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Step 1: Type

- Simple
- Standard
- Complex
***Step Two***: Scene
- Location - Intrigue Defense Bonus:
0 for regular location
+3 for inappropriate location
+6 for awkward location
+12 for wildly inappropriate location
***Step Three***: Objective
- Examples:
(Note: You may change your objective at the start of each Exchange)
***Step Four***: Disposition
- Set your starting disposition
- Affectionate DR 1 - Deception Mod -2
- Friendly
DR 2 - Deception Mod -1
- Amiable
DR 3 - Deception Mod 0
- Indifferent
DR 4 - Deception Mod 0
- Dislike
DR 5 - Deception Mod +1
- Unfriendly
DR 6 - Deception Mod +2
- Malicious
DR 7 - Deception Mod +3
(Note: Default disposition when dealing with new
(Note: Use Table 8-2 on Pg.145 when dealing with

- Persuasion Mod +5
- Persuasion Mod +3
- Persuasion Mod +1
- Persuasion Mod 0
- Persuasion Mod -2
- Persuasion Mod -4
- Persuasion Mod -6
characters is Indifferent)
well known characters)

***Step Five***: Initiative

- Roll a Status Test (Reputation Bonus Dice)
- Highest roll has first Initiative
(Note: Can choose to pass on first initiative)
***Step Six***: Technique
- Choose a technique:
- Bargain
- Charm
- Convince
- Incite
- Intimidate INFUENCE:Will
or Bluff
- Seduce
- Taunt
- Roll a Deception or Persuasion test using the corresponding bonus dice
- The Difficulty is equal to your opponents Intrigue Defense
- A successful test influence = ability rank of corresponding Technique
(Note: Reffer to Pg.146 for full discriptions of each Technique)
***Step Eight***: Actions and Tests
Choose an Action:

- ASSIST - During an intrigue, you may support another character s arguments, enco
uraging them as they debate and argue. If you succeed on a ChallenginG(9) Persua
sion test, you can lend one half your Persuasion rank(round down) as a modifir t
o your ally s next conflct test result.
- CONSIDER - You give up your action for the exchange. You gain +2B on any one t
est you take during the next exchange. Bonus dice gained in this way cannot exce
ed your rank in the ability you re testing. Once you roll a test and use these bon
us dice, excess bonus dice are lost.
- Fast Talk - You can unleash a stream of nonsense in the hopes of distracting y
our opponent and putting them of guard. Make a Persuasion test against the targe
t s passive Will result. If you achieve at least two degrees, the target loses his
Cunning rank from his Intrigue Defense until the end of the next exchange.
- INFLUENCE - Inflence is the most common action used in an intrigue. It reflcts
your effrt to modify your opponent s behavior. To inflence an opponent, roll a De
ception or Persuasion test, gaining bonus dice from your technique. A successful
test indicates you inflence your opponent by an amount described under your tec
hnique times your degree of success. You reduce all Inflence by your opponent s Di
sposition Rating. Remaining Inflence applies to your target s Composure. Reducing
an opponent s Composure to 0 defeats him.
- MANIPULATE - You may try to manipulate your opponent s emotions by goading him i
nto using a specifi technique. You must beat or equal your opponent s passive Will
result with a Persuasion test. If so, you may choose your opponent s technique on
the following round.
- MOLLIFY - During an intrigue, you may press your opponent too far, or see that
your opponent is perilously close to defeating an ally. You can repair damage t
o Composure by rolling a formidable(12) Persuasion test to mollify a target. You
r test is modifid by the target s disposition as normal. A success restores an amo
unt of Composure equal to your Persuasion rank. Each additional degree restores
another point of Composure.
- QUIT - You need not suffr the indignity of an aggressive opponent, and provide
d there s an avenue of escape, you can usually fle an intrigue. Upon doing so, the
intrigue ends, but there are often other repercussions as determined by the Nar
rator, especially if there are witnesses to your weakness. Alternatively, when a
n opponent who proves uninterested in discussion or negotiation resists your eff
rts, you may quit the intrigue without trouble, though questions and information
offred may raise suspicions and have other consequences.
- READ TARGET - In lieu of coercing a target, you can hold back and read your ta
rget s disposition and technique. Make an Awareness test against your target s passi
ve Deception result. If you equal or beat your target s test result, you learn the
target s current disposition and the technique he uses for this exchange. As a re
sult of this insight, you gain +1D on all Deception and Persuasion tests for the
duration of the intrigue.
- SHIELD OF REPUTATION - You can fall back on your reputation and status to infl
ence your opponent. Make a Status test against your opponent s base Will result. I
f you equal or beat the target s base result, that target s disposition automaticall
y improves by one step. You may use this action only once per intrigue.
- SWITCH TO COMBAT - On your turn, you can abandon the intrigue and attack your
opponent. Clearly, this may not be an option in every intrigue, and attacking ma
y have other consequences, such as imprisonment, loss of rank, and so on. Once y
ou switch to combat, the intrigue immediately ends and combat begins.

- WITHDRAW - You may shore up your defenses and set yourself against your target
. Roll a Will test (bonus dice from Dedication apply). Th result of the test rep
laces your Intrigue Defense until the end of the next exchange.
***Step Nine***: Repeat
If there is no clear victor at the end of the fist exchange, return to ***Step T
wo***: Scene and begin again, having each character reaffi their objective or ch
ange it (with the consequences that entail), choose a technique, roleplay, and t
ake and resolve their actions. Ths process continues until all opponents have yi
elded or been defeated.
***Step Ten***: Resolution
Th last step in an intrigue is the resolution. Once one side defeats the other,
what happens next depends on what technique the victor used and the defeated cha
racter s disposition. Reckless intrigues can often produce unexpected results; thu
s, the choice of technique and the order in which various techniques are used ca
n have a great deal of Inflence over the intrigue s outcome. For consequences of d
efeat, see the technique used to defeat the opponent.

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