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Significance of the Study

This study
This study will be a significant endeavor in promoting good work environment in the
workplace and motivations of its employees. This study will also be beneficial to the students
and instructors in strategic management, corporate strategies when they employ effective
learning in their classroom setting particularly in different concepts related to the use of
effective human resources management. By understanding the needs of the students and benefits
of quality education, these instructors and students be assured of a competitive advantage.
Moreover, this research will provide recommendations on how to evaluate the performance of a
certain institution in accordance to human resources management.

Moreover, this study will be helpful to the retail industry and business practitioners
in training and informing them in the area of human resources management, objectives, and
strategies. It will also serve as a future reference for researchers on the subject of human
resources and corporate companies. And importantly, this research will educate clients in
deciding on whether an industry e.g. business industry is really fulfilling its responsibility to the
community or is just showing off to promote its business.


Research Objectives
The objectives of this research were:

To probe how children in the early grades perceive and construct their identity as Filipinos in the
context of their everyday experiences.
To investigate the perspectives of pagka-Filipino of early graders, based on the text and
illustrations of locally-published picture books.
To broaden way of understanding the childrens construction and definition of pagka-Filipino
according to their perspectives and in their own words.
To compare the early graders perspectives of pagka-Filipino by gender and grade level.

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Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is descriptive in nature and focused on early graders belonging to low-families as
identified by the National Statistical Coordination Board. The research sample is composed of
forty (40) Grade 1 and Grade 2 students residing in two barangays in Quezon City. The primary
data gathering method used was interview to determine the childrens perspectives of PagkaFilipino based on their experiences and through their interactions with ten (10) locally-published
picture books written by Filipino authors. This research used purposive and convenience
sampling in which an equal representation for gender and grade level among the respondents was
applied. The gathered data were analyzed using frequency distribution and coding. Verbatim
quotes from the respondents were used.
The research data was based on interview of early grades children based on their experiences and
interaction with selected picture books. It focused on gender and grade level as variables in
interpreting their perspectives of pagka-Filipino.
The study is delimited to a group of Grade 1 and Grade 2 children coming from a sociallydisadvantaged group in an urban area. Perspectives on pagka-Filipino is delimited to early
everyday experiences on games Filipino children play, food Filipino children eat, clothes
Filipino children wear, animals in the Philippines they know, famous Filipinos they know, things
Filipino children use and activities Filipino children engage in;
interactions with the text and illustration of selected picture books.
In this research, Filipino icons were delimited to those identified by the National Commission for
the Culture and the Arts Essential Knowledge on Philippine Arts, Culture and Heritage for the
Basic Education Curriculum (EKPACHBEC) for Grade 1 and 2 (See Appendix A) and Adarna
Houses 101 Filipino Icons Volumes I and II (2007, 2009). According to Wright (1998), there
exists a politicization of culture wherein there is a political process of contestation over the
power to define key concepts, including that of culture itself (Wright, 1998, p.14). In this case,
the researcher is aware of the politics involved in the identification of Filipino icons by a state
institution and a commercial publisher.
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Significance of the Study

This study provide the contents of the school named Metro Lucena Integrated Learning
Center Inc. on how the school began and what is the reason why they are implementing a good
value to the children who are being enrolled to them. The proposed study serves the individuals
as their reference for getting the right background of their school.
. The proposed study will help teachers to have a deeper understanding to the said programming
languages. By this study they will come up with easier and user-friendly program. The proposed
study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide.
The whole information of the website can help the individuals in knowing the history of
the school and how the school became abundant all over the years. This website can benefits
every student or parents that want to know the latest activities and upcoming events related to
their school.
The researcher can only edit the latest information given. The researcher can only read
the facts and ideas base on the school.
The website can help not only parents and students but the other people who want to
access the said website.
In addition, this Christian school offers a safer place for the children and gives a spiritual
It is also hope for the parents who wants a broad knowledge for their children and
maintain their good values by learning words of god.
However, this study will be helpful to the future industry and business practitioners in
training the student and informing them in the area of human resources management, objectives,
and strategies and all aspect to know more knowledge. It will also serve as a future reference for
researchers on the subject of human resources and corporate companies. And importantly, this
research will educate more students in deciding on whether an industry, business industry is
really fulfilling its responsibility to the community or is just showing off to promote its business.
And it well serve their ideas on what field they are supposedly get when the time they are
making decision in their life.

Scope and Delimitation

Base on the website that we created, the master file records of the teacher, staffs and
administrators contains information and the owner of the website can add or delete them .The
employee profile contains the area and department they are assigned to. Those individuals that
related to teacher, staffs and can only be added or deleted by the admin of the website. In our
website, we created menus by means of holding the brief history of the school, the program of
the school, their school address, the galley of the school pictures due to their school activities,
the upcoming events of the school, their institutions and what level of program did they are
It includes online Christian song lyrics that have been normally used by the school for the
children that can be show to the public viewers. The admin is limited only to manage; using the
program the admin can also have the ability to perform the adding and deleting the records.
Printing and relations of money are not affected in this program. The individuals who visit the
said website could not ask of what are the upcoming events instead they can contact the staff of
the school by emails or phone calls.
The program does not contain any registration or getting the updates of their children
who are being enrolled. Every people who can visit the website could not also edit the
information that has been posted. Regular visitors could not complain about the school activities
that were posted or they have a choice to go in the main office of the school to speak the staff of
the school.
The study is delimited to a group of nursery, kindergarten and for those children who did
not familiar of using the computers.
The complete access and use of the website is only for the said organization. It does not
include registration system since it is limited for the official admin. The system can only be
accessed anytime and anywhere as long as you have internet connection.

Chapter I
The use of computers are now widely developed and adopted to various tasks all over the
world. Computer becomes the most useful and most needed tool because they bring the whole set
of solution to many complicated problems. In addition, computers have varieties of functions and
purposes for the completion of many tasks. Large companies or small business have been
involved in the use of computer for fast and updated information. 1
The most center and relevant function of the world today and most accurate answer to all
the problem is computer. Computer is using all people children teenager even grandfather and
grandmother. Computer is most easy way now to reach your love ones even they are far away...
computer is being used in any kind of lifestyle today. It also used by studying at work even in
business. And it is also the most powerful tools of changing the world by using new and unique
gadgets to protect the world to the harm and tragedy by means of technology. One of the best
examples of technology is a website.
The website will directed you towards in helping to understand the whole information
about Metro Lucena International Learning Center. We hope you understand the website better
by means of organizing and summarizing the school details. The researcher can understand that
the attributes of being a conscious in choosing the right school for students. In order to choose
the right school, you must educate yourself about English schools across by consulting to the
people thats closest to you, surfing the internet, speaking with friends who have many ideas in
finding great schools.
By using the Internet to research and finding schools across the country by searching
nearby your address. Selecting the school becomes an easier process for the parents if they
clearly understand the purpose for studying in Christian and English school. With this purpose in
mind, they will be able to confidently select the school best suited to the needs of their student.
Yahoo and Google are excellent resources to conduct research and gather information related to
specific programs.
Most of the time, some parents are having problem in finding a great school for their
children. One of the reasons why they are having a problem it because they cannot assure that
their child is clearly managed by the school staff or their children are not cared by them.

Jay Ann D. Cantos et al., Perception on Computerized Billing and Inventory System for Easybytes Computer
Venture-Lucena, Unpublished Thesis, page 1

We all know that there are schools that cannot accommodate and maintain the safeness of
their students because of school overcrowding. An overpopulated school can define as
overpopulated when it comes for increasing their enrollment capacity that leads to
misunderstanding of teacher between students.
With the help of this website that we created, it gives more ideas to the parents
who are struggling in finding good school .There is information there that can help in knowing
the advantages of the school to their child. In this case, they can easily find and know what the
goal of the school.
Private school students are more related in community services, and it helps molds the
mind of every student who attended the school which helps to those graduating student.
The good advantage of this private school is more likely to acquire a better education
which can help somebody in improving their selves that can make a positive effect to him/her.
The Christian education is a priceless investment that the parents can give to their children.
Children can sustain the immeasurable lessons and it gives them a laying up treasure that can
never be stolen. The international school maintains the English language for the benefits of their
student that can help them to speak in an English way.
This Christian school provides refreshing, biblical studies for the students. Not only as
the bible lessons for the children but it helps them to know more what gods purpose to us and to
following him a steps which represents a good value of being a human. Your children will not
going to somewhere just to learn the good lessons of god.
The school was become well known because of the good reputation and the Christianity
of school that allowing the student to see the world through the lens of many different religious
ideas. They focus on how the children become more responsible in making decisions and they
become more mature.
The big advantage of private is that they are not belongs to overcrowded school and which leads
them to understand correctly of what the teacher has been tackled off.
A troublesome student upsets teachers and fellow students and can cause others to drop
out if he or she is not expelled immediately. Parents are suddenly involved. They have paid
money for their son or daughter to attend the school in question and they will become more
insistent in assuring that their child cooperates.2
Most of the public schools become overcrowded because they had force by the law to
accept students every time they have visitors who wants to enroll. Thats the reason why the

entire student cannot really understand all the lessons because of bursting in the rooms that leads
boisterous. But in private school the case is reverse; they have the rules giving strict to the
students when they had case expelled. Because the parents are included in case of their child had
become more irresponsible and they had pay for it for keeping their child in the school.
With many schools located primarily in urban environments, the curriculum focuses on
improving practical rather than academic English skills. Providing various English conversation
and business classes, private language schools offer a varied curriculum and a unique learning
Private schools have good English speaking skills than to public school because out of 20
percent, one percent is on the private school than the public school which is 50 percent and it has
1 percent.
In this study we hope that the information that will gather here can develop the society in
minimizing the problems of parents who is struggling in keeping their children send into the
secured school. Our aim in this program is to help those parents can obtain some ideas in
choosing the better education for their children. In this place they can assure that the schools
where their children have been are appropriate for them.
Education is a big help for those who want bigger opportunities in their life. Most of the
time, parents say that they want to educate their children but how and where. For many parents
today ,they are getting problem when deciding where to send their children .There are two
choices, either private school or public school. Well the most problem of public school is the
rising population of the children which can cause the shortage of the facilities example is their
table where they should share of it. While choosing a private school, it is a big advantage for the
children for them to grow more and can participate in every part of the lessons.
The good news for parents is that public schools do not charge any payment except those
miscellaneous fees and for their school projects. The bad news is that public schools are more
complicated than private schools. Christian school has a higher percentage of caring teachers
who are always there in times that their students need them. They give more attention in every
individual who wants their hands.
The good news for parents is that public schools do not charge any payment except those
miscellaneous fees and for their school projects. The bad news is that public schools are more
complicated than private schools.
When gathering this information about the subject matter we choose to did some
research, the history of the school that we highly recommended is from the internet.

Background of the Study

This research study is aimed to represent the school named Metro Lucena International
Learning Center which is the good example school for helping the parents to keep and maintain
the good education with Christ through educational ministry. It is located at 118 M.L Tagarao
ST. near Iyam Bridge Lucena City Philippines.
The heart of the MLILCI ministry is to train children to understand and practice Biblical,
Christian character. The Ralph and Cindy LaRosa who is the founder of the Metro Lucena
International Learning Center which their purpose is to launch local churches and supporting
ministries with the objective of helping them to become self-sustaining. Ralph and Cindy would
like to continue to serve as missionaries in the Philippines to reach unbelievers with the gospel
and believers with sound doctrine.
When they heard a mission in the Philippines in December, of 1970, they made a
decision at that time for preparing the upcoming ministry. They finished the course which is
related to the study of concepts of God and nature religious truths. In September of 1974, they
were approved as the missionaries. They considered it as their lifetime commitment. After a year
of undertaking their mission, they arrived in Philippines on September 13, 1975. The LaRosas
ministry includes Bible classes and services, church school, a day-school, and centers for Bible
training, youth, and the deaf.4
The LAROSA'S ministry is considering their life as a called of god being the
missionaries. Because after they become missionaries at September of 1974 they give rest of
their life in the Philippines, by means of building a school.
The founder started the school since 1999 with one assistant and eight students. In the
past 2006 they have 107 students, an administrator, an accountant that comes quickly, a
secretary, a guard, two janitors plus fourteen teachers and assistant including Cindy. The school
has gives positive influence in the community. The school was provides the Closed-circuit
television (CCTV) cameras which records the surveillance purposes like the entrance section of
the school and other places that needs to be monitored. There is also a place for the nannies
while they are waiting for their child that they are taking care with.
Target of their Mission in the Philippines is Region IV, a group of island provinces that
has a population of almost twelve million people. They began to represent ministry in 1978,
centered in Lucena city, located about 81 miles (130km) South of Manila. Metro Lucena is the
capital of Quezon Province, and a part of the five industrial provinces of Southern Luzon
described by the acrostic, CALABARZON. Metro Lucena is the capital of Quezon. Quezon
province has a growing population of 1,679,030. It is also a part of Region IV, Which has a total
population of 11,620,858. An estimated 30 towns and cities from four provinces come to Metro

Lucena to do their shopping at the new SM and Pacific malls. This will bring people from Metro
manila and other major population centers. They are in a strategic location for their ministry.
The objective of their Mission is to evangelize non-believers, to teach sound doctrine to
believers to train and equip potential pastors and leaders to launch local churches and supporting
ministries with the objective to helping them to become self sustaining.
The Strategy of their Missions strategy is to fulfill the above four basic objectives and
impact the target area has been to establish a missionary base in the context of a local church
ministry. They need to mobilize an army of ministers who are maximizing their unique gift,
abilities, personality, and experiences in a meaningful place of service through the various
ministries of our local church salvation in Jesus Christ automatically includes a call to ministry.
Every believer is saved, called, gifted, authorized, and commanded to minister (Eph. 2:10).
However, believers must be equipped to works of.5
Being the solder of the ministry it should be focus on their objectives base in their
context.UNIQUE GIFT its should be all the staff have this ability to command all their student to
knows about ministry its not all about they knows how to teach but they have a mind set to teach
. ABILITIES it should have the ability to teach the children to the maximum of their knowledge.
PERSONALITY it should be have a personality of the staff to teach their followers because that
personality can adopted of their student .EXPERIENCE in a MEANINGFUL AUTHORIZED,
the army of ministry its always be knows the whole meaning of the ministry they have teaching
.After the all the followers adopted all this that's the time they ready to face the reality of world.
The mobilization of the Filipino believers is the key strategy to fulfill their mission
objectives and reach the target area. They encourage creativity in ministry, not perfection .They
more expectation when it comes to excellence in ministry. Excellence is doing our best to
maintain our objectives without compromising the truth of the Holy Spirit. In the meantime they
do not have any failure just experiments that did not worked out. This year gifted people in their
church have several new ministries. They are called the pastors conference ministry and the
campus ministries to high school and college student.
In the past years, the founder are giving and providing opportunities for the student who
wants to go on secondary class. Those students can be known the way they talk and act as they
practiced by the teachers and assistants. We all know that having a positive attitude feels better
than a negative one. Thats how the student gives advantage to school. Their curriculum is full
for content and as always it is biblically based .Because they believe that godly character should
also demonstrate academic excellence.
Several years of fruitful operation later, on the fateful day of January, 2006 during
holiday season, their family and friends are sending them many cards, notes, emails, pictures and

encouraging words .Their primary objectives of evangelism, teaching sounds doctrine, and
training potential pastors and leaders can be accomplished in some many ways. At the first year
of their opening, later on many people have become curious in their school of what is it which
cause the rising of students into 107 last 2006, because the last years since they open there were
eight students only. Many churches began to help them to provide boxes of materials to help
teachers and assistants. It gives encouragement to them to continue their mission by the help of
god in the ministry.6
Many years have passing by, the ministry had become many supporters and helpers to
their church they had built. Some of them are giving cards and good letters that lift them up.
They encourage by those people who are their supporters to continue their mission in the
Philippines. By sending boxes of materials, the school had been created and it becomes abundant
all over the years. The good Filipinos who are always there to the ministry are the reason why
they are very strong and helping other people to follow the words of god.
Some people are questioning if that school can give a good teaching to their children, but
the help of god the school has become rising up to now. It start only 8 student at first because
after all the effort of the staff, the school become known for being competitive here in Lucena.
While moving in to the website that we created, the whole information of it are came
from the schools fact .The brief history of the school are always there because it can give ideas
and summary of their history and how they start even though they are small ministry before.
There is also information about the leader and founder of the school .The reason why they
created it and what is their inspiration why they build and created it.
We know that, some parents are trying to find a good school for their children when they
do not have in ideas for choosing a best school for their kids and children. Example, they are new
in that village thats why they do not know where to find a good school that can help and
maintain their child in a good one. They are having a problem in choosing a school that best for
their child needs. This website can help them to know why they should choose the Metro Lucena
International Learning Center.
Therefore, this research study is aimed at finding out the views, opinions and ideas of the
teachers on the theory and practice of play as a means of learning for children in a practical
classroom situation. The school of Metro Lucena International Learning Center in the content of
website will be the focus of this study.


Significance of the Study

This study provide the contents of the school named Metro Lucena Integrated Learning Center
Inc. on how the school began and what is the reason why they are implementing a good value to
the children who are being enrolled to them. The proposed study serves the individuals as their
reference for getting the right background of their school.
. The proposed study will help teachers to have a deeper understanding to the said programming
languages. By this study they will come up with easier and user-friendly program. The proposed
study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide.
The whole information of the website can help the individuals in knowing the history of
the school and how the school became abundant all over the years. This website can benefits
every student or parents that want to know the latest activities and upcoming events related to
their school.
The researcher can only edit the latest information given. The researcher can only read
the facts and ideas base on the school.
The website can help not only parents and students but the other people who want to
access the said website.
In addition, this Christian school offers a safer place for the children and gives a spiritual
It is also hope for the parents who wants a broad knowledge for their children and maintain their
good values by learning words of god.
However, this study will be helpful to the future industry and business practitioners in training
the student and informing them in the area of human resources management, objectives, and
strategies and all aspect to know more knowledge. It will also serve as a future reference for
researchers on the subject of human resources and corporate companies. And importantly, this
research will educate more students in deciding on whether an industry, business industry is
really fulfilling its responsibility to the community or is just showing off to promote its business.
And it well serve their ideas on what field they are supposedly get when the time they are
making decision in their life.

Scope and Delimitation

Base on the website that we created, the master file records of the teacher, staffs and
administrators contains information and the owner of the website can add or delete them .The
employee profile contains the area and department they are assigned to. Those individuals that
related to teacher, staffs and can only be added or deleted by the admin of the website. In our
website, we created menus by means of holding the brief history of the school, the program of
the school, their school address, the galley of the school pictures due to their school activities,
the upcoming events of the school, their institutions and what level of program did they are
It includes online Christian song lyrics that have been normally used by the school for the
children that can be show to the public viewers. The admin is limited only to manage; using the
program the admin can also have the ability to perform the adding and deleting the records.
Printing and relations of money are not affected in this program. The individuals who visit the
said website could not ask of what are the upcoming events instead they can contact the staff of
the school by emails or phone calls.
The program does not contain any registration or getting the updates of their children
who are being enrolled. Every people who can visit the website could not also edit the
information that has been posted. Regular visitors could not complain about the school activities
that were posted or they have a choice to go in the main office of the school to speak the staff of
the school.
The study is delimited to a group of nursery, kindergarten and for those children who did
not familiar of using the computers.
The complete access and use of the website is only for the said organization. It does not
include registration system since it is limited for the official admin. The system can only be
accessed anytime and anywhere as long as you have internet connection.

Definition of Terms

Accommodate - to adjust to something or someone else's needs.

Acrostic - the term used to describe a poem or verse in which one letter in each word is used to
form another word
Advantage - anything that provides a more favorable position, greater opportunity or a favorable
Christian education - Bible based, Holy Spirit empowered (Christ centered), teaching and
learning process that seeks to guide individuals to all levels of growth through contemporary
teaching means.
Computer - is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or
logical operations automatically.
Conscious - aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.
Detail - an individual feature, fact, or item.
Developer - programmer who specializes in, or is specifically engaged in, the development of
World Wide Web applications
Expelled - forcefully removed and barred from entering the school. This generally happens
because of things like what described.
Goal - the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
Information- knowledge or facts about someone or something
Internet - is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is an international network
of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government
packet switched networks, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking
Investment- is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a
specified date or time frame
Ministry -the service of God and his creatures
Miscellaneous - not covered by the tuition fee and grant
Mission - written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus that normally remains
unchanged over time

Mobilization- Activation of a contractor's physical and manpower resources for transfer to a

construction site until the completion of the contract.
Molds the growth or development of; influence: a teacher who helps to mold the minds
Objective- something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish
Overcrowd - a state of being filled with more people or things than is desirable; congestion
overpopulated having too many inhabitants for the available space or resources
Strategy - method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal
or solution to a problem
Struggling to contend resolutely with a task, problem
Troublesome - causing difficulty or annoyance.
Web Based Application - is a software package that can be accessed through the web browser
Website- also written as web site, or simply site, is a set of related web pages typically served
from a single web domain
Evangelism- is the announcement, proclamation, and/or preaching of the gospel

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