But Why? What Am I Looking For?

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In the longest of time before anything existed, even before the darkness

and the bitter cold, there was nothingness.

In the emptiness of the void, it was quiet and peaceful. There was nothing
to be neither seen nor heard; nothing to feel, nothing to be. No meanings, no
worth; There was nothing but the Void.
And yet the Void itself is something, and it felt that. It was neither dead
nor living but merely a sense. A sense of presence? Maybe. Maybe it was that of
a sense of absence? Possibly. But as a complicated as a sense could be, this
turmoil of existence and non-existence torn the Void slowly from its very roots.
The Void, the abyss, wailed into the empty gap as it cant bear the pain of
it anymore. It looked for it but no echo was heard.
But why? murmured the thoughts of the hollow chasm. The question
made itself wonder. What am I looking for?
The Voids sense is slowly evolving. Its beginning to develop a hint of
understanding and at the very same time, a sensation of being lost. It gave the
Void a consciousness of pain.
What is pain? Another question to haunt him emerged. It bothered him to
the point of bedlam and as it felt like its tearing the Void right from its essence.
At the end of it, the Void simply erupted and vanished.
That is when the darkness came, an alternative of the Void but somehow
much colder and more apathetic.
In the ruins of it all, after a handful of millennia, two entities emerged;
Chaos, embodying the force that drove the Void into ruin and Harmony,
representing the innate peace and silence of the Abyss.
The two were basically siblings, those that were born into the blackness
from the same source; parented by the Void. At the same time, they reached
out of the debris of the chasm and rose above the emptiness. They shivered in
the darkness and saw nothing. Afraid and with no idea of how to be, they turned
in hopes of returning to nothingness. But now the Void is gone. There is no
nothingness to return to. Only darkness and
The two levelled their head and gazed at each other with blank faces. For
a moment, there was only silence until the faces of the two changed. They were
both smiling. Something inside the two of them is brewing, something they do
not understand. Someone was there with them. Neither of them felt the pain of

the Void. The bitter cold of the darkness began to thaw into comfortable warmth.
They couldnt understand it but they found the feeling satisfying. They were
together as brother and sister.
As younglings, together they played. They explored the vast darkness as
their home and guardian. Laughed at each others awfully delivered joke, enjoy
games they both invented, and embraced one another as sometimes the cold
would strike. They were happy.
Unfortunately, it didnt last forever. In one of their games, they invited the
Darkness to join. The Darkness as a much older entity than the two had no
interest to join their silly and childish games. Still, in the boredom of having
nothing to do, the Darkness sought amusement. The Darkness declines the invite
to play with the siblings but offered in return a gift.
The Darkness as a powerful spectre placed his palms on the head of Chaos
and Harmony. The two felt a surge of energy inside them whirring and churning.
The Darkness is sharing his powers with the siblings granting them abilities
theyve never seen before. Chaos somehow understood what was happening as
more energy kept on flowing through him. Harmony felt it too but the change
happening to her was far more than that she can handle. After what the
Darkness did, he let them go to play their games.
After a few decades, Chaos was still completely hyped. The energy kept
him going. He leaped across wide distances, ran as fast as sound, bellowed so
loud his sister Harmony, the one who doesnt took pleasure in her new found
powers, couldnt get a wink of sleep.
Chaos invited his sister to play a game. Harmony wasnt up to it. She was
so groggy and sleepy that a second of silence from his brothers unstoppable
wailing and noise would be complete paradise. She tried to refuse the offer but
Chaos couldnt take no for an answer. So he made a deal, if she wins the next
game, he promised to be quiet for seven years.
Harmonys ears widen, a chance for respite appeared and seven years of
peace would be a total dream.
So, whats the game? She asked.
Chaos smiled.
He opened his palm and from it a round blob of darkness began to form
on his hand.

You like it? Chaos asked while concentrating to give the blackness shape.
I call it a ball. Haha.
Harmony was a little impressed. His brother made a new toy for the two of
them to play with.

All you have to do is to get this thing to hit me without catching it or

managing to hit it back to me. Chaos explained. Each hit warrants a point and
the first to get the best of five wins. You got it?
Harmony only nodded, still astounded at what his brother made. She
reached for it and held it in her two hands. She thought to herself maybe this

power thing isnt a bad idea after all.

The thought of creation danced gracefully in her mind. It filled her with
new ideas and thoughts that never once came to her before. She smiled.
So, sis. You up for it or what? Chaos said.
Harmony threw the ball to her brother so hard he flew a couple of miles
Thats one point for me, right? Harmony bellowed for her brother to hear
her laughs.
So you want to play it that way, huh? Chaos giggled.
Across the far distance, Chaos lobbed the ball towards his sister.
You cant hit me with that. Harmony stated as she prepared to catch the
incoming ball.
Though, much to her dismay, Chaos was already in the way of the ball. He
ran so fast that Harmony barely saw him.
He catches the ball himself completely feinting the throw. It caught
Harmony off-guard and flung it into her head granting him a point.
One down, two to go. Chaos boasted.
This woke Harmony up and gave her a competitive drive. It was one-all
and she sure aint gonna let his brother win at this new game.
My ball. She placed her hand for the ball with a confident smile.
Chaos passed her the ball and flew back a couple of miles to avoid any
other surprising hits.
Harmony gave his brother a look saying Watch this. This is gonna blow
you away.
She tossed the ball directly up and as it returned in front of Harmony; a
black rod hit the ball directly towards Chaos in blinding speed. She conjured a
staff to help her in the game which was basically allowed as Chaos lobbed the

ball back with a hit from a black hammer he summoned. Harmony volleyed the
ball towards is brother and her brother continued to do the same. The kept on
returning each others attack and game lasted for an entire century.
Being tired and drowsy, Harmony failed to catch the ball and got hit on her
side which brought her a painful sensation. In her current state, Harmonys pain
and lack of rest made her somewhat cranky.
When Chaos saw her sister falling to the ground and moaning in pain, he
quickly dashed off to her side. Unfortunately, Harmonys completely irritated by
his brother by then. When he got close, She blasted her away with a wave of
darkness pulsing from her hand. It burned him completely. It made him wail and
writhe. Compared to his pain, Harmonys was a mere touch.
Realizing what she has done, she dashed to his side trying to mend his
agonizing brother. But she didnt want to use her power for shes afraid it might
bring him more pain.
She has no idea what to do. She called for the Darkness for assistance but
it didnt respond. She looked at his brother in agony and it made her swell up.
Tears began to flow on her cheeks. She didnt want to lose her brother. She
didnt want to be alone.
As a final desperate act, she touched her brother. Her determination to
heal him gave her new powers; powers drawn completely from her own essence.
Creation she thought. She remembered how his brother managed to create
something from his power. She tried to do the same without relying on the
power of darkness. She depended on herself; her own power.
As she touched him, something emerged from her; a blinding light which
radiated from her body. It gave warmed his brothers body and began to repair
his wounds.
The Darkness saw this from afar as it observed. And from then on, it
began to fear Harmony because of the light that came from her. It retreated in
its own shadows sensing that that light could render the darkness powerless.
As Chaos began to recover, he opened his eyes. Blinded, it was the first
time he saw her sister in a new light, literally. He saw how his wounds and burns
heal with her warm touch. He felt like he was in paradise. When he completely
recovered, He asked his sister how she managed to obtain her new powers. He
was completely jealous and wanted to obtain the same abilities.

I dont really know, bro. Harmony honestly responded. All she knew was
that her new powers emerged from her and all she did was she used this new
found power to help him.
But Chaos didnt believe this. He thought Harmony just wanted to keep
this power to herself which made him more envious. He pressed on and on;
again and again but Harmony cant answer his brothers queries.
This irritated Chaos. He thought to himself, if I cant have your powers,

then maybe I should just increase mine. Surely then, I can do the things you can
perhaps maybe even better.
He called for the Darkness. I want more power! He shouted towards the
edge of the universe. Show yourself and give me what I want.
Frankly the Darkness realized a change in the playful boys temperament.
It found him somewhat demanding and arrogant. It had no plans to give him
more power but Harmonys light kept the Darkness from doing anything. The
light is slowly draining the Darkness being and it scared it.
If the girls new powers is rooted from herself, then maybe The
Darkness mustered a plan. He appeared in front of Chaos offering a deal. The
Darkness is to hide inside the boy and in return, Chaos will have all the power
the Darkness could give.
Chaos relentlessly agreed. He housed the Darkness inside him protecting it
from the blinding light and he himself began to feel more powerful.

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