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Talk to strangers!
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: f/m?

Stranger: Hi f you?

You: m

Stranger: Cool how old?

You: where u from?

Stranger: Uk

Stranger: You?

You: indonesia

You: do u know it?

Stranger: Ive heard of it yeah

Stranger: How old are you

You: iam 25, u ?

Stranger: 27

Stranger: Are you single?

You: yes iam..

Stranger: Cool

You: are u from London? u know... I really wanna go there

You: thanks..

Stranger: Yes I am

Stranger: It's a cool place

You: great... can u tell how is it ?

Stranger: Busy very very busy lol

Stranger: Cold

You: I hope one day later I can study there to take master degree...

Stranger: But has some very interesting places

Stranger: That's really goo!! What are you studying

Stranger: Good*

You: Literature...

Stranger: Wow!!!! That's cool

Stranger: You have very good English

You: I love England, I learn its history, its culture...

You: really ? thanks a lot... :)

Stranger: Yeah really :) your welcome :)

Stranger: England has a lot of history it's a pretty interesting place

You: Yeah u are right, anyway do u know historical places in England... the very big building like Castile
from 17th century..

Stranger: You would love London and all of the palaces etc

Stranger: I don't know all of them lol

Stranger: Bad I know as its my own country

Stranger: There are so many

You: every inches of London... I love it.

Stranger: It's cool lots of good sites to see

Stranger: Can I ask your name?

You: My name is Ryan... and what's ur name ?

Stranger: That's a cool name :) my name is Emily

You: Emily.. it's nice too meet you

Stranger: It's nice to meet you too

You: am I right Emily?

Stranger: Right?

You: we are from different culture, I am affraid of making mistakes when chatting with u

Stranger: No don't be silly I love that we are different and you have nothing to worry about ;)

Stranger: You have amazing English

You: I just learn English from video and book.. I seldom talk with native speaker like u...

Stranger: I couldn't talk Indonesian is that's what it's called?

Stranger: Wow!!!!! That's brilliant!!

You: yeah u know Engvid.. I download many videos of English and my favorite teacher is Jade. She's so
smart and pretty. thanks a lot Emily..

Stranger: No ive never heard of it I'll have to look

Stranger: Your welcome :)

Stranger: It's good to be both smart and pretty lol

You: Perhaps u must learn Bahasa Indonesia... it's my mother language... hehe

Stranger: Lol I would love to learn a new language! We would teach each other

You: that's great Emily.. U teach me English, and I can tell u my Indonesia :)

Stranger: That sounds like fun :) how do you say hello?

You: We say it "Halo"

Stranger: I'll remember that one ;)

You: How are u = apa kabar

You: hehe :)

Stranger: Your English is sooooooooo good already!!!!! :)

Stranger: Thank you I love to know

You: haha.... u make me fly...

Stranger: So I would say halo Ryan apa kabar?

Stranger: Thank you!!!!

You: tehn I would say, Kabar baik Emily, kamu apa kabar :)

You: ( I am fine, and u ?)

Stranger: That's so cool this is going to be fun!!! You are so smart!!

Stranger: How do you say I'm good thank you?

You: We say it "Saya baik terimakasih"

Stranger: I'm going to have to try and remember

Stranger: :)

You: Yeah, maybe one day u can visit Indonesia or Bali...

Stranger: And you can visit London :) Bali looks beautiful

Stranger: So what do you like to do in your free time? Hobbies interests?

You: Yeah of course I must be there one day later... u are right Bali is wonderful place

Stranger: And where you live I assume it's also wonderful :)

You: sometimes foreigners know Bali but they do not know Indonesia.... how could it be... Bali is in
Indonesia.. hehe

Stranger: Lol I'm one of those!!!!! Lol

Stranger: How silly!!!

Stranger: I know both but didn't realise Bali is in Indonesia OMG lol

You: haha...

Stranger: So you live in Bali?

You: No, I dont live there emily

You: I live in Bandung...

Stranger: Oh ok sorry lol

Stranger: I'll have to look it up

You: never mind.. Yeah, bandung is cool place too..

Stranger: What's it like?

You: it's place for shopping.. hehe. u can find many things to buy

Stranger: Oooooo I love to shop!!!!! ;) lol

You: We call it "PARIS VAN JAVA"

You: it means Paris from Java... hehe

You: not Paris in France...hehe

Stranger: That's funny!!! :) I love shopping

Stranger: Have you been to Paris?

You: No emily, I never been abroad yet.. :(

You: but I really wanna go to Paris... :)

Stranger: Awww maybe you could go there one day it's a cool city

You: Yeah, I have plan to travel there. so from now I have save my money

Stranger: Yes travelling is expensive

You: Oop, sorry I made gramamr error.. it should be " I have to save my money".. am i right?

Stranger: Yes you are right :) but I knew what you meant ;)

You: thx for understanding me :)

Stranger: No problem :)

You: Anyway, emlily.. what's ur daily activity ?

Stranger: I work I am an events co ordinator

Stranger: Mainly wedding planning

Stranger: It's hotel based

Stranger: Just wondering but what's the time over there?

You: Cool.. so u love working in team, thats's cool :)

Stranger: Thank you :) yes it can be fun

You: hmm. "what's the time", is it same as "what time is it? emily

You: u asked me what time here, in Bandung.. ?

Stranger: Yes it means the same :)

You: Owhh.. how poor Iam, that's the new one for me.. for asking time I only I know one phrase....hehe.

You: it is night here emily, it's 19:41

You: can u tell me what's time in London now?

Stranger: No not poor at all still very good!!

Stranger: Happy I taught you something new

Stranger: 12:42pm

You: yeah and please teach me more :)

Stranger: I will try you are so good already :)

You: Thx emily...Owhh we have so different time... hehe

Stranger: Yes we do lol

Stranger: What interests do you have? What do you like to do for fun?

You: hmm... I love reading and sometimes I go with my friends to hang out..

Stranger: That's cool!!!

Stranger: Where do you go?

You: really ? many people say reading is boring thing..

Stranger: No I love reading

Stranger: Reading is very good

Stranger: To me anyway lol

Stranger: I'm guessing we like different types of books though

You: so u like reading too, cool. hmmm i do not know a lot wonderful place but kediri is my favorite

Stranger: Ive always loved reading since I was very young

You: hmm. so what do u read emily?

You: what kind of book u read ?

Stranger: I like true crime books, biographies, anything that's real really and of course romantic novels
too lol

Stranger: What about you?

You: Cool.. yeah most girl loves novel... it can play ur emotion, hehe

Stranger: Yes very true ;)

You: making curios till the last drop in the last page of novel...

Stranger: :)

Stranger: What do you love to read?

You: I read a lot of book such kind of psychology, communication, anthropology, sociology,

You: but my favorite is philosophy :)

Stranger: That's so cool!!! You are a really cool person :)

Stranger: You are veer smart!!!!!

Stranger: Very

You: realy ? again u make me fly to the sky... hehe

Stranger: See I made a mistake too lol

Stranger: Yes you are!!!

Stranger: Awwww that's sweet :)

You: thanks a lot emily... :)

Stranger: You are very welcome Ryan :)

Stranger: Have you been single for a long time?

You: 2 years...

Stranger: Do you like being single?

You: of course not emily, sometimes i need someone beside me

Stranger: Sorry I was just wondering some people like having their own space

You: someone can really understand and accept me as what iam

Stranger: Yes I understand that ;)

You: are u kind of that person ? having their own space...

Stranger: You haven't found the right girl yet

Stranger: No I like to have somebody too

You: yes maybe that's the problem... or maybe iam not interesting for girl... coz Iam kutu buku

Stranger: And that means? :)

You: Kutu buku ... hmmm lets see what it means in englsih...

You: iam thinking...

Stranger: Ok :)

Stranger: You mean girls don't find you interesting?

You: yeah, coz i have nothing emily

Stranger: Awwww!!!! No that's not true you are a wonderful interesting person!!! :)

Stranger: You just haven't met the right girl if they haven't seen that yet!! I can tell already and we have
only been talking a little while

You: I am not rich man emily, i just ordinary man who loves reading serious book and dreams one day
later I can go abroad to London, Paris, Europe.. nothing interesting in me...

You: I hope I can hold the right hand of the right girl in that the most beautiful tower :)

Stranger: You don't need to be rich!! And you are very interesting and smart!!!

Stranger: That's lovely!!!! :)

Stranger: Do all girls over there want a rich man?

Stranger: You have such lovely dreams too!!

You: thanks for encouraging me emliy, u are really good native :)

Stranger: I love to because it's true :)

You: yeah, here most at least that i know the girl only interested in rich man and have luxurious vehicle.

Stranger: That's not good! They need to understand it's not all about money

You: do u have facebook emily, may i add u ?

Stranger: It's about the person not material possessions

Stranger: I dont sorry

Stranger: I use kik if you would like to add me

You: yeah u right but in fact... man like me is not interesting at all here

You: owhh u dont, ok. never mind. kik what is that ? oh God how poor iam...

Stranger: I'm sorry to hear that but one day you will meet the right girl :)

Stranger: No not poor!!!

You: Yes, of course still i believe, The God has created the girl for me, only for me...:)

Stranger: Yes!!!! Very very true!!!!

You: Emily, i wanna ask something to u...

Stranger: Ok?

You: Do you wanna be my friend ?

Stranger: Of course I would love to be your friend

Stranger: Can you download the kik app?

You: thanks a lot Emily... u are the first native friend I have.. :)

Stranger: That's so lovely to know!!!!

You: thx hehe, yeah I will try to download it.. so if I have downloaded.. what should i do to add u ? does
it work same as fb ?

Stranger: It's different you don't have a profile like that it's just message sending really

You: hmmm so i have to use smartphone to use kik, how poor iam ... :(

You: u know even i have no smartphone in this century...

Stranger: Yes

You: iam chating with u in "WARNET".

Stranger: Awwww ummm I don't know how then maybe give me an email address

You: this is my email, .... I also save my money to buy smartphone, I hope after
this chatting ends.. i still can talk with u...

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