ITC 38 Lab

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JOSE RIZAL UNIVERSITY Computer Science Department

ITC 38 Network Technologies



Activity #1:
A. Discuss the basic fundamentals of Data Communications.
B. Define and explain Delivery/Accuracy/Timeliness.
Activity #2:
A. Define and explain Networking.
B. Discuss Distributed Processing and its Advantages.
Activity #3:
A. Define and explain Protocols and Standards.
B. Examine the use, application and the need for protocols.
Activity #4:
A. Identify and Explain Standards and Organizations.
B. Enumerate the different Organizations that set standards for Data Communication and
Activity #5:
A. Enumerate the Basic Concepts of Data Transmission.
B. Discuss and explain Line Configuration.
Activity #6:
A. Explain Topology and its relationship with Networking.
B. Define and explain the different kinds of Topologies.
Activity #7:
A. Explain the different kinds of Transmission Modes used for Data Communication and or
Electronic Communication.
B. Discuss the importance of understanding the different Network Categories.
Activity #8:
A. Define and explain the origin and working principle of Internetworks.
B. Define and explain the different elements of the Internet.
Activity #9:
A. Recall Activity 4 regarding the details of Organizations.
B. Define and explain The OSI Model.
Activity #10:
A. Identify and discuss the function of the OSI layers.
B. Identify and explain the Function of the OSI Layers.

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JOSE RIZAL UNIVERSITY Computer Science Department

ITC 38 Network Technologies


Activity #1:
A. Define and explain Data Link Layer and its main function.
B. Discuss Node to Node Entry.
Activity #2:
A. Identify and Explain the Network layer.
B. Enumerate and explain the responsibilities of the Network Layer.
Activity #3:
A. Define and explain the function of the Transport layer.
B. Discuss End to End message delivery.
Activity #4:
A. Define and explain Session Layer and its main function.
B. Define and explain Session Management.
Activity #5:
A. Define and explain the Presentation Layer and its main function.
B. Enumerate the responsibilities of the Presentation Layer.
Activity #6:
A. Define and explain Application Layer and its main function.
B. Explain the services provided by the network layer.
Activity #7:
A. Define and explain the different forms and kinds of Signals.
B. Define and explain Analog and Digital Signals.
Activity #8:
A. Define and explain Simple analog signals.
B. Explain Amplitude.
Activity #9:
A. Define and explain Phase and Phasing methods.
B. Define and explain Complex Signals.
Activity #10:
A. Define and explain Digital Signals.
B. Define and explain Bit Interval and Bit rate.
Activity #11:
A. Discuss the basic use and application of Analog Signals to transmit Digital Data.
B. Define and explain Analog and Digital Signals.
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JOSE RIZAL UNIVERSITY Computer Science Department

ITC 38 Network Technologies



Activity #1:
A. Define and explain Encoding and its main function.
B. Define Digital to Digital encoding.
Activity #2:
A. Define and explain Analog to Digital encoding.
B. Identify and explain the Function PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation).
Activity #3:
A. Define and explain Digital to Analog Encoding.
B. Identify and explain the Function ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying).
Activity #4:
A. Define and explain Analog to Analog encoding.
B. Discuss AM (Amplitude Modulation).
Activity #5:
A. Define and explain Transmission of Digital Data.
B. Define Digital Data Transmission.
Activity #6:
A. Define and explain Data Terminal Equipment.
B. Discuss data Circuit Terminating Equipment.
Activity #7:
A. Explain Transmission Media.
B. Discuss and explain the electromagnetic spectrum.
Activity #8:
A. Define and explain Guided Media (WIRED MEDIUM).
B. Identify and explain the use and application of guided Medias.
Activity #9:
A. Define and explain Shielded Twisted Pair.
B. Enumerate the different categories of Shielded cables.
Activity #10:
A. Define and explain Coaxial Cables.
B. Identify the different kinds and classifications of Coaxial cables.
Activity #11:
A. Define and explain Fiber Optics.
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JOSE RIZAL UNIVERSITY Computer Science Department

ITC 38 Network Technologies

B. Define and explain the nature of Light.
Activity #12:
A. Define and explain Unguided Media (WIRELESS MEDIUM).
B. Define Radio waves and how it is used directly.
Activity #13:
A. Define and explain Satellite Communication.
B. Identify and explain the different satellite frequencies.
Activity #14:
A. Define and explain Multiplexing.
B. Enumerate and explain the different types of multiplexing.
Activity #15:
A. Define and explain Time Division Multiplexing.
B. Define Synchronous TDM.
Activity #16:
A. Define and explain Error Detection.
B. Enumerate and explain the different types of Errors.
Activity #17:
A. Define and explain Complex Networks.
B. Discuss the difference between centralized and client server computing.
Activity #18:
A. Define and explain the need to create disable and delete user accounts.
B. Discuss all aspects of Network Monitoring.
Activity #19:
A. Define and explain the need of Planning and Implementing Networks.
B. Discuss how to create a Network Plan.

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