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Task #1

56 persons became enrolled in Infectious hospital with suspicion on a typhoid

diseases. All of them were at a wedding and did eat meat-jelly, prepared hired a
cook. What are the possible source of infection?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Patient among the guests

2) The carrier among the guests
3) Meat-jelly
4) Water from the wells
5) Maybe cook

Task #2

56 persons became enrolled in Infectious hospital with suspicion on a typhoid

diseases. All of them were at a wedding and did eat meat-jelly, prepared hired a
cook. What possible factor of transmission of infection?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Meat-jelly
2) Water from wells
3) Dirty hands
4) Toilet
5) Meat

Task #3

56 persons became enrolled in Infectious hospital with suspicion on a typhoid

diseases. All of them were at a wedding and did eat meat-jelly, prepared hired a
cook. What material should be taken to confirm the diagnosis?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) The remains of meat-jelly

2) The water from the well, the meat
3) Urine and feces from patients
4) Urine and feces from the cook
5) All of the above
Task #4

56 persons became enrolled in Infectious hospital with suspicion on a typhoid

diseases. All of them were at a wedding and did eat meat-jelly, prepared hired a
cook. What form is filled in to report certain infectious and parasitic diseases?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Form 0.58
2) Form 2
3) Form 60
4) Form 63
5) Form 1

Task #5

The patient, who is a mechanic at the plant, drank industrial water, he began
diarrhea, diagnosed "dysentery", confirmed bacteriologically. The disease occurs in
a mild form. The patient lives in a 3-room apartment, a wife working in a department
store, a daughter - a pupil of 2nd class school. What kind group of infection relates a
disease on the mechanism of transmission?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) airborne droplets
2) intestinal
3) The external integuments
4) bloody
5) aerosol

Task #6

The patient, who is a mechanic at the plant, drank industrial water, he began
diarrhea, diagnosed "dysentery", confirmed bacteriologically. The disease occurs in
a mild form. The patient lives in a 3-room apartment, a wife working in a department
store, a daughter - a pupil of 2nd class school. What measures should be carried out
by 1 link of epidemic chain?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) the patient should be hospitalized in the infectious hospital

2) the patient should be hospitalized in the gastroenterology department
3) The patient should be isolated at home and treatment
4) wife and daughter should be hospitalized in the infectious hospital
5) wife and daughter observe at home

Task #7

The patient, who is a mechanic at the plant, drank industrial water, he began
diarrhea, diagnosed "dysentery", confirmed bacteriologically. The disease occurs in
a mild form. The patient lives in a 3-room apartment, a wife working in a department
store, a daughter - a pupil of 2nd class school. What measures should be carried out
by 2 link of epidemic chain?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) the patient should be hospitalized in the infectious hospital

2) conduct current disinfection at the bedside
3) The patient should be isolated at home and treatment;
4) wife and daughter should be hospitalized in the infectious hospital
5) wife and daughter observe at home

Task #8

The patient, who is a mechanic at the plant, drank industrial water, he began
diarrhea, diagnosed "dysentery", confirmed bacteriologically. The disease occurs in
a mild form. The patient lives in a 3-room apartment, a wife working in a department
store, a daughter - a pupil of 2nd class school. What measures should be carried out
by 3 link of epidemic chain?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) the patient should be hospitalized in the infectious hospital

2) conduct current disinfection at the bedside
3) The patient should be isolated at home and treatment;
4) wife and daughter should be hospitalized in the infectious hospital
5) wife and daughter to observe during the incubation period examination of

feces on shigellosis
Task #9

In quality control of final disinfection bacteriological method in kindergarten about

shigellosis was made 10 wash outs. In two of them (with dishes and toys) sown E.
coli. Who conducts final disinfection?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Staff of each group of kindergarten

2) workers Infectious Diseases Hospital
3) workers disinfection department of SES
4) disinfector kindergarten
5) Nurse kindergarten

Task #10

In quality control of final disinfection bacteriological method in kindergarten about

shigellosis was made 10 wash offs. In two of them (with dishes and toys) sown E.
coli. What percentage of positive wash outs in this case?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 20%.
2) 30%
3) 5%
4) 10%
5) 3%

Task #11

In quality control of final disinfection bacteriological method in kindergarten about

shigellosis was made 10 wash offs. In two of them (with dishes and toys) sown E.
coli. Rate the quality of disinfection carried out if it is satisfactory for planting no
more than 0.5% of wash outs.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) excellent
2) good
3) satisfactory
4) unsatisfactory
5) extremely unsatisfactory

Task #12

In the central sterilization department of received with hepatitis needles, spatulas,

dental instruments. That had to do with the tools in the department?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) disinfection
2) before sterilization process
3) rinsing in running water
4) soaking in the washing solution with hydrogen peroxide
5) cleaning brush in washing solution

Task #13

In the central sterilization department of received with hepatitis needles, spatulas,

dental instruments. What is the mode of sterilization in an autoclave?

Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 1.5 atm. - 100 C

2) 2 atm. - 122 C - 10 min
3) 1 atm. - 120 C - 20 min.
4) 0.5 atm. - 100 C - 10 min.
5) 1 atm. - 110 C - 20 min.

Task #14

In the first classes of school when checking Mantoux test results among 92 children
revealed 15 with a positive reaction, 77 - with negative. In 7 children diagnosed with
ARI of them in 5 Mantoux test - negative, 2 - positive. How many children will need
to revaccinated?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 15
2) 70
3) 72
4) 92
5) 77

Task #15

In the first classes of school when checking Mantoux test results among 92 children
revealed 15 with a positive reaction, 77 - with negative. In 7 children diagnosed with
ARI of them in 5 Mantoux test - negative, 2 - positive. How many children be
subject revaccination before the ARD?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 15
2) 70
3) 72
4) 92
5) 77

Task #16

Select from the list of those someone refers to the risk group for contracting hepatitis
B, C, D. Who is necessary to inculcate the vaccine against hepatitis B?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) pediatrician
2) surgeon

3) infectious
4) therapist
5) Gastroenterologist

Task #17

Select from the list of those someone refers to the risk group for contracting hepatitis
B, C, D. Who is necessary to inculcate the vaccine against hepatitis B?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) pediatrician
2) traumatologist
3) infectious
4) therapist
5) Gastroenterologist

Task #18

Select from the list of those someone refers to the risk group for contracting hepatitis
B, C, D. Who is necessary to inculcate the vaccine against hepatitis B?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) pediatrician
2) gynecologist
3) infectious
4) therapist
5) Gastroenterologist

Task #19

Select from the list of those someone refers to the risk group for contracting hepatitis
B, C, D. Who is necessary to inculcate the vaccine against hepatitis B?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) pediatrician
2) dentist
3) infectious
4) therapist
5) Gastroenterologist

Task #20

During preventive inspection of boarding school pupils in one of them selected

toxigenic strains of diphtheria bacilli, although he no clinical symptoms doctor
discovered. He received a full course of vaccinations against diphtheria. What kind
of diagnosis can think of?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) The man is sick on diphtheria

2) Healthy bacteriocarrier
3) Rekonvalestsent bacteriocarrier
4) post-vaccine carrier
5) subclinical form of the disease

Task #21

During preventive inspection of boarding school pupils in one of them selected

toxigenic strains of diphtheria bacilli, although he no clinical symptoms doctor
discovered. He received a full course of vaccinations against diphtheria. At what
condition pupil can be allowed in the collective?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) After 1 negative bacteriological examination

2) After two negative bacteriological examination conducted immediately after

discontinuation of antibiotics
3) After three negative bacteriological examination conducted 3 days after
discontinuation of antibiotics
4) after two negative bacteriological examination conducted at intervals of 1-2
days, 3 days after discontinuation of antibiotics
5) after a negative bacteriological examination conducted 3 days after
discontinuation of antibiotics
Task #22

During preventive inspection of boarding school pupils in one of them selected

toxigenic strains of diphtheria bacilli, although he no clinical symptoms doctor
discovered. He received a full course of vaccinations against diphtheria. What
anti-epidemic measures should be held in the boarding relation 3 level of epidemic
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Overview of the contact person, once plating from the nose and oropharynx,

check vaccinations
2) Overview of the contact persons otorhinolaryngolgist and plating from the nose
3) singly plating from the oropharynx in all boarding

4) Hospitalization bacillicarriers
5) Only check inoculations of contact persons

Task #23

Patient 19 years old, student, come to the polyclinic with complaints of fever, skin
rash, runny nose, conjunctivitis. The patient lives in a hostel, was in contact with a
person with measles friend. What is the volume measures undertaken in the hostel to
reduce the incidence of measles among students?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Vaccination, antymeasles immunoglobulin

2) Hospitalization all patients, regardless of severity
3) Wet cleaning, ventilation, ultraviolet disinfection
4) Observation of contact persons to 17-21 day
5) All of the above

Task #24

With 595 patients, who underwent a blood transfusion, later in 75 discovered

hepatitis B, whereas among 712 patients who did not blood-transfusion hepatitis B is
found only in the 16 people. What type of epidemiological study was conducted to
assess the impact of risk factors for blood transfusion infected with hepatitis B?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Analytical cohort study

2) Analytical study "case-control"
3) Descriptive-evaluative method
4) Artificial experiment
5) Natural experiment

Task #25

In infectious hospital admitted patients with a diagnosis leptospirosis. From

epidemiological anamnesis revealed that the patient is are feeding pigs, rats are at
home. What antiepidemic measures necessary to make until the source of infection?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Disinsection and deratization

2) deratization
3) disinfection and vaccination of pigs
4) Vaccination of pigs and deratization
5) destruction of pigs

Task #26

Yard dog inflicted multiple bites the trunk, neck, hand brushes the boy 14 years old.
The boy's father shot the dog. What is the rate of vaccination against rabies should
hold the boy?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) The vaccine CCCAV 1 ml at 0, 3, 7, 14, 30, 90th day;

2) Antirabic immune globulin 40 IU / kg body weight (horse) or 20 IU / kg

(human) at 0 day + vaccine CCCAV 1 ml at 0, 3, 7, 14, 30, 90th day

3) Vaccine CCCAV 1 ml at 0, 3, 7 day
4) Antirabic immunoglobulin 40 IU / kg body weight (horse) or 20 IU / kg (human)
in the 0 day
5) Antirabic immunoglobulin 40 IU / kg body weight (horse) or 20 IU / kg (human)
at 0 day + vaccine CCCAV 1 ml at 0, 3, 7 day
Task #27

Yard dog inflicted multiple bites the trunk, neck, hand brushes the boy 14 years old.
The boy's father shot the dog. Where the conduct vaccinations against rabies?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) In infectious diseases hospital

2) The veterinary clinic
3) In traumatology stations
4) At sanitary and epidemiologic station
5) In the ambulatory

Task #28

Yard dog inflicted multiple bites the trunk, neck, hand brushes the boy 14 years old.
The boy's father shot the dog. Where the conduct vaccinations against rabies?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) In infectious diseases hospital

2) The veterinary clinic
3) In the surgical cabinet of polyclinic
4) At sanitary and epidemiologic station
5) In the ambulatory

Task #29


The surgeon, who worked in the Congo in the hospital. There he opened a stomach
ulcer and was a massive gastric bleeding, which was transfused African donor
blood. Within 1 month after transfusion felt periodic temperature rises with chills,
fever and profuse sweats. What is examinations required him to spend first?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) for antibodies to hepatitis B

2) for antibodies to CMV
3) for antibodies to hepatitis C
4) for HIV antibodies
5) thick drop and smear for malaria

Task #30

Give the recommendations for vaccination against polio, if the child is 3 months.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) In 3,4, 5 months OPV

2) In 4, 5 months - IPV and in 6 months - OPV
3) In 3, 4 months - IPV and in 5 months - OPV
4) In 6, 12 months - OPV
5) In 6, 12 months - IPV

Task #31

Give the recommendations for vaccination against polio, if the child is 12 months.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 12 months, 18 months, 6 years OPV

2) 18 months, 6 years, 14 years OPV
3) 12 months, 18 months, 4 years OPV
4) 18 months, 6 years, 14 years, 18 years IPV
5) 12 months, 18 months, 4 years, 15 years IPV

Task #32

In the therapeutic department for 2 days registered in different wards 8 patients with
acute intestinal diseases. In the bacteriological examination of salmonella isolated.
What tactics regarding contact persons in the therapeutic department?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Transfer of all in infectious hospital

2) twice tested for salmonellosis

3) One-time of examination, discharge at home

4) Transfer in the gastroenterology department
5) Discharge healthy back home

Task #33

From the district where registered cases of anthrax was derived of sheepskin coats.
What type of camera can be used for disinfection?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) dry-heat
2) Steamair-formalin chamber
3) The steam
4) gas
5) autoclave

Task #34

From the district where registered cases of anthrax was derived of sheepskin coats.
What is the mode of disinfection in chamber?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 58-62 C, 40% formaldehyde

2) 100 C, normal atmospheric pressure
3) 112 C, 0.5 atm
4) 120 C, 1 atm., 40% formaldehyde
5) 132 C, 2 atm

Task #35

From the district where registered cases of anthrax was derived of sheepskin coats.
What are the features causative agent of anthrax?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Unmovable Gram-negative bacillus forms spores

2) Vibrio
3) Unmovable Gram-positive bacillus forms a capsule and spores
4) Plasmodium
5) The mobile rod, forms spores

Task #36

Choosing dispensary observation plan if the factory-kitchen cook discharged from

hospital after illness typhoid fever.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months, then every three

months to 2 years, then 2 times a year throughout the work

2) suspended from work in the kitchen by the end of work
3) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months
4) Thermometry 1-2 times a week for 1 month
5) Disposable seeding feces, urine and bile
Task #37

Choosing dispensary observation plan if the worker confectionery factory

discharged from hospital after illness paratyphoid B.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months, then every three

months to 2 years, then 2 times a year throughout the work

2) suspended from work in the confectionery factory by the end of work
3) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months
4) Thermometry 1-2 times a week for 1 month
5) Disposable seeding feces, urine and bile
Task #38

Choosing dispensary observation plan if healthy loader bakery plant in

bacteriological examination of urine detected typhoid bacillus.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months., Then every three

months to 2 years, then 2 times a year throughout the work

2) suspended from work for bakery plant
3) Seedings feces, urine 2 times a month to 3 months
4) Thermometry 1-2 times a week for 1 month
5) Disposable seeding feces, urine and bile
Task #39

Choosing dispensary observation plan if the teacher discharged from hospital after
illness typhoid fever.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months, then every three months

to 2 years, then 2 times a year throughout the work

2) suspended from work

3) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months

4) Thermometry 1-2 times a week, after 3 months. - Single seeding stool, urine,

5) Disposable seeding feces, urine and bile
Task #40

Choosing dispensary observation plan if the librarian discharged from hospital after
illness typhoid fever.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months, then every three months

to 2 years, then 2 times a year throughout the work

2) suspended from work in the library
3) Seedings feces, urine and bile 2 times a month 3 months
4) Thermometry 1-2 times a week, after 3 months. - Single seeding stool, urine,
5) Disposable seeding feces, urine and bile
Task #41

In one of the epidemiological studies have shown that among men aged 35-44 years
old who smoked, mortality from coronary heart disease was 6 times higher than
among men who did not smoke. What type can be attributed this epidemiological
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) descriptive
2) "natural experiment"
3) uncontrolled experiment
4) analytic cohort
5) analytical case-control

Task #42

Blood donor discharged from hospital after illness hepatitis B. When to use his
blood for transfusion?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) after 3 months
2) after 6 months
3) immediately
4) not for life

5) after 2 months

Task #43

In the traumatologic department patients transfused donor blood. Because of how

long the recipient can be signs of hepatitis B, if he poured the blood HBsAg (+):
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 3 days
2) 2 weeks
3) 1 month
4) 5 months
5) 6 months

Task #44

In the central sterilization department of received with hepatitis needles, spatulas,

dental instruments. For what purpose is conducted benzydyne test with medical
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) to detect HBsAg
2) to identify residual detergent
3) to detect residual of blood on toolkit
4) to detect pathogenic microorganisms
5) to detect E. coli

Task #45

In the central sterilization department of received with hepatitis needles, spatulas,

dental instruments. What are the stages of cleaning tools for the prevention of
hepatitis B, C and HIV:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) mechanical cleaning, disinfection, sterilization;

2) sterilization;
3) disinfection, mechanical cleaning, sterilization;
4) disinfection;
5) Disinfection, presterilization processing, sterilization

Task #46

The patient was bitten by tick in the forest, on the site of the bite appeared annular
erythema. Exposed diagnosis - Lyme disease. What is the causative agent of Lyme
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Rickettsia Provacheka
2) Spirochaeta buccalis
3) Epstein-Barr virus
4) Borrelia burgdorferi
5) plasmodium

Task #47

The patient was bitten by tick in the forest, on the site of the bite appeared annular
erythema, increased body temperature. Exposed diagnosis - Lyme disease. Who is
the carrier of Lyme disease?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) ticks
2) fleas
3) lice
4) flies
5) mosquitoes

Task #48

In hospital admitted foreign student from Nigeria, who periodically increased body
temperature with chills and drenching sweat. Suspected malaria. Who is the
causative agent of tropical malaria?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Plasmodium vivax
2) plasmodium ovale
3) plasmodium falciparum
4) plasmodium tropikum
5) plasmodium malariae
Task #49

Medical workers from the risk group for parenteral infection of hepatitis should be
vaccinated against hepatitis B. What vaccines are used against hepatitis B:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Sebins vaccine
2) STI

4) Engerix-B
5) DTP

Task #50

A doctor at a reception at polyclinic suspected diagnosis of cholera in a patient, who

came from Thailand. Select the correct action doctor.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) recommend to go to infection hospital by public transport

2) allowed to use the sink plumbing, toilet
3) recommended to go to infectious hospital by own transport;
4) immediately informed the head doctor of clinic
5) sent to the gastroenterology department to clarify the diagnosis

Task #51

A doctor at a reception at polyclinic suspected diagnosis of cholera in a patient, who

came from Thailand. Which medium is used for bacteriological examination of
faeces for cholera?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Endo agar
2) Levin agar
3) plain broth
4) peptonic water
5) Ploskirev agar

Task #52

A doctor at a reception at polyclinic suspected diagnosis of cholera in a patient, who

came from Thailand. Specify the moment from which the period begins monitoring
the cell of cholera
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) after the collection of material for examination of the patient

2) Information after the Head of the department
3) after receiving an urgent message
4) after the hospitalization of the patient
5) after disinfection

Task #53

The city is that is in the area of natural cell during examination at home doctor
suspected plague patient. Select the correct action doctor
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) sent to Infectious hospital by public transport

2) allowed to use the sink plumbing, toilet
3) recommended to go to infectious hospital by own transport
4) immediately reported SES and the head doctor
5) sent to the regional hospital for further diagnosis
Task #54

In Crimea there was an outbreak of hepatitis E, 157 cases. What is the mechanism of
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) fecal-oral
2) airborne
3) contact
4) parenteral
5) airborne dust

Task #55

In Crimea after prolonged rains arose outbreak of hepatitis A. 128 persons had been
ill various forms by severity. How long dispensary observation for recover VHA?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 3-6 months
2) 6-12 months
3) 1-3 months
4) 12 months
5) 1 month

Task #56

When preventive screening in selected midwife meningococcus. Clinical

manifestations do not. In that environment is taken on meningococcus seeding
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Endo
2) Levin
3) meat peptonnyy agar

4) serum broth
5) Ploskireva

Task #57

On board the plane, which arrived at the international airport, among passengers was
five people from the countries unfavorable to plague, two of whom are citizens of
Ukraine. Which institutions carry out measures to prevent imported plague?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) SCP (sanitary checkpoints)

2) medical center Airport
3) polyclinic railway station
4) SES
5) Infectious Diseases Hospital

Task #58

On board the plane, which arrived at the international airport, among passengers was
five people from the countries unfavorable to plague, two of whom are citizens of
Ukraine. Which institutions carry out measures to prevent imported plague?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) SQD (sanitary and quarantine departments)

2) medical center Airport
3) polyclinic railway station
4) SES
5) Infectious Diseases Hospital

Task #59

In July, around the house individually identified patients with dysentery. Territory
courts located in unsanitary conditions, many flies. The house is not connected to the
sewer, the toilet pit type. What is the registration form is made when examining the
source of infection of the patient?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) f. 058
2) f. 357
3) f. 089
4) fax. 60
5) fax. 030

Task #60

In the village near the lake among people frequent cases of leptospirosis. In the field
and at the lake multiplied rats. The lake to drink drive cattle. What are the preventive
measures should be held to abort modes of transmission?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Disinfection and deratization

2) deratization
3) disinfection and vaccination of cattle
4) vaccination of cattle and rodent control
5) destruction of cattle

Task #61

At the station conducted vaccination of children against rubella epidparotitis and

measles. What documentation is needed to register a child vaccinations?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) f. 63
2) f. 058
3) f. 5
4) f. 30
5) f. 6

Task #62

A child born of sg "+" mother with birth weight less than 2000 g. How to
vaccinate children against hepatitis B in this case?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) vaccinate in the first 12 hours of life

2) On the day of birth, at 1 month., 6 months
3) Do not vaccinate
4) vaccinate at 1, 2, 6 months
5) On the day of birth, 1, 2, 6 months

Task #63

In the settlement flu epidemic caused by highly pathogenic H1N1. A child 4 years of
HIV-infected (clinical phase 1). How to protect the child against the flu?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) vaccinated with inactivated vaccine in preseason period

2) vitamins, oxolinic ointment

3) can not vaccinate, immunomodulators
4) vaccinated with live influenza vaccine
5) isolated from patients

Task #64

In the settlement flu epidemic caused by highly pathogenic H1N1. A child 4 years of
HIV-infected (clinical phase 1). How to protect the child against the flu?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) introduce anti-influenza immunoglobulin

2) vitamins, oxolinic ointment
3) can not vaccinate, immunomodulators
4) vaccinated with live influenza vaccine
5) isolated from patients

Task #65

Patient, turner, arrived in therapy department on 12 day of illness with a diagnosis of

"pneumonia." Temperature 39.80. In the family all healthy. Mother - bacillicarrier
chronic typhoid bacteria. What you need to test to exclude typhoid?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) Blood on blood culture, crop feces and urine, Widal reaction

2) Seeding of feces and urine
3) urine culture
4) Widal reaction
5) RPGA with salmonellosis diagnosticum

Task #66

Studied the link between regular consumption of grilled meat and cancer of the
pancreas (odds ratio of the disease). Who in the research study "case-control" is
exhibited by persons?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) All persons engaged in the study of the risk factors

2) only healthy individuals with risk factor
3) The only person sick with risk factor
4) only healthy individuals without risk factors
5) all of the persons without risk factors

Task #67

In order for the desensitization method Bezredko in the box with the tetanus toxoid
ampoules are available with normal horse serum.
Which in breeding?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) 1:50
2) 1:100
3) 1:500
4) 1:2
5) 1:1000

Task #68

Choose a rational way of protect against tetanus in trauma if the builder is

contaminated wound of forearm, vaccinated twice a year because tetanus toxoid:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) introduce 0.5 ml of AT-toxoid

2) introduce 1.0 ml of AT-toxoid and ATHI or ATS
3) enter only ATS or ATHI
4) not vaccinate
5) introduce 1.0 ml ADT-M toxoid

Task #69

Choose a rational way of protect against tetanus in trauma if the student is a first
degree burn of forearm and he was 4 months ago revaccinated ADT-M anatoxin:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) enter only AT-toxoid

2) introduce AT-toxoid and ATHI or ATS
3) enter only ATS or ATHI
4) did not vaccinate
5) enter ATHI

Task #70

How to prevent tetanus if the adult victim received a full course of immunization
against tetanus over 5 years ago
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) introduce 3000 IU ATS

2) introduce 1 ml AT + 250 IU ATHI

3) introduce 250 IU ATHI
4) introduce 0.5 ml of AT
5) did not introduce

Task #71

How to prevent tetanus if the injured child aged 4 months no documentary proof of
immunization against tetanus:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) introduce 0.5 ml of AT
2) introduce 1 ml AT + 250 IU ATHI
3) introduce 250 IU ATHI
4) introduce 1 ml of AT
5) did not introduce
Task #72

How to prevent tetanus if the victim received one tetanus toxoid vaccinations over 2
years ago:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) introduce 0.5 ml of AT
2) introduce 1 ml AT + 250 IU ATHI
3) introduce 250 IU ATHI
4) introduce 3000 IU ATS
5) introduce 1 ml AP toxoid

Task #73

Resident of the village received some superficial bites of the lower extremities,
trunk, upper arm and forearm from the dog, which after 3 days of diagnosed
"rabies". Indicate the course of immunization.
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) begin treatment immediately ARI + vaccine CCCAV

2) vaccine CCCAV on 0, 3, 7, 14, 30, 90 days
3) vaccine CCCAV on 3, 7, 14, 30
4) AIG + vaccine on 0, 3, 7 days
5) AIG once

Task #74


The entire population of Ukraine should be examined 1 times to 2 years for

tuberculosis by chest X-ray of the lungs. It is a mass screening. What is the purpose
of screening studies?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) determining the actual effectiveness of preventive measures

2) Testing hypotheses about the conditions of formation of morbidity
3) determine the potential effectiveness of preventive measures
4) a complete detection of all cases of certain disease
5) correction of the prevalence rates of a certain disease

Task #75

The city has sharply increased the number of patients with acute intestinal
infections. Found an accident on the main wastewater treatment plant of the city.
The primary (working) hypotheses about the causes of disease are nominated by:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) experimental study
2) analytical study
3) descriptive study
4) prognostic studies
5) statistical analysis of raw data

Task #76

The city has sharply increased the number of patients with acute intestinal
infections. Found an accident on the main wastewater treatment plant of the city.
The primary (working) hypotheses about the causes of disease are estimated by:
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) experimental study
2) analytical study
3) descriptive study
4) prognostic studies
5) statistical analysis of raw data

Task #77

The city has sharply increased the number of patients with acute intestinal
infections. Found an accident on the main wastewater treatment plant of the city.
The primary (working) hypotheses about the causes of disease are brought on stage:

Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) experimental study
2) descriptive study
3) analytical study
4) prognostic studies
5) statistical analysis of raw data
Task #78

In Japan, developed, tested and implemented in the population a new vaccine against
Japanese encephalitis. With any method defined by the actual effectiveness of
prophylactic means?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) experimental controlled study

2) descriptive study
3) analytical study
4) prognostic studies
5) uncontrolled experimental study

Task #79

In 90 years in Ukraine observed high morbidity of diphtheria and mortality from it,
while the morbidity of influenza was ten times less. It is estimated epidemiological
significance of infectious diseases?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) impact on human health

2) medium long-term morbidity
3) The losses are applied national economy
4) expenditure on scientific development of preventive measures
5) mortality

Task #80

Man, 30 years old, has family, lives in an own house, became ill on tuberculosis.
What antiepidemic measures are necessary to be conducted to the third link of
epidemiology process?
Select one of 5 variants of answer:

1) fluorography of lungs to all family members

2) final disinfection
3) hospitalization of contact persons
4) isolation of patient

5) bacteriologycal examination of sputum to all family members

1) Correct answers: 5;
2) Correct answers: 1;
3) Correct answers: 5;
4) Correct answers: 2;
5) Correct answers: 2;
6) Correct answers: 3;
7) Correct answers: 2;
8) Correct answers: 5;
9) Correct answers: 3;
10) Correct answers: 1;
11) Correct answers: 4;
12) Correct answers: 1;
13) Correct answers: 3;
14) Correct answers: 3;
15) Correct answers: 2;
16) Correct answers: 2;
17) Correct answers: 2;
18) Correct answers: 2;
19) Correct answers: 2;
20) Correct answers: 2;
21) Correct answers: 4;
22) Correct answers: 1;
23) Correct answers: 5;
24) Correct answers: 1;
25) Correct answers: 4;
26) Correct answers: 2;
27) Correct answers: 3;
28) Correct answers: 3;
29) Correct answers: 5;
30) Correct answers: 3;
31) Correct answers: 2;
32) Correct answers: 3;
33) Correct answers: 2;
34) Correct answers: 1;
35) Correct answers: 3;
36) Correct answers: 1;
37) Correct answers: 1;
38) Correct answers: 2;
39) Correct answers: 4;
40) Correct answers: 4;
41) Correct answers: 4;
42) Correct answers: 4;
43) Correct answers: 5;
44) Correct answers: 5;
45) Correct answers: 5;

46) Correct answers: 4;

47) Correct answers: 1;
48) Correct answers: 3;
49) Correct answers: 4;
50) Correct answers: 4;
51) Correct answers: 4;
52) Correct answers: 3;
53) Correct answers: 4;
54) Correct answers: 1;
55) Correct answers: 3;
56) Correct answers: 4;
57) Correct answers: 1;
58) Correct answers: 1;
59) Correct answers: 2;
60) Correct answers: 4;
61) Correct answers: 1;
62) Correct answers: 5;
63) Correct answers: 1;
64) Correct answers: 1;
65) Correct answers: 1;
66) Correct answers: 1;
67) Correct answers: 2;
68) Correct answers: 1;
69) Correct answers: 4;
70) Correct answers: 4;
71) Correct answers: 3;
72) Correct answers: 2;
73) Correct answers: 1;
74) Correct answers: 4;
75) Correct answers: 3;
76) Correct answers: 2;
77) Correct answers: 1;
78) Correct answers: 5;
79) Correct answers: 2;
80) Correct answers: 1;

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