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Monthly Newsletter for

Stewards of
Holy Anargyroi
Sts. Kosmas & Damianos
Greek Orthodox Church

Box & Spoon

2015 Standing
Aaron Biedermann-President
Halina Woroncow-Vice Pres.
Tim Kelly
Angie Rustad
Don Jenkins
Erline Holman
Robert Lytle
Jacob Petersen - Treasurer
Ben Johnson
John Maragos - Chair
Halina Woroncow
Parish Events Team
Festival Outreach
Public Relations
Welcome Team
Tim Kelly - Chair
Jacob Petersen
Fr. Mark Muoz
Amy Franquiera - Chair
Brad Holman Chair
Tia Maragos - Chair
Presb. Michelle - Co-Chair
John Mangouras-coordinator
Denise Mangouras-coordinator
Erline Holman - Chair
Mike Brekke - GOYA/Chair
Halina Woroncow - GOYA
Loredana Jerghitua - JOY
Trevor Hamlen - Chair
Nick Maragos - Director
Calli Kelly - Chair
Ari Kolas - Chair

This was from Me

Have you ever thought that everything that
concerns you, concerns Me, also? You are
precious in my eyes and I love you; for this
reason, it is a special joy for Me to train you.
When temptations and the opponent [the Evil
One] come upon you like a river, I want you to
know that This was from Me.
I want you to know that your weakness has
need of My strength, and your safety lies in
allowing Me to protect you. I want you to know
that when you are in difficult conditions, among
people who do not understand you, and cast you
away, This was from Me.
I am your God, the circumstances of your life
are in My hands; you did not end up in your
position by chance; this is precisely the position
I have appointed for you. Werent you asking
Me to teach you humility? And there I placed
you precisely in the school where they teach
this lesson. Your environment, and those who
are around you, are performing My will. Do
you have financial difficulties and can just
barely survive? Know that This was from Me.
I want you to know that I dispose of your
money, so take refuge in Me and depend upon
Me. I want you to know that My storehouses
are inexhaustible, and I am faithful in My
promises. Let it never happen that they tell you
in your need, Do not believe in your Lord and
God. Have you ever spent the night in

suffering? Are you separated from your

relatives, from those you love? I allowed this
that you would turn to Me, and in Me find
consolation and comfort. Did your friend or
someone to whom you opened your heart,
deceive you? This was from Me.
I allowed this frustration to touch you so that
you would learn that your best friend is the Lord.
I want you to bring everything to Me and tell Me
everything. Did someone slander you? Leave it
to Me; be attached to Me so that you can hide
from the contradiction of the nations. I will
make your righteousness shine like light and
your life like midday noon. Your plans were
destroyed? Your soul yielded and you are
exhausted? This was from Me.
You made plans and have your own goals; you
brought them to Me to bless them. But I want
you to leave it all to Me, to direct and guide the
circumstances of your life by My hand, because
you are the orphan, not the protagonist.
Unexpected failures found you and despair
overcame your heart, but know That this was
from Me.
With tiredness and anxiety I am testing how
strong your faith is in My promises and your
boldness in prayer for your relatives. Why is it
not you who entrusted their cares to My
providential love? You must leave them to the
protection of My All Pure Mother. Serious

Clad, O godly-minded one, with an invincible armor you dashed to pieces the pride of the Western rebellion.

St. Mark of Ephesus, Jan 19th

illness found you, which may be healed or may be incurable, and has nailed you to your bed. This was from Me.
Because I want you to know Me more deeply, through physical ailment, do not murmur against this trial I have sent you. And do
not try to understand My plans for the salvation of peoples souls, but unmurmuringly and humbly bow your head before My
goodness. You were dreaming about doing something special for Me and, instead of doing it, you fell into a bed of pain. This
was from Me.
Because then you were sunk in your own works and plans and I wouldnt have been able to draw your thoughts to Me. But I
want to teach you the most deep thoughts and My lessons, so that you may serve Me. I want to teach you that you are nothing
without Me. Some of my best children are those who, cut off from an active life, learn to use the weapon of ceaseless prayer.
You were called unexpectedly to undertake a difficult and responsible position, supported by Me. I have given you these
difficulties and as the Lord God I will bless all your works, in all your paths. In everything I, your Lord, will be your guide and
teacher. Remember always that every difficulty you come across, every offensive word, every slander and criticism, every
obstacle to your works, which could cause frustration and disappointment, This is from Me.
Know and remember always, no matter where you are, That whatsoever hurts will be dulled as soon as you learn In all things, to look at
Me. Everything has been sent to you by Me, for the perfection of your soul. All these things were from Me.

This was from me is a famous letter written by St. Seraphim of Viritsa (+1949) that he sent to his spiritual child, a
bishop who was in a Soviet prison at that time; this homily This was from me is written as a consolation and
counsel to the bishop to let him know that God the Creator addresses to the soul of man.


Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the
Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke
from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the St John the Forerunner, and
the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. From ancient times this
Feast was called the Day of Illumination and the Feast of Lights, since God is Light
and has appeared to illumine those who sat in darkness, and in the region of the
shadow of death (Mt.4:16), and to save the fallen race of mankind by grace.
In the ancient Church it was the custom to baptize catechumens at the Vespers of
Theophany, so that Baptism also is revealed as the spiritual illumination of mankind.
The origin of the Feast of Theophany goes back to Apostolic times, and it is mentioned
in The Apostolic Constitutions (Book V:13). From the second century we have the
testimony of St Clement of Alexandria concerning the celebration of the Baptism of
the Lord, and the night vigil before this Feast. There is a third century dialogue about
the services for Theophany between the holy martyr Hippolytus and St Gregory the
Wonderworker. In the following centuries, from the fourth to ninth century, all the
great Fathers of the Church: Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Ambrose of
Milan, John of Damascus, commented on the Feast of Theophany.
The monks Joseph the Studite, Theophanes and Byzantios composed much liturgical music for this Feast, which is sung at
Orthodox services even today. St John of Damascus said that the Lord was baptized, not because He Himself had need for
cleansing, but to bury human sin by water, to fulfill the Law, to reveal the mystery of the Holy Trinity, and finally, to sanctify
the nature of water and to offer us the form and example of Baptism. On the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, the Holy Church
proclaims our faith in the most sublime mystery, incomprehensible to human intellect, of one God in three Persons. It teaches us
to confess and glorify the Holy Trinity, one in Essence and Indivisible. It exposes and overthrows the errors of ancient teachings
which attempted to explain the Creator of the world by reason, and in human terms. The Church shows the necessity of Baptism
for believers in Christ, and it inspires us with a sense of deep gratitude for the illumination and purification of our sinful nature.
The Church teaches that our salvation and cleansing from sin is possible only by the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit,
therefore it is necessary to preserve worthily these gifts of the grace of holy Baptism, keeping clean this priceless garb, for As
many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ (Gal 3:27).
On the day of Theophany, all foods are permitted, even if the Feast falls on a Wednesday or Friday.

Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed.

Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jan 6th

Calendar for January 2015

Thursday Jan. 1st

St. Basil the Great


Orthros/Divine Liturgy/Vasilopita Blessing


Jan. 4th

Parish Vasilopita Cutting Ceremony after Divine Liturgy


Jan. 5th

Royal Hours/Vesperal Liturgy/Blessing of the Waters



Jan. 5th

**Strict Fast day**

Orthodoxy 101 Class



Jan. 6th

Holy Theophany



Jan. 6th

Orthros/Divine Liturgy/Great Blessing of the Waters (Fast

Philoptochos Meeting



Jan. 11th Outreach Events: Potluck Meeting

after liturgy


Jan. 11th GOYA Outing (TBD)

after liturgy


Mental Disorders & Spiritual Healing: Teachings from the Early

Jan. 12th Christian East


Jan. 13th St. Nina Equal-to-the-Apostles


Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Wednesday Jan. 14th GOYA Faith Night



Jan. 15th St. Philothei Project



Jan. 18th Philoptochos Enrollment Sunday

after liturgy


Spaghetti dinner during coffee hour to support St. Philothei

Jan. 18th project.

after liturgy


Jan. 19th St. Mark of Ephesus Pillar & Defender of Orthodoxy


Orthros/Divine Liturgy

Mental Disorders & Spiritual Healing: Teachings from the Early

Jan. 19th Christian East

Wednesday Jan. 21st Parish Council Meeting



Mental Disorders & Spiritual Healing: Teachings from the Early

Jan. 26th Christian East

Wednesday Jan. 28th Philoxenia Meeting




Jan. 30th Three Hierarchs

Orthros/Divine Liturgy


Jan. 31st Annual Parish Potluck Dinner


Clad, O godly-minded one, with an invincible armor you dashed to pieces the pride of the Western rebellion.

St. Mark of Ephesus, Jan 19th


The power of charitable works] is so great that they not only cleanse sins but even do away
with death itself. Let me explain how. And who, someone might claim, has become greater
than death through charity? Dont worry, my beloved. Learn, from looking at things as they
actually are, that the power of charity has destroyed even the tyranny of death.
There was once a woman called Tabitha, which translates as Gazelle (Acts, 9, 36-43). It was
her daily task to earn spiritual riches for herself through charitable works. She clothed the
widows and gave them all her possessions. It happened, however, that she fell ill and died.
But see how these women whod been helped by her were able to repay their benefactress at
the right time. They went to Saint Peter, say the Scriptures, and showed him the clothes and
other things Tabitha had made and done when she was with them. They missed their motherfigure, probably shed tears, and gave the apostle cause to feel sad on their behalf. So what did
the blessed Peter do? He got down on his knees and prayed. Turning towards the dead
woman, he said, Tabitha, get up. She opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter, sat up. He took her
by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows,
and presented her to them alive (Acts 9, 40-1).
Do you see the power of the apostle, or rather of the Lord who acted through him? Do you see what a reward she receivedeven in this life- for her good works? Because tell me, what did she give to the widows that was as great a thing as they gave
her? She gave them food and clothing, but they brought her back to life and helped her to be released from death. Or rather, not
them, but our merciful Lord, because of the services she had rendered them.
Do you see the power of the medicament? Let us all prepare it for ourselves, because, even though its so powerful, its not at
all expensive. In fact, its really cheap, so it doesnt require any great outlay. Because the value of charitable works doesnt
depend on vast amounts of money, but on the open-handedness of the people who do the giving. This is why somebody who
gives a glass of cold water is well-received: so that well learn that the Lord of all asks good will from each of us. It often
happens that a person will do a great act of charity, even though they havent actually got that much themselves. This happens
when their good intentions are very firm. And, of course, the opposite occurs as well: a person may have a lot, yet, because
theyre petty by nature, it appears that they have less than those who indeed have little.
So, from the good things that the Lord has given us, lets give generously to those in need. And what Hes given us, lets give
back to Him, so that theyll become ours again, very much multiplied. Because the noble pride of the Lord is so great that, even
though He receives what He Himself has given, He doesnt consider that Hes receiving His own things, but promises to repay
us for them with even greater generosity. But only if we want to demonstrate our own [generosity]. In other words, to give to
the poor as if we were putting our gift into the hand of God, bearing in mind that the hand that receives our gift will not merely
return it, but will grant us a hundred times more, thus demonstrating His great kindness towards us.
And why does He multiply this gift? Because, if were willing to give away something of whats been given to us by the Lord
Himself, and so long as we are willing to do that, then His hand not only returns the gift to us, but, along with it, He grants us
the Kingdom of Heaven and acclaims us and crowns us and gives us innumerable good things.
So, is He asking something burdensome or difficult of us? Whatever is uselessly and pointlessly shut away in chests and storerooms, He wants us to share out, as we should, we ourselves, so that from this He can find occasion to crown us with all due
ceremony. Because He hastens and rushes and is careful to ensure that what Hes promised us does actually come about.
I would beg you, therefore that we should not deprive ourselves of such wonderfully good things What we have pointlessly
stored, we should share for the upkeep of the poor. In this, theres no chance that well ever miss the mark; neither need we fear
failure, which is what happens here on earth. Because it says: He scattered, he gave to the poor. And listen to what follows:
And his righteousness endures unto the ages of ages (Ps. 111, 3). What a wonderful sharing! In a brief period of time He
made the distribution and His love lasts forever. Is anything that might exist more felicitous than that?
This is why I beg you, let us earn the love of God through charitable works so that it might truly be said of us, too, that they
scattered, they gave to the poor, their love will last for ever. Because He spoke, scattered, and gave so that you wouldnt think
that what had been scattered was lost. Because He adds immediately: His righteousness lasts unto the ages of ages. The
righteousness of those who have shared, remains unblemished, it stretches out into eternity and never ends.
From On the Nativity by St. John Chrysostom.

Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed.

Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jan 6th

Philoptochos Enrollment Sunday:

January 18th
Philoptochos will host an Enrollment Sunday event during coffee hour following
Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 18th. We will be accepting membership for the year
2015 as well as providing a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for Holy Anargyrois St
Philothei Project. Please come and support Holy Anargyrois Philoptochos Chapter and
the Churchs St Philothei Project. Thank you!

60th Anniversary of Holy Anargyroi Parish!

Clad, O godly-minded one, with an invincible armor you dashed to pieces the pride of the Western rebellion.

St. Mark of Ephesus, Jan 19th

Youth Team
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! We greet you with the Birth of our Lord and Saviour! We wish you many blessings in the New
Year, as we look ahead to the Feast of Theophany, the revelation of the Holy Trinity to the world!
December was another busy month for our Youth as, in addition to Sunday School and Faith Nights, they rehearsed for and
performed in our churchs first public Christmas concert. We are grateful to Connie Maragos for the many hours spent preparing
the program and rehearsing both youth and adults. JOY and GOYA were well represented in the effort. It was truly, a multigenerational experience for our parish family! The youth also offered the hymn of our patron saints, in English, at our 60th
Anniversary celebration on December 7th, under the direction of Kathy Lytle. We were blessed with Bishop Demetrios presence
for our special weekend.
Once again, our youth, parents, and parish friends brought the joy of the
season to patients at St. Marys Hospital, caroling for those who are
unable to share in the anticipation of Christmas at home with their family
and friends. As always, the experience was moving. The smiles, the
requests for a reprise, the tapping toes and rhythmic hand motions of
those unable to join in voice were not lost on us. Our carolers are truly
blessed by this opportunity every year.
This months GOYA Faith Night reflected on the Nativity and the
meaning of Gods Incarnation for all the world, what it means that God is
With Us. God and His creation are united out of His love for us. Fallen
man is restored and sanctified, and given the opportunity for salvation.
The group reviewed messianic prophecies from the Old Testament and
noted their fulfillment in the New Testament. We considered the different
names, scripturally based, by which we refer to God and studied our new
church icons depicting Him as The Ancient of Days, The Angel of Great
Counsel, Christ Emmanuel.
The following day, the students performed in our annual Christmas
Pageant. Despite a rash of illness and unexpected absences, a beautiful
explanation of our Orthodox tradition within a live recreation of the
Nativity icon was presented in word, action, and song. Many thanks to
Erline Holman for once again directing our youth in this enjoyable effort.
We look forward to it every year!
Our altar boys personified the spirit of Christmas on Christmas Eve by
preparing meals for the Womens Shelter, making good on a promise to
Bishop Demetrios. A better gift is hard to find. We are proud of you
And, now, after a short break, its back to class for students
and teachers alike! Thank you for sharing your children
with us, for allowing us to teach them and learn from them,
and for bringing Gods love and teachings home with you.
May the light of the Lord leave an indelible mark upon us
this season and enlighten us with a deeper understanding of
His glory.
In Christ,
Your Youth Team:
Loredana Jerghiuta JOY
Mike Brekke GOYA
Halina Woroncow GOYA/Church School

Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed.

Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jan 6th

Saturday, January 31st 2015, 6:00PM

Its that time again!!!

Celebrate our unique, multicultural parish family by
sharing a favorite dish from your heritage.
Hot or cold, spicy or sweet.
Beverages, utensils, and paper ware will be provided.

Bring family and friends for a gastronomical treat!!

Clad, O godly-minded one, with an invincible armor you dashed to pieces the pride of the Western rebellion.

St. Mark of Ephesus, Jan 19th

Philoxenia House
The news from the Philoxenia House Ministry this month comes in the form
of a Christmas gift. This year, in December, the ministry once again received a
grant check for $15,000 from the Eisenberg Foundation. We are so very
grateful and realize that this gift will help to meet our many needs. Thank you
Eisenberg Foundation.
This month the Philoxenia House Ministry would also like to extend a warm
Thank You to all of our faithful supporters. As usual, your generosity this
past year has humbled us and has enabled this ministry to continue to serve
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by serving our brother and sisters in Christ
who are in need. Thank you again and may God Bless you richly.
In Christ,
Bradley Holman
President-Philoxenia House Ministry

Philoptochos Society
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Our next meeting is Jan 6th at 6pm in the church library.
Sunday, Jan. 18th is Philoptochos Enrollment Sunday, which a day dedicated to promoting and supporting the mission
work of Philoptochos. During coffee hour; we will be accepting memberships and are collecting dues for the 2015
year so please renew your membership or consider joining our Society. Memberships start at $21 (which are required
national and metropolis dues) anything above that amount goes to our Society. To be a member, one needs to be an
Orthodox Christian woman, aged 18 or older. We also have associate membership available for Orthodox Christian
men or non Orthodox Christians who are married to an Orthodox Christian. Philoptochos is the philanthropic arm of
the church and on Jan 18th, we will host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser to support Holy Anargyrois St Philothei
Project. The St Philothei Project is overseen by parishioners Trevor and Laura Hamlen. The Project meets every third
Thursday of each month in the Church kitchen at 6pm and cooks 450 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner for the
weekend) for the Rochester Womens Shelter. Its an amazing ministry that Holy Anargyroi offers to the Rochester
community. They are currently very short on funds and Philoptochos is happy to assist them in fundraising. All
parishioners need to keep this ministry going by supporting it either financially or physically by showing up the third
Thursday of the month to cook.
On January 10th, we honor Saint Gregory of Nyssa who was one of the early Fathers of the Church, the younger
brother of Saint Basil the Great and also good friend of Saint Gregory the Theologian. He was a ardent defender of
Orthodoxy against the Arians and their false teaching. In particular, the heresies against the Holy Trinity. He has many
sermons, books and theological writings filled with the Holy Spirit.

Just as at sea those who are carried away from the direction of the harbor
bring themselves back on course by a clear sign, on seeing a tall beacon light
or some mountain peak coming into view, so Scripture may guide those adrift
in the sea of life back into the harbor of the Divine Will.
- Saint Gregory of Nyssa whom we honor on January 10th
With sisterly love in CHRIST+
Calli Kelly, Philoptochos President

Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed.

Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jan 6th

A Christmas Odyssey Concert

Clad, O godly-minded one, with an invincible armor you dashed to pieces the pride of the Western rebellion.

St. Mark of Ephesus, Jan 19th

Quotes From The Fathers

The Lord says to His disciples, 'Let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in
heaven' (Matt. 5:16). He does not say this to urge them to show off, but to
urge them to organize their lives as is pleasing to God. Just as light effortlessly attracts people's gaze, so a way of life pleasing to God draws their
minds along with their eyes. We do not praise the air which shares in the
brilliance of the sunlight, but the sun which is the source of this brilliance
and bestows it on us. Even if we do praise the air for its brightness, we
praise the sun much more. So it is when someone makes the brilliance of
the Sun of righteousness (Mal. 4:2) visible through his virtuous deeds. As
soon as anyone looks at him, they are immediately led towards the glory of
the Father in heaven of Christ, the Sun of righteousness.
~St. Gregory Palamas
Take heed, then, often to come together to give thanks to God, and show forth His praise. For when ye
assemble frequently in the same place, the powers of Satan are destroyed, and the destruction at which
he aims is prevented by the unity of your faith.
~St. Ignatius of Antioch
It is not wise for anyone to know how to converse masterfully. Wisdom is to know when to talk and what to say. Appear to be ignorant, in order to save yourselves many pains. He who thinks himself very learned has many fruitless
worries. Do not boast of great learning, for the things which you do not know are more than those which you have
learned. ~Abba Isaias the Anchorite
However good prayer, fasting, vigil, and all the other Christian practices may be, they do
not constitute the aim of our Christian life. Although it is true that they serve as the indispensable means of reaching this end. The tru aim of our Christian life consists of the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God. As for fasts, and vigils, and prayer, and almsgiving,
and every good deed done for Christs sake, are they only means of acquiring the Holy
Spirit of God. Mark my words, only good deeds done for Christs sake brings us the fruits
of the Holy Spirit. All that is not done for Christs sake, even though it be good, brings
neither reward in the future life nor the grace of God in this life.the acceptability to God
of good deeds not done for Christs sake is this: the Creator gives the means to make them
living (cf. Hebrews. 6:1). It rests with man to make them living or not If a man like
Cornelius enjoys the favor of God for his deeds, though not done for Christs sake, then
believes in His Son, such deeds will be imputed to him as done for Christs sake Acquiring the Spirit of God is the true aim of our Christian life, while prayer, fasting, almsgiving and other good works done for Christs sake are merely means for acquiring the
Spirit of God. ~St. Seraphim of Sarov
The mysteries of our Faith are unknown and not understandable to those who are not repenting.
~Archpriest Nicholas Deputatov
Let us not render evil for evil, and we shall not receive our due for our sins. For we find the forgiveness
of our trespasses in the forgiving of our brothers; and the mercy of God is hidden in mercifulness to our
neighbor. Therefore the Lord said, "Forgive, and you shall be forgiven," and, "With what measure you
mete, it shall be measured to you again." See how the Lord bestowed on us the method of salvation and
has given us eternal power to become sons of God!
~St. Maximus the Confessor

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