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Form: have/has + past participle

Signal words: just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for
Actions started in the past and continuing in the present
They haven't lived here for years.
She has worked in the bank for five years.
We have had the same car for ten years.
Have you played the piano since you were a child?
When the time period referred to has not finished
I have worked hard this week.
It has rained a lot this year.
We haven't seen her today.
Actions repeated in an unspecified period between the past and now.
They have seen that film six times
It has happened several times already.
She has visited them frequently.
We have eaten at that restaurant many times.
Actions completed in the very recent past (+just)
Have you just finished work?
I have just eaten.
We have just seen her.
Has he just left?
When the precise time of the action is not important or not known
Someone has eaten my soup!
Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'?
She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English.
Actions which happened in the past, but have an effect in the present
I've lost my keys.
I don't have the keys. They are still missing.
I lost my keys
I didn't have them yesterday, but maybe today I found
Simple past
She's broken her arm. The arm is still injured.
Simple past She broke her arm.
The arm is probably OK now.

Have you ever..

Have you ever appreciated a sunset?

Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Have you ever been on TV?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Have you ever broken up with someone?
Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (For example, hair
style, hair color or weight)
Have you ever cheated on an exam?
Have you ever cried in public and embarrassed yourself?
Have you ever dated someone from another race, culture or religion?
Have you ever done something silly that you wish you had not done?
Have you ever fallen asleep and forgotten where you were?
Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others.
Have you ever given a false excuse to get out of something you didn't want to do? If
so, tell us about it.
Have you ever gone mountain climbing?
Have you ever gone skiing?
Have you ever gone surfing?
Have you ever had a Deja Vu experience?
Have you ever met a celebrity?
Have you ever played a joke on one of your teachers?
Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
Have you ever regretted saying I love you?
Have you ever ridden a horse?
Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
Have you ever said yes when you meant no?
Have you ever slept in a tent?
Have you ever thought of something funny and started laughing out loud in the
presence of others?
Have you ever told a big lie to someone you love?
Have you ever tried in-line skating?
Have you ever tried riding a skateboard?
Have you ever laughed until tears came from your eyes?
Have you ever written an article for a newspaper?
Have you ever received a love letter?
Have you ever milked a cow?
Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
Have you ever played an instrument in public?
Have you ever sung in public?
Have you ever hitchhiked?
Have you ever fainted?
Have you ever been mugged?
Have you ever wanted to eat toothpaste?
Have you ever made somebody cry?
Have you ever walked into a window because it was just that clean?
Have you ever traveled without paying for the ticket?
Have you ever walked into a lamppost?

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I

(read) your book several times.

2. She

(wear) that skirt many times.

3. My family
4. I h

(visit) Brazil a few times.

(eat) already.

5. Marta

(finish) her homework.

6. You

(break) the glass again.

7. They

(pay) for everything.

8. It
9. I

(never snow) like that.

(meet) Anna once.

10. We

(see) him before.

11. You

(buy) 4 cars so far.

12. There

(be) problems.

13. I

(have) a snake.

14. Maria

(raise) a monkey.

15. The kids

(grow) so much!

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. The students
2. She

(become) really beautiful.

3. Man

(invent) many great inventions.

4. People
5. I

(cause) much destruction to the planet.

(learn) to surf.

6. The class

(do) 5 tests this month.

7. Allison

(find) a few problems with your plan.

8. We
9. I

(consult) some doctors about this.

(meet) Debbie in the last week.

10. In the previous year, we

11. She
12. You
13. He

(be) sick since Sunday.

(be) away for 2 weeks.
(hate) cheese since childhood.

14. Mark and Katie

15. I

(double) our income.

(be) together for two years.

(like) mango since my last trip.

(lose) my keys I had to call my flatmate to let me

1) Last night I
in. .
2) I

(lose) my keys - can you help me look for them? .

3) I

(visit) Paris three times. .

4) Last year I

(visit) Paris. .

5) I
was eight.. .

(know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I

6) I

(know) Julie for three years - we still meet once a month.. .

7) I

(play) Hockey since I was a child - I'm pretty good!. .

8) She

(play) hockey at school but she didn't like it. .

9) Sorry, I
10) I
well!. ..
11) Last month I

(miss) the bus - I'm going to be late. .

(miss) the bus and then I
(go) to Scotland. .

12) I'm sorry, John isn't here now. He

13) We

(miss) the aeroplane as

(go) to the shops. .

(finish) this room last week. .

14) I

(finish) my exams finally - I'm so happy!. .

15) Yesterday, I
supermarket.. .
16) I

(go) to the library, the post office and the

(go) to the supermarket three times this week. .

17) She

(live) in London since 1994. .

18) She

(live) in London when she was a child. .

19) I

(drink) three cups of coffee today. .

20) I

(drink) three cups of coffee yesterday. .

Put the vbs. in the Past Tense Simple or Present Perfect

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