The Deterioration of The Environment Through Depletion of Resources Such As Air, Soil The Destruction of Ecosystems and The Extinction of Wildlife

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Discuss geography and how can it be utilized in certainaspects of development in the country

Based on the facts ive gathered on various sources on the internet it is very well describd that The
Philippines consist of 7,107 islands approximately 300,000 square kilometers (120,000 sq mi). Its
36,289 kilometers (22,549 mi) of coastline makes it the country with the 5th longest coastline in the
world. bordered by the Philippine Sea to the east, the South China Sea to the west, and the Celebes
Sea to the south its obvious that we are surrounded with seas can be best utilized if the
government took part of its role in managing resources the proper way.Most of the mountainous
islands are covered in tropical rainforest and volcanic in origin.The Galathea Depth in the Philippine
Trench is the deepest point in the country and the third deepest in the world. Furthert explorations
on this area may maximize countrys resources evencan sprout larger maritime busness
Laguna de Bay, the largest lake in the Philippines, by the Pasig River. Subic Bay, the Davao Gulf,
and the Moro Gulf are other important bays.if properly used and maintained nearby locals and
investors may benefit from it. Though Situated on the western fringes of the Pacific Ring of Fire, and
experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activityand Around 20 earthquakes registered daily,
though most are too weak to be felt. if given priority by the government we can actually harness the
energy under this tectonic plates by constructing geothermal plants near this active volcanoes that
may provide us sufficient energy.
The white sand beaches that make Boracay a popular vacation getaway are made of coral
remnants. Which is already been wide known around the globe proper maintenance and good
governance is all it needs aklan city gains a huge profit from its municipal tax there are a lot room
for improvement the Philippines also has a tropical maritime climate and is usually hot and humid.
There are three seasons: tag-init or tag-araw, the hot dry season or summer from March to May;
tag-ulan, the rainy season from June to November; and tag-lamig, the cool dry season from
December to February. The southwest monsoon (from May to October) is known as the Habagat,
and the dry winds of the northeast monsoon (from November to April), the Amihan. Sitting astride
the typhoon belt, Philippines being a locus of typhoons and tsunamis an optimistic outlook on this
calamities is that our country could produce a huge hertz of electricity through harnessing the wind
power. By building windmills, wind turbines just like in Holland this would make prices of electrical
connections to fall.
the three environmental problems that i wish my government would give attention to are
first environmental degradation it is termed as the deterioration of the environment through
depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the
extinction of wildlife. aggravated by a high annual population growth rate. I wish the government
should focus on it especially right now where we are experiencing sudden climate change it should
not be worsen while we still have the time and resources, second improper disposal of solid and
toxic wastes where proper segregation is not fully being practiced which may result to problems in
the future if no action taken promptly, lastly is loss of coral reefs today we are in a brink of a
possible relationship stain with china on who owns the scarbour shoal and the nearby sea territory
but if we redeem it are we able to conserve it i wish we can because we should be able to take care
of what is ours but has no rights on grace were not able to handle

Pick your top 5 Philippine presidents from highest to lowest and explain why
My first favorite president would be the great Fidel V. Ramos a brave hearted man who strongholdly
oppose the dictatorship, an ambitious but an oath keeper to his promises. his administration was
credited for having the biggest accomplishment in terms of land acquisition and distribution .Second
is Manuel L. Quezon. He directed his main efforts to bring about political stability, build up national
defense against the threat of Japanese militarism, and strengthen an economy that was extremely
dependent upon the U.S. He was also remembered for taking executive and legislative actions to
implement his social justice program aimed at the underprivileged. third isManuel A. Roxas his
greatest achievements, namely: the ratification of the Bell Trade Act; the inclusion of the Parity
Amendment in the Constitution; and the signing of the 1947 Military Bases Agreement.
Carlos P. Garcia noted for its Filipino First policy an attempt to boost economic independence

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