Pilz Flyer PHR en 2011-07

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Pilz Hazard Rating

Increasing the consistency and objectivity of

the analysis of your risk with Pilz Hazard Rating
low-risk possibilities when considering machinery
safety. We in Pilz use a numerical rating system
which provides a relative score for the risk from
each hazard. Recently we have evolved and rened
our risk estimation methodology for prioritised risk
decision making.
What is PHR?
Pilz Hazard Rating is a newly designed system
for assigning a numerical estimate of risk based
on the formula:

PHR = DPH x PO x PA x FE
Why did Pilz develop a new method
for assessing and evaluating risk?
Pilz spirit of continual improvement drives us
to evolve our services. We rely on the knowledge
of our global team of Machinery Safety Experts
and our quality reviews of thousands of successful
machinery safety projects to rene our services.
We contribute to and review new and emerging
standards including ISO 12100:2010 and
ANSI B11.0 - 2010 to dene best practice in the
delivery of our services. Our experience is based
on our international presence in more than 40
countries and our participation in all important
standard committees.
In light of evolving standards and our pursuit of
continuous improvement, Pilz have further rened
the estimation and evaluation of risk. The result is
Pilz Hazard Rating (PHR).
Why is Risk Estimation important
in the Risk Assessment process?

DPH represents Degree of Possible Harm

PO represents Probability of Occurrence
PA represents Possibility of Avoidance
FE represents Frequency and/or
Duration of Exposure

Risk estimation is dependant upon the subjective

judgement of competent persons. Through our PHR
which is specically tailored to assess machinery
safety we ensure consistent objective and practical
evaluation on factors including:
The severity of the potential consequence
dened by the degree of injury, the nature and
frequency of access to the hazard and the
duration of time in the danger zone
The probability of a hazardous event occurring
The possibility that a person can avoid the
hazard in certain specic conditions

Risk Assessment is fundamental to the achievement of safety through design of new machinery and
for selecting safeguarding and other risk reduction
measures on existing machinery. Risk estimation is
a critical step in the process. It enables risk from
identied hazards to be qualied and quantied
in order to distinguish high-risk possibilities from

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostldern, Germany

Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de

8-8-2-0-117, 2011-07
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, 2011

Pilz Hazard Rating

Prot from the Pilz spirit of continual
improvement and our endeavours to bring state
of the art Services to our customers
Determine the Performance Level or Safety
Integrity Level of your Safety Related Control
System based on the PHR parameters assigned

Determine your risks with increased

objectivity and consistency to prioritise
risk reduction measures
Make decisions on safeguarding investments
effectively and transparently with Pilz Hazard
Follow best practice in Risk Assessments
using PHR, which is compliant with the latest
national and international standards

Risk Estimation

Limits of the machinery

related to the considered hazard

Hazard identication

is a function of
of the possible harm that can
result from the considered hazard

Risk estimation

Risk evaluation

Probability of occurence



Frequency and duration

of exposure


of occurence of the event

Risk reduction

to avoid or limit

Risk assessment process with risk estimation.

Pilz Hazard Rating System


Negligible Risk



Very Low Risk



Low Risk



Signicant Risk



High Risk



Very High Risk



Table above shows the description of risk for the range of PHR numbers in PHR system.

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostldern, Germany

Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de

8-8-2-0-117, 2011-07
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, 2011

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