Optimizing Hemodynamic Support in Septic Shock Using Central and Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation

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H e m o d yn a m i c
Support in Septic
Shock Using
Central and Mixed
V e n o u s O x yg e n
Supriya Maddirala, MD, Akram Khan, MD*


Central venous blood gas Mixed venous blood gas

Sepsis Septic shock

Severe sepsis (acute organ dysfunction secondary to infection) and septic shock (severe sepsis
plus hypotension not reversed with fluid resuscitation) are major health care problems, affecting
millions of individuals around the world each year, killing one in four patients (and often more),
and increasing in incidence.1 Sepsis represents a continuum from an inciting infectious event
and host-pathogen interaction to the hemodynamic consequences caused by the relationship
among proinflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and apoptotic mediators and is associated with
circulatory insufficiency from hypovolemia, myocardial depression, increased metabolic rate, and
vas- oregulatory perfusion abnormalities eventually leading to an imbalance between tissue
oxygen supply and demand, causing global tissue hypoxia. 2 Studies have shown a tendency for
increased oxygen consumption (VO2) with an increased tissue oxygen extraction during initial
hypodynamic or normodynamic circulation.3 Later in the hyperdynamic circulation, when cardiac
output and systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) are augmented therapeutically to 50% to 80% above
normal values, an associated elevation of global V O2 may be seen.3 In nonsurvivors, oxygen
extraction may be impaired at supranormal values of DO2 in the presence of peripheral tissue
hypoxia.4 The presence of elevated blood lactate concentrations suggests tissue hypoxia and
indicates continued impairment of Vo2 with supranormal DO2.3 Autopsy data on patients have
failed to reveal the cause of death in patients with sepsis. Necrosis

Divisions of Nephrology, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine, Oregon Health
and Science University, 3181 Southwest Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97239, USA
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: khana@ohsu.edu
Crit Care Clin 26 (2010) 323-333
0749-0704/10/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Maddirala & Khan

and apoptosis are quite rare in organs of patients with sepsis on autopsy except in the
lymphocytes and gastrointestinal epithelial cells. 5 Prolonged global tissue hypoxia is one of the
major causes of multisystem organ dysfunction (MODS).6 In septic shock patients, tissue oxygen
saturation below 78% has been shown to be associated with increased mortality at day 28. 7
Early hemodynamic optimization is associated with lower mortality and optimization efforts have
a lower chance of success once MODS has set in. 8,9 Hemodynamic assessment using clinical
signs and symptoms, central venous pressure (CVP), and urinary output can fail to detect early
septic shock and early markers of global tissue hypoxia can help detect and treat sepsis and
potentially prevent MODS.10,11

Oxygen saturation of the venous blood can be measured either at the level of the pulmonary
artery: mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVO2), the level of the inferior vena cava, superior vena
cava, or right atrium (RA): central venous oxygen saturation (SCVO2). Although hemodynamic
assessment using clinical signs and symptoms, CVP, and urinary output can fail to detect early
septic shock, tissue hypoxia suggested by SCVO2 or SVO2, and arterial blood lactate
concentration can be an early marker of sepsis or marginal circulation ( Table 1).10,11 It is
important, however, to remember that venous oxygen saturation like cardiac output is a marker
of global tissue hypoxia and does not yield information on oxygen reserves or adequate tissue
oxygenation of individual organs. Normal or even supernormal SVO2 levels can coexist with
severe tissue hypoxia or impaired mitochondrial use in such conditions as hepatic failure or
severe sepsis leading to arteriovenous shunting. This can limit the interpretation of absolute
SVO2 values as indicators of tissue oxygenation. 12 This is also possible in conditions disturbing
the unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin through a leftward shift of the oxygen dissociation
curve or blockage of the respiratory chain, such as in cyanide poisoning. 12 Based on the Fick
principle,13 both SCVO2 and SVO2 depend on the balance between arterial oxygen delivery (DO2)
and tissue oxygen consumption (Vo2) (Box 1).14 SCVO2 and SVO2 provide an indication of the
degree of oxygen extracted by the organs before the blood returns to the right heart and hence
gives a measure of the balance between Do2 and vo2, providing an indication of the ability of the
cardiac output to meet the individuals oxygenation needs. As shown in Fig. 1, changes in
oxygen saturation (Sao2),15 Vo2,16 cardiac output,17 or hemoglobin16 can change oxygen
extraction ratio and SCVO2 and SVO2. In pathologic situations, SVO2 is dependent on complex
interactions between these four interdependent factors all of which can be potentially altered by
varying degrees of pathology and treatment (eg, an increase in cardiac output can compensate
for a fall in hemoglobin from hemorrhagic

Table 1
Causes of high and low SVO2 & SCVO2
High SVO2 & Scvo2

Low SVO2 & SCVO2

Late sepsis/post-cardiac arrest/cytopathic hypoxia

Early sepsis

Distributive shock

Cardiogenic shock

High cardiac output


Arteriovenus fistulae
Cellular poisons
Box 1
Determinants of mixed venous oxygen saturation
Oxygen consumption (Fick equation) = VO2 (mL/min)

Central & Mixed Venous O2 Sat

VO2 = CO x (Cao2 - CVO2)

Where CO = cardiac output, Cao2 and CVO2 = arterial and mixed venous blood O2 content Cao2 5
Sao2 x 1.34 Hb 1 (PO2 x 0.003)
CVO2 = SVO2 x 1.34 x Hb 1 (PO2 x 0.003)
Where Sao2 and SVO2 = arterial and venous oxygen saturation respectively, Hb = hemoglobin (g/dL)
PO2 = partial pressure of oxygen, because the dissolved fraction is negligible VO2 z CO x 1.34 Hb x
(Sao2 - SVO2)
SVO2 z Sao2 - (VO2/CO x 1.34 x Hb)
Thus value of SVO2 depends on four variables: VO2, CO, Sao2, and Hb.
Arterial oxygen delivery= DO2 (mL/min)
DO2 = CO x Cao2
Oxygen extraction (OE) = VO2/ DO2, replacing values of VO2 and DO2 OE = (Sao2 - SVO2)/ Sao2.
If Sao2 z 100%, OE = 1 - SVO2 SVO2 = 1 - OE = 1 - VO2 / DO2.
Under normal physiologic values: Sao2 = 100%, CO = 5 L/min, VO2 = 250 mL/min and Hb = 15 g/dL
SVO2 z 75%

shock). Global tissue hypoxia leads to increases in tissue oxygen extraction leading to
decreases in SCVO2 and SVO2. When the limits of this compensatory mechanism are reached,
anaerobic metabolism ensues leading to an increase in lactate production.10 Up to 50% of
patients resuscitated from shock may have evidence suggestive of continued global tissue
hypoxia (ie, increased lactate and decreased SCVO2) even with the normalization of vital signs
and CVP.10 The ability to detect and resolve occult tissue hypoxia early in the course of patient
care may have outcome benefit.9
SVO2 and Scvo2 Measurement
Venous O2 saturations differ among organ systems because they extract different amounts of
oxygen so the absolute value of the measurement depends on the site of measurement.
Measurement of both SVO2 and ScVO2 can be done by repeated venous sampling or by infrared
oximetry, which is based on reflection spectrophotometry and the change in color of the red
blood cells (RBCs) as their oxygen content gradually decreases. Infrared light is transmitted into
the blood, reflected off RBCs, and read by a photo detector. The amount of light reflected at
different wavelengths varies depending on the concentration of oxyhemoglobin,
desoxyhemoglobin, car- boxyhemoglobin, and methemoglobin and is used to generate a value
for the SVO2 and SCVO2.18 SVO2 measurement requires the placement of a pulmonary artery
catheter (PAC), whereas SCVO2 is measured with a central venous catheter. While SVO2 is
measured at the level of the pulmonary artery, ScVO2 can be measured at the level of the
inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, or the RA. The normal range for SVO2



Maddirala & Khan

Fig. 1. Factors effecting mixed-central venous oxygen consumption.

is 65% to 75%, whereas Scvo2 is generally 5% to 7% higher than SVO2 in critically ill patients.19,20
Although many researchers have found strong correlations between Scvo 2 and Svo2,20-23 some
have suggested that these values do not always agree. 17,19,24-27 Some researchers have
concluded that use of Scvo2 is not a reliable surrogate at low oxygen saturations for Svo 2,19,28,29
whereas others believe that the limits of agreement for repeated measures of Scvo 2 and Svo2
may be narrow enough to allow for continuous monitoring of Scvo 2 as a surrogate for Svo2 in
individual patients and help guide resuscitation leading to a decrease in mortality.9,20,30
It is difficult to compare and contrast the multiple studies on this topic because they often
differ in the number of patients studied, the number and type of comparisons, and the statistical
methods used. Most authors agree, however, that Scvo2 and Svo2 have a strong correlation and
are equally clinically useful.17,27 In the largest study to date Rinehart and colleagues20
demonstrated that Scvo2 and Svo2 changed in parallel in 90% of the 1498 instances in which
Svo2 changed more than 5% providing strong support of the clinical use of Scvo2 as a surrogate
for Svo2.

Measurement of Svo2 requires access to blood from the pulmonary artery using the distal port of
a PAC or by using a PAC equipped with a fiberoptic infrared sensor. Fiberoptic catheters are
also commercially available for the continuous measurement of Scvo2 in the superior vena cava,
and can help avoid some of the complications associated with PACs. There is a correlation
between both in-vitro and in-vivo Svo2 and Scvo2 that has been shown in critically ill
patients19,20,23,29 and in animal models.22 A 5% to 7% step-down from Scvo2 measurements to
Svo2 measurements has been noted in two studies,19'20 whereas other authors have shown that
the difference may be more marked in patients with septic shock. 29 The decrease in SVO2
compared with SCVO2 has been postulated to be caused by myocardial extraction of oxygen as

Central & Mixed Venous O2 Sat

blood flows through the right ventricle, mixing with inferior vena cava blood that has lower
oxygen saturation, and mixing of blood emanating from the coronary sinus and thebesian
veins.19 For patients in shock SCVO2 has been shown to be consistently greater than SVO2.19,28,29
Redistribution of blood flow away from the splenic, renal, and mesenteric bed toward the
cerebral and coronary circulation, including more desatu- rated blood from the coronary sinus,
has been suggested to contribute to this

Reductions in SCVO2 have been independently associated with postoperative complications with
an optimal SCVO2 cutoff value for morbidity prediction of 64.4%. 31 SVO2 less than 65% has been
associated with complications in cardiothoracic surgery patients. 32 A fall in SVO2 of more than
5% or a value below 60% predicted a period of hypotension. 32 SVO2 has been shown to have
diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic use in the treatment of critically ill patients in the medical
ICU and in septic shock.9,33-35 It has also been used in mechanically ventilated patients to
determine the optimal level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and to assist in weaning
from mechanical ventilation.36,37 In a small study of 15 patients by Suter and colleagues 36 PEEP
was adjusted to optimize oxygen transport and static compliance. SVO2 increased between zero
PEEP and the PEEP resulting in maximum oxygen transport, but then decreased at higher endexpiratory pressures suggesting that SVO2 can be used to find the optimal PEEP level for
patients. In a small trial by Jubran and colleagues, 37 during a spontaneous breathing trial,
patients who were successfully extubated had a decrease in cardiac index and oxygen
transport, whereas those who failed the trial of spontaneous breathing had an increase in SVO 2
caused by an increase in oxygen extraction. The SVO2 was 61.3% 5.8% and 65.4% 1.6%, in
the weaning failure and success group, respectively. At the end of the trial, it decreased to
51.5% 7.9% in the failure group, whereas it remained unchanged in the success group
suggesting that an increase in SVO2 during the trial of spontaneous breathing may predict
weaning failure.



In sepsis and septic shock, global hypoxia is one of the major risk factors in the occurrence of
MODS.6 In a study by Rady and colleagues,10 50% of critically ill patients presenting in shock
who were resuscitated to normal vital signs continued to have low SCVO2 and increased lactate
suggesting tissue hypoxia and anaerobic metabolism. This study led to the clinical use of SCVO2
in early management of cardiac arrest, the postresuscitation period, trauma and hemorrhage,
severe heart failure, severe sepsis, and septic shock.10 Similarly, SCVO2 monitoring during
cardiac arrest has been shown to be of diagnostic and therapeutic value. 38,39 In the immediate
postresuscitation period of a cardiac arrest, mixed venous hyperoxia has been shown to be
associated with poor outcomes. In a study by Rivers and colleagues 4 in a group of 13 patients
following cardiac arrest when SVO2 was compared with DO2, nonsurvivors tended to exhibit
higher SVO2 than survivors at the lower range of DO2 suggesting an impairment of systemic
oxygen use and lower oxygen extraction than survivors.
SCVO2 value less 65%, measured in the first 24 hours after admission in patients with major
trauma and head injury, has been shown to be associated with higher mortality and prolonged
hospitalization.40,41 In patients with cardiogenic shock caused by acutely decompensated endstage chronic congestive heart failure presenting to the emergency department, SCVO2 was
significantly lower in patients with high lactic acid levels compared with those with normal lactic
acid levels. There were no significant differences in age, ejection fraction, temperature, heart
rate, respiratory rate, mean arterial pressure (MAP), CVP, or Killip and New York Heart



Maddirala & Khan

Association classification among the groups, suggesting that clinical evaluation may fail to
identify illness severity of congestive heart failure in a subset of patients and lactic acid and
SCVO2 may be helpful in identifying patients with occult cardiogenic shock. 42 Similarly, SVO2 has
been shown to be a better index of effectiveness of dobutamine in patients with congestive heart
failure than cardiac index.43
A retrospective analysis of 111 patients by Varpula and colleagues 11 showed that the best
predictive threshold level for mortality was 65 mm Hg for MAP and 70% for S VO2 during the first
48 hours. In their study, during standard treatment the most important hemodynamic variables
predicting 30-day outcome in septic shock were MAP and lactate for the first 6 hours and MAP,
SVO2, and CVP for the first 48 hours. A randomized controlled trial by Gattinoni and colleagues 44
for the SVO2 collaborative group compared increasing the cardiac index to a supranormal or
increasing mixed venous oxygen saturation to a normal level with a control group. S VO2 was not
shown to have outcome benefit as a goal-directed hemodynamic end point. This study had
limitations in that 55% of patients in the cardiac-index group and 33% of those in the mixed
venous oxygen-saturation group did not reach or sustained their target values during the 5 days
of the study. A subgroup analysis of the patients in whom hemodynamic targets were achieved,
also however, did not show a difference in mortality rates. 44 In a study by Rivers and colleagues9
evaluating early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) using SCVO2, patients presenting with severe
sepsis and septic shock were randomized to 6 hours of EGDT or standard therapy before ICU
admission. Patients in both groups were resuscitated to a CVP in the range of 8 to 12 mm Hg
and MAP greater than 65 mm Hg, but those in the treatment group were also resuscitated to a
SCVO2 greater than 70% guided by continuous SCVO2 monitoring. Serial end points of
resuscitation, physiologic and organ dysfunction scores, mortality rate, and health care resource
consumption were compared during the first 72 hours. In-hospital mortality was 30.5% in the
group assigned to EGDT, as compared with 46.5% in the group assigned to standard therapy (P
= .009). During the interval from 7 to 72 hours, the patients assigned to EGDT had a significantly
higher SCVO2 (70.4% 10.7% vs 65.3% 11.4%), a lower lactate concentration (3 4.4 vs 3.9
4.4 mmol/L), a lower base deficit (2 6.6 vs 5.1 6.7 mmol/L), and a higher pH (7.40 0.12 vs
7.36 0.12) than the patients assigned to standard therapy (P%.02 for all comparisons). During
the same period, mean APACHE II scores were significantly lower, indicating less severe organ
dysfunction in the patients assigned to EGDT than in those assigned to standard therapy (13
6.3 vs 15.9 6.4, P<.001). This suggests that using SCVO2 as a resuscitation end point in
addition to MAP and CVP provides significant outcome benefit for patients with severe sepsis
and septic shock over standard therapy. Key differences between the SVO2 collaborative group
and EGDT were the timing of intervention with the enrolling of patients for up to 72 hours after
presentation in the SVO2 collaborative group, whereas EGDT enrolled patients in the first 6 hours
of presentation. The SVO2 collaborative group also had a more diverse population of critically ill
patients and had a higher baseline SVO2 (low 70s) compared with the EGDT group, which had
patients with septic shock and lower SCVO2 (high 40s).9'44 A meta-analysis of hemodynamic
optimization trials has also suggested that early, but not late, hemodynamic optimization
reduced mortality.8 Although EGDT has been validated in multiple other prospective trials, 45,46
the use of applying the principles of EGDT outside the single United States urban hospital in
which the trial was performed has been questioned. 47 In view of the fact that a few recent trials
have shown that incidence of low SCVO2 was uncommon at the time of admission to the ICU, it
has been suggested that the EGDT study findings were the result of realignment of limited
quality care back to a level considered acceptable elsewhere in the world.48-50 The answer to this
question may only be available once the results of the Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis
Evaluation and the Protocolized Care Early Severe Sepsis trials become available. 47

SCVO2 monitoring can be an early indicator of bleeding, estimated blood loss, and may affect the

Central & Mixed Venous O2 Sat

decision to transfuse. In a study of 26 trauma patients, Scalea and colleagues 41 found that the
10 patients who had SCVO2 less than 65% had more serious injuries, significantly larger
estimated that losses, and required more transfusions than those patients with SCVO2 greater
than 65%. In this study linear regression coefficients showed that SCVO2 was better than heart
rate, MAP, CVP, pulse pressure, and urine output in predicting estimated blood loss.
Anemia and Blood Transfusion
Transfusion of RBCs has not, however, shown to increase Vo 2 in critically ill patients.51-53 This
may be related to multiple factors including storage time, increased endothelial adherence of
stored RBCs, nitric oxide binding by free hemoglobin in stored blood, donor leukocytes, host
inflammatory response, or reduced red cell deformability. 54 It has also been suggested that
transfusion may hamper right ventricular ejection by increasing the pulmonary vascular
resistance index.53 A restrictive strategy of RBC transfusion, with hemoglobin concentrations of 7
to 9 mg/dL, was found to be at least as effective and possibly superior to a liberal transfusion
strategy in critically ill patients by Herbert and coworkers. 55 This trial, however, did not specifically address patients with severe sepsis, and septic shock patients with hypovolemia and
global tissue hypoxia. Transfusion to keep hematocrit greater than 30% was one of the
recommendations of EGDT9 because hemoglobin is one of the factors that can affect SCVO2 and
SVO2. In EGDT volume resuscitation as the initial therapy was sufficient to restore a SCVO2 of
greater than 70% in 35.9% of patients. After fluid therapy, RBC transfusion in those patients with
a hematocrit less than 30% was successful in allowing an additional 50.4% of the patients to
attain a SCVO2 of greater than 70%. In those patients who met volume resuscitation and
hematocrit goals, inotropic therapy was required in the remainder of patients (13.7%) to reach a
SCVO2 of greater than 70%.2 Microvascular alterations play a role in the development of MODS
in severe sepsis. It has been shown in a small trial that sublingual microcirculation is globally
unaltered by RBC transfusion in septic patients; however, it can improve in patients with altered
capillary perfusion at baseline.56

Venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide (CO2) difference, calculated with mixed venous blood sample
(P[v-a]CO2), and cardiac index is inversely correlated in case of nonsep- tic and septic
circulatory failure.57,58 In an animal model increased P(v-a)CO2 was found to be related to the
decrease in cardiac output because P(v-a)CO2 was increased in ischemic hypoxia but not in
hypoxic hypoxia for the same degree of O2 supply-dependency.59 In a recent study by Vallee and
colleagues,60 89% of the resuscitated septic patients had a SCVO2 larger than 70%. In these
patients those with an initial P(cv-a)CO2 lower than 6 mm Hg had a lower lactate concentration
and a higher lactate clearance during the next 12 hours and a significant and larger decrease in
the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score on day 1 than patients who presented
with an initial P(cv-a)CO2 higher than 6 mm Hg. This suggests that the presence of a high P(cva)CO2 value could also be a useful tool to identify patients who remain inadequately resuscitated
despite a SCVO2 larger than 70%.

Global tissue hypoxia is one of the most important factors in the development of MODS. In
hemodynamically unstable critically ill patients, SCVO2 and SVO2 monitoring has been shown to
be a better indicator of global tissue hypoxia than vital signs and other clinical parameters alone.
SVO2 and SCVO2, although not identical, are functionally equivalent. S VO2 is probably more
representative of global tissue oxygenation, whereas SCVO2 is less invasive. SVO2 values are an
average of 5% to 7% lower than SCVO2 values and the changes in these two parameters
correlate. SVO2 and SCVO2 monitoring can have diagnostic and therapeutic uses in understanding



Maddirala & Khan

the efficacy of interventions in treating critically ill, hemodynamically unstable patients.


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Central & Mixed Venous O2 Sat

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