Roles and Responsibilities - PHD Supervisor

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This document outlines the typical duties expected of the post holder, and may be
subject to change.

Summary of post:

The key role of a PhD supervisor is to assist and support a student throughout their
academic studies.

Duties and Key Responsibilities:

 A decision to admit a student to a research programme should not be made

unless a department is confident that:

(a) The student is appropriately qualified.

(b) A research topic suitable for that student’s abilities and background is
(c) The necessary facilities (e.g. computing, laboratory) can be provided.
(d) Proper supervision can be given for the expected duration of the

 To ensure that these requirements are met the Head of Department confirms
on the appropriate form that the proposed supervision arrangements conform
to the College criteria for the supervision of research students. For part-time
students the supervisor will include on the form whether the student will be
working virtually full-time on his or her research, and thus required to meet the
milestones for full-time students, or if the student will not be able to devote
more than two days per week to the research and thus governed by the
milestones for part-time students.

In many cases it is possible, when making offers of admission, to indicate the

likely research area and/or supervisor, and if so, it is preferable to provide this

 In some cases, supervisors may make contact with their students before
enrolment at College to advise on general background reading and to
encourage an initial literature survey on the research topic.

 At the beginning of the student’s research the supervisor will give details of the
facilities available in the Department and any regulations or constraints
governing their use.

 In the initial period, supervisors will give appropriate guidance about the nature
of research and the standard expected, and about how to plan the programme
so as to ensure that the normal expectation of submission of the thesis within
three years may be met (and that in any event the thesis will be submitted no
later than four years after commencement of study). Students are normally
expected to complete a research plan in the first three months of study and
supervisors will advise on this.

 Supervisors may recommend where appropriate, especially in the first year,
attendance at taught classes, which may be undergraduate lectures, part of an
MSc or MBA programme or a special course for research students. They will
also ensure that instruction in requisite techniques, e.g. equipment design, is
arranged if necessary. They will also approve and monitor attendance of the
Graduate Schools’ Transferable Skills Training Programmes.

 Supervisors will ensure that students receive all necessary safety instructions.

 Supervisors will give guidance on the systematic recording of data or

theoretical calculations and the importance of keeping and maintaining a tidy,
clear record of all that has been undertaken.

 Where overseas students are experiencing difficulty with their English,

supervisors will require them to attend English classes. Supervisors will also
ensure that non-native English speakers, including Research Assistants and
Clinical Research Fellows, are aware that transfer from MPhil to PhD
registration is dependent upon their English language proficiency being of an
acceptable standard, as attested by the College English Language Support

 Supervisors will maintain regular contact with their students through tutorials,
group meetings or at the bench. They should set aside normally a minimum of
one hour per week (on average) for consultation with them.

 Supervisors will guide students on the relevant use of library facilities,

including approaching original literature and sources with a critical attitude and
will give guidance on avoiding plagiarism.

 Supervisors will arrange, as appropriate, for their students to talk about their
work to staff and/or group seminars, and to have practice in oral presentations.

 Supervisors will ensure that students are made aware when progress is
inadequate or when standards of work fall below those generally expected
and, in appropriate cases, will report such occurrences to the Department’s
Postgraduate Tutor or Director of Postgraduate Studies.

 In accordance with procedures agreed by the College, supervisors will ensure

that twice-yearly reports are made on all students during their period of
registration with the College and will also prepare any additional reports
required by funding bodies.

 Where appropriate supervisors will encourage students to produce written

work, which may often provide a basis for the preparation of the final thesis;
they should return such work with constructive criticism and in reasonable
time. The supervisor will impress upon students the need to complete and
submit work by agreed deadlines. At the beginning of the third year they will
draw up with each research student a plan for completing the research and
submitting the thesis by the end of the year.

 Normally, supervisors will encourage their students to publish, singly or jointly,

the results of the research as they emerge and are suitable for publication.
Individual Departments and Divisions may have local guidelines for
publications in specific areas.

 In those cases where students are encouraged to undertake further research,
either at postdoctoral level or as research assistants, supervisors will make
every effort to ensure that such employment does not jeopardise the ability of
the students to complete their research, and to submit their theses, within the
normal College timescale.

 Supervisors will ensure that students are aware of the College Guidelines for
Proper Scientific Conduct in Research, available at

and the Policy and Procedures for Investigation of Allegations of Scientific

Misconduct, available at

NOTE: These responsibilities are taken from the Code of Practice between
the research students and the research supervisor.

Registry November 2009

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