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1. Complete the following exercise with the correct form of the words.

1. That pitbull looks angry. (angry)

2. She spoke quietly. (quiet)
3. Erica listened to her mother carefully. (careful)
4. Mary makes careless mistakes. (careless)
5. Children grow quickly (quick)
6. He is very happy today. (happy)
7. It's raining heavily. (heavy)
8. Morgan was seriously hurt in a car accident. (serious)
9. His situation was very serious. (serious)
2. Complete each sentence using a word from the list.
1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very quickly (quick)
2. Tom doesn't take risks when he's driving. He's always careful (careful)
3. Sally works continuously. She never seems to stop. (continuous)
4. Alice and Stan are very happily married. (happy)
5. Monica's English is very fluent although she makes a lot of mistakes. (fluent)
6. I cooked this meal specially for you, so I hope you like it. (special)
7. Everything was very quiet. There was complete silence. (complete)
8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me perfectly. (perfect)
9. Do you usually feel nervous before examinations? (nervous)
10. I'd like to buy a car but it's financially impossible for me at the moment. (financial)
11. The driver of the car was seriously injured. (serious / seriously)
12. The driver of the car had serious injuries. (serious / seriously)
13. I think you behaved very selfishly (selfish/selfishly)
14. Rose is terribly upset about losing her job. (terrible / terribly)
15. There was a sudden change in the weather. (sudden / suddenly)
16. Everybody at the party was colorfully dressed. (colorful / colorfully)
17. Linda likes wearing colorful clothes. (colorful / colorfully)
18. She fell and hurt herself quite badly bad / badly)
19. Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look safe (safe / safely)
20. He looked at me angrily when I interrupted him. (angry / angrily)

3. Complete the sentences with adjective or adverb form of the given words.
1. He would whisper quietly not to disturb others in the room. (quiet / quietly)
2. I worked so hard to get this job. (hard / hardly)
3. Our new neighbor is a very kind person. (kind / kindly)
4. When I woke up, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing happily. (bright/brightly)
5. Driving fast can be very dangerous. (fast / fastly)
6. Our teacher treats us very well. (good / well)
7. My wife always smiles mysteriously. (mysterious / mysteriously)
8. Angry driver stopped suddenly.
9. Our new couch is very comfortable. (comfortable / comfortably)
10. The policeman gave him a ticket because he didn't park properly. (proper / properly)

1. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the articles. Put x where no article is necessary. Separate answers with a
comma and a space as needed.
1. The Tower of London is a popular tourist attraction.
2. Newcastle is a town in the north of ___ England.
3. The Princess lives in a palace in __ London.
4. ___ Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England officially lives.
5. She bought an expensive necklace at ___ Harrods.
6. They went for a stroll around __ St James' Park.
7. The supermarket is in ___ Kendell Street opposite ___ Lloyds Bank.
8. The hotel where they held their wedding reception was called the Grand Hotel.
9. Anna was born in ___ Italy but she lives in the U.S.A. now.
10. The convict is in ___ prison on the outskirts of town.
11. His favorite newspaper is the Guardian.
12. ___ Gatwick Airport is in ___ southern England.
13. The Duchess of York opened a new hospital in the center of London.
14. He went on an expensive holiday to the Bahamas.
15 The Statue of Liberty is in ___ New York.
16 The National Park was opened ___ last week by the mayor.
17 An expedition to the South Pole needs a lot of careful planning.
18. The Odeon cinema is in ___ Appleton Street just past the library.
19. Last month I saw a film and then went to a concert. The film was brilliant but the concert was boring.
20. There are three cars parked outside: a Mercedes, a Jaguar and a Fiat. Mine is the Fiat.
21. ___ Harrods is a huge department store near ___ Kensington Gardens.

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