Mullavilly News - February 2010

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Mullavilly News
January/February 2010

“Yesterday, today, for ever—

ever—Jesus is the same”

has now arrived and we turn another page in history. Before we do, I want to comment
on all the events that took place at the end of 2009. As usual, all the Christmas activities
seem to fall into place with goodwill, enthusiasm and support—and much hard graft on
the part of those who undertook to organise! The Pantomime—Cinderella by Stage-
hands– was a wonderful night of fun. Despite the initial slow uptake on tickets, followed by a last minute
panic that we were overbooked, the hall was filled almost exactly to capacity. The children were en-
thralled by the actors, the set, the plot and my green tights. The evening was not intended as a profit-
making venture so we were delighted that we did actually cover our costs and a little more. It was also
good that so many of the children of the parish were able to attend and have a very enjoyable night out.
The Christmas services were well attended with quality music provided by the choir. The children
again turned out in force for the Nativity play as a selection of shepherds, angels and animals, with a per-
fect performance by 6 month old Abby Uprichard as baby Jesus and an enthralling reading of the Christ-
mas story by Pete and Sylvia Taylor’s Teddy Bear! The traditional carol service was again blessed by the
choir and a selection of Scripture readers, followed by suitably Christmassy refreshments.
The “reunited” worship with Kilmore Parish and St Saviour’s was also a success with a lot of posi-
tive feedback. There were at least 85 parishioners from Mullavilly (out of 950?) who travelled to the other
side of the Armagh Road on an extremely cold and icy morning to see the place which was the “Parish
Church” for our ancestors hundreds of years ago.
As I write, I am anticipating the Watchnight service and the lighting of the beacon in front of the
Church. This beacon is a symbol of many things, but especially, it represents the light of Christ blazing
out from this place. It is here that people have found comfort in sorrow and support in loss. Here, they
have celebrated the joy of love and of children. It is here that they have found friendship and primarily, it
is here that so many people have received, and responded to, the seed of faith planted in them through
Sunday School and worship. Here the Gospel of Christ has been read and proclaimed, here that prayers
have been offered, praise has been sung and the Lord’s Supper humbly received.
The year ahead will be a celebration not only of the consecration of the church and all that has
happened in the past 200 years, but also a personal celebration of all that has happened in each of our
lives—the joys, the comfort, the memories, the seed of faith. It will be an opportunity to ask “What have
we done with the blessing God has given to us, either corporately as a parish community or
personally as individuals?”. If we celebrate only the Jesus Christ of yesterday, then it
will be a futile year, for yesterday is gone. However, if we are inspired to see that Jesus
Christ is of today, tomorrow and for ever, then we will be laying foundations for the gen-
erations that will follow and the beacon will symbolise the light of Christ shining forward
into the future, whatever trials and blessings that future may bring.
Have a wonderfully happy 2010—may you walk with God.
The love and respect with which this community held Peter McGrane was evident in the massive attendance at his
funeral on December 23rd. There were many very moving moments during the service but I want to share with you
in particular the refection that was read by Stephen McGrane which I hope may be an encouragement at the start of
this new year to all who mourn the passing of loved ones.

You can shed the tears that he has gone

Or you can smile that he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray
That he will come back,
Or you can open your eyes and
See all that he has left.
Your heart can be empty
Because you can’t see him
Or it can be full of love
You have shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him
And only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can try and close your mind,
Be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what he would want,
Smile, Open your Eyes, Love and Go On


As part of our 2010 celebrations, a number of guest Christmas is barely over and our thoughts now turn to
preachers will be appearing in Mullavilly. On January Lent which begins with a service on Ash Wednesday,
24th, the Revd Diane Matchett will be with us for our February 17th at 7:30pm.
morning worship. Diane was with with us for the final year Throughout Lent, there will be a weekly mid-week meet-
of her training and she is now married and rector of Cas- ing each Thursday at 8pm. This will take a variety of for-
tlerock and Articlave. On February 28th, our guest will be mats, including discussion, film and Bible Study. We will
the Revd Gerald Macartney. Gerald was a long time start on February 25th with a screening of the award-
member of Mullavilly Parish and both a Parish and Dioce- winning “Slumdog Millionaire”.
san reader. He is now rector of Milltown Parish (Birches)
and editor of the Ambassador magazine. STOP PRESS: On your behalf, I was able to send some
Please make a special effort to come to church on these board games to our mission partners in Uganda—Aart
Sundays to welcome our guests and to encourage (and and Geesje den Breejen and their three children, Ann
be encouraged by) them. Fleur, Ruben and Jan Lucas. The latest news this week is
that their fourth child is due in June.

Letters of thanks were received from both Ann Atkinson and the Craigavon NSPCC regarding the donation of gifts
prior to Christmas. As usual, the gift cards on the “Christmas Branch” were quickly replaced by a variety of vouchers
and presents for the children and young people identified by the NSPCC..
There was also an excellent response to the more general appeal by the Salvation Army/St Vincent de Paul and
these gifts were safely delivered to their destination .
Yesterday, today, for ever -Jesus is the same!
No parish can be expected to be strong in every area. I recently drew up a list of strengths and weaknesses in Mulla-
villy and was delighted to see that the list of strengths was much longer that the weaknesses! However, there are few
major gaping holes which need to be filled. For example, Jonathan Harper is leaving for the Nelson Mandela Univer-
sity in Port Elizabeth, South Africa for 4 months. Jonathan served the parish as Youth Club leader, Youth Fellowship
leader and Sunday School teacher and his absence will be felt not just in the rectory but also in the parish. As a re-
sult, the Youth Club will not reopen in 2010 until and unless there is a core of 4 adults with a passion to ensure that
our teenagers have a safe place to gather on a Friday night. It will take a few weeks to process the Child Protection
checks on any new leaders.
The Sunday night Youth Fellowship is also suspended until further notice. However, it will be replaced by the Confir-
mation class. It should be pointed out that the Confirmation class cannot meet unless there is more than one adult
A large amount of my time is taken up with administration—a task at which I am totally useless. There are no volun-
teers to organise the distribution of magazines, stick labels on your envelope boxes or many of the other routine par-
ish tasks such as maintaining rotas and computer records. The skills and gifts for these tasks are in the parish but
they need to be identified, encouraged and volunteered. I will be doing my best to identify and encourage but it’s up
to you to do the volunteering!
Here is the list of our immediate needs:

Sunday School teacher for 11/12 year olds. You will be supplied with teaching material which you can prepare and
adapt for your class. You should have a love for children and be interested in their welfare. This involves one hour
each Sunday plus setting an example of church attendance. Child Protection training and checking are required.
Confirmation class assistants: Two adults to be present each Sunday night between now and April. You should
have an empathy with teenagers and be willing to contribute both practically and in leading group work.
Youth Leader: Several adults who can organise indoor football etc. and take a major role of responsibility for the
management of the youth club. You would be expected to set up the club each Friday before it opens and stay be-
hind afterwards to tidy up. You must be passionate about teenagers. You must undertake Child Protection training
and be vetted through the appropriate channels.
Administration: You should have good computer and internet literacy in database and mail merge systems and an
ability to organise people and encourage others to assist. You will be supporting the rector and the Select Vestry
and other parish groups and should have good “people skills” You can be based both at home or in the Parish Office.
Confidentiality is essential.

The confirmation candidates have been enjoying the Youth Fellowship on Sunday evenings but
it is now time to get down to the nitty gritty!
The Archbishop will be with us on the evening of Sunday April 25th at 7pm. I have scheduled
10 classes beginning on Sunday 10th January at 8:15pm and then each Sunday evening until
Palm Sunday (March 28th),excluding January 31st. The rehearsal will take place on April 18th.
Assessment for confirmation will be based on attendance at classes and church, and a final

Parents are asked to attend the initial meeting on January 10th.

2011 Calendar
In 2010 we will be publishing a 2011 calendar which will be illustrated with photographs of
Mullavilly and the 2010 events. We are therefore asking all photographers – of any experi-
ence – to send in original pictures. The subjects can be anything that has any connection to
Mullavilly and the surrounding area: people, landscapes, animals – and, of course, the
church and the 2010 celebrations. The twelve best photographs will be printed in the calen-
dar and every picture submitted will be included in a photographic record of the year. We
hope that at least three pictures on the calendar will come from budding photographers
under the age of 16. The closing date for submissions is 1 October 2010, but pictures can
be sent at any time to or left in the vestry in an envelope marked
“Mullavilly 2010 Photos”.
The Magazine for
Mullavilly Parish

Jan 10th Betty Beattie Samuel Harper 11am Family


Jan 17th Hilary Beattie Joanne Heather Harper 11am Holy


Jan 24th Sally-Ann Tanya Brett Hannam 7pm Holy

Black Communion
Jan 31st Jennifer Brown Carolyn Ian Howard

Feb 7th Sandra Burns Ann Leslie Irwin 11am Holy

Feb 14th Susan 11am Family
Ferguson Valentine
Feb 21st Jean Pauline Carolyn Mayes 11am Holy
Hawthorne Communion
Feb 28th Heather Joanne Helen 7pm Holy
Harper McClenaghan Communion

Baptism Anniversaries
(1st) Neve Stothers, Nathan Corbett, Charlie Thompson, Zack Milligan, Anthony Garner, Miles Burnett
(3rd) Jamie Rafferty
(4th) Joshua Bennett
(1st) Sarah Wright, Clara Muldrew,
(3rd) Emily McMullen

We celebrated one baptism in November on 22nd. This was Abby Louise, daughter
of Jamie and Kathy Uprichard.
Contacting the
The funeral and burial took place of Miss Ella Gillespie, formerly of Laurelvale, on clergy
December 18th. The service was conducted by the Revd Colin Harris of Clare
Presbyterian Church. Home 028 3884 0221
On 22nd December, the ashes of the late Florence (nee) Black were buried in her
Mobile 07989 743545
family plot. Florence, the sister of Edie McGeown, had died earlier this year and
her funeral had been held in England where she had lived. Office & 028 3884 1918
On December 21st, the Parish Church was the setting for the wedding of Erin
Sam 028 3834 3267
McKee and Niall Nixon. Erin is the daughter of Will and Mary McKee and Niall is
from Ballynahinch. email mullavilly
You should receive your 2010 envelopes with this edition. Please remember to
give regularly or consider using a Standing Order. The Development Fund labels post 89 Mullavilly Road
are also included for those who contribute via envelope to this fund. If anyone Tandragee
BT62 2LX
requires envelopes for the General Fund, they are available from the churchwar-
dens or any of the recorders.
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