The Song of The Rain

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Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes awa

y to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daught
er of the Dawn from a Sovereign 's crown to embellish her gardens. The clouds an
d fields are lovers and she is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cure
s the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the thirst of the field. The voice
of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries co
ming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and w
hen she has seeped down deep into the soil, all things are elated. She emerges f
rom the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in nee
d, she descends and downpours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own mill
ion little ways. In human houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle finge
rs and all can hear her welcome song which only the sensitive can understand. Sh
e is born out of the heat in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a w
oman overcomes a man with the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of t
he sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One will
wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. It is as if he has entered the very so
ul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran 's hilario
us and exquisite creations.Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by
Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful p
earls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a Sovereign 's crown to embellish
her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and she is a messenger between th
em. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the thir
st of the field. The voice of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her d
eparture. When she cries coming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches down,
the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down deep into the soil, all thing
s are elated. She emerges from the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze. W
hen she sees a field in need, she descends and downpours and embraces the flower
s and trees in her own million little ways. In human houses, she touches the win
dows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her welcome song which only the s
ensitive can understand. She is born out of the heat in the air which in her tur
n she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes from
him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of th
e Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. It is as if
he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is on
ly one of Gibran 's hilarious and exquisite creations.Rain is dotted silver thre
ads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields and
valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a Sove
reign 's crown to embellish her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and sh
e is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by coming
down she quenches the thirst of the field. The voice of thunder declares her ar
rival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries coming down, the hills laugh
and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down de
ep into the soil, all things are elated. She emerges from the heart of the Sea a
nd soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in need, she descends and downpo
urs and embraces the flowers and trees in her own million little ways. In human
houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her we
lcome song which only the sensitive can understand. She is born out of the heat
in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with
the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of th
e field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific Kah
lil Gibran was. It is as if he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on
her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran 's hilarious and exquisite creations
.Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes aw
ay to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daugh
ter of the Dawn from a Sovereign 's crown to embellish her gardens. The clouds a
nd fields are lovers and she is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cur
es the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the thirst of the field. The voice
of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries c
oming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and
when she has seeped down deep into the soil, all things are elated. She emerges

from the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in ne
ed, she descends and downpours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own mil
lion little ways. In human houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fing
ers and all can hear her welcome song which only the sensitive can understand. S
he is born out of the heat in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a
woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of
the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One wil
l wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. It is as if he has entered the very s
oul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran 's hilari
ous and exquisite creations.Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by
Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful
pearls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a Sovereign 's crown to embellis
h her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and she is a messenger between t
hem. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the thi
rst of the field. The voice of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her
departure. When she cries coming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches down
, the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down deep into the soil, all thin
gs are elated. She emerges from the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze.
When she sees a field in need, she descends and downpours and embraces the flowe
rs and trees in her own million little ways. In human houses, she touches the wi
ndows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her welcome song which only the
sensitive can understand. She is born out of the heat in the air which in her tu
rn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes fro
m him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of t
he Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. It is as i
f he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is o
nly one of Gibran 's hilarious and exquisite creations.Rain is dotted silver thr
eads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields and
valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a Sov
ereign 's crown to embellish her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and s
he is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by comin
g down she quenches the thirst of the field. The voice of thunder declares her a
rrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries coming down, the hills laug
h and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down d
eep into the soil, all things are elated. She emerges from the heart of the Sea
and soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in need, she descends and downp
ours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own million little ways. In human
houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her w
elcome song which only the sensitive can understand. She is born out of the heat
in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with
the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of t
he field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific Ka
hlil Gibran was. It is as if he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on
her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran 's hilarious and exquisite creation
s.Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes a
way to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daug
hter of the Dawn from a Sovereign 's crown to embellish her gardens. The clouds
and fields are lovers and she is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cu
res the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the thirst of the field. The voic
e of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries
coming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and
when she has seeped down deep into the soil, all things are elated. She emerges
from the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in n
eed, she descends and downpours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own mi
llion little ways. In human houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fin
gers and all can hear her welcome song which only the sensitive can understand.
She is born out of the heat in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a
woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of
the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One wi
ll wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. It is as if he has entered the very

soul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran 's hilar
ious and exquisite creations.Rain is dotted silver threads dropped from heaven b
y Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields and valleys. She is beautiful
pearls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a Sovereign 's crown to embelli
sh her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and she is a messenger between
them. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by coming down she quenches the th
irst of the field. The voice of thunder declares her arrival and the rainbow her
departure. When she cries coming down, the hills laugh and when she reaches dow
n, the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down deep into the soil, all thi
ngs are elated. She emerges from the heart of the Sea and soars with the Breeze.
When she sees a field in need, she descends and downpours and embraces the flow
ers and trees in her own million little ways. In human houses, she touches the w
indows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her welcome song which only the
sensitive can understand. She is born out of the heat in the air which in her t
urn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man with the strength she takes fr
om him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of the field and the tears of
the Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific Kahlil Gibran was. It is as
if he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing on her behalf. This song is
only one of Gibran 's hilarious and exquisite creations.Rain is dotted silver th
reads dropped from heaven by Gods which Nature takes away to adorn her fields an
d valleys. She is beautiful pearls plucked by the Daughter of the Dawn from a So
vereign 's crown to embellish her gardens. The clouds and fields are lovers and
she is a messenger between them. By pouring out she cures the cloud, and by comi
ng down she quenches the thirst of the field. The voice of thunder declares her
arrival and the rainbow her departure. When she cries coming down, the hills lau
gh and when she reaches down, the flowers rejoice; and when she has seeped down
deep into the soil, all things are elated. She emerges from the heart of the Sea
and soars with the Breeze. When she sees a field in need, she descends and down
pours and embraces the flowers and trees in her own million little ways. In huma
n houses, she touches the windows with soft gentle fingers and all can hear her
welcome song which only the sensitive can understand. She is born out of the hea
t in the air which in her turn she kills, exactly as a woman overcomes a man wit
h the strength she takes from him. Rain is the sigh of the sea, the laughter of
the field and the tears of the Heaven and Love. One will wonder how scientific K
ahlil Gibran was. It is as if he has entered the very soul of the Rain to sing o
n her behalf. This song is only one of Gibran 's hilarious and exquisite creatio

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