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Certification in Environmental Management

ENV 100 – Ecology and Conservation

ENV 100 – Ecology and Conservation


Purpose: To provide you with an introductory understanding of the ecological

and biological principles fundamental to environmental management in New

COURSE SCHEDULE: all assignment are due at 5.30pm (except tests).

Topic Assessment Due Date
Unit 1 – Introduction to the geological and biological
origins of New Zealand
• Geological origins of New Zealand – Land
forming processes
• Biological origins of New Zealand – Flora and Report – Due 25/04/08
Unit 2 – The basic principles at work in an
• What is an ecosystem and ecology?
• Energy flows within an ecosystem – Nutrient Test – 15/05/08
Unit 3 – Indigenous Forest Habitat in New Zealand
• Indigenous Forest History
• Types of Indigenous Forests Report – Due 5/06/08
Unit 4 – Introduced Pests and Predators in New
• Predator Pests
• Management Systems for controlling the pests Report – Due 26/06/08
Unit 5 – Weather patterns, interpretation of weather
maps and forecasts
• Introduction to weather
• Weather maps and forecasting Test – 17/07/08

The course schedule is subject to change. This is a guideline of what will

occur over the period of the course. Assessment dates are final though.

Please refer to the course study guide for the required readings for each topic.
It is your responsibility to keep up to date with material covered each week.
There are no specific weeks set aside for study, you are to move through at
you own pace – but all assignments are to be handed in on time. There will
be late penalties if the assignment is late.

SIT2LRN – Prepared by Kelly Minehan-Spittle

Certification in Environmental Management
ENV 100 – Ecology and Conservation

Check the study guide for specific page references for required readings.
Majority of information is in your Study Guide for each Unit. Participation with
online facilities will aid in your understanding, help you with your required
assessments and enable me to point you in the right direction. Please use
the discussion board, which is available on Blackboard.

You are more than welcome to e-mail me regarding any questions you have.
My email address is

Assessment Contribution to Due Date Type of
Unit final grade Assessment
Unit 1: 20% 25/04/08 Report
Unit 2: 20% 15/05/08 Test
Unit 3: 20% 5/06/08 Report
Unit 4: 20% 26/06/08 Report
Unit 5: 20% 17/07/08 Test

More information regarding the requirements for these assessment activities

will be posted on Blackboard under Assignments and emailed to you.

Late penalties will be imposed for assessment materials not submitted in the
required time frame. If you have concerns about your ability to complete
assessments on time you will need to communicate your concerns with me
prior to the assessment date. If an assignment is late, with out permission,
there will be a penalty of 10% per day it is late, this will be deducted from the
final score when the assignment is presented (this includes Saturday and


There are two types of assessments for this course – report or essay. Below
is an out line of the difference between the two:

Report - This is when your written assessment will be structured in a specific

format as identified in the assessment requirements. This will entail the use
of specific headings and the researching of specific information.

Essay - This is when your written assessment is only required to have three
components – Introduction, Body of work, Conclusion – and required a more
contemplative approach to the topic with information supporting your view.

SIT2LRN – Prepared by Kelly Minehan-Spittle

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