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Xen and the Art of Virtualization

Paul Barham, Boris Dragovic, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Tim Harris,
Alex Ho, Rolf Neugebauer, Ian Pratt, Andrew Warfield
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0FD



Numerous systems have been designed which use virtualization to

subdivide the ample resources of a modern computer. Some require
specialized hardware, or cannot support commodity operating systems. Some target 100% binary compatibility at the expense of
performance. Others sacrifice security or functionality for speed.
Few offer resource isolation or performance guarantees; most provide only best-effort provisioning, risking denial of service.
This paper presents Xen, an x86 virtual machine monitor which
allows multiple commodity operating systems to share conventional
hardware in a safe and resource managed fashion, but without sacrificing either performance or functionality. This is achieved by
providing an idealized virtual machine abstraction to which operating systems such as Linux, BSD and Windows XP, can be ported
with minimal effort.
Our design is targeted at hosting up to 100 virtual machine instances simultaneously on a modern server. The virtualization approach taken by Xen is extremely efficient: we allow operating systems such as Linux and Windows XP to be hosted simultaneously
for a negligible performance overhead at most a few percent
compared with the unvirtualized case. We considerably outperform
competing commercial and freely available solutions in a range of
microbenchmarks and system-wide tests.

Modern computers are sufficiently powerful to use virtualization

to present the illusion of many smaller virtual machines (VMs),
each running a separate operating system instance. This has led to
a resurgence of interest in VM technology. In this paper we present
Xen, a high performance resource-managed virtual machine monitor (VMM) which enables applications such as server consolidation [42, 8], co-located hosting facilities [14], distributed web services [43], secure computing platforms [12, 16] and application
mobility [26, 37].
Successful partitioning of a machine to support the concurrent
execution of multiple operating systems poses several challenges.
Firstly, virtual machines must be isolated from one another: it is not
acceptable for the execution of one to adversely affect the performance of another. This is particularly true when virtual machines
are owned by mutually untrusting users. Secondly, it is necessary
to support a variety of different operating systems to accommodate
the heterogeneity of popular applications. Thirdly, the performance
overhead introduced by virtualization should be small.
Xen hosts commodity operating systems, albeit with some source
modifications. The prototype described and evaluated in this paper
can support multiple concurrent instances of our XenoLinux guest
operating system; each instance exports an application binary interface identical to a non-virtualized Linux 2.4. Our port of Windows
XP to Xen is not yet complete but is capable of running simple
user-space processes. Work is also progressing in porting NetBSD.
Xen enables users to dynamically instantiate an operating system to execute whatever they desire. In the XenoServer project [15,
35] we are deploying Xen on standard server hardware at economically strategic locations within ISPs or at Internet exchanges. We
perform admission control when starting new virtual machines and
expect each VM to pay in some fashion for the resources it requires.
We discuss our ideas and approach in this direction elsewhere [21];
this paper focuses on the VMM.
There are a number of ways to build a system to host multiple
applications and servers on a shared machine. Perhaps the simplest
is to deploy one or more hosts running a standard operating system such as Linux or Windows, and then to allow users to install
files and start processes protection between applications being
provided by conventional OS techniques. Experience shows that
system administration can quickly become a time-consuming task
due to complex configuration interactions between supposedly disjoint applications.
More importantly, such systems do not adequately support performance isolation; the scheduling priority, memory demand, network traffic and disk accesses of one process impact the performance of others. This may be acceptable when there is adequate
provisioning and a closed user group (such as in the case of com-

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.4.1 [Operating Systems]: Process Management; D.4.2 [Operating Systems]: Storage Management; D.4.8 [Operating Systems]:

General Terms
Design, Measurement, Performance

Virtual Machine Monitors, Hypervisors, Paravirtualization

Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK

Intel Research Cambridge, UK

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bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
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SOSP03, October 1922, 2003, Bolton Landing, New York, USA.
Copyright 2003 ACM 1-58113-757-5/03/0010 ...$5.00.


putational grids, or the experimental PlanetLab platform [33]), but

not when resources are oversubscribed, or users uncooperative.
One way to address this problem is to retrofit support for performance isolation to the operating system. This has been demonstrated to a greater or lesser degree with resource containers [3],
Linux/RK [32], QLinux [40] and SILK [4]. One difficulty with
such approaches is ensuring that all resource usage is accounted to
the correct process consider, for example, the complex interactions between applications due to buffer cache or page replacement
algorithms. This is effectively the problem of QoS crosstalk [41]
within the operating system. Performing multiplexing at a low level
can mitigate this problem, as demonstrated by the Exokernel [23]
and Nemesis [27] operating systems. Unintentional or undesired
interactions between tasks are minimized.
We use this same basic approach to build Xen, which multiplexes
physical resources at the granularity of an entire operating system
and is able to provide performance isolation between them. In contrast to process-level multiplexing this also allows a range of guest
operating systems to gracefully coexist rather than mandating a
specific application binary interface. There is a price to pay for this
flexibility running a full OS is more heavyweight than running
a process, both in terms of initialization (e.g. booting or resuming
versus fork and exec), and in terms of resource consumption.
For our target of up to 100 hosted OS instances, we believe this
price is worth paying; it allows individual users to run unmodified
binaries, or collections of binaries, in a resource controlled fashion
(for instance an Apache server along with a PostgreSQL backend).
Furthermore it provides an extremely high level of flexibility since
the user can dynamically create the precise execution environment
their software requires. Unfortunate configuration interactions between various services and applications are avoided (for example,
each Windows instance maintains its own registry).
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: in Section 2
we explain our approach towards virtualization and outline how
Xen works. Section 3 describes key aspects of our design and implementation. Section 4 uses industry standard benchmarks to evaluate the performance of XenoLinux running above Xen in comparison with stand-alone Linux, VMware Workstation and User-mode
Linux (UML). Section 5 reviews related work, and finally Section 6
discusses future work and concludes.


In a traditional VMM the virtual hardware exposed is functionally identical to the underlying machine [38]. Although full virtualization has the obvious benefit of allowing unmodified operating
systems to be hosted, it also has a number of drawbacks. This is
particularly true for the prevalent IA-32, or x86, architecture.
Support for full virtualization was never part of the x86 architectural design. Certain supervisor instructions must be handled by
the VMM for correct virtualization, but executing these with insufficient privilege fails silently rather than causing a convenient
trap [36]. Efficiently virtualizing the x86 MMU is also difficult.
These problems can be solved, but only at the cost of increased
complexity and reduced performance. VMwares ESX Server [10]
dynamically rewrites portions of the hosted machine code to insert
traps wherever VMM intervention might be required. This translation is applied to the entire guest OS kernel (with associated translation, execution, and caching costs) since all non-trapping privileged instructions must be caught and handled. ESX Server implements shadow versions of system structures such as page tables and
maintains consistency with the virtual tables by trapping every update attempt this approach has a high cost for update-intensive
operations such as creating a new application process.

Notwithstanding the intricacies of the x86, there are other arguments against full virtualization. In particular, there are situations
in which it is desirable for the hosted operating systems to see real
as well as virtual resources: providing both real and virtual time
allows a guest OS to better support time-sensitive tasks, and to correctly handle TCP timeouts and RTT estimates, while exposing real
machine addresses allows a guest OS to improve performance by
using superpages [30] or page coloring [24].
We avoid the drawbacks of full virtualization by presenting a virtual machine abstraction that is similar but not identical to the underlying hardware an approach which has been dubbed paravirtualization [43]. This promises improved performance, although
it does require modifications to the guest operating system. It is
important to note, however, that we do not require changes to the
application binary interface (ABI), and hence no modifications are
required to guest applications.
We distill the discussion so far into a set of design principles:
1. Support for unmodified application binaries is essential, or
users will not transition to Xen. Hence we must virtualize all
architectural features required by existing standard ABIs.
2. Supporting full multi-application operating systems is important, as this allows complex server configurations to be
virtualized within a single guest OS instance.
3. Paravirtualization is necessary to obtain high performance
and strong resource isolation on uncooperative machine architectures such as x86.
4. Even on cooperative machine architectures, completely hiding the effects of resource virtualization from guest OSes
risks both correctness and performance.
Note that our paravirtualized x86 abstraction is quite different
from that proposed by the recent Denali project [44]. Denali is designed to support thousands of virtual machines running network
services, the vast majority of which are small-scale and unpopular. In contrast, Xen is intended to scale to approximately 100 virtual machines running industry standard applications and services.
Given these very different goals, it is instructive to contrast Denalis
design choices with our own principles.
Firstly, Denali does not target existing ABIs, and so can elide
certain architectural features from their VM interface. For example, Denali does not fully support x86 segmentation although it is
exported (and widely used1 ) in the ABIs of NetBSD, Linux, and
Windows XP.
Secondly, the Denali implementation does not address the problem of supporting application multiplexing, nor multiple address
spaces, within a single guest OS. Rather, applications are linked
explicitly against an instance of the Ilwaco guest OS in a manner
rather reminiscent of a libOS in the Exokernel [23]. Hence each virtual machine essentially hosts a single-user single-application unprotected operating system. In Xen, by contrast, a single virtual
machine hosts a real operating system which may itself securely
multiplex thousands of unmodified user-level processes. Although
a prototype virtual MMU has been developed which may help Denali in this area [44], we are unaware of any published technical
details or evaluation.
Thirdly, in the Denali architecture the VMM performs all paging
to and from disk. This is perhaps related to the lack of memorymanagement support at the virtualization layer. Paging within the
For example, segments are frequently used by thread libraries to address
thread-local data.

Memory Management
System Calls
Device I/O
Network, Disk, etc.

Cannot install fully-privileged segment descriptors and cannot overlap with the top end of the linear
address space.
Guest OS has direct read access to hardware page tables, but updates are batched and validated by
the hypervisor. A domain may be allocated discontiguous machine pages.
Guest OS must run at a lower privilege level than Xen.
Guest OS must register a descriptor table for exception handlers with Xen. Aside from page faults,
the handlers remain the same.
Guest OS may install a fast handler for system calls, allowing direct calls from an application into
its guest OS and avoiding indirecting through Xen on every call.
Hardware interrupts are replaced with a lightweight event system.
Each guest OS has a timer interface and is aware of both real and virtual time.
Virtual devices are elegant and simple to access. Data is transferred using asynchronous I/O rings.
An event mechanism replaces hardware interrupts for notifications.
Table 1: The paravirtualized x86 interface.

VMM is contrary to our goal of performance isolation: malicious

virtual machines can encourage thrashing behaviour, unfairly depriving others of CPU time and disk bandwidth. In Xen we expect
each guest OS to perform its own paging using its own guaranteed memory reservation and disk allocation (an idea previously
exploited by self-paging [20]).
Finally, Denali virtualizes the namespaces of all machine resources, taking the view that no VM can access the resource allocations of another VM if it cannot name them (for example, VMs have
no knowledge of hardware addresses, only the virtual addresses
created for them by Denali). In contrast, we believe that secure access control within the hypervisor is sufficient to ensure protection;
furthermore, as discussed previously, there are strong correctness
and performance arguments for making physical resources directly
visible to guest OSes.
In the following section we describe the virtual machine abstraction exported by Xen and discuss how a guest OS must be modified
to conform to this. Note that in this paper we reserve the term guest
operating system to refer to one of the OSes that Xen can host and
we use the term domain to refer to a running virtual machine within
which a guest OS executes; the distinction is analogous to that between a program and a process in a conventional system. We call
Xen itself the hypervisor since it operates at a higher privilege level
than the supervisor code of the guest operating systems that it hosts.

2.1 The Virtual Machine Interface

Table 1 presents an overview of the paravirtualized x86 interface,
factored into three broad aspects of the system: memory management, the CPU, and device I/O. In the following we address each
machine subsystem in turn, and discuss how each is presented in
our paravirtualized architecture. Note that although certain parts
of our implementation, such as memory management, are specific
to the x86, many aspects (such as our virtual CPU and I/O devices)
can be readily applied to other machine architectures. Furthermore,
x86 represents a worst case in the areas where it differs significantly
from RISC-style processors for example, efficiently virtualizing
hardware page tables is more difficult than virtualizing a softwaremanaged TLB.


Memory management

Virtualizing memory is undoubtedly the most difficult part of

paravirtualizing an architecture, both in terms of the mechanisms
required in the hypervisor and modifications required to port each

guest OS. The task is easier if the architecture provides a softwaremanaged TLB as these can be efficiently virtualized in a simple
manner [13]. A tagged TLB is another useful feature supported
by most server-class RISC architectures, including Alpha, MIPS
and SPARC. Associating an address-space identifier tag with each
TLB entry allows the hypervisor and each guest OS to efficiently
coexist in separate address spaces because there is no need to flush
the entire TLB when transferring execution.
Unfortunately, x86 does not have a software-managed TLB; instead TLB misses are serviced automatically by the processor by
walking the page table structure in hardware. Thus to achieve the
best possible performance, all valid page translations for the current
address space should be present in the hardware-accessible page
table. Moreover, because the TLB is not tagged, address space
switches typically require a complete TLB flush. Given these limitations, we made two decisions: (i) guest OSes are responsible for
allocating and managing the hardware page tables, with minimal
involvement from Xen to ensure safety and isolation; and (ii) Xen
exists in a 64MB section at the top of every address space, thus
avoiding a TLB flush when entering and leaving the hypervisor.
Each time a guest OS requires a new page table, perhaps because a new process is being created, it allocates and initializes a
page from its own memory reservation and registers it with Xen.
At this point the OS must relinquish direct write privileges to the
page-table memory: all subsequent updates must be validated by
Xen. This restricts updates in a number of ways, including only
allowing an OS to map pages that it owns, and disallowing writable
mappings of page tables. Guest OSes may batch update requests to
amortize the overhead of entering the hypervisor. The top 64MB
region of each address space, which is reserved for Xen, is not accessible or remappable by guest OSes. This address region is not
used by any of the common x86 ABIs however, so this restriction
does not break application compatibility.
Segmentation is virtualized in a similar way, by validating updates to hardware segment descriptor tables. The only restrictions
on x86 segment descriptors are: (i) they must have lower privilege than Xen, and (ii) they may not allow any access to the Xenreserved portion of the address space.



Virtualizing the CPU has several implications for guest OSes.

Principally, the insertion of a hypervisor below the operating system violates the usual assumption that the OS is the most privileged

entity in the system. In order to protect the hypervisor from OS

misbehavior (and domains from one another) guest OSes must be
modified to run at a lower privilege level.
Many processor architectures only provide two privilege levels.
In these cases the guest OS would share the lower privilege level
with applications. The guest OS would then protect itself by running in a separate address space from its applications, and indirectly
pass control to and from applications via the hypervisor to set the
virtual privilege level and change the current address space. Again,
if the processors TLB supports address-space tags then expensive
TLB flushes can be avoided.
Efficient virtualizion of privilege levels is possible on x86 because it supports four distinct privilege levels in hardware. The x86
privilege levels are generally described as rings, and are numbered
from zero (most privileged) to three (least privileged). OS code
typically executes in ring 0 because no other ring can execute privileged instructions, while ring 3 is generally used for application
code. To our knowledge, rings 1 and 2 have not been used by any
well-known x86 OS since OS/2. Any OS which follows this common arrangement can be ported to Xen by modifying it to execute
in ring 1. This prevents the guest OS from directly executing privileged instructions, yet it remains safely isolated from applications
running in ring 3.
Privileged instructions are paravirtualized by requiring them to
be validated and executed within Xen this applies to operations
such as installing a new page table, or yielding the processor when
idle (rather than attempting to hlt it). Any guest OS attempt to
directly execute a privileged instruction is failed by the processor,
either silently or by taking a fault, since only Xen executes at a
sufficiently privileged level.
Exceptions, including memory faults and software traps, are virtualized on x86 very straightforwardly. A table describing the handler for each type of exception is registered with Xen for validation. The handlers specified in this table are generally identical
to those for real x86 hardware; this is possible because the exception stack frames are unmodified in our paravirtualized architecture. The sole modification is to the page fault handler, which
would normally read the faulting address from a privileged processor register (CR2); since this is not possible, we write it into an
extended stack frame2 . When an exception occurs while executing
outside ring 0, Xens handler creates a copy of the exception stack
frame on the guest OS stack and returns control to the appropriate
registered handler.
Typically only two types of exception occur frequently enough to
affect system performance: system calls (which are usually implemented via a software exception), and page faults. We improve the
performance of system calls by allowing each guest OS to register
a fast exception handler which is accessed directly by the processor without indirecting via ring 0; this handler is validated before
installing it in the hardware exception table. Unfortunately it is not
possible to apply the same technique to the page fault handler because only code executing in ring 0 can read the faulting address
from register CR2; page faults must therefore always be delivered
via Xen so that this register value can be saved for access in ring 1.
Safety is ensured by validating exception handlers when they are
presented to Xen. The only required check is that the handlers code
segment does not specify execution in ring 0. Since no guest OS
can create such a segment, it suffices to compare the specified segment selector to a small number of static values which are reserved
by Xen. Apart from this, any other handler problems are fixed up
during exception propagation for example, if the handlers code
In hindsight, writing the value into a pre-agreed shared memory location
rather than modifying the stack frame would have simplified the XP port.

OS subsection
Virtual network driver
Virtual block-device driver
Xen-specific (non-driver)
(Portion of total x86 code base

# lines


1.36% 0.04%)

Table 2: The simplicity of porting commodity OSes to Xen. The

cost metric is the number of lines of reasonably commented and
formatted code which are modified or added compared with the
original x86 code base (excluding device drivers).

segment is not present or if the handler is not paged into memory then an appropriate fault will be taken when Xen executes the
iret instruction which returns to the handler. Xen detects these
double faults by checking the faulting program counter value: if
the address resides within the exception-virtualizing code then the
offending guest OS is terminated.
Note that this lazy checking is safe even for the direct systemcall handler: access faults will occur when the CPU attempts to
directly jump to the guest OS handler. In this case the faulting
address will be outside Xen (since Xen will never execute a guest
OS system call) and so the fault is virtualized in the normal way.
If propagation of the fault causes a further double fault then the
guest OS is terminated as described above.


Device I/O

Rather than emulating existing hardware devices, as is typically

done in fully-virtualized environments, Xen exposes a set of clean
and simple device abstractions. This allows us to design an interface that is both efficient and satisfies our requirements for protection and isolation. To this end, I/O data is transferred to and from
each domain via Xen, using shared-memory, asynchronous bufferdescriptor rings. These provide a high-performance communication mechanism for passing buffer information vertically through
the system, while allowing Xen to efficiently perform validation
checks (for example, checking that buffers are contained within a
domains memory reservation).
Similar to hardware interrupts, Xen supports a lightweight eventdelivery mechanism which is used for sending asynchronous notifications to a domain. These notifications are made by updating a
bitmap of pending event types and, optionally, by calling an event
handler specified by the guest OS. These callbacks can be held off
at the discretion of the guest OS to avoid extra costs incurred by
frequent wake-up notifications, for example.


The Cost of Porting an OS to Xen

Table 2 demonstrates the cost, in lines of code, of porting commodity operating systems to Xens paravirtualized x86 environment. Note that our NetBSD port is at a very early stage, and hence
we report no figures here. The XP port is more advanced, but still in
progress; it can execute a number of user-space applications from
a RAM disk, but it currently lacks any virtual I/O drivers. For this
reason, figures for XPs virtual device drivers are not presented.
However, as with Linux, we expect these drivers to be small and
simple due to the idealized hardware abstraction presented by Xen.
Windows XP required a surprising number of modifications to
its architecture independent OS code because it uses a variety of
structures and unions for accessing page-table entries (PTEs). Each
page-table access had to be separately modified, although some of









Device Drivers

Device Drivers

Device Drivers

Device Drivers




x86 CPU


phy mem





H/W (SMP x86, phy mem, enet, SCSI/IDE)

Figure 1: The structure of a machine running the Xen hypervisor, hosting a number of different guest operating systems,
including Domain0 running control software in a XenoLinux
this process was automated with scripts. In contrast, Linux needed
far fewer modifications to its generic memory system as it uses preprocessor macros to access PTEs the macro definitions provide
a convenient place to add the translation and hypervisor calls required by paravirtualization.
In both OSes, the architecture-specific sections are effectively
a port of the x86 code to our paravirtualized architecture. This
involved rewriting routines which used privileged instructions, and
removing a large amount of low-level system initialization code.
Again, more changes were required in Windows XP, mainly due
to the presence of legacy 16-bit emulation code and the need for
a somewhat different boot-loading mechanism. Note that the x86specific code base in XP is substantially larger than in Linux and
hence a larger porting effort should be expected.

2.3 Control and Management

Throughout the design and implementation of Xen, a goal has
been to separate policy from mechanism wherever possible. Although the hypervisor must be involved in data-path aspects (for
example, scheduling the CPU between domains, filtering network
packets before transmission, or enforcing access control when reading data blocks), there is no need for it to be involved in, or even
aware of, higher level issues such as how the CPU is to be shared,
or which kinds of packet each domain may transmit.
The resulting architecture is one in which the hypervisor itself
provides only basic control operations. These are exported through
an interface accessible from authorized domains; potentially complex policy decisions, such as admission control, are best performed
by management software running over a guest OS rather than in
privileged hypervisor code.
The overall system structure is illustrated in Figure 1. Note that
a domain is created at boot time which is permitted to use the control interface. This initial domain, termed Domain0, is responsible
for hosting the application-level management software. The control interface provides the ability to create and terminate other domains and to control their associated scheduling parameters, physical memory allocations and the access they are given to the machines physical disks and network devices.
In addition to processor and memory resources, the control interface supports the creation and deletion of virtual network interfaces
(VIFs) and block devices (VBDs). These virtual I/O devices have
associated access-control information which determines which domains can access them, and with what restrictions (for example, a

read-only VBD may be created, or a VIF may filter IP packets to

prevent source-address spoofing).
This control interface, together with profiling statistics on the
current state of the system, is exported to a suite of applicationlevel management software running in Domain0. This complement
of administrative tools allows convenient management of the entire
server: current tools can create and destroy domains, set network
filters and routing rules, monitor per-domain network activity at
packet and flow granularity, and create and delete virtual network
interfaces and virtual block devices. We anticipate the development
of higher-level tools to further automate the application of administrative policy.



In this section we introduce the design of the major subsystems

that make up a Xen-based server. In each case we present both
Xen and guest OS functionality for clarity of exposition. The current discussion of guest OSes focuses on XenoLinux as this is the
most mature; nonetheless our ongoing porting of Windows XP and
NetBSD gives us confidence that Xen is guest OS agnostic.


Control Transfer: Hypercalls and Events

Two mechanisms exist for control interactions between Xen and

an overlying domain: synchronous calls from a domain to Xen may
be made using a hypercall, while notifications are delivered to domains from Xen using an asynchronous event mechanism.
The hypercall interface allows domains to perform a synchronous
software trap into the hypervisor to perform a privileged operation,
analogous to the use of system calls in conventional operating systems. An example use of a hypercall is to request a set of pagetable updates, in which Xen validates and applies a list of updates,
returning control to the calling domain when this is completed.
Communication from Xen to a domain is provided through an
asynchronous event mechanism, which replaces the usual delivery
mechanisms for device interrupts and allows lightweight notification of important events such as domain-termination requests. Akin
to traditional Unix signals, there are only a small number of events,
each acting to flag a particular type of occurrence. For instance,
events are used to indicate that new data has been received over the
network, or that a virtual disk request has completed.
Pending events are stored in a per-domain bitmask which is updated by Xen before invoking an event-callback handler specified
by the guest OS. The callback handler is responsible for resetting
the set of pending events, and responding to the notifications in an
appropriate manner. A domain may explicitly defer event handling
by setting a Xen-readable software flag: this is analogous to disabling interrupts on a real processor.


Data Transfer: I/O Rings

The presence of a hypervisor means there is an additional protection domain between guest OSes and I/O devices, so it is crucial
that a data transfer mechanism be provided that allows data to move
vertically through the system with as little overhead as possible.
Two main factors have shaped the design of our I/O-transfer
mechanism: resource management and event notification. For resource accountability, we attempt to minimize the work required to
demultiplex data to a specific domain when an interrupt is received
from a device the overhead of managing buffers is carried out
later where computation may be accounted to the appropriate domain. Similarly, memory committed to device I/O is provided by
the relevant domains wherever possible to prevent the crosstalk inherent in shared buffer pools; I/O buffers are protected during data
transfer by pinning the underlying page frames within Xen.

Request Consumer
Private pointer
in Xen

Response Producer
Shared pointer
updated by

Request Producer
Shared pointer
updated by guest OS

Response Consumer
Private pointer
in guest OS

Request queue - Descriptors queued by the VM but not yet accepted by Xen
Outstanding descriptors - Descriptor slots awaiting a response from Xen
Response queue - Descriptors returned by Xen in response to serviced requests
Unused descriptors

Figure 2: The structure of asynchronous I/O rings, which are

used for data transfer between Xen and guest OSes.

Figure 2 shows the structure of our I/O descriptor rings. A ring

is a circular queue of descriptors allocated by a domain but accessible from within Xen. Descriptors do not directly contain I/O data;
instead, I/O data buffers are allocated out-of-band by the guest OS
and indirectly referenced by I/O descriptors. Access to each ring
is based around two pairs of producer-consumer pointers: domains
place requests on a ring, advancing a request producer pointer, and
Xen removes these requests for handling, advancing an associated
request consumer pointer. Responses are placed back on the ring
similarly, save with Xen as the producer and the guest OS as the
consumer. There is no requirement that requests be processed in
order: the guest OS associates a unique identifier with each request
which is reproduced in the associated response. This allows Xen to
unambiguously reorder I/O operations due to scheduling or priority
This structure is sufficiently generic to support a number of different device paradigms. For example, a set of requests can provide buffers for network packet reception; subsequent responses
then signal the arrival of packets into these buffers. Reordering
is useful when dealing with disk requests as it allows them to be
scheduled within Xen for efficiency, and the use of descriptors with
out-of-band buffers makes implementing zero-copy transfer easy.
We decouple the production of requests or responses from the
notification of the other party: in the case of requests, a domain
may enqueue multiple entries before invoking a hypercall to alert
Xen; in the case of responses, a domain can defer delivery of a
notification event by specifying a threshold number of responses.
This allows each domain to trade-off latency and throughput requirements, similarly to the flow-aware interrupt dispatch in the
ArseNIC Gigabit Ethernet interface [34].

3.3 Subsystem Virtualization

The control and data transfer mechanisms described are used in
our virtualization of the various subsystems. In the following, we
discuss how this virtualization is achieved for CPU, timers, memory, network and disk.


CPU scheduling

Xen currently schedules domains according to the Borrowed Virtual Time (BVT) scheduling algorithm [11]. We chose this particular algorithms since it is both work-conserving and has a special mechanism for low-latency wake-up (or dispatch) of a domain
when it receives an event. Fast dispatch is particularly important
to minimize the effect of virtualization on OS subsystems that are
designed to run in a timely fashion; for example, TCP relies on

the timely delivery of acknowledgments to correctly estimate network round-trip times. BVT provides low-latency dispatch by using virtual-time warping, a mechanism which temporarily violates
ideal fair sharing to favor recently-woken domains. However,
other scheduling algorithms could be trivially implemented over
our generic scheduler abstraction. Per-domain scheduling parameters can be adjusted by management software running in Domain0.


Time and timers

Xen provides guest OSes with notions of real time, virtual time
and wall-clock time. Real time is expressed in nanoseconds passed
since machine boot and is maintained to the accuracy of the processors cycle counter and can be frequency-locked to an external time
source (for example, via NTP). A domains virtual time only advances while it is executing: this is typically used by the guest OS
scheduler to ensure correct sharing of its timeslice between application processes. Finally, wall-clock time is specified as an offset
to be added to the current real time. This allows the wall-clock time
to be adjusted without affecting the forward progress of real time.
Each guest OS can program a pair of alarm timers, one for real
time and the other for virtual time. Guest OSes are expected to
maintain internal timer queues and use the Xen-provided alarm
timers to trigger the earliest timeout. Timeouts are delivered using Xens event mechanism.


Virtual address translation

As with other subsystems, Xen attempts to virtualize memory

access with as little overhead as possible. As discussed in Section 2.1.1, this goal is made somewhat more difficult by the x86
architectures use of hardware page tables. The approach taken by
VMware is to provide each guest OS with a virtual page table, not
visible to the memory-management unit (MMU) [10]. The hypervisor is then responsible for trapping accesses to the virtual page
table, validating updates, and propagating changes back and forth
between it and the MMU-visible shadow page table. This greatly
increases the cost of certain guest OS operations, such as creating new virtual address spaces, and requires explicit propagation of
hardware updates to accessed and dirty bits.
Although full virtualization forces the use of shadow page tables,
to give the illusion of contiguous physical memory, Xen is not so
constrained. Indeed, Xen need only be involved in page table updates, to prevent guest OSes from making unacceptable changes.
Thus we avoid the overhead and additional complexity associated
with the use of shadow page tables the approach in Xen is to
register guest OS page tables directly with the MMU, and restrict
guest OSes to read-only access. Page table updates are passed to
Xen via a hypercall; to ensure safety, requests are validated before
being applied.
To aid validation, we associate a type and reference count with
each machine page frame. A frame may have any one of the following mutually-exclusive types at any point in time: page directory (PD), page table (PT), local descriptor table (LDT), global descriptor table (GDT), or writable (RW). Note that a guest OS may
always create readable mappings to its own page frames, regardless
of their current types. A frame may only safely be retasked when
its reference count is zero. This mechanism is used to maintain the
invariants required for safety; for example, a domain cannot have a
writable mapping to any part of a page table as this would require
the frame concerned to simultaneously be of types PT and RW.
The type system is also used to track which frames have already
been validated for use in page tables. To this end, guest OSes indicate when a frame is allocated for page-table use this requires a
one-off validation of every entry in the frame by Xen, after which

its type is pinned to PD or PT as appropriate, until a subsequent

unpin request from the guest OS. This is particularly useful when
changing the page table base pointer, as it obviates the need to validate the new page table on every context switch. Note that a frame
cannot be retasked until it is both unpinned and its reference count
has reduced to zero this prevents guest OSes from using unpin
requests to circumvent the reference-counting mechanism.
To minimize the number of hypercalls required, guest OSes can
locally queue updates before applying an entire batch with a single
hypercall this is particularly beneficial when creating new address spaces. However we must ensure that updates are committed
early enough to guarantee correctness. Fortunately, a guest OS will
typically execute a TLB flush before the first use of a new mapping:
this ensures that any cached translation is invalidated. Hence, committing pending updates immediately before a TLB flush usually
suffices for correctness. However, some guest OSes elide the flush
when it is certain that no stale entry exists in the TLB. In this case
it is possible that the first attempted use of the new mapping will
cause a page-not-present fault. Hence the guest OS fault handler
must check for outstanding updates; if any are found then they are
flushed and the faulting instruction is retried.


Physical memory

The initial memory allocation, or reservation, for each domain is

specified at the time of its creation; memory is thus statically partitioned between domains, providing strong isolation. A maximumallowable reservation may also be specified: if memory pressure
within a domain increases, it may then attempt to claim additional
memory pages from Xen, up to this reservation limit. Conversely,
if a domain wishes to save resources, perhaps to avoid incurring unnecessary costs, it can reduce its memory reservation by releasing
memory pages back to Xen.
XenoLinux implements a balloon driver [42], which adjusts a
domains memory usage by passing memory pages back and forth
between Xen and XenoLinuxs page allocator. Although we could
modify Linuxs memory-management routines directly, the balloon
driver makes adjustments by using existing OS functions, thus simplifying the Linux porting effort. However, paravirtualization can
be used to extend the capabilities of the balloon driver; for example, the out-of-memory handling mechanism in the guest OS can be
modified to automatically alleviate memory pressure by requesting
more memory from Xen.
Most operating systems assume that memory comprises at most
a few large contiguous extents. Because Xen does not guarantee to
allocate contiguous regions of memory, guest OSes will typically
create for themselves the illusion of contiguous physical memory,
even though their underlying allocation of hardware memory is
sparse. Mapping from physical to hardware addresses is entirely
the responsibility of the guest OS, which can simply maintain an
array indexed by physical page frame number. Xen supports efficient hardware-to-physical mapping by providing a shared translation array that is directly readable by all domains updates to this
array are validated by Xen to ensure that the OS concerned owns
the relevant hardware page frames.
Note that even if a guest OS chooses to ignore hardware addresses in most cases, it must use the translation tables when accessing its page tables (which necessarily use hardware addresses).
Hardware addresses may also be exposed to limited parts of the
OSs memory-management system to optimize memory access. For
example, a guest OS might allocate particular hardware pages so
as to optimize placement within a physically indexed cache [24],
or map naturally aligned contiguous portions of hardware memory
using superpages [30].



Xen provides the abstraction of a virtual firewall-router (VFR),

where each domain has one or more network interfaces (VIFs) logically attached to the VFR. A VIF looks somewhat like a modern
network interface card: there are two I/O rings of buffer descriptors, one for transmit and one for receive. Each direction also has
a list of associated rules of the form (<pattern>, <action>) if
the pattern matches then the associated action is applied.
Domain0 is responsible for inserting and removing rules. In typical cases, rules will be installed to prevent IP source address spoofing, and to ensure correct demultiplexing based on destination IP
address and port. Rules may also be associated with hardware interfaces on the VFR. In particular, we may install rules to perform
traditional firewalling functions such as preventing incoming connection attempts on insecure ports.
To transmit a packet, the guest OS simply enqueues a buffer
descriptor onto the transmit ring. Xen copies the descriptor and,
to ensure safety, then copies the packet header and executes any
matching filter rules. The packet payload is not copied since we use
scatter-gather DMA; however note that the relevant page frames
must be pinned until transmission is complete. To ensure fairness,
Xen implements a simple round-robin packet scheduler.
To efficiently implement packet reception, we require the guest
OS to exchange an unused page frame for each packet it receives;
this avoids the need to copy the packet between Xen and the guest
OS, although it requires that page-aligned receive buffers be queued
at the network interface. When a packet is received, Xen immediately checks the set of receive rules to determine the destination
VIF, and exchanges the packet buffer for a page frame on the relevant receive ring. If no frame is available, the packet is dropped.



Only Domain0 has direct unchecked access to physical (IDE and

SCSI) disks. All other domains access persistent storage through
the abstraction of virtual block devices (VBDs), which are created
and configured by management software running within Domain0.
Allowing Domain0 to manage the VBDs keeps the mechanisms
within Xen very simple and avoids more intricate solutions such as
the UDFs used by the Exokernel [23].
A VBD comprises a list of extents with associated ownership
and access control information, and is accessed via the I/O ring
mechanism. A typical guest OS disk scheduling algorithm will reorder requests prior to enqueuing them on the ring in an attempt to
reduce response time, and to apply differentiated service (for example, it may choose to aggressively schedule synchronous metadata
requests at the expense of speculative readahead requests). However, because Xen has more complete knowledge of the actual disk
layout, we also support reordering within Xen, and so responses
may be returned out of order. A VBD thus appears to the guest OS
somewhat like a SCSI disk.
A translation table is maintained within the hypervisor for each
VBD; the entries within this table are installed and managed by
Domain0 via a privileged control interface. On receiving a disk
request, Xen inspects the VBD identifier and offset and produces
the corresponding sector address and physical device. Permission
checks also take place at this time. Zero-copy data transfer takes
place using DMA between the disk and pinned memory pages in
the requesting domain.
Xen services batches of requests from competing domains in a
simple round-robin fashion; these are then passed to a standard elevator scheduler before reaching the disk hardware. Domains may
explicitly pass down reorder barriers to prevent reordering when
this is necessary to maintain higher level semantics (e.g. when us-

ing a write-ahead log). The low-level scheduling gives us good

throughput, while the batching of requests provides reasonably fair
access. Future work will investigate providing more predictable
isolation and differentiated service, perhaps using existing techniques and schedulers [39].

3.4 Building a New Domain

The task of building the initial guest OS structures for a new
domain is mostly delegated to Domain0 which uses its privileged
control interfaces (Section 2.3) to access the new domains memory
and inform Xen of initial register state. This approach has a number of advantages compared with building a domain entirely within
Xen, including reduced hypervisor complexity and improved robustness (accesses to the privileged interface are sanity checked
which allowed us to catch many bugs during initial development).
Most important, however, is the ease with which the building
process can be extended and specialized to cope with new guest
OSes. For example, the boot-time address space assumed by the
Linux kernel is considerably simpler than that expected by Windows XP. It would be possible to specify a fixed initial memory
layout for all guest OSes, but this would require additional bootstrap code within every guest OS to lay things out as required by
the rest of the OS. Unfortunately this type of code is tricky to implement correctly; for simplicity and robustness it is therefore better
to implement it within Domain0 which can provide much richer
diagnostics and debugging support than a bootstrap environment.

In this section we present a thorough performance evaluation
of Xen. We begin by benchmarking Xen against a number of alternative virtualization techniques, then compare the total system
throughput executing multiple applications concurrently on a single native operating system against running each application in its
own virtual machine. We then evaluate the performance isolation
Xen provides between guest OSes, and assess the total overhead of
running large numbers of operating systems on the same hardware.
For these measurements, we have used our XenoLinux port (based
on Linux 2.4.21) as this is our most mature guest OS. We expect
the relative overheads for our Windows XP and NetBSD ports to
be similar but have yet to conduct a full evaluation.
There are a number of preexisting solutions for running multiple copies of Linux on the same machine. VMware offers several
commercial products that provide virtual x86 machines on which
unmodified copies of Linux may be booted. The most commonly
used version is VMware Workstation, which consists of a set of
privileged kernel extensions to a host operating system. Both
Windows and Linux hosts are supported. VMware also offer an
enhanced product called ESX Server which replaces the host OS
with a dedicated kernel. By doing so, it gains some performance
benefit over the workstation product. ESX Server also supports a
paravirtualized interface to the network that can be accessed by installing a special device driver (vmxnet) into the guest OS, where
deployment circumstances permit.
We have subjected ESX Server to the benchmark suites described
below, but sadly are prevented from reporting quantitative results
due to the terms of the products End User License Agreement. Instead we present results from VMware Workstation 3.2, running
on top of a Linux host OS, as it is the most recent VMware product
without that benchmark publication restriction. ESX Server takes
advantage of its native architecture to equal or outperform VMware
Workstation and its hosted architecture. While Xen of course requires guest OSes to be ported, it takes advantage of paravirtualization to noticeably outperform ESX Server.

We also present results for User-mode Linux (UML), an increasingly popular platform for virtual hosting. UML is a port of Linux
to run as a user-space process on a Linux host. Like XenoLinux, the
changes required are restricted to the architecture dependent code
base. However, the UML code bears little similarity to the native
x86 port due to the very different nature of the execution environments. Although UML can run on an unmodified Linux host, we
present results for the Single Kernel Address Space (skas3) variant that exploits patches to the host OS to improve performance.
We also investigated three other virtualization techniques for running ported versions of Linux on the same x86 machine. Connectixs Virtual PC and forthcoming Virtual Server products (now acquired by Microsoft) are similar in design to VMwares, providing
full x86 virtualization. Since all versions of Virtual PC have benchmarking restrictions in their license agreements we did not subject
them to closer analysis. UMLinux is similar in concept to UML
but is a different code base and has yet to achieve the same level of
performance, so we omit the results. Work to improve the performance of UMLinux through host OS modifications is ongoing [25].
Although Plex86 was originally a general purpose x86 VMM, it has
now been retargeted to support just Linux guest OSes. The guest
OS must be specially compiled to run on Plex86, but the source
changes from native x86 are trivial. The performance of Plex86 is
currently well below the other techniques.
All the experiments were performed on a Dell 2650 dual processor 2.4GHz Xeon server with 2GB RAM, a Broadcom Tigon 3 Gigabit Ethernet NIC, and a single Hitachi DK32EJ 146GB 10k RPM
SCSI disk. Linux version 2.4.21 was used throughout, compiled
for architecture i686 for the native and VMware guest OS experiments, for xeno-i686 when running on Xen, and architecture um
when running on UML. The Xeon processors in the machine support SMT (hyperthreading), but this was disabled because none
of the kernels currently have SMT-aware schedulers. We ensured
that the total amount of memory available to all guest OSes plus
their VMM was equal to the total amount available to native Linux.
The RedHat 7.2 distribution was used throughout, installed on
ext3 file systems. The VMs were configured to use the same disk
partitions in persistent raw mode, which yielded the best performance. Using the same file system image also eliminated potential
differences in disk seek times and transfer rates.


Relative Performance

We have performed a battery of experiments in order to evaluate

the overhead of the various virtualization techniques relative to running on the bare metal. Complex application-level benchmarks
that exercise the whole system have been employed to characterize
performance under a range of server-type workloads. Since neither Xen nor any of the VMware products currently support multiprocessor guest OSes (although they are themselves both SMP
capable), the test machine was configured with one CPU for these
experiments; we examine performance with concurrent guest OSes
later. The results presented are the median of seven trials.
The first cluster of bars in Figure 3 represents a relatively easy
scenario for the VMMs. The SPEC CPU suite contains a series
of long-running computationally-intensive applications intended to
measure the performance of a systems processor, memory system,
and compiler quality. The suite performs little I/O and has little
interaction with the OS. With almost all CPU time spent executing
in user-space code, all three VMMs exhibit low overhead.
The next set of bars show the total elapsed time taken to build
a default configuration of the Linux 2.4.21 kernel on a local ext3
file system with gcc 2.96. Native Linux spends about 7% of the
CPU time in the OS, mainly performing file I/O, scheduling and






























Relative score to Linux



SPEC INT2000 (score)

Linux build time (s)

OSDB-IR (tup/s)

OSDB-OLTP (tup/s)

dbench (score)

SPEC WEB99 (score)

Figure 3: Relative performance of native Linux (L), XenoLinux (X), VMware workstation 3.2 (V) and User-Mode Linux (U).
memory management. In the case of the VMMs, this system time
is expanded to a greater or lesser degree: whereas Xen incurs a
mere 3% overhead, the other VMMs experience a more significant
Two experiments were performed using the PostgreSQL 7.1.3
database, exercised by the Open Source Database Benchmark suite
(OSDB) in its default configuration. We present results for the
multi-user Information Retrieval (IR) and On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) workloads, both measured in tuples per second. A
small modification to the suites test harness was required to produce correct results, due to a UML bug which loses virtual-timer
interrupts under high load. The benchmark drives the database
via PostgreSQLs native API (callable SQL) over a Unix domain
socket. PostgreSQL places considerable load on the operating system, and this is reflected in the substantial virtualization overheads
experienced by VMware and UML. In particular, the OLTP benchmark requires many synchronous disk operations, resulting in many
protection domain transitions.
The dbench program is a file system benchmark derived from
the industry-standard NetBench. It emulates the load placed on a
file server by Windows 95 clients. Here, we examine the throughput experienced by a single client performing around 90,000 file
system operations.
SPEC WEB99 is a complex application-level benchmark for evaluating web servers and the systems that host them. The workload is
a complex mix of page requests: 30% require dynamic content generation, 16% are HTTP POST operations and 0.5% execute a CGI
script. As the server runs it generates access and POST logs, so
the disk workload is not solely read-only. Measurements therefore
reflect general OS performance, including file system and network,
in addition to the web server itself.
A number of client machines are used to generate load for the
server under test, with each machine simulating a collection of
users concurrently accessing the web site. The benchmark is run
repeatedly with different numbers of simulated users to determine
the maximum number that can be supported. SPEC WEB99 defines
a minimum Quality of Service that simulated users must receive in
order to be conformant and hence count toward the score: users

must receive an aggregate bandwidth in excess of 320Kb/s over a

series of requests. A warm-up phase is allowed in which the number of simultaneous clients is slowly increased, allowing servers to
preload their buffer caches.
For our experimental setup we used the Apache HTTP server
version 1.3.27, installing the modspecweb99 plug-in to perform
most but not all of the dynamic content generation SPEC rules
require 0.5% of requests to use full CGI, forking a separate process. Better absolute performance numbers can be achieved with
the assistance of TUX, the Linux in-kernel static content web
server, but we chose not to use this as we felt it was less likely to be
representative of our real-world target applications. Furthermore,
although Xens performance improves when using TUX, VMware
suffers badly due to the increased proportion of time spent emulating ring 0 while executing the guest OS kernel.
SPEC WEB99 exercises the whole system. During the measurement period there is up to 180Mb/s of TCP network traffic and
considerable disk read-write activity on a 2GB dataset. The benchmark is CPU-bound, and a significant proportion of the time is
spent within the guest OS kernel, performing network stack processing, file system operations, and scheduling between the many
httpd processes that Apache needs to handle the offered load.
XenoLinux fares well, achieving within 1% of native Linux performance. VMware and UML both struggle, supporting less than a
third of the number of clients of the native Linux system.


Operating System Benchmarks

To more precisely measure the areas of overhead within Xen and

the other VMMs, we performed a number of smaller experiments
targeting particular subsystems. We examined the overhead of virtualization as measured by McVoys lmbench program [29]. We
used version 3.0-a3 as this addresses many of the issues regarding the fidelity of the tool raised by Seltzers hbench [6]. The OS
performance subset of the lmbench suite consist of 37 microbenchmarks. In the native Linux case, we present figures for both uniprocessor (L-UP) and SMP (L-SMP) kernels as we were somewhat
surprised by the performance overhead incurred by the extra locking in the SMP system in many cases.





open slct
3.51 23.2
1.92 5.70
1.88 5.69
2.99 11.1
62.8 39.9




exec sh
proc proc
601 4k2
530 4k0
768 4k8
2k3 10k
33k 58k

TCP MTU 1500

Linux 897
Xen 897 (-0%)
897 (-0%)
VMW 291 (-68%) 615 (-31%)
UML 165 (-82%) 203 (-77%)

Table 6: ttcp: Bandwidth in Mb/s

Table 3: lmbench: Processes - times in s









Table 4: lmbench: Context switching times in s


0K File
create delete
L-SMP 44.9 24.2
L-UP 32.1 6.08
32.5 5.86
VMW 35.3 9.3
130 65.7

10K File
create delete
123 45.2
66.0 12.5
68.2 13.6
85.6 21.4
250 113




516 (-14%) 467 (-14%)
101 (-83%) 137 (-75%)
61.1(-90%) 91.4(-83%)


Table 5: lmbench: File & VM system latencies in s

In 24 of the 37 microbenchmarks, XenoLinux performs similarly to native Linux, tracking the uniprocessor Linux kernel performance closely and outperforming the SMP kernel. In Tables 3
to 5 we show results which exhibit interesting performance variations among the test systems; particularly large penalties for Xen
are shown in bold face.
In the process microbenchmarks (Table 3), Xen exhibits slower
fork, exec and sh performance than native Linux. This is expected,
since these operations require large numbers of page table updates
which must all be verified by Xen. However, the paravirtualization
approach allows XenoLinux to batch update requests. Creating new
page tables presents an ideal case: because there is no reason to
commit pending updates sooner, XenoLinux can amortize each hypercall across 2048 updates (the maximum size of its batch buffer).
Hence each update hypercall constructs 8MB of address space.
Table 4 shows context switch times between different numbers
of processes with different working set sizes. Xen incurs an extra overhead between 1s and 3s, as it executes a hypercall to
change the page table base. However, context switch results for
larger working set sizes (perhaps more representative of real applications) show that the overhead is small compared with cache effects. Unusually, VMware Workstation is inferior to UML on these
microbenchmarks; however, this is one area where enhancements
in ESX Server are able to reduce the overhead.
The mmap latency and page fault latency results shown in Table 5 are interesting since they require two transitions into Xen per
page: one to take the hardware fault and pass the details to the guest
OS, and a second to install the updated page table entry on the guest
OSs behalf. Despite this, the overhead is relatively modest.
One small anomaly in Table 3 is that XenoLinux has lower signalhandling latency than native Linux. This benchmark does not require any calls into Xen at all, and the 0.75s (30%) speedup is pre-

sumably due to a fortuitous cache alignment in XenoLinux, hence

underlining the dangers of taking microbenchmarks too seriously.


Network performance

In order to evaluate the overhead of virtualizing the network, we

examine TCP performance over a Gigabit Ethernet LAN. In all experiments we use a similarly-configured SMP box running native
Linux as one of the endpoints. This enables us to measure receive
and transmit performance independently. The ttcp benchmark was
used to perform these measurements. Both sender and receiver applications were configured with a socket buffer size of 128kB, as
we found this gave best performance for all tested systems. The results presented are a median of 9 experiments transferring 400MB.
Table 6 presents two sets of results, one using the default Ethernet MTU of 1500 bytes, the other using a 500-byte MTU (chosen
as it is commonly used by dial-up PPP clients). The results demonstrate that the page-flipping technique employed by the XenoLinux
virtual network driver avoids the overhead of data copying and
hence achieves a very low per-byte overhead. With an MTU of 500
bytes, the per-packet overheads dominate. The extra complexity of
transmit firewalling and receive demultiplexing adversely impact
the throughput, but only by 14%.
VMware emulate a pcnet32 network card for communicating
with the guest OS which provides a relatively clean DMA-based
interface. ESX Server also supports a special vmxnet driver for
compatible guest OSes, which provides significant networking performance improvements.


Concurrent Virtual Machines

In this section, we compare the performance of running multiple applications in their own guest OS against running them on
the same native operating system. Our focus is on the results using Xen, but we comment on the performance of the other VMMs
where applicable.
Figure 4 shows the results of running 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 copies
of the SPEC WEB99 benchmark in parallel on a two CPU machine. The native Linux was configured for SMP; on it we ran
multiple copies of Apache as concurrent processes. In Xens case,
each instance of SPEC WEB99 was run in its own uniprocessor
Linux guest OS (along with an sshd and other management processes). Different TCP port numbers were used for each web server
to enable the copies to be run in parallel. Note that the size of the
SPEC data set required for c simultaneous connections is (25 +
(c 0.66)) 4.88 MBytes or approximately 3.3GB for 1000 connections. This is sufficiently large to thoroughly exercise the disk
and buffer cache subsystems.
Achieving good SPEC WEB99 scores requires both high throughput and bounded latency: for example, if a client request gets stalled
due to a badly delayed disk read, then the connection will be classed
as non conforming and wont contribute to the score. Hence, it is
important that the VMM schedules domains in a timely fashion. By
default, Xen uses a 5ms time slice.
In the case of a single Apache instance, the addition of a sec-



ond CPU enables native Linux to improve on the score reported

in section 4.1 by 28%, to 662 conformant clients. However, the
best aggregate throughput is achieved when running two Apache
instances, suggesting that Apache 1.3.27 may have some SMP scalability issues.
When running a single domain, Xen is hampered by a lack of
support for SMP guest OSes. However, Xens interrupt load balancer identifies the idle CPU and diverts all interrupt processing
to it, improving on the single CPU score by 9%. As the number
of domains increases, Xens performance improves to within a few
percent of the native case.
Next we performed a series of experiments running multiple instances of PostgreSQL exercised by the OSDB suite. Running multiple PostgreSQL instances on a single Linux OS proved difficult,
as it is typical to run a single PostgreSQL instance supporting multiple databases. However, this would prevent different users having separate database configurations. We resorted to a combination
of chroot and software patches to avoid SysV IPC name-space
clashes between different PostgreSQL instances. In contrast, Xen
allows each instance to be started in its own domain allowing easy
In Figure 5 we show the aggregate throughput Xen achieves
when running 1, 2, 4 and 8 instances of OSDB-IR and OSDBOLTP. When a second domain is added, full utilization of the second CPU almost doubles the total throughput. Increasing the number of domains further causes some reduction in aggregate throughput which can be attributed to increased context switching and disk
head movement. Aggregate scores running multiple PostgreSQL
instances on a single Linux OS are 25-35% lower than the equivalent scores using Xen. The cause is not fully understood, but it
appears that PostgreSQL has SMP scalability issues combined with
poor utilization of Linuxs block cache.
Figure 5 also demonstrates performance differentiation between
8 domains. Xens schedulers were configured to give each domain
an integer weight between 1 and 8. The resulting throughput scores
for each domain are reflected in the different banding on the bar.
In the IR benchmark, the weighting has a precise influence over
throughput and each segment is within 4% of its expected size.











Simultaneous SPEC WEB99 Instances on Linux (L) and Xen(X)

Figure 4: SPEC WEB99 for 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 concurrent Apache

servers: higher values are better.












Aggregate score relative to single instance




-16.3% (non-SMP guest)

Aggregate number of conforming clients




Simultaneous OSDB-IR and OSDB-OLTP Instances on Xen

Figure 5: Performance of multiple instances of PostgreSQL

running OSDB in separate Xen domains. 8(diff) bars show performance variation with different scheduler weights.
However, in the OLTP case, domains given a larger share of resources to not achieve proportionally higher scores: The high level
of synchronous disk activity highlights a weakness in our current
disk scheduling algorithm causing them to under-perform.


Performance Isolation

In order to demonstrate the performance isolation provided by

Xen, we hoped to perform a bakeoff between Xen and other OSbased implementations of performance isolation techniques such
as resource containers. However, at the current time there appear
to be no implementations based on Linux 2.4 available for download. QLinux 2.4 has yet to be released and is targeted at providing
QoS for multimedia applications rather than providing full defensive isolation in a server environment. Ensims Linux-based Private
Virtual Server product appears to be the most complete implementation, reportedly encompassing control of CPU, disk, network and
physical memory resources [14]. We are in discussions with Ensim
and hope to be able to report results of a comparative evaluation at
a later date.
In the absence of a side-by-side comparison, we present results
showing that Xens performance isolation works as expected, even
in the presence of a malicious workload. We ran 4 domains configured with equal resource allocations, with two domains running
previously-measured workloads (PostgreSQL/OSDB-IR and SPEC
WEB99), and two domains each running a pair of extremely antisocial processes. The third domain concurrently ran a disk bandwidth
hog (sustained dd) together with a file system intensive workload
targeting huge numbers of small file creations within large directories. The fourth domain ran a fork bomb at the same time as
a virtual memory intensive application which attempted to allocate
and touch 3GB of virtual memory and, on failure, freed every page
and then restarted.
We found that both the OSDB-IR and SPEC WEB99 results were
only marginally affected by the behaviour of the two domains running disruptive processes respectively achieving 4% and 2%
below the results reported earlier. We attribute this to the overhead of extra context switches and cache effects. We regard this as

Normalised Throughput

XenoLinux (50ms time slice)
XenoLinux (5ms time slice)





40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Concurrent Processes/Domains

Figure 6: Normalized aggregate performance of a subset of

SPEC CINT2000 running concurrently on 1-128 domains
somewhat fortuitous in light of our current relatively simple disk
scheduling algorithm, but under this scenario it appeared to provide sufficient isolation from the page-swapping and disk-intensive
activities of the other domains for the benchmarks to make good
progress. VMware Workstation achieves similar levels of isolation,
but at reduced levels of absolute performance.
We repeated the same experiment under native Linux. Unsurprisingly, the disruptive processes rendered the machine completely
unusable for the two benchmark processes, causing almost all the
CPU time to be spent in the OS.

4.5 Scalability
In this section, we examine Xens ability to scale to its target
of 100 domains. We discuss the memory requirements of running
many instances of a guest OS and associated applications, and measure the CPU performance overhead of their execution.
We evaluated the minimum physical memory requirements of
a domain booted with XenoLinux and running the default set of
RH7.2 daemons, along with an sshd and Apache web server. The
domain was given a reservation of 64MB on boot, limiting the maximum size to which it could grow. The guest OS was instructed to
minimize its memory footprint by returning all pages possible to
Xen. Without any swap space configured, the domain was able to
reduce its memory footprint to 6.2MB; allowing the use of a swap
device reduced this further to 4.2MB. A quiescent domain is able to
stay in this reduced state until an incoming HTTP request or periodic service causes more memory to be required. In this event, the
guest OS will request pages back from Xen, growing its footprint
as required up to its configured ceiling.
This demonstrates that memory usage overhead is unlikely to
be a problem for running 100 domains on a modern server class
machine far more memory will typically be committed to application data and buffer cache usage than to OS or application text
pages. Xen itself maintains only a fixed 20kB of state per domain,
unlike other VMMs that must maintain shadow page tables etc.
Finally, we examine the overhead of context switching between
large numbers of domains rather than simply between processes.
Figure 6 shows the normalized aggregate throughput obtained when
running a small subset of the SPEC CINT2000 suite concurrently
on between 1 and 128 domains or processes on our dual CPU server.
The line representing native Linux is almost flat, indicating that
for this benchmark there is no loss of aggregate performance when
scheduling between so many processes; Linux identifies them all as
compute bound, and schedules them with long time slices of 50ms
or more. In contrast, the lower line indicates Xens throughput

when configured with its default 5ms maximum scheduling slice.

Although operating 128 simultaneously compute bound processes
on a single server is unlikely to be commonplace in our target application area, Xen copes relatively well: running 128 domains we
lose just 7.5% of total throughput relative to Linux.
Under this extreme load, we measured user-to-user UDP latency
to one of the domains running the SPEC CINT2000 subset. We
measured mean response times of 147ms (standard deviation 97ms).
Repeating the experiment against a 129th domain that was otherwise idle, we recorded a mean response time of 5.4ms (s.d. 16ms).
These figures are very encouraging despite the substantial background load, interactive domains remain responsive.
To determine the cause of the 7.5% performance reduction, we
set Xens scheduling slice to 50ms (the default value used by
ESX Server). The result was a throughput curve that tracked native
Linuxs closely, almost eliminating the performance gap. However, as might be expected, interactive performance at high load is
adversely impacted by these settings.



Virtualization has been applied to operating systems both commercially and in research for nearly thirty years. IBM VM/370 [19,
38] first made use of virtualization to allow binary support for legacy
code. VMware [10] and Connectix [8] both virtualize commodity
PC hardware, allowing multiple operating systems to run on a single host. All of these examples implement a full virtualization of
(at least a subset of) the underlying hardware, rather than paravirtualizing and presenting a modified interface to the guest OS. As
shown in our evaluation, the decision to present a full virtualization, although able to more easily support off-the-shelf operating
systems, has detremental consequences for performance.
The virtual machine monitor approach has also been used by
Disco to allow commodity operating systems to run efficiently on
ccNUMA machines [7, 18]. A small number of changes had to be
made to the hosted operating systems to enable virtualized execution on the MIPS architecture. In addition, certain other changes
were made for performance reasons.
At present, we are aware of two other systems which take the
paravirtualization approach: IBM presently supports a paravirtualized version of Linux for their zSeries mainframes, allowing large
numbers of Linux instances to run simultaneously. Denali [44],
discussed previously, is a contemporary isolation kernel which attempts to provide a system capable of hosting vast numbers of virtualized OS instances.
In addition to Denali, we are aware of two other efforts to use
low-level virtualization to build an infrastructure for distributed
systems. The vMatrix [1] project is based on VMware and aims
to build a platform for moving code between different machines.
As vMatrix is developed above VMware, they are more concerned
with higher-level issues of distribution that those of virtualization
itself. In addition, IBM provides a Managed Hosting service, in
which virtual Linux instances may be rented on IBM mainframes.
The PlanetLab [33] project has constructed a distributed infrastructure which is intended to serve as a testbed for the research and
development of geographically distributed network services. The
platform is targeted at researchers and attempts to divide individual
physical hosts into slivers, providing simultaneous low-level access
to users. The current deployment uses VServers [17] and SILK [4]
to manage sharing within the operating system.
We share some motivation with the operating system extensibility and active networks communities. However, when running
over Xen there is no need to check for safe code, or for guaranteed termination the only person hurt in either case is the client

in question. Consequently, Xen provides a more general solution:

there is no need for hosted code to be digitally signed by a trusted
compiler (as in SPIN [5]), to be accompanied by a safety proof (as
with PCC [31]), to be written in a particular language (as in SafetyNet [22] or any Java-based system), or to rely on a particular middleware (as with mobile-agent systems). These other techniques
can, of course, continue to be used within guest OSes running over
Xen. This may be particularly useful for workloads with more transient tasks which would not provide an opportunity to amortize the
cost of starting a new domain.
A similar argument can be made with regard to language-level
virtual machine approaches: while a resource-managed JVM [9]
should certainly be able to host untrusted applications, these applications must necessarily be compiled to Java bytecode and follow
that particular systems security model. Meanwhile, Xen can readily support language-level virtual machines as applications running
over a guest OS.


We have presented the Xen hypervisor which partitions the resources of a computer between domains running guest operating
systems. Our paravirtualizing design places a particular emphasis
on performance and resource management. We have also described
and evaluated XenoLinux, a fully-featured port of a Linux 2.4 kernel that runs over Xen.

6.1 Future Work

We believe that Xen and XenoLinux are sufficiently complete to
be useful to a wider audience, and so intend to make a public release
of our software in the very near future. A beta version is already
under evaluation by selected parties; once this phase is complete, a
general 1.0 release will be announced on our project page3 .
After the initial release we plan a number of extensions and improvements to Xen. To increase the efficiency of virtual block devices, we intend to implement a shared universal buffer cache indexed on block contents. This will add controlled data sharing to
our design without sacrificing isolation. Adding copy-on-write semantics to virtual block devices will allow them to be safely shared
among domains, while still allowing divergent file systems.
To provide better physical memory performance, we plan to implement a last-chance page cache (LPC) effectively a systemwide list of free pages, of non-zero length only when machine
memory is undersubscribed. The LPC is used when the guest OS
virtual memory system chooses to evict a clean page; rather than
discarding this completely, it may be added to the tail of the free
list. A fault occurring for that page before it has been reallocated
by Xen can therefore satisfied without a disk access.
An important role for Xen is as the basis of the XenoServer
project which looks beyond individual machines and is building
the control systems necessary to support an Internet-scale computing infrastructure. Key to our design is the idea that resource usage
be accounted precisely and paid for by the sponsor of that job
if payments are made in real cash, we can use a congestion pricing
strategy [28] to handle excess demand, and use excess revenues to
pay for additional machines. This necessitates accurate and timely
I/O scheduling with greater resilience to hostile workloads. We also
plan to incorporate accounting into our block storage architecture
by creating leases for virtual block devices.
In order to provide better support for the management and administration of XenoServers, we are incorporating more thorough
support for auditing and forensic logging. We are also developing

additional VFR rules which we hope will allow us to detect and

prevent a wide range of antisocial network behaviour. Finally, we
are continuing our work on XenoXP, focusing in the first instance
on writing network and block device drivers, with the aim of fully
supporting enterprise servers such as IIS.



Xen provides an excellent platform for deploying a wide variety of network-centric services, such as local mirroring of dynamic
web content, media stream transcoding and distribution, multiplayer
game and virtual reality servers, and smart proxies [2] to provide a
less ephemeral network presence for transiently-connected devices.
Xen directly addresses the single largest barrier to the deployment of such services: the present inability to host transient servers
for short periods of time and with low instantiation costs. By allowing 100 operating systems to run on a single server, we reduce the
associated costs by two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, by turning the setup and configuration of each OS into a software concern,
we facilitate much smaller-granularity timescales of hosting.
As our experimental results show in Section 4, the performance
of XenoLinux over Xen is practically equivalent to the performance
of the baseline Linux system. This fact, which comes from the careful design of the interface between the two components, means that
there is no appreciable cost in having the resource management facilities available. Our ongoing work to port the BSD and Windows
XP kernels to operate over Xen is confirming the generality of the
interface that Xen exposes.

This work is supported by ESPRC Grant GR/S01894/01 and by
Microsoft. We would like to thank Evangelos Kotsovinos, Anil
Madhavapeddy, Russ Ross and James Scott for their contributions.



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