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If you honor women, remember to VOTE on November 7.

Your foremothers
Volume XXI, Number 6 struggled for 72 years so you could cast a vote. Don’t let them down!
November & December, 2006

Women’s Community Center 3

NOW News 4
Voices Around the Table: 6-7
What makes a home?

Local Perspectives 5-9

Women at Work 10
Body & Soul 11-12
Community Bulletin Board 13-14

Cover Art by Linda Huggins

Community Resources

UnsungHeroine League of Women Voters hosts Ukrainian leaders:

Kay Tift: Growing Healthy Groups

A real-world civics lesson
By Galen Ricard

By Berta Parrish
If eyes are windows to our souls, The Healing of the Feminine
then Kay Tift’s soul is open, enthusi- Spirit. Once again searching, Kay
astic, and expansive. If one’s home is became involved in the human poten-
where her heart is, than Kay’s heart is tial movement that was impacting
filled with people, purpose, and plea- education, politics, psychology, and
sure. An 87-year heroine’s journey women’s studies. Now she believes
has brought her from a conservative, that “nature abhors a vacuum – that
middle-class background to being an if you’re missing something, why,
inspirational role model for women part of your inner self reaches out for
who want to expand and enrich their it. There’s just a sweeping nature that
own lives and the lives of others. wants us to be whole.” This search led
The Call to Change. As the Left to right: Tetyana Khimchenko, Yuliya Yesmukhanova, Trudy Jarratt,
Kay and Floyd to the Findhorn Spiri-
daughter of a high school principal Tetyana Pechonchyk and Oksana Levkova.
tual Community in Northern Scot-
in Upland, CA, Kay was destined for land immediately after retiring. The It was an eight-day week recently for democracy largely based on Euro-
motherhood, education, and com- community building and motto “You three up-and-coming Ukrainian lead- pean values and struggled with the
munity service. After graduating from her family’s permission, Kay earned a can do it superbly alone – now we ers. Their itinerary spanned the county, complexities of a modern post-Soviet
Berkeley, she began teaching in the Master’s in education and a Doctorate must learn to do it together” attracted with a diverse sampling of Central national identity. The country’s initial
Japanese Relocation Camp at Tule in human resource development. She them. The initial one-year commit- Coast lifestyles, leaders and land- progress was clouded by political drift
Lake while her husband Floyd served left second-class citizen status when ment lengthened as she learned to let marks. They toured county govern- and corruption during the 1999-2004
during WWII. Like most women of she became a consultant and later the go of her ego and to give and receive ment offices, met with local officials, term of its second president, then dra-
that era, she didn’t have a life goal. So head of curriculum development for interdependent love from others. She attended receptions with community matically revived by the Orange Rev-
after the war, she returned to being a the National Drug Abuse Training admits to being a slow learner: “It leaders and activists, and were taken olution of 2004 that elected Viktor
stay-at-home wife, raising three chil- Center. She loved the excitement, the took seven years before the same inner behind the scenes of various media Yushchenko as president in a wave of
dren. Later, while living in Washing- work, the prestige, and the people. voice that brought me to Findhorn, operations, with a few time-outs for pro-Western sentiment.
ton, D.C., volunteering and being The Abyss. Despite the job suc- told me it was time to return to our sight-seeing. It was an intense, peripa- “The theme of the tour was
a member of the League of Women cess, increased confidence, and rec- roots in California.” tetic, and exhilarating real-world civ- ‘accountable governance,’” said Trudy
Voters didn’t satisfy her restlessness. ognition, Kay began feeling empty. The Return to Share the Boon. ics lesson that, to a woman, they fully Jarratt, president of the local League.
She was depressed and didn’t want She describes it like this: “My head Acting upon this inner knowing, Kay immersed themselves in. “The Ukrainians learned about the
to duplicate her mother’s patriarchy- had gotten pretty crammed with and Floyd moved to Cayucos where The October 14-22 trip was spon- openness of our government, includ-
ruled existence. Something had to intellectual stuff. I loved the idea of they volunteered for a variety of agen- sored by the League of Women Voters ing the high level of activism – here
change or she was heading towards a thinking, but I really wasn’t able to cies and causes. In 1987, she joined the of San Luis Obispo County as part of and throughout the U.S. We, in turn,
breakdown. care very much about people in gen- Women’s Alliance whose goal was to the Open World program, which gives learned about a well-educated, com-
The Trials and Tests. Searching for eral…I wasn’t gentle because I had nurture women’s spirituality as a foun- emerging Eurasian leaders a firsthand mitted, pragmatic, and passionate
something more, she took a job teach- grown up trying to get recognition dation for personal and global heal- look at the U.S. political system, busi- people who want to insure that their
ing in a psychiatric clinic for emotion- in a man’s world.” She became disil- ing by bringing women from different ness, and community life. The Cen- country has a government that’s hon-
ally disturbed children which required lusioned because the external rewards races and sexual beliefs together to tral Coast was one of two major stops est, open, and accessible. They want a
regular therapy for all staff members. didn’t make her feel as good as she work as a team at its summer solstice on the group’s tour, which included strong democracy. We have much in
It helped when her daughter told her, thought they would. Something else, camps. Kay served as a group process Washington, DC. common.
“Mom, you don’t have to be a sec- something deeper, was still missing. A staff member and was grateful to hear For Ukraine, it’s a time of renewed “What particularly struck me was
ond-class citizen all your life. You’ve powerful inner voice told her that ego- outstanding speakers, such as Joanna opportunities. Since gaining its inde- their amazement at observing citizens
been a martyr-victim long enough.” achievements were part of her life’s pendence in 1991, it has shaped a
With new psychological insights and journey, but not the final goal. Continued on TIFT, page 8 Continued on UKRAINE, page 8
 Women’sPress Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

Letter to the Editor

Happy holidays!
Our theme
Volunteering: I was interested to read in your last
issue the section Voices Around the Table:
The “loose” theme of this issue is “home”: Good For Your Health and Business “Why do you think sexual harassment
from Linda Huggins’ dreamlike painting of a continues to be such a problem in our
by Margaret Hennessy
cottage and picket fence that invites us into the schools and in the workplace?” But as
landscape to Trisha Oksner’s article on Tirtza What can helping others do for about helping others. It makes them I read each response, I felt increasingly
Abuan, who hopes to make her cooking avocation into a profession; from Berta our well being? Apparently, a lot! feel needed and provides a sense of frustrated as each response focused on
Parrish’s cover article on Kaye Tift, who has chosen to make her home in inten- You may be surprised to find out belonging. We all need to feel as if we what women were, or were not doing,
tional communities to Galen Ricard’s account of the Ukrainian women’s visit that a solid link has been established are a part of something that can make to end sexual harassment. The truth is
and their observations on our home country compared to theirs. Many of you between doing volunteer work and a difference. Even in some small way. this: sexual harassment continues in
also submitted your answers to our Voices Around the Table question: What good health. Too busy to volunteer? Become a our workplaces and our schools because
makes a home a “home” to you? Enjoy the responses. Several years ago, NBC “Today sponsor. MEN continue to commit acts of sex-
New columns Show” regular Dr. Art Ulene, in his There are a variety of volunteer ual harassment. Before something can
We have new columns by local naturopaths, who will be offering you sug- annual fitness campaign, put signifi- opportunities in this community. They be prevented, we need to be clear about
gestions and insight into health issues not usually available from medical doc- cant emphasis on mental health as range from helping animals, children, who has the power to prevent, and only
tors. We invite women who provide alternative therapies, such as color therapy, well as physical fitness and how the seniors, healthcare, the homeless, as the person committing the act has the
sound therapy, and others to submit articles. We also are beginning a new col- two are closely related. Social interac- well as abused women. But what if you power to NOT commit the act. Vic-
umn, “Younger Women Speak Out,” which will offer you the voices of young tion can play a huge role. are working and do not have time to tims can do things that may reduce
women in our community. A 10-year study of 2,700 subjects physically volunteer? I have personally their risk, but they cannot actually pre-
New advertising team in Wisconsin showed that men who talked to many business people who vent the act from happening.
Three women, led by Margaret Hennessy, who once ran her own local pub- were socially isolated were twice as are discouraged because of this lack of We must be clear about who is
lication in Colorado, are working on getting regular advertising for the Press. likely to die of heart disease, cancer, available time. The answer? Sponsor- responsible. Sexual harassment contin-
Jacky Lopez, Carol Dawn, and Maria Foster will be calling and visiting local and other illness. ship. Find an organization that you ues to be a problem because some men,
businesses and encouraging them to support the Women’s Press with ads or busi- Many volunteers will tell you that feel good about working with and certainly not most, have not learned
ness profiles. The price for the latter, a ¼-page spread with your logo, business they experience a kind of “helpers’ help sponsor an event. I have worked that it is unacceptable, as well as unlaw-
information, and a short article about what you do, will be $149. Give us a call high” from their work, which seems in public relations for over 30 years ful. Women can definitely play a part in
for an appointment: 544-9313. to override the sense of being a “do and there is no better way to build stopping the problem, but men need to
Writer’s guidelines and volunteer manual gooder.” It may be that these people your business than with goodwill. The step up to the plate if issues like sexual
My planning committee has been working on developing both writer’s guide- simply enjoy what they do, which in people in your community will take harassment, sexual assault and domes-
lines and a volunteer manual, both almost complete. The volunteer manual will turn affects their immune system in a notice. The best way to achieve your tic violence are ever going to be erad-
give details about the type of work expected from volunteers as editors, advertis- positive way. goals is to help others achieve theirs. I icated. Violence against women is not
ing staff, distributors, etc., including the number of hours spent per issue. Both Or, it may be that volunteers who have seen it work many times. just a “women’s issue.” It belongs to all
will be posted soon on our website: I hope you and take care of others simply take better To find out more about volunteer of us, because it affects all of us. So let’s
your friends refer to it and call to volunteer. The more women we have, the more care of themselves. Dr. Ulene stressed and sponsorship opportunities with hold the men in our lives accountable
diversity in voices and viewpoints we will have. that mental fitness is also a critical part the Women’s Community Center and help them to take responsibility for
Next issue of a persons’ total fitness program. and other local organizations call their own behaviors and attitudes. Men
The topic I’d like to explore in our next issue is “Superwoman,” society’s Over the past 20 years that I have vol- 805-544-9313. must stand up and speak out against
expectations that women can do it all and our striving to do it! Frances Yee, a unteered for different community- sexual harassment...and any other forms
Cal Poly student, submitted an article that gave me the idea. Especially young based organizations in several states, Margaret Hennessy is a commu- of violence against that we
women are feeling pressures to do and be all, and I think we need to talk about I have heard over and over again the nity volunteer and can be reached at can all enjoy a more peaceful world.
it. Please submit any viewpoint or article related to the theme. I welcome them. same statement: People feel good Please contact our office (805-545-
Another idea is to look at women in other parts of the world. Always want- 8888 or for more
ing to keep a local focus, I will accept articles on this topic if you or someone information on prevention efforts, as
local you know has a relationship with someone abroad or has traveled there and well as men in the movement.
has a personal account.
Ask us about buying a Sincerely,
Volunteer business profile for $149. Jennifer Adams
Call me if you would like to be come involved in a publication that keeps Call 544-9313. Executive Director
getting better: 474-6444. Meet other interesting and dedicated women. No date Sexual Assault Recovery
has been set for the next staff meeting, but I will put you on a notification list. and Prevention Center
Joy to you and all your loved ones, of SLO County

Your Opinion
Subscribe to the Women’s Press:
Send your letters to :
The annual subscription fee for delivery of the Women’s Press–Your Opinion
Women’s Community Center Board Women’s Press by U.S. Mail is $20/year (six issues). Women’s Community Center
Angie King, President Mail check to Women’s Community Center, 880 880 Industrial Way
Kathleen Deragon Industrial Way, San Luis Obispo,CA 93401. Write San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Susan Howe “Women’s Press subscription” on the memo line. Send eMail to :
Jan Potter
Robin Werderits ( “Your Opinion” in subject line)

Women’s Press Volunteers
Women’s Community Center Evelyn Adams Roberta Youtan Kay
880 Industrial Way Tyler Aldrich Angie King for publication-ready ads:
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Barbara Atkinson Alyson Leblanc
805.544.9313 June Beck Dianne Legro Business card:
Darya Boland Pam Logan $35/one issue $150/year (6 issues)
Managing Editor: Kathleen Deragon Nancy Booye Jacky Lopez Rebecca Brown Elizabeth McGregor
4" X 5":
Layout & Design: Benjamin Lawless Dee Carroll $75/one issue $350/year (6 issues)
Heather Mendel
Photographer: Lynda Roeller Kate Czekala Denise Nickeson Quarter page:
Subscriptions: Linda Davis Trisha Oksner $115/one issue $525/year (6 issues) Carol Dawn Berta Parrish
Ads: Bailey Drechsler
Half page:
Anne Quinn $190/one issue $850/year (6 issues)
(Put “ads” or “subscriptions” in subject line) Anne Dunbar Lynda Roeller
Beverly Engel Shana Ross Full page:
Amelia Free Renee Sanpei $350/one issue $1575/year (6 issues)
Submissions Welcomed! Jeanie Greensfelder Paula Sigman
Articles, essays, opinion pieces, letters, artwork, poetry Hilda Heifetz Publication-ready defined as high-resolution
Jacqueline Turner (minimum 300 dpi) digital files in one of the
wanted & appreciated. The Women’s Press reserves the Jaymi Heimbuch Marleen Walmsley
right to edit all submissions for content, clarity & length. following formats: .tif, .ai, .psd, .pdf, .jpg, or .eps
Angela Henderson Robin Werderits
Contact or call Margaret Hennessy Dawn Williams Ad design/layout & color ads available upon
805.544.9313. Susan Howe Emily Yurchesen request at an additional charge.
The opinions expressed in the Women’s Press are those of the Charlene Huggins Andrea Zeller
authors & do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Laura Hyde
Women’s Community Center. The Women’s Community Center
does not necessarily endorse products or services advertised
in the Women’s Press.

6000 free copies distributed in SLO County. Subscriptions by mail & by e-mail available.
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press Women’sCommunityCenter 
880 Industrial Way • San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 • 805.544.9313

Family Law Action Committee

No meetings in December

Dealing With Divorce

3rd Wednesday of each month – 7 PM
Upcoming: November 15 and January 17
Our mission is: Talk with other women who have been there, done that in a
• TO maintain an accessible center to collect and exchange supportive, non-judgmental environment. $5 donation
information of interest and concern to women

Dona Cobelens • TO organize and facilitate workshops, clinics, seminars,

classes and support groups on subjects of interest and need
• TO engage in and facilitate interaction among local, state
Self-Represented Litigants’ Clinic
4th Tuesday of each month – 5:30 PM
A Woman of Passion and Compassion and national agencies and organizations working to benefit Upcoming: November 28 and January 23
By Susan Howe women Get family law advice from local attorneys and/or paralegals.
Reservations required. $25 donation
Our free peer support group for women, occurring weekly on
Thursdays at 7 PM, is fortunate to have an imminently quali-
fied and hugely non-judgmental counselor who joined our ranks
October 5, 2006. Dona has been interested in the field of psychol-
ogy since the 7th grade. She experienced one of her classmates
being mistreated and was so upset by it that she dedicated her life
subsequently to fighting for the underdog.
She comes to us with an almost completed licensure in her
An Open Letter to the A Bit of History of the WCC
MFC degree. She returned to college in her late 30’s after a hiatus
for marriage and a child. Her interests have taken her into studies
Wonderful WCC Community WCC became what it is because of the tenacity of a few women:
By Angie King, Board President Jan Potter, Dawn Williams, and Sue McMeans. They knew how
in the Jungian school and other “mental dishes.” She has a par-
ticular passion for equality for homosexuals as some of her fam- Thank you to everyone who responded to our announcement in scarce help was for women of little or no means in divorce situ-
ily members are gay. Dona is unphased by whatever anybody is as the last issue of the Women’s Press that we were actively recruiting ations. They knew the extreme lengths to which some fathers go
long as it does not hurt anyone else. new members to be on the WCC Board of Directors. We got a lot in fighting a divorce, and how detrimental that was to the woman
Her mother was a Christian evangelist and she was forced to of calls! It makes me humble to think that what we do has made a and her children. In February 2000 we attended a conference in
go to Bible camp, which raised her feminist consciousness at age difference to you, and that you responded so generously. Fresno on some of these topics, and came home energized to start
8. She was a whiz at memorizing Bible verses and was in a compe- We talked at some length at the last Board meeting about a place where women could find that help, and be protected. That
tition to the very end, winning it in fact. However, the boy who some of the qualities we were specifically looking for in new was the genesis of the WCC. Almost immediately, a woman came
was second was given the prize “just because he was a boy.” In Board members, and realized we have to clarify our own goals and into our lives offering the possibility of a large sum of money,
later years, when she and her sister in -law (Jamie) were both mar- objectives before we can ask people to join us in furthering the enough to buy a building. While that possibility didn’t work out,
ried to abusive husbands and living in Holland, the feminist edu- mission of WCC. we are still looking for that endowment to enable us to create a
cation continued as Jamie and she talked over their relationship After all, isn’t the first question you have in your mind about real women’s center building.
with the abuse. She read a great deal of feminist literature, and this job — what is it you actually do? If you read the Women’s In the meantime, we were approached by the Women’s
left her husband soon after her son’s birth. Press, you know some of our activities, but there’s more that goes Resource Center board to consider a merger or consolidation. By
Dona became aware of the vast amount of violence against on quietly as well: volunteers who are drawn to the Center for June we had hammered out the details; WRC officially dissolved,
women and gays through her many contacts. She volunteers at reasons of their own, help us with a project, and then (sometimes) and we became the new nonprofit tax exempt agency, Women’s
SARP (Sexual Assault and Rape Prevention) and has helped move on, having touched us and, by extension, the women’s com- Community Center. Immediately, we asked for county grant
Planned Parenthood in the past. Her life is enhanced by living munity in San Luis Obispo, with their generosity, wisdom, and money to run a family law clinic – and got it! We then asked the
with an intriguing partner, Michael, and his teenage son. Michael grace. San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation for a grant
is also in service work and has had the distinguished position of So, what do we do? What have we accomplished, and is it to buy computers and office equipment – and, again, got it! We
poet laureate for San Luis Obispo. Three gorgeous cats also share what we had in mind 6 years ago when we signed an agreement signed up with a web space and joined the modern world.
the home. Thank you, Dona, for being of service. with the Women’s Resource Center to take over their space, their We quickly gained a reputation in the community as an
assets, and their liabilities as a new organization. umbrella organization that sponsors events for people. Examples
To try to make sense of it all, I looked through the past 6 include a seminar on art therapy, a program for Cal Poly students
years of board meeting minutes. My, we are a lively bunch! We designed to help them create their own empowering models of
Join us! have energy and enthusiasm and high hopes.
We are still a young non-profit, guided by the vision of the
womanhood, computer classes for women. We also produced
public presentations on topics of interest to women, such as Bev-
founders, without much infrastructure or long-range continuity erly Urban on the impact of domestic violence on the workplace
This year’s last Intergenerational planning. Those who study non-profits say this is entirely nor- economy; T.S. Wylie on her hormonal protocol to combat the
Conversation will be November 15 at the mal, and in fact, welcome. But at some point, the group must symptoms of menopause; a tax amnesty workshop by Lisa Gonza-
SLO Library from 4:30 to 6:30. If more “grow up” and build that infrastructure and plan for the future. lez; and last spring’s “Women’s Way to Wealth” in coalition with
I think we’re at that stage and the burst of energy from taking on other women’s agencies. (BTW, that seminar will be repeated in
women don’t attend, we will have to new board members is just what we need to grow up healthy and early 2007!)
drop this very inspirational event. strong We are holding a strategy planning session in early Decem- Meanwhile, the core activities, the family law classes and clin-
ber, from which will emerge, we hope, the plan and vision for the ics, have flourished. We have a monthly class which prepares lit-
second stage of our development as a nonprofit organization. igants for the divorce process; a monthly legal clinic staffed by
Women’s Drop-In Support Group So, to all of you who have expressed an interest in our Board, volunteer attorneys; a manual on how to put your case together,
Thursdays, 7pm. Women’s Community thank you. We will be contacting you, probably after the holi- including tips on etiquette in court; court watchers who monitor
Center, 880 Industrial Way, SLO. No days. In the meantime, if you have ideas or suggestions you want the way the court treats women without an attorney and report
us to have in developing our planning, please call the Center and findings to the court; and a program to accompany women to
charge. Phone for more info: 544-9313. leave a message, or e-mail at court for moral and emotional support. All these programs con-
tinue today and all were organized and are run by volunteers.
From the beginning we have been fortunate to have Cal Poly
interns who find us, who are wonderful ,and whom we miss when
they graduate and move on.
Since 2004 we have been a service site for a number of women
Cover Art doing probation-ordered community service, enabling us to meet
some wonderful women, many of whom have continued to vol-
Linda Huggins of Cambria and the Bay Area, is a plein air painter unteer after completing probation.
of California landscapes and seascapes. Ms. Huggins “has a highly There were 2,000 copies of the Women’s Press printed when we
developed sensitivity to the fleeting quality of light and hones in on became the publisher in 2000; over time, we have increased circu-
the beauty of place and space with a subtle yet exquisitely rich palette. lation to the present 6,000 copies, still distributed free throughout
Her impressionistic use of the oil medium infuses the works with a the county, and to your home by paid subscription. As you can
lively energy that capture the natural essence of the scene in an econ- see, the paper has become a premier publication, again, thanks
omy of marks, a Haiku in paint, so to speak, pure poetry…” She has to the wonderful volunteer editors and production staff over the
studied with various masters including Van Waldron, Charles Mov- years.
alli, Libby Tolley, and Kevin MacPherson. Linda is represented on Along the way, we moved from upstairs in an inaccessible
the Central Coast by the Chambers Gallery in Cambria. building to a row house along Marsh, for a time, with the Com-
munity Counseling Center, and now, clustered with other non-
profits at the Goodwill Building. We are looking forward to the
future with enthusiasm.
 NOWNews Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

This Page Presented By The National Organization for Women

The purpose of NOW is to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society NOW !

Coordinator’s Corner Reproductive Rights News Election News

By Angie King This is obviously written before elec- against employers who violate gender
South Dakota Abortion Ban: When component of reproductive and fam- tion results are known, but if the past equity wage requirements (remember
By the time you read this, the elec-
South Dakota’s law banning nearly ily planning health care. holds true, more women than men equal pay?).
tion will be history, and I can only
all abortions in the state—the most Harsh Restrictions on Young will have voted this fall. The ratio I am counting on the failure of Prop
hope I am right that the fear monger-
restrictive state measure enacted Women’s Access to Abortion Stymied of women to men voters has been 85, the teen consent initiative. Every-
ing radical extremists in the Republi-
since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in Senate: Failing in a last-minute climbing for the past 20 years, and in one I spoke to before the election about
can party have been undone by their
nationwide and scheduled to go into effort to increase abortion restrictions 2004, the scales were tipped. As more this issue, said, “What, are we still hav-
own hubris. Whatever the outcome,
effect on July 1, women’s rights sup- before Congress leaves Washington, women vote, we can expect to see ing to fight this one? Is that on the
we must look forward; the winter sol-
porters throughout South Dakota D.C., to campaign, Republicans were real “family values” actually get trans- ballot again? “I hope that this frustra-
stice is coming, and the re-warming
banded together and collected tens unable to force a vote on a bill that lated into legislation – like equal pay, tion with the antics of a minority that
of the earth follows soon thereafter,
of thousands of signatures, enough to would deprive young women of family affordable child care, a living wage for wants to punish women for their sexu-
and it will be spring again. Keep that
temporarily halt implementation of support, threaten their friends and rel- all, universal health care, etc, etc. The ality translated into a landslide defeat
the legislation, and to refer the law to atives with jail time, and restrict their sad part, however, is that only 65% of for Prop 85. NOW had alerted activists
Back in October (who can remem-
the voters on November 7th.Polling access to abortion services. The Sen- eligible women actually vote. to monitor the Yes on 85 messages – in
ber that far back?), it was Love Your
showed that voters would reject the ate could not muster the required 60 And speaking of universal health automated phone bank calling, radio
Body Day, and once again, Julia Palm,
law, but here’s the catch: voters believe votes, although the House had passed care, remember it was Schwarzeneg- and TV spots, etc., and let them know
NOW member and events planner
the ban “goes too far” because there the measure earlier. The Teen Endan- ger who vetoed universal health care which groups pay for those ads and
extraordinaire, organized a commu-
is no rape or incest exception. The germent Act would have restricted – because it would cost too much calls. This was one race that pulled out
nity resource fair on campus. Infor-
same polls show that the ban would young women’s ability to access abor- money! He also vetoed four pieces of all the stops with out-of-state corpora-
mation was made available to Cal
be approved if it had those excep- tion services, and provided only mea- legislation designed to curb employer tions funding this Yes campaign. Ironic
Poly students about how the media
tions, even without a health exception ger exceptions to protect the young unfair labor practices because he said that one of the other Propositions (89)
use unhealthy images of women (too
and without regard for other circum- woman’s health. Said Kim Gandy, it would hurt the state economy. One would restrict corporation spending on
thin, tied up, naked) to sell every-
stances of women’s lives.It is danger- NOW President, “They really don’t bill would have increased penalties proposition campaigns.
thing, including liquor and tobacco,
ous to frame the issue that way.The care about real women’s lives. The
and ways to combat the pressure that
stronger, longer range, argument calls Republican leadership was determined
makes American women mistreat their
for laws that protect women’s health to trade off the rights of young women San Luis Obispo NOW Purchases
bodies to try to conform to the media
image. If we refuse to succumb to the
and respect their need to plan their for a few Brownie points with their Science Books About Women
families, while also appealing to those right-wing base, just before the elec- There are only a handful of prominent work with her to motivate young girls
advertising, it will be a start to defeat-
voters for whom the idea of “govern- tions. No doubt they will be back.” women today in science. The number to stay with science.
ing the cultural bias against our own
ment intrusion” into personal deci- The Teen Endangerment Act of high school graduates going on to The San Luis Obispo chapter of
natural body shapes. Each year NOW
sions is anathema. would have imposed mandatory a college science curriculum is declin- NOW took that challenge. We have
Foundation sponsors a poster contest.
Henry Hyde Retires after 32 parental notification and delay ing. Women in particular seem to be purchased a set of books designed
This year’s poster featured the Statue of
years; his Amendment turns 30: In requirements on young women who turned off by the isolating nature of for the middle school student, called
Liberty, saying: “Give me your curves,
October Illinois Republican Repre- need abortion services outside of their hard science, and many report they Women’s Adventures in Science, part
your wrinkles, your natural beauty
sentative Henry Hyde announced he home state; make it a federal crime view it as socially irrelevant. However, of the Scholastic Series by Joseph
yearning to breathe free.” The winning
would not seek another term.It also even for an aunt or grandmother to it is science and technology that will Henry Press. Each of the 10 books in
designs of the past contests are now
marked the 30th anniversary of the accompany a young woman across cure the world’s major social problems the series is a biography of a current
compiled in a calendar for 2007, avail-
Hyde Amendment, the legislative doc- state lines to obtain an abortion, thus – poverty, illiteracy, disease. These woman scientist who explains her field
able soon. You can order a copy of the
trine used to control the reproductive making criminals of trusted friends issues seriously affect women and in language a young reader will under-
2007 Love Your Body calendar for
lives and limit the health care options and family members who help teens women must be part of the scientific stand. They are filled with the obvious
yourself or as a gift at NOW’s online
of poor women. Passed by Congress unable to involve a parent in their innovation. passion these women have for their
store (
every year since 1976, the current ver- decision; and will subject young Sally Ride, former astronaut and careers. It is hoped young girls will be
Also in October, we had a very
sion denies federal coverage for abor- women, abortion providers, and oth- one of those prominent women, inspired to go on in science and create
successful fundraiser as part of the
tion, except in cases of incest, rape or ers to a confusing maze of overlapping spends her time now improving sci- the next innovations that change their
Morro Bay Harbor Festival. Thank
life endangerment, but without any and conflicting state and federal laws, ence education for children at the world.
you to each and every volunteer who
exception to preserve the woman’s which will make it more difficult and middle school level. At a recent con- San Luis Obispo NOW is arrang-
helped us sell the drink tickets and
health, placing the financial burden more dangerous for young women to ference dedicated to Grace Hopper ing to donate these books to teachers
glasses. NOW will receive $375 for
on already-tight state Medicaid bud- obtain abortions. (another of those women and a pio- in the county, as a teaching resource
your weekend’s work. We use all our
gets, in effect encouraging states not to The Other Side of the Story: We neer in developing computing), Dr. for their schools.
funds to pay the costs to produce
expand abortion coverage. Currently, all think of pro choice as the right Ride challenged her colleagues to
our actions – rent space, buy sup-
more than half of the states provide to choose to have an abortion. But
plies, publicity, postage, etc. Our next
no additional funding, according to it is as, and maybe more, important,
public event will be the annual Roe
v. Wade celebration – we’re planning
the National Abortion Federation, the right to choose not to have one. Sexual Harassment Update
which notes that only South Dakota Take the case of the 19-year-old girl Remember Anita Hill? In 1991, she fact, in California women farm work-
another movie at the Palm for Sunday,
provides less coverage than the Hyde in Maine who was literally kidnapped almost prevented Clarence Thomas ers are regularly subjected to abuse
January 21.
Amendment.Since the amendment’s by her parents and taken to a doctor from becoming a Supreme Court and harassment by their field bosses,
Mark your holiday calendar now
enactment, the Guttmacher Insti- for an abortion. The young woman, Justice when she revealed his sexual forced to trade sexual favors to get
– the NOW winter party will be our
tute has found that 20-35 percent of however, wanted her baby, and she harassment of her in his nomination paid. These women are often not pro-
regular meeting day – December 19th
women eligible under Medicaid who managed to escape along the way hearings. Almost. But her testimony ficient in English and have no way to
– with a short business meeting at 6
would choose abortion have carried and called police. She had not told has helped others stop similar behav- know they have rights under the law;
and party at 7. For location and direc-
their pregnancies to term due to lack them she was pregnant, even though, ior. A whole generation of women has they are frightened they will lose the
tions, send us an email at slonow@
of personal financial means and the as an adult she was under no obliga- been emboldened by the publicity she only means of support for themselves
absence of state funding. About 12 tion to inform them of anything. And engendered on this topic to complain and their children, and they are cul-
million women are covered by Medic- with good reason, as it turns out. Her of harassment against them at work, turally inclined to be quiet.
aid.In addition, the Amendment fur- choice is why we must continue to resulting in both federal and state laws That is now changing. For the
ther politicizes abortion care, instead fight for a woman’s right to make the prohibiting such practices, and some past 10 years, a group of Farm Worker
of recognizing it as a fundamental decision about her own body. huge awards against employers in civil Women Leaders has organized and
cases. Baker & McKenzie, a San Fran- trained about 500 women every year.
cisco law firm, paid $3 million in dam- These women arrange house parties
ages in 1994. To decrease exposure to at the home of a farm worker, who
NOW Calendar Nov 21: such claims, companies now offer sex- invites her own friends and relatives.
• NOW regular meeting, 6 PM ual harassment training. In this supportive atmosphere, the
Nov 7: Nov 30: The results have paid off. The farm worker leaders explain the law,
• Election Day • Birthday of Shirley Chisolm, number of claims now brought has using skits and humor to get their
Nov 8: 1924, first black congresswoman sharply declined. Where cases do get points across. Agribusiness companies
• Washington state votes for (1969), first black presidential to court, the fines are higher; it is the are now providing sexual harassment
women’s suffrage, 1910 nominee (1972) companies without a policy in place training to their managers and super-
Nov 11: or without regular training or with visors to make sure they follow the
• Birthday of Abigail Adams, early Dec 1 sub-standard training that make the law in the fields. Of course, a verdict
advocate of women’s rights, 1744 • AIDs Day Without Art news. Observers note that 90% of of almost $1 million in 2005 against
Nov 12: Dec 16: complaints are successfully dealt with a grower in California helped change
• Birthday of Elizabeth Cady • Birthday of Margaret Mead, 1901 internally. While some workers feel attitudes towards sexual harassment in
NOW Chapter # CA 565 Stanton, 1815 Dec 19: constrained by sexual harassment pre- agriculture as it did 10 years before in
PO Box 1306, SLO, CA 93406 Nov 15: • NOW regular meeting, 6 PM vention policies, the attorneys who the white-collar office jobs.
SLONOW @ • Birthday of Georgia O’Keefe, Holiday Party represent these women have an easy If you feel you have been harassed 1887 answer. “Just ask your daughter or at work, call the US Equal Oppor-
Nov 18: your spouse if they think they should tunity Commission at 800-669-
• First national women’s confer- have to tolerate uninvited touching or 4000 or or the state
ence, Houston, 1977 suggestive comments at work.” Department of Fair Employment
Sexual harassment is not con- and Housing at 800-884-1684 or
fined to the white-collar office. In
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press LocalPerspectives 
SLO Code Pink Update
By Dian Sousa
By Jacqueline Turner

When I was little my greatest fears sibility that wormed its way into my hopefully, more rewarding hunting I recently went to a party… well, tion rights. (Bloody stuff for a Friday
assaulted me in the guise of three hid- consciousness every night through the ground. not a party actually… it was really night after a full week of work.) For
eous ideas which presented themselves warm, wood paneled voice of Walter But more than anything, I miss a fundraiser for a very good cause. many days after, I couldn’t stop think-
monotonously in a queasy, horrific Cronkite. democracy and possibility. I miss the The party fundraiser was kinda bor- ing about her issue regarding ‘raising
pattern of torment depending on what I’d watched my parents and older sweet idea that “we are all created ing, but my heart was in the right taxes.’ Why did that subject not reso-
I’d learned in school that day and what brothers sob over the murder of JFK, equal,” that anyone from any class, place by being there, and I was plan- nate with me? I started to ponder the
I’d watched on television that night. then throw up their hands and sob race, or gender in America, could ning my exit when I encountered this question of what was truly impor-
The first sick notion lodged itself again over the assassinations of Martin become President if their ideas are attractive older woman sitting at one tant to me. Here’s where we get to the
in my tiny, half formed brain, after Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. sane, if they are motivated by peace of the tables; she was the only one at good stuff… I realized that:
watching an episode of Twilight Zone I watched a young, intelligent, and compassion to govern their coun- the event that looked like someone I DO NOT CARE THAT
in which a child sits on her bed, leans soulful America voicing its righteous try because they love it and because I could relate to, so I sat down near MUCH ABOUT TAXES! My heart
against the wall to read her favorite anger over civil rights abuses, the they truly respect the human beings her. We started to talk. You know, the and my vote (if we can find a candi-
illustrated, abridged Arabian Nights draft, the incomprehensible Vietnam with whom they share it, and for usual stuff — where do you live, what date) will go to support the person(s)
–and then, just as she turns the 1st war. And I thought, “I hope I will be whom they have the honor of serving. do you do, blah blah blah, when the who are concerned with universal
page—the wall becomes a whirlpool, brave someday, but I hope I don’t have Because SLO Code Pink will not conversation turned deeper. I don’t things like environment, education,
sucking her, book and all, into the 4th to become President.” give in to fear and has not given up know how that happened, but all of health care, poverty, children’s rights,
dimension. To this day, I keep the wall That was my biggest, most ridicu- hope, we are raising money for our a sudden we were actually talking to women’s rights, men’s rights, animal
next my bed covered in fine gauge lous, most persistent fear,—that I, a campaign to “Buy Back the Media.” each other. Confiding almost. rights, love, peace, freedom, safety, the
chicken wire, just in case. little girl from Compton California, Placing ads in newspapers and on  Then she dropped a bombshell: future of this planet, etcetera.
If I successfully made it through whose mother was a hairdresser and radio stations to promote those can- she had just come from a function Am I an idealist, a liberal or just a
the day in the correct dimension, the whose father was more often than not, didates who support peace and will for women of the Republican Party. damn fool?! A Democrat or a Repub-
fear would meet me at school dressed laid off from Mc Donald Douglas— govern with integrity based on the I had already sized her up as part of lican?. Those entities no longer work
as one of the thin-lipped, ear-twist- might have to grow up and become will of the people and guided by the landownership class of SLO, or for me… I propose that we start a
ing Nuns, who in 1968, roamed the President of the United States. (True, principles of compassion and justice. one the ‘Haves’. This is okay with me competing group, namely The Uni-
playground of Our Lady of Victory I’d never seen a woman in that office We are waging a full grassroots cam- because I want to be that someday versalism Party. This Party would
Catholic School in Compton, Califor- but I believed it was only a matter of paign in support of Sharon Beery anyway. Then she said, “You can’t be promote universally loving and car-
nia, hunting for little girls whom they time.) for 22nd Congressional District. voting for anyone other than Repub- ing for Humanity and the Universe
would always catch behind the annex Examining these fears now from licans (Schwartzeneger) because they more than, or as much as, the indi-
singing their wispy, cotton versions the hazy vantage point of 40 years, I For a full platform of recom- (Democrats) will raise taxes, and you vidual. Making choices based upon
of “Heard it Through the Grapevine” see them only as little shadows of crazy mended candidates or other infor- don’t want that, do you?” I was really the whole, or universal, picture. It’s
while line dancing a spastic, antedilu- innocence and I mourn them: The mation, please visit our website: taken aback because I didn’t know religious, political, philosophical, and
vian, precursor of Crump. possibility of a spontaneous vacation how I felt about that! Cowardly, I easy.
The worst fear however was subtle. in the 4th dimension and the Nuns changed the subject. After all, I was at  Universalism! The belief that
It was a vague though terrifying pos- who have all fledged to some other, a shindig, and here I was involved in a human beings are collectively and
pseudo-political/philosophical conver- individually responsible to our planet
sation with a stranger with apparently and to all humanity! The Greater
different values than me. Good! Sounds so simple. Can we get
There were more bombshells it started?
because we started to discuss the Hugs, Jackie Turner
Bible, religious beliefs, and abor-

Let There Be Peace On Earth And Let It Begin With Me

By Beverly Engel

With the current problems in the forgive one another. The reason peo- scorned. It begins when we recognize power-hungry, violent, and tyranni- In times of crisis people tend to
Middle East, many of us are wonder- ple become violent is the same rea- that we are perpetuating violence with cal and recognize that we are guilty put aside their petty differences for the
ing if there will ever be peace in that son they become abusive—because our strong-arm tactics throughout the of the same faults and shortcomings. common good. During times of crisis
area. And many of us are despair- they have been abused, because they world and when we begin to under- It will come when we turn ourselves people also want to know what they
ing since Peace on Earth seems way have been ignored, because they have stand that the violence we project into a society in which social justice, can do to help. There is something
beyond our reach. But I believe there been shamed. into the world love, and compassion are so prevalent that each one of us can do to create
is hope as long as there are many peo- When we stop Be the change you want to see through our that violence becomes only a distant peace. We must start by examining the
ple focusing on doing what they can the neglect in the world. movies and memory. way we make enemies out of our loved
to create peace in their own backyards. and abuse in our music ones, how we view our mates as oppo-
If each person took responsibility for our families,
— Mahatma Ghandhi is bound to A pivotal moment in history.
Many people believe that this is nents rather than allies, and how we
creating peace in his or her own heart, we take one come back one of those pivotal moments in his- teach our children to be either victims
mind, and spirit, I think we could cre- giant step to us like a tory when we can change the world or victimizers. Then we must closely
ate the miracle needed to create peace toward stop- r e t u r n i n g for the better if we bring wisdom examine the ways we treat those who
in the world. ping the violence in our culture. boomerang. Peace begins when we actively to the for and apply it with are different and our own tendency
Peace begins in our community. recognize that it is pure arrogance to diligence and clarity, and if we engage to judge and exclude others. Once we
Peace begins within each individual. Peace begins in our community. It assume that our way is the only way in deep dialogue for the purpose of have cleaned up our own psyches and
Peace begins within each individ- begins when we teach our children to and that those in other countries who what Rumi has called, looking for our own homes, we can expand our
ual. It begins by each person coming accept the differences between people have different beliefs are wrong. It the “root of the root” of our collective efforts by becoming Ambassadors of
to appreciate the differences between and when we model this acceptance begins when we learn to listen to the selves. Many spiritual teachings point Peace in our communities. By becom-
people instead of fearing them. It in our daily lives. It begins when we views of those from other countries to this as a time of great change and ing role models for others, including
begins with each person committing no longer continue to believe that and other cultures and when we open redemption. our children, we can have a powerful
to the values of tolerance, empathy, our church, our political party, or our our hearts to take in their views. There is a song that says, effect on the world. By introducing
and compassion. Most important, beliefs are superior to those of others Peace in our world. “We will have peace because we must.” and advocating dialogues and circles
peace begins when each person comes – when we agree to meet in small dis- Peace in the world will come when Because of continual terrorist attacks, in our communities we can begin
to know, deep in their heart, that the cussion groups or circles to discuss our we all treat one another as an equal, the war in Iraq, the situation between to really hear and understand one
things they despise, fear, and hate in differences and to create solutions to no better or Israel and Leb- another and begin to end dissension
others are qualities that lie buried deep our problems. It begins when we view worse than “Never doubt that a small anon, and the and prejudice. By learning about alter-
inside themselves. a child=s anti-social actions as a cry for we are. It will group of thoughtful, threat of North natives to violence such as mediation,
Peace begins in each family help and when we support a system in come when Korea, more conflict resolution, and restorative
Peace begins in each family. It which first-time offenders are asked to we are no lon- committed citizens can and more peo- justice, we can heal our wounds and
begins by each parent taking respon- take responsibility for their actions, ger threatened change the world. ple are forced replace revenge with justice.
sibility for breaking the cycle of abuse gain empathy for those they have by our differ- Indeed, it is the only thing to face how We are not powerless to change
and neglect that has been passed harmed, and make reparations instead ences because bad things our violent world. Each of us is capa-
down from generation to generation. of being merely being punished. we are able that ever has.” have become. ble of making real changes in the way
It begins when each parent comes to Peace begins in our country. to commu- ­ — Margaret Mead It has caused we live our lives—changes that can
view his or her children as unique Peace begins in our country when nicate our many to enter make a significant contribution to
individuals who have the right to we refuse to be divided because of ideas freely a period of changing the world.
their feelings, preferences, and per- our political beliefs – when we start and listen to one another with open reflection, to get back in touch with
ceptions – when family members to have respect for the differences hearts and open minds – when we our common humanity. It will no
learn to really listen to one another, that make us such a rich country, stop judging others for being selfish, doubt encourage many more people
to apologize to one another, and to when diversity is celebrated instead of cruel, controlling, narrow-minded, to join the efforts for peace.
 LocalPerspectives Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

Voices Around the Table:

My House Is Yours An Inner Feeling— tures hats –an old, worn cowboy hat Going Inside is lost to me. My connection to her
I’ve always liked the phrase...”Mi An Outer Structure from our sojourn in Colorado, a fur- When I was a little girl, I loved comes from the only photo I have of
casa es su casa” That to me means What makes a home a “home” for trimmed one from New Hampshire, a box turtles and always had one or two her. It is a black and white, taken circa
that wherever my home is, whatever me? Well, certainly home is being in coconut palm one from the Big Island. for a pet. I loved watching them with 1938, when she is in her early 40s.
its shape or color, it’s always there the midst of my children and their Everywhere the eye lands is a vignette, their funny little noses that turned She and my father (who is in his late
for sharing: ideas, thoughts, provok- families, nature and loved ones, and a story. Our collection provokes recol- into part mouth and their tny beady teens) are walking arm in arm, dressed
ing perspectives, or just a cup of cof- I can say happily that there are peo- lection as we go about daily life in the eyes and soft, tickly claw feet. They it seems for synagogue, both smiling
fee and some small talk. Our homes ple with whom I feel “at home.” Still, present, continually embraced by the liked to swim and catch their food serenely at the camera. Looking at the
can be made of whatever material. having said that, I need to admit that past. That’s what makes a place home in the water and they liked to sit on photo, no one would guess that in the
What matters is what we put on the “home” for me awakens an inner long- – it’s where the memories are. a rock in the sun. Then suddenly coming months my family would be
inside, how we build and nurture it, ing—I have always wanted to own my Shana Ross they would be gone inside their green prisoners in a Nazi work camp.
that and how we treat the people that own home, but haven’t been able to mosaic shells. They didn’t need a nest I spent a week in Timisoara search-
pass through the front door to greet afford one. As a child we moved every Warmth or lair or a roost or a house. I used to ing the census archives for genealogy
us. Home is about people, not mate- three years; and as a single mother, I What makes a house feel like wish I was a turtle. records, walking neighborhood streets,
rial. It can be a country, a city, a nook moved with my jobs. Other people home to me is warmth; the warmth The saying goes “Home is where talking with elders in the Jewish-Hun-
in the forest, or a Sunday drive. Home long to travel to distant shores; I dream that comes from the heart and soul. It the heart is” and I think this is true garian community, attending a Shab-
to me is intangible. of staying put, of a quiet place, a place is my haven and where I feel inspired in the most literal sense. We are at bot service, and roaming the Jewish
Tyler Aldrich of my own where I can be: I won’t get to be creative. I love my time alone at home only when we feel at peace in cemetery. Though no longer a thriv-
the call that the landlord is selling and home as well as sharing it with friends our own skin, when we know who ing Jewish-Hungarian community as
A House Is Not a Home I’ll have to move out, or watch the and family. Most of those times cen- we are and when we accept and nur- it once had been, my father’s birth-
Growing up in a six-story Brooklyn rent jump so high I’ll need to move ter around good food, music, and ture our deepest self inside our bodily place offered itself to me in a way that
building, I sometimes took day trips yet again, nor worry if I’ll get docked vigorous conversation. When I walk home. But once we begin to go inside only a place of personal history can:
out of the city to the easternmost part for a nail-hole or wear and tear. I can into a space and my soul can breath, that home we walk around in, we’ve the more I came to know of Timiso-
of Long Island to beach communities play music without worrying about my heart says “Aaaah!”, and I smile got to start house cleaning or we won’t ara, the more I felt my family ghosts
known as “The Hamptons.” Marvel- shared walls and don’t have my walls from the inside out, then this feels like feel comfortable. We have got to start becoming formidable.
ing at the impressive homes that were reverberating with the noise of those home. If there is little soul warmth, it being aware of what we eat that makes Two days before my departure,
scattered along the coast, I often won- less considerate. Even knowing this is doesn’t matter how dressed-up a space us not feel good and we’ve got to be quite unexpectedly, I located my
dered what it must feel like to live in no panacea, I dream of money to fix is, it doesn’t feel like home. I like peo- aware of what we’re feeling when we’re grandmother’s grave. With wild ivy
a house that had grand pianos, floor- up that home, the freedom to buy the ple to feel love and warmth when they off and why. But most of all we have close encroaching, her indomitable
to-ceiling windows, and what it would furniture I really like. Perhaps if you’ve come into my home. A good measure got to be aware of what has closed our headstone stood as a force to reckon
be like to walk your own private steps never owned a home, you’ve had these is if I feel like I could curl up and take hearts and do the work to clean that with, marking her place in the world.
to nature. I was accustomed to only dreams too. Then my thoughts go a nap: then this feels like home. off. And some- times it At that moment it did not matter that
concrete and brick buildings, (and to to those around the world who find Renee Sanpei really helps to my only physi-
my young mind), I was certain that themselves homeless, and those who sit on a rock cal contact with
the happiest people alive lived in these have far less than I; I think of my spir- Safety in the sun. my grandmother
glass houses. itual home – the most precious of any Home means safety to me - where, So home would be here, this
 In those days, I fantasized that that I would not trade for a physical as a child, the shadows following me really means gong unyielding marble
if I lived in one of those beachfront one. I think of the abundance I have down the street couldn’t go. I think way inside and slab etched with only
homes, my life would be perfect… my all around me, the gratefulness I feel, you have to feel safe for where you are acknowledg- the skeleton of who she
parents wouldn’t fight, the boy who I and with all these thoughts, wonder for it to be a home. ing that “yes,” was and when she lived,
liked would like me, and I would be why this dream lingers. But it does. So Angie King this is the only resting upon this patch of
beautiful and smart. I thought that I share this with you and acknowledge true home, the earth.
just by living in one of those houses, I the paradox. I accept what is even A Reflection of Life Lived place where our As is the Jewish custom, I
would find the home I was constantly as I hope with trust, knowing I am My home holds everything for hearts and souls live placed a stone on her grave, a
seeking. unconditionally which I am grateful. My children, my so we need to take gesture meant to remind my grand-
 Today, I know better. I lived in loved and, pets, my history. Its condition paral- good care of them. We need to treat mother’s soul of its connection to
houses that, though not house or lels how I am living my life. When I our true home as a sacred place where the living, and recited the mourner’s
palatial by any means, no, I’m am grateful, it offers me abundance- we can know we are Divine. prayer. Having retraced my roots I
were wonderful: there a very -memories, comfort, and energy. Jodee Smith discovered a piece of home in a place
was the Shell Beach house l u c k y When I am feeling needy, disheveled, I least expected.
with balconies overlooking lady. or lonely, I see in its rooms the things Healing Place Bailey Drechsler
the ocean; there was the that need attention and respect. My home nurtures me spiritually,
condo near golf courses My home wears its scars like emotionally, and physically. I have a A Home Is an “At-Home” Feeling
surrounded by lakes badges of honor. The handprints on “healing house.” Having my compan- My Uncle Everett was raised on
and palm trees, and for the walls that grow higher with the ion animals makes my house a home. an Iowa farm and lived on that farm
a short time, there was passing years; the worn trail in the Susan Howe until his death.  I am sure no other
the Manhattan apartment near carpet, guiding thousands of footsteps place could have been home to him.  I
Sutton Place with views of the Hud- Home is to its hub; the dented wall behind the A Home is Border-less grew up in a military family so my
son. None of this impressed me once where the heart is after all. front door, marking countless enthu- In an elegy written for her mother, actual home changed many times in
I started living there because wher- Barbara Atkinson siastic entries--these things celebrate Emily Dickinson describes her grief as my childhood  I feel at home at Uncle
ever you go – there you are! So, if A its history and offer all who enter a a state of being “Homeless at home.” Everett’s because I have been going to
House is not a Home … those people Where the Memories Are glimpse of what has come before. I have read this poem countless times that lovely Iowa farm since my early
who were in my fantasies were prob- I have moved so many times my The messes and imperfections and my heart still breaks open when childhood.  In another home
ably happy with their houses … but family of origin calls me “the gypsy.” were all created in the living of my I come to Dickinson’s darkest line in of an aunt in Indiana
I will never know if they ever felt at It’s true, I can easily imagine living in days within its walls. My home is a her elegy: it brings me face to face after being away
HOME there. a brightly painted wagon festooned reflection of who I am. It has flaws with my own familial losses. Begin- for many years,
 I live simply now, in San Luis with bells, only a few pots and pans to and faults that remind me of my own. ning with the death of my father when I told my
Obispo, in a cozy two-bedroom house call my own. But my husband is more Imperfect, yet loved. Complete, yet a I was seven, my mother’s death when cousin as we
with two cats, fourteen fish, lots of traditional, so we compromise by cart- work in progress. I was 25, and an elusive ancestral his- sat in the
friends, and my daughter and son-in- ing our stuff around like a snail carry- Elizabeth McGregor tory I have felt this brand of home- cozy din-
law nearby. Truthfully, I have never ing its home on its back. lessness ever since childhood. For me, ing room,
been more at Home. Each new house quickly becomes the heart of a home is family, and “I feel like I
Jacqueline Turner familiar as we unpack – there are so I have sought to reclaim am home”.  She
the clay dolphins one son made in remnants of my assured me, “Well, you
third grade, swimming in the bath- family in any way are!”
room near the tiny wise old lady who possible.  There is something about walking
appeared when the other son went off This past in and just feeling that peace of mind
to Berkeley. On the fireplace mantel summer I trav- when you are home.  Some work-
is a vase, shaped like a Victorian lady eled to Timiso- places qualify.  I had a job a few years
with flowers sticking out of her head, ara, Romania, ago that was an uneasy fit.  My co-
chipped and cracked during the Loma the birthplace of worker wouldn’t answer my questions
Prieta earthquake. In the kitchen my father, and where and would barely talk to me.  My
there’s a painting of the tumbledown my maternal grandmother, superiors made no effort to become
beach hut on Kauai where we lived; Erszebeta, wrote me intermittent let- acquainted with me but did let me
the dining nook sports a painted drop- ters in elementary English up until know they were indeed superiors! (Or
cloth decorated by a crazy artist friend she died in 1974. Yet, who she was as so they thought!)  My next workplace
in Santa Cruz and the hallway fea- a woman, and what her life was like was like being home again.  I was
as a Jew who survived the Holocaust, taught the job, was appreciated for my
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press LocalPerspectives 

What makes a home a “ home” for you?

efforts, and enjoyed an easy camara- come sign for our new home: “mi casa I confess I can’t keep up with how with a comforting gaze, a hot cup of your name to the stars. Home is my
derie.  Walking into that office was a es su casa!” We hope they will come economics, technology, and the chang- tea, and overstuffed armchair into father’s apple tree, under whose limbs
homecoming every morning.  There and visit and feel very much at home! ing shape of the family has changed which we can fall and rest ourselves I lay on moist soil and dozed to the
were ups and downs but that’s what Rosalee Kay Calvillo the definition of “home” At the risk form the wears and tears of our mate- scent of fallen fruit and the drone of
you get at home! of being trite again, I hope that we rial world. bees seeking sweets. Home is a late
That “at-home” feeling existed in a A Home of My Own continue to feel “home is where (and Home is all of that which dwells afternoon breeze that gently brushes
tiny bar my husband operated on the Gardens of quiet, when) “the heart is” joyous. within us. Home les deep in the urn my hair. Home is the fire I make with
worst street in a big city in Northern The music of light, Hilda Heifetz of our bellies, a well of resource from my own hands, held in the open belly
California. The denizens of this saloon Open abandonment, which we can draw at any given time, of the earth, so that I may dream into
were very poor, varying from semi- Wings of flight. Home Sweet Home if we know the secret of our own the light. Home is the fecund mother,
homeless to lower middle-class. My I don’t know where address. Home is that soft hand that the hibernating bear, constantly turn-
husband truly liked and respected his Breath as food, to begin, reaches out for us from the deepest, ing in her cycles of fertility and decay.
customers and bartenders. Conse- Signs of love, but Frost said hidden arc of ourselves when we call Home is her deep caves and young
quently, they treated us and the bar Beauty in my midst, “Home is where they out to her in our need and yearning. grasses and rivers that course down
with respect and affection.  It was A hovering of doves. have to take you in.” Call to her, call to yourself. She will steep ravines. Home is the detritus
a home away from home for many It’s cuttings on the answer with gentle words spoken into on forest floors that muffle my foot-
of them.  Many of them were there Sadie sniffing, kitchen window sill, your inner ear. Listen for her. Listen steps as I make my way through terri-
when we opened at the crack of Freedom to roam, a refuge when you’re ill, for her in silence and she will come, tory and landscape I do not yet know.
dawn and many stayed until closing As Heaven meets Earth, a guardian at the long skirts rustling with the move- Home is the turning inward of my
time.  They brought food to share at I’ve finally come home. foot of the bed, ment of a strong and certain pace as own eye so that I may know of my
potlucks.  One grizzled, skinny gruff- Barbara Atkinson and a place to she makes her way through the maze own vast horizons.
looking man, on winning our chili rest your head, of our underworlds, ascending to Amelia Free
cook-off, had tears of joy running people who love you meet us. Feel her perfume reach you
down his face.   One evening we ran to talk to. in the currents of her motion. Know
into one of our most down of the It’s not grand vistas the full sturdiness of her core body as
down-and-outers.  She was a former or chandeliers— she sits down beside you, lending her
prostitute and her life was things to impress presence into your own experience.
written all over your peers, Meet her gaze.
her face.  She had acres of cars Home is a grove of pine trees sigh-
spent some time in in the garage.
Folsom Prison and she Not Shangri-La
looked much older than or the Taj Mahal.
her actual years.  She was Not a mirage—
scolding her boyfriend in not that at all.
the parking lot because his It’s cozy and warm,
shirttail was not tucked in.  where you won’t
She looked at me very solemnly come to any harm.
and declared “This is our place.  Kathy Bond
We just don’t go in there without our
shirttails tucked in!”  Home as Mother, Body, Earth
One of our bartenders died an Home is a place that holds all
early death from a larger than usual A Home is Where the Heart is Joyous things in close and loving embrace.
mixture of drugs and alcohol.  Her The importance of home to me To her, we bring our tears, joys, sacred
boyfriend made his beer money by and all other living creatures has objects, intimate relationship with ing in
selling any items he could find or walk shown itself in so many ways. I’m ourselves and others, disappoint- curling winds in the night at 10,000
off with.  But after his girl friend died, aware that it is a profound instinct ments, self-humor, creativity, food, feet while a choir of barred owls sings
he brought me her treasured little provided by nature for survival of the and warmth. She receives us always
doll.  He asked me to take it and keep organism and a shelter for the arrival
it.  “You will take care of it”, he said. I of new generations…arrival and sur-
keep that doll displayed in a case.  It vival, a nice lilt!? A familiar example
reminds me of those people and their in other species is a type of sonar abil-
dignity.  ity in the homing pigeon, the bat,
Now, moving into old age, I find etc., and the caves, dens, nests, rocks,
I am one of those seniors who are
ready to move on.  Our house is too
big for us now and too far away from
as some of the places we can call their
But for me, and for them, they are
When We Dream of Houses
By Ron Masa, Ph.D.
our children.  We hope to sell it soon essentially more than a place. And for
and move to a condo near the family.   us, humans, it is certainly not limited
I picture my husband, cat, and myself to one kind. As I look back over my
Let’s explore one of the more fre- particular issues; these may be alluded on which visible life depends, just as
living with fewer possessions, free to 92 years, I have lived in more than a
quently appearing dream symbols, to. It helps to ask, during what years the invisible realm of dreams underlies
stroll dozen locations—different climates,
the HOUSE. Every dream symbol of my life did I live in that particu- and supports daily life.
different relationships, differ-
includes powerful, personal meanings lar house? Who else lived there? What “The condition of our true and
ent circumstances.
and generic, archetypal levels as well. issues or themes do I recall from that private self is what dreams are about.
One thing
First, our body “houses” us in home and that era? If you rise refreshed from a dream--a
one sense. A dream house with many In retrospect, could you find a night’s settlement inside some house
unexplored rooms may suggest great theme or two that described that por- that has filled you with pleasure--you
undiscovered potential within us. A tion of your life? These will get you are doing okay. If you wake to the
run-down house might suggest we started unraveling the many layers of memory of squeezing confinement,
need rest and physical self-care. meaning in the house in your dream. rooms without air or light, a door dif-
A house’s condition may also com- There are many symbols of the ficult or impossible to open, a trou-
ment on the state of our mental and interior of houses. The dream house bling disorganization or even wreckage
emotional well-being. Our house is a may have higher levels (like a sec- inside, you are in trouble--with your-
refuge and place of identity, so houses ond floor or attic) that can connote self… Jung, in a difficult time, slowly
often tell us about our place in the spiritual values, or less positively, built a stone garden and a stone tower.
world and how we identify ourselves. ungrounded intellect. A basement Thoreau’s house at Walden Pond,
FEELING of being “at
If you exaggerate the pronunciation could suggest the unconscious or per- ten feet by fifteen feet under the tall,
of the letters in the word “house” haps sexuality, while hallways indicate arrowy pines, was surely a dream-
to the library, pool, or spa, Natu- It’s become trite to say “a house
it sounds like “How-You-See” and, a passage or transition of some sort. shape come to life....” (Mary Oliver,
rally, with the process of aging, there is not a home,” but the truth of it
indeed, our “point of view” may be The favorite room of many dreams “Winter Hours”)
will also be time spent in doctor’s expresses my own feeling. A home
examined. is the bathroom! This may be because Happy Homey Dreaming.
offices!, Hopefully we will travel and happens when (not just where ) there
When we dream we are in a child- such universal processes are so hidden
will feel at home in Amtrak sleepers, is some sense of family, some sense
hood house once again, it gives us an there… just as our interior life is hid- Ron Masa, Ph.D. co-leads TeleDream
motel rooms and ships.   Working of refuge, some sense of attachment,
automatic frame of reference for a den from our waking self. And because (a telephone dream group) and Dream-
will be voluntary - performing in the- some investment of my creativity,
slice of our personal history and may the release of toxins and the process of Talk (an e-mail-based dream group)
atres, assisting in public school class- some openness to daily connectedness
refer to child parts of the psyche still cleansing are so important to the mind Info at
rooms, following passions rather than to what goes on beyond. As to the lat-
present in us. In a given house, certain and heart. Plus, all that plumbing or call (707) 937-0454
a paycheck!   We will miss our won- ter, I like to think that wherever I live,
people lived with us and we dealt with connects to invisible, hidden resources
derful friends here but we have a wel- I am also at home in the world.
 LocalPerspectives Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

Continued From Cover
Continued From Cover
Macy, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Angeles
Arrien, Starhawk, and Susan Griffin. stand up at public comment time dur-
She realized how hungry women are ing government meetings to express
to share with one another. “I’m not their concerns. They will surely take
alone” was a common thread of dis- this part of our democracy home to
covery and reassurance for the partici- Ukraine.”
pants. The delegates included:
Wanting a deeper commitment to • Tetyana Khimchenko, 41, dep-
community life and to their personal uty director of “Every Child,” a
growth, Kay and Floyd moved to the new social service organization in
Tierra Nueva Cohousing Commu- Ukraine that works with vulner-
nity in Oceano in 2000. This beauti- able children and families.
fully landscaped 27-unit passive solar • Oksana Levkova, 26, youth
complex brings children, parents, and director for WETI, which pro-
retirees together to build an inten- vides public education on envi-
tional community for social interac- ronmental issues and promotes
tion and support. It’s one of over 50 District 2 Supervisor Shirley Bianchi poses with Ukranian Leaders at a banquet in their honor. Left to
ecological tourism in the Car-
cohousing communities in California right: Oksana Levkova, Tetyana Pechonchyk, Shirley Bianchi, Tetyana Khimchenko and Yuliya Yesmukhanova.
pathians, Ukraine’s highest
and 200 nationally. Group consen- mountains, famed for their for-
sus resolves problems and facilitates ests and thermal springs. they may not ever get back.  drink vodka (or anything else) in cials at the banquet in their honor.
important decisions. The residents • Tetyana Pechonchyk, 23, a sci- Social services are an emerging copious amounts, and they love Jack O’Connell, state superintendent
devote a lot of time and effort to entist and public relations pro- area, and Tetyana Khimchenko is to travel, visit and share ideas of of public instruction, was keynote
establish the mores and customs that fessional with the Ukrainian a leader in that field. all kinds.  They love their coun- speaker, and numerous county and
inform the community. Independent Information & • Both journalists were actively try and are extremely enthusias- city officials and staff were among the
Kay chooses to participate in News Agency. interested in the nuts and bolts tic about the future.  sold-out audience.
Tierra Nueva to remain active and They were accompanied by a facil- of media operations, as well as • The American phrase, “Plan B,” I think that anyone who had con-
to practice openness and community itator, Yuilya Yesmukhanova, as well as issues such as freedom of speech, was new to them, and one they tact with them came away with the
building. She loves the intergenera- a translator, Irina Primakova. science and responsibility, and took special delight in – and it’s feeling that if all Ukrainians are like
tional energy and the variety of activi- The group was chauffeured almost government and election cov- sure to turn up in their work in these young women, their govern-
ties in the Common House. But most everywhere by Lois Hughes, an inde- erage. Our local media opened Ukraine. ment — and our world — will be in
of all, she’s pleased to see an increas- fatigable League member, who accom- their arms to them. Sara Horne, past president of the good hands in the future.”
ingly healthy community emerging panied them most of their waking, • Stereotypes were regularly League, who, along with her husband
with residents yielding personal time walking, and talking hours upended by reality. Told to Boyd provided full accommodations For more information about the
to support its growth. Hughes’ impressions: expect aloofness, the visitors for the group, as well as some chauf- League, there’s “League 101 – Ev-
The Journey Continues. Cur- • They were impressed by our fos- were, instead, routinely met feuring, had similar observations: erything You Ever Wanted to Know
rently studying Ken Wilber’s integral ter-care programs.  Unlike their with hugs and enthusiastic hand- “They were charming, well-edu- about the League – How and Why
approach to human evolution, Kay current programs, we have short- shakes.  People on the streets and cated and extremely positive that We Do the Things We Do,” held
continues the inner journey, trying to term stays available for children in restaurants would walk up to their country will become a dynamic Nov. 15, 4111 Broad St., SLO, from
stay open to uncertainty, to be unat- with the intent to keep fami- say, “Welcome! I saw the news- democracy.  They were impressed by 1-3 p.m. The League website is
tached to living and dying, and to lies together wherever possible.  paper article about your visit.” how transparent our government is, Or call 543-2220.
trust in the Universe. She’s grateful for That’s their goal, too, but not yet American stereotypes of Ukrai- and how accessible our public officials
the many gifts that have been given to the reality. There, once children nians were similarly debunked:  make themselves. They were really
her. And, we’re grateful for the many are removed from their homes, They do eat salads, they do not surprised to see so many public offi-
gifts of time, talent, and love that she
has passed on to others.

New Regular Feature

Younger Women Speak Out
BookReview The first article in our new column devoted to the
voices of younger women in community is written
By Charlene Huggins
by Jaymi Heimbuch.

Younger Women’s Task Force, goal for next year are to become an
Will Ends Ever Meet? reich was curious: What types of jobs clerks. I suspect it’s an invisibility of a Central Coast (YWTFCC) is nearly even stronger resource for younger
were available to citizens newly enter- complicit nature. Prodigious consum- one year old! And what a productive women. We plan on holding work-
Joan works full time at Hearthside, a ing the workforce? Ms. Ehrenreich ers of all economic means, we encoun- year it has been. shops, one on media effects on
diner frequented by tourists, in Key thought it would be a good idea if a ter the working poor everyday of our Beginning with our launch meet- younger women and body image and
West Florida. She makes $2.25 an hour Harper’s journalist did some old-fash- waking lives (they are not invisible). ing on January 24, 2006, we have another with local experts educat-
plus tips. She works 40 hours a week, ioned reporting and experience what We go to the grocery stores, the Wal- grown to over 50 members and hosted ing younger women on reproduc-
52 weeks a year. She does not make it would be like to live on the mini- Marts, the restaurants, the gas stations; a variety of events to help younger tive health issues and solutions. We
enough money to take a motel room, mum wage. Her good friend, Louis we engage and interact daily with the women in our community. Our activ- will spearhead a Progressive Women’s
rent an efficiency, studio or apartment. Lapham, editor of Harper’s maga- American service industry, but do we ities of 2006 included social activist Summit where like-minded groups
She cannot save enough money for zine, challenged her to be that person ever pause to contemplate the cost of gatherings like Letter-to-the-Editor can combine efforts to achieve a larger
two months worth of security deposit and she accepted. The result was her our conveniences and money savings? Writing Potlucks; a real estate work- goal that benefits younger women in
and rent. She lives in her truck. She observant book Nickel and Dimed: On Ehrenreich’s experiment forces her to shop where local experts taught our area, and we will continue with
is homeless and (Not) Getting By in (Not) Getting By in America. both wear and reveal the veil of invis- younger women what they needed to letter-to-the-editor writing socials,
America. She is one of a growing seg- She decided she’d live only on the ibility, learning that earning a wage know to buy their first house; item book reviews, and other educational
ment of the American population who earnings made from “unskilled” labor isn’t enough. “Unskilled” is a misno- drives and fundraisers that gathered events.
work one and two jobs, seven days a jobs: waitress, maid and retail clerk, mer and having a job doesn’t necessar- thousands of dollars worth of much If you are interested in partici-
week and still cannot afford a place posing as a recently divorced home- ily mean having a life, civil rights, or needed items and money for our local pating, we encourage you to attend
called home. This is one woman’s maker re-entering the work place. the basic necessities. The largest and women’s shelters; reviews of feminist meetings and get involved. Everyone
experience in 1998. In 2005, according Realizing she had advantages others fastest growing segment of the U.S. books; booths at the Farmer’s Market concerned with protecting and pro-
to the National Low Income Housing did not, she allowed herself some ini- economy is the service industry and registering people to vote and educat- moting the rights of younger women,
Coalition, “at the locally prevailing tial cash, “$1000 for the first month’s the jobs generated do not provide the ing younger women on election issues; regardless of sex or age, is welcome to
minimum wage an individual cannot rent and deposit, $100 for initial gro- necessary income for a family’s sur- and our monthly meetings featuring participate. Our monthly meetings are
earn enough to afford the Fair Market ceries and cash in [her] pocket, and vival. Ehrenreich’s book, an easy read, educational speakers from our com- held the last Wednesday evening of
Rent of a one-bedroom apartment in $200 stuffed away for emergencies” chronicles moments of humor, com- munity. every month. More information about
any county in the U.S.” Most of these and, a big plus, a car. She lived this passion, and the challenges she tem- YWTFCC has been an increas- YWTFCC can be found at our web-
individuals punch-the-clock without life for two years. porarily experiences in this milieu of ingly significant presence in our area. site
health insurance, sick leave, paid vaca- Ms. Ehrenreich writes about the anxious survival, giving insight then We plan on growing even more! Our
tion, or personal observance days. experiences she shares with her fel- and now into the inequities and strug-
In the spring of 1998, less than two low members of the “invisible under- gles of our country’s most under-val-
years after the welfare reform statute class”: housekeepers, waiters, retail ued citizens.
was signed into law, Barbara Ehren-
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press LocalPerspectives 

What’s Cooking? Ask Tirtza Abuan “what’s cooking?” and she has a
ready list of her latest activities. But now the single
Classes on Mediterranean Cuisine mother and full-time math teacher at Morro Bay
With daughter Danielle, 19, now a High School has decided to literally get cooking
By Trisha Oksner
sophomore at UCLA and Natalye, by turning her favorite hobby into a source of
15, looking to college in three years,
Tirtza is focusing on the next phase
additional income – both financial and spiritual.
of her own life and how she will han-
dle the “empty nest.” “I realized that
this is a good time in my life to build
something up, so that by the time her lifetime love of cooking has been a class before,” she admitted. “While
my second child leaves home, I have dream come true. I like North African foods, I don’t
something I enjoy doing that is fulfill- It all started this past spring, know much about preparing them.
ing outside of my full-time job,” she when she brought a Moroccan dish But the whole experience was fun,
said. to a women’s group potluck at her educational, and very social. I even
That “something” has taken the synagogue in San Luis Obispo. The re-created the recipes at home and
form of teaching Mediterranean- women raved and suggested she teach they turned out great.”
themed cooking classes and catering a cooking class. By summer, she had If students find that their recipes
small parties. Born in Casablanca and put together some marketing mate- don’t turn out as well as Pam’s did,
raised in Israel, France, and the United rials, got a business license, and held Tirtza has reassuring words for them.
States by an Algerian mother and her first series of classes in Los Osos, “You can’t be too hard on yourself,”
Moroccan father, Tirtza is uniquely focusing on main dishes, breads, and she said. “Cooking is something you
qualified to share her expertise with desserts from Algeria, Tunisia, and get better at the more you do it. And
others. She grew up watching her Morocco. sometimes, your mistakes can turn
mother prepare vats of homemade For each class, Tirtza provides a into your best recipes, a dish you
food for the school districts in their handout with a recipe and informa- never expected.”
small town of Kiryat Gat in Israel. tion about the region where the recipe For Tirtza, creating a business
At home, her mother often prepared originates. As she prepares each dish, from her hobby was something she
family feasts for 100-plus people with- she addresses relevant historical and never expected. “I want to model
out breaking a sweat. cultural points, while the handful of for my kids how to find ways to ful-
“When you enjoy something, you students take notes, nibble on appetiz- fill themselves, develop meaningful
embrace everything about it,” Tirtza ers, and ask questions. Everyone then friendships, and have a spiritual self.
said. “I don’t think of cooking as work. dines together on the finished prod- It doesn’t matter how old you are,
It is a creative focus and an outlet for uct. there is always time for making your
Tirtza Abuan, single mother and full-time math teacher at Morro Bay High School doesn’t rest on her me. People always love to eat and they Pam Logan, a member of the journey in life. You just have to be
laurels. She also enjoys teaching Mediterranean-themed cooking classes and catering small parties. always need to eat. I find cooking to women’s spirituality group, attended willing to explore.”
be fulfilling.” Being able to mesh her the first series of classes and was For information on upcoming
lifelong dedication to teaching with hooked. “I had never taken a cooking classes, call 805-234-7931.

Tunisian Carrot Salad

The Wonder of It All Tirtza Abuan

Call Waiting •

1 lb. carrots
2 large garlic cloves
• 1 t. cumin
By Hilda Heifetz
• 1 T. white vinegar
• ¼ c. chopped Italian parsley
I have found that unanswered ques-
• 5 T. olive oil
tions don’t like to go away. They
• Salt & pepper to taste
tend to hang around (often secretly),
expecting the answer to arrive. That it
Peel carrots and boil in water until
might take as long as 70 years doesn’t
slightly tender (about 25 minutes).
seem to matter… as in this case:
Rinse in cold water, drain and slice
It was back in 1929, when I was
into ¼ inch rounds. Heat up oil, add
in high school in New York City. We
chopped garlic and cook until lightly
were studying the work of poet John
browned. Add sliced carrots, salt,
Milton, on his blindness. There is a
pepper, vinegar and cumin and cook
line in it: “They also serve who only
another 10 minutes. Let mixture cool
stand and wait.” Well, to a 15-year-
and then add chopped parsley.
old New Yorker, that was very puz-
zling. I was conditioned to action and
impatience. So of what possible use
can anything or anyone be just stand-
ing around and waiting?! The teacher
never explained. Love of Self a thought came:  “This is the best
But, in 1999, quite unexpect- nating to read about these tiny body- Nourishing Moments Andy and I visited our two-year- moment of my life.”  I was puzzled
edly, a Dr. Robert Becker threw light guards, seemingly idle, but very alert. old niece who was so excited at our because rain kept me from the hike
on Milton’s line. Not intentionally or How does all this relate to the By Jeanie Greensfelder arrival that she greeted us at the door I’d wanted to take, but soon I under-
directly, but nevertheless… poetry of John Milton? Well… as I with “I... I’m clean!” stood my internal message: the best
Dr. Becker, an orthopedic surgeon, came to this part of Becker’s book a Wearing a white dress with tiny moment is the present moment, the
wrote a remarkable book entitled: “The long overdue light flashed on. This red and purple tulips, she pirou­etted only moment.
Body Electric.” He was researching the was a wonderful example of how
mysterious connection between elec- “They also serve who only stand and
Love is, above all, the barefoot around the living room. Sometimes that thought pops into
Later she showed us the animals in her my mind at the computer, on walks, or
tro-magnetic currents and the knit- wait”! After all these years and at the gift of oneself. playhouse and demonstrated her lion’s at meals:  “This is the best moment of
ting (even recreating) of bones, tissue, microscopic level of a cell! SCIENCE — Jean Anouilh roar. my life!” and I welcome the reminder
and body parts. In describing the roles illuminating LITERATURE? But Down on the floor we joined her to appreciate small things and whisper
of cells, he pointed out the vital pres- why not? After all, isn’t everything on all fours. or shout, “Hallelujah.”
ence of neutral cells. These cells, called in the universe interconnected? I am “Nicole is in love with herself,” I Andy and I share a laugh when
“undifferentiated,” are unique because, convinced that all the disciplines are said. one of us dips a spoon into a bowl
unlike other types of cells, they have merely fragments of one whole cosmic “That’s it,” Andy said. “We all of bran cereal and says, “This is the
no specific function until the organ- process. We humans seek knowledge need to love ourselves.” best moment of my life!” And we are
ism has a special need. They then take by analyzing, verbalizing, piece-by- With that, we shook our paws and reminded not to take life for granted.
on the capability of a failed or miss- piece, always taking things out of con- roared. Sometimes the word “best” doesn’t
ing cell, obeying instructions that will text. As it turns out, it’s a charming  Is this a good moment to notice work for me, and I substitute “most
benefit the troubled organism. (These paradox to find that all these separate how wonderful you are? important” or “only moment of my
spare cells are among the stem cells viewpoints and finite methods are in The Best Moment Is Now life.”
making headlines today.) How fasci- pursuit of oneness and infinity.  When I read the question, “What  What reminds you to be grateful
was the single best moment of your to be alive?
life?” my mind went blank.  Finally,
10 WomenatWork Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

Mind Your Business:

Turn Your Job Interviews Into Job Offers
Your New Women’s Business Center By Dianne Legro
By Andrea Zeller

Have you heard the great news? to achieve success. Once you agree to We all have only one chance to make life that you have had. Show how
Mission Community Services the plan, we then stay with you side a good first impression. Here are you can transfer your successes to
Corp. (MCSC) received a Notice by side while you get the education some ideas to make the most of your the new position.
of Award from the U.S. Small Busi- you need and plan your business from interviews and hopefully turn your • Connect a success from your past
ness Administration for a five year start to finish (including succession interviews into job offers. There are work life experience that matches
$750,000 grant! planning, an often overlooked step!). definitely strategies and tactics that the company’s current challenge.
What does this mean to you? Once you have your business plan make the most of each phase of your • Carefully prepare a story that
Expanded small business support in hand, WBP stays with you and interview- The opening phase, the describes the learning that came
services at no cost to you! Your tax envelops you with the highest level selling phase, outlining benefits, posi- from a failure. Many interview-
dollars are now supporting small busi- of professional advice wrapped in a tioning yourself, repositioning your ers will ask about your past fail-
ness counseling and other support ser- multi-discipline team advisory effort, competition, overcoming weaknesses, ures and you can beat them to
vices designed especially to meet the we help you to access the capital you closing, rapport building, great ques- the punch by working it into your
special needs of women here in San need to make your vision come alive tion asking… to name a few. discussion of lessons that have
Luis Obispo County. MCSC’s Wom- and then we teach you to monitor the Let’s take a breath and start with strengthened you as a leader. This
en’s Business Partners (WBP) pro- health of your business as it grows. the simplest and most effective advice will elevate you in the interview-
gram is committed to each individual Women’s Business Partners are I know. You probably heard this grow- er’s mind, not diminish you. Have
that seeks our assistance and will care- there for you over the long term - ing up, and it is always true. a good story ready that shows you
Follow up
fully guide you towards improving - even as long as10 years if that’s how Be yourself are big enough to admit that mis-
• At the end of the interview ask
your financial situation.  From teach- long you wish to stay linked with the • Right from the start. No mat- takes have been part of your edu-
when they plan to make their
ing basic budget skills, credit repair, to supportive environment of our sophis- ter how nervous you are, your cation.
decision. You will learn how long
starting or growing your own business, ticated professional mentoring pro- goal is simply to establish trust • Ask good questions. How does the
you will have to wait! One phone
we make sure you have whatever it gram. And of course, we hope each with your interviewer and give interviewer define success in this
call to follow up is allowable if
takes to succeed!   We offer care, guid- woman that we help succeed will in the interviewer a few ideas about job? How do they measure that?
you haven’t heard.
ance and positive inspiration in a safe turn reach to the next woman climb- what you can do for the com- What is an example of a previous
• Always send a thank you letter!
educational environment all designed ing up the ladder of business success. pany. You tune up the parts of success? What are the biggest cur-
Even if you think it went poorly,
to make sure you get absolutely the Get in touch with us today so you can you that match the job and tune rent challenges? Why is this job
say one or two clever things you
best help available. take advantage of WBP’s expanding down the parts that don’t, but open right now? What is the his-
wish you had said. Refer to the
MCSC/WBP employs its unique services! never pretend to be someone or tory of this position?
interview “I gave more thought
Mission Small Business Success Model MCSC is now a part of the something you are not. It is a Go in with confident body language.
to the question you asked about
of service which includes six spe- U.S. Small Business Administration sure recipe for disaster. Everything about you speaks!
relocating…” “What you said
cific steps designed to assist small and Women’s Business Centers (WBCs) • Have a ready list of anecdotes, • Non-verbal cues are more impor-
about X gave me some new
minority-owned businesses execute national network of more than 90 examples, and stories that you tant than verbal ones. Studies
insights into Y.”
overlooked yet critical tasks in devel- educational centers designed specifi- are happy and confident to retell show that body language com-
The process can be enjoyable and
oping their business. Most business cally to assist women start and grow about your past triumphs. These prises 55% of the force of your
stimulating for both parties.
owners miss these important steps and small businesses. WBCs operate with personal examples go a long way response, whereas verbal content
To learn more, ask a coach or find
unfortunately, experience high failures the mission to level the playing field towards helping you to convey provides only 7%, and “paralan-
books or resources on:
rates. for women entrepreneurs, who still who you are on the whole. guage” (intonation, pauses, eye
• Job interview questions
When you first contact MCSC, face unique obstacles in the world of • Look for ways that you and your contact) represents 38% of your
• Interview phases
we’ll invite you to come in for a free business. interviewer are alike, and talk impact.
• Public speaking
in-take assessment of your situation Reach MCSC and the Wom- about them. Look for important • Make sure that your body lan-
• Leadership
and goals. We then design a carefully en’s Business Partners Center at things and emotions that you guage is congruent with your mes-
• Career issues
crafted plan that leads you step by step (805) 595-1357 or both have experienced, and the sage. Most interviewers believe the
• Conducting an interview your-
through all the critical steps necessary Se Habla Espanol. currents that drive your interests nonverbal, so make sure your mes-
in common. You are interviewing sage matches your body language.
Andrea Zeller, Executive Director of Happy Job Landing!
the interviewer here as well. • Traumatized interviewees often
Mission Community Services, coordi- Research the company and tell them appear downcast, even when talk-
nates Women’s Business Partners (WBP) Dianne Legro is a voice specialist
what you can do ing about their strengths. Difficult
to ensure all community resources are and speech coach for professionals. Her
• How can you help this company questions cause them to fidget, or
leveraged and optimized to support expert coaching makes your process a
in the future? You will know that become overly rigid and defen-
entrepreneurial women. WBP serves fun, meaningful exploration into your
if you have done your research. sive.
everyone interested in establishing self- best self. Dianne offers keynote speeches,
Find out how you can help, and • Your actions reveal your inner
sufficiency through small business owner- group workshops, and sees clients one-on-
develop a strategy to clearly com- confidence so practice in front of
ship while primarily focusing assistance one. Contact her today for a free 15-min-
municate your value. a mirror, or better, with a coach
towards socially and economically disad- ute consultation. 805-534-9535 Dianne@
• Underline the ways your who will help you to conquer
vantaged women.
strengths match the needs of these moments by using groups
the job. If your strengths don’t of related gestures that are specifi-
all match, create ‘bridges’ using cally placed, not random.
unique talents and experiences in

When the Interview Turns to Salary
By Denise Nickeson
Salary discussions can sometimes be Just make sure you know what the contacts knows anyone who works at
like a card game—the one who shows lowest amount is that you’ll accept. the company (ies) you are targeting.
his hand first is often the loser. Try to In this case it better not be more than See if they can help you out.
I was recently on an interview and the interviewer NOT be the first one to mention sal- $12/hour if that was your low range! Keep in mind that base pay or sal-
asked me how much salary I expected halfway into ary figure. In this situation, an accept- Some other arsenals at your dis- ary is just part of the picture. Benefits
able response would be to request that posal would be to know, ahead of such as vacation, sick time, health care
the interview. I was a bit caught off guard by his any salary discussion be postponed time, what a typical salary range would benefits, any bonus or incentive pro-
question and blurted out a wage that was really until there is an offer on the table. You be for the position for which you are grams or other perquisites are poten-
lower than I wanted. How could I handle this want to make sure you a) want the job interviewing. Some ways to do this tially negotiable. The job offer/ salary
and b) they want you before you start would be to go one the internet; www. negotiation stage is a good time to ask
better next time? discussing salary. Some employers will;; about the above and salary and/or per-
be okay with that, some won’t. If they (the Bureau of Labor formance review frequency. Last but
press you for a figure, you might try Statistics web site), to name a few. not least, GET EVERYTHING IN
to ask them first if they had a range in Another option would be to call some WRITING!
mind. They probably do but may not companies that are in the same indus-
want to share it with you! try (and that you are NOT looking Denise Nickeson’s background includes
If they say something like, “Well, to pursue for employment) and see if working as an employment trainer/job
it depends on experience!” you could someone in human resources or a hir- coach for an occupational training cen-
say, “Well, with my experience and ing manager would be willing to share ter as well as a personnel manager and
A subscription to the Women’s Press qualifications what would be your best the info with you. Make sure that you corporate trainer for desktop support ser-
would be a nice holiday gift! offer?” Now, if you don’t want to con- tell them that you are doing research vices company in Silicon Valley. She is
Call 544-9313 for more information. tinue with the coy back and forth, you and are trying to get an idea of the sal- available for private career assessment
could offer them a range. “I am look- ary ranges for a particular position. and job coaching services. You can reach
ing for something in the $12-17 range.” Or, better yet, see if your network of her at
(Don’t make your range too small).
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press Body&Soul 11
Immune Health:
The Metaphoric Life Preventing the Flu & Colds Naturally
By Heather Mendel By Dr. Darya Boland ND

If you catch colds easily, get more Lifestyle practices that enhance
Living the metaphoric life is a way What would you do if you came
than two colds a year, suffer from healthy immune systems include:
of approaching our daily experiences home and found a snake on your
chronic infections, get frequent cold not smoking, maintaining proper
with an awareness and a sense of con- doorstep? This happened recently to
sores, or have swollen lymph glands, body weight, regular exercise, getting
nection that that deepens our lives. a friend. I loved the humorous coin-
it’s time to support your immune sys- enough sleep, and meditation.
Ancient peoples were far more in tune cidence of the fact that my friend’s
forms. Books fall open on pages we tem. Supporting immune function Many herbs have been shown to
than we with the wonders of the nat- name is Eve! Living on a literal level,
had not meant to read and yet find involves a comprehensive approach. stimulate and support the immune
ural world and how nature impinges we may feel, after the initial shock of
words that are important for us to see With the cold and flu season upon us, system. Echinacea, Astragalus, Glyc-
on our perceptions. We are all famil- seeing this uninvited guest at the front
in connection with issues in our lives. there no time like the present to start. yrrhiza, Rhodiola, and Schisandra are
iar with the optical illusion. A com- door, that we must find a way of get-
What elements of the natural world Supporting the immune system is herbs that are often prescribed.
mon example is an image of a goblet. ting rid of it. Coming from South
appear, as if by magic, into our field critical to good health. On the other Homeopathic remedies, taken
We look at it and then some magi- Africa, home of extremely poisonous
of vision? What lessons can we learn hand, good health is vital to support- orally or injected, are natural alter-
cal shift occurs and it is no longer a snakes, I was taught to be fearful of
from the seasonal changes that occur ing the immune system. Enhancing natives to the flu shot. Homeopathic
goblet, but two faces turned towards these creatures. In the twenty years I
every three months? What dream the immune system may involve diet, remedies are made from plant or
each other. As we continue to watch, have been in the US, I have had two
images, uninvited but welcomed, lifestyle, stress management, nutri- mineral sources that are diluted to
the faces magically disappear and it is personal and unexpected meetings
come to awareness each morning with tional supplementation, botanical, the point where all that’s left is the
once again a goblet we see. And then with their less venomous American
clues to a deeper understanding of and homeopathic medicines. source’s energetic properties. The goal
the faces appear again, and finally we cousins. Both occasions occurred at
reality than just our superficial percep- Nutrition is fundamental to all of homeopathic medicine is to stim-
find ourselves able to switch easily times in my life when I was deep in
tion encourages? health. Nutritional factors that depress ulate the body’s recovery process, so
back and forth between these elusive study about ancient cultures and their
I love the goblet and the faces that immune function include nutri- essentially the homeopathic flu shot
twin realities. A frustration sets in — relationship with snakes that is very
represent the twin realities of our exis- ent deficiency, excess consumption strengthens the immune system.
if we can see one image in two totally different to ours. Foreground or back-
tence and the ability we have to move of sugar and refined carbohydrates, As a Naturopathic Doctor, my
different ways and find two complete ground? For me these mysterious and
from one to the other. I am paying and consumption of allergenic foods. goal is to help you protect your great-
truths, which is real? Foreground or magical moments of meeting were
more attention to these shifts that Optimal immune function requires est asset ~ your health!
background? portals to the metaphoric life. With
occur and add meaning and humor a diet that is rich in whole foods, as
They are both real, both valid, and a sense of wonder and delight, I was
to my experience. Are you? I would organic as possible, and limited ani- For more information, or to help you get
both have something for us to enjoy able to acknowledge the unexpected
appreciate hearing about the meta- mal fat and fish consumption. A good started on building a strong immune sys-
experiencing. We live in a state of fas- arrival of these snakes, symbols of
phoric experiences of our readers and multi-vitamin and greens drink (such tem, contact Dr. Darya Boland ND at
cination with our technological devel- ancient wisdom, as a sign, a very per-
invite you to share them with us. as nanogreens) should also be part of the Advanced Alternative Medical Cen-
opment; to live the metaphoric life, sonal sign, of the connection we have
your daily regime. ter. 805.462.2262
we need to peer into the background to a deeper reality. On both occasions,
of a connective reality that we bypass it was for me an acknowledgement of Heather Mendel has focalized women’s
in our literal lives. The underlying pat- the truth of what I was studying. spirituality groups for the past 15 years.
terns of connections are there, like the To live a metaphoric life, we need She can be contacted through her web-
two faces in the optical illusion, wait- to pay attention to more than our site at, e-mailed at
ing for us to stop long enough to per- daily schedules. Messengers from or called at
ceive them. the deep appear, uninvited, in many 544-4933.

Natural Medicine Chest For Your Home

By Marleen Walmsley

Here is a cheat sheet of natural medi- AILMENT HERB OR MEDICINE TO BUY OR TO PREPARE
cines that will save you a great deal of Bruising, muscle aches Arnica – 6C homeopathic ointment Any health food store
money (up to 90% savings over the or pills
packaged version of the same thing). Intestinal parasites Pumpkin seeds Trader Joe’s, health food store
Some can be prepared from bulk herbs
Wormwood tincture Health food store
which you can buy at some health
Black walnut tincture Health food store
food stores around the county. Folk
and native remedies are just as good, Artemesia Quassia Supreme Health food store
and often purer than packaged ones. Constipation Cornsilk Boil 15 minutes, take 3x day
Spices: I buy pure organically Milk of Magnesia
grown spices like oregano, rosemary,
Headaches Feverfew (pre-headache) Health food store
and cinnamon for pennies as bulk
herbs. They aren’t irradiated, and are Prostate Saw palmetto Boil 20 minutes, cool, take on ongoing basis
so much fresher. A small commercial Skin itches Milk Dab on cotton ball
brand jar of cinnamon, for instance, Mosquito bites – prevent Laurel leaves Boil, cool, spray on skin
will cost $5 or more, while the bulk
Warts Thuja – homeopathic pills 6C potency under tongue
herb is around 20 cents. This is also
true of teas and dulce available in Ayurvedic pitta oil Apply daily for 3 days Marleen Walmsley is a naturopath
health food stores. Dandelion, fresh stems Apply directly for 3 days in Morro Bay.  She is host-producer of
Unsure how to prep the herbal tea Poison oak Jewelweed, oatmeal Healers Who Share, an educational TV
or tincture? Most stores have people program on Ch. 2 for those without
Weak Immunity Astragalus, Ligustrum, Any health food store
in that department that can tell you Goldenseal, Echinacea health insurance.  She writes a global
step by step how to prepare and apply. naturopathic newsletter and teaches
If they don’t have a person there, they Heart – weak Hawthorn berry Any health food store workshops for medical professionals
will refer you to a book in the depart- CoQ10 Any health food store called New Paradigms In Healing.  To
ment for the public that tells how. Sunburn Aloe vera juice fresh from plant Health food store reach her, call 771 9172 or e-mail her at
Nursing – sore nipples Marshmallow Health food store She welcomes
your questions.
Gallstones Cranberry juice Organic only. Take 1 week.
Fever White alder bark Boil 20 min, cool, drink
Aspirin alternative White willow bark Boil a handful in water 15 minutes, cool, drink 2 cups

Hyperactivity GABA, an amine Found in amino acid section of health food store
Congestive heart failure Hawthorn berry, Magnesium, CoQ10 Health food store. Best if taken in combination.
Antidepressant St. John’s Wort Health food, drug stores Your gift to
Nail fungus Tea tree oil Apply with cotton swab. Avail at drug stores, health the Women’s
food stores
Community Center
Pimples Dab toothpaste, leave overnight The chalk in the toothpaste dries the pimple.
is tax-deductible.
Puffy eyes in morning Witch hazel on cotton balls Cucumber slices work, too
Call 544-9313.
Edema Dandelion or raspberry leaves Health food store
Insecticide Laurel leaves Boil bay laurel leaves 15 min., cool and mist on skin.
12 Body&Soul Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

Moving Onward with Passion and Courage

Chunky Qi By Laura Hyde

When you are inspired by some great

by Jenny Dull purpose, some extraordinary project,
all your thoughts break their bonds.
I had been treating a woman who tions, everything else will clump up. Your mind transcends limitations,
had lost her best friend five months Our lymph system, for instance, needs your consciousness expands in every
ago, and she described herself as hav- movement, flow, and sifting energy to direction, and you find yourself in a
ing “chunky Qi.” She spiraled into a detox our bodies. When our Qi is dis- new, great and wonderful world.” --
dark cave of depression, fatigue, pain, turbed by emotions and stress, the Qi Patanjali
heaviness—she had lost her motiva- slows down or stops in different parts Every day our future beckons us to
tion for life. I understood her and as of our body and the lymph cannot follow the path of our greatest dreams except what you do now in this instant
she was talking about her symptoms, do its job. Usually, our digestion and and joy. Committing to our high- of time. From this moment onwards
my mind was imagining rivers and immunity weakens. This may show up est purpose and moving onward with you can be an entirely different per-
streams flowing through her body as sinus infections, fatty tumors that passion and courage summons legions son, filled with love and understand-
that had been clogged by pollution, come and go, fat, migraines, depres- meditation, hypnosis, fresh air, deep of support. Others who resonate to ing, ready with an outstretched hand,
damned up by coagulated thinning sion, a feeling of heaviness, foggy breathing, clean foods—organic whole our same level of willingness with the uplifted and positive in every thought
waters, rocks, and trash. This analogy thinking, fatigue, dizziness, etc. foods, and a 28-day detox program, same degree of intention will be drawn and deed.”
of water in a river relates to Qi flow- So imagine our Qi is smooth flow- gave her the boost to get through the to us. Connections will be made. Cir- Begin fulfilling your purpose on
ing through our bodies. ing water, flowing down the river. grieving process. We all have stresses cumstances will be crafted. Energetic this planet by moving onward in the
In traditional Chinese medicine When we have a stress upon the river, and emotions, some are bigger than dots will be connected—all aspects of direction of your dreams. There is no
(TCM), acupuncturists and herbal- the water diverts, can clog, can “eddy others, and our bodies are physically the divine plan that have been created step too small. Every action you take,
ist work with our Qi (pronounced out,” can be damned up: we become sensitive and will react and change. to assist us as our progress. like every piece of a puzzle, leads to a
“chee”), which is our vital force, our out of balance. Luckily we have an Our good health, wellness, and aging Our purpose is to awaken and be bigger picture of accomplishment. Our
positives and negatives, electricity, innate ability to heal ourselves, but we process depend upon how we process, light-workers on the planet. As we future lovingly beckons us to move
energy. This Qi runs externally/inter- sometimes need a kick-start. resolve, let go, laugh, and move on give birth to the best we can be, we onward. All we have to do is walk our
nally via our network of channels I could feel her energetic “chunky from these stresses. It’s all about the become living channels of love and paths one step at a time with trust and
through our brain, internal organs, Qi” in the channels along my patient’s smooth flow of Qi! peace. When we commit ourselves to unconditional love in our hearts.
muscles, fat, fluids, and blood. The arms and legs, which caused physi- offering the best within us, the natu-
goal is to be in harmony and homeo- cal pain and tenderness. I certainly Jenny Dull is a California Board ral outcome is that it is good for our- Affirmations for Moving Onward with
stasis by keeping our Qi moving could not feel her depression physi- Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese selves, for the planet, and for other Passion and Courage:
smoothly through these channels. cally, but the acupuncture stimulated Herbalist, as well as, a Nationally Cer- people. But this kind of choice inevi- • By expressing my gifts and abili-
When we are under stress, have an and moved through her to stimulate tified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, tably holds difficulty and challenge ties I live with enlightened pur-
extreme traumatic experience, or have hormone balancing, specifically her Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbology. because without Spirit’s guidance we pose.
long-term emotions unresolved, our “happy hormone,” serotonin. After She accomplished graduate training in cannot do it. Nor should we, because • I Am a magnificent child of Love
Qi becomes stagnant in the channels, a few acupuncture treatments, my China in Gynecology and Orthopedics, if we attempt to do it on our own, it and I am supported by the uni-
thus in our organs, muscles, brain, patient started to feel movement in her and has experience in integrative sports won’t reflect the best that we can and verse.
etc. This stagnant Qi causes blockage body, awakenings, more energy, and injury and cosmetic facial rejuvenation, is not worthy of what Spirit has called • As I allow my light to shine forth,
and our signs and symptoms can vary a sense of sunshine in her mood. By which entails acupuncture, Chinese us here to do. Each of us possesses I support others in shining their
depending on each person’s vulner- using acupuncture as a tool to access herbs, Qigong, and diet protocols. Jenny greatness and the capacity for making own light.
abilities. her Qi, she smoothed her “chunky is determined and dedicated to each our dreams come true. We move from, • I deserve to live a life filled with
Qi is the mover/the energy/the Qi” and released her clumps of coagu- patient’s mind and body in healing and “I dream,” to “I dare,” to “I Am.” If peace, joy, and love, and so does
leader for our blood and body fluids’ lated, stuck, toxic fluids. is a guide to harmonized health. Edu- you believed your dream was possible, everyone else.
flow, and when Qi is stagnant from Lifestyle changes such as move- cating each patient about his/her health what might you do next?” Then take
grief, stress, anger, and other emo- ment, exercise, stretching, more water, is a priority for Jenny. 805-481-3442 that step. Laura V. Hyde is the Spiritual Leader
Courage is an essential ingredient of the Circle of Spiritual Enlight-
to moving onward with passion. We enment in San Luis Obispo, CA:
muster courage by dreaming big, giv- Laura is also
ing birth to our dreams, and bringing the author of the books Gifts of the Soul
forth our highest potential. We muster and The Intimate Soul, and the host of
courage by releasing the past. Eileen the show “Relationship Wisdom” on San
Cady wisely penned in the book God Luis Obispo Public Access Television.
Spoke to Me, “Dwell not on the past. Visit Laura at: or
Use it to illustrate a point, then leave call: 805.748.7506
it behind. Nothing really matters
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press CommunityBulletins 13

Events Classifieds
Room for rent in Atascadero
2 bedroom, 1 bath, upper apt. Laun-
dry, garage, and pool
Come join the Sexual Assault $525/mo. Includes utilities.
Recovery and Prevention Center for Credit and background check
our 2nd Annual (310) 948-4541
Dream Dinners Opening In An Evening with the Artists
San Luis Obispo on November 9th from 6:00 to
YMCA Receives 50% Of 9:00pm at Edna Valley Vineyard.
Featuring artists Jer Houston and
Proceeds For First Two Weeks
Judy Ann of Saiku Studio and Gallery
in Cambria
A Grand Opening Celebration
The event will include live acoustic
will be held Thursday, November 30th
jazz by Jim Chalifoux, a silent auction,
from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Dream
Edna Valley Vineyard wines, a choco-
Dinners, located in the Ferrinis Square
late fondue fountain provided by Out-
in San Luis Obispo (795 E. Foothill
spoken Beverage Bistro, and a cocktail
Blvd.). Half of all proceeds from the
supper provided by Palazzo Giuseppe,
event, and continuing for the next
Phoenix Fine Catering, Trumpet Vine
two weeks will be donated to the SLO
Catering and the Cakery.
County YMCA for community-build-
Tickets are $40 and all proceeds
ing programs.
benefit the Sexual Assault Recovery
The Grand Opening will run from
and Prevention Center of San Luis
5 to 7 PM, on Thursday, Novem-
Obispo County.
ber 30th. This free event will offer
For tickets or more informa-
delicious food samples and a dem-
tion call (805) 545-8888 or visit
onstration. A number of prizes will to purchase tick-
be given away; including a 5 Cu. Ft.
ets online.
Deep Chest Freezer donated by Idler’s
Appliances, 1 year’s worth of Dream
Dinners and 2 Lift Tickets at Mam-
moth Mountain Ski Area. Half of all
proceeds from this event and con-
tinuing for the next two weeks will be
directed to support YMCA programs
in San Luis Obispo County.
What is Dream Dinners? Dream
Dinners is an innovative concept in
meal preparation that eliminates menu
planning, shopping, prep-work and
clean-up by moving the meal assem-
bly process out of people’s kitchens
and into specially equipped stores.
Dream Dinners’ guests pre-
view a monthly menu online at and then, at a spec-
ified time, go to the Dream Dinners
store to assemble their meals, from
ready to use, pre-washed and chopped
ingredients. Rotating through refrig-
erated recipe stations, scooping fresh,
prepped raw ingredients into the pro-
vided baking pans or gallon-sized zip-
top bags, you can assemble your meals
which all come with the appropriate
cooking instructions.
Dream Dinners enables you to
provide your family with nutritious,
wholesome, home-cooked meals with
less stress. They do the grocery shop-
ping, preparation and clean-up which
gives you the opportunity to enjoy
family dinners with less mess and

g for
We hope you will give Dream
ok in Then look to your good neighbor
Dinners a try and help the YMCA in
the process! Lo State Farm® agent. Through an
unbeatable alliance with
Fortis Health*, I’m offering flexible
Open House
and affordable insurance coverage.
Equal singles 60+ , a social group
for active non smoking men and If that’s what
women is having an “open house.” you’re looking
Dec. 2, 2006, 5 pm at the
Blacklake Golf Resort in Nipomo. for, come see
Complete dinner with choice of beef or me today:
chicken and dance music, all only $25
per person. Inclusive.
If you’re a resident in SLO or Santa Susan Rodriguez, Agent
Call for details on coverage, costs,
restrictions and renewability. Lic.# 0D30697
Maria Counties, make reservations *Coverages issued and underwritten 1317 Broad Street Suite A
before Nov. 25th by phone 489-5481 by Fortis Insurance Company,
San Luis Obispo, CA
a Fortis Health member company,
or e-mail Milwaukee, Wisconsin. No member 805-783-7050
of the State Farm family of
companies is
responsible for the
Individual Medical
Coverage product. Like a good neighbor,
Fortis Insurance
Company is not an
State Farm is there.®
affiliate of
State Farm.®
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
P01421 11/02 Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois
14 CommunityBulletins Women’s Press November & December 2006 |

Five Wishes Forum

Wednesday, November 8th,
from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
at the San Luis Obispo City/ Semi-rural Retreat Center (5 acres)
County Library
November 2006 marks the 28th MASTER PATH
anniversary of National Hospice RETREATS
Month, and Hospice Partners of the WITH

Central Coast will host a community SPIRITUAL TEACHER

forum to educate the public about the
Five Wishes document as an effective
way to deal with end-of-life issues.
• For mature male/female who is drawn
More than five million Americans
to quiet reflective living, but does not
require ritual or dogma
have turned to the Five Wishes docu-
ment to make sure their preferences
• Advanced spiritual instruction & inquiry
with Ms. Dantes in a non-religious, mo-
are known and respected. The end of
nastic environment
life is an intensely personal, emotional,
and spiritual experience for every-
• Daily meditation practice & mindful
service, periodic Zen-like intensives
one - the person who is dying, their
caregivers, family members and other
• Share caretaking duties: maintaining
loved ones. The Five Wishes approach
grounds and serving guests who come for
to advance care planning has proven
popular and effective for all ages.
• One-month to one-year retreats
To register for this free commu-
For complete details visit:
nity forum or for information on
hospice care, call Hospice Partners of
the Central Coast at (805) 782-8608. Inquire about shorter or 1-day retreats.
Hospice Partners, a non-profit, State
licensed, Medicare certified Hospice P.O. Box 368
Agency provides hospice care to the Grover Beach, CA 93483
residents of San Luis Obispo County e-mail:
and northern Santa Barbara County.

Women’s Shelter of SLO

Needs Mentors
Do you want to mentor a child
in need? Do you want to give back to
the community? The Women’s Shelter
Program of SLO County is recruiting
for the mentor program. CHAT men-
tors attend a 40-hour training and
then are matched with a child from
our program. The mentor has visits
with the child and does advocacy in
the community and the school sys-
tem for the child. The Women’s Shel-
ter Program is also recruiting Crisis
volunteers for the crisis line. If you
are interested in either of these oppor-
tunities, please contact Beth Raub at

781-6401 x202.


BOEJOEJWJEVBMT Speech and Learning
 Sande Rutstein, Licensed Occu-
JOOFSHVJEF!TCDHMPCBMOFU pational Therapist, Owner of New
Directions for Kids, and Karyn
Lutes, Licensed Speech and Language
Pathologist, Owner and Director of
The Learning & Speech Coach, join
to offer therapy services and learning
resources to children and adults with
special needs and learning challenges.
The new Center will provide both
individual and group services to fami-
lies on the Central Coast at::
290 Station Way, Suite #A
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Sande Rutstein offers on-going
individual therapy and sensory inte-
gration groups, yoga therapy, infant
massage, Handwriting and Socializa-
tion Groups. Her vision is “holding
the potential of each precious child.”
Phone: 805-541-7628
Karyn Lutes provides custom
designed and state-of-the-art commu-
nication and educational assessments
and programs.
Phone: 805-474-1144
November & December 2006 | | Women’s Press Resources 15
Adults Molested as Children Support Group (AMAC) Talk/Listen - Emotional support Parkinson’s Support Groups
545.8888 489.5481 466.7226 (Atascadero/Templeton)
Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence Transformations Counseling Center 481.7424, 473.1714 (Arroyo Grande)
781.6406 Free monthly workshops 541.7908 544.1342 (SLO)
North County Women’s Shelter & Resource Center, Planned Parenthood
(inc. domestic violence support groups) FINANCE/BUSINESS SLO 549.9446
461.1338 Consumer Credit Counseling Services Stroke Support Group
Rape Survivors Support Group, SLO 800.540.2227 471.8102 (SLO)
545.8888 Mission Community Services Corporation Caregivers of Stroke Survivors
SARP (Sexual Assault Recovery & Prevention) Women’s Business Partners 544.2266 (SLO)
545.8888 595.1356 Women’s Support/Therapy v (general)
Support Group for Sexual Assault Survivors 534.1101
545.8888 GAY & LESBIAN Women’s Healthcare Specialists
Women’s Shelter Program of SLO Gay and Lesbian Alliance of the Central Coast 544.4883
781.6400 541.4252
PFLAG.Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays POLITICAL
ADDICTIONS 438.3889 Code Pink
AA Meeting SOL (Single Older Lesbians)
541.3211 Mostly socializing! Call 474.9405 Commission on Status of Women
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) 545.8412; Dawn Williams
595.2695 HOSPICE Democratic Women United
Al-Anon AIDS Bereavement Group (Hospice) 541.4252
534.9204 544.2266 League of Women Voters
Cambria Connection (12 step support) Hospice of SLO County 543.2220
927.1654 544.2266 and 434.1164 NOW (National Organization for Women)
Casa Solana Hospice Partners of the Central Coast
Women’s Recovery Home 481.8555 782.8608 SLO Green Party
Compulsive eaters Anonymous, H.O.W.Concept 544.1580
546.1178 JOBS/CAREERS Younger Women’s Task Force
Drug & Alcohol Services AARP 788.2643
781.4275 Cal Poly Foundation
NA 800.549.7730 Jobline 756.7107 READERS/WRITERS
Overeaters Anonymous Cal Poly University Adult Literacy
541.3164 756.1533 541-4219
SCA, SLAA & SAA (Sex, Love & Romance Addictions) Cuesta College Nightwriters
461.6084 Jobline 546.3127 549.9656; contact Shirley Powell
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) The Creekside Career Center Sisters in Crime
929.1789 788.2631 or 788.2690
Women for Sobriety Department of Rehabilitation 549.3361 SENIORS
215.536.8026 Mission Community Services Corporation Adult Day Care
Women’s Business Partners 544.1414 (SLO); 748.9070 (Arroyo Grande);
CHILDREN & FAMILIES 595.1356 434.2081 (Templeton); 927.4290 (Cambria)
Childcare Resource Connection Private Industry Council (PIC) Computerooters:
541.2272 or 800.727.2272 788.2601 Computer help: 528.3892
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Department of Social Services:
“A child’s voice in Court in SLO County” LEGAL In-Home Support to the Elderly/Homemakers
541.6542 ACLU Helpline help with ADLs 781.1790
Children’s Services Network 544.0142 nursing help for the terminally ill 781.5540
781.1847 Core Mediation Services Equal Singles 60+ Meet Monthly
First 5: Children & Families Commission 544.6334 489.5481,
781.4058; ask for Susan Hughs District Attorney’s Office – Victim Witness Center Foster Grandparents.Senior Companions
Homeschooling in SLO County (HSC) 781.5821 782.9200
462.0726; ask for Barbara Family Law Facilitator Senior Peer Counseling
La Clinica De Tolosa 238.5334 546.3769 free, trained in.home counseling for 60+
La Leche League Lawyers Referral Services/Legal Aid Alternative 547.7025 ext. 15
489.9128 788.2099
Migrant Childcare Program Pro Per Divorce Workshop
544.4355 and 466.3444 Circle of Spiritual Enlightenment
MOMS Club of South SLO county Senior Legal Services
473. 2548 543.5140 Awakening Interfaith Spiritual Community
Partnership for Children
541.8666; ask for Beth MEDICAL SUPPORT/SERVICES Sunday service, 10–11 AM; 772.0306
Central Coast Jewish Historical Society
Real F.A.C.T.S. (Forum on Abused Children) ALS Support Group (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) 543.9452
460.9016 227.4785 Meditation Group
Social Services Alzheimer’s Support Mondays, 7:30–8:30 PM; 772.0306
781.1600 534.9234 (LO); 547.3830 (SLO); New Beginnings Church
Support for Kids Coping with Domestic Violence 226.8669 (Templeton) Every Sunday, Coalesce Bookstore, MB
473.6507 Caregivers of Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
EMERGENCY/CRISIS 547.3830, 534.9234 (SLO/Los Osos)
American Cancer Society
Homeless Shelter
Hotline Paso Robles 238.9657 781-3993 800.549.8989 Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Support Group Housing Authority
Sexual & Rape Prevention (SARP) 541.9113 543.4478
545.8888 or 800.656.HOPE (4673) Arthritis Foundation North County Women’s Resource Center, Shelter
Temporary Restraining Order & Victim Witness 892.5556 461.1338
Program 781.5821 Cancer/ Breast Cancer Support Groups Prado Day Center
543.1481 ext. 3 for information 786.0617
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Caregivers of Aging Parents Women’s Community Center, SLO
A.D.A.P.T. (Aid in Divorce Adjustment Problems Today) 547.3830 (AG); 927.4290 (Cambria); 544.9313
543.0388 226.8669 (PR); 547.3830 (SLO) Women’s Shelter Program of SLO
Alzheimer/Dementia Resource Center Endometriosis Association 549.8989 (crises), 781.6401 (business)
434.2081 or 534.9234 or 800.443.1236
CALL–Concerned Agoraphobics Learning to Live Enhancement, Inc.
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA)

(for breast cancer survivors)
Altrusa International, Inc.
542.0577 (SLO) 481.5093 (Grover Beach) EOC Health Services Clinics 481.1039; Cici Wynn, President
927.1654 (Cambria) 466.8600 (North County) no or low cost reproductive health services Hadassah.SLO
Community Counseling Center 544.2478 (SLO); 489.4026 (Arroyo Grande) 543.9452
543.7969 Healthworks of the Central Coast Women’s Network, SLO
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Group no or low cost reproductive health services 546.3727
927.3703 787.0100 (SLO); 773.4500 (Pismo);
Eating Disorders Support Group
546-3774; free, meets weekly in SLO
610.8865 (Atascadero)
Long-term Care Ombudsman Services of SLO County
Central Coast Peace and Environmental Council
Hospice of SLO County (inc. miscarriage/stillbirth 785.0132 544.3399 or 783.2383
support) 544.2266 or 434.1164 Lymphedema Education & Support Group Compassion & Choices (formerly Hemlock Society)
Safe and Sober Support Group 2nd Monday, 4:00-5:00 pm 938.7853 or 458.5481
473.6507 782-9300 for info
Senior Peer Counseling Please send additions, corrections or deletions to:
free, trained in-home counseling for 60+ or leave a message
547.7025, ext. 15 at the WCC: 805.544.9313. Last update 10/28/06.
BackTalk Who cooks and cleans in your house?

photos by Lynda Roeller

Renee Sanpei Emily Yurcheshen Angie King Aidel Pereira
Both David and I cook. My boyfriend and I both That’s easy, my husband! At the beginning of my
He is a fabulous cook and cook and clean and it is He’s a great cook and home marriage my husband and
makes all things beautiful, wonderful. He used to own more than I am, and I am I used to do 50/50. Now
as well as delicious. I am the a cafe and art gallery so he happy to let him take over! that we are remodeling our
one who brings order into creates some delicious and I do the food shopping, and home, he has an excuse and
the chaos and likes to take aesthetically pleasing dishes clean up dinner. He does I am the one who cooks and
care of things. House clean- and I enhance them with the laundry and keeps the cleans most of the time. He
ing is a bit like composting my nutritional touches and house clean.  I’d say things is a great cook and I try to
around here; I like to trans- playful garnishes. We also work out even. let him know how much I
form the piles of crap into a work together to maintain appreciate when he cooks
something beautiful. David a clean home space. What a and/or helps me cleaning.
does an excellent job clean- joy it is for us both to reap It is always nice to have a
ing when inspired; company the many benefits of living break.
coming, looking for some- in a well-maintained and
thing, or a death-threat usu- beautiful home.
ally does it! Where to find Women’s Press
All SLO County Libraries and the following exceptionally fine establishments!
• NORTH COUNTY: Atascadero – The Coffee House and Deli, Starbuck’s at

Von’s Plaza, Carlene’s Café, Player’s Pizza, Harvest Health Food Store, North
County Connection, Senior Center, Women’s Resource Center/Shelter Office; Paso
Robles – Café Vio, Chelsea Bookshop/Café Novella, Curves, Old Mission Coffee
House, Wilmot Market, DK Donuts, Panolivo French Cafe, NCI Village Thrift
Shop, Paso Robles Health Foods; Templeton –  Magic Windows Coffee Café, Twin

h c are Ce Cities Hospital, Templeton Market & Deli; Santa Margarita– Santa Margarita

t n

• NORTHERN COAST: Baywood – Coffee & Things; Cambria – Cambria Con-
nection, Gym One, La Crema, 7 Sisters, Azevedo Chiropractic; Cayucos – Cayucos

Super Market, Kelley’s Espresso & Dessert, Lily’s Coffee House, Ocean Front
Pizza; Los Osos – Starbuck’s, Baywood Laundry, Cad’s, Carlock’s Bakery, Cham-

ber of Commerce, Copa de Oro, Garden Café, Los Osos Deli, Valley Liquor,
Integrated Medicine Volumes of Pleasure; Morro Bay – Backstage Salon, Coalesce Bookstore, Coffee
Pot Restaurant, The Rock, Southern Port Traders, Sunshine Health Foods, Two
Dogs Coffee
Specializing in • SAN LUIS OBISPO: Art Café, Booboo Records, Creekside Center, GALA,
Jaffa Café, Marigold Nails, Palm Theatre, Susan Polk Insurance, Susan Rodriquez
Healthy Aging, Insurance, Utopia Bakery, Unity Church, Zoe Wells, Naturopath, Cal Poly
Chronic Disease, Library, Center for Alternatives to Violence, Chamber of Commerce, Cuesta Col-
lege Library, EOC Health Services Clinic, French Hospital, Garden St. Essentials,
Allergies and
HealthWorks, Healing Alternatives, Jamaca You, Karen Hale Chiropractic, Laguna
Nutritional Therapies Laundry, Linnaea’s, Monterey Express, Natural Foods Coop, New Frontiers,
Nautical Bean, Outspoken Beverage Bistro, Phoenix Books, Planned Parenthood,
Rudolph’s Coffee & Tea, San Luis Obispo Housing Authority Office, SARP, The
Secret Garden, Sierra Vista Hospital, SLO Perk Coffee, Spirit Winds Therapy, The
Reversing the Underlying
Studio Fitness for Women, Two Dogs Coffee, Uptown Cafe, Yoga Centre, Ahshe
Cause of Disease, Hair Salon, Apropos Clothing, Soho Hair Salon, Tom-Mel Beauty Center
Not Just Symptom • SOUTH COUNTY: Arroyo Grande – Natural Balance, Mongo’s, World Gym,
Act II Boutique, Andreini’s, Central Coast Yoga, CJ’s Restaurant, Country Kitch-
Management en, Curves-AG, Cutting Edge, EOC Health Services Clinic, Family Chiropractic,
Girls Restaurant, Grande Whole Foods, Hunter’s Landing, Kennedy Club Fitness;
Avila Beach– Custom House, Sycamore Hot Springs; Grover Beach – World
Gym, Back Door Deli, Cindi’s Wash House, Nan’s Pre-owned Books, Therapeutic
Peter J. Muran, MD
Board Certified Body Center, 30-minute Fitness; Halcyon – Halcyon Store; Nipomo – Center for
in Holistic Medicine Holistic Healing, World Gym, California Fresh; Pismo Beach – HealthWorks,
Honeymoon Café, Pismo Athletic Club; Shell Beach – De Palo & Sons Deli,
1405 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo Seaside Cafe, Steaming Bean
805-548-0987 • SANTA MARIA: Café Monet, Hunter’s Landing, Library, Loading Dock, Mar-
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