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induced in the ring at time t = 5.00 * 10 -3 s. What is the polarity

of the emf? (c) Because of the internal resistance of the ring, the
current through R at the time given in part (b) is only 3.00 mA.
Determine the internal resistance of the ring. (d) Determine the
emf in the ring at a time t = 1.21 * 10 -2 s. What is the polarity of
the emf? (e) Determine the time at which the current through R
reverses its direction.
29.65 . CALC The long, straight wire shown in Fig. P29.65a carries constant current I. A metal bar with length L is moving at conS
stant velocity v, as shown in the gure. Point a is a distance d from
the wire. (a) Calculate the emf induced in the bar. (b) Which point,
a or b, is at higher potential? (c) If the bar is replaced by a rectangular wire loop of resistance R (Fig. P29.65b), what is the magnitude of the current induced in the loop?
Figure P29.65





29.66 . The cube shown in Fig. Figure P29.66

P29.66, 50.0 cm on a side, is in a
uniform magnetic eld of 0.120 T,
directed along the positive y-axis.
Wires A, C, and D move in the
directions indicated, each with a
speed of 0.350 m>s. (Wire A
moves parallel to the xy-plane, C
moves at an angle of 45.0 below
the xy-plane, and D moves paralD
lel to the xz-plane.) What is the x
potential difference between the
ends of each wire?
29.67 . CALC A slender rod, 0.240 m long, rotates with an angular speed of 8.80 rad>s about an axis through one end and perpendicular to the rod. The plane of rotation of the rod is perpendicular
to a uniform magnetic eld with a magnitude of 0.650 T. (a) What
is the induced emf in the rod? (b) What is the potential difference
between its ends? (c) Suppose instead the rod rotates at 8.80 rad>s
about an axis through its center and perpendicular to the rod. In
this case, what is the potential difference between the ends of the
rod? Between the center of the rod and one end?
29.68 . A Magnetic Exercise Machine. You have designed a
new type of exercise machine with an extremely simple mechanism (Fig. E29.28). A vertical bar of silver (chosen for its low
resistivity and because it makes the machine look cool) with length
L = 3.0 m is free to move left or right without friction on silver
rails. The entire apparatus is placed in a horizontal, uniform magnetic eld of strength 0.25 T. When you push the bar to the left or
right, the bars motion sets up a current in the circuit that includes
the bar. The resistance of the bar and the rails can be neglected.
The magnetic eld exerts a force on the current-carrying bar, and
this force opposes the bars motion. The health benet is from the
exercise that you do in working against this force. (a) Your design


goal is that the person doing the exercise is to do work at the rate
of 25 watts when moving the bar at a steady 2.0 m>s. What should
be the resistance R? (b) You decide you want to be able to vary the
power required from the person, to adapt the machine to the persons strength and tness. If the power is to be increased to 50 W
by altering R while leaving the other design parameters constant,
should R be increased or decreased? Calculate the value of R for
50 W. (c) When you start to construct a prototype machine, you
nd it is difcult to produce a 0.25-T magnetic eld over such a
large area. If you decrease the length of the bar to 0.20 m while
leaving B, v, and R the same as in part (a), what will be the power
required of the person?
29.69 .. CP CALC A rectan- Figure P29.69
gular loop with width L and a
slide wire with mass m are as
shown in Fig. P29.69. AS uniS
form magnetic eld B is
directed perpendicular to the
plane of the loop into the plane
of the gure. The slide wire is
given an initial speed of v0 and then released. There is no friction
between the slide wire and the loop, and the resistance of the loop
is negligible in comparison to the resistance R of the slide wire.
(a) Obtain an expression for F, the magnitude of the force exerted
on the wire while it is moving at speed v. (b) Show that the distance
x that the wire moves before coming to rest is x = mv0R>a 2B 2.
29.70 .. A 25.0-cm-long metal rod lies in the xy-plane and makes
an angle of 36.9 with the positive x-axis and an angle of 53.1
with the positive y-axis. The rod is moving in the + x-direction
with a speed of 6.80 m>s. The rod is in a uniform magnetic eld
B 10.120 T2n 10.220 T2n 10.0900 T2kN . (a) What is the
magnitude of the emf induced in the rod? (b) Indicate in a sketch
which end of the rod is at higher
29.71 . The magnetic eld B, at all
Figure P29.71
points within a circular region of
radius R, is uniform in space and
directed into the plane of the page
as shown in Fig. P29.71. (The
region could be a cross section
inside the windings of a long,
straight solenoid.) If the magnetic
eld is increasing at a rate dB>dt,
what are the magnitude and direction of the force on a stationary positive point charge q located at points
a, b, and c? (Point a is a distance r above the center of the region,
point b is a distance r to the right of the center, and point c is at the
center of the region.)
29.72 . CALC An airplane propeller of total length L rotates
around its center with angular speed v in a magnetic eld that is
perpendicular to the plane of rotation. Modeling the propeller as a
thin, uniform bar, nd the potential difference between (a) the center and either end of the propeller and (b) the two ends. (c) If the
eld is the earths eld of 0.50 G and the propeller turns at 220 rpm
and is 2.0 m long, what is the potential difference between the
middle and either end? It this large enough to be concerned about?
29.73 ... CALC A dielectric of permittivity 3.5 * 10 -11 F>m
completely lls the volume between two capacitor plates. For t 7 0
the electric ux through the dielectric is 18.0 * 10 3 V # m>s32t 3.
The dielectric is ideal and nonmagnetic; the conduction current in
the dielectric is zero. At what time does the displacement current in
the dielectric equal 21 mA?

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