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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 Topic of investigation having a strategic implication.............................................................................. 3

1.2 The aim, scope and objectives of the project ......................................................................................... 3

1.3 Justifying the scope, aim and objective .................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Evaluation of project research methodology. ........................................................................................ 5

2.1 Identify sources of data and information that will support the aim of the project ............................... 5

2.2 Analyse the data and information for options or alternatives that support the project aims ............... 7

2.3 Determine an option or alternative that supports the project aims ...................................................... 8

3.1 Evaluate the research analysis to enable conclusions to be made..8

3.2 Suggest a course of action that achieves the project aim..10

3.3 Analyse the impact of the recommendations....10

4.1 Manufacture the results of the inquiring project..11

4.2 Measure the impact of the investigative project.................................................................................. 12


British Petroleum (BP) is among world's leading energy group and petrochemicals organizations.
Through their business model, they aim at creating a value across hydrocarbon value chain. The
process begins with the search and ends up with supply of quality energy products for the day to
day life.
They provide the customers with the fuel needed for transportation, energy required for the
engines to keep them moving, lubricants, heat and light product energy etc. Their projects and
operations assist them in inculcating employment, investments etc. all around the globe.
They are always looking to expand their business globally while keeping in mind the quality of
their products and services. (

1.1 Topic of investigation having a strategic implication.

This case study explains the team buildings and team operations inside British petroleum and
development of its analysis work progress among the organization.
It conjointly presents appropriate analysis of the project management
and designing, informatory and project implementation of labor.
In the present assignment, positive results of theories and its check showed that
effective cooperation will result in a hit and achieving essential goals of British Petroleum. It's
going to even be able to gain the edge in competition.

The report also explains that team work is essential in delivering effective performance and how
the leadership plays a vital role in achieving the aims and goals of a project. This report also
depicts how BP will be able to face the challenges coming in the new markets British Petroleum
operates in.

1.2 The aim, scope and objectives of the project.

How can there be an improvement in British Petroleum's research study about compressed
natural gas?
What strategy should be adopted for improving British Petroleum's research?
How to create and effective team for this project?
The aim of the project is to attain such management of team, technology and available options
that help to satisfy the new rising energy challenges. British Petroleum got to adapt such

management methods which are able to create robust personnel with practiced and skilled team
members. British petroleum needs to be recognized as a good company-competitive with
success and a force for progress. British Petroleum includes an elementary belief that they
will create a distinction within the world as a result of its value within the world market. A
robust client proposition has been developed for the complete and embodied that communicates
British petroleum value-based giving in an exceedingly precise manner, to its core target
market. The aim of the advertising within the 1st instance is to support
this sturdy worth proposition and second to tailor the media answer to the shop.

1.3 Justifying the scope, aim and objective.

In meeting the energy challenges, the planet faces 3 exhausting truths. The primary is that there
has been a step-change in international energy demand, with the developing countries like China
and Asian nations getting into the energy-intensive section of growth. Even
with large enhancements in energy potency and substantial growth in renewable, natural
gases can still be the most component of the energy combine by mid-century.
The second exhausting truth is that easy-to-access oil and gas is in decline. As a result,
energy can come back progressively from unconventional sources, like oil sands.
The third exhausting truth is that the exaggerated burning of petroleums particularly coal for
power generation may mean intolerably high emissions of carbonic acid gas (CO2)
and different greenhouse gases that contribute to heating and temperature change.

Meeting the energy challenge:

British petroleum helps to fulfill the energy challenge with a broad vary of approaches. It uses
advanced technologies that may unlock oil and gas in additional remote or hostile environments,
and new techniques to increase the lives of existing fields. They have a tendency to square

measure increasing production from unconventional sources, as well as oil sands.

British petroleum helps build the foremost of cleaner-burning petroleum through their output of
liquefied petroleum (LNG) and gas to liquids (GTL) merchandise. They have a tendency
to square measure serving to to develop second-generation bio fuels that don't vie with food
crops; and that they square measure developers of wind and alternative energy.

1.4 Evaluation of project research methodology.


Research Study ought to be verified by seniors as a result

of all analysis relies on sensible information which information could vary by location of
the analysis and by person. It ought to perceive the Hypothesis before analysis and development
that department area unit additional possible and that person is additional interested
and appropriate for that analysis. Analysis ought to be complete on time. Analysis conducted at
same time on completely different locations

2.1 Identify sources of data and information that will support the aim of the project.
For an organization like British petroleum having the correct data concerning the setting,
customs, laws and client wants is of key importance. To assemble this data the corporate can first

of all see the law of the country within which it's attending to begin business, as they
are talking concerning their business in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland the law permits this business. (Ulph, 2011) Here in United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland there's a high demand it's an expensive setting for the corporate to run their
business. Information concerning this could be obtained by doing surveys and examining the
present market i.e. by observant the similar businesses running within the country.

Scanning the Environment

In this analysis study, an acceptable approach of environmental scanning is taken into

account within the industrial organizations that square measure in operation within the industry.
Different types of knowledge were employed in this study.
It enclosed general data regarding the business and specific regarding the collaborating
The type of information that was enclosed was;
Formal information that considerations the company's character.
Data that's in public obtainable, like in annual reports.
Interviews of managers that provided the history and culture of the businesses.
This data was vital to analyze and analysis the subject and to
examine however different corporations square measure in operation within the business.
(Strauss, 1987) Emphasizes the quality of the case study approach once used with grounded
theory. Grounded theory seeks to come up with theoretical statements and,
ultimately, advanced theories supported empirical proof, though it will be employed in other
ways and reach varied degrees of quality. The analysis style framework adopted during
this study will be delineated as a multiple case study, composed consistent with the
speculation building structure, as delineated by businesses, i.e., wherever the sequence of
chapters follow a theory-building logic, and exploitation the grounded theory methodology of
qualitative information analysis.

2.2 Analyze the data and information for options or alternatives that support the project

An effective data infrastructure was enforced to assess the data needed during
this analysis, including technological data, processes and data non inheritable by individuals.
A rich assortment of scientific and technical data was gathered, that was managed by
professionals having completely different backgrounds.
However some corporations simply provided the same image that was a tiny
low assortment created from journals, literature and reports principally.
The information being pervasive is one among the most reasons in having problem in accounting
for the prices concerned within the analysis because it depends on specific roles and their

Strategic change

Larger firms like British petroleum influence the

design adoption however another factors additionally interfere with the tendency, for instance in
what kind the organization is and what's the management sort of the organization. No proof was
found that implies that the subsector firms ought to adopt designing technique as a planning tool.

While, the design offices are rare and their main duty is to
gather the troublesome knowledge that is required by the highest management for deciding.

The strategic amendment analysed chiefly talked concerning increasing the standard of the
merchandise, which has chiefly rising the conditions of production. Environmental protection
was additionally a problem in some cases there have been extremely waste
matter industries. Globalization and diversification were additionally some necessary strategic
changes. Firms that targeted globalization pursued growth within
the trade however some firms simply secured their positions within the internal market owing
to the threat of major competitors in operation within the main
market. Firms that had slightly scope of growth adopted specialization.
The main target was to boost the merchandise quality. Some firms claimed that
they continually pursue rising the assembly quality whereas different firms admitted that they
need to boost the standard of the merchandise to satisfy the Europe laws.

2.3 Determine an option or alternative that supports the project aims.

Other way of supporting the project aim is to use theoretical information and implement it
directly on the company. Information is like team management theories.
Inductive and deductive research can be used to gather information and to move towards the aim.

Deductive analysis

Deductive reasoning works from the lot of general to the lot of specific. Conclusion is followed
logically from premises

Inductive analysis
Inductive reasoning works the opposite means moving from specific observations to broader

generalizations and theories. Informally, we have a tendency to typically decision. Conclusion is

probably going supported premises...It is quite uncertain. Information is collected on a
theme and researcher tries to develop theory from this information.

3.1 Evaluate the research analysis to enable conclusions to be made.

It is tough to create a team and maintain smart operating relationships. However, team
members bear variety of development stages to figure along effectively in team performance
management. People playing well area unit rewarded whereas those that aren't playing smart area
unit motivated.
The functions and roles of its members ought to be recognized by its team. The leader ought
to establish continuous communication lines and set clear goals that area unit understood. A team
that performs well accomplishes comes quickly and with less problem, misunderstanding, and
divergence. (Lock, 2007)

Strategic Objectives
Strategic goals or objectives area unit broad, high level aims, derived from organizations
mission statement and purpose, moving the entire organization
(sometimes observed as company aims). (Strauss, 1987)These can be:
Long term- they need to be assessed at regular intervals and will be revised sporadically.
Responsive to external factors like new competition, changes in international economic
conditions, or client demands.
The term 'strategic' denotes a specific focus of the managers' coming up
with and deciding responsibilities. Senior mangers focus totally on 'why' queries, concentrating
on the 'big picture' and providing vision and leadership for workers across the
entire organization. (Lock, 2007)

Alignment of team performance and company goals

to achieve the company aims it's necessary that the direction of the groups is towards

the future strategic goal. Managers and team leaders ought to confine mind what they have to
attain overall. And hence, to manage the groups in such the way that either they're performing
on long comes or short it's all adding up to the ultimate goal.
In the case of British petroleum the most objective of the corporate is to supply smart quality
chemicals. To attain this there has got to be a correct direct and system of the workers acting
at the stores from the highest management to the workers performing on the ground. A
decent communication and understanding can continuously result in simple accomplishment of
goals, satisfying the client at the top (Ulph, 2011). Mangers area unit imagined to take under
consideration the demand and provide of the merchandise to create certain each product is out
there on time so work ought to be allotted to the subordinates in a very correct system to
induce all the work done consistently and simply. Correct team management ought to be done by
the supervisors and therefore the team leaders. All the workers ought to be divided
into little groups that ought to add totally different sections. Correct coaching ought to incline to
all or any the team members and a customary means of achieving the goal. This performance
target ought to incline to all or any the team members and may be monitored and
reviewed perpetually. This customary ought to be consistent with the corporate policy and
maybe consistent with health and safety and client satisfaction orientated. Providing smart work
on the top of each shift that is that the accessibility of all the merchandise on time
with smart client service.

3.2 Suggest a course of action that achieves the project aim.

Detailed designing is that the method of understanding the foremost economical and
effective method of achieving the aim is that the team must have it outlined. It's the
method of determinative WHO can do what, when, where, however and why, and at what value.

When drawing up the set up, techniques like use of Gantt Charts and significant Path
Analysis may be vastly useful in understanding priorities, deadlines and therefore the allocation
of resources.

While the concentration needs to be on the actions that require to be performed, the team must
make sure that the team may rely on the management mechanisms that the team can have to be
compelled to monitor performance. These can embody the activities like coverage, quality
assurance, value management, etc. that square measure required to identify and proper any
deviations from the set up.

3.3 Analyze the impact of the recommendations.

Opportunity development builds competitive positions by distinctive and utilizing

opportunities within the atmosphere. chance development is important as a result of your existing
positions area unit perpetually being degraded by amendment. Opportunities exist as
"openings" within the atmosphere that permit you to advance your position within the direction
of your mission. These openings area unit sometimes little, however by taking advantage of the
little openings, you ultimately position yourself for the large advances you would like. (Lock,

After the initial audit our moral trade specialists work with the suppliers to support them
through redress of any problems that area unit found. coaching is obtainable to suppliers
on explicit problems and best follow, at regular intervals. British petroleum is within
the method of quite multiplication the dimensions of its own moral trade team that focuses
on coaching and intensive downside resolution with its suppliers. These people area unit trained
to the best levels and area unit equipped to handle endemic issues within the provide chain and
are available up with viable solutions for the suppliers.

4.1 Manufacture the results of the inquiring project.

The purpose of this study was to clarify the team buildings and groups add British petroleum and
development of its analysis work progress at intervals the organization.
It additionally presents appropriate analysis of the project management and coming up
with, informatory and project implementation of labor. during this report, positive results of
theories and its check showed that effective cooperation will result in successful and
achieving crucial goals of British petroleum (Ulph, 2011). it should even be ready to gain
the property of fight. Moreover, study explains that however team performance are
often improved through leadership with project about to face the future challenges in epoch of
business atmosphere British petroleum operates in.
The main result was within the adoption of the educational and training courses at intervals the
corporate so as to prosper and enhance within the future. British petroleum is one in all the
leading firms within the world within the chemical an oil sector and it felt pride in taking
these coaching and development steps so as to maneuver forward and to attain its project aim
as results of the analysis program.

4.2 Measure the impact of the investigative project

The future property of any organization heavily depends on the standard of project management
to be ready to deal with today's dynamic business atmosphere. there's direct co relation between
stake holder business project and therefore the folks at intervals the firm.
British petroleum is one in all the four largest firms within the Great Britain and has
been hierarchical preferred of the highest one hundred graduate employers within the Great
Britain and every one over the globe. The property of British petroleum competitive advantage
of its brightest folks is reckoning on the in team work and leadership (Ulph, 2011). The
simplest leaders skills to induce others to follow and therefore the best team members skills to
follow their leaders.

Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
Lock, D. (2007). Project Management.
Strauss, A. L. (1987). Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press.

Ulph, C. (2011). PR Analysis of British Petroleum.

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