MSTA Spring 2006 Newsletter

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Maine Science

Newsletter of the Maine Science Teachers Association

Visit us at
May 2006

President’s Letter
Dear Members,

As the new president of Maine Science Teachers Association, I want to

take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am in my 26th year of
teaching – my 12th year at Gardiner High School. The first 14 were at
Madison High School. I currently teach Lab Chemistry, AP Chemistry,
and 9 th grade science (physical and earth science). The students I teach
range from the AP students to the students with special needs.

MSTA is working to find new ways to support the I look forward to serving as your president. If
work you do in the classroom. There are many you have suggestions for the board to
challenges in our work. It is sometimes difficult to consider, please pass them along. We need
be released from the classroom or find the money you input to better help us meet your needs.
to attend good professional development. Along
with our annual conference, we have offered Have a great spring,
some shorter professional development
opportunities (i.e. a mission at the Challenger
Center, an outdoor experiences in the woods
around China Elementary school). If you have an Mary Whitten
opportunity that you would like to offer contact me MSTA 2006-2007 President
or another board member. We would love to have
you share your knowledge and experiences.

We are also looking at providing useful

information on our website. One example is Please Remember to save the
providing you a place to find the current state laws dates September 29th & 30th
that impact what we can do and use in the
science classrooms. This would include things like for the Maine Science
using li ve animals, chemical storage and disposal,
use of blood or other body fluids, and plants that
Teachers Association Annual
can/can’t be used. I am looking for a few people Conference.
who can help take the information and put it in a
useful format for our membership. If you are
Inside this issue:
interested in helping with this project, please MSTA & Maine News .......................Pp 2-9
contact me. NSTA and Other National News.......Pp 10-14
Professional Development...............Pp15-18
Teacher & Student Resources……..Pp19-22
MSTA 2006-2007 Conference

The Maine Science Teachers Association invites you to mark your calendars for the 2006-2007
conference on September 29th and 30th. The Buker School building in Augusta is the proposed
site for the two-day conference activities. We plan to have strands that have been popular with
our members in the past.

Proposed Strands: Presentations by:

Science & Literacy Department of Education
Earth, Life & Physical Science MMSA
Environmental Science Area Teacher Leaders in Science Education
Technology in the Science Classroom NASA Materials
Maine Learning Results Update & NSTA Bookstore
Implications for Classroom Teachers Exhibitors & Door Prizes
Family Science Night and “The Sky Connection” Planetarium
A "Call for Presenters" will be posted on the listserv in the coming week. The presenter and
exhibitor forms will also be posted on the MSTA website at

The contact person for the conference is Sharon Gallant. She may be reached at

Fall Conference Notes:

The 2005-2006 Annual MSTA Conference was held in January at the University of Maine in
Farmington. The format was different in that we held sessions on both Friday and Saturday. There were
two-and-a-half hour sessions along with our traditional hour-long sessions. We also hosted a Family
Science Night for the first time. Area families joined us on Friday night and approximately 100 parents
and kids participated. New to our format was a special 3-D presentation after lunch for all to enjoy.
National Semiconductor also presented the awards to this year’s recip ients at our conference.

We would like to thank our sponsors: National Semiconductor for hosting the Science and
Action awards reception, PAEMST for sponsoring the Saturday morning continental breakfast,
Farmington Hannaford for their support of the Family Science Night and The Sky Connection for
providing programs for the families during Family Science Night. We would also like to acknowledge
our exhibitors: The Sky Connection, Usborne Books, Prentice Hall, Delta Education, Great Source,
Acadia National Park, Energy, Tilbury House, Flinn Scientific, Quizdom, Holt Rinehart and
Winston, CPO Science, The Rock Detective, Maine Environmental Education Association, NSDL, Ferry
Beach Ecology School,
National Geographic School Publishing, NSTA, EAST Alliance, Maine Department of Environmental
Protection, Chewonki, and Maine Energy Education Program. A special thank you to those who provided
door prizes for our members throughout the conference.

We thank UMF and especially, Professor Andrea Freed, for their support prior to and during our
first attempt to host the conference on a date other than the Friday prior to Columbus Day Weekend. The
MSTA board is already hard at work on the next conference scheduled for September. Please see the
article on the 2006-2007 Conference also in this newsletter.

Laurette Darling, Vice President

January 2006 Conference Candids

President Mary Whitten & Jim Cook open the show Teachers learn new Hands-On Skills

Nation Semiconductor “Science in Action” Awards Ceremony Business is brisk at the NSTA Bookstore

Lynn Farrin conducts a Science & Literacy session The Inflatable Planetarium was a big hit during the Family
Science night

The best part of setting up for Family Science is getting to play with Kids and Parents enjoy Family Science Night
the equipment!

MSTA Officers for 2006

Mary Whitten, Gardiner High School, President
Laurette Darling, China Primary School, Vice President
George Powers, Bangor High School, Treasurer
Lynn Farrin, MMSA, Secretary

From the Family Science Night

After the Family Science Night that was held in

“Dear Laurette,
conjunction with the January MSTA
Conference, I received the following email.
I would love for you to use our comments on
family science night. Since that weekend my
“Our family wanted to express a huge thank you
children still show a strong interest in stars.
for such a fun filled evening. Our children raved
In fact, we just went to the library just about a
about this night all weekend. You staff was so week ago to print a star constellation map for
friendly, and offered such a variety of fun filled every month of the year. They are so excited
learning experiments. The best part is, My
about this. One day, they might be putting on
children have taken in interest in studying the
their very own science night!!! You’re welcome
stars. They have been able to identify the star
to use my full name. If there is anything else I
constellations they learned about in the
can do to help feel free to email.
planetarium. It is experiences like this that
make learning fun. Thank you, your time and Thank You,
attention to this night is greatly appreciated.
Sally McCabe”
The McCabe Family”
It’s nice to know that we had such a positive
I sent the McCabe’s a note asking their
impact on one family. Family Science nights are
permission to reprint their email. They
fun for kids, parents and teachers. Maybe you
responded with the following: should sponsor one at your school!

Laurette Darling

Governor’s Academy Cohort 2 hosted by Governor Baldacci at the Blaine
House in November. This is the second math
MSTA members photographed here deserve our and science cohort sponsored by MMSA.
congratulations as they “graduated” from the
Governor’s Academy. They joined other Math
and Science teacher leaders for a reception

MSTA Dine and Discuss- China School Forest

Anita Smith and Elaine Philbrook, Project

Learning Tree coordinators and China Schools
teachers, hosted a Dine and Discuss at the China
School Forest in the Fall. Pat Maloney and
students from Unity College joined us. We
walked the trail while they explained how the
school forest was designed. If you have
suggestions for future “Dine and Discuss”
activities, please contact

Laurette Darling

2005-2006 Science in Action Award
Maine Winners
National Semiconductor is proud to announce The Science in Action Award program,
the winning projects of the first Science in sponsored by National Semiconductor and in
Action Awards. Six Maine school projects were partnership with the Maine Mathematics and
chosen to receive awards. Congratulations to: Science Alliance, was created to recognize and
Science Sleuths , Nancy March, Karin Felmly, reward inquiry-based, hands-on curriculum
Jen Kugler, Kim Spencer, Yarmouth Elementary projects. Selected individual teachers receive up
School, Yarmouth; Motion and Speed -- Let to $2,000 to purchase materials for their
the Race Begin! Julie Knowlton, Elaine Tardiff, classroom and receive a personal award of
Melanie Hussey, Rob Borden, Milo Elementary $1,000. Selected teacher groups can receive up
School, Milo; The Golden Mousetrap Award, to $5,000 to purchase materials, divided between
Mark Woida, Deer Isle -Stonington Elementary classrooms and receive personal awards of
School, Deer Isle; Finn Brook Stewards $2,000, divided among the group. For more
Address the State of The Stream, Karen information about this award and this year’s
McCormick, Mark Trask, Whitefield winning projects visit
Elementary School, Whitefield; Experimenting
with Solar Energy and Motion, Donna Oliver,
Susanne Gallant, Lisa Beers, Eddington School, Science in Action Award
Eddington; Monitoring a "Natural" Security Application deadline for
Crisis in our Backyard, Christina Chambers-
Miller; Wiscasset Middle School, Wiscasset. upcoming school year:
October 12, 2006

Two Maine Science Teachers, Mark Trask and Karen McCormick from the Whitefield School
receive their awards at the MSTA Fall Conference

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Congratulations to Steve DeAngelis from for two to Washington, DC for the week-
Maranacook Community School in long recognition events and professional
Readfield on his 2005 Presidential Awards development activities. (He’s there right
for Excellence in Science Teaching now!)
( The Presidential
Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Elementary applications have been
Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the nation's submitted for the 2006 outstanding K-6
highest honor for teachers of mathematics teachers in Math and Science. If you are a
and science for their contributions in the grades 7-12 Math or Science teacher and
classroom and to their profession. Our other plan to apply next year, or are
state finalist in science was Jeffrey Jay thinking about applying for next year, you
Steinert from Edward Little High School in should contact Tad Johnston, our state
Auburn. Steve will receive $10,000 from the coordinator for both math and science, at
National Science Foundation and a paid trip

MSTA Electronic Newsletter

You have been sent this issue of the Maine Science Teachers Association Newsletter as an email
attachment because the costs of printing and mailing a traditional paper newsletter have
skyrocketed in the past year. If you have changes in your email address information or in any of
the information on your membership form, please lest me know so that we can keep our records
up to date and make sure you continue to receive regular copies of the MSTA News. Any
submissions or ideas for future MSTA Newsletter articles should also be sent to me at my new
email address

Thank you!

Laurette Darling, Newsletter Editor

Maine Science Teachers Association (MSTA)

Membership Form

Please complete the information below.

Please note: Purchase orders are a tremendous burden for your volunteer registrar.

Name _______________________________________ Position ________________________________

Home Address________________________________________________________________________
Home City/Town ______________________________________________________________________
Home State _________ Home Zip ____________

School or organization _________________________________________________________________

School/Organization Addresss __________________________________________________________
School/Organization City/town ___________________________________________________________
School/Organization State _________ School/Organization Zip ____________

Telephone: Home ____________________________ Work ____________________________

Email__________________________________________ Fax # _______________________________

Preferred mailing address (for newsletter, etc) [ ] home [ ] organization

Level: [ ]K-2 [ ]3-4 [ ] 5-8 [ ] high school [ ] college [ ] pre-service

We are in the process of planning next year’s Annual Conference.

Please check strands of interest:
[ ] Science and Literacy [ ] Standards Based Kits
[ ] Physical Science [ ] Inquiry
[ ] Ocean Science [ ] Science Labs of the Future
[ ] Environmental Science [ ] NASA and Earth/Space Science
[ ] Technology [ } Professional Development
[ ] Assessment [ ] Other __________________________

If you would like to renew your membership or join the organization, please send $15 to the address

Please Make Checks Payable to MSTA and Mail to:

Maine Science Teachers Association
George Powers, Registrar
41 17th St.
Bangor, ME 04401-3139
Questions (207) 942-0616

Maine Learning Results for Science and Technology Revised
On April 7, 2006 the Maine Department of You may access the document, support materials
Education posted the proposed revised Maine and online survey at
Learning Results standards. All teachers of
science and technology from PK – Diploma are ence.html
asked to go online now and review the proposed
revised standards for science and technology. In The survey will close May 31, 2006.
addition to the documents there are important
explanatory materials and an online survey that Thank you for taking the time to be part of this
has been set up to collect feedback. The important work.
feedback collected will inform the final draft of
the standards that will be brought before the Anita Bernhardt
Legislature for approval in January 2007.


TO: Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Career and Technical Education
Center Directors, Curriculum Coordinators, Guidance Counselors and School Health
FROM: Susan A Gendron, Commissioner of Education
DATE: April 11, 2006
SUBJECT: Proposed Revised Standards and Online Survey Available for Career and Life
Development, Modern and Classical Languages, Science and Technology, Social
Studies, and Visual and Performing Arts

The Department of Education is pleased to inform you that the proposed revised standards for
Career and Life Development, Modern and Classical Languages, Science and Technology, Social
Studies, and Visual and Performing Arts, an online survey and other related information are now available
on the Maine Learning Results Review website. The Department extends its thanks to the many teachers
who participated in this work as members of the content area panels. Soliciting feedback regarding the
proposed revised document is the next of many steps in a multi-year process of adoption and

It is critical that as many educators as possible provide feedback through the online survey.
Please share this information with all educators in your district including teachers of Career and Life
Development (formerly known as Career Preparation), Modern and Classical Languages, Science and
Technology, Social Studies, and Visual and Performing Arts. The online surveys for Career and Life
Development, Modern and Classical Languages, Science and Technology, Social Studies, and Visual
and Performing Arts will close on May 31, 2006. The online surveys for the proposed English Language
Arts, Mathematics, and Health and Physical Education standards have been extended until May 5, 2006.

The proposed revised documents, survey and other information may be found online at
Questions should be addressed to Anita Bernhardt at

science and technology educational materials. A
number of after-hours social events and site
seeing tours rounded out a full conference menu.

You can visit NSTA’s website for

full details and highlights from this conference
and get the scoop on future conference offerings.
NSTA Anaheim Perhaps attending an NSTA conference is in
The sun came out just in time to welcome your future?
participants to the National Science Teachers
Association’s 54th National Conference on Lynn Farrin
Science Education in beautiful Anaheim, MMSA
California. This is, as the association points out,
the first gathering that uses a brand new name-
the NSTA 54th National Conference on Science Local Systemic Change
Education- to reflect the rich and more in-depth
offerings featured at this and future events. To Since the inception of the National Science
help participants make the most of the Foundation-funded Local Systemic Change
professional development opportunities (LSC) initiative, Horizon Research has
available while in Anaheim, the conference was collaborated with LSC projects in designing and
planned around six strands, enabling participants implementing an extensive evaluation of the
to focus on specific areas or interest or need. initiative. The findings of this 10-year evaluation
The strands featured at this years’ event were: are now available to the wider education
Using Technology to Enhance Student Learning, community. These findings will be useful to
Formative Assessment: How Will You Know states, districts, higher education, and others
What Your Students Know?, Science and who are designing and/or leading similar kinds
Literacy: An Essential Partnership, Changing of efforts to improve mathematics and science
School Culture: Building Professional Learning professional development.
Communities, The Many Faces of Inquiry, and
Especially for Administrators: Supporting This message contains a link to the first set of
Quality Science Education. In addition to LSC Research Updates - one page summaries of
organizing conference offerings by strand, key findings of interest to K-12 practitioners.
NSTA held a special daylong conference,
Science Assessment: Research and Practical
Approaches which highlighted the work of These Updates provide information on how
several NSF-funded programs. LSC professional development influenced
the following areas:
Participants also took part in special offerings - Teachers' Perceptions of their Content
including Science for Young Learners Day, Preparedness,
Professional Development Institutes, (short - Teachers' Use of Investigative Teaching
courses), NSTA Symposia , NSTA International Practices, and
Science Education Day, and Teacher Researcher
- Amount of Time Devoted to K-5
Science Instruction.
As always, NSTA assembled a number of must-
do and see events. Featured speakers Jean- The Updates can be downloaded as PDF
Michel Cousteau, Bill Nye, and Steve Spangler documents from the LSC website:
captivated audiences while Adam Savage and
Jamie Hyneman, co-hosts of Discovery
Channel’s popular MythBusters series delighted More detailed information and reports on the
attendees at the President’s Annual Banquet. LSC research are also available at the site.
Numerous of opportunities were just waiting to
be explored in the exhibit hall – vendors and
various organizations showcased the latest

Lasers – A simple explanation
Many highly useful devices are based on lasers.
Lasers can be used to play music or movies,
read inventory codes on objects, cut through
everything from fabric to solid steel, and
perform exquisitely delicate surgery. Laser
energy is a form of light, but what makes it
different from ordinary light? The latest SciJinks Web Page
"Amazing Fact" on The Space Place describes
step by step the basic properties of natural light Why is the sky blue? Why does the sky
and the special properties of laser light. sometimes turn red at sunset? Every curious
Interactive animations demonstrate the concepts child will ask these questions at some point. Are
in a simple and fun way. Visit you ready to give scientifically correct and to get a simple answers? Visit SciJinks to refresh your
laser-sharp understanding of this form of energy memory. The SciJinks Web site targets young
and to find out how lasers can help to find life people of middle school age. It is a joint effort
on other planets. of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA). The new "Why is the sky blue?" page
can be found in the How & Why menu on the
SciJinks Weather Laboratory home page,

The preceding five articles were submitted by:

Nancy Leon, Education and Public Outreach

NASA New Millennium Program/Space Place
NASA/JPL 4800 Oak Grove Drive
Mailstop 301-235
Pasadena, CA 91109

space weather”, says James Slavin, Project
Scientist for ST5. Slavin suggests some other
potential uses for micro-sats:

A cluster of micro-sats between the Earth and

the Sun-spread out in space like little sensor
buoys floating in the ocean-could sample
incoming waves of high-speed particles from an
erupting solar flare, thus giving scientists hours
of warning of the threat posed to city power
grids and communications satellites.
Micro-sats with Macro-potential
Or perhaps a string of micro-sats, flying single
By Patrick L. Barry file in low-Earth orbit, could take a series of
snapshots of violent thunderstorms as each
Future space telescopes might not consist of a micro-sat in the “train” passes over the storm.
single satellite such as Hubble, but a This technology would combine the continuous
constellation of dozens or even hundreds of large-scale storm monitoring of geosynchronous
small satellites, or “micro-sats,” operating in weather satellites-which orbit far from the Earth
unison. at about 36,000 kilometers' altitude-with the up-
close, highly detailed view of satellites only 400
Such a swarm of little satellites could act as one kilometers overhead.
enormous telescope with a mirror as large as the
entire constellation, just as arrays of Earth- If ST5 is successful, these little satellites could
bound radio telescopes do. It could also last for end up playing a big role in future exploration.
a long time, because damage to one micro-sat
wouldn't ruin the whole space telescope; the rest The ST5 Web site at has
of the swarm could continue as if nothing had the details. Kids can have fun with ST5 at
happened., by just typing ST5 in the
site's Find It field.
And that's just one example of the cool things
that micro-sats could do. Plus, micro-sats are This article was provided by the Jet Propulsion
simply smaller and lighter than normal satellites, Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
so they're much cheaper to launch into space. under a contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
In February, NASA plans to launch its first
experimental micro-sat mission, called Space
Technology 5. As part of the New Millennium
Program, ST5 will test out the crucial
technologies needed for micro-sats-such as
miniature thrust and guidance systems-so that
future missions can use those technologies

Measuring only 53 centimeters (20 inches)

across and weighing a mere 25 kilograms (55
pounds), each of the three micro-sats for ST5
resembles a small television in size and weight.
Normal satellites can be as large and heavy as a
school bus.

“ST5 will also gather scientific data, helping

scientists explore Earth's magnetic field and

Planets in Strange Places Although actual planets have not been detected
(in part because of the stars' great distances), the
By Trudy E. Bell spectra of the hypergiants show that their dust is
composed of forsterite, olivine, aromatic
Red star, blue star, big star, small star-planets hydrocarbons, and other geological substances
may form around virtually any type or size of found on Earth.
star throughout the universe, not just around
mid-sized middle -aged yellow stars like the Sun. These newfound disks represent "extremes of
That's the surprising implication of two recent the environments in which planets might form,"
discoveries from the 0.85-meter-diameter Kastner said. "Not what you'd expect if you
Spitzer Space Telescope, which is exploring the think our solar system is the rule."
universe from orbit at infrared (heat) Hypergiants and dwarfs? The Milky Way could
wavelengths blocked by the Earth's atmosphere be crowded with worlds circling every kind of
. star imaginable -very strange, indeed.
At one extreme are two blazing, blue
"hypergiant" stars 180,000 light-years away in Keep up with the latest findings from the Spitzer
the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the two at . For kids, the
companion galaxies to our Milky Way. The Infrared Photo Album at The Space Pla ce
stars, called R 66 and R 126, are respectively 30 (
and 70 times the mass of the Sun, "about as html) introduces the electromagnetic spectrum
massive as stars can get," said Joel Kastner, and compares the appearance of common scenes
professor of imaging science at the Rochester in visible versus infrared light.
Institute of Technology in New York. R 126 is
so luminous that if it were placed 10 parsecs This article was provided by the Jet Propulsion
(32.6 light-years) away-a distance at which the Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Sun would be one of the dimmest stars visible in under a contract with the National Aeronautics
the sky-the hypergiant would be as bright as the and Space Administration.
full moon, "definitely a daytime object," Kastner

Such hot stars have fierce solar winds, so

Kastner and his team are mystified why any dust
in the neighborhood hasn't long since been
blown away. But there it is: an unmistakable
spectral signature that both hypergiants are
surrounded by mammoth disks of what might be
planet-forming dust and even sand.

At the other extreme is a tiny brown dwarf star

called Cha 110913-773444, relatively nearby
(500 light-years) in the Milky Way. One of the
smallest brown dwarfs known, it has less than 1
percent the mass of the Sun. It's not even
massive enough to kindle thermonuclear
reactions for fusing hydrogen into helium. Yet
this miniature "failed star," as brown dwarfs are
often called, is also surrounded by a flat disk of
dust that may eventually clump into planets.
(Note: This brown dwarf discovery was made by
a group led by Kevin Luhman of Pennsylvania
State University.)

study the atmosphere if it's not there."
Furthermore, a layer of snow on the ground
("probably a few centimeters deep," estimates
Stern) could hide the underlying surface from
New Horizon's remote sensors.
Snowstorm on Pluto
by Dr. Tony Phillips Stern isn't too concerned: "Pluto's atmosphere
was discovered in 1988 when astronomers
There's a nip in the air. Outside it's beginning to watched the planet pass in front of a distant star-
snow, the first fall of winter. A few delicate a stellar occultation." The star, instead of
flakes tumble from the sky, innocently enough, vanishing abruptly at Pluto's solid edge, faded
but this is no mere flurry. slowly. Pluto was "fuzzy;" it had air. "Similar
occultations observed since then (most recently
Soon the air is choked with snow, falling so fast in 2002) reveal no sign of [impending]
and hard it seems to pull the sky down with it. collapse," says Stern. On the contrary, the
Indeed, that's what happens. Weeks later when atmosphere appears to be expanding, puffed up
the storm finally ends the entire atmosphere is by lingering heat from Pluto's waning summer.
gone. Every molecule of air on your planet has
frozen and fallen to the ground. Nevertheless, it's a good thing New Horizons is
fast, hurtling toward Pluto at 30,000 mph.
That was a snowstorm-on Pluto. Winter… New Horizons... Only one can be
first. The race is on.
Once every year on Pluto (1 Pluto-year = 248 Find out more about the New Horizons mission
Earth-years), around the beginning of winter, it at . Kids can learn
gets so cold that the atmosphere freezes. Air on amazing facts about Pluto at
Pluto is made mainly of nitrogen with a
smattering of methane and other compounds.
When the temperature dips to about 32 K (-240 This article was provided by the Jet Propulsion
C), these molecules crystallize and the Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
atmosphere comes down. under a contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
"The collapse can happen quite suddenly," says
Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute.
"Snow begins to fall, the surface reflects more
sunlight, forcing quicker cooling, accelerating
the snowfall. It can all be over in a few weeks or

Researchers believe this will happen sometime

during the next 10 to 20 years. Pluto is receding
from the warmth of the Sun, carried outward by
its 25% elliptical orbit. Winter is coming.

So is New Horizons. Stern is lead scientist for

the robotic probe, which left Earth in January
bound for Pluto. In 2015 New Horizons will
become the first spacecraft to visit that distant
planet. The question is, will it arrive before the

"We hope so," says Stern. The spacecraft is

bristling with instruments designed to study
Pluto's atmosphere and surface. "But we can't

2006 Forests of Maine Teacher' Tours
Join us on a 4-Day Tour of Maine's Forests & To register for one graduate credit on Tour Two,
Mills contact Dr. William Livingston
"Forest Biology Problems - Field Instruction"
Ÿ Learn about sustainable forestry, forest University of Maine, Orono
ecology, recreation, wildlife, wood products
& more! 207 581-2990
Ÿ Meet with foresters, biologists, land owners
and mill owners 2.8 CEU's are available for all tours.
Ÿ Maine TREE Foundation provides
everything from comfortable Teachers' Tour registration is $100. All other
accommodations to answers for all your expenses (except course work and CEU's) will
forest related questions be covered by The Maine TREE Foundation.
Ÿ Trained facilitators present a PLT For further information contact:
workshop on each tour - all PLT activities Martha Fenno at 207 621-9872 or
correlated with MSLR
Patricia Maloney, Coordinator
WHEN AND WHERE: Maine Project Learning Tree
Tour One - Little Lyford Pond Camps near P.O.Box 344
Moosehead Lake - July 11 - 14 Augusta, Maine 04332
Tour Two - Twin Pine Camps on 207 626-7990
Millinocket Lake near Katahdin - July 18 - 21
Tour Three - Leen's Lodge on West Grand
Lake in Downeast Maine - August 1 - 4

Graduate credits available on Tours One &

To register for two graduate credits on Tour
One, contact Dr. Kuech
"The Science of Maine Forests" EPB 530
University of Southern Maine

Study Maine Forests with your students!

Create a Forest Inventory Growth (FIG) plot Who Should Attend? Maine Middle and High
with your students at a nearby forest with School teachers and foresters interested in creating
a forester partner. FIG training is offered to an authentic science project to study forest ecology
middle school and high school teachers. with students using technology and links to other
Maine sites through the FIG website.
What: An interdisciplinary high school and
middle school study plot – create a hands -on data When: June 25, 26 and 27, 2006
collecting site. Log onto the interactive FIG
website where students enter and compare data Where: Camp Kieve, Nobleboro
with other participating schools. Learn about the
Standard Visualization System and longitudinal Cost: $50 registration fee plus $10 to cover CEU’s
research at Holt Research Center, Arrowsic and
how to apply this information to your curriculum. All teachers receive tools and resource materials to

set up FIG plots at their site.
Ÿ Trained and experienced teachers, Visit - the Project
foresters and UMO professors lead the Learning Tree Page and FIG training for
training sessions. registration form. Send $50 and registration form
Ÿ The Kennedy Learning Center at Kieve is to:
wireless Pat Maloney
Ÿ The 2.5 day training and curriculum are Maine Project Learning Tree
fully aligned with the Maine Learning PO Box 344
Results. Augusta, Maine 04332
Ÿ 2.7 CEU’s are available in addition to a
certificate of completion! (207) 626-7990

Delivering Energy Education with Project Learning Tree and

Maine Energy Education Program
Maine Project Learning Tree and the Maine Workshop fee: $15 includes all materials except
Energy Education Program are happy to announce the E&S kits - available for $25
the following 6-hour preK-8 workshop:
When: Monday, May 22 from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. Peter Zack, MEEP Coordinator
Registration begins at 8:30 Stefany Gregoire, Environmental Educator, DEP
Pat Maloney, Maine PLT Coordinator
Where: Pine Tree State Arboretum
Viles Room Bring your own lunch. Morning snacks provided.
153 Hospital Street Call or write to sign up or if you have further
Augusta 04332 questions:
Pat Maloney, Coordinator
Who Should Attend: All Educators and Maine Project Learning Tree
community leaders involved with Energy P. O. Box 344
education Augusta, Maine 04332
What: PLT offers a guide plus a kit: A recently
revised preK-8 Activity Guide includes over 15 or Stefany Gregoire:
Energy activities plus an Energy & 287-7027
Society Kit. MEEP offers experiential energy
education programs for Maine students and
teachers. Materials and activities
offer participants a balance between the economic,
environmental and social impacts of energy
choices affecting our society.

Watch for you Maine Project Learning Tree

Newsletter in Mailboxes next week!

2006 Summer Courses for Teachers
at College of the Atlantic
Elementary Teacher Leaders
Please visit our website to Wanted!
learn more about our distinctive summer
We are looking for elementary teachers to be
two-week (4 credits) and one-week (2
part of a very exciting K-6 science initiative
credits) courses. sponsored by National Semiconductor in
partnership with the Maine Mathematics and
July 9-22 (two-week courses offered) Science Alliance. We are looking for
- Field-Based Introduction to Geology elementary teachers interested in leading their
- Coastal Marine Ecology school through a 2 year program, focused on
- Examining the Evidence: Your building linkages between science inquiry and
Classroom as a Crime Lab language literacy. This is an extraordinary
- Introduction to Astronomy opportunity to strengthen your K-6 science
- Oceanography program through high quality, research-based,
- Woody Plants of Mount Desert Island engaging, and yes, fun! professional
development. In addition to offering schools on-
going support for teachers, this initiative (L-
July 23-29 (one week courses offered) SILL - Linking Science Inquiry and Language
- Examining the Evidence: Your Literacy) provides schools with materials for
Classroom as a Crime Lab, Part II inquiry-based science, a wealth of resources, and
- Weather Forecasting: Intro to a menu of professional development offerings
Meteorology and Operational for tailoring the program to fit your school’s
Forecasting specific science inquiry and language literacy
interests. This is truly an opportunity not to be
July 30-August 5 (one week course) missed!
- Climate Change: Causes and
Consequences For more information, please contact Lynn
July 23-August 5 (two week courses If you are not an elementary teacher but know of
offered) a strong elementary teacher leader, please pass
- Teaching from a Portable Planetarium this information along!
- Field Ecology and Natural History
- Intro to Herpetology
- Intro to Whales, Porpoises and Seals Lynn C. Farrin
Science Project Director
Fees: Tuition per credit (Maine in-state) Maine Mathematics & Science Alliance
$200 (Out-of-state) $300 PO Box 5359
[219 Capitol Street - UPS, Fed Ex. Deliveries]
Room and board costs based on single or Augusta, Maine 04332
shared occupancy.
For detailed information, course
descriptions, syllabi and an application
form, visit our website at or
contact Jean Boddy at 800-597-9500 or

MIT Short Course: Relativity, Rainforest Workshops - Teachers
Gravity, and Cosmology [8.06s] & Students to the Amazon
Date: July 10-13, 2006 | Tuition: $1,950 | Continuing Visit to learn
Education Units (CEUs): 2.5 about two exciting ways for teachers and
Cambridge, MA environmental educators to travel to the Amazon
Overview: Recent advances in gravitation theory and 1. Sign-up for the 14th annual Educator's
cosmology, combined with breakthroughs in Amazon Rainforest Workshop on scheduled July
observational astronomy, are transforming our 7-16, 2006. Co-sponsored by Selby Botanical
understanding of space and time and our perspectives Gardens, this 10-day event is a professional
on the origin and future fate of the universe. This development opportunity for teachers to work
course is designed both for individuals who would side-by-side with a spirited faculty of scientists.
like to learn the fundamentals of Einstein's theories of Academic credit and an extension to Machu
relativity and for those who are interested in the most
Picchu are available. Land cost for this
recent advances in our understanding of the nature of
educator workshop is $1998, plus roundtrip
black holes, other relativistic phenomena in our
universe, and the formation and evolution of the airfare.
universe itself.
2. You can TRAVEL FREE during our 8-day
The course will cover a large number of topics, Student Amazon Rainforest workshops on June
ranging from the experimental and theoretical 15, June 25, or July 5, 2006, while giving your
underpinnings of the special and general theories of students and their families the benefits of
relativity to the birth, history, and future evolution of educational travel to one of the most diverse
the universe. All subject matter will be presented on a environments in the world. Bring a group of 6
level accessible to anyone familiar with algebra and and
Freshman-level physics.
travel with all of your expenses paid.
Do not be concerned about the request for Experience a 1/4 mile Rainforest canopy
professional credentials in the standard application walkway, get involved in a village service
form. This course is intended for interested project, and see how indigenous cultures use the
laypersons with a Freshman level of understanding of forest for medicine, food, and shelter. Land cost
algebra, not for professionals in relativity or for students & families is $1798, plus air.
For expedition information or funding ideas call
For information about other MIT short summer Dr. Frances Gatz at 1-800-669-6806, email
professional courses, visit or visit the website .
* Educator Scholarships: The MIT Professional
Institute is pleased to Environmental Expeditions, 9335 Fraser
announce that we will be offering up to 25 Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910
scholarships of $500 each to Frances Gatz, Ph.D., Director, Rainforest
teachers or other educational professionals enrolling Workshops
in the Relativity, Fax: 301-585-4899 email:
Gravity, and Cosmology course.
Phone: 800-669-6806 or 301-585-7027
To be considered for a scholarship, you must first
Web site:
complete the online application form for this course.
After you submit your application, send an email to stating your
qualifications, your objectives for taking the course,
and your reasons for requesting a scholarship.

Ecology Education for Maine Schools Ÿ Connections— Sustainability & Community
Using Maine Ecosystems as Outdoor Science Ecology
Lesson are available, some by the season, some
The Ferry Beach Ecology School in Saco, Maine by teacher’s choice. Each one lasts 1.5-2 hours
is offering a variety of discounted ecology and is offered outdoors on the Saco Bay Coast.
education programs to Maine Schools during the
Memorial Day Week—May 30th through June Please Note: Program and Prices are listed for
2nd—funded through a grant by the Morton- Memorial Day Week 2006 only. Openings also
Kelly Charitable Trust. Below are listed the available for School Year 2006-2007.
various programs we offer which can be taken
separately or combined, for a further discount to Drew Dumsch
give your students a comprehensive ecology Executive Director
experience. Ferry Beach Ecology School
8 Morris Avenue, Building One
The FBES Field Study Day Program-- $5 per Saco, Maine 04072
student (up to 100 students, 10 chaperones). ph: (207) 283-9951
Outdoor field study of two ecosystems at Ferry
Beach-- Full Value is $12 per student. (*See
below for list of possible Field Study lessons.)
A copy of the FBES Field Guide, an Ecological Hummingbird Migration Map
Tour of Maine’s Coastal Ecosystem will be
included for each classroom. Check out this spring map of Hummingbirds and
add your first observation of Ruby-throated
The FBES Residential Field Study Program-- migrants to the Maine list.
$35 per student (up to 50 students, 4
chaperones). Editors Note: We think we saw a hummingbird
2 Day Outdoor residential field study of three to in Fayette on April 30th
five ecosystems at Ferry Beach including 3-4
onsite lessons at Ferry Beach. (*See below for Very cool!
list of possible Field Study lessons.)
Overnight Room and Board for students, for
teachers, and chaperones (includes 3 meals, future years
snacks and lodging)—and a copy of the FBES
Field Guide, an Ecological Tour of Maine’s Deborah Avalone-King
Coastal Ecosystems for each classroom Maine DEP Air Bureau
17 SHS
*Field Study lessons availableThe ABCs of Augusta, ME 04333
Ecology—An Introduction to Field Ecology
Ÿ Sensory & Nature Awareness
Ÿ Autumn, Winter, or Spring Ecology
Ÿ Erosion Study at Camp Ellis
Ÿ Forest & Freshwater
Ÿ Coastal Watersheds at the Camp Ellis Salt
Ÿ Beaches & Dunes
Ÿ Climate, Weather & Geology
Ÿ Tide Pools at the Biddeford Pools Tide
Ÿ Astronomy & Nature at Night (residential
program only)
Ÿ Organic Gardening

Professional Development
Resources :
Congratulations to Page Keeley, Frances Eberle,
Lynn Farrin and Cheryl Rose of MMSA on the
publications of their professional development
books. Many of you piloted the formative
student assessment probes for the Uncovering
Student Ideas in Science written by Page,
Frances and Lynn. Page’s other new book,
written with Cheryl Rose, is Mathematics
Curriculum Topic Study. This book contains 92
ready-to-use CTS guides arranged in seven
categories that are aligned with NCTM content
and process standards. Both books are available
from MMSA and you can read the write-ups at
the MMSA website:



Auction begins: 8 am April 24

Auction ends: 6 pm May 29

A few of the primary categories of solicited Proceeds of the items listed from the Challenger
items for auction include: Learning Center of Maine will go directly to
• Astronaut memorabilia your Maine learning center!
• Celebrity memorabilia
• Artwork All bidding and payment will be via credit card.
• Jewelry cMarket will validate all credit cards before
• Airline tickets accepting bids. Challenger Learning Center will
• Vacation Packages process the credit card payments following the
closeout of the auction and prior to shipping the
• Sports event tickets
item to the successful bidder.
• Hotel stays
• Consumer Electronics
For more Information, contact the Challenger
• Gift certificates Center at
• Miscellaneous merchandise

Summer Program Dates and Cost While at Space Explore Camp, participants will do a
Junior Space Explorer Grades K-2 $75 variety
June 21-23 9-Noon
of hands-on science explorations, physical activities, and
Includes Materials and Snack field trips designed to generate excitement for learning
Space Explorers Grades 3-4 $350 exploration.
(2 sessions available)
July 10-14 9-4:00 Possible topics include:
July 24-27 9-4:00
Includes Materials and Snack Space communication Moon craters
Planetary community Mars Rover
Advanced Explorers Grades 5-8 $400 Microgravity Astronaut life
(2 sessions available) Space art Power of the sun
July 17-21 9-4:00 M-Th 9-11:00 Fri
July 31 - Aug 4 9-4:00 M-Th 9-11:00 Fri
Planetariums Robotics
Includes mini mission on last day and 2 “special” lunches Mission patches Space vehicles
Flight (from kites to rockets) High Powered
Rocket Launchers Grades 6-10 $350 Rocketry
High Powered Rocketry
(Grade 6-7 must be returning campers)
Aug 7-10 9-4:00
To Register, Complete the form below or register online at Questions? Call us at (207) 990-2900

Student’s Name Grade next fall

Parent/Guardian Phone
Address Email
Camp dates
____) [ ] I would like to know about scholarships
limited scholarships available upon request

Mail with a nonrefundable $25 registration deposit to CLC of ME, 30 Venture Way., Bangor, ME 04401

Encounter The CLC 4 ME Club
Squad (ERS-1 j. A low earth
orbiting (LEO) satellite has mal- Comes to Maine
functioned and must be replaced.
The elite ERS-1 group is Blast off to orbit with us!
This fall the Challenger Center has composed of eight teams trained
added a new mission scenario for in satellite design and If you are between the ages of
Maine's students, entitled Encoun- environmental survey. One half of nine and 17, you can be a part
ter Earth. Since opening in March the crew is stationed on a LEO of the Challenger Learning
2004, the Center has been running 5pacelab and must work to Center of Maine's CLC 4 ME
the mission scenario, Rendezvous construct a new satellite and Club. The CLC 4 ME Club offers
with a Comet, geared primarily for redeploy it into orbit. While the young people interested in
middle school students. However, Satellite team is constructing the space and science a chance to learn even more by being a part
Challenger Center staff wanted to new satellite, the remainder of of a special group of space enthusiasts through member-only
expand their audience to high the crew must collect and trans- events and learning opportunities.
school students, which is just what mit data typically handled by the
the Encounter Earth mission does. satellite. They must be aware of The CLC 4 ME Club of Maine's own Challenger Learning Center
any environmental conditions that gives the children of Maine first hand opportunities to experience
"What determines the appropriate might pose a threat to Earth as the wonders of space and science. The benefits are
grade level for a mission is largely they are the first line of detection out-of-this-world!
how the mission objectives align and response.
with the state's learning The $35.00/year membership includes:
standards. When we looked at the
Encounter Earth mission and the P Discounts of $5 off admission to public missions
grade 9 standards, it was a perfect P 10% discount in the gift shop
match. We knew just which P 10% discount off Space Explorer Camp
mission we needed to run next. P Invitations to special member-only events
The content is fantastic and we're P 10% discount off the CLC birthday party program including
really excited." explains Center P 10% discount in the gift shop for birthday party attendees.
Director, Annette Brickley.
The membership package also comes with a membership card,
During the new mission, the stu- NASA sticker, Challenger sticker, and a Mars Rover Model Cut-out!
dents work on specialized teams
as part of an Emergency Response Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles!


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