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Process used: The key process of electrolysis is the interchange of

atoms and ions by the removal or addition of electrons from the
external circuit. The desired products of electrolysis are often in a
different physical state from the electrolyte and can be removed by
some physical processes. For example, in the electrolysis of brine to
produce hydrogen and chlorine, the products are gaseous. These
gaseous products bubble from the electrolyte and are collected
2 NaCl + 2 H2O 2 NaOH + H2 + Cl2
A liquid containing mobile ions (electrolyte) is produced by:
Solvation or reaction of an ionic compound with a solvent (such as
water) to produce mobile ions. An ionic compound is fused by
heating An electrical potential is applied across a pair of
electrodes immersed in the electrolyte. Each electrode attracts ions
that are of the opposite charge. Positively charged ions (cations)
move towards the electron-providing (negative) cathode.
Negatively charged ions (anions) move towards the electronextracting (positive) anode.
In this process electrons are either absorbed or released. Neutral
atoms gain or lose electrons and become charged ions that then
pass into the electrolyte. The formation of uncharged atoms from
ions is called discharging. When an ion gains or loses enough
electrons to become uncharged (neutral) atoms, the newly formed
atoms separate from the electrolyte. Positive metal ions like Cu++
deposit onto the cathode in a layer. The terms for this are

electroplating electrowinning and electrorefining. When an ion

gains or loses electrons without becoming neutral, its electronic
charge is altered in the process. In chemistry the loss of electrons is
called oxidation while electron gain is called reduction.
The first battery was created in 1799 by Alessandro Volta . Today
batteries provide the power for an amazing variety of devices,
everything from flashlights to robots, computers, satellites and
cars. Inventors and researchers continue to improve the battery,
designing batteries that last longer and that are more friendly to
our environment.
Have you ever wondered how a battery works? Well, it is actually
very simple. A battery is mostly a tiny can full of chemicals. With
these chemicals there is an acidic chemical that creates electrolytes.
An electrolyte is any substance that contains ions that can
conduct electricity. Also, with the chemicals in a battery, they
create electrons. Electrons are a negative charge of electricity. On
the outside of a battery there are marks that represent the positive
part of a battery "+" and the negative part "-". These markings are
called terminals. The flow of electrons from one terminal to
another must go from negative to positive. This is how the battery
is able to work. Inside a battery there is internal resistance, which
is how fast electrons are created. This also controls how many
electrons can flow between the terminals. The battery can only
start a reaction to work, when a wire is connected to it. Batteries

energy is called its voltage. Voltage is how much potential

electricity something has, and it is measured in volts. There are
many ways to make batteries that aren't as high in voltage as a
regular battery. One of these ways is to create a lemon battery. The
lemon battery has the same type of reactions as a regular battery
just not as powerful.
A lemon battery is a great way to create a low voltage battery.
Lemon battery
A lemon battery is a battery used in experiments proposed in many
science textbooks around the world. It is made by inserting two
different metallicobjects, for example a galvanized nail and
a copper coin, into an ion bridge (for example a lemon, a potato or
paper soaked in salt water or acid). The copper coin serves as the
negative electrode or cathode and the galvanized nail as the
electron-producing positive electrode or anode. These two objects
work aselectrodes, causing an electrochemical reaction which
generates a small potential difference. The origin of lemon and
potato batteries is unknown.
The aim of this experiment is to show students
how batteries work. After the battery is assembled,
a multimeter can be used to check the generated voltage. In order
for a more visible effect to be produced, a few lemon cells
connected in series can be used to power a standard red LED.
Flashlight bulbs are generally not used because the lemon battery

cannot produce the amount of current required to light such bulbs.

Digital clocks can work well, and some toymakers offer small kits
with a clock that can be powered by two potatoes or lemons.
Energy source
The energy for the battery comes from the chemical change in the
zinc (or other metal) when exposed to an acid. The energy does not
come from the lemon or potato. The zinc is oxidized inside the
lemon, exchanging some of its electrons with the acid in order to
reach a lower energy state, and the energy released provides the
In current practice, zinc is produced by electrowinning of zinc
sulfate or pyrometallurgic reduction of zinc with carbon. The
energy produced in the lemon battery comes from reversing this

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