Alcohol and Drugs

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Do you think alcohol is a drug? What is alcoholism? How do you stop being an
Do you know how much alcohol is in beer? What are some of the characteristics of
drunk people?
Is alcohol addictive? What about tea, coffee, and chocolate?
Do you think marijuana should be legal or illegal? Support your opinion with facts. Cancer
patients find that marijuana stops their pain. Should it be legal for them?
What are some ways drug users use marijuana?
Why do you think that tobacco is a legal drug?
Is there any difference between "soft" drugs such as marijuana and "hard" drugs like crack,
heroin, cocaine, etc.?
Should drug dealers get the death penalty?
Are some people more easily addicted to drugs than others? Do some people have
addictive personalities?
If you are addicted to drugs, what should you do?
Which is worse, a peaceful drug addict or a violent non-addict?
Should women be prevented legally from drinking any alcohol or smoking when pregnant?
Do you think it is a good idea to have safe, legal injecting rooms for intravenous drug
users, where they can use clean equipment and sterile water?
Do you think experimenting with alcohol and cigarettes leads to experimenting with harder
At what age should it be legal to drink and smoke?
Do we use too many prescription drugs?
What are natural remedies?
Do we give too many prescribed drugs to children?
Why is the cost of prescription drugs so high?
Have you ever used a prescription drug without a prescription?
Why do you think people start using drugs?
Are natural remedies like homeopathy and herbal medicine drugs too?
Are we as a society addicted to legal drugs?
to use = a folosi, a utiliza
drug = medicament; drog
drug-user ; drug-addict
to be addicted to = a fi dependent de
addiction = dependent
prescription drugs = medicamente eliberate pe baz de reet

Young people use drugs for similar reasons that adults do to change how they feel because
they want to feel better or different. Reasons may include:

Socialising with friends, peer pressure or the need to feel part of a group
Relaxation or fun
Curiosity, experimentation or wanting to take risks
To escape from psychological or physiological pain.

How to help your children

Adolescence is a time of experimentation. As a parent, you can influence the decision your
child will make about using or not using drugs. However, even perfect parenting does not
guarantee that young people will not experiment with drugs. If you create a supportive
environment, it will help. Its a good idea to:

Give children accurate information about drugs; often they receive incorrect
information from friends.
Talk about drugs in a relaxed and open manner.
Stay calm if you suspect your child is using drugs. Dont panic. Discuss the matter
without a fight.
Look at your own lifestyle. If you abuse alcohol or tobacco its hard to lecture about
drug abuse.
Negotiate and listen to your child when you set behaviour guidelines.
Remember we all make mistakes. It is part of growing up.

Tobacco is the biggest killer drug: Tobacco can cause:

Lung cancer
Emphysema (lung disease)
Heart disease.

Binge drinking* is common among young people: Drinking increases the risk of:

Traffic and other accidents

Legal and money problems
Fights and violence
Brain damage
Unsafe sex.

*Binge drinking or heavy episodic drinking is a modern epithet for drinking alcoholic beverages with
the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period
of time

Homework: You are supposed to work with a drug-addict teenager. Its your first meeting with
him/her. Think about five questions you would ask him/her. Then write him/her a note with 3 facts
about using drugs that you think might have an impact on him/her.


Simple Present

Present Progressive/Continuous

repeated actions
I read the newspaper every morning.

actions happening at the moment of

speaking or around the moment of
I am reading the newspaper now.

fixed arrangements, scheduled events

(e.g. timetable)
The train leaves at 5.

sequence of actions in the present

(first - then, after that)

fixed plan in the near future

I am leaving for Paris next week.
temporary actions
I usually drive to work, but this week Im
travelling by bus.

Dont open the box!
things that are generally true
Cats like milk.

repeated actions which are irritating to

the speaker (with always, constantly,
She is always complaining about her team!

2) Signal words
Simple Present
always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom,
never, every day, every week, every year, on

Present Progressive/Continuous
now, at the moment, Look!, Listen!

Simple Present



I run.
You run.
We run.
They run.
He runs.
She runs.
It runs.

I do not run.
You do not run.
We do not run.
They do not run.
He does not run.
She does not run.
It does not run.

Do I run?
Do you run?
Do we run?
Do they run?
Does he run?
Does she run?
Does it run?

Present Continuous



I am speaking.
You are speaking.
We are speaking.
They are speaking.
He is speaking.
She is speaking.
It is speaking.

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive)

I am not speaking.
You are not speaking.
We are not speaking.
They are not speaking.
He is not speaking.
She is not speaking.
It is not speaking.

Am I speaking?
Are you speaking?
Are we speaking?
Are they speaking?
Is he speaking?
Is she speaking?
Is it speaking?

her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work)
as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study)
a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep)

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain)

5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always)

6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say)
7. Justin (write, currently)
a good publisher when he is finished.

French at

because everybody (talk)

so loudly.

a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find

8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go)
9. The business cards (be, normally )

to a movie tonight with some friends.

printed by a company in New York. Their prices (be)

inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

10. This delicious chocolate (be)

made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

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