Africa, he developed a deep love for the people,
and a life-altering passion to work as an anti-slavery crusader. During his
time in Africa, he became so enthralled with finding the source of the Nile,
that his contemporaries and the media in London began to rumor his
death. Eager to attract the public spotlight, young reporter H.M. Stanley
sets out to "find" Livingstone. It is truly remarkable how Stanley made it
all the way across Tanzania. The rugged terrain, swamps, crocodiles,
rhinos, lions, and hyenas are no small obstacle, much less the diseases
that claimed many of his porters: malaria and dysentery. Astonishingly,
the man makes it to Livingstone where he supposedly utters the famous
phrase, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
The entire time I watched the trek of these modern-day explorers as they
fought disease, exhaustion, rain, mud, and wildlife, I wondered, "WHY IN
THE WORLD ARE THEY NOT TAKING A CAB?" I honestly don't relate to their
desire to walk in Stanley's shoes AT ALL. Who would wish upon
themselves sleepless nights, danger, disease, and 24-hour dirtiness? It

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beats me.
What I did get though, was Stanley's determination to meet Dr.
Livingstone. Aside from the fact that "finding" this great
explorer/missionary would make him Europe's most famous reporter, I
have to believe that something inside of Stanley longed to understand a
man that would risk his fame in London, his comfort, and his life for a
people who lived in fear of being sold into slavery. London couldn't find
Livingstone because Livingstone didn't want to be "found". To Livingstone,
his home was among a people that he knew he was called by God to
Stanley was eager to jump into the rat race. His idea of a meaningful life
involved risking his life to be in the tabloids. Because explorers in his day
were like modern-day rock stars, Stanley knew that this was his chance at
fame. Risk his life, he did, but what is the man known for? Four words:
"Dr. Livingstone, I presume." Ironically, the most famous thing he is
known for saying doesn't even point to him; it honors Livingstone! It's no
wonder. Stanley was a violent, selfish man. He was brutal to his porters
who traveled across Africa with him. He left a fellow explorer to die of
malaria just outside his destination. And for what? A temporary fame that
left him lacking depth in our history books. On the contrary, Livingstone
did not seek the praise of man. In fact, he was probably despised and

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shunned by most of the white men he encountered in Africa. He would
have opposed them because they would have been there to capture his
people. Instead of seeking fame and approval from London, he dedicated
himself to giving people a voice who had no rights. To Livingstone,
proclaiming freedom for the captives (Isaiah 61:1) was a cause he took
literally and the world is better for it. Livingstone understood that "when
you lose your life for Christ's sake, you find it." (Matthew 10:39)
I wonder what it would look like if followers of Christ took God's word
literally. What would happen to our lives? Would we lose them? And what
if we did? Doesn't God's word say we would find life in Him? What are we
so afraid of?
Livingstone's story is one I will continue to tell because when I look at his
life, I see a man who really "got it." This is what it means to live... "I
(Jesus) have come that you might have life and have it to the fullest." John

Why Ethiopia????
June 3, 2010
Read this Washington Post article written by a Bethany Christian Director:
Psalm 86:6 - God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free

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and gives them joy. But he makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched
Psalm 146:7 - Who executes justice for the oppressed; Who gives food to
the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners free.

What's in a Name?
June 23, 2010
Names are very important to me. I guess growing up with an unusual
name caused me to feel the impact names can have on a person. For
years, I had no idea what my name meant. Cimbrey is NEVER defined or
explained when I look it up; however, there was a shop in Branson, MO
that made name souvenirs that looked it up for me when I was in middle
school. He said it was derived from Kimberley and meant "from the royal
fortress meadow." I'll take it. It made me feel like a princess, and what
girl doesn't need to be reminded that she is a princess now and then?
I've always had to explain my name and spell it for other people. There's
not a very interesting story behind it. My dad new a girl named Symbre in
high school and my mom and dad loved the name. They decided to spell
it differently, and Cimbrey became my name. I don't mind questions about
my name. I don't even care about misspellings, mispronunciations, etc. It

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happens. What having a name like Cimbrey has made me care about is
the importance of names themselves and how much a part of your identity
the become. Because I have such a unique name, I really
value uniqueness in myself and other individuals. I value going against
"status quo" and making a difference in the world. I am very comfortable
being the "only one" to do something. I've even been comfortable going
to a public restroom by myself my entire life! (Shocking! I know.) Being
unique, independent, and deviating from the norm has been a compelling
force in my life, and I believe it has a lot to do with my name.

When I read stories in the bible about God changing a person's name, it
has a profound impact on me. I immediately think of the confusion that
must have caused. When Saul ("asked for" or "ditch, death"), a persecutor
of Christians became Paul ("small, humble"), a zealous apostle of Jesus
Christ, I wonder if he had to get his carriage license and registration, birth
certificate, mortgage, fishing license, hunting license, etc. changed as
well. How does one go about changing their name? If someone calls your
house asking for "Saul", do you say, "Saul no longer lives here?" Really.
What do you tell your mom and dad? "Mom and dad, what drugs were
you on? My name stinks. My new name is Paul." People's questions alone
would be enough to make me want to change my name back to Saul. I

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can imagine the impact of changing your name is far more involved that
we might think at first glance.
Jesus' encounter with Saul on the road to Damascus completely changed
his life. Saul was physically blinded for a time, emotionally traumatized
(I'm sure), and spiritually, he was never the same again. There is no
greater change of heart than the one we see in Saul, turned Paul. Saul
was ravenous for the blood of Christian men and women, and he thought
that he was justified in his cause. After all, he was a Jew, and a
very pious one at that. He thought he was doing God a favor by
exterminating Christians. When he encountered God that day, God
changed a hateful heart into a passionate love for people everywhere to
know Christ. In the same way, we who have been changed by God through
a relationship with Jesus Christ, have been given a new heart. When God
met us on our road of destruction, he demonstrated His love and power by
making us a new creation. My name may not be changed in the literal
sense, but I know I will never be the same again. Being adopted and
grafted into God's inheritance changes us in every way.
When Mark and I meet our little one in Ethiopia, there will be many
experiences, mindsets, fears, and joys that he will have. His adoption into
our family will change his life forever. He will no longer be called
"forgotten", "orphaned", "alone", "abandoned". Instead, he will be given a

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new name, "accepted", "loved", "valued", "blessed". Like our stories of
adoption into Christ's family, our son's story will forevermore be marked by
reckless love and devotion.

It is for this reason, that Mark and I have searched and discussed names
that reflect our son's new live as an adopted son. We love unique names
because we know our son is special and unique to God. We also know that
God is with him even now when we can't be with him. We know that God
rescues the weak and He never leaves any of us as orphans, but He comes
to us in our distress. Therefore, Mark and I have decided that Baby
Brannan will be named...

ZANE - "God has been gracious."

GABRIEL - "messenger of God" and "devoted to God"

It is our prayer that Zane Gabriel Brannan will know God's grace and love
at an early age and devote his entire life to sharing the message of God's
grace to the world.
We invite you to pray with us for Zane!

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I really like that name. And even more, I like what it means. Your son is
already so blessed! (P.S. I also like the new blog look!) Michelle
I Love that name! Zane is my grandfather, uncle and cousin's name, but i
don't usally hear it anywhere else. Shane and Jenny
Great name, Love it!! Never thanked you for answering my question, sorry,
it has been crazy crazy moving. Your insight and knowledge was much
appreciated, so thank you.
Love the name. Little Lamb
I love it! Our little one will be Zoe! Kristy

You won't believe this. After my post about names I met a girl on facebook
named Simbry. Not only that, but she was named after someone her mom
went to high school with like I was. Not only that, but she went to TEXAS
A&M like me. Not only that, but she majored in English like I did. Not only
that, but she took education classes too. Not only that, but we had the
same professors. Not only that, but she is from the Houston area.

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GETTING WEIRD YET????? Turns out, the girl I was named after is most
likely the girl she was named after because both our parents went to high
school in Abilene. Whoa. I'm freaked out. THIS IS AWESOME.

June 15, 2010
Jeansonnes! Anna, I hope your reading this. We are not alone! HOLLA AT
US if you are adopting in NOLA!
Here's my new friend, Kristy's, blog:

Father to the Fatherless

June 22, 2010
On Sunday, our church celebrated Father's Day, as did most churches in
the United States. I love Father's Day. I have such a wonderful Dad who
always showed me how much he loved me. My dad is funny, sociable,
sensitive, and all-around great. I wish everyone had a dad like my dad.
I realize that many people don't have the capability to celebrate on

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Father's Day. Maybe they don't have a dad, or maybe there dad is absent.
Even worse, maybe Dad is hurtful and abusive.
This Father's Day I realized more than ever that Father's Day, like EVERY
day, is all about Him, our Heavenly Father. We celebrate Him when we
celebrate the love that our earthly dad's have shown us because it is He
who empowers that love. Likewise we celebrate Him though we have no
earthly father because He is the only one that can provide, love and care
for us perfectly anyway. I love that God calls Himself our Father. I think of
all of the children who have never known a Father, who are orphaned,
abandoned, or neglected whether physically or spiritually. He knew that in
life, we would be vulnerable and lonely without fathers, so in His love, He
decided to be the BEST at it. I love this verse..."Father to the fatherless,
defender of widows this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the
lonely in families."
Psalms 68:5-6
So whether you have a father or not, like your father, or hate him, we can
all celebrate Father's Day; the day that God became our Father and gave
us a place to belong. I hope that you know Him as your Father today.

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I may be behind in reading but when you adopt is he a newborn? Or will he
be a toddler? Alison

Paperwork is nearing an end! YEA!

July 4, 2010
Last Friday, Mark and I headed to Baton Rouge to get our dossier
documents certified by the secretary of state! It was a great birthday
present to get that behind us. Check out the videos below to see a quick
snap shot of our "adventure."

The "Official" Secretary of State's Office in the "Old Capitol Building". Of

course great work is done everyday in our state's capitol...just not the kind
of work we were interested in getting done! We thought we followed the
visitor's office directions exactly as we were told... But apparently we
missed a key turn somewhere along the way....

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In order for the state to certify our papers, they have to be signed in front
of a notary.... Where better to find a notary than your local grocery store?
Finally back at the right S.O.S. office...

So it turns out LA is very efficient about getting the documents certified,

and I recommend that anyone adopting internationally from LA just take it
to Baton Rouge, instead of mailing it in. They finished it in about 5 minutes
after we FINALLY figured out where we were going.

Mark took me shopping in BR after getting the papers certified at the Mall
of Louisiana. What a happy birthday! :)
How exciting! I LOVE the video documentary. Are you making something
for Zane/etc? to have when he is older? Neat post. Congrats! Michelle
I just met Wade's parents sunday and they told me about ya'll! You are
way ahead of us in the process! I am not a task person so I am struggling
to get this stuff done! But it will happen! Congrats on the process! :)

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This is just the toddler room...

July 7, 2010
I saw this on a blog that I follow and I couldn't help but post it here.
Bethzada Toddler Room
This is one of three rooms in an Ethiopian orphanage. This one is the
toddler room. There are two other baby rooms full of children. I can't
imagine what it must feel like to live communally like this when you are so
young. Who comes in to kiss them good morning and lay out their clothes
for the day? Do they have anything that is just there's? A special blanket,
a stuffed animal, a picture of a mother or father? Or do they lose
themselves in the shuffle, expecting only daily necessities: food, water,
shelter? I wonder what these children think about when the go to sleep.
Do they run to anyone when they've had a bad dream? Who's telling
them they will be alright? They will be alright, won't they?

Adoptive children coming in to the United States was at an all time high in
2004, with 22,990 adoptions. Last year there were only 12,753. With
more orphans today than there were at any other point in history, I am
concerned about the decreasing number of adoptions. There is nothing
more important to a child's development than having a loving family.

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Without a family, where will the children in this video be in the next 10-20
years when they age out of their country's system? Will they be trafficked
by work and sex trade predators? Will they live on the streets and steal
from local markets? Will they be dead from disease and hunger? Let's be
real...they won't have money to go to the University, travel abroad, get
well-paying jobs. The reality is...without people accepting the challenge of
adoption by faith, these children are on a fast-track to destruction. We
have a short window of opportunity while these orphanages protect these
children physically, to get them into loving homes where they can make
something of themselves. The time to adopt is now.

great word and challenge, Cimbrey! Love following your journey! Little

7th Anniversary Reflections

July 29, 2010

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Mark and I celebrated our 7th anniversary on Monday, July 26th. We spent
the weekend in Orange Beach and enjoyed the almost vacant beaches,
almost oil-free waters, and glistening sand. The ocean is one of God's
most amazing creations. There is another world living below the horizon of
blue/green waters that we know so little about. The power of the current
as it pulls you deeper into the gulf is startling. Yet, its sound is one of the
most relaxing, calming reverberations known to man. The sound reminds
me of Don Piper's description of angel's wings in his account of 90 Minutes
in Heaven, a beautiful, holy melody with a cadence that seemed never to
stop. Hebrews 1:7 says, "In speaking of the angels he says, 'He makes
his angels winds, his servants flames of fire.'" I imagine the sound to be
like that of waves crashing on the beach in a constant rhythm and with the
intensity of Niagara Falls. Angels aren't the wimpy cupids we've made
them out to be. They're warriors, ambassadors, and messengers!

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In the midst of complete delight and beauty, I could not help but think of
our little Zane, and the millions of children who have never seen the
ocean, experienced the power of the water, and felt the salty splash of the
waves. My heart hurts for children who do not have the opportunity to
experience such magnificence. Even more disconcerting is the fact that
experiences such as these are rarely even a thought to a child who has no
time for such luxury and leisure.
Monumental issues, such as
poverty, disease, hunger, and
homelessness are barriers to such
dreams and thieves of one's
innocence. Many children between
the ages of 6 and 10 are parents,
providers, and caretakers to baby
brothers and sisters. Their jobs?
Begging, stealing, sex-slavery,
forced labor... Life is about survival, and this kind of survival is dismal at
best. Who will see them? Who will rescue them? Who will restore their

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Isaiah 57:18 - "I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will guide him
and restore comfort to him,"
Jeremiah 30:17 - "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,'
declares the Lord, 'because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no
one cares."
Psalm 71: 20 - "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter,
You will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again
bring me up."

God is El Roi, "the God who sees". He will not forget the oppressed.
Through adoption, God is restoring dignity, health, and opportunity to
children who otherwise would end up trafficked, homeless, or dead. I'm so
thankful to hear from so many families who feel God's call to adopt
children. His heart is becoming our heart for the lonely and oppressed.

I pray for Zane's mother, though I have never laid eyes on her. I wonder
what kind of life she has had. I wonder if she was once a middle class
woman in the beautiful country of Ethiopia, living comfortably with her
young, hard-working husband like Haregewoin (learn more
at http://www.thereisnomewithoutyou.com/ and click on the video to hear
a summary from the author). Was her husband diagnosed with "the

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unmentionable disease" and fired from his job? Was he out-casted by
society and left to die a painful death in destitution on a cold dirt floor?
What happened to her? Did she also catch the disease? Was she raped
by deranged and defiled men who took advantage of a vulnerable woman?
How does she eat when her family has been ostracized because of
disease? I wonder what she is thinking now...knowing she will never be
able to provide for Zane, and loving him enough to let him go. Does she
pray for him? Does she beg God for a Christian family to raise him with
love and opportunity? Does she know that God is answering her prayers?

In an ideal world, Zane's birth-mother would receive the health care she
needs, eat healthily every day, and live a long, productive life. She would
love her son, send him off to school with a kiss everyday, and tuck him in
to bed each night. While I know I will love Zane with my whole heart, he
will one day long for his birth-mother, and wonder about her just as I am
today. Together we will grieve the insurmountable loss he will experience
and the injustices of a fallen world. We will cry, call out to God, hold each
other close, and rest in the hope of one day seeing her again in a place
where there will be no more death, no more crying, no more pain. And as
He always does, God will fill us with His unexplainable peace, until that day
when Zane, his birth-mother, and I will stand on Heaven's shores hand-in-

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hand, engulfed in the beautiful thunder of angels wings. (Ephesians 2:14 "For He Himself is our peace..."
Cimbrey, your post is just beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. I will pray
for you and your husband as you go through the adoption process. God
Absolutely beautiful! Alison

Biometrics Appointment
August 1, 2010
Mark and I received a letter in the mail yesterday with an appointment
time for our immigration fingerprints. We're so thankful to have heard
back from USCIS, but the appointment time is Monday, August 23rd at
8:00 a.m. It's practically impossible for us to make this appointment, and
they really don't ask you when a good time would be for you. With school
starting on August 12th, I just cannot see taking off a day of work that
soon! It's time to set up routines and procedures with my students, and
every minute matters.
We ask you all to pray with us about this appointment time. We are
planning to go to the office tomorrow around 4:00 p.m. and beg to get

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them earlier. We would love for there to be next to no one there and for
them to willingly fingerprint us really quickly, so we can send off our
dossier before school starts. I know it is a lot to ask, but it's hard to see
right now how we will be able to get our fingerprints done in a timely
manner unless God grants us favor with them tomorrow.
Please pray that they will be accommodating and understanding.

I just found your blog and am thrilled for you as you begin this journey.
God is so big! I can't wait to see how God's story unfolds here. Elyse
we'll be praying! Stephoberhoff
Will do! Michelle

Immigration Fingerprints
August 2, 2010

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Thank you all for your prayers for Mark and I as we attempted to get our
immigration fingerprints. We went at about 4:00 p.m. and the office was
already closed. We looked online before coming to see if they had office
hours and there were none listed. Obviously, there are no office hours on
the door either. Mark did; however, find office hours on another door with
a random acronym on it and they said 8-2:30, so we're assuming these
hours apply for the USCIS office as well.

Interestingly, God answered your prayers in a way we did not expect.

Having an hour of concentrated thinking time in the car as I sat on I-10 in
traffic to get to this office turned out to be the "answer" I needed. I
realized that my school schedule is such that I do not
have students until 9:20 a.m. From 7:10 - 9:20, I am
doing various "teacher" duties, like hallway monitoring,
team meeting, etc. Therefore, the August 23rd
appointment at 8:00 a.m. might work out. I will have to
miss my team meeting, but I won't feel like I'm letting
down my students and my new partner teacher! (Hugs,

Another way that God answered your prayers is that Mark and I began

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really considering the timing of our August 23rd appointment. It will
probably mean that our Dossier will be in Ethiopia in the middle to end of
September. If wait time for a referral (match with a child) goes as it has
been going recently, that will put us getting our referral in March, traveling
for court at the end of April possibly, and picking up Zane at the end of
May/early June. For a teacher, this would be perfect timing!

I know that God's timing is perfect, and He's already working this thing
out. Thanks for praying for us. Little did we know, your prayers would
change US, not our circumstances. God is faithful to do that, isn't He?

It's Gonna Be Worth It

August 18, 2010
I stood before a crowded room of over 50 adolescent 7th graders on Friday
and told them about my family, my interests, my likes and dislikes, my
favorite books, movies, music, and places to visit. It was my attempt to
summarize who I am so they might have some insight into the kind of
person I am and the type of community I want us to have in my classroom.

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It was going pretty smoothly. I was excitedly showing off my brother who
is proudly serving in the United States Army, my mom who also loves
working with middle school students "just like them," my dad who is the
"sweetest, most sincere, and funniest person I know," my best friend and
husband whom I love to "hang out with," and my two dogs who are as
much of a mess as they look in the pictures. Their eyes were wide with
interest, grins on their faces showed their amusement, and their posture
encouraged me to continue. I flipped to the next slide where I revealed
that one family member was missing, and I explained our adoption of Zane
that is currently in process. On the slide, I had a beautiful Ethiopian flag, a
decadent picture of moist Ethiopian coffee beans, two pictures of the
captiol, Addis Ababa, and a large outine of Africa in the middle. I don't
know what the children were thinking when I told them we were adopting,
but I do know that many of their faces were excited and surprised and
others were confused and perplexed. I've never seen such a contrast of
emotions! One even asked, "Will he be black?" It's a great question! One
that many wouldn't know to ask because they might assume that because
Zane's from Africa he would be very dark. I tried to answer as best as I
could with "His skin color could range from light/tan skinned to very dark
skinned. There are many different people in Ethiopia and cultures from the
middle east, Italy, and East Africa merge to make up this country." There

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was an interesting hush across the room, and honestly, I don't know what
to make of it. I don't know if I should make anything of it at all, and I try
not to in my mind. But I can't stop thinking of the boy's face after his
question was answered. To me, it was a look of disapproval or
disappointment. I hope I'm making the wrong assumption about his look,
but still I can't get it out of my mind. If he was disapproving...why was he?
Of what was he disappointed? Is it because I'm too white to parent a
tan/dark baby? Is the baby too black to have a white mom? Is it too weird
to adopt a child at all? Is it upsetting to him that I might choose to mother
the motherless, rather than birthing a child biologically? What do people
perceive about me? Do they think I am a merely caught up in a
generational trend? Do they think I am an arrogant "princess"-type
thinking I can save the world? And why do I care what they think? Why?
It is so difficult for me to look at the world and accept injustices, abuses,
and inequalities. I don't want to be misunderstood, yet I don't want to be
defensive either. People will have their judgements, but there is only one
Judge. People will have their opinions, but there is one Truth. And He is
worth it all.
When I look at Zane in my mind's eye, I see the utmost in earthly beauty.
He is full of color, full of life, full of hope, and full of wonder. When I
imagine Him, I imagine the face of one who has seen the face of God.

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There is radiance, gratitude, and peace. I don't know what color he will
be, but I know He will be beautiful and there will be no one else in all the
world like him. I know he will be fearfully and wonderfully made; knit
together by the hands of God. I know I will be lost for words and yet so full
of things I want to say to him. His color will be vibrant and He will be
made in God's image.

When I imagine Heaven, I imagine there are colors I've never seen before.
Paul said that we now see through a glass dimly, but then we shall see
face to face. What we think of as blue on earth will have no semblance to
the radiant shades of blue we will see when our eyes are unveiled.
Likewise, the colors of our skin will radiate with glory indescribable. I
imagine a sea of people who shine with the light of Christ and the beauty
of rich browns, tans, blacks, reds, and yellows that have never been
perceived by mankind. What humanity has made into a divisive
and volatile physical attribute that has caused hatred and wars, God is
making into a glorious and everlasting Kingdom that reflects His nature
and His beauty.
I want so badly for people to know how color-blessed we are on this side of
Heaven. I wish humans could love one another and really understand
God's love for us. What would we do and how would we treat people if we

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really embraced them as our brothers and sisters? How would our children
respond to our example? How would future generations embody the call
of the Great Commission? Maybe adoption wouldn't be such a perplexing
thing to our children after all.
Wonderful thoughts and attitude. It is so sad that we see color as divisive
here. I know you will be great parents of any shade God chooses to send
you. Music Miller
It's funny, but I haven't ever thought of Zane as a "color." I've just been so
excited & thrilled at the idea of you & Mark becoming parents, and your
parents becoming grandparents. You would think with 7 granddaughters I
wouldn't be so ready for another one to come along, but new baby fever
here!! God's blessings come in every shape, size, color and type. I for one
am grateful for that. And eagerly awaiting your new one!! Tricia
wow miss cimbrey. i read your blog during a class, and i hope the professor
didn't see me crying. so precious!! William and Brittany

Another prayer answered...Another one

September 7, 2010

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I have been putting off a new entry and rationalizing my procrastination

for days now. While procrastination is never a good idea, there are many
good reasons for my delay in writing this entry.

Top Ten:
10. Football season started.
9. School is keeping me very busy.
8. I've been planning a bridal luncheon for my sweet cousin, Amber's
wedding on September 5th.
7. Sometimes, I feel like being lazy and just watching TV.
6. The dishes are overflowing out of my sink and need to be washed.
5. I've been reading some great adoption books, Adopted for Life by
Russel Moore and There is No Me Without You by Melissa Faye Green
4. I've been reading countless updates on our adoption Yahoo Group.
3. Adoption blog-stalking is very time consuming.
2. I can't stand blogs that just COMPLAIN and I don't want to be "that
1. I'm tired of talking about adoption paperwork and that's about all there
is to talk about right now.

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So...with that said, here is the most mundane post I hope to ever write,
written entirely out of my own personal guilt over procrastinating for so
long. I must break free. Here goes...

Monday, August 23rd (Mark's birthday), Mark and I headed to the local
USCIS office to be fingerprinted for our Biometrics appointment at 8:00
a.m. It was to be a quick fingerprinting, followed by a fast drive to work so
I could make it for my first class. We arrived a few minutes early, entered
the office, and approached a metal detector much like the airport security
scanners. As I entered, I was told I could not bring in my
coffee...understandable. I set it down on the ground in the hallway outside
the office, so I could grab it on the way out. Big mistake. Apparently,
drinks have to be taken all the way back down to your car even though the
USCIS office is in a regular office building where many people gather in the
hallways and elevators with a steaming hot mug of delicious coffee. No
problem. I took it back to the car. When I came back up, we went through
security easily and got in line with our appointment papers. When I
approached the counter the girl said we did not have the appropriate
paperwork. Mark's appointment was verified, but I did not have an
appointment sheet. I felt like throwing up. After waiting 5 months to have
this moment, the last piece of our dossier completed, I was about to freak

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out. I stepped away from the window, turned toward a chair, and sat
down. Immediately, Mark said, "You can just sit there and pray and don't
worry about it." He knew I was on the verge of a meltdown. He said it
right in time because I was just about to explode. I did exactly as he
suggested and prayed with all my heart that the women would find my
paperwork quickly and that there would be NO ISSUES with it. About 15
minutes passed and I was quoting the last verse I knew from the bible
about peace and patience in my head when the woman yelled my name to
approach the window. I darted to toward her as she nonnonchalantly placed the paperwork under the window for me to grab.
What a miracle. USCIS had found my paperwork and no extra calls, raised
voices, or sudden freak-outs were required.
It was a mere 15 minute wait after that, and I was in the fingerprinting
area getting my immigration fingerprints made! It was an emotional rollercoaster, but all is well that ends well. :)

Now we are waiting for the USCIS fingerprints to be processed and for an I171H form, stating we've been cleared, to be sent to our home. Seems
simple, right?
Wednesday, September 1st, the day I expected to possibly receive the
forms, I got a call from a USCIS adoption officer. She wanted to know if

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"Mark made his appointment..." I still don't know what that means
because when I called back at 4:00 on Wed. afternoon, the voicemail said
the office was closed for a government holiday. No need to look up and reread, folks. You're right. It was WEDNESDAY. I thought Labor Day was
Monday???? I guess the government got off Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday, and Monday. Wow! Why don't I work for USCIS???

Today is Tuesday, September 7th, the day after Labor Day. When I called
the office today, the voicemail said, "I only return calls between 10 am and
11 am." At this point, Mark and I were laughing out loud. This has got to
be the funniest work schedule I've ever heard of! As of now, we still have
not touched base with USCIS to see what was meant by "Did Mark make
his appointment?" USCIS saga to be continued...

Thanks for the update. I have been wondering how the finger printing
appt. went. I hope school is going well! And remember, there are others
praying too! Michelle
You are almost there!!! Yippee!! Little Lamb

How to Save A Life

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September 9, 2010
Ethiopian Orphans from Simon Scionka on Vimeo.
It's hot. So hot I can't bear to move for fear that I might start sweating.
The sun's beating down at about 100 degrees and the heat index has
been reaching up to 110. To add to the heat, New Orleans is privileged to
be surrounded by steaming marshes, creeks, and canals whose waters
evaporate into the blazing hot air causing us all to barely be able to
breath. The Mississippi River looks like something out of a horror film.
Steam and fog move mysteriously across the water like ghosts choking
residents with it's thick moist consistency.
About the only thing I want to do these days is jump in a pool full of ice
and enjoy the refreshing feeling of freezing to death. If only the 1940's
insulation in my walls would contain the air conditioning that has been
constantly flowing out of vents in my home 24/7! There have been many
days I've thought of buying a new house with beautiful double-paned
windows that actually seal when they close, updated insulation that fills
the walls with protection from outside elements, and a ventilation system
that keeps our attic cool. I've thought about a covered deck out back

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surrounding an underground pool with chilly waters and a relaxing rock
fountain. Add to that an outdoor ice machine, cold drinks, and a pool raft,
and I'd have it made.
Six months ago, I would have started saving for exactly those things.
"Why shouldn't I have what many, if not most, homes in America have?"
"It's hot, I work hard, I make money, I deserve these things." "Life is too
short to not enjoy it!" "I'll feel less stressed and more comfortable with
some place to relax." The explanations and rationalizations I created for
spending money were countless. Afterall, they are all based in some sort
of truth...a self-centered truth.
I believe it's these so called "truths" that keep many of us self-absorbed,
dissatisfied, and depressed. The "truth" is there is nothing on earth that
will satisfy our deepest needs. All efforts to de-stress, de-toxify, de-brief,
de-whatever are futile if there is nothing better, nobler, wiser to replace it.
The TRUTH is, the only thing that satisfies us is knowing God and making
Him known throughout the world.
In adoption, I have found that there is nothing closer to God's heart. Just
as God has adopted us as heirs of His promise, given us full rights as sons,
and blessed us with a glorious inheritance, Mark and I are now in turn
offering a reflection of God's adoption of us to a baby boy in Ethiopia.
I'm ashamed I ever thought of spending my money, my time, my

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resources on anything less than a human life. How much we have in
America! Yet we are content to write checks to charities to avoid getting
our "hands dirty." There is no amount of money saves lives. God saves
lives. And he uses His people to bring salvation to the "ends of the earth."
One of the ways He does that is through Christian men and women
adopting children as sons and daughters who have the full rights and full
inheritance of biological children.
I am beside myself when I think of the reality of circumstances in this
video. I can't go on. I feel like crumbling to the floor in anguish. I will
never be the same. No discomfort and no sacrifice is too difficult if it
means the rescue of these children. "For our light and momentary
troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
2 Corinthians 4:17

September 14, 2010
I'm becoming a mail stalker. Yes, that was M-A-I-L, not M-A-L-E. We're
expecting our I-171H forms (Immigration) to come in the mail...we think.
We got a call from USCIS with a question about Mark "making his
appointment" and I called her back to leave her a message that "yes, he
did 'make his appointment.'" I did not hear back about what this means or

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if further discussion was needed. I even brought my phone to work to
receive the call between 10 and 11 a.m. (the only hours she returns calls.)
I have not heard one word back from USCIS about this voice message I
got two weeks ago. For days I thought she had figured out the answer to
her question and she didn't need me anymore. I just figured I would see
the forms in the mail in the next couple of days. After a week of checking
the mail box and not finding it there, I'm starting to have doubts. What if
she put me at the end of a big long list of "people to call back between 10
and 11 a.m." because I failed to answer her call? If that's the case, I won't
be hearing from her for quite a while I'm sure. This would further delay
our sending of our dossier to Ethiopia, and in turn, delay our referral for
our waiting little boy, which would delay our court date to make the little
boy ours, and then delay our travel date where we bring our little boy
home. So this is really NO BIG DEAL. REALLY. I'm totally fine with
checking the mail EVERY day to see more junk mail, bills, and coupons to
Bed Bath and Beyond (you know what I'm saying? How many coupons can
they give out!)
All that aside, when I step back and try to see the broader picture, I
remember that there are MANY things God is lining up across the world at
this very moment. There is a mother who is deciding what she will do with
her unborn or recently born child. There is a counselor or advisor who is

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crossing her path to encourage her to choose life and health for her baby.
There is an orphanage that is making room for another baby among the
dozens of cribs in their baby room. There is a volunteer that is donating
more formula to the orphanage so the baby can be fed and cared for.
There is an agency that is preparing to advocate for our family. There is a
judge who needs a heart filled with compassion. And there is a family who
needs to understand God's wisdom and love. No plan is ever standing still
in God's Kingdom. There are thousands of moments that must happen in
the lives of hundreds of people before Zane is ready to come home. Even
if we can't see any movement, there is always action going on in the
Heavenly realms. If any of these moments are missed, the plan fails...and
God promises His plans NEVER fail. I'm so glad that I can rest in that.
There is nothing going on right now that isn't part of the greater picture. I
can and I will wait for the Lord. His timing is ALWAYS perfect.

September 18, 2010
I am so excited I could cry. We just received our I-171H in the mail today!
We will be sending our dossier to AWAA on Monday. Hopefully we will
have our dossier in Ethiopia by Friday!!!! YEA!

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yay!! congratulations!! William and Brittany
We got caught up in the switch to the central office - I waited 14 weeks for
that magic piece of paper and cried when it arrived. I get you. Missy

Kinko's Trip!
September 19, 2010
Today we copied all of our dossier documents three times, put them in
order and prepared for tomorrow's mailing! Mark will take the dossier to
FedEx at 8am and it will be off to Virginia to be approved by America
World. I can't wait to get the call that we are finally DTE (Dossier to
Right now, the wait for a male infant is approximately 4-6 months. We
hope to receive a referral for Zane by February, travel for our Court date in
March/April, and go pick him up in April/May. It's so exciting!

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First we double checked (really I don't remember how many times I've
checked) all the paperwork at home.

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Then we headed to our local Kinko's/FedEx Office.

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This is Mark documenting how much
money the copies are costing us. He
is a VERY trusty accountant! :)

putting all the copies in order...

getting a little overwhelmed at the

amount of paperwork...

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closer to

the finish


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My "baby bump!

Manly "baby on the way" pose.

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It's official. I'm going to be an ehmyay, "mama!"

Hahahaha....LOVE the baby bump pic! Congratulations, mama and dad!
Love the documentation, so fun that Zane will look at all these pictures
someday...soon!! - Little Lamb

Love the new blog look! Can't wait to learn more about, and eventually
meet, our little God-son! - Laura and Ben

So exciting, friend! I love the baby bump. - Amanda

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SO exciting!! I remember my trip to FedEx like it was yesterday, checking

and triple checking that everything was correct. I love the "baby bump" by
the way! Congrats! - Becky

Okay, my SIL Stephanie Dollahon, who went to high school with Mark, sent
me over because we are adopting from Ethiopia too! We are on the waitlist
for a baby girl.And, I'm friends with Amanda. So we've got connections,
baby.And man, I wish I had thought of that baby bump photo. :) - Missy

Ah that is sooo exciting! I can't wait to get there! Congrats! :) - Emily

yes -- I think we all are in envy of your baby bump photo. I think by the
time I was ready to send that sucker off - I was just lucky to get a photo of
it going in the FedEx box - it went in there at the speed of light!! Congrats!
- Tracy

You are adorable Cimbrey and I love your baby bump! You and Mark are
going to be amazing parents to little Zane. :-) Congratulations! - Brad and
Lauren Holmes

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Super cute shirt and congrats on being on your way! :) Kelly

DTE - 9/24/10
September 21, 2010
Mark and I received an email today from our Family Coordinator with AWAA
that our dossier has been approved. It will be sent to Ethiopia on
September 24th, this Friday! YEA!

HALLELUJAH!!!! Such exciting news. We'll keep praying for Zane!!! Michelle
WOO HOO!!!! Congratulations! Such a HUGE step closer! Enjoy the freefrom-paperwork feeling! God bless you in the waiting!- Debb

i just found your blog through another. i am so excited for you to be DTE!
how awesome! we are an awaa family also, we just switched from rwanda
and actually started at the same time you did :) praying your referral
comes quickly. - Dustin and Megan

October 3, 2010

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The embassy approved our request for a Visa AND...
Our dossier was delivered to Addis Ababa on September 30th! We're
Sep 30, 2010 3:00 PM
Sep 30, 2010 12:30 PM
In transit
Package available for clearance
Sep 30, 2010 12:30 PM
Int'l shipment release
Sep 30, 2010 3:36 AM
In transit
Sep 29, 2010 6:13 PM
At local FedEx facility
Sep 29, 2010 4:47 AM
Departed FedEx location

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Sep 29, 2010 4:42 AM
In transit
Sep 28, 2010 9:19 PM
Departed FedEx location
Sep 28, 2010 7:12 PM
Arrived at FedEx location
Sep 28, 2010 12:40 AM
Arrived at FedEx location
Sep 28, 2010 12:29 AM
At local FedEx facility
Sep 27, 2010 11:36 PM
In transit
Sep 27, 2010 9:02 PM
Departed FedEx location

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Sep 27, 2010 4:33 PM
Arrived at FedEx location
Sep 27, 2010 3:54 AM
Departed FedEx location
Sep 27, 2010 1:52 AM
In transit
Sep 25, 2010 8:22 AM
Departed FedEx location
Sep 25, 2010 7:25 AM
Arrived at FedEx location
Sep 24, 2010 8:23 PM
Left FedEx origin facility
Sep 24, 2010 4:19 PM
Picked up

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Sep 24, 2010 2:15 PM
Shipment information sent to FedEx

Many of you have been asking about next steps for us, so here's
an approximate timeline:

We wait for 3-6 months to get word from America World that we
have been matched with a little boy 0-12 months or twin boys 0-12

America World sends us a "referral" complete with a picture of the

child, background information, etc.

We wait for 4-6 weeks for America World to set us up with a court
date in Ethiopia.

We travel to Ethiopia to testify before court that we will bring up

the little boy(s) to be healthy and happy.

We come home and wait for 4-6 weeks for clearance to travel to
pick up the boy(s).

We travel to Ethiopia to pick up our kid(s)!

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Our prayer request at this time is that God will show us clearly what he
wants for us. We have had in mind twins from the beginning. The passion
is growing stronger, especially for Mark, to have two boys. Pray for us,
America World, and the appropriate powers in Ethiopia to match us with
two boys if that's what God wants for us. Also pray for the caregivers that
they would have energy and the mind of Christ to see to every child's
needs while they wait for their forever family.

The Waiting List

October 12, 2010
Ethiopia has a "rainy season" between August and October. During this
time, most activity shuts down, as the roads become dangerous for travel.
For the past few weeks, I have been eagerly watching our agency's
UNOFFICIAL waiting list for any sign of activity. Finally, last week about 10
court dates were given or confirmed, and several referrals were given out.
When we sent our dossier to Ethiopia in September, we were number 29
on the "waiting list", and now we have already moved up to 27! Of course,
there is still a long way to go, but it's so cool to see movement!

In the meantime, I've been reading some great books. One particularly
important book for families adopting from Ethiopia is There is No Me

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Without You by Melissa Faye Green. It is wonderfully written, and it
balances history with personal stories about Ethiopian orphans and
caregivers. A great book on the theology of adoption is Adopted for Life,
by Russel Moore. It reveals God's heart for us and shows how adoption is
part of God's design for mankind. I am now reading Radical by David Platt,
which has nothing to do with adoption, but ironically has EVERYTHING to
do with adoption at the same time. Its about American Christians futile
pursuit of the American Dream, and the REAL life that is found in
abandoning everything for the sake of the gospel; not the gospel as it
applies to me, but the true gospel of Jesus Christ, our Savior. It's about
living for the glory of God and making Him known throughout the world.
And what it costs to do that. I think David Platt is really on to something
with this book...it's definitely something I will be thinking about for a while.
My next reads will be...

The Connected Child by Karen Purvis (awesome child development

specialist from TCU),
Parenting By the Book by John Rosemond,
Thriving As An Adoptive Family by David and Renee' Sanford,
Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson,
I'm Chocolate, Your Vanilla by Marguerite A. Wright,

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Castaway Kid by R.B. Mitchell,
The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp, M.D.,
Ethiopia by Phillip Briggs,
Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child by Patty Cogen, M.A.

Please give me feedback under comments if you've read any of these. I

need help prioritizing them. If you have any to add, I have lots of time I
need to fill will reading! It keeps me from obsessing over the waiting list!
While we wait, we are also getting some ideas for a nursery. It is very
difficult for me to choose a nursery theme or even colors.

On one hand, I love the calm, cool colors of a Restoration Hardware

nursery like this one...

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On the other hand, I love whimsical, modern looks such as this zebramodern look:

Or maybe this oriental-modern look:

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Even this fun, colorful whimsical look:

I'm not so fond of the boyish theme styled bedding, unless it's subtle:

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Let me know what your favorite look is in the comment section!THANKS

i vote for the green with the giraffe, or the restoration hardware with
maybe something little to brighten it up. soooo cute! - William and Brittany
Brent and I just finished Radical and has totally shifted our thoughts on life
in America. It is making us dig into the word and DO more. Funny how we
always hear We are "saved by grace through faith, not by works so that no
man may boast" and we take that to mean a free ride into Heaven... we

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forget that works and acts of faith are pleasing to God while we are here
and his specific command was to GO and MAKE disciples. You are living it,
Cim! Proud of you! - Abbey
I'm praying for you guys! LOVE reading your blog! My team read Radical
together this summer before leaving for Ethiopia and I loved it; it'll change
your life! :)Excited to find out what cute little lucky baby you guys get! Morgan B.
My favorite is the green with the giraffe. I like it with the dark wood, and
that color wood for furniture could stay in his room for a long time before
he "grew out" of it (like a boy with white furniture can only have it so long,
right?...) I also like the restoration hardware baby blue... Looks like you're
going to have to just adopt several children to occupy different
nurseries :-) - Laura and Ben
I am so thrilled there is progress for you! With regards to your book list,
you should look into attachment parenting books, especially ones by Dr.
Sears. My parents practiced attachment parenting, before they knew there
was a name for it, with us. My older brother was adopted around 3mths of
age after being neglected and taken by the state. I was not adopted until
after 6mths when they knew I was healthy enough. She swears that it
helped bond us quickly and make us feel secure. You can google

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attachment parenting and adopted children and get a whole list of articles.
:) - Sheri
I'm so excited that Zane is getting closer to being home :)my advice for
the nursery is to pick something that isn't too busy. I love Brayden's
nursery, but i swear it keeps him up during naps b/c there is so much
going on :) - Shane and Jenny
I'm Chocolate You're Vanilla. I loved this book! And it's on my bookshelf to
pull back out when needed. I really learned alot through this one. Bringing
up Boys. Liked it. But you could wait until your son was around 2 to read it.
So you could prioritize this one low. It will be another one that I probably
read and re-read through the years. Love the nursery ideas. I like the
modern, but they are all so cute. So excited for you guys and the blessings
that are in store! Melodie

I am officially registered for a great adoptive moms retreat! Upon hearing

about the event, I knew it would be an awesome time. Any excuse to get

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together with a bunch of girls who love Jesus, love girl time, and love
adoption! I'm perfectly content to sign up for these kinds of things by
myself, and usually I'm surprised and thrilled to meet up with people I
know at the event. Signing up for this event, however, was an even better

Several girls on the America World Yahoo Group threw around ideas of
going, so I knew there would be a few familiar faces as the first day of
registration came and went. When I went to sign up there were only four
spots left because so many women committed to go! Kristy, my AWAA
NOLA buddy, called and we determined to go together. In a matter of
three days, Jamie from Baton Rouge, Kara from the Woodlands, Autumn
from Houston, and several others in the America World group had
registered to go! I am so excited to see these girls and meet some of
them face-to-face for the first time!

A remarkable thing is after learning about all of the wonderful America

World girls going, I got on Facebook and found Mary Beth from Arkansas is
also going. Mary Beth is the beautiful wife of my high school friend, Casey
Picker. I have been in contact with her regularly since I learned of their
adoption of their 2nd son from Ethiopia, and I followed their 2nd adoption

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of a little girl from Ethiopia this summer. Although I feel like I know her, I
have never met Mary Beth. I am so thrilled to be able to meet her and
hang out with her at this retreat!
This will definitely have to be the first of many annual retreats like this
i am a SUCKER for any and all adoption t-shirts...i SO just purchased the
one for the retreat! :)

We have GREAT friends in Ruston who just switched from Rawanda to

Ethiopia because of all the craziness going on in Rawanda. It has been
crazy for them. Here is their blog
I gaver Erin yours as well! Hope everything is going great!


October 24, 2010
Today marks ONE MONTH that we have been waiting for Zane. We have
been told to expect a 3-8 month wait for a referral for a baby boy.

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On the "unofficial wait list" that people in our agency keep up with, we
have moved up to number 22!! So in one month we've moved up 7
spots! YEA! Things are moving!
A big prayer request right now for our agency is for people who have
referrals to get court dates. The courts were closed through August and
September, so there is a little back up with the court process. Please pray
that many families will be scheduled for court, so the process doesn't keep
backing up.
Thanks for praying for Zane and for us as we wait for him to come home!
So exciting, friend! Amanda

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Hi Brannans!! :) We are the Webbs and we hope to travel for a little baby
boy for you or soon after you. Just thought we'd check in. P.S. Where did
you hear 3 - 8? I have only heard 4 - 6 months. - Stephanie

A Perfect Weekend
November 2, 2010

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Last weekend I had Fall Break! It's the first year we've been given a fourday weekend in the middle of the fall, and it was much appreciated! Mark
and I planned months ago to meet our friends in College Station for an
Aggie football game, and we were thrilled to see the Aggies beat the
Raiders! However, this weekend ended up being better than we ever

First, we have to thank God that we got to Houston from New Orleans in 5
1/2 hours on Thursday night. It's always a gamble when you drive the
perilous I-10 through endless construction and traffic, and we are so
thankful when we bypass traffic and have an easy drive home.

Secondly, we got to sleep in for 4 days! It's so nice to not have anywhere
to be and to wake up on your own! No alarms, no stress, just rest.

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Thirdly, beautiful weather allowed for a fun neighborhood cookout on my

parent's driveway Friday night and Sunday night while trick-or-treaters ran
by searching for candy. It was incredibly entertaining to see the costumes
and children scuttling by with sugar-highs.

Saturday was ideal, as we got to eat at our favorite College Station

restaurants, Koppe Bridge for hamburgers and Rudy's for good Texas Barb-que! We got to shop for Aggie paraphernalia, and got our first items of
clothing for our little boy(s)...TEXAS A&M t-shirts!

Our seats were at the 35 yard line, first deck. We eyed David Robinson
just below where we sat, watched George Bush lead out the team, and of
course sat in awe at the "Fightin' Texas Aggie Band". The best news is that
we played great and beat the Raiders!

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We headed up to San Antonio after the game to stay with Laura and Ben
(Mark's sister and brother-in-law). Unfortunately, we were meeting under
sad circumstances. Mark's grandmother is dying, and we were taking our
last opportunities to visit her. We spent a couple of hours with her on
Sunday as she laughed and joked as usual about life...and death. We
wrote notes to her and were comforted by her peace, joy, and readiness to
spend eternity with her Savior, Jesus. There was no sadness, only joy for
Grenna's life, ministry, and future in Heaven.

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It made me think. I want to go like that. Wondering how much longer I

have to "do this" because I can't wait to see Him. I want to be ready; so
much so that every moment I long more to see His face. What a way to
go. There is NO better way to go, and the sad reality is that so many will
suffer greatly at the hands of death. As if death isn't fearful enough, many
will spend eternity in anguish at what might have been if they had only
trusted Jesus. This is the only sadness we feel as Grenna passes on...the
sadness for loved ones who may not be ready...It hurts to leave behind
loved ones you may not ever see again because they have rejected Christ.

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I saw this anguish in her face this weekend, and it pained all of us.

With all of the fun, beauty, and complete delight I felt this weekend, there
is no pleasure that eclipses the truth of our need for a Savior. Every good
thing in our lives comes from Him and He alone is worthy of praise. What
will happen when we die? We all will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, but
for some of us it will be too late. What should we do then? Become better
people? Go to church more? Have a more philanthropic life? NO! We all
fall short of the glory of God, no matter what we do! We must rely on His
grace and His righteousness. That's the transforming, life-changing power
of the Gospel.

What a moving blog post. My Grandmother, too, is dying and I have
thought many of the same things that you expressed. It's funny how we
don't really think about the reality of death even though that is the destiny
for us all. You had such a beautiful explanation of the gospel and yet it is
so tragic for those who reject the Lord. God bless you! - Angela
I felt the same way when we visited Grenna the weekend before. What a
glorious witness she is! I am so glad you made it to see her! Michelle

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November 16, 2010
I am extremely turned-off by redundancy, and I annoy myself when I think
that I may be saying the same thing over and over. Maybe that's because
I spend most of my day repeating myself. I teach the same lesson three
times in one day. Within that lesson I may give the same directions two or
three times, and within that direction, I may repeat a key phrase twice
more for added emphasis. Obviously, I'm experienced in redundant,
monotonous verbiage. The deal is, as much as I hate to repeat myself, it
really boils down to a subconscious feeling I have that nobody really wants
to know all I have to say (and I have A LOT to say usually!). I feel like if I
write one more blog entry about how we're waiting...still...people might
And the truth is, there is absolutely nothing happening on our end of the
adoption right now besides WAITING. (My favorite.)

So for those of you patient enough to read as I drone on and on (thanks,

mom!)...I still wonder what Zane looks like...I still wonder if he has a twin

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that we will adopt too...I still think about his mom and wonder how she's
doing. I wonder who his dad is and if he is an upstanding man. I wonder
what region of Ethiopia he's from and what it looks like. I wonder if I will
see it one day and maybe even meet his birth family. I think about what I
might say to them. I dream of his curly locks resting softly upon his
smooth skin. I think of his cheeks and how I will want to kiss 'em and
press them to my face every minute. And his sweet hands that will gently
rest in mine. Most of all, though, I think of his eyes and the story they
might tell. His soul will pour out through those eyes, and I wonder
so desperately about them. What color will they be and what shape will
they take? What will they convey to me about his time with his birth
family, his trip to the orphanage, his understanding that they are not
coming back, and his adventure to a transition home where he will be
given to Mark and I, his new family.

Better yet...more than what his eyes convey to me, I wonder what his eyes
convey to himself. What is his perception of his world? What message did
he receive from his birth families faces the day he was born? What signs
did he interpret as he made his way to the orphanage? What did he
perceive about life...about himself when no one came back to get him?

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My heart hurts over this and yearns for God's intervention. Satan will
pounce at the opportunity to speak lies of abandonment and unworthiness
to any child(ren) who will listen. If he can convince us of our lack of value
to God, he can render our lives completely ineffective, unproductive, and
completely worthless to the Kingdom of God. He wreaks havoc in the
world's children everyday, and I am desperate for God to preserve the
heart of my child. I pray he will know, even now, his God in such an
intimate way, that he feels His presence with him every moment. I pray
he talks about Him when he gets up in the morning and when he lie down
at night, and that he knows Him as Father as well as I know my own
earthly father. While we are away from him, He will be his Daddy, and oh,
how I want him to know His face, His touch, His words. I pray for God to
show Himself...for God to whisper in his ear the truth about who he is in
Christ: loved, accepted, rescued.

No matter how much I tire of talking, I never grow weary over praying for
my Zane's relationship with Jesus, his understanding of God's love, and his
confidence as a child of the Savior. While English grammar, test
directions, and rules grow mundane, some things are clearly worth

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I pray also for your precious boy(s). Soon my dear, soon you will hold
him/them in your arms and will know that Go has kept them safe as they
waited for Mommy Cimbrey and Daddy Mark. I pray too. Michelle

We're Thankful
November 21, 2010

This weekend began the 9 days of Thanksgiving break for the Brannans. I
love our school district for giving us a week off for Thanksgiving every

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year. It's a blessing to be able to relax, shop, and see friends and family
before the craziness of the Christmas season begins.

We are particularly blessed this Thanksgiving to have attended a "family

reunion" of sorts in College Station. Mark was adopted by a Student
Adoption Ministry family in college through First Baptist Bryan, and the
Nelsons have been friends, supporters, and family to Mark during very
formative years of his life. Their love was graciously extended to me when
I became a part of the "family" Mark's senior year at Texas A&M. They are
a fun couple who love the Lord and love the Aggies. What could be
sweeter? This weekend, their son, Kyle, celebrated his 16th birthday and
the adoption ministry kids from the past 10 years returned along with
Kyle's blood-relatives to wish Kyle a Happy Birthday. The Nelson's
influence on a decade of Aggies was evident as we gathered and
immediately bonded in our "kinship" in the Lord. It was like Mark sat down
to talk with brothers as they visited about life, "man-stuff", and family. The
wives laughed and awed over the birth of a new baby into the "family". It
was like heaven...a variety of backgrounds, races, and families gathering
in fellowship around the throne of Jesus. He was at the center of it all, and
He tied us all together in love, even though some of us had never met.

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Mark and I spoke for a long time after our wonderful visit with the Nelsons
about faith, family, fellowship, and the importance of mentors in the lives
of our children. Mark said at one point during the visit, "We know we won't
always be the best parents and that our children probably won't listen to
us. But when we surround them with people that love God and speak
truth to them, maybe they'll listen to them." It's true. We're not naive
enough to think that our kids are going to think we're wise and hang on
every word we say, but wouldn't it be amazing if every direction they turn
they run into a Godly man or woman who directed them to the same Jesus
we speak of? What if the cloud of witnesses cheering them on could be
evident on this earth, not just in Heaven? How much harder would they
run their race?

Mark and I have taken note of the method the Nelson's have used in
raising their own children. It's not just about free dinners, doing laundry at
their house, or having a home away from home for these college students.
For the Nelsons, it's about pouring into their "adopted children" the love
and truth of Christ, and seeing them, in turn, pour faith, belief, and
Christian mentorship into their children as well. It's not a selfish pursuit;
it's the body of Christ. We were made to sharpen one another, provide
discipleship, and be upheld by our fellow soldiers in the Gospel. This race

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is not run alone...
I am thankful for the body of Christ, for the family we have that exceeds
boundaries placed by man. I pray our children will know the kind of love
that God has shown us through people like the Nelsons.BTW...GIG 'EM

I cant wait to be a part of Zane's extended family! We love the Brannan's!
- Kat
That is so cool! - Amanda
I love that Cimbrey; it was really refreshing to read your post on mentoring
and the body of Christ! I am pray the same thing for my children as you
are praying for Zane. - Brad and Lauren Holmes
I LOVE how you said that...especially the part about our kids being
surrounded by Godly men and women. I have never heard it put in those
terms, and it makes such great sense. We try to do that, but it makes a
difference to really define that purpose. Loved getting to spend a little
while together! - Erica

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Hey y'all! Been praying for you guys...hope all is going well with getting
Zane home! Merry Christmas! - Michelle

December marks some huge events in our

December 28, 2010

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December 15th - Randy Duck (my dad) was born

December 18th -

My parents were married

December 22nd -

Sherma Duck (my mom) was born

December 24th...

months of waiting for Zane!

December 25th -

Jesus was born!

It has been a wonderful month! Mark and I have enjoyed the Christmas
season in New Orleans! From dining at Restaurant August to caroling in
Jackson Square, New Orleans is a great place to be during the Holidays.
The best thing about Christmas this year has been imagining little Zane
with us at this time next year. We think about what our family traditions

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will be, how he will love Christmas lights, opening his first Christmas gift...
It's magical to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. We have been
on the waiting list with AWAA for 3 months. They have given us a 4-6
month window to receive a referral (a match with our child), so we're
almost there! After recieveing our referral we will get a court date within
6-8 weeks and an embassy date 6-8 weeks after that. In total, we're
looking at about 5-7 months more until baby Zane is home!
With that said...we have several prayer requests:
1. Pray for families to be cleared on the first try by the Ethiopian courts.
Our agency's court dates are backed up, and some are now getting them
for March. This is stressful because it will prolong our getting a court date
and getting Zane home.
2. Pray for embassy clearance for families who want to bring their children
home as soon as possible.
3. Pray that God would speed up paperwork coming from
villages, orphanages, etc. to AWAA, court, embassy, whomever!
4. Pray for referrals to be given out to families! We have been particularly
discouraged the last month as very few referrals for baby boys have gone
out. We are stagnant on the wait list, and it can be daunting at times.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
This morning I read Mark 9:35-37
And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, If anyone desires
to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all. 36Then He took a little
child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His
arms, He said to them, 37Whoever receives one of these little children in
My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him
who sent Me.
Children have a special place in God's heart and He is passionate about
them in His word. It reminds me of what Christmas is all about...God's
Son, Emmanuel, sent from Heaven as my payment for my sins. He didn't
die at the hands of man, He came for that very purpose knowingly and
zealously to vindicate me before God.

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I know that Emmanuel is with us and with Zane. His timing is perfect, and
His love for us is abundant.
Merry Christmas!

Why Are We Adopting From Ethiopia?

January 21, 2011
Today we learned that we are #18 for a single boy and #15 for
twins/siblings. We are slowly getting closer to the day that we will see the
face(s) of our child(ren)! Please pray for us to have patience that only God
can give as we eagerly anticipate the day he (they) will be ours!

We often get the question, "Why Ethiopia?" There are so many reasons to
adopt from countries all over the world, including the United States. We
are passionate about the protection and rescue of children all over the
globe, but what led us to Ethiopia is the hope of a better future for the
country, and at the same time the harsh realities of its current situation.
In a recent video I watched, I was reminded that

39% of the population lives on less than $1.25 a day.

Only 50% of the population attend or has attended K-3 primary


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There is one physician for every 35, 000 people.

46% of the 85 million people in Ethiopia are children.

Of the 40 million children, 6 million are orphans.

123/1000 children in Ethiopia never make it to their fifth birthday.

Ethiopia's annual health budget is $140 million. Care for orphans in

Ethiopia requires up to $115 million a month! This is an injustice that
requires our attention and fervent action.

Children are a blessing, and our God will see to it that they are protected.
"You shall not mistreat the widow or the fatherless child. If you do
mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry and my
wrath will burn..." Exodus 22:22-24

We want to join God in what He is already doing in the world to care for
those in need. His heart is for the orphan, and if we bear His Name, our
hearts should reflect His.

This is so much more than Mark and I having our first child(ren). The lives

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of millions are at stake, and our God is using His people to be the "hands
and feet" of Christ. Our goal is His glory living in us and through us to
draw all people to His Kingdom.

This is why we are adopting from Ethiopia.

yay! so exciting~ cant wait til Zane/ twins? get here!!!!! - Rachel
EVERY single day brings you closer to your son or children! May you see
his/their face(s) SOON! - Debb
the 123/1000 stat particulary hits me tonight. wow. thanks for sharing.
much love to you and your future child(ren). -Little Lamb
Six million orphans is a lot of orphans in Ethiopia. Do they have
orphanages to care for all of those children? Do you know much about the
conditions of the orphanages? - Brad and Lauren

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4 Months Today!
January 24,2011

The Brannans have been on the official wait list 4 months today for our
Ethiopian child(ren)! This feels like a huge accomplishment; although
we've done absolutely nothing but WAIT.

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Well, I can't say absolutely nothing. We still go to work every day, we go
to church on Sundays, we sing in the praise team, we have dinner with
friends, we do date-night...so I guess we're not completely idol.

Waiting on anything is not my strong suit to say the least. Just ask Mark.
In some ways, that's good, like I don't procrastinate in most things. I run
around doing everything as it comes up, so I don't have to have something
sitting on a list for later. It drives me nuts to put off tasks! Let's get it
done now! However, not waiting patiently for others makes my heart beat
faster, it makes my eyes search around the room like a lunatic, and it
makes my legs shake with anticipation. I want to jump in there and "help"
people finish their stories, draw a conclusion about a situation, or scream,
"Get to the point!" Clearly, this is not going to help my current situation as
a waiting adoptive mother. No amount of twitching and yelling will bring
Zane home sooner.

Waiting for anything is a humbling and refining process. In the first few
weeks of waiting, there is still passion for the goal, hope for the shortest
wait ever, and giddiness over a new journey. After the honeymoon period
subsides, waiting becomes difficult. When we don't see progress, or we
lose focus on the goal, waiting feels like running head first into a brick wall

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over and over again. We get tired, forget the purpose and eventually, stop
running. We protect ourselves from the pain of rejection, hopelessness, or
just plain silence. And the result? Complete despair.

It's no wonder why in Psalm 130, the writer uses terminology to suggest
waiting as an "active duty". God never intended waiting to be an idol and
joyless actively, yet we believe the lie that God may not come through for
us and we must sit in self-protection while we wait. God will come
through, and he will not forget his promise and his purpose in our lives.
Psalm 130:5-6 says, "I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his
word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the
morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning."

Do you hear that? Waiting involves our entire being! Our minds, bodies,
spirits, and souls are fully engaged when we wait for the Lord. We read his
word and mentally tune into what He wants to say to us every day. We
physically move where he wants us to impact the world for His kingdom.
We listen to His Spirit speak peace, joy, and hope over us as we are
reminded of the long-term goal. We notice God moving and working and
being in every aspect of our lives as our souls are filled with joy at His
work in the world around us. Our waiting is active "more than a watchman

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waiting for the morning." Watchmen on the towers of city walls do not
sleep on the job. Their livelihood depends on actively noticing every
shadow and every sound approaching their city. There was no "drifting
off" or "losing focus" because laziness meant certain death.

I can't tell you how it does my heart good to know that God is active and
He expects me to be active with Him in my waiting. I am not a powerless
bystander waiting for an unknown cause. My King has a battle plan and I
have a responsibility to follow His commands. Self-pity, isolation, and setbacks are lies and have no power to thwart the plans of our God, and I
have a choice every day to actively participate in God's plan, or give
myself over to self-focused depression. More than I want my way, I want
to know Him. And that's worth waiting for.

A blog I read a lot is having a link up on adoption. I thought you may be
interested. http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/2011/01/show-us-your-life-tellus-your-adoption.html - Bourg Family
loved this. Praying for you...and I cannot WAIT (or maybe I can) until we
are officially WAITING:) - Little Lamb

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Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14 ,2011
Mark and I celebrated Valentine's Day a day early since it falls on a
Monday this year...Oh, and parent/teacher conferences were today! Those
poor parents! I hope they all got good news so they can go out with their
spouses and relax for Valentine's Day!
We went to Upperline for the first time. We've almost eaten our way
through New Orleans. We have very few classic "must-do" restaurants left
to try and Upperline was one of them. It was a great dinner. The fried
green tomatoes with remoulade sauce was the best I've had in NOLA. The
tomatoes were cooked al dente almost as if they were flash fried and the
batter was perfectly seasoned. The shrimp remoulade sauce was delicious
with plump shrimp and mustard seeds still visible in the sauce. Yummy!

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We both got the slow cooked roasted duck with a peach ginger sauce and
pecan brown sugar sweet potatoes. The sweet potatoes could have been
dessert! Finally, we finished the meal off with a honey pecan bread
pudding with toffee sauce. AND THIS IS WHY YOU AUTOMATICALLY GAIN
20 LBS. WHILE LIVING IN NEW ORLEANS. What they say about food in
NOLA is absolutely true. It is the best in the world. The dishes are
creative, cooked to perfection, and served with true southern hospitality.
Next we stopped by my favorite sweet shop, Sucre, for a classic NOLA

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Cafe' Au Lait (coffee with chickory and steamed milk).

Today, Valentine's Day, I am a little delirious from rich food. I feel

physically full, and I can't take any more food. Yet, I can't say that
anything I ate was satisfying. I crave more. I love restaurants and being
treated like a princess by my husband. He's so thoughtful and
appreciative of me, and he's the most fun person I've ever been around!
Even with all that my husband is for me, I know that I will never be
satisfied on this earth without the One True Love: Jesus. He IS love.

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Valentine's Day and every day is about being captured by God's ultimate
gift to us. I wonder if the words, "God is love" have gotten old and
overused to those of us that have heard it our entire lives. Do we really
know what that means? It means God fully accepts us as we are, satisfies
our deepest longings, cherishes time spent with us, wants us to really
know Him, desires to show us what He is capable of in our lives, and
proves to us no one else will ever be enough. As much as I love my
husband (and great food), He will never fulfill my soul. GOD IS LOVE. Only
He can fill me. We in our greatest efforts can only make mediocre
attempts to mimic God's love to others. But it is boundless and knows no
ends, reckless enough to cause Him to sacrifice His own son, and zealous
for all to receive it. There is no greater love than this.

What's my Valentine's Day plan? Curl up, get my Bible, and let God
remind me in His word of His love for me. "Because His love is better than
life, my lips will glorify Him..." (Psalm 63)

i LOVE hearing the perspective the Lord has given you, girl! so thankful i
met you! - William and Brittany

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LOVE the fried green tomatoes and bread pudding at upperline! great
place! Sommer

Pitter Patter Art

February 16, 2011
Laura Kelley's having another awesome give-away on her blog. (Click on
the word "blog" to see more about this new piece she's giving away!) She
also has great art, clothing, etc. for sale on her website and proceeds go
toward her adoption! Check it out!

Please Pray...
March 16, 2011
I put a bookshelf up of my favorite books! Shelfari has a great way to
track what you've read, what you want to read, and share
recommendations to friends! The ones on my shelf now are my recent
"great reads". I'll try to change it up occasionally to cover different
interests, but right now, I tried to include a variety of genres. I love
reading! (Never thought I say that back when I was 12.) It's funny how

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you grow to love things as you get older. Now that I'm not forced to read
books for school, I think reading is one of my favorite pastimes.

I'm currently reading The Connected Child, by Karen Purvis. It's about
nurturing children and forming healthy attachments and bonds. I thought
it would be beneficial to read for our adoption; however, I'm finding that its
enlightening me to the needs of every child, including those in my
classroom. It covers everything from making eye contact with children to
empowering children to make choices. I think it's a must read for anyone
who has or works with kids.

Speaking of kids...
the real reason I am writing this post is to give an update of our adoption!
I digress when the subject is unpleasant, and that's what adoption has
been for me for the past week. Because I hate complaining, I will start
with the positives of the week.
1. Mardi Gras was a blast! My parents came for their first Mardi Gras and
we had so much fun visiting and relaxing. They even helped me paint the
baby room a soft seafoam blue. LOVE IT!
2. Time with friends! Because I was off of school for a week, I had time to
spend with friends hanging out in the beautiful weather watching parades

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go by, going to dinner, painting with Becky and other friends from school,
getting my hair and nails done, and hanging out with my adoptive mom
friend, Kristy!
3. I learned that our great friends here are adopting another little baby in
the next few weeks and another friend's paperwork was submitted to
Ethiopian embassy so her little boy can come home soon!

All these blessings are truly reasons to rejoice!

Now, the hard stuff...

Over the Mardi Gras break, we kept hearing rumors via email that Ethiopia
may cut back in the number of adoptions they process each day. Finally,
the news was confirmed when they announced a 90% decrease in the
number of adoptions to the United States on the United States Citizenship
and Immigration Services website. Our adoption agency immediately
requested prayer and our people organized around-the-clock prayer teams
across the country. (Wow! Just writing that made me realize what a huge
blessing the AWAA support group of adoptive parents is!) Since the
announcement, the U.S. has met with Ethiopia to discuss the needs of its
adoption department to understand the announcement better and

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negotiate a more reasonable solution to the problems they may be facing.
This meeting occurred Monday, March 14th, and there has not been
follow-up announcements on that meeting, and all information posted on
various websites speculates a possible closure to the country.

Obviously, I have been a mess over this news. It has really revealed a lot
about my trust (or lack thereof) in God. I have gone back and forth
between hope and despair as I read and search the internet for any clues
about the future. I was convicted yesterday when I read on another blog
this quote: "Worry and anxiety is pride because it frequently suggests
that we are in control and that God is not active. It is a product of our lack
of faith that God ..." Is that it? Do I believe my plans are better than
God's? If I do, I have made myself a god in my own mind - I've believed a

I want so badly to understand what God is doing right now, and I demand
to know. When I don't feel like God is explaining "why", I leave his
presence to go figure it out on my own. Only, I can't figure it out at all.
Who knows the mind of God? I have to surrender and trust Him. Do I
really believe that God is who He says He is?
"I am a Father to the fatherless..." Psalm 68:5

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Do I believe that He will do what He says He will do?

"He defends the cause of the fatherless..." Deuteronomy


Lord help me overcome my unbelief!

This evening we received good news from our agency that negotiations
are taking place in Ethiopia and they are hopeful Ethiopia will increase the
number of adoptions they are able to process. We are thankful for this
news, and we are asking all of you to pray with us for the leaders of MOWA
(Ministry of Women and Children's Affairs) in Ethiopia to be burdened with
compassion for orphans waiting for families and the families who wait for
their children. Pray that they receive the assistance they need to process
the amount of referrals they are given. Please pray for Zane, wherever he
is that God will protect him, develop him into a healthy boy, and give him
peace. And pray for all of the other 6 million orphans that go to sleep
alone and afraid each night to be matched with a healthy, loving family as
soon as possible.

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Thank you for your prayers for this special country and for our family.

praying for you Cimbrey - i know its so hard to wait and trust in God's
timing. - Rachel
Cimbrey, I can hardly imagine the emotions you must have felt when this
news started spreading. I'm sorry this is going on. I will be praying for you
guys and for sweet Zane. Much love to your family. - Amanda
Hey Cimbrey.. Praying for you guys. Danny

Mission Ehtiopia
March 17, 2011
This is a small glimpse of one of Ethiopia's villages, Korah - one of the
many reasons why we're asking you to pray for Ethiopia and decisions
being made right now about adoption.

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Wow. This video breaks.my.heart. They ARE important! THANKS for sharing
the video! Debb

6 Months Waiting!
March 25, 2011
Today was one of the best days ever! Mark and I have officially been
waiting for 6 months today, and we celebrated with Eli Tariku's
homecoming! It was so much fun to meet up with a group of people at the
airport to see the Palmers come home finally with Eli. He's such a sweet
boy and so spirited!
We love you Tariku!
I took this short video of us playing in the backyard. The pink shirt is Anna
(Mama), green shirt is Anna's brother-in-law (Tyler) the other girl is Anna's
sister (rachel), and the tall guy is Jon (Daddy).
At the end you can hear Eli yell "Mama!" when he is running to Anna. So

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CONGRATULATIONS ON 6 MONTHS DTE!!! What a great way to
celebrate.....welcoming home Eli! Debb

April 19, 2011
My last post was to announce that we had been waiting 6 months for a
referral for a child. Well, after 6 months and three weeks the wait is OVER!
(For a referral anyway...) I was almost ready to use my number 7, which
would have looked like this cute number...


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We are so excited to end this phase of waiting and announce that we are
pursuing a 17 month old baby boy from east Ethiopia! He's got the
biggest brown eyes and the sweetest face you've ever seen. I can't wait
until we pass court so we can officially post his picture and information to
prove to all that he really is the most attractive, talented, and smart kid
alive. (Just kidding...sort of...)

One cool feature he has is a dimpled chin. Can I just remind you that
Jacob (Taylor Lautner) also has a dimpled chin? Just saying.

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We are amazed at God's timing and the beauty of receiving our referral
during Holy Week! God has been gracious! He caused the death angel to
"pass over" the Israelite boys two and under on Passover (which officially
began at sunset on Monday, the day we received the call). It was a great
reminder that God is protecting our little one and that He is the King of
Kings. No matter what Kings and Presidents decree, God will trump all
authority and defend the cause of the fatherless.

It is no coincidence that God impressed on us the name, Zane, as it is

Hebrew for John and means "God is gracious." Grace is the unmerited
favor of God, the unconditional love He gives expecting NOTHING in
return. That is what Easter is all about! Jesus taking on the sins of the
world, so we wouldn't have to. Why? Because we are indescribably loved
by God. Zane's Ethiopian name (which remains electronically confidential
until we pass court) will be kept as his middle name because it means "the
new one". There are many implications of this. First, he is literally new to
all of us. He is our first child and the first grandchild on both sides of the
family. Second, he will physically take on a new life as he moves from the
transition home to a new family in a different culture. Third, and most
important, our prayer is that one day Zane will be made "new" in Christ as
he chooses to have a relationship with Him and make Him the most

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important thing in His life. When he gives his heart over to Jesus, God will
make all things "new".

The situation Zane is in is still very foreign. Pray that even now, Zane's
heart will be refreshed with the new things God is doing in His life. Pray
that he will be comforted by the arms of Jesus and recognize His presence
even now. Pray that he will learn early that only God satisfies the deepest
longings of his heart. And pray that God will fill him with the peace that
transcends human understanding.

Thank you for your prayers! We are blessed to have wonderful support
and encouragement through you!

Yay, Yay, YAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! I have SO been waiting for this post so that
I could SCREAM my JOY across the states to you! I absolutely LOVE the
symbolism of your sons names! How awesome is GOD! I, too, think getting
a referral this blessed holy week is precious! Just more symbolism and
sweetness added to your son's story! Go, God! SOOOOOO HAPPY for you,
my friend! I included your referral as one of my GOD PRAISES today on my

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blog! May you continue to enjoy staring into your son's face, until you can
hold him in your arms!!!!!!! Blessings to you and your family, my friend! :D
- Debb
Oh, I am just so giddy for you! This little boy is being prayed for! - Little
That is absolutely amazing! I loved reading about his names and their
significance. I can't wait to see his precious picture! - Erica
We are so excited to hear your news!! You made my whole week! I also
cried a little because I wished Grenna was here to see your beautiful new
son. I know she is looking down from heaven, celebrating even as we are.
What a blessing. Keep us in the loop, okay? Love you all and can hardly
wait to meet your precious "new" son! Aunt Tricia and Uncle Jimmy - Tricia
i think i've only commented on here one other time. but i do keep checking
in on your process. so congratulations! i'm thrilled for you guys! - Melodie
Congrats! We are so thrilled for you and how the Lord has answered your
prayers! - Rob and Leah

April 21, 2011

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Tomorrow is GOOD FRIDAY, and I can't pass up the opportunity to tell

another aspect of Zane's referral story.

I hopped into my car at approximately 2:45 on Monday, April 18th to leave

from work. Becky, my partner teacher, can verify that we NEVER leave
this early. Since it was a short work week (we are off for Easter Thursday Wednesday), we had little to prepare for after school.

Really, as I look back, it was the Holy Spirit prompting me to get to my

phone that I ignorantly left in my car all day Monday. I rushed to check my
email because every day AWAA friends post any news they may have
received on a Yahoo Group I'm a member of. Monday, I didn't even have
to open the Yahoo app because I had a "703" area code glaring at me in
the missed calls window! I vaguely remember Kim, my AWAA buddy, said
that she checks her phone every day for a 703 area code. I didn't even
know their phone number! That shows you how unexpected this referral
was! Of course, I immediately called the number back. Sure enough, it
was Caitlin with our referral call for sweet little A (can't share his whole
name online until we pass court).

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As soon as I got off the phone with her, I called Mark and shared the
exciting news. It was then that my mind turned to the radio. I wanted to
remember every moment of the call so I could share it with Zane later.
Music is so important to Mark and I, so it was on my heart to remember
the song on the radio when Caitlin told us we had a little boy.

I nearly cried when I heard this song (below) playing. I blared it and
struggled through a tight throat to sing it aloud as I drove home. It is a
song of hope, deliverance, and most importantly, salvation. Good Friday is
"good" because it is the day that God made us right with him through the
death of Jesus. It is the day that God made the way for us to be adopted
as His sons through Christ. Without Good Friday, we would be Fatherless,
struggling to spiritually connect to a God that we could never measure up
to. Because of Christ, we have been made righteous, pure, and clean
children of God.

The second verse of the song is the part that I tuned into as I turned on
the radio Monday afternoon. I believe God spoke this to me about my son,
who so desperately needs to know Jesus is with him even now.
It says, "The weak find their strength in the sound of your great Name.
Hungry souls receive grace at the sound of your great Name. The

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fatherless; they find their rest; at the sound of your great Name!" Praise
you, Lord! You are with Zane when we cannot be!

Listen to the words of this beautiful Natalie Grant song and praise His
GREAT NAME with us!
I am overwhelmed with joy for you guys and your precious son!!!!
Congratulations!! He is truly a blessing from God. - Michelle
What a beautiful story! We are praying for Zane and for you're growing
family. So excited for you---congratulations! Traci

Zane's First Care Package

May 5, 2011
and I are eagerly awaiting a court date for Zane. Every day we check the
Yahoo Group (our agency's unofficial network of parents) to see who's
gotten calls, and we pray each day that God will allow more families to be
approved by the embassy to return home with their children. Right now

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there are about 20 families who have passed court and are waiting to
bring their children home. Please pray with us for the Embassy in Ethiopia
to process these families quickly and efficiently.

The nice thing about America World is that this Yahoo Group we are a part
of is one of the greatest networks of adoptive parents in the world. We
pray together, get updates, and keep track of weekly needs. Families will
offer to take pictures and deliver care packages to children who are
waiting on their parents' court appointments. We are fortunate to have
several families who have volunteered to do this for us as we wait! What a

Yesterday, we were able to see what our little boy looks like when he first
wakes up from a nap because our friend, Candace, was able to take
pictures. These are precious to us while we are away from him!

Today I completed our first care package that we will send with another
family who is leaving on May 22nd. It includes only "ESSENTIAL"
items...two FIGHTIN' TEXAS AGGIE shirts, "Daddy's Handyman" pjs,
Lightening McQueen (from Cars), a photo album of Mama, Daddy,
grandparents, and aunts and uncles, and a recordable Hallmark book.

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The book, On the Night You Were Born, is beautiful. Its about how all of
creation celebrates on the night that a child is born. It's based on Psalm
139:14, "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!" It
might be one of the best children's books I've read! The best part is we
recorded ourself reading it, so Zane can get to know our voices! Until we
can see him in person, this will have to do.

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Oh how awesome! I have tears in my eyes for your precious Zane! What
love he has waiting for him... - Michelle
Love it!! I give that book to every new mom! How exciting to actually be
sending something!! - Little Lamb
Oh, how wonderful to see pics of Zane from Candace! Such a treat! What a
FUN package! Very cute things! He will love it! ;) - Debb
Just beautiful! Cim, we pray for you (and Zane) constantly! I can't wait to
see the sweet face of the boy we have been waiting on for so long!!! Take
LOTS of pictures!
Congratulations to you both. I've been following your blog and are really
happy for all the good news. Please send Mark my best wishes too.
There is a book you might want to buy for little Zane. It's called "I wished
for you" and it is beyond amazing! I got it from a friend. Haven't read it to
Sebastian yet because it's still to complex for him but can't wait!!!Good
luck!! - Luz
I love your essentials! So sweet! I am very excited for you, Mark, and Zane
to be together as a family. :-) - Brad and Lauren

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Long Overdue Update!

June 14, 2011
I need to back up a bit to catch you up on where we are in our adoption
right now.
On May 30th Mark and I sent Zane another little care package in the mail
to a family that will deliver it to him the week of June 23rd (that's next
week!). He received his first care package the week of May 26th, so it will
be about a month in between his first and second care packages.

Here's what we sent:

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Shortly after I mailed this to the family bringing it over, I got an email from
our family coordinator that Zane was sick with minor "little kid" illnesses.
Poor thing! It's really hard to get a call like that when you're on pins and
needles waiting for a court date and you just want your child to come

Just a few days after receiving this news, Mark and I saw the "703" number
on our phone! We freaked out knowing it was our agency calling, put it on
speaker phone, and answered excitedly, "Hello!" only to be told that our
child's home region was requesting a census. Ahhhhhhh. Zane had to
travel 11 hours in a van with two guides and other children to be counted
in the census. (This story sounds awfully familiar, right? Aside from the
fact that our child was going to East Ethiopia in a bus, not Bethlehem on a
donkey! There are things to be thankful for!) Needless to say we were
praying for our little boy's body to be healed, and his time in the car to be

Somewhere in between the call about Zane traveling and the next event
my brother came home from Iraq for a short leave. So I traveled to
Houston to spend the week with him and my mom and dad!

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A few days later, I was looking on facebook and found a couple with our
agency that had posted pictures of Harar! Much to my surprise, there
were Americans there with the children because their child was one of the
ones requested for the census. There court date was right around the
same time, so they went to their child's home region with them! What a
great opportunity to get to know their child's home town! I immediately
facebooked the Americans and he reported great things about Zane's
travels and health. I was so happy! I sent him a photo consent so he
could even take a few pictures for me! I got one of him sleeping in Harar,
and several others from the transition home when they arrived back in
Addis. He looked healthier than we had ever seen him! What a blessing!

During Zane's trip to Harar, we were called with our court date!!
Obviously, this has been an exciting week for us! Mark was
in Amsterdam, so I had to email him with the news and wait for him to
respond! (Longest 10 minutes of my life...) I should interject here that
Mark was out of town when we received our referral as well. Looks like
Mark being out of town brings us good luck! :) JK

Friday we had a wonderful shower at our "parents'" house in New Orleans.

This couple has mentored us and become an extended family to us while

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we have lived here the past 8 years. My parents and brother drove back
with me to attend the shower, and about 60 of our friends from First
Baptist New Orleans came! It was so much fun! It was a Friday night
couples shower, which I highly recommend. No games, just conversation,
food, laughter, and fun! Such wonderful memories!

So now we are rushing to make sure all paperwork in our dossier is up-todate, reserving flights, creating packing lists, applying for visas, shopping
for last minute stuff to pack, setting up Zane's room, washing clothes,
writing thank-yous, arranging a place for our dogs to stay, etc.

Our prayer requests are...

1. For Zane to have an open heart toward us when we meet.
2. For the court to pass us on the first court date (only 60% of families
pass due to missing paperwork) and that MOWCYA (Ministry of Women,
Children, and Youth Affairs) has our "letter" (very important) ready at
3. For Mark to have a safe trip back to the states and my mom to have a
safe trip to Addis Ababa on July 22nd.

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4. For Zane and me to have a safe and productive stay together in
Ethiopia between court and embassy clearance after family leaves.
(August 7 - August ?)
5. For the embassy to see no further need for investigation.
6. For us to have safe travels home in a timely manner.
Thank you for your prayers!

This is so exciting, Cimbrey! I was sad to miss the shower, but I have
something for Zane! - Maggie
I am so excited for you guys! I saw the thing on fb about the court date,
and have been checking impatiently for updates here! I can't WAIT for you
guys to have your little man home. How awesome...praying for safe and
happy travels and time together! - Michelle
I am so happy and excited for you! We are hoping to send in our dossier in
the next month but are still trusting God's timing! Can't wait to hear of
Zane's full story! Praying for you! Emily
Praying for you guys! - Schimdt Family

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Packing and Praying

June 21, 2011
Mark and I will leave on June 7th for Ethiopia. Right now, we are packing
and praying for our trip. I've never packed to stay in another country for
around three months, so my days have been spent packing, unpacking,
and repacking for two days!

Please pray for our court appointment. MOWCYA is currently behind in

writing recommendation letters for families, and this document is a must
to pass court. We need God to supernatural speed up the letter writing,
and help MOWCYA get caught up so we can pass court on July 13th. We
also are praying that the U.S. Embassy has favor on Zane's case and that
there is no need for further review or investigation. Pray for clear
documentation, clearance, and a favorable declaration within 4-6 weeks of
passing court.

Also pray for Mark and I as we meet Zane for the first time. Pray that he
will be comfortable with us and quickly know us as his parents. Pray for
our time together to be a time of bonding.

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Lastly, we know that Zane's birthmother will travel soon to Addis Ababa to
give her consent to the court before our court appointment. Pray that she
makes it safely to court (a distance of 11 hours), she has courage to give
her consent, and that God gives her peace.
Thank you for your prayers!

Not packing. But we are praying! For you guys. So excited. Love you guys.
- Brian
So you are staying between court dates? That's Awesome! Praying for you
three!!:) This is so exciting. I know it is so far off for us, but so incredibly
encouraging to watch you guys go through all these steps ahead of
us...Much love to you! - Little Lamb
cimbrey!!!! so excited for y'all. praying for you and your sweet zane. can't
even imagine the anticipation you must be feeling! love to you guys! William and Brittany
Praying for you, Mark, & Zane as well as Zane's birthmother. I am sure this
has got to be an extremely hard decision to make. - Bourg Family

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Day 1 of Travel
No date
( I couldn't get an internet connection until now, so I'm posting this a little
late. Sorry!)
Today is step one of our trip to Ethiopia: Destination Washington D.C.!
We woke up at around 6:00 a.m. and hurried around trying to get last
minute packing done. Since I am staying for possibly 3 months,
depending on embassy clearance timelines, we have two containers filled
with food and must-haves like paper towels and macaroni and cheese! We
get one other back to check on the plane a piece, so that left room for
diapers, baby wipes, and toiletries. We have two carry-on bags a piece as
well, with clothing and electronics. Basically, we look like gypsies.

*Pics not shown

Tonight we flew in to Dulles airport, fought a lady who tried to take my bag
that looked just like hers, received ALL of our checked luggage at
baggage claim (HALLELUJAH! Miracle #1check!) We are staying
overnight at Embassy Suites in the Washington D.C. area. Our travel
agent (Lindsey at Golden Rule is the BEST!) got us a hotel for free since we

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had a layover. I was expecting it to feel like a free hotel, you know, where
you think if you close your eyes, the roaches and spiders will come out of
the walls and slide into your bed, and craw into your ears This hotel is
anything but a free feeling hotel! Its beautiful and comfortable, and it
has swans in an indoor pond on the first floor. What? Oh, and the best
part is, made-to-order breakfast tomorrow morning!
Tomorrow we will leave from D.C. at noon to head to Addis Ababa! We
arrive tomorrow at 11ish p.m. (US time) and 8 a.m. (ET time). We will put
our bags in the hotel and head to the transition home to meet Zane for the
first time! Pray for our meeting with him that God will miraculously cause
him to understand that we are his parents and that we love him. (Oh, and
while you pray, pray our luggage makes it to Addis from D.C.! Having
loads of luggage is not how the Brannans roll. Anyone who knows Mark
knows how compact and tidy he likes to be at all times! We have so much
luggage its embarrassing.)
Enjoy these pics of the trip so far!
Our luggage:
*Pics are not shown
Embassy Suites D.C.:
*Pics are not shown

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Day 2 1/2 - 12 Hour Flight to Addis and Meeting

our Son!
July 9, 2011
Today could not have gone any better. The flight to Addis Ababa was
pleasant. Not too boring. Ethiopian Airlines was really nice! All of our
luggage made it to the airport as we landed! (Another miracle!) We only
had 2 hours of sleep or so on the plane so we were a bit tired. We stood
for about 10 minutes at the luggage carrel, only to realize that our luggage
had been pulled and set aside already near a post. HA! We were so out of
As soon as we made it through customs, I heard the most pleasant voice
say, "You must be Cimbrey! (pronounced correctly!)" I said, "And you must
be JOB!" It was our travel guide with America World, a native of Addis
Ababa. He then introduced us to our driver, and we immediately hit it off
with jokes and laughing.
When we made it to the guest house, we met 4 other American couples
here for their court dates. They have been a lot of fun to be with. Job
gave us the option of staying at the guest house to sleep or going to the
cathedral (where Haile Selaisse is burried) tour they had planned, and, of

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course, Mark and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. We were thrilled to
see one of the oldest Orthodox churches in Addis.

Afterward, we had pizza and Khaldi's (Ethiopian starbucks) coffee, and we

were off to the transition home!

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The nannies had to wake Zane up from a nap to come meet us. He was
sleepy, but so sweet, not fussy at all. He just wanted to be held the whole
time. His sweet head just rested on my shoulder for most of the three
hours we were with him. We played with cars (a favorite), read a Tow
Mater book (interactive book with sounds), and a jungle animal game I had
on my iPad. He was very curious, and he loves to observe people and
things. While cautious, he did try a couple new games today. His
personality is so easy-going and sweet.

He is a peaceful little fellow

who seems to let others have the spotlight.

All the best to you and Mark and little Zane! Many prayers that the
procedures and transition go very smoothly. We saw Mark's parents a
couple weeks ago at an anniversary party for my inlaws. They were very
excited about the adoption and told us about the court date and big trip!
God bless your family. Lindsey

Day 3 - Church, Transition Home, and

Traditional Dinner
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July 10, 2011
Today began with hope. We slept so well last night, woke up early to the
sounds of roosters (and barking dogs), and we went up to the terrace to
see the most beautiful view of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Next, we ate breakfast at the guest house with five other American
families, and we loaded the vans to go to the international evangelical
church. This church was PACKED with people from all over the world. The
pastor is an American, and the praise team is American, Ethiopian, and
maybe others. They have two services, both of which were full. The music
was great! Hillsong songs were sung predominately, which I LOVE! The
pastor's message was about fear. Hmmmmm...the minute I saw the
sermon title, I knew I was meant to be there.

Since our arrival here in Addis, I have enjoyed every minute; however, I
have become increasingly anxious about Mark's departure on July 22nd. I
will stay here until the U.S. embassy decides to clear our adoption, which
could be 12 weeks or more with the rainy season beginning August 8th. It
is very nerve-racking to me to imagine myself navigating this city that is
so very different from what I'm used to, especially not speaking the

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language. I have said aloud to Mark a couple times since we have been
here, "I'm scared." The Lord has heard me, and this morning he spoke
directly to me.

As I sat on the terrace I read the chapter I happened to be on in 2 Samuel.

Chapter 24 is about David being called by God to build an alter on the
threshing floor of Araunah. He has been told by God to buy it from him,
build an alter there, and worship the Lord. David obeys, and Araunah
emphatically says, "Oh King, I give you all of this. Take whatever..." He
wanted King David to have it for free. However, David insists on paying
Araunah for the threshing floor. David could have easily rationalized the
"free alter" as a gift from God and claimed it as the Lord's favor, but David
remembered God's words..."buy it from him." I love that David obeyed
even the details of God's call. Then David says, "I will not sacrifice to the
Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." Whoa. I felt like God
gave me those words to reflect on today. What am I so scared of? What is
the cost of staying in Ethiopia? My comfort? My security or safety? And
what does the Lord want from me? A sacrifice that cost me something. I
worship the Lord every Sunday in America, and I spend time with God in
his word and in prayer. But it costs me nothing to do these good things in
the comfort of my own home and my home church. It is easy. God is

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calling me to sacrifice.

If that wasn't a word from God that was clear enough, the pastor spoke on
one of my FAVORITE passages from scripture that I memorized when I was
a teen, "When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God whose word I praise.
In God I trust. What can mortal man do to me?" Psalm 56. I was
reminded by his message that God's perfect love casts out fear, and that
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound
mind, and that my fears should drive me to love. These words really
caused me to think about what my purpose is here. Yes, I have
predominately come for my son. I want to bring him home as soon as
possible. But why am I here when I'm not bonding with him at the
transition home? Is it just that I'm waiting on government red tape? Oh
Lord, let it not be! What a waste it would be if I spent my time here
complaining about the process, the government, the difficulties of a new
place. I am here to sacrifice myself, and love these people as God loves
them. Every moment is an opportunity for someone to experience the
peace and love of God through me. I want to remember that in the low
times when it gets hard to spend another day here and I just want to go
home. God is doing a new thing through me each day.

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The rest of the day was filled with much more peace than I've had since
I've been here. Our time with Zane was precious. He laughed, played,
and reached for us to hold him. His guard was down a bit more today, and
we found out that he has a precious little friend in his room that is being
adopted by a family we know. It was a wonderful time together today.

Tonight's traditional dinner was an amazing even filled with food, dancing,
and great conversation with our America World travel group here. I'll post
a video about that later. Right now, it takes too long to upload.

We appreciate your prayers and kind words on facebook and email. Love
you all!
OOHHHH, CIMBREY!!! God is doing incredible things already within you in
the short time you have been in ET!!!! This is one beautiful post, my
friend! Beautiful! I cannot believe we leave in 2 wake ups to join you in ET
and meet our son!!!! SO CRAZY!!! Praising God with you right now!!!!
Can't wait to see you, my friend! May God continue to fill you with His
Peace and His Joy and may He shower you and your family with His great
Love!!! Blessings! Debb

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Days 4-5
July 12, 2011
Yesterday we went to the transition home twice; two hours in the morning
and two hours in the afternoon. Zane was very cheery yesterday. He
loved playing with a ball we brought that lights up, and we taught him how
to throw and catch. Clearly, he had never been taught to throw, as he
wanted to hand the ball to us each time. But we kept modeling throws,
and he finally had the courage to let go and let us catch it in the air. He
cracked up! He thought it was hilarious. He had a great time playing
catch most of the day. We also introduced him to bubbles. He's a little
unsure about them, but when I waved my arms to try to pop them, he did
the same thing. He's constantly learning, and it's awesome to watch. He
still enjoys the Tow Mater book we brought him. He mostly loves pushing
the buttons and hearing the sounds. He could careless about what the
book says. Right before we left yesterday, we had a doctor's appointment
with Zane at the transition home. The doctor went over his history. He is
a very healthy boy, and we are so thankful. Unfortunately, the
appointment fell during nap time, and when he was awakened by the
doctor, he cried so terribly hard I almost started crying. He couldn't even
breathe. It was painful to watch. Shortly after the appointment, we had to

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leave, so it was a difficult goodbye. We received a video from an America
World employee with an interview of Zane's birthmother. That evening,
we watched it with heavy hearts. We plan to show it to Zane when he is
older, and we will let him decide if he wants to share his story or not at
that time.

Today we went to the transition home in the morning, and we went to see
Zane's orphanage, Abenezer and KVI in the afternoon. Our time with Zane
was a little different today. His nanny was there (she's been off the last
two days), and he was fussy when she gave him to me. He is clearly
attached to her, which is good because it shows he is getting the attention
and care he needs. He is obviously a favorite to all of the nannies. They all
say his name and kiss him when they walk by, but his assigned nanny is
particularly attached. She is being so good about trying to hand him over
to us, let us feed him, and trying to stay out of sight when we are there for
his sake. It's such a difficult transition. My heart breaks for her and for
him. In the long run, it is better for him to be with us, as she is giving care
to about 15 toddlers, but it still feels weird taking him from her sometimes.

When I was able to calm him down, all he wanted to do today was walk.

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We walked up and down the court yard of the transition home countless
times, watched the older boys play soccer, tried the stairs a few times,
and watched kids play on the playground. He loves to observe others. His
walking is coming along. You can tell he wants to be playing with the older
kids and running around. After tons of walking, we played a little on the
porch and then he completely passed out in my arms. It was a great
feeling to have him comfortable enough to sleep with me holding him. I
hope each day, he learns to trust us more.

This afternoon, when we saw Zane's orphanage, I was so blessed. The

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owner, Elizabeth, runs a fantastic facility there. We got to see Zane's
picture on the wall, the bed he slept in, and the nanny who cared for him.
We also went into the school and gave out some toys (chinese yo-yos,
frisbees, suckers, cars, and other little trinkets). They were so excited and
so gracious. The kids were all very young - under 9. There was another
American family there from California. They were adopting a little girl from
the orphanage. This orphanage held the most beautiful ceremony for her.
They did a traditional coffee ceremony for the adults, had the agency's
representative speak about the child and how much she is loved by the
nannies, read aloud a letter for the child to read when she is older from the
orphanage and how much she meant to them, and prayed in Amharic and
English for the girl and her new family. It was beautiful. Afterward,
everyone celebrated with bottled soda (adults only), juice (kids), some
kind of traditional cake (like a pancake but more sugar), cookies, and an
Ethiopian "chex mix" of sorts. It was so incredible to watch, and we were
so happy that child would have all of it on video when she is older. I was
so thankful that Zane was in the care of these amazing people for a short
time. They all remembered him and told us how special he was.

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I love love love the big smile Mark has while holding his son!!! So sweet. It
will get easier for Zane mama...and for you! You are doing a great job!! Michelle

Ronnie's and my heart melted at the sight of Mark holding Zane! With
great, big smiles on our faces, we offered thanks to our God for such a
sweet gift!Love you!! - Lisa
I LOVE this! I totally cried when I scrolled down and saw that picture of
Mark and Zane! And then the image of Zane falling asleep in your arms is
so beautiful! Love you! - kwyatt

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Cimbrey... WOW!!!!I just came across your blog...small world. I love
reading about your in-country experience, and Im so happy for you and
Mark to finally meet your son!!! I feel like I was just meeting you to begin
your homestudy at CC. Im praying for a speedy embassy appt for you.
Please be in touch once home and settled we can have a play date with
our boys... they are close in age.Blessings Brenda

Day 6 - Court!
July 13, 2011
This morning we left for court at 9:00 am. We arrived at 9:30, and by
10:30 we were done! That's amazing time for Ethiopian court! We
entered a small room with the judge who was sitting behind a desk. She
asked us a series of questions about our commitment, our knowledge of
Ethiopia, etc. We said yes to all questions and she informed us that the
Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth Affairs had not given her our letter
yet. This was expected, as we had been informed that the ministry was
about 20 days behind on Monday. We are praying that they will expedite
letters in large numbers for all families because courts close in mid-late
August for the rainy season. Please pray with us that we will be approved
by the court as soon as possible. Pray that all obstacles would be removed
for the employees of the ministry, and that our children would be able to

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come home quickly.

After court we spent time with Zane for about an hour before heading to
lunch. He had a great morning. We learned what a chinese yo-yo is and
he was able to operate it pretty well by the end of the hour. We also blew
bubbles, and played with the ball he loves so much. Zane loves anything
sports we've noticed. He wants to watch the older boys play soccer, and
then he'll whine to get down and attempt to run with us holding his hands.
It's funny. He wants to play so badly. He also loves to play with anything
that makes noises. It's facinating to him.

After lunch, Zane was waking up from a nap. He loves to walk around the
grounds when he's first woken up. He does not want to play, cuddle, or
anything. He's a little grumpy like his mama. Once he's had time to wake
up, he likes to play with something on our blanket, like a book or the ball.
Then he gets pretty wound up. He wants to practice walking. Today,
Daddy held his hands while he climbed down the stairs, around the
banister, and back up the stairs to me. Midway, I would peer over the
railing and surprise him with "Boo" and a tickle. He thought it was
hilarious!!!! He wanted to do it over and over. Mark tried to change it up
a bit ( I think he was getting bored with going in circles) and Zane refused.

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He wanted to do it the same way each time, and he laughed every time
as if it were the first. He was very cute today.

As we were leaving, we took Zane back to the toddler room. It has a big
window that opens to the porch. All the little ones gathered at the window
as Mark pretended to hit them on the head with the chinese yo-yo through
the glass. They were cracking up so much they would fall to the floor.
Zane joined them, and he had the biggest smile we had ever seen. Zane
and his two best friends, one a girl and another a boy from the same
region stood at the glass and said "bye-bye" in English as we left. It was
the first words we had ever heard Zane say in English. What a moment. I
wish we could capture these impromptu moments on camera, but by the
time the camera's out, they are over. We hope to keep up with Zane's
friend (the boy) in the states when we return because his family is our
friend on facebook! The kids are like family, and they light up when they
see each other.

In light of the happy times that Zane has had with these sweet children,
the love of his nannies, and the tenderness he receives from all employees
of the transition home, Mark and I feel very much at peace with not
passing court today. We know that God is Sovereign and Good. He does

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what is best. We feel that Zane's transition would be difficult, sad, and
harmful to him if we had passed court today and took him from the
transition home. He would grieve so much the loss of his friends and
"family" there. He knows us now, but not well enough for us to take him
away yet. He needs time, and we believe God has shown us that in the
past few days. We will continue to see him every day as we have been
doing the past 5 days. When Mark leaves on July 22nd, I will continue to
go to the transition home every day and bond with him. By the time we
pass court, we hope that he trusts me enough to come with me without
too much heart break. Please pray for him. He is a sensitive, emotional
little guy. He needs God's peace, His grace, and His joy as he enters this
new life.
We appreciate your prayers so much!
You are wise beyond your years, you know. It's probably right that Zane
needs more time to get to know you, and your patience will be repaid. I'm
so glad that y'all are all enjoying this time together. And it's so good to
know that it's all in bigger hands than ours. - Madelyn
Praying for peace for all. - Bourg

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You are such a good mommy already Cimbrey! I will be praying for Zane as
he makes this transition and I am praying too that you get the paper work/
letter soon! - Brad and Lauren Holmes
I love reading your updates and picturing y'all playing with your precious
son. Will pray for court documents! - Rob and Leah

Day 7 - Coffee!
July 14, 2011

Today we visited the coffee factory here in Addis. It was amazing, and it's
such a beautiful building! The women sorting coffee beans were
beautifully ornamented in colorful scarves. They picked out "bad" beans
and put them in a bucket. The bucket then went to a group of women

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sorting beans for local coffee and they would find "salvageable" beans to
serve locally. Nothing was wasted.

Next, we went to the best coffee shop in Addis, according to Yonas. It

makes its own coffee, roasts it, and serves it in the shop, so he thinks its
the most authentic I think. Kaldi's is a popular coffee shop here (like
Starbucks) but they don't roast their own beans. They get it from
Tomaca??? I think that's the name of the shop we were at!!! Yonas and
David laugh at me because I can't remember anything in Amharic.
They've taught me to say "thank you" a thousand times, and I still can't
remember it 10 minutes later.

This afternoon, we went to the transition home. Zane was in a great mood
again, and we enjoyed playing with him. He absolutely loves the formula

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they give him. He's a little picky about real food. It's funny. Thankfully,
he loves mashed potatoes! Okay. He can live in the south.

Tonight our travel group went to the airport to fly home. We're so sad.
They were the best group we could have asked for. We were all the same
age, and very similar in personalities. We'll definitely keep up at home.

The next travel group comes Saturday. I know two girls in the group, so
I'm excited to see them. Hope we have as much fun as we did with the
last travel group!

Day 8 - First Signs of Attachment

No date
We went to the transition home on Friday morning with Jenny Burke, who is
picking up her daughter forever! YEA! Jenny took some pictures for us
during her court trip, so it is awesome to get to meet her!

Zane, Mark, and I played together and Zane learned that he can look at
the guard and the pharmacist errand-runner over the railing. He thought it
was so funny to have Daddy on the other side of the railing peeking at

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him. It's the small things that delight a child! Zane is very happy with any
type of interactive play. He loves to move and be involved with us doing
something. At the same time, he loves to discover something and figure it
out independently. We walked over to the playground and he found an old
formula can in the dirt. He picked it up, put his hand in it, and Mark tried
to teach him the word, "empty". Then Mark turned it over and showed him
how to play on it like a drum. Zane liked this and he tried to make
rhythms on it for about an hour. His nanny saw us and brought out a toy
piano (the old kind with the colored keys that ding a bell inside). The paint
had been chipped off the metal plates, but it still rang like it should. So,
the Brannans formed an impromptu band in the middle of Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. Zane played the drums, Mama played the piano, and Daddy
pretended to play a trumpet through a small plastic piece found on the
ground. What was the first song we taught Zane? The Mardi Gras Second
Line song, of course!!! Ha! We were laughing so hard that this is the song
that came to mind first!

After playing, Zane ate a snack - his favorite, oatmeal. It's full of
cinnamon and sugar I think. When I've been feeding him, I've been trying
to get him to make eye-contact with me. I raise the spoon in the air, say
his name, and he looks in my eyes. This is good for attachment and

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bonding because he realizes I will take care of his needs. Friday, I got him
to look in my eyes almost every time he took a bite. It was great. I think
he's understanding that I am his mama. He attempts to say Mama and
Daddy; however, he uses them interchangably with us, so I'm not totally
sure if he understands what that means. We try to use Amharic to explain
who we are. I think the staff here likes that we are trying to learn Amharic
and use it with him. In Amharic, Father is Ababa and Dad is Ebaye. Mama
is emaye. The nannies try to use English with them some, so Mama and
Daddy are used as well. I think he's starting to get it.

Zane is on a great schedule. As soon as he finished eating, he started to

fall asleep. His eyes started to close, so I tried to make him comfortable.
Before he was fully asleep, our guides and driver said it was time to go, so
I had to hand him over to his nanny. He screamed and cried and reached
out for me. It was so hard to walk away, but the fact that he was wanting
to stay with me was a great sign that he is attaching to me. It was good to

After spending time with Zane, we went to the Post Office area to shop for
Ethiopian souveniers and gifts. We plan to give Zane these gifts as he gets
older to keep him informed of his culture. We then went to look at the

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place I will be moving to when I'm able to take Zane from the transition
home. It is a nice spacious place on the southwest side of the city. I felt
very comfortable there, and I know it will be a good place to stay until the
embassy clears our case.

We are still praying for MOWCYA to expedite letters at a quick rate, and for
the embassy to find no need to futher investigate our case. Please
continue to pray with us. We'll update you on the legal stuff as soon as we
find out!

I finally had a chance to get caught up on your adventure! Praising God for
how well things are going for you and hoping that letter gets there SOON.
Have a coffee for me! - Tracy
I check on y'all as soon as I get up in the mornings. I am so excited to see
how it is progressing!! We are continuing to pray!!!!!!!! Michelle

Day 9 - Laid back afternoon

July 16, 2011

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This morning two families got to take their children from the transition
home forever; the Dreyfes's, and the Burke's. They arrived a the guest
house with their children, and they decided to shower, and hang around
the hotel. The rest of us Autry's, Snyder's, and Brannan's went to lunch
with Yonas and David. Then we all went to the transition home. The
Mason's met us at the transition home and the Autry's and Mason's were
able to meet their kids for this first time today. It's so cool to see that.
The Autry's are adopting a sibling group of 4. They are a lot of fun! The
Mason's are adopting a baby boy.

AWAA Transition Home

Zane wanted to chill a little bit more than usual today. We walked around
the grounds, and Daddy let him see the men unloading Wooha (water)

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from the truck. He was very interested in the process of taking water
bottles out and putting empty water bottles in. Then we pretty much
stayed on the porch the rest of the time. He looked at some books with
cars, trucks, planes, and boats, played a little with plastic baby toys, but
mostly wanted to cuddle. Mark left for a few minutes to go talk to some of
the staff, and Zane said "Daddy" and "Ababa" the entire time. When Mark
returned, he stopped. I think he knows what it means. He wasn't much
into saying "Mama" today, but he wanted me to hold him a lot. He's got a
little ear infection, so we would appreciate your prayers about that. That
is probably why he is a little cranky and just wanting to lay low.

When we left today, Zane went to the window with the other kids, smiled,
and waved goodbye again. He was a little clingy when I dropped him off,
but his friends are WAY too exciting to be sad for long!

We will get to meet the Marquez family and one other family coming in
tonight. It's a full house here at the Yesabi again!

We go to the International Church again tomorrow. I CAN'T WAIT! It is

such a great church, and it is such a cool picture of what heaven will be
like with all people singing praises to God.

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It's almost dinner time here, so I gotta run. Have a great day in the states!

Poor sweetie...Emilee just got over an ear infection. No fun at all! - Michelle
Mark and Cimbrey, I AM SO EXCITED for you! I can't wait to meet your little
guy. I am glued to your blog and check it at least 3 times per day!!! I love
reading your stories. Keep em comin! With Love, Denise Marcon

Days 10-11
July 18, 2011
Yesterday, day 10, began with another great service at the International
Church. We had two vans of families to ride to church with this week. The
sermon was on reconnecting with God during the valleys of life. I listened
closely, as a potential valley is on the horizon. When Mark leaves, it will be
difficult, but I know that God gives us times alone so He can show us His
glory. The pastor reminded me that we are never alone. God is with us,
fighting for us, we need only to be still. There comes a point in every path

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God walks you down where you realize you have no control. It is there that
God is able to show you how He is incredibly glorious and worthy of praise.
Mark and I can do nothing to make our letter appear in court, but God is
working all people and situations together for our good because We love

Yesterday, our time with Zane was one of the best. He laughed the entire
time. We have some great pictures and videos that we can't wait to post.
He's such a happy boy. I think Zane really started to bond with Daddy
yesterday. Afterall, Dad is way fun! He said Daddy a lot and he wanted to
play with Daddy. He seemed to be feeling good and he had a lot of energy.
Mark taught him how to play the Aggie band beats on an old washbin. He
loved it! Texas Aggie class of 2027ish here we come! I pray that the joy of
the Lord fills Him continually and that He knows Jesus in a very real way
from an early age. I pray that God's truth overshadows any lies that He
could believe about his life, and that God gives him a grateful heart.

Today, day 11, we went to the transition home in the morning and visited
Zane and then went to the orphanages again. Zane was fun and sweet
again today, but being out of his normal routine and making him eat
outside has caused him to be a little squirmy and uninterested in eating.

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Zane apparently does not like anything with pasta. Why you ask? Good
question. What's not to like about pasta? He also will not eat mashed
bananas. We'll have to work on that more when we get home. He may like
them firm and not mashed. He cried pretty hard when we left. It's getting
to where he doesn't want to go to the nannies. Good for me, but hard for
him and hard for me to leave him.

We went to Abenezer Orphanage and experienced another coffee

ceremony with popcorn and these fantastic roasted wheat seeds. The
process is so interesting to watch! I got a coffee pot so that I can teach
Zane how to do it someday.

Mynlittle friend from our last visit was there again. He's a precious, polite
little boy about 9years Old. Marks favorite is a little girl about 13. They
ares both great at soccer and so sweet! I really want to keep up with them.
I have to know what happens to them. While I'm here, I will go visit them if
I can.

We about to eat dinner with travel group number 2! It's a fun group from
all over the US. we hope to stay in touch as much as we can when we get

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Praying for MOWCYA to urgently write all of our letters this week!

Finally caught up on your trip. How AMAZING!!! Give Zane a hug for all of
us. - Trent and Dana
so glad he's bonding so well with y'all!! it's probably the texture of mashed
bannanas :) brayden wouldn't touch them till we gave it to him whole :)

Day 12 - Korah
July 19, 2011
Many of you may have heard of the Korah dump in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
If you haven't, please watch this video on YouTube that shows a glimpse
of life in this small village in Addis. It is a short documentary of the people
who live in and around the dump.

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In 2008, a family named the Shannons adopted their youngest little girl
from Ethiopia. They felt God's call to come to Ethiopia and begin a church
a short time after returning home. They were obedient to God and moved
their family of 6 to Addis Ababa. Their hearts began to specifically ache
for the poor of Addis. God put it in their hearts to minister to Korah, the
region of Addis shown in the video above. What they realized through
their adoption of their daughter is that adoption is not a solution to the
problem of poverty and orphaned children. It is necessary and good that
God puts children into families that can take care of them; however, there
must be a way to keep children with their birth mothers, and help them
become healthy productive adults.

They had an idea to reach out to moms barely making ends meet, and the
Embracing Hope Ethiopia Day Care was born. Mothers from Korah and
surrounding areas in Addis (mostly single mothers) bring their children to a
free day care with high protein meals, basic education, and medical care.
Moms then can work at a regular job in the city and pick their children up
after work. The Shannons and their staff empower the moms to make a
living that will meet the needs of their family whether it is through their
daily job, or creating their own business. Mothers sew traditional clothing,
make baskets, and other crafts to sell to raise money for the Day Care.

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When mothers would usually be paid 2.5 birr for sewing a day, the Day
Care will pay them more, and then sell the items in the U.S. to raise
awareness and support. Each child at the Day Care is sponsored through a
sponsorship program, and this provides them with high protein meals (like
the peanut butter on bread that we saw them eating for breakfast this
morning), healthcare and hygiene education, business classes for the
moms, and other great resources.

Four families staying here with us this week woke up at 6:00 am to get
ready for our trip to the Day Care. We arrived at about 7:30 or shortly
after, and we were greeted by the Shannons and their children and a team
from South Africa with Global Challenge Expeditions. The team has

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traveled through about 8 countries in Africa so far working with children,
the poor, and interceding on behalf of the country. They are leaving
Ethiopia in a couple of weeks to go to Kenya, then Tanzania, Mozambique,
then back to South Africa. They are pouring out their lives, as the
Shannons are to see the truth of the Gospel of Jesus fleshed out. They are
demonstrating what it really means to love God by loving their "brothers".

It occured to me when I was at the Day Care this morning that had
something like this existed for Zane's mother, he might still be with her.
It's hard to say how I feel about that. I love Zane and want him to come
home to us so badly. He's our firstborn son, our pride, and our joy. But,
I'm sad for his birthmother sometimes. Life is complicated, and only God
knows what's best. In a perfect world, every child would be nurtured by
his birthmother, and live a long, healthy, happy life with his birth family.
There would be no poverty, illness, pain, abuse, addiction, and vices that
leave children orphaned and alone. Maybe that is why God said, "I will not
leave you as orphans, I will come to you..." and "I will never leave you or
foresake you..." and "How can a mother forget the baby at her breast?
Though she may forget, I will never forget you. I will never leave you."

I guess in some way, God shows us who He is through our pain. If we

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never had difficulty, would we need Him? Would we know Him? Would we
see His glory revealed to us?

Adoption is a bittersweet concept, like many things in our lives. Through

someone's pain, another finds joy. We don't find joy in Zane's
birthmother's pain, but we find joy in the hope of a child. Zane's name
means, "God is Gracious." Grace is the "free and unmerited favor of God,
His goodwill toward sinners, His kindness." His birthmother gave him a
name that means "The New One". We believe that because of God's
kindness and love toward Zane, our son has been given a new beginning.
This is the concept of redemption. God's unmerited favor on us, and his
ability to make all things new, has given us the opportunity to receive
forgiveness, love, and power through His Holy Spirit. We pray that one day
Zane will choose to bind himself to the God who has redeemed him in a
physical and spiritual sense. Only then will Zane know the ultimate
adoption - the adoption God has offered for those of us who are willing to
be grafted into His family.

I held Zane as he fell asleep in my arms today at naptime. He was warm

despite the chilly rain outside, well-fed with barley and rice cereal, his face
was peaceful as he stared into my eyes. His body released as he floated

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into a deep sleep, and I thought, "this is the sweetest boy, and I am the
luckiest Mama in the world." Somehow, someway "God works together all
things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His

"'Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, His unfailing
love for us will never be shaken, nor his covenant of peace be removed,'
says the Lord who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10

***Please visit http://www.embracinghopeethiopia.com/our-vision/ to get

more information about the Day Care in Korah and how you can sponsor a
i love what you shared about birthmothers. i think about our 2
birthmothers constantly and fortunately can keep in contact with one of
them. i'm loving following your journey and reading how quickly he's
bonding with you guys. so happy for your family! Melodie

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Day 13-14 - Time with Zane and Entoto

July 21, 2011
Since we first met Zane, he has been walking only with support from
nannies, us, furniture, or whatever he can use to keep his balance. On
Day 8 or so, we were able to help Zane walk a few steps without support
from Daddy to me and back. We knew he was close, but a little too wobbly
still to walk on his own. He loves to practice though, and since he's been
playing with us outside, he's been watching the older boys play soccer. He
will stare at them for a long time, then get down and try to walk really fast
with our support. I think he's trying to run! On Day 10, Daddy was sitting
a little far from Zane and I and he randomly got up on his own and walked
by himself to Daddy. It was about 4 steps. I guess you can say that those
were his first steps; however, we thought maybe it was just a fluke. So we
tried again. Zane wanted to hold our hands to walk the rest of the day.
"Oh well," we thought, "he'll walk when he's ready." On Day 12, Zane
walked from one end of the porch to the other to meet me on the other
side. He definitely was walking on his own with no support this time. The
nannies came to the window to watch and he did it again! All the nannies
clapped and cheered for him. It was so sweet. That confirmed for me that

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it was the first time he had walked on his own. He will still go short
distances by himself, but he likes to hold our hands most of the time still.
Today we got a really good picture of him walking on his own and leaning
his hand "cooly" against the wall like a stud model. It was so funny and
totally not planned. I think he likes his new found freedom.

Yesterday after spending time with Zane, we went to Entoto Mountain. It's
the mountain just outside of Addis Ababa that is know for the women who
carry wood down to the market at the mountain's base to sell each day.

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We drove to the top, and looked out over Addis Ababa. We also saw St.
Mary's Church at the top and the palace of Menelik I and his wife.

It is so beautiful in the mountain. The air is cleaner and birds are

everywhere. We saw several black "eagles" (according to the guide) that
strongly resembled ravens (hmmm...). The palace is made of a plaster

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that serves as a natural cooling system for the palace. There was a
separate bedroom area and living/dining area. By separate, I mean totally
different huts. They have tall ceilings and ox skin covered by a thatched

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So apparently, Entoto and Saluta Mountains are prime locations for

Ethiopian runners to train. Mark, Tim, Rob, Justin, Laura, Nikki, Arnold, and
Randall thought it would be exciting to wake up at 5:30 in the morning,
have Job and David pick them up, and go running up Saluta Mountain with
Ethiopian runners! Wow. They're very brave. And a little crazy. Mark and
Tim were very proud that they were ahead of Ethiopian runners for
approximately 20 yards (not to mention, Mark and Tim started 30 minutes
before them)!

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I love that you were there for his first steps. Zane really seems to be
bonding with y'all ... and you with him! - Judi
Hey Cimbrey, my name is Tara and my husband and I are leaving for
Ethiopia in less than a week for our court date! My friend Caren is friends
with one of your friends I think and she gave me your contact info:). Would
love to email with you! My email is tarardunn@gmail.com. Thanks! - John
and Tara

Day 15 - Last Day With Daddy

July 22, 2011
Today began with solemn hearts. Mark packed his bags, and I drowsily got
out of bed knowing what this day would bring. We ate breakfast at the
Guest House with all the families we've enjoyed spending time with so
much, and headed out for the transition home. This morning, Zane was a
little crabby. There was a big thunderstorm last night, and I'm assuming
he didn't sleep very well. Also, I've noticed his nose is running more than
usual, so he may have a cold. I encouraged Mark to hold him as much as
possible today, and I stood back more to allow them time together. The
morning flew by, and Zane refused to stay awake and eat his lunch. He

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was so fussy and rubbing his eyes so much that we let him fall asleep at
11:30 (about 30-45 minutes earlier than usual) About 12:30, we gave him
to his nanny, and we headed to lunch with our group. This afternoon we
split into a shopping group and a transition home group. Of course, Mark
and I decided to go back to the transition home to see our precious little
boy. He slept for over three hours. At 2:45, they woke him up, changed
him, and let him come outside with us. He was in a better mood this
afternoon. He played with Daddy, ate well, and had a pretty good
afternoon (despite the looming cloud of sadness covering us because Mark
was leaving. I exaggerate a little.) Mark was able to say goodbye and
love on Zane as we left. He gave him to his nanny, and Zane screamed
and cried more than we've ever seen. We knew it was best if we left
quickly, but it was so hard to tear ourselves away from him, especially for

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In this process there is no clear road, no answers, and no one telling you
how much longer until you get there. The past two weeks has been an
amazing time of bonding, adventure, and family building for the Brannans.
We've enjoyed being in Ethiopia together, and getting to know our son
and his heritage. However, it is so difficult to part ways and not know how
long it will be until we see each other again. Mark is my best friend, and
frankly, he makes the whole trip a lot of fun for everyone. He leaves a trail
of laughter wherever he goes. Mark's jokes and good humor even surpass
cultural boundaries, as our new Ethiopian friends have gotten a kick out of
him the past two weeks as well. When he leaves, I feel like my personality
changes too. Together, he makes the jokes, and I laugh at them! (Every
single one...over and over again...) It's a perfect match! But I'm afraid I'm
a little more shy without Mark's witty one-liners and quick remarks.

Ultimately, I know that God is refining both of us. He always is. We're not
really living, unless we are changing. Living things are meant to grow,
renew, and change over time. Spiritually, we are dead if we are not
allowing Christ to change us. Time away from people you love and depend
on is a great way for God to remind you of His depth of love, His presence,

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and His surpassing greatness. His words and His work among us are so
evident when all distractions cease, and we can see His face.

This is what I pray for during this time that Mark and I are apart. Like
Moses, I do not want to go anywhere if the Lord's presence does not go
with me. Like him, I ask, "Lord, now show me your glory..." (Exodus 33).

Cim- I am praying every single morning. I cant wait to meet and Zane!
Thank you for sharing your heart. It means so much. I am asking God to
bring you peace with Mark gone. You are so right. His humor is a gift to
everyone around him ;) = Kat
Praying for peace and quick passage of time...enjoy that precious little
guy! Michelle

Day 16 - Alone with Zane

July 23, 2011
Today I woke up feeling pretty rested. I met the other families downstairs
for breakfast then went shopping with Debb and Jeff Marquez and Sherry
Kishbaugh. I got a traditional bowl and salt/pepper shakers carved from

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ebony, a toy for Zane, and a beautiful painted, plaster Africa box to add to
the coffee set, woven coffee separater, bag, ebony nativity, and
framed Coptic cross I got last week. I hope to go back later and get a few
more things when my mom is here.

We ate at Metro Pizza today (again...it's the 4th time for me) next to
Kaldi's Coffee, which I love. After pizza, I picked up a Carmel Macchiato,
which sort of tastes like home. Then we all drove over to the transition
home. Zane was in a good mood when he woke up from his afternoon
nap. He says "mama" when I come get him now and he reaches for me.
We played on the playground and he loved peeking through the bars as I
said, "Boo!" It's a game that never gets old. Little kids remind you how
funny and sweet life is. You start to enjoy things like peek-a-boo because
you see how much joy it brings to them. Zane's best friend is the master
of peek-a-boo. He wants to play it almost every time I see him! We're
hoping to keep the two boys in contact once we move back to the states
(thanks Nichols!)

I'm realizing how simple Zane is, and I really love it. He doesn't need or
want to be entertained with a lot of toys and distractions. He wants me.
That's it. He loves to watch people as I hold him on my hip, and he loves

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to focus on one thing at a time, like a balloon that he can examine for
hours. I've thought a little bit about how I tend to show love by giving him
things or trying to entertain him, when all he wants is my time and
affection, and I wonder if God ever sees me that way. Do I try to entertain
him with my religious acts, my "obligations" of church, even my prayers
when all he wants is me? I think life is a lot more simple than we make it.
I'm seeing in my son the importance of decluttering life and enjoying time
together. When we offer Zane a toy we brought, he refuses it and reaches
for a leaf on a tree. Mark and I joked that we may have a horticulturalist in
the making, but I wonder if he just enjoys the things some of us overlook?
I'm challenged by Zane's ability to notice, and I'm encouraged to slow
down and join him.

When I left Zane today, I nearly cried. He's devastated when I leave and
crying for me now. In addition, three couples had to leave their little ones
today to go home to the states. One family is bringing home their baby
boy, but their precious daughter who has spent the week here with them
had to leave her close Ethiopian friend behind. It's sad to see families and
friends separated, especially when they have spent so much time and
energy to be together. It's hard to see their kids the next day when the
van of Americans pulls up, and they light up in hope that their parents'

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flight has been delayed and they can spend one more day with them, only
to walk away in disappointment when they are not there. Heartbreaking.
But for them there is hope! There's a picture of a family that will be
there's. There's a dream of a house and a bedroom that they can call
theirs. What about the 5-6 million others in Ethiopia who have waited so
long? The ones who have given up on hope? When will it be their turn?

We have so much. Our lives revolve our jobs, our houses, our cars, our
favorite tv programs, and our important social lives. Yet we complain that
our job is tiresome, our house is too small, our car is too old, our DVR
didn't record our show, and that we have nothing to do. Why do we
complain? Because our lives are meant to be poured out for others.
Gluttony is self-destruction in the worst way. We all fall victim to it, yet
our world is not lacking in need. Giving ourselves for the cause of Christ's
work in the world is the most fulfilling, purposeful way to live. This life
isn't for select few that "measure up" to God's grace, for that would be
impossible. This "wealth" is for all who will call upon the name of the Lord
and be saved.

"Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the

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eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised
those who love him?" James 2:5

You have a way with words that let you express your heart in such a
beautiful way. Thanks for being open to sharing this journey with all of us.

Day 17 - Mom's Here!

July 24, 2011
My mom arrived in Addis Ababa late last night. We went straight to bed
and woke up for church this morning. The sermon was on Re-connecting
with God in a Crisis. The pastor is so great about connecting current
events, personal lives, and scripture so that you can see God working,
pray for the world, and apply God's word to your life. It's so encouraging
to be there with people from all over the world all praising our God. The
highlight of the service was the Doxology. We've sung it the past two
Sundays now. The band stops playing and a chorus of voices loudly sing,
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here
below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy

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Ghost. Amen!" The best thing is the sound of accents of people
from Mozambique, Germany, America, Ethiopia, and all other places
singing these words in English to God. Beautiful.

After church, mom and I went with the AWAA travel group to Island Breeze
restaurant. It's one of my favorites here. Oddly enough, the quesadillas
and fajitas are AWESOME! Of course, that makes this Texas girl VERY

Next, mom met Zane at the transition home for the first time. It was really
sweet. He didn't really understand who she was, but we kept saying,
"Mimi, Mimi..." He wasn't afraid of her, and didn't shy away from her like
he does with most people. Mom played with the basketball and rolled it
with him, and he smiled and enjoyed it.

Zane is mimicking my voice and expressions more and more. He now

initiates a "YEA!" for himself when he does something he likes! Every time
mom or I rolled the ball to him and he caught it, he shouted, "YEAAAAA!"
So far I don't think self-confidence will be an issue! Zane continues to be
really sad when I leave. His #1 nanny was here today, and he even cried
when he went to her. This was awkward for me, as I know how much she

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loves him. It has to be the most difficult job in the world to part with these
little ones. And to do it continually breaks my heart. It's amazing how
much they open their hearts to children, knowing they will have to leave
one day. It makes me want to love in complete abandonment like them
without protecting my heart - to love like Christ loves us, despite the fact
he knows we are prone to wander from him.

Love is one of those things that can't exist as a guarded display of human
emotion. It's relentless, confident, and full commitment. It is steady and
sure even when emotion ceases. Somehow, perfect love loves enough to
let go, trust, and forgive at the same time. I guess this is why God says, "I
am love" and "perfect love drives out fear" and "greater love has no man
but this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." I just don't see
how love can exist apart from Him. In others we see manifestations of
God's perfect love, but in our humanity, love can become jaded, codependent, and selfish. When we abide in Christ, our love is a renewable
resource poured out onto others.

I took a picture of Zane and his caregiver today. I want him to know about
this selfless love she reflects, and the way that all of the babies are given
a "transitional mommy" who risks her own heartbreak to love them. I

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thank the Lord for her and other "mommies" around the world today who
are fostering children until they can be with a forever family.

Beautiful post, Cimbrey! Really touching and true. - Diane
How precious that you are able to share this time with your mom! I love
what you wrote about love :)
I think I guard myself too much sometimes...I want to love without
abandon! Erica

Day 18 - Waiting on MOWCYA

July 25, 2011
Today is day 8 of our wait for the MOWCYA letter. We were told
approximately 20 business days when we went to court on July 13th.
Courts will close next week, August 7, but really August 5 because they
don't work on Sat. and Sun. Soooo...for those of you doing the math, we
will be on day 17 of our wait on August 5th. Hmmmmm...we need a
MIRACLE! I know that you are praying for us, and we feel your prayers. I
appreciate so much all of the encouragement we have received on our

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blog and on Facebook. We ask that you continue to pray for the Ministry
here in charge of writing favorable letters to the court for adoption. Pray
that the would be diligent and determined to write letters for all of us who
have had court dates during July. Pray that they would see a child's face,
read their story and feel compassion to help them as quickly as possible.
Pray that the judge would approve our case quickly and submit our
paperwork to embassy so that we can get our children in the loving homes
God has provided for them. Pray for me that I will be encouraged in the
wait, continue to see progress with Zane, and enjoy my time with him,
even at the transition home for a couple of supervised hours a day.
God is a miraculous and loving God. No matter what the timing of our
adoption is, and how long or confusing it seems to me, I know that He is
sovereign and good. I have to believe now more than ever that God can
make a way for the seemingly impossible for His Name and His renown.

Through this process, every time I get impatient, God seems to remind me
of this truth: HE is the Father of the fatherless. HE is the defender of
orphans and the vulnerable. He will never leave Zane or forsake him.
NOT ME. God did not say, "I will be the father of the fatherless through
you." No! He's the Father, our Father, period.

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"Which of you fathers, if his son asked you to give him bread, you would
give him a stone instead? If a child asked you for a fish, would you give
him a snake instead? Or if he asked for an egg, would you give him a
scorpion? Of course not! If you then, though you are evil know how to
give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven
give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:10-13) I

I know God can provide for my child better than I ever could, so I have to
trust that He's doing what He's promised!

Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement!

Cimbrey, I will continue to pray for your new family and the situation with
court and all. Your blogs are such an inspiration! I am still checking your
blog three times a day to make sure I don't miss any updates. I love every
word that you have written!!!! You are still rocking my world even though
you are a world away from me. Zane is already so blessed! I am so proud
of you for searching God and His truth and for trusting Him to meet all of

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your needs. I love you and can't wait to see ALL of you when you get back
home. Lots of love, Denise Marcon - Denise
Cimbrey! I am praying for you and for Zane. It's hard for me to think of
anything else. The line from a song came to mind today in prayer. If God is
for us, who can be against us? Our God is stronger and He is higher than
any other. Love you!!! Kat

Suprise Guest Post: Happy Eighth Year

July 26, 2011
[This guest post is brought to you thanks to Cimbrey's use of the same
password on just about everything for the last 8 years... Mark]

Cimbrey, it was a mere two-thousand-nine-hundred-twenty days ago that I

watched the doors swing open at the back of the church in Bryan, Texas to
see your radiant smile marching down the aisle. I could barely hold myself
together but you didn't shed a tear. I asked you later how you made it
through the ceremony with such ease, and you told me that you had been
given a supernatural strength of conviction and confidence, but most
importantly, you were not going to let your make-up get messed up in

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front of God and everybody.

We love to joke with our friends that our 8 years of marriage have been
the best 6 years of our life. It's true the first 700 or so days were tough
going for the two of us, but I look back at what God formed through our
crisis, and I treasure the tribulations of those early days. It was your
strength of character and dependence upon the Lord that lead us through
the storm and towards brighter days.

Remember when you told me you wanted to move to Fort Worth, Texas
and were thrilled when I got a job there? Well I remember how not thrilled
you were when I called you back and said we are moving to New Orleans.
But I also love how you were flexible, agreed to follow me, and through
your faith you came to love the city and its people more than you ever
thought possible. Even in the darkest days after Hurricane Katrina, you
wanted nothing but to move back to your city. I love how you remain open
to the Lord's plan for you despite your own desires.

I love the heart you have for God's children, and I am inspired by the way
you lead us to adoption as plan A. I know the many people who read your
blog every day see the light of Christ in you through this process, and I am

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grateful for your daily surrender. Zane loves his Momma, and I can't wait
for the three of us to be together again.

Now, in a time where it would be easy to feel alone, you remain confident
in your calling, continue to rely upon the Lord, display faithfulness in God's
calling to the extent that you have grown to love Ethiopia and its people as
your own, and you surrender daily despite the uncertainty that remains
before us in the adoption process.

You are a remarkable woman of noble character, and I have full confidence
in you. You work eagerly to care for our family and your faith makes you
strong for the task. You open your arms to those in need and you do not
fear uncertainty. You speak wisdom and it is easy to praise you because
you fear the Lord!

After Eight years we now sit 8000 miles apart, but I have never felt closer
to you!
Happy Anniversary, Cim!

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Love, Mark

Since I am in Texas this week, I'll close with a country song:

Oh, wow. That made me tear up a bit. Happy anniversary, and God bless
as you set out on this new adventure! - Mary
You guys are so AMAZING! I can't wait to see your family together!
Thinking about you often!
Mark, thank you for the surprise and the loving words. You have honored
me so much! I love you and I'm so happy that you asked me to marry you
8 years ago today. - Cimbrey
dang it mark! I don't to cry while reading blogs. ugh. so sweet! miss you
cimbrey! - Rachel

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im pretty sure i cried enough for both me AND cimbrey.congratulations!
you are very lucky to have each other, and i admire the amount of love,
commitment, and effort you both put towards your relationship. - Jay
I used to joke at work that I was President of Cimbrey's Fan club. Now I
guess I'm President of Mark's Fan Club too!!! Love you guys!!!! - Denise
Happy anniversary! What a blessing you are to each other, and to all of us
lucky enough to know you! May God be with you on this new adventure
called "parenting!" - Michelle
So so very sweet! Happy Anniversary! - Little Lamb

Day 19 - All Day at the Transition Home

July 27, 2011
I have to start this entry with a major shout out to my awesome husband,
Mark Brannan! It was a great surprise and the best gift I could have
received to read the words he said about me. Now, if only they were

Today Mom and I spent the entire day at the transition home. We packed a
lunch, ate breakfast at the guest house, and we were on our way. Zane
had a rough morning, but so did we. We were all so tired. Mom is still

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trying to get used to the new time zone, Zane is not used to all this oneon-one attention and stimulation, and I, well, I just stayed up too late last

We walked around the campus with Zane, played with some toys, and took
it easy this morning. At about 11:55, Zane's lunch came, and he went into
a major fit; not because he didn't like it, but because he was ready to go to
sleep. His nap time is 12ish, so lunch was really late today. He refused to
eat and cried so hard. I tried to console him, but he was inconsolable. I
gave him to his nanny to see if she could figure it out, but he cried harder.
The guard walked up, took him in his arms, and he immediately stopped
crying. What? Of course he couldn't stand their and rock him to sleep, so
he tried to give him back to me. He wailed. I decided he needed to just
lay down and go to sleep. And I did too, so well all, Mom, me, and Zane
took a rest. I fell asleep on the couch, and mom read a book.

When Zane woke up, he was much better, and he drank 13 ounces of
formula. He was hungry. We read a book, kicked the soccer ball, and
played. He was back to himself. I did notice a croupy cough today, so
Zane may be getting sick...again. Please pray for him and all of the kids.
They are constantly passing around colds and other sicknesses. They

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need to be with their parents and away from other sick kids so they can
get better.

Next week is the last week courts are open. I am hoping to pass court and
take Zane out of the transition home by Friday. If we do not pass, we may
have to revert to plan B. What is plan B? I don't know yet. We didn't plan
for plan B! Plan B may be God's plan A, and we are open to whatever
timetable he has us on.

Pray that God gives Mark and I clear direction about our next steps as a

Day 21 - I'm loosing count

July 28, 2011
Today is either day 20 or 21. I'm starting to loose track of time. I feel like
Tom Hanks in Castaway. I might start carving tally marks in the wall to
keep track of the day. As long as I don't find a volleyball and name it
Wilson, I think I'll be okay; although a soccer ball might have to suffice

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Zane is so funny and curious. He watches videos Mark left on our iPad
where Mark's talking to him and being silly almost every day. He stares at
it and says "Daddy" over and over again. I reply, "That's Daddy!" and he
just stares expressionless a little longer. I think he's totally confused. My
thoughts were verified when he picked up the iPad and looked behind it for
Daddy. He even tried to separate the cover from the iPad to see if Daddy
was inbetween the iPad and the cover! I guess he thinks Daddy is hiding
behind the screen! It's really cute to watch...and sad at the same time. I
wish Mark was here so Zane could see him in person. I know Zane wishes
he were here too. At least Mark can rest in the fact that his child thinks
he's skinnier than an iPad. That's a compliment, right?

Today was a great day with Zane. He was in a good mood again, and mom
and I enjoyed being with him. He ate pretty well when the cooks made
him his favorite "cereal", but he will not eat pasta. No shape, no matter
what the sauce is. I don't get it. They gave him pasta stars today. What
kid doesn't like pasta stars?
I'm beginning to think we have a picky eater on our hands, and honestly, I
don't know how to handle that! Neither Mark or I have ever been picky
eaters! Zane has learned how to get what he wants at the transition
home, and the nannies are well aware of his preferences. It's amazing

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how such a young person can have everyone doing his bidding. Looks like
Zane's going to get a "re-boot" in America, so he can receive what he
needs, not just what he wants.

Zane is a really good boy, and he shows a lot of potential developmentally

and in attachment. So many children at the transition home
are desperate for attention and affection. They latch on to any "mommy"
that comes along, and they are indiscriminate about their attachment
toward adults. This can seem really cute and lovable, but it actually shows
a lack of attachment and bonding. They have not learned who is safe and
who isn't, or the difference between mom and dad and a stranger. I thank
the Lord that Zane seems to be VERY discriminate and VERY particular
about who touches him, who holds him, etc. He will whine when mom is
holding him and I step away for a minute. This may seem like he's a fussy
baby, but this is the best gift he could give his mom and dad. This shows
that he has bonded with us, and he knows who his parents are.

When Zane and I went to visit his old baby room today, the nannies he
was with were so loving toward him. He's definitely a favorite to many of
them. They hold his hands and kiss them over and over. One of the
nannies said, "Na! Na!", which means, "Come!" and he didn't reach for

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them. He burrowed his arms in my chest and looked away. They laughed
and said something in Amharic, which I interpret to be something like,
"He's attaching well to mommy!" I heard "mommy" in there, and they
seemed pleased.

Soon afterward, the doctor, who saw Zane this morning, saw us on the
sidewalk enjoying the sunshine, and she said, "He really loves you. He
cries when he comes to me! He doesn't like for me to examine him." She
said it with a smile of approval, and it really blessed me for her to say this.

Sometimes I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or if I'm being criticized
by the people around me at the transition home. My self-consciousness
gets the better of me and I fear that people are talking about me in
Amharic sometimes. It's hard to tell with the difference in language and
tone. I don't know what to make of their stares sometimes and their "firm"
and "demonstrative" expressions. Today, I felt like the Lord graced me
with affirmation from the people here, and I know this encouragement was
from him.

Mom and I stayed at the transition home until noon and we returned to the
guest house to eat lunch with Megan and Aliyea, her adopted daughter.

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They left this evening to return to the states. Aliyea was so excited she
was kissing Mom and I and running around like crazy. I know Dustin and
the boys are going to be glad when the girls get home!

We are here now with a Danish couple and her dad, Laura Unrah, her dad,
and two adopted children, and another family will be arriving tonight for
their embassy appointment. No one else will have court appointments
before the court closures next Friday, so I see many families come in, pick
up their children, and return to the states. It is wonderful to see, yet when
each family leaves, I feel lonesome for them. There is something about
being on the other side of the world with Christian families who love their
adopted children that make you immediately bond with them. I miss all
the families I've been fortunate enough to meet so much!

I appreciate your prayers, and I feel peace that God is going to clearly
show us what our next steps are when it is time for us to know. Thank you
for your love and support!

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Thank you for keeping us up to date, Cimbrey. I am so glad that God is
giving you affirmation as you need it. I remember feeling that disapproval
from the nurses when Trey was in NICU as a baby. I still have no idea
whether they approved or disapproved -- but looking back, I realize how
little it mattered. But it's hard to see that in the midst of learning to parent
a child around people who have a stake in how he's parented!
I'm praying daily for everything to come together in time for y'all-Christi

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Spent time praying for you this morning! Praying that everything you need
for the courts will come asap! Thanks for sharing your precious moments
with Zane! - Cole
I couldn't sleep last night from 12:45-4 a.m. our time. (No clue why...stress
of having 7 kids right now? Who knows.) Anyhow, I spent a lot of that time
praying for you and Zane and Mark and MOWCYA letters and everything
else. God is with you, even when you can't feel it! - Michelle
Cimbrey - I'm praying for you like crazy...especially for that MOWA letter!
Can't wait until you and Zane are home! - Jon and Anna
Hey Cimbrey! John and I are in Ethiopia now and we'd love to meet up with
you and your mom at some point! Internet connection isn't the best
here...my gmail is not working well but facebook is for some reason. You
can message me on our blog or on facebook (John-Tara Dunn). We're
around today and then will be gone tomorrow traveling to our son's village
until Aug. 1st. We leave late the evening of Aug. 4th. Just let me know if
you'd be up for meeting:). - John and Tara

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Day 22 - Belly Laughs

July 29, 2011
Mom and I went to the transition home this morning at about 9:30 with
two other families here picking up their children to go home forever. It
was great to see one of Zane's friends reunited with his parents after a
long wait between their first court appointment in January and their
embassy trip this week.

Zane eyed me through the window when I arrived this morning and
reached for me. The nanny quickly changed him and brought him outside.
He was calm and cuddly and stared at his friend as he sat with his new
parents. Then, I brought out the new toys. Mom brought cars, trucks,
books, and balls for Zane to play with here, and I've been trying to bring
one or two to him at a time. I let him get tired of them, then bring new
ones when he's ready for something different. Today it was the Monster
Truck and Hot Wheels car. I thought he would be interested in looking at
them and holding them for a while, then take off to go walking as usual.
But he immediately sat on the porch and started rolling them. We played
for a while rolling the cars back-and-forth, as Mom directed them to go the

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right direction (thanks Mom!). Each time Zane rolled it or caught it, I
yelled, "YEA!" and his face lit up with a beautiful smile. This went on for a
while, then Zane decided to stand up, walk around the back of a chair,
using it for support, smile at his friends, and walk proudly by himself back
over to me. I grabbed him and squeezed him so tight, and he grinned one
of those open-mouthed, toothy grins that grabs my heart. Zane did the
same thing about three more times throughout the morning, and each
time I squeezed him and showed him how proud I was of him. It made him
so happy to make his mama proud!

One of the books Mom brought for Zane is a cars book that makes noises
when you press the buttons. Zane learned yesterday that if he presses a
certain button, the music that plays has a catchy rhythm that makes him
want to move. He pressed it about 15 times in a row today and moved his
upper body back and forth to dance to the rhythm. Each time he did it, I
mimicked him and stopped when the music stopped. He would start it up
again, and I danced automatically. He thought it was so funny that the
toothy grin came back out and I couldn't help but kiss him 1,000 times on
his sweet cheeks! Mom caught some of it on video, so I'm super glad to
have "Zane and my first dance" recorded!

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Zane continues to be more and more comfortable with "Mimi", my mom.
He went to her three or four times today and gave her hugs. She melted
with delight. He's such a sweet boy.

Just before lunch, Zane and I were alone together on the porch. He threw
his car down, and I set him on his feet to get it. When I put him down, he
immediately got into his fastest moving stance (the crawl) and took off for
the stairs. I grabbed him and swung him upward just as he grabbed the
car in his hand. He thought it was hilarious! He laughed so hard! So since
he thought it was a big joke that he nearly tumbled down the stairs, I tilted
him backward and tickled his throat. He chuckled as he threw his head
backward and starred into the sky. I swung him toward me, lifted his head
to my shoulder and kissed him with 100 kisses on his face, then swung
him backward again. This time, I heard the first belly laugh from Zane as I
tickled his throat again. We did this three or four more times before I spun
around several times with him next to my chest. His face was priceless.

This experience marks one of the first times that I felt Zane really trust me
without fear. From the moment I grabbed him from his crawl to swinging
him around and around, until I felt dizzy, he rested freely in my arms
knowing that I would not let him fall. For both of us, it was unrestricted,

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thrilling fun! Of course, I wasn't the one being swung around in the air,
but I delighted so much in seeing him completely enthralled with the
moment, that it felt like I was experiencing the entire event with him.

Sometimes I wonder if my cautious nature, skepticism,

or overanalyzation of events causes me to miss out on the delight God has
for me in this life. I imagine there have been many times that God wanted
me to release my head, lay back in his arms, and look up at the sky in
complete abandonment as Zane did. I'm sure He has longed for me to
trust him to pick me up and rescue me from tumbling. He knows the
thrilling moment with Him that I refuse at times, and I know His heart
breaks at my fussing and whining. If I could only see His arms surrounding
me, I wonder if I'd be so careful. What am I really risking to fall completely
into His plan for my life? Better yet, what am I risking to NOT let go and
surrender my life into His hands?

For Zane and I, we would have lost a special memory; a moment in time
that will never be repeated, and one that I will never forget. For God,
there may be much more at stake. Our entire life's joy and satisfaction
relies on Him. We will only know the thrilling ride of life with Jesus if we
surrender our reservations and hindrances and dive in fully to the Christian

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Psalm 90:14 says, "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that
we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."

Our souls are created to glorify the Lord, to find satisfaction in Him, to
experience His presence. Fear keeps us from what we were created to do.
I pray that my life and my precious Zane's life will be filled with God's
satisfaction and joy so that we can be glad and rejoice in Him all of our

Hi Cymbrey! Missing you, and praying for you too. I ache all over, and I
think it is just because I miss the boys. No other explanation. Tell them
their mom and dad miss them...thanks :) Love Sheri
Wow! This brought tears to my eyes. I'm enjoying your daily updates.
Thanks for sharing all of these insights. Traci

Day 23 - Ben
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July 30, 2011
This morning, we were surprised to learn that we'd be going to the
transition home! Usually we go to the TH in the afternoon on Sat. and we
are only allowed one visit. The Pfeifers came in this morning to pick up
their little girl, so we got to go early!

Praise music poured out of the school room when we arrived. The sound
of African Children's voices singing songs like "Blessed Be the Name" by
Matt Redman, and "Sing, Sing, Sing" by Chris Tomlin was so refreshing. A
tall, young Ethiopian walked out of the school room wearing a brown t-shirt
with a large golden print of Africa in the middle. Across it read a bible
verse that I can't remember for the life of me, but I remember thinking,
"He is a Christian." He sat down and asked about Zane. I told him where
we were in the process, and I explained that we're waiting on a letter. It
seemed like he understood, but he had more to say. He then explained
that he was given to an orphanage 40 km outside of Addis when his mom
died at 8 years old. He told us he graduated from University and was
teaching music to orphans now. He was so proud to share his story. I
could tell that he that his pain was being used for God's glory.

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Difficult times in our lives can seem hopeless. I can't imagine the
hopelessness he must have felt when his father told him, "I cannot take
care of you anymore. Your mom is gone, and I cannot feed you." I wonder
how an 8 year old processes such drastic change and the realization of
abandonment. Likewise, it's hard to imagine the pain of his father and the
hopelessness he felt knowing that he can't even provide for his children.
What a seemingly impossible situation.

Ben, my new friend in the Lord, has experienced redemption. Often we

think of redemption as one moment in our lives where we receive God's
grace and decide to give our lives to him, and it is definitely that. But it is
so much more. God's redemption is eternal, constant, and it never returns
void. Every situation in our life is redeemed when we surrender it to the
Lord. The painful moment in Ben's life is a season that could have been
wasted; a moment that could have forever been marked by loss,
tormenting memories, depression, and growing bitterness. If Ben hadn't
trusted the Lord with his life, he may have turned out a very different man.
Praise God that Ben realizes that God does not leave us as orphans, He
comes to us, rescues us, and makes every parts of our lives reflect His

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I think we all have a choice in this life to do as Ben has done or turn
inwardly self-centered and angry with the hand we've been dealt. The
truth is that Satan is having his way in our lives if we do the latter. The
Great Redeemer waits to make all things good for those who love Him and
are called according to His purpose. He longs to restore what Satan took
from you and more. Ben is experiencing the glory that God reveals when
He is allowed to restore loss in our lives.

I pray for Zane to understand God more than he understands his

circumstances. No one, by looking at their past, can resolve the question
"why?" I pray that Zane so personally knows God's redemption that his
past becomes a story used for God's glory. More than that, I pray his
commitment and love for Jesus would pile more blessings upon him than
he could ever think possible. Though their be pain in life, I pray for the
supernatural joy that come from Christ to permeate his entire being.

Revelation 21:4 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no
more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has
passed away."

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Day 23 - Addis Ababa Retirement?

July 30, 2011
Church this morning was fantastic again. I absolutely love worshiping God
there. His presence is evident because I sense His spirit moving there
among the people. Today, my favorite song leader lead us in worship. She
is the one who led us the first week we were here with Hillsong worship
songs. I absolutely love the beautiful lyrics Hillsong worship team writes
about the Lord. They help me articulate so much that I want to say to
Him. Every week in this sermons series the pastor is on, a member of the
congregation gets up and shares their testimony of how they re-connected
with God during difficult times. This week the sermon was on Reconnecting with God by Demolishing Strongholds. A guy from California,
who now lives with his wife and son in Addis, shared his testimony about
how God delivered him from drugs and a life of promiscuity. At age 13, he
was arrested for selling drugs at school, and his life had spiraled down
from there until God revealed Himself to him when he was 21 and reading
the bible only to prove its irrelevance and inconceivability. Shortly
afterward, God allowed him to meet a woman that He had protected from
much of the evil in the world. This woman was the young lady leading
worship this morning. What a blessing he has received in her. Now they

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serve in Ethiopia teaching people about the value of life, God's love, and
His grace.

After church, Mom and I went to Lime Tree by ourselves. It is above the
spa we visited the other day. It's a very "whole food" type restaurant with
fresh juices, sandwiches, baked items, and some dinner-type dishes. We
got curry chicken and vegetables with white rice, ate half of it, and saved
room for the vanilla and chocolate marble cake in the window at the cash
register. We were only able to eat half of the cake, but it was delicious.
The icing was like cream cheese with a little bit of sugar...not too sweet.
The machiattos we had combined perfectly with the cake that satisfied
our craving. One of the cool things about Lime Tree is that it is attached
to an Ethiopian book store. It's kind of like a tourist book shop with history
books on Ethiopia, regular fiction and non-fiction best-sellers like you'd see
in America, and children's books with English and Amharic translations.
Mom and I were thrilled to pick up several books for Zane that I know he
will appreciate having so much when he is older. One teaches household
Amharic words by taking an adopted Ethiopian boy through his new house.
The other one teaches the Ethiopian legend of the origins of coffee,
another is a book on Harar, Zane's home region, and another is a general
Ethiopian history book in pictures. The last item we purchased Zane will

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be able to enjoy now, a CD of Ethiopian children's songs in Amharic! We
have not seen anything else like these books as we've been shopping, so
we were delighted to stumble upon them today.

By the way, all of these books cost us $28.35 USD!

After our great finds, we headed to the transition home where we saw
Zane for a couple of hours this afternoon. He was excited to get outside
and walk again today; however, today he was Mr. Independent! He walked
several times all by himself, without hesitation, straight into my arms with
the biggest, most proud smile you can imagine. He was really into the car
and truck again that Mimi gave him. We rolled it to each other over and
over again. He's getting so much more coordinated with everything he
does. It's amazing how much progress he's made physically since we've
been here. With Mark and I, Zane learned how to walk up and down stairs

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(with support) throw, "catch", and kick a soccer ball. With Mom and I, he's
learned to roll the cars, balance on the curb (with support), slide down the
slide in the playground, and climb playground equipment. It's really
awesome to watch him develop so quickly. He absolutely loves praise, and
he's great at getting it from all of us!
Today he wanted to feed himself with the spoon and the dinner they
brought out was soupy pasta stars. Remember the pasta stars comments?
Zane usually hates pasta stars! Not today. He would NOT eat them when
I tried to feed them, but he ate almost the entire bowl when I allowed him
to feed himself. Ha! (I shouldn't say that he almost ate the entire bowl
because about 1/4 of the bowl ended up in my lap, as Zane would put the
spoon in his mouth sideways, upside down, and every which way.) It was
neat to see him try to do it on his own, but I hope he still wants his
mommy to feed him sometimes!

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Tonight we just walked about 10 minutes to Kaldi's Coffee down a street

much like Bourbon Street in New Orleans; however we didn't see anything
inappropriate, if you know what I mean. I feel like such a "big girl"
venturing out on my own. There were people everywhere, and so many
kind "Allo's" and "Hi's". There is a Kaldi's on almost every corner of Addis,
just like Starbucks, but this Kaldi's is a two story with a full glass window
facade and it's packed with people. Unlike Starbucks, Kaldi's offers
outstanding Carmel Machiattos for about $0.88, Machiattos for $0.70, and
scoops of icecream for about $0.50. I could spend the rest of my days
hanging out at Kaldi's with my two favorite food groups: coffee and
icecream. Mom had chocolate icecream made with real cocoa powder,
and I had kiwi icecream! Not to mention our terrific Ethiopian coffee!

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Between cheap coffee, icecream, food, and books Addis Ababa may not
be a bad place to retire!

On the walk home, a guy about my age said, "Jesus loves you" sort of
passively as we walked by him. I turned around, smiled, and said, "Jesus
loves you too." He replied, "You know that?" to which I said, "Yes! Of
course!" Louder now he smiled and said, "Bless God!" I love the
encouragement we both received in that moment from the Lord, just
knowing that we weren't alone in the world. We both know the risen
Savior! It was a perfect ending to a wonderful day.

Ava and I prayed for y'all this morning . . . that the letter would come
quickly! She was so sweet looking at the pictures of Zane. She wanted to
know if that was her baby brother and if we could go get him now! Praying
you'll have him HOME soon! Cole

Days 25 & 26 - Highs and Lows of Adoption

August 2, 2011

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Yesterday was one of the best days I've had since I've been here. Mom
and I had an awesome day with Zane. He's continually more affectionate
and comfortable with us. Yesterday, I showed him a new video that Daddy
sent by email, and he leaned over and kissed the screen, not once but 3 or
4 times. He continues to say Daddy a lot, and I think he understands who
Daddy is. Each time we watch Daddy on the iPAD though, he wonders
where Daddy is hiding, and he ends up fussy and frustrated. So, we take a
walk. Only, we usually run into a soccer ball or a football somewhere
along the way, and Zane says, "Daddy!" again. I'm so glad he loves his
Daddy so much, but we both wish Daddy was here.

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Last night, mom and I went with some friends to a traditional Ethiopian
dinner. It was at the same place Mark and I went to when he was here.
Only this time, we had three Ethiopian children, 15 months, 4 years, and 7
years old that made our time so much more exciting! The 15 month old
clapped almost the entire time to the rhythms of the music, and the other
two danced their hearts out. They tried to mimic every move the dancers
made, even catching the attention of the dancers several times. They
were asked to come on stage and perform with the dancers, and they did
so with complete abandonment. It was AWESOME! The music was
winding down and the dancers were about to leave the stage, when one of
the dancers asked me to go on stage....again. I had to go up twice last
time Mark and I were there, and I almost thought I was off the hook until

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the best dancer on the stage asked me to go up there and mimic his
moves. Oh my goodness. I was (and still am) so EMBARRASSED! This
white girl cannot move like these professional Ethiopian dancers can, let's
just say that.

After a late night, Mom and I woke up sleepy, but we enjoyed our morning
with Zane. He was as sweet as ever and enjoyed watching the rain on the
covered porch. We read books and visited with other children that were
there with us. Like clockwork, at about 11:55, Zane fell asleep (while
eating) in my arms. This has become our daily routine, and I enjoy it so
much. At 12:30, I handed him over to the nanny to be put in bed, and
Mom and I went to Metro Pizza with the other families here. In the
afternoon, we went back to spend more time with Zane, and watch the

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Rowell's pick up their little boy, Muse' from the toddler room where Zane
lives. Muse' and Zane are good friends, so it was good to see him with his

As we arrived back at the Guest House tonight, I hurried to check my email

to see the updates from AWAA on the MOWCYA letters. The email I
received informed families waiting for court that MOWCYA was working on
July 4th court appointments today and that it did not look like they would
get much further than that by the end of the week. I don't know what to
feel about this. On one hand, I'm miserable, depressed, and so sad at the
prospect that I may either be here without Mark for another 3 months or
have to leave Zane and not see him for 2 months. On the other hand, I
know that God could put that letter at the top of the stack tomorrow and
we would pass court this week. I have no idea how to prepare for the
future right now, and I'm pleading with the Lord to let me have custody of
Zane this week. Please pray for me as I wait the and watch for the Lord to
show me the best path right now. Pray that I would have peace and clarity
about the decision I may have to make about staying here or returning
home. Any insights would be much appreciated.

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Just prayed that your paperwork makes it to the top of the stack and you
don't have to face this decision. What a tough one. - Rob and Leah
Rhonda K and I are teaching a women's ministry class this week. We just
finished lifting you up as a class. Praying it all goes through this week.
Love you!!!! Kristyn

Day 27 - He's Officially Ours!

August 3, 2011

The first day we met

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The day he officially became ours! 8/3/11

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Already negotiating deals like Daddy

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Walking all by himself!

His face after he slid down the slide for the first time.

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Sticker Mania!

Sweet Boy.

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Model in the making....

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I love walking!!

Tongue discovery day.

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Family Portrait

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The first time he fell asleep in my lap

Family picnic?

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Wooha! (Water!)

I am amazed, humbled, and completely in awe of God's sovereignty over

processes, leaders, governments, and the entire world. This afternoon, we
were told that Zane Addisu is officially our son! Our letter came this

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morning, and the paperwork was given to the judge for her approval.

This event is inexplicable without considering the Lord's power and grace
over all earthly things. Yesterday MOWCYA was on July 4th letters, and this
morning, our letter from a July 13th court date was written. This is
impossible without God answering the prayers of hundreds of you who
have been praying for us. So many of you emailed us with specific prayers
you were praying for us. One prayer that many of you have prayed is that
God would put Zane's paperwork on the top of the stack at MOWCYA this
morning. We know that is exactly what he did. We're amazed and
humbled that God has given us favor with the people here and with
Addisu's case.

My fear is that in my humanity over time I will begin to rationalize the way
this event has worked out, and somehow think it was chance or Addisu just
had very good paperwork that was easy to review, or that it was an
accident. Our hearts are so prone to wander from the Lord. I want to
make this blog a "memorial stone", so that I will remember this day, God's
apparent work in our lives, and the way He blessed us. One hymn comes
to mind when I think of the events of today. "Come Thou Fount of Every

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Come, thou Fount of every blessing,

tune my heart to sing thy grace;
streams of mercy, never ceasing,
call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it,
mount of thy redeeming love.

Here I raise mine Ebenezer;

hither by thy help I'm come;
and I hope, by thy good pleasure,
safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of God;
he, to rescue me from danger,

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interposed his precious blood.

O to grace how great a debtor

daily I'm constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love;
here's my heart, O take and seal it,
seal it for thy courts above.

For so long, I had no idea what an Ebenezer was! And why should I raise it
for that matter? A few years ago a friend from church was leading youth
worship at camp. She explained the Ebenezer so well, and it has stuck
with me ever since. Basically Ebenezer comes from a Hebrew word that
means, "stone of help". An Ebenezer is simply a monumental stone set up
to signify the great help that God granted to the Israelites in 1 Samuel 7.
The prophet Samuel and the Israelites found themselves under attack by
the Philistines. Fearing for their lives, the Israelites begged Samuel to pray
for them in their battle. Samuel offered a sacrifice to God and prayed for

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His protection. God listened to Samuel, causing the Philistines to lose the
battle and retreat back to their own territory. After the Israelite victory, the
Bible records: Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah
and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, Thus far the Lord has
helped us (1 Samuel 7:12). In the song, all sing to acknowledge Gods
bountiful blessings and help in their lives.

So today, I raise my Ebenezer and say, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."


Praise the Lord! What a blessing and what a beautiful little boy. I am teary
eyed reading that he's finally yours. Congratulations, and like you said:
Praise be to God...he orchestrated this wonderful day! - Rob and Leah

Praise Jesus!!! Cimbrey, I am so happy for you guys, and I can not imagine
the joy and excitment you are filled with!!! He is so precious!!! God is
great!!!! - The Silva's

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God is so good beyond any WAY of us understanding! I, too, write this with
tears of joy for you. In the true meaning of a much overused word, this is
awesome. - Madelyn

I cannot imagine the joy you're feeling right now. I am so excited for you
guys. I've been reading your blog and pray for y'all. He is precious. I love
his big beautiful eyes and adorable smile. He is a beautiful blessed little

Praise God for his kind provision for you, Mark, and Zane! I've been so
blessed to follow your story these past few weeks and see God's
faithfulness. I can't wait to see that little guy finally at home. Congrats,
Mommy! - Diane
Thank you God! - Lindsey
Congratulations! Thank You, God, for hearing our prayers! - Traci
Hallelujah!!!!!! He is so darn cute! Congratulations! So what's the timeline
now?!? - Michelle
Congratulations! I have been following your journey and I am SO
THANKFUL God has provided for you every step of the way! Praise him
today! - Summer
Thank you, Jesus, for this miracle and answered prayers! - Laura and Ben

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!I met you at MOPS a few months ago, I had just had
my baby girl. Anyway, I'm SO happy for you!!! I can't wait to hear all about
your new journey with him :) - Lindsay

Best. Blog. Ever. Your son is beautiful. I cannot wait to meet him. Best.
Blog. Ever. - Brian
I got chills as I read this post!!! So excited for you, Mark, and Zane!!! :-) Brad and Lauren

Cimbrey, he is absolutely beautiful! I'm so thrilled for you and I'm praying
right now for your submission to the embassy. Liz

Day 29 - The Past Two Days With Zane

August 5, 2011
We picked up Zane from the transition home. We will have to return
eventually to get all of his medical records, but he is staying with us, which
is GREAT! First order of business was to get a bath; however, his nap was
cut short because we went out to lunch with the group. We decided to
delay the bath a little while and let him chill (I use that word lightly) with

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some friends that are at the guest house this week. One of Zane's best
friends from the transition home is with his parents finally, and they had a
blast at the guest house kicking around soccer balls last night and
throwing them at each other. Watching toddlers fumble around with large
soccer balls is very amusing. They mean to be sweet, but it just goes bad
sometimes. They can't quite control their bodies yet.

Last night, as we slept I woke up to every little sound Zane made. He talks
in his sleep, moans, and turns a lot. I was worried he would wake up
scared, so every time I heard him I got up and checked on him. He never
actually woke up during the night, and he slept until about 7 am.

Today, we woke up and packed everything to go to our new guest house.

The property is nice and the house has two bedrooms, a living room, and
a kitchen. However, we have been chasing around a mouse all day, and I
am worn out. I had a small melt down in the kitchen because this is all a
little overwhelming. I now know why we give dinners to families who have
recently had a baby. Moving location on the second day you have a
toddler, and trying to use a butane stove completely overwhelmed me. I
feel like it's difficult to play with him, chase the mouse, and cook dinner all
at the same time, especially knowing my mom is leaving tomorrow.

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I'm going to bed. I'm going to try to sleep as well as possible, wake up
refreshed, and re-evaluate the situation. Currently, I'm missing the meals,
friendly staff, and AWAA families at the Yebsabi.

I'd appreciate your prayers!

Goodnight. :)

It took me four babies before I felt like I sort of had the mothering thing
figured out and I still have melt downs here and there so I think you're
totally justified! I can't imagine being in a foreign country relatively alone
and starting motherhood at the toddling stage all at once. Just wanted you
to know how much I admire you for it and am praying for you guys! Can't
wait until you get home...Zane and Ryland will be in the same Sunday
School class. = ) - Traci
I have been praying for you forever, but especially since I knew you were
getting him. Jumping into mothering a toddler full time on your own
without the newborn/baby warmup has GOT to be hard. God has faith in
you...that's why He picked YOU to be Zane's mommy!

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That being said...I wish I could send you some home-cooked meals too.
And if it helps any, mine are 10, 9, and 5, and the melt-downs still happen
occasionally! (mine, not theirs :-)

Praying for you and your precious SON! Michelle

Day 30 - Feeling Refreshed!

August 6, 2011
I want to first thank you for the encouraging emails, FB messages, and
blog comments I have received in the past 20 hours. You're prayers are so
important to me. The Lord is answering them everyday, and I want you all
to know that He is being so faithful and so evident to me as you are
praying for me.

After my last blog post, Mom and I fell on some pretty hard hours. As you
know, things were already hard, so you can imagine our response. The
mouse situation got worse, and we got more and more tired. Bad combo.
This mouse, which we actually think was maybe 3 mice unless the mouse
is Houdini himself, got braver by the minute. I was already stressed
knowing that we had a mouse somewhere in the house, but as the hours

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ticked on, we saw the mouse (mice) every 10 minutes or so scurry across
the floor to another hiding spot. Obviously, Mom and I aren't going to bed
with the mouse (mice) running around between every room. We finally
had the idea to block the mouse in the kitchen with luggage and set a trap
in the kitchen the next day. That way, we could at least know that the
bedrooms were safe. As I'm finishing a conversation with Mark about
cornering the mouse in the kitchen, Mom runs into the living area with
Zane in her arms sound asleep. She calmly, in her very controlled,
motherly way says, "It was in the bed with Zane." What?????? Okay.
Clearly, sleeping was out of the question. It was too late at that point to
hire a driver to come get us, and the neighbors had already been over to
try to catch it. There was little we could do at 11:15 at night, so we came
up with a plan. We would make a pallet for Zane on the kitchen table (no
place for mice to burrow) and sit on either side of him watching the area
on shifts. Mom would sleep a little with her head down on the table while I
watched for mice and made sure Zane was not rolling off the table, and I
would sleep while Mom did the same. It was our only choice. About 3 am,
10 1/2 hours into our battle against the mice, one mouse went crazy. I
hopped up on the chair with Zane in my arms, and mom chased the
mouse around the living room, as it scurried all over looking for an escape.
Finally, he neared the door and mom swept him into the hallway out the

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door into the yard. There was a sense of relief in our faces, but we were
restless about the possibility of others. We continued with our plan.

I think it was about 4 am when the Lord brought to mind a verse I have
studied in the past. Psalm 130:6 "My soul waits for the Lord, more than
watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the
morning." I totally get it now. If I had been a watchmen in a tower on a
city wall last night waiting for any enemies who might approach, I would
have FAILED. It was torturous having all of that anxiety in me, the desire
to keep watch over Zane all night, and the physical strength of a peanut to
do so. When the Psalmist says that his soul waits on the Lord more than
watchmen wait for the morning, this is huge. When you have stayed up all
night waiting for morning, you are waiting with eagerness and expectation
that the morning will come. Your not falling asleep on the job because you
may lose it! Your focused, controlled, and confident that the morning is on
its way, and a time of rest will follow. Waiting on the Lord that way is to
know that the Lord will come, and He will deliver. He will do what he has
promised. The Psalmist waits with controlled confidence on the God who
will come through.

Morning did come, as it always does, and Mom was very sick. Exhaustion

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combined with foreign foods had gotten the best of her, and she spent the
morning (5 am - 10 am) vomiting and sleeping. I called a driver (a little
desparately at this point) to come pick us up. We loaded our belongings
and headed back for the Yebsabi. The entire way home, I cried. I can't
exactly say why. Relief? Embarrassment? Exhaustion? Maybe all three.
When we arrived back here, the staff took me and hugged me with Zane
in my arms. It caused me to burst with emotion. So much tenderness and
love caused the flood gates to pour. The lady at the front desk called for a
nanny to come help me (for free), the manager said, "Don't worry, go
sleep." It's like they knew. They definitely have a gift of ministry to
families. The nanny took Zane to the playroom on the top floor, played
with him and cradled him to sleep for his nap. Mom and I slept after
almost 48 hours of very little sleep. I knew that I could not see my mom
leave to go to the US tonight on 3 hours of sleep and be a good mother to
Zane. Zane was pleasant and content with the nanny, but Zane was very
quiet most of the day, which I interpret as fear. Zane was (and still is)
confused and a little traumatized over mama melting down in day 2 of us
being together full time, and his environment has changed too much in the
past 6 months. He's scared sometimes. As I write this, I'm praying over
him as he sleeps in his crib. He yells out "NAY! NAY!" (His way of saying
NO! NO!) and whimpers through the night. I think he has bad dreams, and

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I know Satan has a lot of material to work with from his past. Instead of
crying, I begin to pray whispering, "Lord, comfort him now in his dreams.
Speak words of peace over him. Surround him with your angels who sing
songs of love to him. Jesus be a visible friend to him as he sleeps, and as
always, be his Father, the Father who has ALWAYS been there for him." I
know the Lord will do this. He has already said he does this in his word.
But the word says that speaking the name of Jesus causes demons to
shutter. I want Zane to know he can always call upon the name of the
Lord and He will be saved from any fear.

Mom left tonight feeling a little better, but very exhausted from sickness.
We were both a little sad at the same time to say goodbye. Mom has
grown so attached to Zane and he to her. She bravely boarded the van
without crying, and said goodbye with strength, as she always does even
though she's sobbing inside. Zane watched the van roll away and he put
his thumb in his mouth to comfort himself. This is yet one more
adjustment Zane is having to make, and an opportunity to learn that
family always comes back. He will gradually realize that goodbyes are not

The past two days clearly have not been easy. But as I reflected this

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evening on the Lord's work, I realized God had actually given me a great
gift. Time and distance has made it difficult to spend quality time with
beloved family members the past 8 years. My mom and I, who have
always been very similar and very close do not get the opportunities to go
shopping, have lunch, go to a movie, or just hang out like we used to.
Visits are packed with people to see, events to attend, and errands to run.
The experience we had together, although tough, reminded me what I
love about my mom. She is strong, supportive, and confident, yet she can
cry with me, feel my pain, and comfort me like no one else. She is smart,
respectful of boundaries, and the most giving person I know. She wants
me to get sleep, even though she spent the morning vomiting. She wants
me to be reminded that I'm a good mother, even though I know she
needed the affirmation as well. She's helpful, considerate, and always
putting others first. Zane has the best Mimi in the world, and I have the
best Mom. The Lord knew we needed this time together, the three of us,
and I am so grateful.

Praise the Lord, we are back on track this evening with a good dinner, rest,
and baths. I made the right decision to return to the Yebsabi and settle
here with Zane. I know the staff here will love him, they will provide help

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to me, and I can focus on being a new mother to a very sweet boy who
needs a mommy very badly.


you and zane are on my mind and in my prayers constantly! I am so glad

you have some support now that your mom has returned home. i am
praying for strength for you and peace for you precious son :) - Jenny

Bless your sweet heart, Cimbrey! Some day I'll have to tell you my mouse
experience...but not until you can look back and laugh at yours. So happy

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for you to have had your mom with you, and I'm praying that you get that
Embassy date very soon. Sounds like you are taking very good care of
Zane...you have had a good teacher!
Love, Sherri - Jeffrey

Girl! So glad you are back at Yebsabi!!! Holy cow! Sounds like you handled
the mice better than I would have! YIKES!!! Praying God continues to
shower both you and Zane in His everlasting love. God gave Zane a
wonderful mommy, and God gave you an amazing son. He will continue to
nurture you both, my friend! And praying He keeps you away from all mice
as well! :) *HUGS* - Debb

Day 32 - Good News!

August 8, 2011
This morning Zane and I went to see the doctor at the transition home.
Turns out he has an ear, nose, throat infection, and we got him antibiotics
to help with that. The pharmacy is right by the guest house! And, there is
a market that has formula across the street. That makes me feel so
comfortable! We came back to the guest house to rest after a long

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morning of goodbyes at the transition home, and Job called at 1:49 pm.
Our paperwork for embassy is ready and we are making a trip to
immigration this afternoon! What does this mean? I HAVE NO IDEA! But
it's one step closer to being cleared to come home! Yea! Pray for Zane to
feel better.

Cimbrey! Keep us posted! Love reading good news! - Jon and Anna

Hi Cimbrey!
I just read the last few posts. Oh boy! I'm so glad you went back to
Yebsabi! :) You are doing a great job! Hang in there! Love, Tracy - Tracy

Congratulations, Cimbrey! I typed a whole response & lost it....new to the

whole blog thing...late to the party, as usual. I have loved reading along
and appreciate your gift for writing and spiritual insight. You will never
know all the ways the Lord is using this time...even though your are
thousands of miles away. Please know that Team Simons is in prayer daily
over you, Mark and Zane. We are confident the Lord will strengthen you for
the task He has called you to. We are so proud of you and love you guys so
much! Elizabeth

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Day 33 - Clinic
August 9, 2011
Today, Zane and I had planned to hang out at the guest house all day and
try to work on his schedule. HA! That didn't happen! We got a call at
9:00 a.m. saying that we needed to be at a clinic nearby at 10:00 a.m. We
had to get ready, call a taxi, and try to determine how long we were going
to be there. The embassy requires that all kids have another physical
exam before being submitted for embassy clearance. That means another
step has been completed today. I am praying that we are submitted to
embassy tomorrow. After submission, it takes 7-10 days for the embassy
to go through all of your paperwork. Then they decide if they need to do a
special investigation into your case or not. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME THAT

In Ethiopia, adoptions are final when the judge declares you have passed
court. However, the U.S. embassy must look into your case before coming
home. There is a woman I met today who has passed court (in January),
but the embassy is still investigating her case. In fact, she said it is now in
Washington D.C. This type of bureaucracy is so difficult for the children

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and parents who are apart. I'm praying we do not get stuck in a situation
like this.

Zane is still sick with an ear, nose, and throat infection. His medicine is
giving him diarrea. Please pray for both of us. I'm about to go insane with
"clean-ups" and Zane cries constantly. On top of that, I looked in his
mouth today and he has two molars that are coming in. Hence, more
crying, ear ache, etc. Pray that God will give him comfort and peace, and
me the strength and wisdom to know what to do.

I feel very blessed that the Wests are still here. Her sister arrived from the
US today and she is a doctor. Been asking her a lot of questions and
feeling a little better about the situation with Zane.

Thank you for the words of encouragement you have been sending me on
FB and on the comments section of this blog. I am teary-eyed when I read
them because I need them so badly. I have no idea what I'm doing and I
feel very homesick. Your encouragement is vital to me, and I appreciate
you allowing God to speak through you to me.

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Praying in faith that we will be cleared to come home in approximately one

I'm not sure exactly how I came across your blog (i think from
"blogstalking" other adoption blogs) but then I realized you were at the
adoption/foster care meeting that the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home
held last year in New Orleans. I'm Ashley Davis with the Baptist Children's
Home and was at the meeting. I have loved reading your journey to Zane.
He is precious! Praying that things go quickly and Zane feels better and
you will feel peace. When you get home, I would love to feature your
family in our adoption news letter. Blessings! Ashley

Cimbrey I will be praying you guys get submitted and pass QUICKLY. Also
I'm keeping Zane and YOU in our prayers. I hope he feels better and that
you can get some peace and strength as you go through this time.
Sending you a big hug and lots of love! - Josh, Candace, Cole

We are praying for you Cimbrey! Grateful to God with you for all that he
has already done and SO excited to meet Zane!-Allye & Andrew

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Cimbrey, YOU ARE A GREAT MOM! Our kids introduce us to a whole new
world every day that they are with us, and as moms, we are in continual
learning-mode. The teeth, the colds, the crying...all are scarey in the
moment, but all teach us to depend on the Lord, and reveal what He has
put in us to handle every situation. Praying you will get an expedited
Embassy appt. so that you can get him home sooner! After this morning's
news to us, I can attest to the fact that IT CAN HAPPEN!Love you,Sherri

Sweetie, none of us know what we are doing when we start out as

mamas!! You are not alone-every mommy everywhere is in a constant
learning curve...just in different stages! Our newest drama? PMS!
aaaaahhhh (sound me running screaming to the hills) God will work it out!
Praying for y'all!!! - Michelle

Oh, Cimbrey, your momma heart is precious. You are doing everything
good for Zane, whether you feel like you are or not! Being a first-time
mom is hard (or so I hear....and anticipate) and figuring it out without Mark
in a 3rd world country adds to the challenge. But never forget that God is
with you both. He is guiding you as a mom and He is covering Zane with
his divine healing. May He grant you an expedient embassy clearance to

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bring that boy HOME SOON!!!!! SO LOVE YOU!!!! And will keep praying for
you! - Debb

Praying for you today! Being a first time Mamma in Africa is giving you so
much experience that parenting will be like a piece of cake at home! :)
One day (and moment) at a time...
Love, Tracy :)

You, Mark and Zane are loved by so many people. You are covered in so
much prayer. It may seem impossible right now but you are doing it! You
are taking care of your son, in a different country, while missing your
husband, as your son is sick. God has carried you this far, He will not stop
now! After this, being in the states will be a breeze. :-)
So, take a deep breath, hug your son and watch all the miracles He is
performing in you/through you. And know that He loves you too! - Deanna

Just found your blog. Excited to pray with you and join your journey! We
are still paperchasing. Praying the Lord hears your cries and gives you
some mercy in the form of a quick embassy approval.

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When my kids were tiny, sometimes my husband would casually say to me
when he got home from work, "what did you do today?" If the house was a
mess, dishes in the sink, nothing else getting accomplished, when the kids
were fussy, or sick, or needy, the only thing I would be able to say was "I
was their mom today." That's what you are being to your sweet boy.
Sometimes all we can do is hold them and love them and pray for them
and pray for patience and peace for ourselves:) Even if we get nothing else
done, that is enough! I'm sure you are doing an awesome job being a great
mom to your little man through some of the toughest parenting
conditions! Know you are being prayed over! - Katie

Cimbrey! Take heart...I have NO idea what I am doing all the time...and
Ryann is 4:) Praying Lamentations 3:22-23 over you this afternoon. Love
ya. - Little Lamb

Hey Cymbrey, my heart hurts for you at this trying time. Being a mom is
the hardest job there is. The only advice I can give you is go with your gut
feeling. I will pray god grant you peace and contentment.....in whatever
comes your way. May smiles and blessing rain on your day!!!!

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Hi Cimbrey. I'm a friend of Laura's & we've been reading your blog &
praying over your adoption. As a mom, I know it can be tough under
normal circumstances, I'm amazed by all you've accomplished so far.
We're praying for physical & emotional comfort for you & Zane and your
embassy appt. Praying for God's strength & that it will get easier for you
both!-Erin M.

Precious Cimbrey,
Motherhood is the most painful, yet most joy-filled privilege in this world!
Each day is met with some amazing emotion and the embrace of many
"firsts". We hurt when our children hurt. We laugh when they laugh. At
times we are fearful. Other times we are perplexed and read books or ask
lots of questions when we don't know what to do. ~ Ha! Ronnie had a
"how-to" manual in his hands as he read aloud the steps to bathing an
infant as we lowered Emily into her first sink bath. :) ~

Know that you are not alone! We may not have a manual on every "howto" when raising our children, but our Father knows exactly how to grow
and love and mature us. He is with you and Zane at this very moment.
May He provide comfort and assurance that He has given you everything

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you need in order to care for and love little Zane. What a wonderful
mommy you are!!! What a gift!

Father, please be with the Brannans tonight as they pray over, love, care
and serve there precious son. Father we know that You are in control and
have a perfect plan. Thank You that Mark and Cimbrey love you, know you
and that they rest in Your will and purpose. Be their strength! Be their
protector and healer. ~ Please heal Zane from this infection. Help him and
his mommy to feel relief from sickness and worry. ~ I ask that you cover
the final process with the Embassy and lift any obstacles from the process
or path that would prevent Zane and Cimbrey from a quick journey home.

LORD, in Your power we trust You, through Your love, we love You, and
because of Your GIFT, we honor glorify and thank You.
Amen. - Lisa

Well I'm not a mom and can't imagine what you must be going through.
However, 6 weeks ago my husband was in a serious accident and has
suffered a traumatic brain injury. He is still in the hospital. So I do know
what it is like to go through trials. Just trust God that He is working and will
bring you something wonderful through this. When you can't take any

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more, just cry out to Him and ask Him to carry you. He can see the bigger
picture he is painting in your life, so just hang in there. - Casey

Hey, you have beautifully explained all the things here. Multi speciality
hospitals in Mumbai provide cardiac services to patients by maintaining
the worldwide standards of quality healthcare. - Samual

Be encouraged! After 6 kids, I'm still semi-clueless... I say semi because I

do have a couple things figured out. For example, if they eat a blue
snowball you have a great opportunity to teach the color green. And that a
band-aid will pretty much fix anything.

I have had to remind myself through Elijah's seizures/epilepsy that the

Lord, Jesus knows and loves him more than I could ever even begin to love
him. He alone has perfect plans for Elijah and is always seeking to grow
him into a man of God. It's hard. That being said, the Lord has and will
continue to equip you for the race before you! He chose YOU and Mark for
this precious treasure. Amazing!Love you! - Michelle

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Its really a nice blog.Thanks for the useful information.Such a inspirable
and good blog . I am able to get new knowledge while reading this . Keep
sharing this type of informative blogs. - Ricky

I am agree with your Blog.Thanks for the useful information.I have been
reading a lot of stuff about it. but the way in it is presented is nice.Here is
the information about - John

Hi, Its really good blog to let know about what is going on in our
surrounding and let other people know about it. such a great information. Allen

Very true.Such a nice concept. Your information is true up to great most of

the extent. Thanks for sharing.Thanks for the useful information.Such a
inspirable and good post . I am able to get new knowledge while reading
this . Keep sharing this type of informative posts.

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Day 34 - Things I Am Thankful For

August 11, 2011
Today I need to recount all of the blessings God has given me in this
season. So here it goes...

1. I am so encouraged by the loving and compassionate people who have

commented on my blog, especially on Day 33. It is good to know that God
has given so many of us shared experiences to mutually encourage one
2. I am thankful that Zane is in a good mood right now and feeling
3. I am thankful that the Wests passed embassy today and are able to
take their sick son to the states on the next flight they can get.
4. I am thankful that I don't have to be perfect because God's strength is
made perfect in my weakness.
5. I am thankful that the Brannans will be together soon, in God's perfect
6. I am thankful that God is not finished with me, and that he is teaching
me through this season, as he does in each season of my life. Refinement
is hard, but I pray that I come forth as pure gold.

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7. I am thankful for the Yebsabi staff who asks me if I'm okay, and if I need
anything. I'm also thankful for Job, Yonas, and David who FB me and offer
to do anything I need.

8. I am thankful for David, the chef here at the Yebsabi, who makes
delicious dinners and his staff who is so friendly to Zane and me.
9. I am thankful that God is working all things together for good for those
who love Him and are called according to his purpose.
10. I am thankful that Becca and Sarah West are playing with Zane right
now as I type this.
11. I am thankful for Tim Dreyfus who consistently sends encouragement
almost every day to Mark and I.
12. I am thankful for my mom who gave up so much time and energy to
be here with me for two weeks.
13. I am thankful for my mother-in-law who encourages me on FB every
14. I am thankful for my husband who has incredible wisdom,
encouragement, and faithfulness.
15. I am thankful that Zane has a Daddy who is funny, strong, and so
16. I am thankful for Coreena, who is here for the forth time to see her

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daughter who cannot come home yet. I'm blessed by her strength,
positivity, and fellowship.

17. I am thankful for lessons I'm learning, like to not be too task oriented,
and to take time for the "non-productive" stuff that matters most.

18. I am thankful for the fellowship I have with other adoptive parents
through AWAA, and their strength and encouragement.
19. I am thankful for my church family back home who is praying
continually for us, and strengthening me with encouragement even this far
20. I am thankful that Zane is a healthy, lovable boy who is showing so
much growth and potential.

I could go on and on, but I am most overwhelmingly thankful for the

prayers of all the saints who have lifted us up to the father, and asked that
He show his presence to us in a mighty way. My heart is so full of
gratitude for you.


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Just read your last few posts...praying for you & Zane! Love y'all! - Melissa

Hi Cimbrey! My name is Kristen--I'm in Laura & Ben's small group & have
been praying for you guys for awhile now. It's fun to finally see your faces!
Praise the Lord for how much he has ALREADY brought you through to get
you one step closer to bringing home your baby boy. :) I understand it's
been quite difficult so far... I have 2 little girls of my own (nearly 1 & 3 yr
old), & I can only IMAGINE trying to be a first time mama in a 3rd world
country!! WoW! As I was considering how I could encourage you, I was
thinking of what the Lord has been teaching me lately--to practice
thanksgiving, ESPECIALLY in the midst of difficult circumstances. So I get
online, go to your blog, and BAM! First blog entry I read you're doing just
that!! Love it. However, just one more thing someone once told me that I'd
like to pass on to you...Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in
the light. I don't even know you but I have NO DOUBT that YOU are Zane's
mama. Inasmuch as you may not feel like you're having a #1 Mom
moment, YOU are his and that's all that matters. You WILL get through this,
and he's gonna be just fine. :) Love you guys and lifting you up! - Kristen

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SO GLAD you are finding the GOOD in all that you are going through over
there, precious one! God has not forgotten you! or Zane! LOVE YOU!!!!

Day 35 - Good Day

August 12, 2011
I prayed last night that God would help me wake up with joy this morning,
and he did. I didn't have the anxiety in my heart that I've been having for
the past week. There is a spirit of oppression looming over me, ready to
steal my joy and my peace every second. I feel the battle raging around
me between Satan and the Most High God as I learn to care for this little
boy. I have heard many times people in the Christian adoption community
say that adoption opens doors to ruthless spiritual warfare. There is an
Evil One who would love nothing more for generations of children to grow
up neglected, emotionally closed off, and afraid. Whether the child is an
orphan or not, children are a target of the enemy because he knows his
time is short. Adoption is a clear earthly picture though, of what we have
in Christ. We, separated from God because of sin, have been grafted into
his family through the sacrifice of Jesus. Who gets this better than an

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adopted child? An orphan, separated from his family because of earthly
circumstances, has been grafted into a family through the (meager but
similar) sacrifice of parents. On top of that, we are bringing a child into a
Christian home where he will be taught the love of Christ and prayed for
continually. The power of God will be in our home and evident to him, so
Satan is not happy.

I went to the terrace early this morning with Zane strapped to me by an

Ergo. We walked the four corners of the terrace looking out onto the city,
and it seemed so peaceful. Looking down from up above gives you new
perspective and new hope. I prayed aloud for my heart, as I am grieving
tremendously the absence of my husband. I asked the Lord to remind me
once again of the lesson he has taught me my entire life, in every season,
that He alone is enough. I prayed aloud over every fruit of the Holy Spirit
to be alive and not quenched in my soul. I asked for LOVE to abound in my
heart, that I may see everyone and every situation as God sees them, for
he IS love. I asked for JOY to fill my soul because it is already mine in the
Holy Spirit that God says lives within me. I prayed for PEACE of mind to
know that God is over government, authority, and all adoption legalities. I
asked God for PATIENCE to see what God is doing in and around me, and
help me understand why I must wait. I prayed for KINDNESS to exude

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from my mouth and my heart, so that all I come in contact with would see
Him. I prayed for GOODNESS to be my motivation for giving my time and
my energy to Zane each minute. I asked for FAITHFULNESS to fight the
good fight, and win the race; to stay true to the calling he has given me in
this season of my life. I asked for GENTLENESS to be on my face and in
my heart as I speak to Zane and teach him what love is. I prayed for SELFCONTROL to remember that my first calling is not to my husband, to
adoption, to Zane, or America. My calling is to Him alone. He is all that I
ever have or ever will need. Oh that I could always find satisfaction in God
alone. My hope comes from Him. He alone is my light and my salvation.
He is my fortress; I will NEVER be shaken.

This time with God, plus the devotional time Zane and I are spending
together each morning, set my eyes and my heart on God alone.
Thankfully, I invested in book called 100 Ways to Know God Loves Me
from Target's online site. Every day, it has a verse, a story that relates to
children, and a song to sing along with the devotional. Zane loves the
songs, and I don't know if he's listening to the devotional at all, but God's
word is going forth. The titles have been perfect: I Know God Loves Me
Because...He gave me a family, He gave me a home, He gave me friends,
etc. For me, it reminds me of all the things I have to be thankful for, and

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the many blessings God has given me. My purpose, no matter where I am
is to know Him and make Him known. Lord, let it be. I pray He reveals
Himself to me, and He shows Himself faithful and true to others at all

Zane was on schedule the rest of the day, played well, had a lot of fun with
Mommy, and ate well too! I am so thankful that God reminded me that he
is good, he gives us rest, and he fills our hearts with joy.


so many here are also praying for you and thinking of you Cimbrey. As
hard as these days must be for you, you will look back and cherish them
as just a part of this whole experience. Blessings. - Tracy

What a beautiful post and a reminder to us all of what God says is

important. What he calls us to. Thanks, Cimbrey!

Oh, Girl, LOVE how you are allowing God's peace and provision filter
throughout your entire being. You are allowing Him to show you and
remind you that all you need is Him! HE will provide every tiny need you

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and Zane have.....even upon your return home!!! Such a precious life
lesson. May it infiltrate you and cover you in His Joy and Peace!!!! You are
doing awesome, my friend, and YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! You ARE doing
this!!! And it won't be for much longer, I just know it!!!! (and am praying
for it!) Love you! - Debb

Cimbrey-Ben and Laura were telling us (Jason and I) about your blog and
I've been so blessed by reading it. I wanted to thank you for your honesty
and openness in all of this! You are such a natural mother! Oh, and I totally
just ordered that book per your recommendation...so excited! It is just the
thing I'm wanting to read with my three year-old so that the only thing he's
learning about God isn't just all the things he's not supposed to do!
Praying for a miracle for you guys! - Cari

Day 36 - Dancing
August 13, 2011
There is a lot I want to share about today! It started out rocky, as Zane
was up at 1:00 am hungry. It was quickly resolved with a bottle though.
The Wests were heading out at about 10 this morning to go to the famous,
largest African market here in Ethiopia. The first day I was here, an

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adoptive mom with AWAA was mugged there with her son and daughter
present. It was scary to me to think of going, but today, I was so
desparate to get out and do something that I didn't care about the risks. I
took a diaper bag full of snacks, bottle, games, and books and my Ergo to
keep Zane occupied. He was fabulous! The entire time, he just looked
around at all the sites, and he was very patient. Wow! What a blessing.
The market was PACKED with people. It's Saturday, and its one of the
only sunny days we've had this week. It is CRAZY, but definitely worth
saying I've been.

After the market, we took a quick stop by the best coffee shop ToMoca to
get coffee (mine was a machiatto) and post office area to get scarves (for
the Wests friends and family). Today is Yonas's birthday, so we were
fortunate to have him along with us! We had lunch at the Passion Burger
(What a name!?) and went back to the guest house for Dance Party
Ethiopia! In the background, you will here What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
This was our devotional song of the day, and the words ministered to me
so much (again). Thank God for the people who write hymns and praise
songs. They are life to me sometimes!

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The words of the song are:

What a friend we have in Jesus,

All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Have we trials and temptations?

Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?

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Precious Savior, still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms Hell take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.

Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised

Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.
Here's our first dance as mother and son. Zane is leading, obviously. He's
such a gentleman! :)


How sweet is that?! : ) It's been so exciting to follow your adventure. : )

Take care of yourself girl! And enjoy that sweet man. - Brandy

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Hi Cimbrey! I started reading your blog last week and have loved reading
about your time there and how you share your experience honestly and
how the Lord is sustaining you. I am praying for you and Zane! We are an
AWAA family too waiting for an infant (DTE 12/3/10).
-www.bathurstadoption.blogspot.com -Hope you have a wonderful day!,

Dear Friend~
I know the Lord is molding you daily...reshaping you in a new way...opening
your eyes to a new characteristic of Him. Remain steadfast. He wants your
attention. Continue to depend on Him alone. He is faithful and will use this
season. It will not be in vain. It is purposed by Him.

One of my Dallas mentor moms said something one morning that struck
me profoundly. "EVERY blessing from the Lord is also a burden and EVERY
burden is also a blessing, except for Jesus alone." I refer back to that
concept often.

You are doing a great job, Cimbrey! You are strong, brave and courageous!
I am so proud of you. Continue to speak truth through text and on your

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roof where the Lord meets with you. This keeps the enemy at bay. And
know that you are being prayed over daily. The Lord is building your
testimony. If you did not have a testimony, you would not have a ministry.

We love you!

I love that song!! Megan

Day 39 - Calling All Prayer Warriors

August 16, 2011
Today we got an email from our agency saying that our paperwork would
most likely be submitted tomorrow morning. That is a big step in coming
home; however, this is where the prayer requests begin...

The embassy apparently has no appointments available for Aug. 25th Sept. 2nd. Usually they spend about 10 days reviewing paperwork and
then they'll let you know they need additional paperwork and/or they are
doing a full investigation on your case. If our paperwork is submitted
tomorrow, this leaves them very little time to review our case and no time

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for additional paperwork or investigations before having to wait another
two weeks for an appointment.

Mark and I are praying and planning for God to move in a huge way this
week. We need you all to pray that the embassy would have favor on us,
that all paperwork would be clearly there, and that there would be no need
for further investigation into Zane's case. We also need for you to pray
that the embassy would prioritize our paperwork and would allow us an
appointment before the 24th. This would allow us to have an appointment
before the two week period of no availability.

Mark and I appreciate your faithful prayers. We desire to be together at

home as a family so badly, and we trust that God will show us His glory.

For all of you adopting or considering adoption, please read the post below
from Together For Adoption. It really blessed me to know our suffering is
not in vain. I hope it encourages you like it did me.

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From www.togetherforadoption.org -

No Such Thing as Adoption without Suffering

BY DAN CRUVERPublished Jun 6, 2011

Romanticizing adoption is so very easy and tempting to do.
But adoption always involves suffering. Just ask any birthmother or a child
who is one of three hundred orphans in a Chinese orphanage or an
adoptive couple who has lived with infertility for years or an adoptive
couple who is experiencing the high-ups and low-downs of the adoption
process. Sometimes the suffering is deeply intense and ongoinglike that
of an orphan languishing each day in a nightmarish orphanagewhile
other times its the heavy heart of the couple waiting to bring their child
home. There is no such thing as adoption without suffering.

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The same thing is true of our adoption by God. The adoption to which we
were predestined (Eph. 1:5) could not have happened without Jesus
redeeming us through his blood (Eph. 1:7). There is no such thing as
being adopted into Gods family apart from the suffering of Jesus. Jesus
cried Abba! Father! in the
Garden of Gethsemane (Mark
14:36) so that we could
become sons of God who cry
Abba! Father! by the Spirit
(Rom. 8:15). Our adoption
necessarily involved suffering
infinite suffering.
I love windows. They allow me to sit in a small world (my home, for
example) and look out into a big world. Through windows we can see
beautiful beaches, lush green meadows, and towering snowcapped
I once sat in a small room in China looking out through a window that
allowed me to see a beautiful mountain vista. I was very thankful for that
window because the room I sat in was hot, humid, and confining. The
window allowed me to see a world that I would not have seen otherwise;

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and it opened up for me an experience of joy that my little room could
have never given me. But in order to look through that window I had to sit
in a room of uncomfortable and sometimes suffocating humidity.
Our suffering now as the children of God is a window that provides us with
the opportunity to get glimpses of a world more beautiful and more
wonderful than can be imagined. Paul writes, we ourselves, who have the
firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as
sons, the redemption of our bodies (Rom. 8:23). You dont groan unless
you are suffering. Happy people dont groan. Suffering people do. Orphans
groan. Birthmothers groan. Adoptive families groan. A broken world
But with the eyes of faith suffering people who have been given the Spirit
of adoption (Rom. 8:15) can look through the window of their suffering into
a future world where all things are made new. Because of the gospel, our
window of suffering provides us with the opportunity to get glimpses (with
the eyes of faith) of a future world that will be set free from its bondage
to corruption, a world that will obtain the freedom of the glory of the
children of God (Rom. 8:21).
Yes, we still suffer, but we do not suffer as those without hope (1 Thess.
4:13-14). Because of Jesus and the gift of the Spirit of adoption, God turns

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our suffering into a window that allows the eyes of faith to get glimpses of
what will one day be.
Though there is no such thing as adoption without suffering, for the
Christian there is also no such thing as adoption without glory and
unspeakable joy. Right now we live in the sufferings of this present time
(Rom. 8:18), but there is coming a day when all who have been adopted
by God through the suffering of Jesus will be glorified with him (Rom.
8:17). We will one day share in the glory of the resurrected Jesus. This
means that the day is coming when everything sad will come
untrue (Yes, Sam, everything sad will come untrue). This is the good news
of the gospel. This is the hope that moves us forward in the sufferings of
this present time.
So, whatever kind of suffering you are being confronted with in the
adoption of a child (whether you are the birthmother, child, or adoptive
parent), dont lose sight of the gospel. Only the gospel can fill you with
fresh hope, endurance, and, yes, even joy in the midst of your
heartache now. Your adoption by God has profound relevance for the
adoption of a child (and all the suffering involved in it).

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I want you to know that I will be praying! Have been following your story
through the YG and here on your blog and was just thinking of you today
and wondering if you had heard anything! Praying!!
Olivia Gregory
Definitely praying! - Traci
On it...in fact, ALL OVER IT! You can count on us to pray! Love you.
Praying for God's SUPER on your natural. He is able!
Praying for your family! Blessings to you, I know this journey has been so
long, but the end is near! Praying for a fresh infusion of strength from the
Holy Spirit so you can finish strong!
P.S. And thanks so much for sharing the article on the pain of adoption, I
think I'll print it so I can refer to it frequently! - Carrie

Day 41 - Needing Another Miracle

August 17, 2011

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We received an email yesterday that was very discouraging. As you know,
we are praying for remarkable timing with our embassy clearance, and
the likelihood that this will happen is very slim. Nevertheless, we need to
be available if an appointment does come available, so Mark is traveling
here in faith that we will be cleared to go home before the 25th when
embassy appointments do not seem to be available. It is very difficult to
believe that God can do this for us when it really seems impossible. We
need God to show Himself mighty again on our behalf, and we need your
prayers for another miracle.

Pray for the person reviewing our file at embassy that they would be
passionate about reviewing it quickly and have favor on our case.
Pray for us to have increased faith that God is able to do more than we can
ask or imagine.

Pray that God will be glorified through the miracles He is performing on our

Pray that the embassy would have an appointment available and reserved
by God just for us next week or even into the week it appears there may
be no appointments available. We need God to make it happen.

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Pray for Mark as he is missing work. Pray his team is understanding and
that Mark can do what he needs to do for work from Ethiopia. Pray
especially that he can return to work quickly, so he does not take up all
vacation time.

Pray that God will give us peace as He fights for us.

Thank you all for the prayers. We know our God is able.
Will pray. Yes, you are right, God IS able. Nothing is impossible with Him.
So....we all keep praying! As your friend said in another post, We're all over
it!!!! I think things will be easier for you when Mark gets there. I'm so glad
to hear that he is able to come.

Day 41...Again
August 18, 2011

Okay, I know I already posted today, but I have to tell you

about our afternoon!
Zane has long, curly hair, as you know from the pictures. He
is so obviously a boy, with his blue jeans and blue shirts and
tennis shoes...HOWEVER, that means nothing in Ethiopia. He's
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been called a girl a few times and today I realized his hair was
getting long enough to braid. Fine, if it coils up and lies flat on
his head. Not fine if it frizzes into a poof in 4 spots on his
So we ventured to the barber across the street from the guest
house and decided it was time for a trim. Well, a trim in
Ethiopia is a full on shave. It is not in style here for boys to
wear their hair long. In fact, he wanted to know if he could
keep a curly tail in the back for "fashion". That lets you know
how the communication was going! Anyway, by the time
Zane was done...he was ready to enlist in the FIGHTIN' TEXAS
Here's some pics of our new little Aggie stud:

"Farmers Fight! Farmers Fight! Fight! Fight! Farmers Farmers


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New Aggie Running Back

"Texas! Texas! AMC!"

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Aftergame cool down...

Day 43 - A Few Updates

August 19, 2011
With all the prayers for embassy, I haven't been doing a good job keeping
you up-to-date with Zane.

Zane is a very picky eater. He is not into ANY table food really, except
saltine crackers. Occasionally, he will eat a bite of toast, but not every
day. He's got to be in the mood for it. I have had to go to the supermarket
here twice and stock up on the only baby foods he seems to like: wheat
cereal and rice with vegetable cereal. Sounds great, right?! If he does not
eat what he likes, there is usually a melt down. I never EVER thought I
would have a picky eater! I eat just about anything! So, this has

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obviously been an adjustment. I think we're in a good routine now though.

Zane has been opening up and trusting me more and more. He will try
foods that he never would've eaten before. Granted, he hates them, but
he's trying them now. He tried a french fry, rice, and a few other things
that I thought he'd never eat! Surprisingly, the kid does not like icecream.
Sure do wish that was the case for me!

Zane continues to LOVE bath time more now than ever before. He's so
excited to get in the bath that he has the open-mouth smile you see in
Day 41's post, and he shakes his head with glee! It's hilarious. I'm trying
to keep bathtime about the same amount of time each night, so he doesn't
freak out when I take him away from the bath. He's learning that he gets
to do this routine every night, so he's very pleased.

Zane is obsessed with shoes. He loves to have them on because that

usually means we get to go outside. However, he'll wear them 24/7 if I let
him, to bed and all.

Zane loves to bark like a dog. Whenever he hears one, he pretends he's a

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dog too. I really hope this means he will like Gracie and Callie. And I hope
they're not too overwhelming when he comes home!

Zane thinks birds are fascinating. He notices them far in the distance and
points. He says something like "meow" when he sees them, so I think
we're still a little confused. We're working on animal identification.

Zane thrives on a scheduled routine. We are totally flexible with the clock,
but not with the routine. He's been sleeping during every nap because I
kept it at the same time as the transition home. The past three nights he
has slept through the night with no problems because I adjusted his eating
schedule by 30 minutes. It's amazing how much security and trust a
schedule has brought him. The great thing about it is that as long as I'm
prepared for eating time and nap time, I can go and do just about anything
and he will eat/sleep wherever! Great!

Daddy is coming to see us tomorrow morning. We are soooooo excited.

Zane has no idea, but I think he's going to think a celebrity has come to
visit. We watch videos of Mark every day and he kisses the iPad.

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Please pray we get an embassy appointment next week. We need God to
open the doors for us and let us through. The embassy is not doing any
adoption visas for two weeks starting Aug. 25th. Pray that our Sovereign
God leads peoples' hearts to give us one anyway!

Day 44-45 - Daddy's Here!!

August 22, 2011
Mark arrived right on time yesterday morning to have breakfast at the
guest house and go to church with us! It is such a comfort to have him
here. We came home from church to take naps and play outside a little
while before heading to dinner.

Ironically, I have two friends from high school here in Addis Ababa right
now. Casey Picker and his wife, MaryBeth, were here this week with a
mission team working on a school south of the city. Allen Brewer and his
wife Katie, just moved to Addis to teach in the International School here in
the old airport area. It's crazy to be here at the same time all for different
reasons. We met up last night at Yod Abyssina for traditional dinner and
dancing. Zane did great. He watched the dancers, behaved himself, and
allowed mom and dad to visit with their friends. He's able to adjust his

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schedule and stay pretty much on track the next day. I did have to wake
up with him a couple of times, but that's to be expected since we kept him
out late.

Today, Mark and I are praying and waiting for the embassy to clear us so
we can get an appointment this week. There are two other couples from
our agency who arrived this weekend to petition the embassy. Please pray
for all of us as we wait that God would give us wisdom in what we should
do (or not do) while we are here. Pray also that the embassy would
continue to have adoption appointments even though they claimed they
would not for two weeks.

We are trying to enjoy the time here as a family while we wait. We will try
to have an outing each day, and we are making the best of it. We thank
the Lord that we are together, and we hope for a progress-filled week with

Day 46 - Mark's Birthday!

August 23, 2011

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Today is Mark's 32 birthday, and I'm so glad we get to spend it with him.
We woke up at 4:30 this morning to Zane crying "Happy Birthday" in his
best "singing" voice! How thoughtful! Thankfully he went back to sleep
and we all slept until about 8:00. Best gift ever! We woke up and did our
normal routine of getting dressed and eating breakfast together, then we
headed out for a walk and to run errands. On the way back, we enjoyed
m34RR4achiattos and sambusa (like an empanada or meat pie). We all
napped for a couple of hours and then went to the Addis Lion Zoo. It's a
cool park where they have black mane lions (like Scar from The Lion King),
primates, and some interesting birds, like Egyptian geese. It's not a very
big park, but it was good to get out and do something. We also enjoyed
visiting with the Browns who went along with us with their son, Colton.

Having Mark here has been great company for me, and it's been a load of
fun for Zane to have his "celebrity" Daddy here. He still looks at the iPAD,
then looks at him, and asks, "Daddy?" For all he knows Daddy is a movie

It has been a huge transition to have Mark here. Every new component
that is added to Zane's life is so incredibly overwhelming to him. We have
read tons of books on attachment, connecting with children at-risk or

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sensory deficient, and we are seeing the need to review that information
and recall what we learned. Zane is hyper-vigilant with sensory input, and
we're realizing how important it is to be alone, interacting together, and
eliminating all distracting components. Melt-downs have become pretty
common in the last couple of days, so we could use your prayers for
wisdom and strength to parent him the way God would have us to.

Zane needs so much. His life experience has left him a little insecure
about adults, and his new parents look very similar to other white families
that are in and out of the guest house. This creates a lot of confusion and
a lot of heartache for us as we see him going indiscriminately to other
parents. Please pray that God will help him understand that families stick
together, and that he can be secure and at peace with us. Pray also for his
heart to stop racing so much, and for him to trust us enough to love and
protect him. His hypervigilance is causing some anxiety that is evident to
us, as he cries about common things like sitting to eat dinner.

I have heard that it is common for children from hard places to make a lot
of progress then seem to regress suddenly. I am confident that the Lord is
healing his heart and making him whole. Pray for us that we can minister
to him the way the Lord wants us to. Ultimately, God is his Father, Healer,

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Protector, Provider, and His Everything. We just want to reflect that to
Zane, so he finds his significant and worth in the God who made him.

On another note, we have not heard from the embassy yet, but we are
confident that God is in control and working all things together for good for
us. Please pray that anyone who would seek to keep these children
captive and away from their families would be dismissed from the
embassy, and that anyone who wants to make a name for themselves
would be thwarted. Adoption is God's business, and He alone should
receive all the glory.

We are thankful that God has us together working through issues that
are inevitable in adoption. We hope that this time together in Ethiopia will
prepare us for a smoother transition when we return to the states.

Thank you again for your prayers!


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Praying for Zaney Baby. Jon would probably remind you to rub his arms (do
you remember that conversation?) I'm so glad Mark is there with you. I
know you guys are doing a great job. Love you!

Day 47 - Families Stick Together

August 24, 2011
"Families Stick Together" is a phrase I read in Karen Purvis's Connected
Child on adopted children. Parents say it to reinforce to their adopted child
that strangers are in fact STRANGE, as in stay away from them. Where
many parents of biological children are teaching their toddler how to be
friendly and share, adoptive parents are doing the opposite. Not because
we are exclusive, possessive freaks who want our children all to ourselves,
but because our children do not have the "caution sign" or "red flag" or
"safe zone" that most well-adapted bio children have. This can lead to
very awkward moments between children and adults, and even adults with
one another.

Mark and I decided to make today a day about reinforcing family bonds.
We tried to stay away from other people as much as possible (which is
really impossible at a guest house - key word is "tried.") For the most part,
we were together and interacting with one another all day. We played a

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few impromptu games like, "Where's mommy?" where I hid my face and
surprised Zane with "Here I Am!" We also played "Go Get
Daddy/Mommy!" outside where one of us holds are arms out wide and the
other one says to him, "Go get Daddy/Mommy" as we lead Zane to the
other parent. Mark also came to me many times and "love Mommy" while
hugging and kissing me, compelling Zane to join him. We also played
"Kiss Daddy/Mommy" making an elaborate kissing noise that makes Zane
laugh. Zane hums with his lips puckered up and kisses us with a loud
smack. When I need to change Zane's diaper or feed him, Mark now picks
him up, hands him to me, and says "Go to Mommy!" This has been great
for two reasons: it reinforces who I am, Mommy, and it keeps Zane from
feeling like he's being "snatched" away from something he wants to do.
We realized taking him abruptly away from something is a HIGH anxiety
move. He needs to be gently coaxed or made aware of a change before it
happens. This is something totally normal for adopted children to

A few times today, Zane said Mommy or Momma, which has not happened
consistently yet. In fact, Zane says Emmie for Mommy a lot and he's been
using the word to call out to most white women he wants attention from.
Like the word "Daddy", he has not learned that Mommy is an exclusive

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word for a very close relationship. People who want to be friendly to
children look at this as a cute, endearing thing for a child to do. It strokes
any woman's ego for a cute baby to call for them, reach out to them, or
love on them; however, when women reach back for him, hold him, or love
on him, they reinforce that Mommy is not a sole person responsible for my
nurture and protection. Mommy is anyone who will pay attention to me.

An AWAA friend, Brandon Hatmaker, put it perfectly when he was here

picking up his son Ben last week. He said, "I don't want my daughter to be
16 and unable to be without a boyfriend because she is
still desperately trying to fill the place I, her Dad, should fill." My heart
breaks when I think about the possibility of raising a child with all your will
power, yet never getting that it's about attachment and bonding. A mom
and a dad can be present, loving, and attentive, yet when there is a place
in a child's soul full of fear, isolation, and rejection, they can completely
not receive the love being shown to them. I too do not want Zane to grow
up with the insecurity many orphans have that they must fight for
themselves in this world, they must get there needs met by whatever
means necessary, and then search for love in all the wrong places!

This is why Mark and I are convinced that a period of "nesting" is

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absolutely vital right now in Ethiopia with our son in a somewhat familiar
environment. In addition, we are becoming more and more aware of the
need for a period of solitude when we return home. This is so
uncomfortable for us because we are so social, excited to see family and
friends, and eager to return to our lives back home, but the investment we
pay in Zane's emotional health now will save us a lot of tragedy later.
While Zane is healthy and seems to be happy, there is a deep emotional
and spiritual battle waging in him, as it does in all of us, for security,
protection, and family.

While Mark and I will try not to be rude, stand-offish, or offensive in our
attempt to nurture the bonding taking place between Zane and the two of
us, we will reserve affection to be displayed toward us alone initially.
Hugging, kissing, cuddling, holding, and the provision of all needs, such as
food, water, shelter, and getting dressed will be benefits we have as being
Zane's parents. We will ask friends and family to remain loving and
friendly, but somewhat distant at first in affection and provisions. For
example, Zane may run to a family member after falling and scraping his
knee. We would like for that family member to point to Mommy or Daddy,
or hand him directly to us to comfort him. Another example might be
when Zane is giggling and playing hide and seek, he may run to a friend to

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hide behind their legs. This would be a good time to step aside and allow
Mommy and Daddy to "protect" him or "shelter" him from the "play bad

We are so thankful to have the advice of Karen Purvis and other child
specialists who have taught us so much about what little things like the
events mentioned above can do to promote attachment. It is a small
sacrifice at the beginning of an adopted child's relationship with the
parents that makes a huge impact on their life long-term. We are also so
thankful for family and friends who pray for our family and understand the
monumental endeavor we are undergoing to build trusting bonds with our
child. Your prayers are being answered and we see that every day. The
breakthroughs we've had just today, after a difficult day yesterday, have
proven that God is listening and acting in our midst as you pray. The best
possible way you can minister to our hearts and our family's wholeness is
to go before God's throne and ask Him for his wisdom, mercy, and love to
be ever present in our minds and hearts. We thank you so much that you
are already praying for that.

We love you!

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Wow, Cimbrey, so much food for thought. Great insights and great ways to
deal with unique needs. Thanks for sharing. That being said, we are all
ready to get all of you back home - for however long you can be here. Madelyn
Cimbrey, I really like how you worded everything! :) Trying to figure out
how to write out our plan for everyone to understand. You all are doing a
good job with Zane! :) Glad you are all together. Drink a macchiato for me!
Love, Tracy
Thanks for being honest and candid. It is so helpful for those of us who
aren't yet there. Praying for this part of the journey to be over soon:) JustJess
I'm looking forward to the book you and mark will write (you may not know
that you're gonna write a book, but I'm making the motion for it;) ) so we
can know what to do when we're adopting. :) Love you so much!!!! - Allie
Well said, Cimbrey. Thanks for the awesome, educational post. Can't wait
to meet Zaney-Poo, but no hugs from Aunt Anna! - Jon and Anna

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Well said, Cimbrey! I have that book on hold at the library right now and
look forward to reading it on a trip we are taking next week. Praying,
Praying for you! - Little Lamb
I love reading your blogs, Cimbrey!!! You are so inspirational and so
informative. Several people have told me that I need to get, The
Connected Child, and after reading this blog post, I'm going to get it at
lunch time. I am praying for good news on Monday for the US Embassy.

Day 48 - U.S. Embassy

August 25, 2011
This morning we received two emails from the US Embassy about our
case. One, we need another document that will be provided by Zane's
orphanage Monday morning. Two, they want to interview Zane's
birthmother who lives about 10 hours away. The agency is working to
have her here on Monday afternoon; however, embassy says they will not
interview her until Sept. 6th. Mark and I are struggling to understand why
the United States would want to interview Zane's birthmother after she
has been interviewed in this process four times already. Please pray for
the US Embassy and the people who work there. Pray they remember that
these case numbers represent children's lives, their health, their families,

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etc. Pray for compassionate people to be present on Monday and agree to
interview the birthmom earlier than they told us they would.

We are totally out of control in this situation and frankly, a bit disillusioned
by our government institution that should be advocating for us. But God is
over governments and we know he is fighting for us in ways we don't even
know yet. Please pray for God's deliverance to come quickly!

I am so glad you posted this. I will pray right now. - Kat
Thinking about y'all and remembering Proverbs 3:5-6 for you. God's
understanding is not our own. - Katie
Oh I am so so praying! May the Lord make straight your paths! He will
remove the obstacles set before you ... and in the meantime, I pray that
you are comforted with his peace, friends to surround you there in Ethiopia
and keep you company, that you are reminded of those of us that pray
from afar, that you are not forgotten, and that he gives you a little
lemonade each day to show you just what reason he has for you there. You
are covered! - Christie

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I'll be praying that things will be faster than you've been told! kbathurst

Day 50...but who's counting?!

August 27, 2011

Last night I prayed that Zane's tummy would feel full all night long and
that he would have sweet dreams. I prayed his angel would stand guard
over him and give him peace and protection throughout the night. This

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morning we awoke to a cooing baby playing in his crib after 11 hours of
sleep! Praise the Lord! God is so good to answer the smallest of prayers
to remind us he's still listening.

Zane has eaten table food for breakfast the past two days, which is
amazing! I've been really encouraged as he continues to trust us to feed
him things he likes. After breakfast, we had our devotional and God
reminded us again that we can have confidence in Him. It specifically said
in the book that God fights for you, which has been on my heart for the
past 5 days or so. It's amazing how the Holy Spirit gives me a message
and then God confirms it later through His word, a devotional, or a pastor.
I believe that God's already gone before us into the embassy, cleared a
path for us, and that He is fighting for our case to be handled in His perfect

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To get out of the guest house a little bit, Mark and I asked some AWAA
friends here if they'd like to take the kids to the African Park. This park
was established as a celebration of the African Union in 2004. It is
extremely well-kept with lush landscaping, fun playground equipment, and

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even a concession stand. Zane had an absolute blast. His whole
demeanor changed when he went down a slide again. He has not gotten
to do that since he left the transition home on August 4th. Mom and I
taught him how to slide, so when he saw it, he immediately new what to
do. His laugh was infectious as he slid down the same slide for the 50th
time in a row. It never gets old.

Our time there was such a great bonding experience for our family. It
takes a lot of trust to get on playground equipment, like a slide, and
expect someone to catch you at the bottom. It also is a great way to make
eye-contact, laugh together, and experience Mommy and Daddy in a silly
new way. We are so thankful for the time we spent there, and for our new
friends who chose to come along with us!

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Zane took a 2 1/2 nap today - another big blessing since he slept so long
last night! Mark and I napped with him, and felt very refreshed. We had a
fun afternoon playing in the room, kicking the soccer ball outside, and
going to dinner at Zebra Grill down the street. Zane was very wellbehaved, and he continued to try things like french fries and ketchup at

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One of my favorite parts of the day is bath time. His excitement and joy is
contagious. I love how good he feels and how happy he gets when he's
clean. He loves to be held, have lotion put on, and play on the bed before
he gets his bottle and goes to bed. These moments are priceless, and I
want to keep them forever.

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When Mark and I sit back and think of the man Zane will become and the
possibilities for his future, we are overwhelmed with hope, gratitude, and
love. While we don't understand everything in this process of adoption,
and while we can get focused on the frustrating bureaucratic methods, we
know that this is time together that we will never have again - focused
bonding time with our little boy who will grow faster than we know. No
matter where in the world we are, we are family, and we are home when
we are together.

Such a precious time you are having...kinda like the "babymoon" we had.
(time with just our family when the girls were first born.) well worth it, and
just irreplaceable! - Michelle
Love this post, Cimbrey. He looks so happy! - Ashley
Cimbrey, I'm not sure if you remember me and my husband, Jacob, but we
used to go to FBNO a few years ago. Anyway, I've been following your blog
for a few weeks and I just wanted y'all to know that we are praying for you
and your sweet son, Zane. Your posts are amazing and the pictures you

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share of y'all becoming a family more and more everyday are beautiful! Misti
Love the pictures. Just prayed for y'all and a quick homecoming. - Rob and
Oh, Cimbrey! Way to fight the temptation to look at the negative and
instead keep your eyes on our Heavenly Father and the blessings He is
showering upon you! Not always easy when extended waits are thrust in
your face. You are an amazing Godly woman! Keep the faith!!! Debb

Day 53 - The Gorge

August 30, 2011
Mark and I decided to get out of the city today and go see the countryside.
Our friend and driver with AWAA, David, came along and we headed to
The Blue Nile Gorge about 2 hours outside of Addis Ababa. This gorge
holds a river that feeds into the Blue Nile eventually, and it is loaded with
baboons, lush plants, and three waterfalls.

The trip up there was fast and so incredibly beautiful. The highlands of
Ethiopia are a remarkable sight. We constantly took pictures as the
scenery became more and more beautiful. Zane slept about an hour of

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the two hour trip up there, and he didn't get car sick (a fear of mine)!
About 30 minutes from the gorge, we stopped at a woman's house (hut)
and asked to come in to see how people in the country live. She was very
generous to let us come inside her home, meet her family, and tour her
property. Here are some pictures of the drive up, and our new friend from
the country:

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So, we taught Zane what the cow says on the trip up there because there
are cows EVERYWHERE. Unfortunately "Moo" became his new favorite
word, and that was all he wanted to say for the rest of the trip.

When we finally got to the gorge, we drove back to a restaurant on the cliff
(plateau) overlooking dense fog. We couldn't see anything. The entire

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canyon was veiled in an opaque, white cloud. We continued on trusting
that we would see something eventually. We began to feel the spray of
the falls before we could even see them. It was hard to tell if it was rain or
the force of the falls splashing the water back up on us. Little by little, the
fog dissipated and the most beautiful sight was unveiled. We felt as
though we were in National Geographic magazine. The canyon was
layered with lush plant life. Aloe, mint, and cacti covered the rocky terrain.
1,000 ft. of water rushed with the force of angels wings, mighty yet
peaceful. We approached a 400 year old bridge, supposedly built by
the Portuguese although that's debated, and crossed over the falls to the
other side of the canyon. From that side, we continued to climb higher to
see the falls from different view points. Suddenly, a large family of Galada
Baboons hopped across our path and seemed to fall over the edge of the
cliff. Their agile bodies clung to the side of the canyon with amazing
strength and balance. We were amazed to be so close to something we've
only seen in zoos in America. There was nothing keeping us from
approaching them, except their exceptional speed, and nothing kept them
from approaching us. It was thrilling in every way.

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Zane was fully aware of his surroundings. As an observant naturalist

already, he pointed out other baboons hiding in the rocks, the water
cutting into the valley, the flowers that grew from the mint plants, and
many other sights. He was enthralled.

We finished our outing with traditional food, tibs, shero, injera,

and reluctantly approached the car to return to Addis. Zane slept the
entire way home (PERFECT!), and we silently soaked in the scenery once

Mark and I were so happy to have the experience of the country to share
with Zane when he gets older. We want him to know how beautiful his

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country is, and how incredible the people are. Today was about more than
getting out of town, it was about understanding what makes Ethiopia such
a unique country and being able to share that with our son was an
experience of a lifetime.

Beautiful pictures and word imagery. Love it. Glad you guys had this time
with your little man. Praying you get to share the beauty of the US scenery
with him soon:) - JustJess
WOW! Your pictures are beautiful! What an awesome experience. You guys
look so happy! :)

Day 55 - Our God is a God of Miracles

September 1, 2011
Zane was too active to sleep today at his normal nap time, but Mom and
Dad were beat. We attempted to lay him in his crib and lay down
ourselves on the bed for a little while, but he was inconsolable. He began
by playing, calling "Mommy" and "Daddy", then it gradually escalated to a
full out wail. I guess that's why they say the "cry it out method" isn't

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always best, especially for adopted children. So we got up, gave him a
bottle (that he wouldn't drink earlier), and he was out in 5 minutes! Ha!
That'll teach us, huh?

During that time, little did we know that we had received a very important
email. As soon as Zane fell asleep, Mark opened my email account to find
"Brannan Family - Case Cleared" in the subject line of an email sent about
the time we first tried to put Zane down for his nap. "No wonder!" I
thought, "Zane's been trying to tell us something this whole time!" Mark's
eyes widened, and he said very seriously, "Cimbrey, come over here and
sit down. I have something I want to read to you." We nervously opened
the email, thinking all the while that it cannot possibly mean we are
actually cleared! Our birthmother is supposed to be interviewed on
Tuesday. The embassy is not doing any interviews this week. We were
just at the AWAA offices this morning and no one had any information.
What is going on?

Sure enough, the email stated exactly what the subject said. We were
cleared at approximately noon today to receive a visa for our son to come
home to the states. There was no explanation about the birthmother
interview, no reason why we got the email today instead of next week, just

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a seemingly normal "clearance email".

The thing is, I know better. This event is anything but normal. It is
impossible for us to have been cleared today when the embassy has
stated in a number of emails to our agency and to us personally that there
are no interviews this week, our birthmother needs to be interviewed to
continue with our case, and they will not give preference to families in
country. Not only have we received these emails, but a family with
another agency was telling us about the same emails she is receiving just
this morning.
But the other thing I know is that my God is the King of Kings. He is
Sovereign over all governments, leaders, agencies, and people. His plans
and purposes will reign forever. There is no doubt that God has answered
the prayers of His people in our case. From the moment we started this
process, to this very minute, God has prepared our son, our hearts, and
our lives to obey him in adoption. Passing court was a miracle last month,
and this embassy clearance surpasses that.

God is teaching me that there is no other Name under heaven by which

men may be saved. Zane has not been rescued by two humanitarian
citizens. It's certain that we have had no power in this situation at all. It's

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been quite humbling, actually to realize how little we matter in the broad
scheme of things. Zane has not been rescued by the United States of
America. While I love my country, it has been proven to me that American
government is as bureaucratic and defective as any other institution in this
world. We were made to serve a perfect King, and all other entities that
raise themselves up to rule will fail us. People are people everywhere you
go, and unfortunately, we are all tragically flawed. The only way that Zane
has been rescued from from his helpless state is by the grace and power
of God Himself. It is by His name we are all healed.

It is with that realization that I want Zane to grow into a man that loves
God more than He loves me, Daddy, or anyone else in the world. God is
the only One who will never disappoint.

Thank you again for your prayers. Your faithfulness to pray for us has
ministered to us so much. We love you all.
I am so excited for you all!!!!!!!!!! This seriously gives me so much hope
and an even greater desire to keep pressing in in prayer! Praise God!!! John and Tara

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Oh Cimbrey! I've never meet you and maybe never will but this gave me
goosebumps! All power and glory to our God!! I prayed this morning for
you, not knowing I would open this up! Praise be to God!!- JustJess
This makes my day!!! SO excited for you, Mark and Zane! Can't wait to
meet the little man in person. - Ashley
Chills all over - both from the miracle and the truth you shared at the end.
Thank You, Jesus! - Amanda
YAHOO!! :) So happy for you! :)God's timing is indeed perfect.Love, Tracy
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Cimbrey, I am friends with Anna Palmer and I live in New Orleans. God has
put adoption on mine and my husband's hearts and we are pursuing
God has used your story and your blog to confirm that in my heart and to
teach me that adoption is not a worldly but a deeply spiritual thing,
serving the King who sacrificed everything for us.

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Thank you for your transparency, faith and hope and so happy you can
bring your sweet boy home! - Lauren
Yay! Wonderful news! Praise the Lord! - Rob and Leah
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Denise
Oh,Cimbrey,tears in my eyes....Praise the Lord!!! - Little Lamb

Day 57 - Winding Down!

September 3, 2011
It's amazing how good news can bring such relief to an otherwise woundup, anxious heart! With that relief comes extreem exhaustion. The
andrenaline slows when there is an end in sight, and the body stops
fighting as hard. I guess this is why coaches always tell runners to finish
strong, run hard all the way past the finish line, don't let up and quicken
the pace at the end. Pressing on to the finish is harder than it sounds.
Every day here seems like a week because we know we are going home
soon. In response to our drowsy, bored condition, Mark and I have been
planning an outing every day. Thursday night, after hearing about our
embassy clearance, Mark and I decided to celebrate with hamburgers!

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We'd been hearing rumors about a great restaurant here in Addis with
hamburgers as good or better than home. We were skeptical, but we had
to see what all the fuss was about. It turns out, it was the finest dining we
had experienced here, and the burgers were in fact phenomenal. Fresh
bread made on sight, gouda cheese, and garden vegetables make
anything fantastic! The atmosphere was like a cool, city coffee shop with
comfy chairs, books, big windows, and jazz music. It felt for a moment like
we were in New Orleans! To top it off, we ordered a peanut butter,
banana, and chocolate crepe for dessert (just like Le Crepe Nanou in
NOLA) and hot chocolate. The hot chocolate was lightly flavored with
orange zest and decorated with whip cream and cocoa powder. Really, I
didn't know Addis could be so good to us. It was just what we needed on
the day we found out we get to return to NOLA soon!

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Yesterday, Mark and I went for a morning walk to Kahldi's and got
macchiatos. Afterward, a local starred at Mark in the street wide-eyed and
smiling and said, "Brad Pitt! I like you!" in a thick Amharic accent. Mark
smiled and said, "Thank you." HA!!!! I guess the guy did't get word that
Pitt's with a burnette now, and not a blond. It was the best compliment
Mark could've wished for though, and we walked the entire way home
laughing about it. Mark and I later visited our new friends' house. There
are some Texans here working for a consulting company and ministering to
the people of Addis. They are a beautiful family of 6 (all children under
5!), and they are so incredibly hospitable. The best part was enjoying
Texas style tacos on fresh, homemade tortillas and coke out of the bottle.
We loved connecting to our Texas roots and enjoying the fellowship of

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As I mentioned, the exhaustion has been creeping in on us as our bodies

and minds have begun to relax more. Last night, I was so tired and
grumpy, and I couldn't see waking up in the middle of the night with Zane
again. My head hit the pillow and I was out. At 7:30 this morning, I
realized that I slept through the entire night. I felt so refreshed, like God
had given me a gift. He always knows what we can handle, and He
doesn't give us any more than that. After breakfast, we did our devotional,
and the topic was "I know God loves me because He gives me sleep!" HA!
I know I've said this before, but I think it's amazing how God has been
speaking to me through the book that was intended to minister to Zane.
Yet again, God showed me that He loves me through such a simple
concept: sleep.

Today, we decided to head to the Sheraton to see why in the world the
rooms cost around $650 a night. Yea, that's dollars, not birr. We've heard
it's a sight, and all of the Ethiopians are so proud to show it to you when
we pass by it's vicinity. But again skeptical, we had to see it for ourselves.
Our taxi drove up to a beautifully landscaped gate surrounded by flags
from all over the world. The building was a palace complete with

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balconies on each room, terraces overlooking Addis, rose bushes, orange
trees, and other beautiful plant life. In the lobby, we were taken with the
view out the back windows overlooking a gorgeous fountain extending the
entire length of the garden. Spiral staircases of marble and iron,
enormous chandeliers, and the smell of fresh flowers captivated us. There
were gift shops, a bakery, jewlery stores, a spa, ballrooms, 5 beautiful
restaurants, an outdoor pool (resort really), a kid's playground, and halls of
luxury. We spent about an hour and a half touring the amazing grandeur.
To finish our posh outing, we ordered a strawberry tart and chocolate chip
muffin from the bakery, sat on the plush couches of one of the many
corridors, and soaked in the luxury of it all.

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(Please note the game day attire for the Aggies' first game. Didn't think
we'd forget did you?)

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This outing was an interesting paradox as we stepped into the street, past
the iron and gold gates, and into the reality of poverty and hope once
again. A man begged us to ride in his taxi, children in rags pointed at us
as if we were celebrities, and tin roofs corroded by rust filled our view once
again. This city is a place of contrast: the wealthiest of wealthy citizens
living alongside the poorest in the world. I don't know how to process this.
I don't understand it or have any idea what to do about it. Sometimes I
feel guilty. Should I have eaten that strawberry tart when this child staring
at me has probably never even imagined one? What is Zane's birthmother
doing right now as he stares over the marble barrier into a fountain of
clear, cool water, not for drinking...just for decoration. I wonder if she's
eaten today.

I honestly don't know what to feel about what I've seen and experienced
here in Addis, but I know it won't leave my thoughts and the paradoxes I
see haunt me. What does one do to change the social and governmental
makeup of an entire country? Ministry after ministry come here to serve,
money is sent to fund national programs, mission teams flood the region
with aid, yet there is still the burden of so much need here...

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I see the need, and I am powerless to do anything about it. At least
anything that makes real and lasting change. I need something bigger
and more powerful than me. All the money in the world won't change an
aid-dependent people into thriving entrepreneurs. All the help in the world
won't create a mighty, independent nation, and all the education in the
world can save someone from generational poverty in a corrupt system.
What can I do about THIS? I've decided I can do nothing. Maybe that's
exactly what my mindset should be. Maybe God wants me to realize that
it must be Him working through His people to exact change in anyone or
anything on earth. Is this a cop-out? No! It is through Christ that ALL
things are possible. I have a responsibility to pray, seek God's will for this
country, intercede for them, and obey when God sends me out with clear
direction. Only he can make impacting and lasting change.

Love this post! Have you read"When Helping Hurts" by Steven Corbett and
Brian Fikkert? In reading your last paragraph, I really think you would dig
this book..

Day 60 - When it Rains...

September 6, 2011

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I know I'm not the first to say, "When it rains, it pours!" Around Addis, this
phrase is used quite literally during the rainy season. People run for cover
when the slightest sprinkle begins knowing that torrential downpours are
on the horizon. Figuratively, it seems as though this phrase is more of the
rule than the exception in life. Rain, or trials come BOGO style, except
instead of Buy One Get One, it should be Buy One Get 1,000.

Mark and I knew when we applied for adoption that we were going to be
getting a lot more than a beautiful blessing from God. We were "buying"
into potential battles, spiritual, financial, and relational. I have to admit,
things have been relatively easy for us so far. Aside from the difficulty
with paperwork, saving money, and the frequent "Is he white or hobesha
(Ethiopian)?" stare, we've had no real issues. Until now...

Mark and I have been in a transitional period over the past two months.
We live in New Orleans, but Mark has accepted a job in Houston. To keep
things "easy" for the adoption, we've kept New Orleans our permanent
address, and Mark has worked during the week in Houston while I've been
in Ethiopia. When we return home (to New Orleans), we will be moving our
address to Houston to be closer to Mark's work.

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Shortly after Mark arrived in Addis two weeks ago, our friend (who was
cleaning our house as a surprise to me from Mark) emailed and said there
was an air conditioning leak in the roof and the ceiling had caved in
leaving the carpet wet. Being completely powerless to change the
situation a world away, we asked our friend to become our "general
contractor" in repairing our house, especially since we are going to put in
on the market soon. This was not good news, but manageable news I
guess, and there was little we could do to change it.

A couple of days ago, as tropical storm Lee hovered near New Orleans, our
neighbors emailed to show us the rising water in the neighborhood and
ask if they could move our car out of the street. Thankful, we told them
where they could find a key, and we hoped for the best. Yesterday, we got
an email that the car floorboards were wet, and that there was an awful
smell in the car. This is our newest car, and the car we planned to drive to
Houston in with our son in his new carseat. Needless to say, those plans
have changed.

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Tomorrow I'm bracing myself for a tree to fall on the roof, a burglar to steal
my TV, or maybe the truck will suddenly go into reverse and back into the
neighbor's beautifully manicured garden! I'm ready. Bring it on, life!

"When it rains it pours" means more to me than the sloshy puddles I will
wade through to get my next macchiatto down the street in Addis. These
raindrops are starting to take the form of dollar signs, and they feel more
like a hailstorm than a rainstorm.

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In all of this, I am confident that God is on our side and working all things
together for good because we love Him and are called according to His
purpose. Even if it is that we do get a little wet along the way.

Been wondering about you guys...praying that all will go as God intended.
Maybe not easy, but at least do-able. You are in my thoughts! - Michelle
Praying for you guys!! But so excited to know that you will soon be home
and you will be in Houston!! Your mom must be so excited!!! - Megan
I surprised that "Day 60-when it Rains.... You are going from Addis to
Houston. Good bye! - Yoseph
I'm so sorry! But, I do have to say, I'm thrilled you are moving to Houston!
We can be thankful tonight that you have a home. So many have been lost
in the fires around Texas. All of that is fixable! - Erica

Oh, Cimbrey! I remember getting hit with spiritual battle once we were
DTE. One of our rentals flooded, one of our car engines blew.....and one

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other big event occurred. The enemy is coming at you, that is true, but
how awesome it must feel to know that he is fighting so hard against you
the faith, girl! You are almost home!......and a new home back in Texas!!!!!
Congrats to you and Mark and Zane! *HUGS* - Debb

Day 61 - Embassy Eve!

September 7, 2011
It's hard for me to believe that tomorrow we will be going to our embassy
appointment! In celebration of our future American's visa, Daddy and
Zane got a haircut today and Zane wore his American fire truck pajamas! I
saved them 9 weeks for tonight, and I can't believe it's here. Mark and I
are excited for the appointment tomorrow, and the visa we will receive
Friday morning before leaving for America! However, nothing compares to
Zane's excitement. He has the best facial expressions! We've seen him
really come to life over the past three weeks. His face is priceless and so
difficult to capture in pictures. He loves to laugh and be silly. When we
laugh with him, he squeals and buries his face in our chests. He's so
affectionate and loving toward us. One of his favorite things to do lately is
pucker up and give us kisses. He even blows kisses from across the room.

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He's such a sweet boy. Here's a few from Embassy Eve that sort of
capture his precious personality.

"Who me?"

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"Daddy's hilarious!"

Sweet boy

"So...I'm like...going to be an official citizen?"

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"See...what happened was..."

"Daddy, you comin'?"

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"Do they let you run on furniture in America? Okay, I'll go."

"YAY! I'm going home soon!!!"

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Hooray!! Soo excited for you and Mark, Cimbrey!God is sooo good!Big
Hugs, friend. - Katie
Oh, Cimbrey!!!! He is so absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! So very excited for you
guys!!! "Leavin'.....on a jet plane!" That will be you THREE very SOON!!!!!
So excited for you guys! And praising God with you!!!! *HUGS* - Debb
That smile is priceless! He's is precious! I love that he's so affectionate.
Sweet Boy!!! :-D

Day 62 & 63 - Going Home

September 9, 2011
I can't really explain what I feel right now. Our journey to Zane is nearing
an end, but our lives as a family of three in Texas is just beginning. It's
surreal to think we will drive to the airport in only two hours and we will
not see Ethiopia again for years to come. Addis Ababa has been my home
for over two months now, and it has been my son's home for more than 6
months. I've wondered today if he has any idea what we are doing
today...that we are flying to the other side of the world...that we are
leaving his country...that we really don't live in the Yebsabi Guest House
permanently. My feelings are bittersweet now as I right this. I go from

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feeling sadness and loss about leaving this place to elation about going
home. Addis Ababa has been the furnace in which God has refined me
with His Holy fire. It has been difficult, lonesome at times, and painful, but
God has met me here, and I don't want to leave it...Him. I fear I will forget
how God came to my rescue when I was so helplessly depressed at my
lowest points here, or how he sent me fellowship at just the right
moments. I fear my mind won't recall God's words to me each week at the
International Evangelical Church and the way the pastor always spoke the
exact words God needed me to hear. Will I remember the sounds of the
Doxology and the African, American, British, and German accents that
filled the air? What about the chorus "How Great Thou Art" sung at
everyone's full capacity on our last Sunday there and the way the
Ethiopians behind us trilled there tongues in traditional celebration when
we sang, "Then I shall bow in humble adoration and there proclaim, My
God, how GREAT Thou art!" How will I remember the feeling I had when
Mark and I saw Zane walk for the first time, and the way we praised God
for allowing us to see that? Will my mind allow me to adequately describe
Zane's birthmother's face when she gave Addisu her last wishes and
watched us drive out the gates of Abenezer Orphanage? As the sounds of
the girls that live next door flood through my window, I am reminded that
they will be grown the next time we come here. I wonder if "R" will still

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love us, Zane, animals, and pretty much everything in the world as much
as she does today, or will her reality become bleak for her? What will
become of the kids at Abenezer, Kid's Care, or Kingdom Vision, just a block
from the Yebsabi? Who else might come and watch them play from the
terrace almost every day praying for them to have families? I wonder if
the staff here at the Yebsabi will still be here when we return? Will I ever
see there smiles and hear their kind voices again? My heart. I'm
overwhelmed with saddness, gratitude, joy, and expectation.

I know I will struggle to remember the details of every moment here in

Addis, but I will never forget what God has done here. He has shown us
His presence in ways we've never experienced. He has reminded us of his
faithfulness and goodness. He's given us a heart for Ethiopia and its
people. And He's provided His power and His peace in abundance. The
symbol of Ethiopia is the Lion of Judah, and we have experienced Jesus
here as both the Lion and the Lamb. He has been our strength and He has
been our salvation. We praise Him.

As Ethiopia celebrates their New Year this Monday, we will be celebrating

our first day in Houston, TX with our new son, Addisu. Addisu means, "The
New One", and it is a Christian name given to him by his biological

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grandfather. It is not by chance that Addisu was given a Christian name.
God was His father all along, and He still is. In Ethiopia, September is the
New Year because it is the season when the rains cease and crops flourish.
It is the time when all things become new, fresh, and second chances are
given. I believe that it is no coincidence that we will take home our "New
One" during the Ethiopian "New Year", for our God makes ALL THINGS new.
And we look with great hope and anticipation at the deliverance he is
bringing to our son and his birth country.

We look forward to seeing many of you in a matter of hours. Your prayers

have been our strength and encouragement for 9 weeks, and we love you.
We are so blessed to return to the family God has given us through Christ
and to our country that we love so much. See you stateside!
Mark, Cimbrey, and Zane

Woohoo!!! :-) I am so excited for y'all!!! Yay!
So excited for you guys. Oh how I would love to be in that airport to see
you sweet faces & celebrate with you! I am so thankful for all the Lord has

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done in your family's life these last weeks and months. Praying for a
smooth plane trip:) - April
I love hearing of His faithfulness to you and yours through this season!
Praising Jesus with you! - Carrie
Cimbrey- loved reading about your heart! I pray God surrounds you, Mark
and Zane just as he has these last 2 months- He WILL!!! When I was in
Romania, we took the Lord's supper in a back room of a restaurant with
pastors from all over the country and sang "How Great Thou Art" half in
English and half in Romanian... some moments with God are
UNFORGETABLE! Here's to the ones ahead!

September 16, 2011
It has been one week since we flew out of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. About
this time 7 days ago, we were boarding a 777 Ethiopian airplane to head
to Washington D.C. It is almost impossible for me to believe that an entire
week has gone by.

When we arrived in D.C., we were thrilled to step onto U.S. soil for two
reasons: 1) that meant we were finally home and 2) our son

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automatically became a U.S. citizen! We obtained a visa for him that
allowed him to achieve citizenship upon arrival. Horray! To celebrate, we
went to Dunkin Donuts and got a patriotic red, white, and blue rasberryfilled donut in the shape of a star in our nations capital! Doesn't get much
better than that. Unfortunately, Zane hated the donut and spit it out. Oh
well. I guess some American customs are better to leave behind, and
donuts are definitely one of them.

After a 3 hour layover and lots of walking around the airport to stretch our
legs, we boarded a small jet to New Orleans. We were surprised and
delighted to receive first class seating thanks to a generous ticketer who
appreciated our choice to adopt. We enjoyed the extra leg room and
space for Zane to move!

We were greeted in New Orleans by one of the best looking greeting crews
I've ever seen. As we passed through the gate to the waiting area, the
three of us fist pumped (Zane style) and cheered, "Yay, yay, yay!" Of
course, Zane had no idea that the crowd huddled in front of us was
cheering back for him! I think he was surprised to get such a loud "YAY!"
in response. After hugging both sets of grandparents who (thankfully)
traveled from Houston to see us arrive, Jon, Anna and Eli Palmer greeted

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Zane with a new toy car. The Simon's kids held posters with greetings for
Zane, and many of our church family and community showered us with
hugs and kisses. It was the most wonderful homecoming I've ever
experienced, and it was made even sweeter by the friends and family who
came to meet our new son. Almost immediately, Zane wanted to get
down and play with the other children there. He ran around with the boys,
while the girls touched his face and gave him kisses. Every once in a while
he glanced up and ran to Mark or me to let us know he still knew who he
belonged to. It was during this time that I realized how far Zane had come
in the last two weeks we spent together as a family in Ethiopia. He knew
who Mommy and Daddy were, and he knew that as long as we were
around, he was safe. It felt good to watch him light up and run to us, yet
still be comfortable enough to play with the other children. We were truly
amazed. We were able to talk and catch up with our friends and family for
quite a while before getting our luggage and heading home...

Home...well that's another story. It turns out the issues we thought we

were going home to were not nearly as bad as we invisioned them. Our
neighbor aired out our car, and the smell from the water was gone. What
we originally thought was rising water in the car, was actually just a leak in
the sunroof. This is much easier to fix, and it's a lot less damaging to the

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vehicle. The ceiling that had fallen in due to an air conditioning leak was
re-dry-walled and looked clean. The only remnant of the ceiling disaster
was the smell of drywall and paint. We were so thankful that the
situations with our house were not as big of a deal as we thought they

Despite the corrections to the house, Mark, Zane, and I spent one night in
the house we thought would be our home upon returning to the United
States. During the time that I was in Ethiopia, Mark took a new job with
Hess Corporation. Originally, we thought we might be able to spend a
week or two as a family in New Orleans, say our goodbyes, and gradually
move to Houston. However, the one or two weeks we planned to spend as
a family in New Orleans was spent in Addis Ababa waiting on embassy.
Therefore, the next morning, our families arrived early at our house to
pack and clean our house and get it ready to sell. By 1:00 p.m., our house
looked professionally cleaned and staged, and we were on the road
caravaning to Houston.

It's funny how things never go as planned, but they always turn out better
than expected. What I thought was a delay in embassy clearance really
was treasured time Mark and I had with Zane with no distractions in his

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birth-country. It was beautiful memories in places we never would have
gone to otherwise, like the gorge or even the bakery up the street. What
we think is disaster in our lives, like the leak in the ceiling or the flooding
of our new car, were not really issues at all in the end. We got new drywall
out of the deal and the assurance that our air conditioning is now in good
selling condition. Our plan to say our goodbyes in New Orleans, while it
would be nice for us to hang on to the way things were, really may have
been more difficult for Zane, as he would have had to adjust twice to a
new home, surroundings, and people. Now, we are all adjusting together
to a new city, new apartment, and life as a family. We're all on an equal
playing field so to speak. We're relying on each other and discovering new
places together.

I don't know what the future holds for us here. A new house? New
friends? New church? But one thing I have learned from this experience.
Home is where family is. Whether in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, New Orleans,
Louisiana, or Houston, TX, we've been home all along because we're

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Cimbrey, I didn't know you were n Houston now! That is so exciting for me
to hear! Hope we can meet up when you are settled in a routine with
Zane! Welcome to Houston! :) our Ethiopian boys can become friends!
hehe! - Emily
WELCOME HOME!!! You are so RIGHT! Home is wherever you are with Mark
and Zane!!!! =) - Debb
How have you been? I'm happy you are at home. How is Zane? Zane is
beginning to feel at home in his live. I think he feels comfortable. - Yoseph

Our New Life

September 20, 2011
The other day, I was talking to a friend about what we're doing these days.
The only thing that comes to mind is "adjusting". I really didn't know
what to say beyond that because I have no idea what the adjustments are.
I can't put into words what I'm doing every day, I just know my body is
tired, so there must be an adjustment going on, right?

I am an analytical person by nature, so when someone asks me a

question, I feel compelled to answer that question as honestly and

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thoroughly as possible, even if the answer comes days later. I've been
alive long enough, however, to know that people don't really care enough
to wait days for an answer. My OCD kicks in when I'm asked a question I
don't know how to answer, and I think about it until I can. Therefore, I
pondered the question, "What adjustments are y'all making?" until I could
put a few of the adjustments into words.

First, Zane and I are trying to get used to U.S. time zones. For the first
week, Zane thought that midnight was 8 a.m. (breakfast time in Addis)
and 5 a.m. was noon (lunch time in Addis). It wasn't until two nights ago,
that Zane slept (pretty much) through the night. It felt great to have a full
night's sleep!

Secondly, Zane is getting used to foreign foods. We've gone from barley
cereal, wheat cereal, and an occasional bowl of pasta stars to peas,
mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cheese crackers, and his favorite,
french vanilla yogurt. I'm learning to hide vegetables and fruits in things
like potatoes and yogurt. I guess I can say I'm officially a mom now.

Thirdly, I have been adjusting to life in an apartment in Houston rather

than our house in New Orleans. Our apartment is beautiful and the area is

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awesome for us to explore. We have a pool, onsite cyber cafe with great
macchiatos, and near-by nature trails for walking and riding bikes. We
love the area; however, so much of me is still in New Orleans. Zane's
room that I completed weeks before we left still sits untouched in our
house in New Orleans. Our dogs, Callie and Gracie, are staying with
Grandmom (Mark's mom) in Richmond.
In addition to this, my job as 7th grade language arts teacher has been
replaced by the job of homemaker and mom. It was strange to let August
go by without decorating my classroom, writing names on popsicle sticks,
and organizing my agenda for the new school year. I even had my usual
"beginning of school" dreams while I was in Addis. I dreamed that my
principal did not fill my position and she needed me to come back from
Africa to teach until she found a replacement, and I dreamed about lesson
planning with Becky, my partner teacher and dressing up to read a story to
the kids.

Lastly, I feel like my family for the past 8 years is in New Orleans living life
without us. We can't pick up the phone at 5 p.m. on a Friday night and ask
the Palmers to meet us at Superior Grill at 6. We don't drive by the
Carvers' yellow house on the way to Lebanon's when we're craving
hummus and gyro wraps. We can't rag on Georgia to the Simons on

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Sunday morning in Sunday school, and we can't spontaneously go out to
eat with the Flores after church. We're not driving to church three days a
week for meetings and praise team practice with Robert and the band. No
more late Sunday nights drinking coffee with the Pucketts or pretending to
diet with Rachel while I sneak a Starbucks scone. It's weird. My normal is
in New Orleans, so I guess we're adjusting to the new normal.

My grandparents, whom I admire very much, have never let changing

seasons of life keep them from experiencing the fullness and joy life has to
offer. My entire life, they have traveled all across the United States to see
friends, family members, co-workers, and anyone they've ever met really.
When you meet them, you immediately become their friend. People are
priority to them, and you know that when you are in their presence. There
is no boundary that is too big to keep Honey and Grandaddy from loving
someone and making a special effort to come see them. In fact, they just
returned to Houston from a 6-7 stop trip over the weekend where they
spent time with Grandaddy's ailing sister, had lunch with former
missionaries they knew, stayed the night with my other set of
grandparents, played forty-two with old friends, among many other joys.
In their 80's now, they never let life pass them by, and they never live
with regret.

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I want to be like Honey and Grandaddy. God is giving me an opportunity

with our new move to stay connected to loved ones in Louisiana. As my
life continues, I pray that God will give me the thoughtfulness and
selflessness of my grandparents to maintain friendships with people
wherever we may live. What a legacy they have left for me, and I pray to
leave that legacy for Zane. While we're on earth, the most important
relationship we have aside from Jesus Christ is the ones we have with the
people he has put in our path. I hope that people see the love of Christ
through me, as it is seen through my grandparents in their efforts to keep
close ties to the people they've encountered.

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Sweet post, my friend! And YES! God's love shines through you! And I
hope to stay in touch with you clear from Idaho!!!! You are precious and I
am so glad we have now been able to hang out twice in person! Go, God!
Sending you and yours a great big hug!!!! - Debb
What a blessing to have such a legacy to aspire to!

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Life, especially with kiddos, is all about adjustment. Once I figured out that
life IS change, dealing with change wasn't such a big deal. Most of the
time! :-)Zane is so precious. I hope you are all enjoying your new home
together! - Michelle
How awesome! I can't wait to see you guys! I hope to catch you when we
are in Houston. I really really can't believe yall are gone. I always pictured
ZOE and Zane together ='(I love seeing all the pictures of Zane!

September 23, 2011
Almost another week has gone by! I can't believe how quickly time goes
by sometimes. Zane is doing great with his sleep patterns now. We went
to the pediatrician for the first time this week, and he got some medicine
for a cough he's had. In addition to helping with the cough, it's helped him
sleep through the night, so he's getting more used to US time. Zane is
trying all kinds of new foods, and he's being really brave! He definitely
does not like all of them, but at least he's trying!

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Zane met my Aunt Denise today at Honey's and G-G's (Grandaddy's new
name) house. We had lunch, and he enjoyed playing with old toys that
Nick and I played with! It's amazing because those toys are now selling at
Target for $20. All the vintage stuff is back! Zane got to play with an
ORIGINAL telephone pull toy whose eyes move up and down and a worm
scooter whose stickers have all come off. He loved it. Only G-G could
push him on the scooter because he does it best, apparently!

Grandmom came for a visit this week! She came bearing gifts, like all
good grandmom's do! Zane enjoyed playing with her and taking a walk in
his beloved stroller. Zane showed Grandmom how to launch his Lightening
McQueen car and make it go fast, and they played with a new fall bear she

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Mark is enjoying his job with Hess, and his schedule has been great. He's
been able to beat the traffic home and play with Zane before bedtime.
We've enjoyed dinners at home, bath time (which is a total celebration
complete with a chant and dance), and walking around the beautiful Terry
Hershey park.

This weekend Uncle Nick comes in town to meet Zane, and we're having
other AWAA families to Mimi's house for dinner. Zane's friend, Musse',
lives in Katy, so I'm looking forward to meeting up with the Rowells again,
this time in the United States! I wonder if they will recognize each other in
this new environment? I'm sure pictures will follow...Staytuned..

Week 3 - What a Week!

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September 28, 2011
We are in our third week home with Zane, and it has been a great one! We
finished week two with a get-together at my mom's house! Three couples
with AWAA came over for dinner. Zane got to hang out with his transition
home buddy, Musse, who came home only weeks before he did. We finally
got to meet Zadie, the Chambers little girl, and we got to know a new
couple who will be bringing home their baby next summer from Ethiopia!

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It was also fun to see Nick, my brother who has been in Iraq for a year. He
is back in Texas now, so he drove in to meet Zane. "Untel Ick", as Zane
calls him, is great with kids! Zane enjoyed walking with him and playing
with sidewalk chalk.

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Sunday was Saints v. Texans day, so obviously, Mark and I had to watch it
with Poppi and Uncle Nick who love the Texans. We came ready to cheer
for the Saints, and we were SO relieved when the Saints pulled through.
After a disappointing Aggie game on Saturday, we needed the win.

Tuesday, Zane and I had a brunch date with our friend, Amanda, at
Einstein bagels. After downing a pumpkin crunch bagel and latte, we
walked around Town Center, and headed back home for nap time. That
afternoon we went by Honey and G-G's house for a little while to play
before they head out to Austin for a long weekend.

Today, Zane and I met Autumn and Zadie and Kara and Berhanesh for
lunch at Pappasitos. One great thing about being back in Texas is
wonderful Mexican food like Pappasitos. I just about ate my body weight
in chips and salsa! I tried to get Zane to eat quesadillas, but he's still not
ready for that apparently.

Zane is getting much better at eating, however! I've enjoyed making my

own baby food from sweet potatoes, peas, mashed potatoes, peaches, etc.
It's SO easy and much cheaper than buying it. It also allows me to
combine things I know Zane will like, and control the amount of salt and

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sugar he gets in his diet. So far, he has tried anything I put in french
vanilla yogurt, and he loves peas and mashed potatoes. His favorite snack
is cheese ducks (the organic version of goldfish). I think he's really doing
great! I can't imagine being in his shoes and have my entire world turned
upside down. He's courageous to put anything green or orange in his
mouth, and he does this daily. With all the change he has been through,
he has really shown a lot of trust to eat the food we give him.

Tonight, Zane and I will experience our first night by ourselves in the U.S.
Mark's job requires him to travel some, and I'm used to the day or two
trips he has every other week or so. Hopefully, Zane will not be overly
concerned about Daddy not being here tonight. We spent many nights in
Africa, just the two of us, so I think he'll be okay. But you never know how
a difference in routine might scare him or make him feel anxiety.


night Zane was crying in his sleep again, much like he did the first week I
had him in Ethiopia. It's hard to tell if he's in pain or if he's having a
nightmare. I just pray for him and hold him when this happens, and
usually he falls back asleep after a while. Who knows what he might be
feeling, especially in his dreams when one can almost forget where he or
she is! This happened to me almost every morning I woke up in Africa. I'd
forget I was in Ethiopia, and think I was in my bed in New Orleans. I can't

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imagine where he thinks he is when he wakes up in the middle of the
night! Pray for him to have peace and dream sweet dreams.

Friday, Zane will go to get an evaluation at Texas Children's Hospital's

Adoption Clinic. This is a routine post-adoption check up where doctors
look into all of the possible conditions he could have from his time in
Ethiopia. We expect Zane to have a clean bill of health aside from minor
issues like the chronic cough he has; however, we would appreciate your
prayers as we take him to be poked and prodded. We hope he will feel
comforted and assured that he is safe and taken care of while he is there.

This weekend we are really excited to see Aunt Laura and Uncle Ben and
Uncle Jay, who is flying in from New York, over at Grandmom and GDaddy's house. Zane will get to meet his aunt and uncles for the first
time! I know he'll enjoy everyone playing with him and loving on him!

Zane is learning something new everyday. He's very interested in the

alphabet with correlating animal cards I got him. He's trying SO hard to
make the sounds of the letters, and it's so sweet to see him try. Some
letters are super difficult for him to say. Apparently, some sounds he's not
used to hearing, and he doesn't know how to position his throat and mouth

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to make the sound come out!! We keep repeating and he keeps trying
every day. He's such a determined boy. There are three animals he will
not try to say the names of because he immediately resorts
to mimicking the sound the animal makes: the lion, rooster, and snake. In
fact, when Zane sees any of these animals in pictures when we're out, he'll
point and make the sounds they make. I was at Whole Foods the other
day, and Zane started yelling, "DA-DA-DOOOOOO!" over and over. I didn't
know what he was doing until I looked up, and just over the chicken
section, the outline of a rooster hung. I was amazed that he saw the sign
in the first place, then laughed that he thought about the cock-a-doodledoo sound the rooster makes while shopping for groceries!

This and other sounds he makes often make me miss Addis. Every
morning (and all through the night, actually) we were greeted by the
sound of the rooster next door. The donkeys would come by, and Zane
would say, "HEE-HAW". And the men selling mops would yell, "AWOYAY!"
The neighborhood dogs barked (and sometimes wailed) all night, and
Zane always puckered his lips and said, "HOO! HOO!" like the dogs did.
The only sounds we hear in our room these days is the sound of cars on
the beltway and an occasional siren. Our outdoor wildlife here is the
squirrel, and it's really hard to mimic their sounds! Therefore, breakfast

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isn't complete without Mommy and Zane pretending we're in Addis and
yelling the sounds of the animals and people in the streets!

I love to see him absorb the world around him. He's becoming a master at
saying "HI!" and "Thank you!" and you can tell it makes him proud to get
those words right. It's such a blessing to be the mom of such a sweet boy.
I absolutely love him, and I'm so thankful to God for him.

Love the updates! We have chicken, roosters, donkeys, cows, and a goat
at our house so if you ever come to Florida you should come visit! My
cousing lives in New Orleans so maybe someday I can visit you! So glad
you are home and doing well. :) Dawn

Guest Post - Mary Beth Picker

October 3, 2011

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I met Mary Beth Picker through her husband Casey, my friend from high
school, over a year ago. Mary Beth has become a good friend and fellow
adoptive mom! I was ecstatic when I learned she and her husband were in
Ethiopia the same time I was! Only this time, she and her husband came
back to Ethiopia to work on a school for a great organization, Lifesong. I
was able to meet them for a traditional dinner and learn all about the
awesome work they are a part of in Ethiopia. See more information below
on how you can get involved!

Mary Beth writes:

Thank you so much Cimbrey for allowing me to post on your blog about a
subject that is so important to me.

Over three years ago, my husband and I began our journey to adopt our
son from Ethiopia. And since that time, God has been filling our hearts with
an overwhelming love and passion for the people of Ethiopia. We returned
a year after our first adoption to bring our daughter home. After arriving
home with her, we knew we had to do more.

We have been so blessed to team up with other adoptive families around

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the U.S. and with Lifesong for Orphans. Lifesong is doing some amazing
work through a small nursery school that they support in Adami Tulu,
Ethioipa. You can read more about Adami Tulu here.

Last year, we, with five other families, raised over $40,000 to build a new
building, restroom facility, and gate at the Adami Tulu school. In August,
we got to return to Ethiopia to see the new building. We had an amazing
trip, and have absolutely fallen in love with Adami Tulu. You can read more
about our trip here and here. The school is changing the lives of so many
vulnerable children in the area by offering them a wonderful education and
two nutritious meals a day.

We've returned home with the knowledge that we have so much more to
do in Adami Tulu. So we've agreed to continue our work with Lifesong by
raising funds for another school building on the Adami Tulu campus. This
will enable the school to expand to include 1st and 2nd grade. More details
will be coming soon, but we're anxious to get a jump start on fundraising.
We know that this project will cost at least $50,000. But, for these sweet
faces, we'll do anything!

We are very excited to announce our first fundraiser for our next phase of

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the Adami Tulu project: another Aspen Giveaway!
Our Aunt and Uncle have, once again, generously donated toward our
fundraising efforts. Only this time they've offered us not one but FIVE stays
at the Hyatt Grand Aspen.

Any one of these November stays might make a great early-Thanksgiving

get together for you and some friends or family!

We will begin the giveaways today and draw winners on October 15. To
enter, donate $20 by clicking the link for the stay that you're interested in.
For every $20 you donate to Lifesong for Orphans, you will get one entry in
the drawings. By the way, 100% of your donation will go to our work in
Adami Tulu.

Here are some details and pictures about the Hyatt stays:

Hyatt Grand Aspen has complimentary continental breakfast, a pool and

hot tub, fitness center, fire pit, daily room cleaning and nightly turn down
service complete with chocolates. There is even a little hut by the hot tubs
where you can hang your robes to keep them warm for you! The hotel is
within walking distance of lots of shops and restaurants in Aspen.

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The retail value of each stay is approximately $2,500.

To get to Aspen, you could fly into the Aspen airport. The hotel will pick
you up and, since everything is within walking distance, you can go
without a car during your stay. Or you could fly into Denver and rent a car
to drive to Aspen. Or, of course, you could also just drive to Aspen.

Hyatt Stay Giveaway #1:

Sat.- Sat. November 5-12 (full week stay)
Studio Unit (Like a nice hotel room with small kitchenette.)
To enter the drawing for Giveaway #1, donate to Lifesong for Orphans

Hyatt Stay Giveaway #2:

Sun.- Thurs. November 13-17 (five days/ four nights)
Two Bedroom Unit (Two Bedrooms and Bathrooms, Kitchen, Livingroom,
Dining Room, Washer and Dryer, etc.)
To enter the drawing for Giveaway #2, donate to Lifesong for Orphans

Hyatt Stay Giveaway #3:

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Sun.- Thurs. November 13-17 (five days/ four nights)
Three Bedroom Unit (Three Bedrooms and Bathrooms, Kitchen,
Livingroom, Dining Room, Washer and Dryer, etc.) Maybe a family could do
an "early Thanksgiving get together" in this one.. To enter the drawing for
Giveaway #3, donate to Lifesong for Orphans here:
Hyatt Stay Giveaway #4:
Tues.-Sat. November 15-19 (five days/ four nights)
One Bedroom Unit (All the things a two bedroom has but only one
bedroom and bathroom)
To enter the drawing for Giveaway #4, donate to Lifesong for Orphans

Hyatt Stay Giveaway #5:

Tues.-Sat. November 15-19 (five days/ four nights)
Two Bedroom Unit (Two Bedrooms and Bathrooms, Kitchen, Livingroom,
Dining Room, Washer and Dryer, etc.)
To enter the drawing for Giveaway #5, donate to Lifesong for Orphans

Just imagine, you could win a stay in Aspen, just for donating $20. What a
deal! Plus, you get to be part of this amazing project to help these

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precious kids in Adami Tulu.

If you are unable to use one of the stays, you could donate your entry to a
friend, or minister, or someone who could really use the time away.

Help us raise money to expand the Adami Tulu school and spread the word
about our giveaway. Please repost on twitter and facebook! Thank you!

Week 4 - Settling In
October 6, 2011
Last week finished with a BANG, as Zane had the privledge of getting 7
shots (all routine stuff he missed while in Ethiopia) and 4 tubes of blood
taken! Congratulations, Zane! You were the lucky winner of the worst
doctor visit imaginable. This kind of doctor appointment calls for Chuey's
creamy jalapeno! We enjoyed great Mexican food and the waiter even
gave Zane a Blue Bell push pop for free. That totally made up for the bad

Friday night, Jay flew in from New York to see Zane and Laura and Ben

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came from Gonzales, TX. Zane me them for the first time Saturday
morning. It was so nice of them to come down.

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He's making his Baylor G-Daddy do his "gig 'em" thumb! Good boy!

Monday, Zane had 2 more shots and three more tubes of blood taken. He's
pretty much scarred for life from any doctor's office.

I think we made up for the bad start to the week by going to the pool, the
Children's Museum with his buddy, Musse, and the playground at Memorial
City Mall later in the week. It was great to see him having fun and smiling
with other kids.

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Learning to use a pulley

A real-life car!!!

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Favorite exhibit? The Water

Fountain. Fascinating.

Memorial City Mall

ne's already hired a driver.

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King of the Mountain

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Week 5
October 17, 2011
Our update on week five is way overdue at this point! We are now in week
6 already of being home from Ethiopia.

Week five was such a great week, that I must recap the highlights.

The week started with a depressing lull Sunday morning with Mark rolling
over and saying, "I don't wanna go to church this morning." Frankly, I
didn't either. Our lives had been changing by the minute and our bodies
were exhausted. Even more so, our spirits were quenched. We'd been
going through the motions of life without joy...just surviving really. We
needed some encouragement in the midst of our house, church, and friend
hunt. Moving to a new city is hard, but it was really hard with a new baby.
We're used to going wherever whenever we want, and things change
when you have a child. It's a great change, but it's change none the less.
The Holy Spirit was nudging me Saturday night to try another church in
the area, and Mark briefly mentioned as we drove in the car together that
he wanted to try the same church. It was a fleeting conversation, and as
we lay in bed Sunday morning, a spiritual battle began to take place. We

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woke up late, Zane slept until 8:30, which rarely happens, and we had
every reason to stay in bed. We both needed to take showers and get
ready, give Zane a bath and get him ready, and all eat breakfast by 9:00
so we could make it to the 9:30 service. The 11:00 service would be too
late, as Zane usually eats lunch at 11:30 and takes a nap between 12:30
and 2:30. Something (the Holy Spirit) kept pushing me to get up and go to
church, so I got out of bed and urged the guys in the house to "haul it"
getting ready.

We step outside at 9:05 to pouring rain. The kind of rain a city gets when
it hasn't had rain in months. The kind of rain that all of Houston prayed for
to stop the wildfires close by. Torrential downpours. But now we were all
ready, and by-golly, we were GOING to church. We raced to the car, and
headed toward church.

Needless to say, by the time we parked and got inside from the rain, we
were 20 minutes late for the service we had planned to go to. No problem.
We got some coffee and breakfast and decided to go to the Welcome
Center for some more information about the church and its programs. We
would attend the 11:00 service and hope for no meltdowns from Mr. Zane.

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At the Welcome Desk, I ran into a sorority sister from Texas A&M and her
husband. Providentially, we began talking about adoption, and her family
is doing foster care. We had an encouraging conversation about God's
plan for the orphan and lonely, and how sometimes God's plans look
different from what we think makes sense. Out of the corner of my eye, I
noticed a friendly woman introducing herself to Mark. She later introduced
herself to me as the Director of the adoption ministry at the church. "A big
group of adoptive parents are meeting before the service to gather to go
up on the stage. We'd love for y'all to join us!" I laughed for two reasons:
1) I was overjoyed to learn that I was minutes away from meeting a "BIG
group of adoptive families". 2) I was tickled that after struggling to get to
church and being there only 30 minutes, we were being asked to go on
stage. Why not, right???!!!

After meeting a great couple who told us about bible studies, we learned
that they were connected to a couple we had become friends with through
Mark's work. Shortly after, we ran into our old friends from NOLA who
moved here a few years ago. And finally, we were delighted to meet about
20 adoptive families who attend the church regularly and are a part of the
orphan care ministry before going up on stage.

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The pastor addressed the church about the importance of adoption and
the fact that all believers are adopted as sons and daughters of God. He
shared his passion about supporting adoption ministry, and the
congregation took up a special offering for adoption and foster care funds
that assist member who are seeking to care for orphans.

I cannot tell you how I know the Lord speaks to me, I just know that He
does. When I woke up Sunday morning, I knew we were supposed to
attend this church that morning, and it was so evident that we were to be
encouraged there by God. Throughout the week, God continued to show
himself faithful by providing encouragement and fellowship in a variety of
ways. A new friend has embraced me as an old one, and allowed me to
hang out at her house, go to play dates, and attend her small group.
There I have met many more Christian moms who I look forward to
hanging out with.

I am so thankful that God sees me. I told Him last week, "I don't know how
to pray right now, but You know me. I can't explain my feelings, but You
feel them with me. Help me Lord." And, as always, He did. He helped me
receive encouragement, He helped me find a friend, He gave me joy, and
He filled me with new hope. He is faithful.

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This weekend, we went to New Orleans to see old friends, and sleep in our
house one last time. Miraculously, our house sold after three days of
being on the market, and we now wait for closing. It's bittersweet, as
selling our house makes it all so real. Being with our NOLA friends was
almost as if I had never been away. The only difference was that Zane is
actually here in the US now, instead of posted on the refrigerator or
bathroom mirror. It was so sweet to see Zane with Eli. Anna and I always
dreamed of our two Ethiopian boys growing up together! It will take more
effort now, but they will still grow up together, even though it's not quite
as we dreamed. The boys got to pick out one pumpkin each at the nearby
pumpkin patch that benefited a local school. They both went for the cute,
little pumpkins, which was fine with us, as it's the cheaper choice! As I
walked through the doors of First Baptist New Orleans on Sunday morning,
I immediately went to the stage where the choir and praise team gathered
just as we had done every Sunday for years. After the service ended, I
entered the fellowship hall and thought, "I need to hurry and get the coffee
ready" as I had done for the past two years for our bible study class. In
the foyer of the church sat the Women's Ministry table decorated for the
Annual Ladies Tea coming up next weekend, and two women sat selling
tickets as they do every year in October.

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It's funny how when everything in life changes, some things remain the
same. Becoming a mom, moving cities, changing occupations, and
selling/buying a house can seem overwhelming, but there are constants
that keep us grounded and remind us that life goes on. Those constants

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anchor us and give us hope when tidal waves crash against us. One day,
everything on this earth will pass away. There will be no more bible study
class after worship services, no more Sunday morning coffee, no more
Ladies Tea, no more programs. On that day, one thing will remain: Love.
When everything around is shaking, we can stand on God, and there find
hope in the new thing God is doing.

"'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, my unfailing

love for you will never be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed,'
says the Lord who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10

"See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up! Do you not perceive it? I
am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah

I am sad that I did not get to see you Sunday (we were out of town at a
family wedding). I am so happy for you and yet, as I read this blog, I am hit
with the realization that Cimbrey and Mark will not be at FBNO every
Sunday, singing in choir, leading out with young adults, serving wherever

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and whenever God has given them opportunity. Nope, God's got my young
friends on a fresh path, one that is taking them into uncharted territory. It
could be frightening but, oh, I pray that you approach it with a sense of
adventure. I will look forward to blog updates of how God continues to
speak truth into your lives and how you continue to listen and obey, even
when it means moving on days you'd rather stay in bed!
I remember your first days at FBNO. You were so young but so enthusiastic
and expectant. Don't lose that, friends! God has so many 'joys' ahead if
you listen and obey. Don't worry about being forgotten . . . it ain't gonna
happen around here! - Judi

Thanks for the reminder that He gives us just what we need, just when we
need it! I hope you continue to enjoy your new church. And enjoy being a
mommy1 I live for the pictures y'all post...my girls think Zane is soooo
cute! - Michelle
Oh, Cimbrey! So glad GOD is providing; I think of you a LOT and am glad to
hear that you are settling in with your sweet boy.
-Becca West

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Moving is hard. Moving with a child is so much harder. Will continue to
pray for you and your family. So happy the Lord has provided you with a
sweet fellowship... - Little Lamb

Week 6
October 24, 2011
Mark and I signed a contract on a house this week! We will be renovating
a house in Garden Oaks (near the Heights just outside the loop). We're
really excited and amazed that we're doing this! We never would have
thought we would be renovating a house, but it all worked out so

A couple of weeks ago we went to dinner at a friend's house on W. 42nd

St. We loved the area as we drove through, and we thought, "We haven't
even looked up here! I wonder what's available?" Since we've had NO
luck at all finding a house in Memorial, it was a possibility we were
interested in looking into. That night, they mentioned that their friend
signed a contract on a house two doors down and it was a steal, but he's
not been able to sell his town home so he could move forward with the
purchase. I jokingly said, "No problem! Have him transfer the contract
into our names and we'll go ahead and take it off his hands!" Two days

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later, we got word that this friend's contract is running out and the house
might go on the market. NO!!!!!! We jumped on the opportunity before it
could be listed for a higher price! As we looked into the house more, we
realized the friend had already done bids on the renovations, inspections,
etc. This was a no-brainer. Even better, Mark's commute to work is 12
minutes, our commute to our church is 8 minutes, and we have good
friends on the street. It really can't get any better. We feel so at peace,
and we know this is the Lord providing.

When we step back and think about life right now, we laugh that we are
undertaking a house renovation. Mark has started a new job with a new
company, I have changed professions from teacher to mom, we've moved
cities, we've changed churches, and we're now embarking upon a
renovation project. Oh, did I mention we have a children's book coming
out in approximately 3 weeks!! (More to come on that!) We like to do
things up big in the Brannan house! The more change the better!

This week my brother has been on leave, so he's in Houston hanging out
with us some! It's great to have him around, and Zane loves having "Untle
Dit" in town.

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Zane experienced his first carousel this week at the mall. He was a little
dumbfounded by it, but when he got off, all he wanted to do was ride it
again! As much as he loves animals, he was not into these life-size plastic
animals with rhinestone saddles, oddly enough. Who wouldn't like a
roaring lion frozen in time adorned with plastic feathers, beads, and
leather? Freaky.

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Zane also got his first American haircut this week. It cost 8 times as much
as it did in Ethiopia. Gulp. He did well, but I still can't get over the price.
We left some curls on top, so he's looking pretty smooth...like D.J. Jazzy
Jeff from "Fresh Prince".

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had a few cold days this week, so I pulled out a splurge purchase that I
couldn't pass up for little Zaney Boy. Unfortunately, he thought it was
HILARIOUS that I would even entertain the thought of putting this on him,
and this is the 2 1/2 seconds he actually wore the thing. Oh well.

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We had a trial run with our Halloween costume for the big Fall Festival
coming up. Zane LOVES it, and he wants to play in it all the time. No
spoilers, yet, though. You gotta wait for the big night to see this one!

Texas Rangers are tied in the series right now, and the game is going on in
the next room. Hate to do it, but I gotta go watch baseball. This is the
only time of year I will watch it, and the Rangers?! Couldn't be a better

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good update. So excited to hear about your house. Such a fun time for
yall. I still want to get together!
Such a cutie! - Bourg Family

Week 7 - Fall is Here!

November 1, 2011
This week was full of great weather and fun! We've been in the 70's and
80's here in Houston, which feels like winter, and we've enjoyed being

Zane is officially out of size 12 month pants this week! That's a relief since
the boy is almost 22 months!! He's on to a size 18-24 month! We
continue to introduce new foods, and he's catching on to the American
diet. This week he likes beans, broccoli cheese soup, and peanut butter
crackers (an all-time favorite). He's still not really into meats, but we
continue to put them in front of him at meal times.

We've had playdates this week with old friends from college, and Zane
even stayed with Mimi and Popi for a whole day while Mommy and Daddy

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went to the Aggie game. Unfortunately, the Aggies lost, but we feel like
we scored big time with a whole day out and no issues! Zane is adapting
well to life here, and he loves his grandparents!

Sunday we went to Grandmom and G-Daddy's for lunch after church.

Zane went to his first Sunday School class in the toddler room, and we
picked him up afterward. I think he did okay, but he's still a little surprised
and relieved when we come back to get him. We're praying for him about
this, and we continue to create opportunities to prove that "Mommy and
Daddy ALWAYS come back." We're also praying that God the Father would
be so evident to him that he always feels His closeness when we are away.
God was faithful to be near to him in the months while he was in the
transition home, and I know he is near to him now. I pray that Zane can
see that, as he literally and spiritually senses the Lord's presence around
him. At Grandmom and G-Daddy's Zane got to swing, see our dogs, play
outside in the beautiful weather, and get spoiled with cookies and lots of
attention. He had a great time playing with vintage toys that Mark, Jay,
and Laura used to play with! Aside from hitting his head on the tile floor
and getting his second bruise on his head (same spot as the one he got in
Ethiopia from falling out of a chair), he had a great time!

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Monday was the big event: First Fest at Houston's First Baptist Church.
We've been waiting for this for weeks now. There was everything you
could imagine at the festival, including a petting zoo, pony rides, bounce
houses, blow up slides, train rides, and more!!! Zane went to the festival
as the Ethiopia Lion of Judah. In Ethiopia, the Lion of Judah represents the
country's strength, independence, and foundation of historical Christianity.
Ethiopians believe that some of the bible's ancient history occurred there,
and they even house the ark of the covenant. This is a really difficult
costume to explain to a bunch of American Baptists. They think we just
dressed him as the lion on the Wizard of Oz, but we knew he was so much
more. Zane, the lion, is a representation of God's hand on his country, the
power that God has to strengthen Ethiopia, and God's deliverance from
oppression. Of course, these deep thoughts only occur to his mother, the
brain behind this madness, and I'm okay with that.

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The most thrilling things for Zane were the most simple things: the bubble
wrap tracks where toddlers could run and make the bubbles pop, a plastic
pool with water and magnetic fish, and a big sandbox with items you could
dig for. Brilliant! It was toddler heaven. They even spread out butcher
paper inside and let the kids draw on it with sidewalk chalk. For Zane,
candy was not even a thought this Halloween. It was all about discovery.

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I think Zane was most mesmerized by the Petting Zoo. He had a love/hate
relationship with this attraction. On one hand, he was so drawn to the
donkey, the goats, the lambs, the deer, and the chickens. Afterall, these
animals are EVERYWHERE in Ethiopia, and they sustain the country.
However, he was a little surprised at their audacity to approach him,
encourage him to pet them, and invade his personal space. In Ethiopia,
donkeys will toe the line as their master whips them into submission.
Chickens roam the streets and yards of peoples homes without concerning
themselves with people. Goats and lambs stand caged in local markets
waiting to be bought and sold, slaughtered, and eaten. But these animals?
They wanted to be coddled and pet by cute little children dressed as
animals, pirates, cowboys, princesses, and other creatures. This was

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absolutely bizarre to Zane. When the donkey stood just beside him and
honked out a loud, obnoxiously long "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw", he raced up my leg into my arms, and
looked at the thing like it was crazy. It was so funny. I wish I knew what he
was thinking the whole time he watched the animals roam in the pin and
rub up next to him like pets.

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Mommy had a moment of "Toddlers and Tiaras" when I heard announced a

costume contest for ages 0-2. I went into "we gotta get him up there"
mode, and I even pulled Zane away from a conversation with Daddy and
Pastor Greg. I've got priorities people! Zane ended up third place, which

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is great for his first pageant! (Not that there will be more...Mark would kill

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It was a great night that finished with dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and
an "after-party" at home. Mark and I stayed up with Zane and played until
he was worn out from all the fun. I think Zane's first American holiday was
a hit!

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Cimbrey, I love all the pictures and I especially love what the lion
represented. What a great choice for a costume! - Dawn
What a sweet lion! And I love the story behind it. So neat. I am so glad you
are posting about your experiences with the church nursery. We aren't
even DTE yet but getting info from other people about how they've
navigated that trick environment is super helpful. If you would, I would
love to get continued updates on how this goes. Thanks! - JustJess
Cutest lion EVER - Laura and Ben

Week 9 & 10: Goodnight Aggieland!

November 17, 2011
The children's book that Mark and I wrote was published, and we received
our shipment of books this week! Goodnight Aggieland is a book about
the greatest university on earth, and it's unique traditions. While it is a
children's book primarily, it's great for any fan who wants to share the
traditions that make Texas A&M one of the most spirited campuses in the
country. It would make a great Christmas present for anyone! We are so
proud to be able to dedicate the book to our son, Zane Addisu, future

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Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2031 (WHOOOOOP!)! See more about the
book at www.goodnightaggieland.com.

We've had a great month of November. Ginger and cinnamon filled our
apartment today as I baked Ginger Spice cookies. We had pot roast and
cornbread tonight before downing the cookies with a hot cup of pumpkin
spice coffee. I love fall. The smells and tastes are warm and inviting. The
sites around Houston are filled with Christmas lights, colorful ornaments,
wreaths, and ribbons. I felt pure delight as I listened to Bing Crosby fill the
halls of Memorial City Mall yesterday. It may not be a "White Christmas"
here, but it certainly will be a joyful one.

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It's been interesting to think of Christmas this year with a toddler in our
family. I want to make family traditions that are meaningful and important
to him. Most of all, I want him to know the beauty of the season.
Christmas is about giving, sacrifice, and hope. Our attention turns to the
poor and the needy as we gather meals and gifts for others. We await
Santa Clause, or Saint Nick, who is said to have given gold coins to three
neighborhood girls who had no dowry for marriage. The coins were
dropped anonymously through the chimney of their home and landed in
socks hanging to dry over the fire. The most important reason we
celebrate and the cause of the first Christmas, of course, was the Savior of
the world being born to rescue man from their self-destructive sin nature.
The hope and joy we have during this season is because of His
deliverance from fear, oppression, and grief.

In the midst of the lights, music, merriment, and fun of it all, I hope to
instill traditions of giving, sacrifice, and hope during this season. As Zane
learns American culture, I pray that it is forever infused with his Christian
heritage, and the true meaning behind our celebrating!

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I would love to hear the Christmas traditions you have with your children
or family! Please leave a comment or post on my facebook page!


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We exchange ornaments every year and put them in an album titled "The
Story of Our Tree". We draw names at Thanksgiving and search for the
perfect ornament for that person. When our kids are grown and have their
own family and are ready to start their own tree, they will have a nice
collection of ornaments to start with, too! Misti

First Holiday Season with Zane

January 1, 2012

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Discovering Snow!!!!! Oh...wait...you thought I meant real snow. We're in
Houston people. Come on.

The Holidays have come and gone like a thief, and I'm left wondering
where in the world time has gone. Today is already New Year's Day, and I
still feel like my baby boy came home a few short weeks ago. The passing
of time makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry like a baby. I don't ever
want things to change, yet they do anyway in a big way. It was 6 months
ago that Mark and I were feverishly packing (and re-packing) our bags for
our trip to meet our first born son, Zane Addisu. We had a family shower
to attend in the San Antonio area and planned to celebrate the 4th of July
with Aunt Laura and Uncle Ben before heading to Africa July 7th. Today,
I'm floored that the calendar says, not July, but January. And it's no longer

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2011, the year Zane became a forever member of our family, but 2012, a
whole new year, a whole new chapter, with nothing written in it.

The summer and fall of 2011 were unforgettable to me. I can hardly
believe sometimes that we are holding the boy we prayed for and waited
for so long. In Ethiopia I learned that God is everything to me, and there is
nothing I desire more than His presence. I learned to trust him for
everything; my peace, my ability to care for a child I barely knew, and my
fulfillment, as I spent so much time alone with Him. I made invaluable
friends who I miss so much. The ladies at Yebsabi Guest House who held
me as I held my child are forever etched on my heart. My throat knots up
everytime I think about the morning I threw head on my dear friend's
shoulder and cried overwhelmed and exhausted, and how she held me
there and told me not to cry. How another cleaned up vomit with me, not
once, but twice in the middle of the night. How they cared for my son as if
he were their's, and sought to bring happiness into our lives.

I'm thankful for David, our driver, and more importantly our friend. His
love for coffee paralleled mine, and we never passed up an opportunity to
share a macchiato together. He brought us joy as he played Ethiopian

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music in the car and drove way too fast over pot holes, honking all the way
to warn area drivers that we were on a mission.

I think of Job, his pregnant wife, and the baby that he will soon hold in his
arms, and I desire to be there with them to celebrate the birth of his first
born. Job's kindness reflected the peace in his heart. His laugh made you
want to join him, despite not knowing what in the world he was laughing
about. The slow, deep tone of his voice as he spoke of his country let you
know of his loyal affections and longing to experience the great potential
of Ethiopia. Job made patience, love, and peace look like decadent
chocolate cake, sweet and worth any sacrifice. He made you want to be
more like Jesus.

I remember Yonas's passion for history and for understanding his country's
past. He desires to give Ethiopia a brighter future, and he does this
everyday by caring for it's children. Yonas cared for Addisu as an uncle
would while we were apart. Yonas dreams big dreams and I know he will
see them come to reality. He's motivated, inspiring, knowledgeable, and
reminds you why you love Ethiopia. His stories of Ethiopian history inspire
respect, gratitude, and a bright future.

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I am so happy I made these dear friends this year. I am even more happy
that I have the most loving, inquisitive, and bright Ethiopian boy sleeping
in the room next to me every night. Zane Addisu has changed my life.
He's a constant reminder of God's grace and redemption for mankind. He
teaches us God's heart everyday through His forgiveness, love for us, and
desire to spend time with us. In parenting him, I understand more how
much God desires for us to come to him as we are and open our hearts to

Santa's Wonderland
This holiday season, I watched Zane run in pure joy with cousins who think
he's the greatest, hug grandparents who are totally in love with him, laugh
at aunts and uncles who adore him, play in fallen leaves at our new house,
and cuddle with mommy and daddy in new Christmas pajamas. The scent

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of baby lotion, vanilla, cinnamon, and sticks from outside fill our senses
this winter, and it fills me with so much joy I could cry. Part of me wants to
make time stop so I can really drink in the life around me, but at the same
time, I can't wait to see what's next. Our lives are so full of happiness, I
can't get enough.

Dewberry Farms

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Candy Cane Lane Puppet Show


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On our way to Zane's first Midnight

After Zane's first Midnight Yell and a New Year's Eve bowl game win, we
appropriately began this New Year with worship to our God and Savior,
Jesus Christ, at our new church home, Houston's First Baptist Church. As
we sang, "Our God is jealous for His own..." and "None could comprehend
His love and His mercy..." and "A mighty fortress is our God..." I was so
overwhelmed by the beauty that I am His child. I'm so thankful that even
when I did not seek Him, He was pursuing me because He wants me so
badly to find fulfillment in Him. I sort of get that now that I am a parent of
a beautiful boy. I'm so jealous for Him to know how much he is loved by

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God and by His parents. I want no one else to have His affections but God
who is worthy of His heart. I long for him to comprehend the love and
mercy of the Father and know that he was rescued and redeemed. I pray
that He realizes that our God is a mighty fortress and a refuge; that He
was there all along, and He will be there forevermore to come through for

When he woke up, his first word (after "HI!") was

"Aggies?" Love it.

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Dewberry Farms Christmas Tree Farm

In 2012, I want my life to be more about Christ. I want my family to be

about Christ, and I want to really do what He says. Right now, Mark and I
are reading Kisses From Katie about a young girl living and working among
the poor in Uganda. She has adopted 14 girls who were desperate for
someone to care for them. She's living in remote circumstances with little

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material wealth. But she's living the good life...the life that is true living,
and living fully.

This Christmas I am reminded again that life is found in Christ alone. That
our comfort, wealth, and appetites only lead to earthly contentment, and
fulfilling life is found in participating in God's work around the world. This
is why I'm so thankful for the time I spent in Ethiopia, and why I can't
shake the effect it's had on my life. It's when we are most desperate for
God that we truly experience His peace, His presence, His joy. Enough of
the counterfeit stuff of this world...give me the good stuff. I want Jesus in
2012 and forever.

Zane's first encounter with a REAL horse at Grandmom

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and G-Daddy's

Do you read Katie's blog? http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com/ I so enjoyed
meeting Zane and seeing you guys. He is precious, and your family a
blessing. My middle daughter Lauren was so funny...we were talking about
Zane, and I mentioned that he was the little boy we had prayed about in
the summer, and she said "He's adopted? Oh. I wondered why his skin was
so dark. I just thought he had a tan. He looks just like his daddy and
mommy!" - Michelle
You are a wonderful family and I wish you all the best in health, wealth and
happiness. From a New York fan by way of the blog 'Conversations Along
the Way.'

Turning 2
January 11, 2012
My baby is two years old today! Moms always tell me time with kids flies
by. I believe them, and it seems to be so much more true as adoptive
parents. Even though we met Zane when he was 16 months old, we feel
like we've been his parents forever. In some ways it's like he's always

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been here, but in other ways, like today, it feels like I've only had him for a
few short weeks. I'm not ready for him to be two already. It still seems
like we just came home with him.

Monday night we had our three month post placement home study, and
our social worker confirmed that Zane is every bit a two year old. We're so
glad to see that he is developmentally on track with his peers. However,
turning two is just like turning 16; I'm sure of it. Between the word, "NO!"
and running away from Mommy and Daddy like it's a game, Zane is really
a sweetheart. Like all two year olds, he has a "split personality":
demanding and whiny or hilarious and cuddly. We love both because it's
all a part of who he's becoming as an individual.

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When we first met Zane, he was a reluctant, quiet child who preferred the
background. It took a lot to make him laugh. We couldn't even tickle him
to make him laugh. On occasion though, he would smile through the
window at the transition home when his friends yelled his name. He'd
light up when the nannies chanted, "Addisu-Addisu-Addisu-Addisu!"
clapping their hands in rhythm. But for the most part, he was a stoic
observer of the world around him, always investigating the leaves, grass,
and outdoor life he had only watched through the large pane of glass that
separated the toddler room from the great outdoors.

Today, I know a different child. Zane is eager to laugh, always joining in

anyone's laughter as if he knows exactly what the joke was. He's

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affectionate with family and close friends, and he loves to "pay??" (That's

In the Veggie Tales episode "God Made Me Special", Larry jokes, "Nothing
says, 'You're special!' like lots of colorful balloons!" So Mark and I took
that word of advice and planned a balloon surprise for Zane. This morning
he woke up to "baboons" (that's a hybrid word for "balloons" and
"bubbles") floating into his room!
I'm sure he knew he was special when he saw them.

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When I was thinking about what to do on his birthday, I asked myself,

"What would you like to do on your 2nd birthday?" The answer? "Eat
CAKE for breakfast, of course!" So that's what we did next. (I have to
insert here that I put the cake on his plate to let him dive in for one of
those cake in the face type pics...HOWEVER, this precious boy would
rather use a fork. Hallelujah! God knows our needs. My OCD husband
and I have secretly stressed out about the messy cake photos. Please
don't take offense if you have one...but they gross me out.)

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I've never seen Zane more happy than he is now. Not just today, but
everyday. He is full of happiness, love, and anticipation. And Mark and I?
We are elated. We've never felt so fortunate, so honored. God gave us
an amazing treasure in Zane.

Many people look at adopted children and note an extreme amount of

growth when they finally settle into their forever family. Some may say
that it's the result of having parents. Some may conclude they are getting
better nutrition and care. I know better. Nothing that Mark and I have
done has produced the amazing results we've seen in our little boy.
There's no way! If anything, we'll screw the poor child up. What we've
witnessed in Zane God's miracle of adoption. Only He has transformed our

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little boy. God, his Father, has made all things new. He's given Zane a
new joy, new meaning, new outlook...He's picked him up out of the pit and
set him firmly upon a rock. He's given him a new name. Addisu, "the new
one", has a new heart with which to love and be loved. He's being
restored everyday. Only God's grace can do this, which is why we always
knew that his American name would be Zane, "God is gracious." We thank
God that he still lavishes his grace upon us and calls us his children. I
know Zane knows this love first hand, and everything in his being radiates
with it.


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Happy Birthday Zane! I love this post. You have a beautiful family and
Zane is absolutely precious. :-) - Brad and Lauren

Valentine's Day Top 10

February 8, 2012
Zane is my new Valentine this February 14th. I didn't know how I could
love another Valentine (besides my husband) and this year, I am realizing
the depth and breadth and height of God's love as I love my little boy. And
to think that God's love is greater still...I can't even imagine.

There are many reasons why I love being Zane's

10. He enthusiastically smiles with bright eyes and an excited voice
yelling, "Mommy!!" when I pick him up from the church nursery.
9. Every time he sees a picture of an animal he knows, he shouts it's
name and sound as if encountering it for the first time. "Epitant!!!!!!!!!!!
(Elephant)" "Rooster!!!!!!! Da-Da-Dooooo!!!!!"

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8. He loves to count and say the alphabet. Flash cards, books, and
puzzles are his favorites! It does this teacher's heart good.
7. He teaches me about moderation; always eating slowly and never
cleaning his plate, playing with one or two toys at a time, and never
wanting excess.
6. He says "Thank you" to everything...I mean everything. Here's a
button, Zane. "Thank you!" Here's a piece of paper. "Thank you!" Let
Mommy help you with that. "Thank you!" It reminds me to always give
thanks in every circumstance knowing that the testing of our faith
produces perseverance, and perseverance Godliness. (James 1:3)
5. He loves Veggie Tales with all his heart, and he dances like there's no
tomorrow to the theme song, racing his feet as fast as they will possibly
4. When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap, he unfailingly says,
"Hiiiii! (Really drawn out). How are you?" in the singsongy voice of a
Kindergarten teacher.
3. He shouts "Jesus" periodically during the day - in the car, as we read
books, before nap - and I know this means, "Sing me a 'Jesus' song!" Not
just any church song. Let's be clear. It must say the name of Jesus or it is
not a 'Jesus' song. No "This Little Light of Mine" in this house...it's "Give
Me Jesus", "There's Something About That Name", "Blessed Assurance",

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"Jesus Loves Me", "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", "Jesus Loves the Little
Children", "Praise the Name of Jesus", and any other song that speaks his
name. It just makes me want to shout "GLORY!" My little boy gets it.
There is power in the name of Jesus.
2. He tugs my neck to draw my faces closer to his to where our cheeks
touch, closes his eyes, and rests his head on my shoulder.
1. He reaches up, touches my heart, and says, "Zane" as I cradle him to
sleep, which means, "Zane's Mommy." He knows I am his and he is mine.

My heart is so full this Valentine's Day. There so much love that I want to
give him, and I come up short. That's when the Holy Spirit takes over with
just the right touch, the right words, and the right expression to love him
the way that only God can.
I would love to have some special traditions for Valentine's Day. I think it's
a great way to teach him about the true love of God, and people like St.
Valentine who gave it all for the cause of Christ. It's not coincidence that
the root "Valen" means "Strong, Powerful, Courageous". After all, it's this
kind of love, God's love, that St. Valentine died for. It's important to me for
Zane to know, that a Valentine is a warrior. Love is difficult. Love is
passionate. Love is devoted. And Love died so that he might have life.

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***What do you do with your kids on Valentine's Day? Any special
traditions? Any resources that teach kids about the History of Valentine's
Hi, Cimbrey! We have a few Valentine's traditions. Some of them Z is
probably not ready for yet, but I know he's growing quickly! (1) We read
the history of Valentine's Day from History.com, then discuss St. Valentine.
(2)We send Valentine's cards to all the widows we know signed by each of
us since they no longer have a spouse to remember them on VDay. This is
one of my favorites! (3) The kids and I make Daddy's favorite dessert while
he's at work and have it ready when he arrives home. (4) We read The
Velveteen Rabbit. (5) We'll be starting a new one this year. In 2011 a
movie came out about a girl who is adopted and the significant role the
story of The Velveteen Rabbit plays in her life. We'll be watching this movie
on VDay this year. It's called "Just Where I Belong" and you can get it at
Family Christian Stores. (6) We never go out to eat. A friend of ours passed
away about 10 years ago from cancer on VDay. We take the money we
would spend on eating out and gifts and instead send it to the family to
add to a scholarship set up in her name. That's it for us! - Dawn

New House, New Baby, and a lot of Firsts!

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July 24, 2012
Mark and I have been busy this spring and fall with the renovation of a
1940's cottage in Garden Oaks neighborhood. We love the huge trees,
generous yards, and small town feel of this area right in the middle of the
city. We bought the house last November and lived in an apartment in
Memorial while the renovation was completed. In my opinion, this saved
our sanity, as I've heard living in a construction zone can make people
CRAZY. (I'll post before and afters on the next post.)

In March Mark took a mission trip to Guatemala with 24 other guys from
our church, Zane attended his first livestock show and carnival, Mark and I
saw Brad Paisley at the rodeo, I attended an adoptive moms conference in
Atlanta, I began praying with a group of women from HFBC about Human
Trafficking in Houston, and Zane went to his first Easter Egg hunt at HFBC's
"Spring Loaded" event!

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In April Zane and I went on a bluebonnet tour with Grandmom and her
friend Patricia, the Kishbaugh's (friends we met in Ethiopia) came to
Houston, we took Zane on his first 5K ride in a stroller with Aid Sudan (now
Every Village), the Easter Bunny came to our house (and to Nana's house
all in the same day!), and I realized I was 4 weeks pregnant!

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In May we heard our new baby's heartbeat for the first time, attended
Zane's first Aggie baseball game, and packed up our apartment (returned
all our borrowed stuff is really more how it went) and moved in with Mimi
and Poppi while our house was being finished up in Garden Oaks. This

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time was so precious to us! Zane got to swim and play in the
neighborhood splash pads almost every day...until he fell, hit his head on
an iron gate, and got three stitches in his head! So far he's had a black
eye, stitches in his head, and several cuts and bruises. Clearly, he is all
boy. I'm just crossing my fingers that he doesn't have a broken limb. I
nearly threw up just looking at the blood from the gash in his head. I am
not good with pain.

The house was originally supposed to be done at the beginning of May, so

our apartment contract ran out. As the due date approached, it was clear
that it would be June (maybe July) before the house would be ready for
move-in. I hear that's how it always goes...but this was certainly a test of
our patience. We had not seen hardly any of our belongings since we

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returned from Africa in September. It was becoming the joke that it would
be like Christmas morning opening our storage unit and getting our stuff
back! In retrospect, I can see God's blessing in our transition.
As Zane was being uprooted from his transition home, nannies, friends,
and what he knew as normal, Mark and I too were being uprooted from our
home in New Orleans, our jobs, our friends, and our church. As we settled
into an apartment together, all of us were experiencing the oddity of a
temporary home, the unfamiliarity of other people's stuff around us, the
loss of one life, and the blessing of a new. What a gift God gave us all in
being able to relate to one another and truly empathize with each other's
grief, insecurity, and excitement that overwhelmed us like a roller coaster

In June, we moved into our house that is still a work in progress as workers
are in and out every day refining the details of the construction. We are
thankful that Zane is finally sleeping in a bed (not a pack-n-play, as he did
for 9 months!), and that we have a nice family room and play room to
spread out in. Our decision to add 15 feet to the back of the house proved
to be a vital one, as now we will free up a bedroom for the new baby! I'm
excited to get started on decorating that room! We have been blessed
with the most precious neighbors (who we new previously from HFBC) on

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one side, and a great Louisiana couple on the other side (did I mention she
is a 7th grade teacher?). How good God is to bring comfort and a sense of
home to us in this new place.

Surprisingly, Zane has made the transition to the new house beautifully,
which we can only credit to God, the Father, preparing his little heart. Just
as the peace in his eyes showed he knew the day he saw us we would be
his parents, so did the joy in his face as he realized this new home was his
house. We are so thankful that he has easily transitioned to a "big boy
bed" (trundle of a full size bed). His expression was priceless as we laid
him in it. He squinted his eyes, grinned, and said, "Thank you, Mommy.
Thank you, Daddy," as he buried his head in the pillow. So sweet.

After moving in, we took a weeklong trip to Galveston where Zane saw the
ocean for the first time. This was a remarkable memory for us as he ran
out on to the sand, splashed his feet in the water, and squealed like a
seagull for about 30 minutes straight. There was so much delight,
enthusiasm, and joy in that little boy that he could hardly keep it in. I
think if we had spent one more minute there, he would have burst with

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While we were

there, Mark,

Zane, and I

reflected on

our first

meeting. July

9, 2011 was

the day we

met Zane face-

to-face for the

first time. His

eyes were

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engrained on my heart forever. He didn't cry, but whimpered nervously as
I took him out of his nanny's arms. In less that 5 minutes, his head was
pressed to my chest, and his body limp in my arms. In that moment, we
all knew God's presence was there with us. We will always remember this
first meeting as if it was a birthday. For us, it was the day our family was
finally together, and we would never be the same.

Now that we are settling in to our house, developing a better routine, and
getting used to the new normal, I plan to keep a journal of our family and
the journey to the new baby. Stay posted!
I am so absolutely thrilled for you!!! I can't wait to hear more! Erica

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I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could e-mail me?
- Brian

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