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Contents |. The Alphabet A-An . Numbers }. Plural Form . Personal Pronouns . The Verb “to be” ... o Revision Exercises | OARPwonna 7. This - These - That - Those ... 8. “Have (got)” 9. There is - There are 10. “Can” a © Revision Exercises Il 11. Possessives 12. Imperative ... 13. Present Continuous 14. Present Simple © Revision Exercises Ii! 15. Prepositions of place 16. Prepositions of time 17. Who - What o Revision Exercises IV © Pre-Tests © Progress Tests 12 . 13 16 a 18) 22 25 28 . 32 35 39 43 47 49 .. 54 61 . 66 - 69 73 76 81 93 Introduction Round-up Starter Grammer Practice combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammer practice. It is ideal for young learners in the preliminary stages of English language learning. Students see grammer points clearly presented in colourful boxes and tables. They practice grammer through lively, highly illustrated games and activities. Round-up is especially designed for different students studying English in different ways. It can be used: * — in class with a coursebook. Students do both oral work - in pairs and in groups - and written work in Round-up. * after class. The ‘write-in’ activities are ideal for homework. Students can practice what they have learned in the classroom. * in the holidays for revision. Round-up has clear instructions and simple grammer boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher. The Round-up Teacher's Guide includes a full answer key and four tests plus answer keys. Pearson Education Ltd Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated companies throughout the world. © Virginia Evans 1994 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. First published in 1994 by E. Vlachou - “Express Publications”. This edition published by Pearson Education Limited 2003. Fourth impression 2005 Printed in China. SWTC/04 Illustrated by Philip Vazakas and Terry Wilson ISBN 0582 823498 1. The Alphabet 1. The Aipha A for apple G for cat B torbat = D for dot 1. The Alphabet we GG iV 9.9 glass L for lamb H for hat Mifetrien, | for indian N for nurse J for jam : j O for onion K for kite , a 4 P for purse é ms i 1. The Alphabet yacht z00 Q for queen - ‘ WwW for watch R torrain hh X for box S for star ws Y tor yacht T ortrain YW Z torz00 U for umbrella . I can learn it V for van : You can too! 1. The @s Alphabet ill in the missing letters. Aa Nn ——ple —ur_e Aa Nn Bb 4 0,0 . 8b = 0,0 Shi_n Cc P.p —a— -— Ge Pp . Dd Qq ii — Dd aq een Ee Rr ; =o_ Sin Ere s Rr Ff Ss et Str bf as ¥& Gg Tt re —l—ss ——ain Gg Tt Hh Uu a ——brella HA Uu hi y Vv y —n—ian =a i vv | & ; Ji Ww a —a— J ——ten Sj W, w Kk XX a —o~ Kk Xx i] kl Ng aie_b ; A —ach— Gl 1 | et M,m Zz, is > 7 — —oO-— Mm & Ge 1. The Alphabet ® Fill in the missing small letters. Do Gan f ho j \ ec Powe t Vou x © Fill in the missing capital letters. A B.C E G | taaa@aa 4ssscss 7bbbbdb 2ppqppp S.vuvuvy Bszssss 3dddbdd 6&nnnmnn g9uuvUuUU © Write in capital letters. 4 1. dog DOG 6. watch 2. apple 7. lamb 3. umbrella 8. train 4. jam 9. cat 5. queen 10. glass © Write in small letters. 1, CAT cat 6. ONION 2. EGG 7. ZOO 3. NURSE 8. PURSE 4, YACHT 9. TRAIN 5. KITE 0. 1. The Alphabet © Correct the words. 4@¢8 1, boll ... doll 2. opple 3. vmbrella 7. pueen 8. uatch 9. jamb lepeat after your teacher. th /d/or/@/ | this, that, them, there, they, thin, thief, three, thing ch /tf/ chart, cherry, chess, child, church, chin, chair ph /f/ phone, photo, Philip sh /J/ ship, shop, shell, shut, shoe, shot 1. The teacher shows alphabet flashcards to the pupils. Pupils in teams identify the letters, then say a word starting with this letter. Each correct answer scores 1 point. Team A P1: shows card with letter “m") Team B P1: (shows card with letter “b") Team B P1 'm” for man Team AP2: “b" for ball etc The teacher shows word flashcards to the pupils. Teams in turn spell the word shown. Each correct spelling scores 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. Teacher: (shows “cat") Teacher: (shows “train") TeamAP1: c-a-t TeamBP1: t-r-a-i-n etc y 2.A-An 2A- An en e.g. an apple an umbrella e.g. aball acat © Circle the vowels. c, d,@ 9, k, i, 1, m, 0, p, 9, w, @, x, 8, 2, u, f @ Repeat after your teacher. atl /a/ ball, call, small, all, tall, fall ct+a,o,u/k/ cat, cost, cup, coffee, coat, can cteiy/s/ cell, cinema, cycle, city, certain il e is silent at the end make, bake, snake, cake, apple, Coke, kite | ee/i:/ bee, sheep, see, feet, seed, meet @® Fill in: a or an. paw 2 book 3. elephant 4. octopus 2.A-An aeroplane 8. banana 1. ear 12. orange r \ 13. insect 14. pen 15. ice-cream 16. desk Th table 18. snake 19. eye 20 pencil ® Repeat after your teacher. k is not pronounced before n knit, knife, know, knee 00/0/or/u:/ book, cook, good, pool, moon but: door, floor qt+u/kw/ queen, quit, question y/j/at the beginning yes, yellow, yacht y/1/atthe end Mary, tidy, Sally, cherry, or / ai/in one syllable words sky, fly, dry, spy, cry s/z/ between vowels rose, close, rise “en B aes Game 3 The pupils look at the picture for Ex. 13 for 3 minutes. Then the pupils close their books and teams in tum try to remember as many things as possible using “a” or “an”, Each correct item gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. TeamAP1: a flower | Team AP2: aostrich TeamBP1: tiger | Teacher: No! an ostrich. Team B doesn't get a point. Game 4 Pupils look at Ex. 11 and play the game “I spy with my little eye Teacher: | spy with my little eye something beginning with “b". TeamAPt: boy (banana/book etc) ete at) 3. Numbers 1 one 7 seven 13 thirteen 19 nineteen 70 seventy 2 two 8 eight 14 fourteen 20 twenty 80 eighty 3 three 9 nine 15 fifteen 30 thirty 90 ninety 4 four 10 ten 16 sixteen 40 forty 100 a hundred 5 five 11 eleven 17 seventeen _50 fifty 6 six 12 twelve 18 eighteen 60 sixty @ Fill in the missing numbers. one ..two five eight ten twelve seventeen @ Count the stars and write the numbers. Vote four. 5, weeeee 2. Hee 6. te teen eee 3. He 7. tee eee e eee 4. twee 8. Fete Pupils start a counting ct round the class. Any pupil who cannot say a number is out of the game. The pupils who remain at the end are the winners. 4. Plural Form 4. Piural Form Singular Plural one flower three flowers S, SS, Sh,Ch, X, 0 mam es | box boxes ‘one bus consonant + y => ies lady ladies vowel (a, €,i,0,u) +y => S boy boys i ‘one baby two babies in the plural as in the example: 1. One hat. Two hats 2. One witch. Two 3. One fly. Two _ 4. One tomato. Two 5. One brush. Two 6. One bird. Two 4. Plural Form TO aM oe 7. One glass. Two 8. One spy. Two 9. One rabbit. Two we ° NF 10. One fox. Two 11. One ostrich. Two 12. One toy. Two Irregular Plurals OO ee ie AK Ln J One man. Two men. One woman. Two women. One child. Two children. wm One mouse. Two mice. One fish. Two fish. One sheep. Two sheep. @ Write the plural form. 1. cat cats. 6. fish 11. goose 2. child 7. woman 12. spy 3. foot 8. lion 13. watch 4. tooth 9. mouse 14, star 5. eye 10. pencil 15. van 4. Plural Form Fill in the plural as in the example: ae @ ea 1. One potato. Two potatoes 2. One strawberry. Two 3. One basket. Two 4. One peach. Two 5. One dish. Two 6. One tree. Two Find the differences in picture B. 2women, 3 children etc. Pupils in teams look at picture B for Ex. 19 for 3 minutes. Then they close their books and try to remember as many things as possible. 5. Personal Pronouns nal Pronouns Singular | Plural | we you you he, she, it they e mR t t People He / She It It ee 9D a X o & boy 9 horse Ay book WS a woman %)| mouse EQ, rubber <> girl a tiger eo) chair ‘= We say he for men and boys, she for women and girls and it for things. We also say it for animals when we do not know their sex. 5. Personal Pronouns in: I, he, she, it, we or they. he, she, it, we or they. 1. Maria she 6. you and | 11. woman 2. Peter 7. apples 12. purse 3. hat 8. octopus 13. Tomand| 4. girl 9. boy 14. snake 5. buses 10. Kim and John 15. witch The teacher divides the class into two teams and shows them people or things. The teams in turn say the correct personal pronoun. Each correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. You can also play the game by showing the pupils pictures from magazines. Teacher: (points to Ann) Teacher: (points to some books) TeamAPt: she TeamBP1: they etc 6. The Verb “to be” 6. The Ve rb to be" No, it isn’t a kitten. e's a spider! > Agghh! You are silly. Affirmative Long form Short form Long form Short form tam 'm Jam not I'm not AmI? You are You're You are not You aren't Are you? He is He's He is not He isn't Is he? She is She's She is not She isn’t Is she? tis Its Itis not Itisn’t Is it? We are We're We are not We aren't ‘Are we? You are You're You are not You aren't Are you? They are They're They are not They aren't Are they? @ Write as in the example: Long form Short form 1. Iti adoll. It’s a doll. 2. They dancers. They dancers. 3. He a teacher. He a teacher. 4. We girls. We girls. 5.1 Tony. I Tony. 6. She a singer. She a singer. 6. The Verb “to be” 1.1... am... adancer and a singer. 3. He mechanic and (2. We football olayers an engineer. \ and they acrobats. ae 4.1 afiremanand) (5. You. a policewoman | pupils and he a policeman. and | a pilot. students. a doctor a teacher. a bus driver 8.1 apilot and and you. a postman. he sailor. Pupils in two teams look at the pictures for Ex. 23 for 2 minutes. Then the teams in turn, with books closed, try to remember as many jobs as possible. The winning team is the one which remembers the most jobs. Team AP1: bus driver | Team AP2: pilot | Team APS: doctor TeamBP1: postman Team BP2: policewoman TeamBP3: sailor etc @ Match column A with column B, then write the sentences. B 1. lam A. a box 1am a pupil. 2. Heis B. Mary 3. Itis C. Jim 4. Sheis D. a pupil 5. We are E. singers 6. The Verb “to be” @ Ask and answer as in the example: 1 Ishe. asinger? 2. pilots? 3. a postman? No, he isn’t a singer. He is a policeman. singers? 5. firemen? 6. ateacher? Short answers Am I/are youapupil? | Yes,!am. No, I’m not. Is he/she /it fat? Yes, he/she/itis. | No, he/she/it isn’t. Are |WE/vOul pupils? Yes, | “2/you) are. | No,| “ler aren't. y @® Answer the questions. ae 2 : a "E78 1. Are they mechanics? 2. Is he a postman? 3. Is she a dancer? No, they aren’t. They’re firemen. o> ee b 4. Are you bus drivers? 5. Are they acrobats? 6. Is it a flower? Ry? @ Write the plural. () He is a doctor. AED {\ f { e- Itis a flower. lam a teacher. She is a pupil Saar 6. The Verb “to be” 1... They are doctors. TeamAP1: Are youa teacher? Leader: No, I'm not Team BP1: Are you a doctor? Leader: No, Im not. Team AP2: Are you a policeman? First read about Ann then write about you. Ann 20 singer London 1am Ann. | am twenty. lama singer. ‘The teacher chooses a leader from the class and divides the class into two teams. The leader thinks of a job (eg dancer). The teams in turn ask the leader questions to find his/her job. Leader: No, I'm not. TeamBP2: Are you a dancer? Leader Yes, | am! Team Bis the winner. mn Exercises I Revision Exercises I or an. 1. an... elephant 5. eye % purse 8. owl @ Fitin: y a z — aeroplane girl ‘ount the stars and write the numbers as in the example: 1. eee eight 6. tenes 2, eeweee eee 7, eeneeeeewees 3. ee 8, eeeeeee 4 Re O, teeeeereee 5. ee , eee eee eee Revision Exercises I @ ri in the plural form. Tae S 1. One glass. Two. glasses. 2. One boy. cs 3. One bee. c : vai ee’ e4 aoe = 8. 4. One foot. "~ . 5, One mouse. Three . 6. One fish. Four 7. One fox. se 8. One umbrella. Two 9. One girl. Two @ Fit in: he, she, it or they. 1. girl she 6. pencils 2. man 7. women 3. crocodiles 8. boy 4. John 9. Michael 5. Helen 10. tooth @) Arsver the questions. 1. Is she a singer? 2. Is he a postman? 3. Is she an acrobat? No, she isn’t. She’s a dancer, or 4. Is ita crocodile? 5. Is ita kitten? 6. Is he a football player? Revision Exercises | 7. Is shea dancer? 8. Is he a policeman? 9. Is he a pilot? © First read about Jenny then write about your friend. FS Jenny lam Jenny. 27 am twenty-seven. dancer lam a dancer. Paris 1am from Paris. Put your friend's photo here Ornella Julie = Julie 1) is. twenty-two. She 2) a singer. Pablo and Simon 3) fifteen. They 4) students. Pablo 5) from Spain. Julie and Simon 6) from England. Ornella 7) twenty-five. She 8) from Italy. She 9) a policewoman @ Find the mistakes and correct them. . She is a dgb@rs. She is a doctor. . Lam an boy. . They is flowers. . They are bus driver. We is policemen. He is a postwoman. . Julie am twelve. . They are potatos. . They are babys. John and Mary is teachers. Seemrneoarona 7. This - These - That - Those Z This These -That -Those This is a Ha egg. oe These are crocodile’s ae This - These (near) eS This is a pen. These are pens. That - Those (far) aS That is a book. Those are books. @ Write sentences using This or These. These are hats a 7. This - These - That - Those @ Write sentences using That or Those. 7. This - These - That - Those , these, that or those. Gy 1... This..... is ablue monster. FS 2. isared monster. GF % are brown monsters. ae 8. isapink monster. a monsters” above for three minutes then close their books and try to remember ‘as many monsters as possible. Play the game as in the example: Team AP1: — This is a white monster. TeamBP1: This is a white monster and that is a black monster. Team AP2: This is a black monster and that is a blue monster, Team BP2: This isa blue monster and that is a pink monster. etc a 8. “Have (got)” 8. “Have (got Ive got a fish. Bae genigetsa fi © No, haven't got a fish. yf ve got a boot. pineapples and .............. are cherries. 36. is SS an orange. ot strawberries, Pre-Test 3 (Units 1-14) @ Look at the pictures, then write about picture B. ae ae 1. There is a tree. a 2 Amanis standing under the tree. 2 3 Achild is eating a banana. 3: 4 Awoman is making a sandwich. 4 5 The dog has got a ball in its mouth, 5 (B) Rewrite the text changing the underlined words with personal pronouns or possessive adjectives. John is making a sandwich. 6) John’s brother is sitting under a tree. A bird is in the tree. 7) The bird is singing. John’s parents are sitting on the grass. 8) John's parents are drinking coffee. 9) John’s brother is eating a banana. © Fill in: have, has, is, am or can. +. got a dog, Bonzo. He .. gota +» Clive, the ClOWN. 111) .cessesssee jery Clever. HE 13) .......ssse0 fide a bicycle. He 14) Hello! | 10) 12)... hat on his head. Pre-Test 3 @® Fill the blanks with one of the verbs from the box. V5 ecccecsecseeceesee YOUR TOOM! = 16 ........0. the door, please! 17 os... YOUr food! ® Write what there is in the picture. 18 (children) 19 (birthday cake) .... 20 (balloons). rer a —_—_ 21 (clown) ® Choose the correct item. 22 Look at those 25 This is Bob and Tom and these are A) fly B)flies C) fly's sestasstsesesene DIKES. A) my B) their ©) our 23 I'm John and this is .... . pet dog. A) my B) our C) his 26 He....... .... like eggs. A) doesn't B)donot CC) don't 24 She ........... to the park every day. A)is going B) go C) goes Pre-Test 3 © Read the text then answer the questions. My nam: ue. I ike dancing. | can’t \ speak French Look! 27 Is her name Ann? I’ve got flowers. Ann is a doctor. She 31) .... (work) in a hospital but today she 32) (stay) at home. Look! She 33) . . (cook) dinner. Her friends 34) ... +... (Visit) her today. It 35) (be) her birthday. © Fill in with Present Simple or Present Continuous. Billy: Hello Tom. Where 36) .. (you/go)? Tom: — To school. | usually 37) (walk) but today (ride) my new bike. ae ". (be) my birthday present. Billy: Oh! It's a great bike. Pre-Test 4 (Units 1-17) ® Fill in: on, in, under or behind, xs ... the kitchen. There - he table. John’s mumis 2292 . the table. She can't find John. He's . the table. He doesn’t want to eat his There's a table 1) is a plate 2) Sam: 5) ...'§ that in your hand, Kitty? Kitty: It's a photo. Look! Sam: 6) w......2.....'S that boy? Kitty: He’s my friend, Nick. Sam: 7) .. ...'S that? Kitty: It's Nick's bike. | like it very much. Sam: ...'§ that girl on the bike? Kitty: That's me. © Fill in with Present Simple or Present Continuous. This 9) .... .... (be) John Ford. He 10) avery rich man, He usually 11) .. his Rolls Royce but today he 12) .. (tide) his bike. Look at him! He 13) (eat) a banana. (be) ® Choose the correct item. 14 This is my Cat. ................ tail is long. 17 Look! They ....... .. into the water. A) It B) Its C) Their A) jumps B) jump C) are jumping 15 She got a beautiful house. 18 This is My .........00 Dike. A) has }) have CC) don't have A) friends B) friend C) friend's 16h .... he like biscuits? 19 My mother has got three .........ss008 « A) Does B) Do C) Dont A) child B) children C) child's Pre-Test 4 20 on .. talk! I'm studying. 22 “Can you drive a car?” “No, I... reg A) Doesn't B) Don't C) Not A) don't B) can't C) haven't 21 “Who... see you?” “I'm John” 23 This is... .. octopus. A) are B) is Cc) am Aja B) that C) an © Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous. .. (you/do)? (tidy) the living room. (clean) it Jane: What 24) ... Paula: | 25) ... Simon usually 26) on Tuesdays but today he's ill. Jane: That's OK. Simon usually 27) ..... (cook) today but | 28) .... (cook) for him. Read the text and then write the questions to the short answers. Phin is a dolphin. He swims in the pool. He has got two friends. The children love Phin. Phin loves children. He can jump very high. 2 No, he isn't. Yes, he does. 2. No, he hasn't. Yes, they do. Yes, he does. No, he can't. Core to my Party! sesso 4th July 7 sees the evening Qo'clock +, Progress Tests Progress Test 1 (Units 1 - 2) NAME: ..... CLASS: ... DATE: ..... MARK: .. (Time: 30 minutes) @® Write in capital letters. APPLE e.g. apple 1 cat 2 purse e.g. jamb amy 7 dook ...... © Circle the odd letter. eg. eee@ee 11 sscsss 12 ddbddd ane 10 kite train umbrella lish nabbit ........ besk qqqqpq mmmmnm gqgggg Progress Test 1 (Units 1 - 2) @® Fill in: @ or an. e.g. ar) elephant 1B oeecseeseesseeee APPLE 19) sans . ice cream Progress Test 2 (Units 3 - 4) NAME: ......sssssesesseeeoen DATE: .... CLASS: . MARK: .... (Time: 30 minutes) i @® Count the stars and write the numbers. gee five 9 tee 4 tee 4 ee 5 eerie 2 ttteees ® Fill in the plural, as in the example. .g. One bus. Two uses. 6 One tomato. Two ..... 7 One woman. Two ... 8 One bird. Two . | 9 One mouse. Two ..... i 10 One sheep. Two .. Progress Test 2 (Units 3 - 4) © Write the plural form. eg. lion lions 13 spy 41 child a panos 15 fish 12 man (©) Write what you can see in the picture. eg. 4/one house 16. 7, « i 18 i‘ 19 i ~ : i Progress Test 3 (Units 5 - 6) NAME: ....... DATE: } CLASS: MARK: . @ Fill in: |, he, she, it, we or they. feg. he : ® Fill in: he, she, it, we or they. e.g. dogs they 8 Tom and Jane : 9 cat ie om i 40 Paul and! © Answer the questions, as in the example. i yon | BY ' e.g. Are they 11 Is he ateacher? 12 Is she a doctor? t policemen? ee peak ot ! «No, they ai 4 They are framers Progress Test 3 (Units 5 - 6) 14 Are they acrobats? 15 Is he a fireman? e.g. Itis a flower. 16 She is a teacher. .. They are flowers... se ‘ a Ah 18 | ama child. 19 He is aman. 17 ltisatree. 20 Itis a foot. Progress Test 4 (Units 7 - 8) DATE: .... MARK: ..... (Time: 30 minutes) @® Fill in: this, that, these or those. eg. Thisis & anapple and thatis << ee an orange. is A a doll and... 1 2) Aa dare) -- grapes and ..... ... ae SF pen 8 rece ae books and...... reer is er Boost IND sasesenseseresen AB ee a boy. Be snsacinni are onions and ...... carrots. Progress Test 4 (Units 7 - 8) ® Write sentences using that or those. eg. ... That is a bus. 6 7 © Write short answers. e.g. Have you got a jumper? Ye have. 11 Have you got jeans? A jumper LJ jeans watch Have you got a watch? ; 13 Have you got a doll? 14 Have you got a bike? doll [7] bike i] balloon EJ] 15 Have you got a balloon? ® Write what Ann has got. curly blonde hair small nose. : big blue eyes beautiful face i big mouth green T-shirt i eg. ..Ann has got curly blonde hair.... 16 AP } eg. Is there awolfin the picture? ... Ye, there i... 1 | CLASS: ......04 : @® Write what there is in the picture. Progress Test 5 (Units 9 - 10) NAME: .... DATE: ... MARK: (Time: 30 minutes) e.g. (bird) ... There are two birds... 1 (woman) 2 (boy) 3 (dog) 4 5 (tree) (banana) ® Look at the picture and answer the questions. 6 Is there a dog in the picture? 7 Are there birds in the picture? 8 Is there a rabbit in the picture? 9 Are there houses in the picture? 10 Are there trees in the picture? © Answer the questions, as in the example. . Canyouseeadog? —... 65, | 0a... Can you see a postman? Can you see a car? Can you see a bag? Can you see a ball? Can you see letters? Progress Test 5 (Units 9 - 10) ® True or False? eg. Fish can read. ...Falge. Fish can't read... 16 Birds can drive. 17 Dogs can run. 18 Elephants can cook. 19 Rabbits can jum, 20 Monkeys can climb. Progress Test 6 (Units 11 - 12) || NAME: DATE: MARK: {| CLASS: ..... (Time: 30 minutes) @® Fill in: my, your, his, her, its, our or their. e.g. He's gota book. 1 You've got a car. { It’s ...H/S... Book. its i X » 3 He's got a computer. 4 She's got a bag. R's... .. computer. Hts: ... Dag. ® Rewrite the sentences changing the underlined words. This is David's bedroom. This is David's mother. rs name is Sandra. Sandra's hair is blonde. David's pyjamas are red. Sandra wants David to get Progress Test 6 (Units 11 - 12) © Match the sentences with the pictures. Tidy your room. Wake up. Go to bed. Drink your milk! Do your homework. Brush your teeth! ® Write the negative form. eg. Run! Don't run! 16 Sit down! e 17 Do your homework! 18 Open the door! 19 Eat your dinner! 20 Go to bed! Progress Test 7 (Units 13 - 14) DATS snscaivss: MARK: ........20008 (Time: 30 minutes) @® Fill in: am, is or are. e.g. She .../... doing her homework. watching TV. cooking the dinner. ... Sleeping. e.g. Is Sally sitting on the floor? Y@3, ghe is. 6 Is Dad reading a book? 7 |s Mum cooking the dinner? 8 Is Sally watching TV? 9 Are Ann and Nick doing their homework? 10 Is Dad sleeping? © Write the 3rd person singular. e.g. | walk - he ...walks. 13 | study - he | 11 Ihave - he 14 | play - she 1 12 Ido-she 15. | wash - he Progress Test 7 (Units 13 - 14) ® Put the verbs in the correct tense. e.g. a) | usually ...vear... (wear) old clothes. b) Today, | ...a'ri wearing... (wear) a beautiful dress. 16 a) She usually . b) Today, she . 17 a) We usualh b) Today, we 18 a) He b) He (go) to work by bus. (go) to work by car. (do) his homework now. (do) his homework every day. 19 a) (drink) coffee now. b) (drink) tea every morning. 20 a) They usually .. (play) football. b) Today, they . (play) tennis. (eat) dinner at seven o'clock. (eat) dinner at eight o'clock. Progress Test 8 (Units 15 - 17) NAME: sascunascsmvmaseas i CLASS: ..... DATE: .... MARK: ....... (Time: 30 minutes) @ Fill in: in, on, behind or under. Dad is asleep ...\"i/er... a tree. There are two birds 1) . is asleep 2) .. the grass. Sam is standing 3) are some peaches and bananas 4) ..... 5).. a tree. @ Fill in: in, on or at. . the tree. Rover, our dog, .... the birds. There the blanket. There is a goose Progress Test 8 (Units 15 - 17) © Match up the sentences. : e.g. Whatis that? Ito a rabbit. 11 Who are they? a They're strawberries. 12 What are you doing? b It's a book. 13 What are these? c¢ He's Ben. 14 Who is he? d They're my friends. 15 What is this? e I'm watching TV. @® Fill in: in, on or at. i This is Sue. She lives ...''’... a big house. She gets up 16) .. the morning and swims 18) the pool. Then she goes to work. She comes home 19) ive o'clock. 20) Saturdays and Sundays she visits her friends. ROUND-UP Dd ee ne uy Ge ee ones ee eu ae Ce te Ro cua eee iC We ec ey Se ete eee au ey See er est See gee ieee Ucn) + CD-ROMs provide more grammar practice and games + Teacher's Guide includes answer keys and extra photocopiable tests Cet) ae Pag A | wrrevision Te eg =o ues Ea ae ena ety Pe ee

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