Midyear Reflection Survey

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Mid-year Personal Reflection &

Self-Evaluation Survey
Compiled by Jenny Bales based on brainstorming by committee
May be freely reproduced and distributed
Send questions or comments to jenny@bales.com

Instructions ~ This is not a test, and you will not turn this in. This survey is meant to be
a tool to help you evaluate how things are going in your homeschool. It is for your
personal reflection over the course of several weeks. Please print it out and take it to
your quiet time on several separate occasions, perhaps to Adoration, responding to the
questions carefully and honestly. Be sure to reread it all the way through several times
before considering it complete. The survey is detailed, possibly redundant at times, but
this is by design to provoke thought in a variety of areas. It is fine, if after considerable
reflection, you leave a question blank. You will not be asked to show it to anyone or
share anything you do not feel comfortable sharing. Attach additional pages as
necessary. Begin in prayer.

Section 1: Personal Spirituality

1. What are my greatest joys as a wife/mother?

2. What are my greatest struggles as a wife/mother?

3. What is my greatest virtue and what is my greatest fault?

4. How would I describe my daily, weekly, and monthly prayer and sacramental life?
(Mass, Confession, Rosary, Adoration, Spiritual Direction, etc…)
Section 2: Struggles

5. What is the single biggest struggle I face with each child this school year? (try to
put something for each child)

6. What struggles am I having in creating effective lesson plans and planning my

daily/weekly schedule this year?

7. What subject areas are not going well or are we not enjoying this year?

8. What concerns does my husband have regarding our homeschooling and/or our
children? (if you do not know, go ask him)

Section 3: Successes

9. What is the single biggest success I am enjoying with each child this school year?
(try to put something for each child)

10. How am I succeeding in creating effective lesson plans and in planning my

daily/weekly schedule this year?

11. What subject areas are going well or are we enjoying this year?
12. What does my husband appreciate most about our homeschooling and/or our
children? (if you do not know, go ask him)

Section 4: Goal-Setting (refer back to sections 1-3 while completing

this section)

13. In the coming months, how can I use my greatest virtue to my advantage as a

14. In the coming months, how can I work towards overcoming my greatest fault?

15. How can I build upon and/or continue the successes I am having with each of my
children this year? (name each child and ideas)

16. What things can I try with each of my children in the coming months to overcome
the struggles of this year? (name each child and ideas)

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