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Convection: Processes and Properties

Free Convection:1) Circulation of bulk fluid motion is caused by changes in fluid density
resulting from temperature gradients between the solid surface and the main
mass of fluid. The stagnant layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of the hot
body gets thermal energy by conduction.
2) The energy thus transferred serves to increase the temperature and internal
energy of fluid particles. Because of temperature rise, these particles become
less dense and hence lighter than the surrounding fluid particles. The lighter
fluid particles move upwards to a region of low temperature where they mix
with and transfer a part of their energy to the cold particles. Simultaneously
the cool heavier particles descend downwards to fill the space vacated by the
warm fluid articles.
3) The circulation pattern, upward movement of the warm fluid and downward
movement of cool fluid, is called convection currents. These currents are
setup naturally due to gravity alone and are responsible for heat convection.
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Forced Convection:1) Flow of fluid is caused by a pump, a fan or by the
atmospheric winds. These mechanical devices provide a
definite circuit for the circulating currents and that
speeds up the heat transfer rate.
Examples of forced convection are cooling of
internal combustion engines, air conditioning
installations and nuclear reactors, condenser
tubes and other heat exchange equipment.
Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Forced Convection
Flow of fluid is caused by a pump, a fan or by the
atmospheric winds. These mechanical devices provide a
definite circuit for the circulating currents and that
speeds up the heat transfer rate.
Examples of forced convection are cooling of
internal combustion engines, air conditioning
installations and nuclear reactors, condenser
tubes and other heat exchange equipment.
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering


Laminar flow : The fluid particles move in flat or curved unmixing layers or streams and follow a smooth continuous path. The
paths of fluid movement are well-defined and the fluid particles
retain their relative positions at successive cross-sections of the
flow passage. There is no transverse displacement of fluid particles;
the particles remain in an orderly sequence in each layer. Soldiers
on a parade provide a somewhat crude analogy to laminar flow.

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Turbulent flow : The motion of fluid particles is irregular, and it

proceeds along erratic and unpredictable paths. The stream lines
are interwined and they change in position from instant to instant.
Fluctuating transverse velocity components are superimposed on
the main flow, and the velocity of individual fluid elements
fluctuate both along the direction of flow and perpendicular to it.
Obviously a turbulent flow is eddying and sinuous rather than
rectilinear in character. The turbulent flow resembles a crowd of
commuters in a rail road station during the rush hour.
Re =

mean flow velocity V;

density of fluid ;
dynamic viscosity of the fluid
characteristic dimension of the flow passage, for example the diameter d of
the pipe
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

For fluid flow through a pipe, low Reynolds number upto 2300 is indicative of
laminar flow. From Re = 2300 to 6000, the laminar flow begins a transition to
turbulent flow. Usually the flow is completely turbulent at Re = 6000.

In many flow situations, the duct is not circular but is rectangular,

trapezoidal or even an annulus formed by a tube within another
In that case, the characteristics dimension d in the relation
Re = Vd/ is the equivalent (hydraulic) diameter which is defined
as four time the cross-sectional flow area divided by the wetted
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering



Q=hA(ts -tf);
The unit of h are W/m2-deg, and it is referred to as convective heat transfer
coefficient units of h is
The value of film coefficient is dependent upon :
surface conditions : roughness and cleanliness
geometry and orientation of the surface : plate, tube and cylinder placed
vertically or horizontally
thermo-physical properties of the fluid : density, viscosity/specific heat,
coefficient of expansion and thermal conductivity
nature of fluid flow : laminar or turbulent boundary layer configuration
prevailing thermal conditions

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Typical values of convective coefficients

Free convection

Forced convection
Air & superheated 30-300 W/m2K




60- 3000




300- 10,000

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Consider a heated wall surface at temperature ts over which a fluid is flowing

with undisturbed velocity U and temperature t.
The particles of fluid in intimate contact with the plate tend to adhere to it, and
a region of variable velocity builds up between the plate surface and the free
fluid stream as indicated .

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Rate equation
The fluid velocity decreases as it approaches the solid surface, reaching to zero (no
slip condition) in the fluid layer immediately next to the surface. This thin layer of
stagnated fluid has been called the hydrodynamic boundary layer. The quantity of heat
transferred is highly dependent upon the fluid motion within this boundary layer,
being determined chiefly by the thickness of the layer.

The boundary layer thickness is arbitrarily defined as the distance y from

the plate surface at which the velocity approaches 99% of free stream velocity.
Likewise a region of fluid motion near the plate in which temperature
gradients exist is the thermal boundary layer and its thickness t is defined as
the value of transverse distance y from the plate surface at which

ts t
t s t
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Types of Convection
At the plate surface, there is no fluid motion and the energy transport can
occur only by conduction. From energy balance, this heat transport must equal
the heat transferred by convection into the rest of the fluid. Thus

Q = kA = hA(t s t )
y y =0
If temperature field of the fluid varies only in the direction of the coordinate
normal to the plate surface, then


Dr.Vikram Singh


(t s t ) dy y =0

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering


(t s t ) dy y =0
hl (dt / dy ) y =0
(t s t ) / l

d {(t s t ) /(t s t )}


y =0

The dimensionless parameter hl/k is called Nusselt number. Apparently the

Nusselt number may be interpreted as the ratio of temperature gradient at
the surface to an overall or reference temperature gradient. The parameter

d {(t s t ) /(t s t )}


y =0

The parameter represents the dimensionless slope

of the temperature distribution curve at the surface.

The Nusselt number is a convenient measure of the convective heat transfer coefficient. For a given value of
Nusselt number, the convective surface coefficient h is directly proportional to thermal conductivity k of the fluid,
and inversely proportional to the significant length l.
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Significance of Dimensionless number

Reynolds number

is indicative of the relative importance of inertial and viscous

effects in a fluid motion.

At low Reynolds number, the viscous effects dominate and the fluid motion is laminar.
At high Reynolds number, the inertial effects lead to turbulent flow and the associated
turbulence level dominates the momentum and energy flux.
Reynolds number constitutes an important criterion of kinematic and dynamic similarity in
forced convection heat transfer.

interia force
V 2l 2 Vl
Re =
viscous force

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Grashof Number




From its mathematical formulation


Gr =







l 3 2 g T

= ( l 3 gT )

V 2l 2
= ( l gT )
( Vl ) 2

= buoyant force

interia force
(viscous force) 2

Grashof number has a role in free convection similar to that played by Reynolds
number in forced convection. Free convection is usually suppressed at sufficiently
small Gr, begins at some critical value of Gr (depending upon the arrangement) and
then becomes more and more effective as Gr increases
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prandtl Number Pr is indicative of the relative ability of the fluid to diffuse

momentum and internal energy by molecular mechanisms. From its mathematical

Apparently Pr is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity to thermal diffusivity of the fluid.
The kinematic viscosity indicates the momentum transport by molecular friction and thermal
diffusivity represents the heat energy transport through conduction.
Obviously Pr provides a measure of the relative effectiveness of momentum and energy transport
by diffusion.
For highly viscous oils, Pr is quite large (100 to 10,000) and that indicates rapid diffusion of
momentum by viscous action compared to the diffusion of energy.
Prandtl number for gases is near unity and accordingly the momentum and energy transfer by
diffusion are comparable. In contrast, the liquid metals have Pr - 0.003 to 0.01 and that indicates
more rapid diffusion of energy compared to the momentum diffusion rate.
Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Stanton Number-St

is the ratio of heat transfer coefficient to the

flow of heat per unit temperature rise due- to the velocity of the fluid.

Peclet Number Pe is the ratio of heat flow rate by convection to flow rate by
conduction under a unit temperature gradient and through thickness

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Empirical correlations for Free & Forced

Bulk temperature: It denotes the equilibrium
temperature that would result if the fluid at a crosssection was thoroughly mixed in an adiabatic
container. The bulk temp in heat exchanger tube is
arithmetic mean of inlet and outlet temperatures.
Mean film temperature: It is the arithmetic mean of
the surface temperature and undisturbed temperature
of the fluid which flows past it.

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Local and Average Convective Coefficient

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr.Vikram Singh

YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Vikram Singh

YMCA Institute of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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