3-7 Day Fast

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When entering the Nation of Gods and Earths, it is highly recommended that you

go on a Three Day Fast. This Fast should be a liquid fast (which is done by only
consuming liquids for a period of three days). Fasting is good for your
body and your mind.

The first day of the fast is strictly PHYSICAL. During this time it is a matter of
mind over matter. The body will crave for solid food and the mind must resist this
craving and feed the body water, juices, or other liquids.

The second day of Fasting is a MENTAL journey, where the mind slowly
becomes (OMNIPRESENT) and there is a lightness about the head. For the
Conscious and Subconscious Mind meld. Sporadic thoughts of solid foods
converge on the brain.

The third day of Fasting overwhelms the physical and mental aspects of the body
and mind with a presence of Righteous (aka SPIRITUAL) well being of body
and mind OMNISCIENT), as the Superconscious Mind blooms or evolves
and merges with the Conscious and Subconscious Mind. Intense serenity and
healing is evoked, as the body and mind are cleansed. You will find that you learn
your lessons rapidly, when fasting and those who already know their lessons will
find that a clearer understanding (OMNISCIENT) Of The Lessons Occur When
You Fast.

Although fasting is good, too long a fast is not. Fasting for long periods (7 & up)
can cause insanity. For your mind will be at the Magnetic/Infinite Mind stage.
It's like your mind will be on Pluto while your feet are on Earth, and relating to
people on Earth will be somewhat tedious for you. Your thoughts will be above
their heads (OMNIPOTENT). That is why it is suggested that you only fast
three (3) days. UNDERSTAND?

When you break the fast (breakfast) you should eat lightly and eat light foods
(salads, fish, etc.). As soon as you bite into solid food and digest it you will feel the
return to the lower planes of thought, and you will know (from experience) the
flight of the mind, caused by fasting.

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