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Fairview Community Gardening Initiative Meeting <inutes

March 4th 2014, 7:04pm

In-Definite Arts
11 in attendance - Katie Morrison, Brian Lalonde, Jodie Anderson, Jano Lehocky, Lynda Howes,
Adrian Buckley, Valerie, Vanessa Hanel, Corrine (Acadia Community Garden), Stacey
MacDougall, Gregory Rushford, Dave Eisenbart
Introductions around the table
Overview on where we are at:
Application process with the City of Calgary underway, hoping to get something built this
Corrine from Acadia Community Garden addressed the meeting with many wisdoms from
their experiences in developing and building their community garden. They are a fully separate
non-profit group from the Acadia Community Association.
Lynda - attended Tabletalk seminar put on by CHS on Feb 19th discussing soils - Lynda
will attach to the minutes for everyone to look through
Committee Updates:
Fundraising and Finance
Not able to apply for major grants currently as we dont have all our plans ready
Fundraisers - Garage Sale fundraiser during Parade of Garage Sales - 7603 Fleetwood is a
possibility for a double car garage. Stacey will act as contact for the garage sale.
Would be nice to sell seedlings or perennials at the sale? Vanessa to put in Aprils newsletter and
Perennial exchange at some point?
Bulb fundraiser at some point?
Casino - still a couple of shifts and spare/alternate spots open - let Dave know if you can help out
Movie night - still considering but werent able to secure a site for March as IDA has too many
other things going on. Other possible sites include the schools, the church, Korean Centre,
various places outside of Fairview, probably show movie called Dirt. Vanessa following up
with church
Community Choosewell - we have signed up for this
Communication and Outreach
Website update - will try to put meeting minutes on website, add columns from Fairview in
Focus, someone will resend the link to this site; will make site URL public once more content is
Katie will create a Facebook page.
Vanessa to write next article for Fairview in Focus.
Lynda to create a trifold display for public events

Location and Design

Still considering baseball diamond site if possible - waiting on Guys final approval for this site,
water access may be an issue
Adrian presented the initial draft plan for the diamond site with various considerations for sun
exposure, vertical garden, public space areas, shed, composting, etc.
Please have a look over garden guidelines and send feedback to Katie and we will review and
discuss at next meeting
Consider a build manager(s) to start organizing building materials, volunteers, refreshments please step up and consider volunteering for this

Meeting dates going forward:

Doodle poll winner was Wednesday
Next meeting - Wednesday, April 2nd
Adjourned 9:05 pm

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