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Rush Limbaugh Echo Monday, 1/5/15

Seg#1: Everyone in DbM discussed my James Bond comment
They mention I said James Bond is White, but leave out my comment, How would it be for Mel Gibson
to portray B.H.Obama in a movie? You know what Al Sharpton would say. Why is it a one-way street?
Mitch McConnell announces his goal to not be scary. Does that mean he wants to diminish Ted Cruz?
We should just admit we are as Democrats describe us?
The African American vote is 93% Democratic. So we should all become Democrats? Bob Schieffer
never understands.
We would rather persuade and change the minds of people.
The Peoples Poll was conducted by Pat Caddell. Ill cull three days of polling down to highlights. 93% of
Republican voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction; 91% of Republicans think their
leadership is not doing a good job.
Do you know how the economy grew 5% and still in the dumps? The vast majority (over half) was
spending of healthcare because of Obama. Tyler Durbin revealed it. So everybody is in a great mood?
Polls shapes opinion.
I told Snerdley I love getting older: as a youth, I saw that older people were happier than I was, all of my
life. When I was 15 I wanted to be 20, etc. I wanted to get to where I knew I was headed.
> ED: Seeing the clock, Rush stops midsentence [realized Ive arrived.]
There is always a new audio book to write in the Paul Revere Series .
Seg#2: Rush Limbaugh had to focus after fantasies evaporated
OK, even at age 60, I wanted to be older (birthday coming up a week from today). All my fantasies are
evaporatingsome people are too olde. [Not enough time for his complete Bucket List, before he kicks
the provincial bucket.]
>>> I had to get in the proper frame of mind to do the showand I did !
Seg#3: Jeffry Epstein is a BIG-TIME Clintonite
Wealthy Jeffry Epstein is a BIG-TIME friend and donor to Bill Clinton; also, with the British royal now in a
scandal, Prince Andrew. Why now? This is olde news. Now age 30, the woman filing the lawsuit was
17. This cant be good for Hillary. Epstein went to jail and did his time. He had a sweetheart deal that
none of the names of participants would be revealed.
Epstein was Clintons transportation ticket all over the world. Whoever is doing this has to be attacking
Hillary. Ill never understand how Hillary gets over 10% popularity in any poll, because of things I

The kids today have a more pessimistic and complex life living today. They dont trust anyone over age
35, except for Hillary. Wait until they find out more about her. She ran the Bimbo Eruption to protect
Bill from rape charges.
We would love for something to stick to Bill Clinton besides the Blue Dress, and nothing ever does: not
even lying to a grand jury diminishes the Bill Clinton popularity with young Liberals. Well wait and see
how Epstein revelations affect their views.
Back to the poll. People are in a good mood? I hadnt noticed. I do in some people, but polling was
national. 23% of Republicans think future generations will a better life than we do. That does not
correlate to a GOOD MOOD.
Mario Cuomo was perhaps the most and biggest and profound What If candidate Democrats ever
had. He spoke in 1984 in San Francisco at the Democrat Convention, when MonDULL lost in 49 states.
Americans were in a good mood then. The Economy was starting to boom after the malaise of Jimmy
Carter. We were adding 700,000 jobs a month with Reagan [ED: did I hear right?] Cuomo gave a
speech of doom-and-gloom and helped elect Reagan.
There is an invisible America that you dont see and media loved it but the country didnt !
preferred Reagans Shining City on a Hill vision.


>>> Thats how Liberal Democrats work; thats how they can lose big!
Seg#4: Barack Hussein Obama works to destroy Reaganomics
It was a full-fledged attack on Reagan in 1984 and also a portrayal of America as The Worst of Times
when it wasnt true! Reagan is a liar and a fraud. Now again, everybody signs on to we are all
victims. It is striking how Optimism carried the day with a great leader. Voters had lived under 15%
unemployment and we were coming out of the Misery Index.
Here came the Democrat Party to wipe out the sense of optimism. Here we are 60 years later
repeating. Obama hated Reaganomics and wants to change Americahe is Hell-bent to go on tour
and show only Government can propel the economy.
>>> Obama goes on national tour to take down the Shining City on a Hill.
Segment#5: ED: Pat Caddell is a great Americans, polling for truth
[ED: Hard to Google and find the (1) Democrat and (2) low info views.]
(Theme Music) Back to the poll. 23% is as low as ever measured for Republicans to say our kids will do
better. 19% say the government is working in the best interest of the people. When you dont believe
the American Dream it affects everything.
The powerful are working for themselves. Govt is working to benefit those that sell their souls for a
piece of the action. Its not complicated. Call it crony capitalism or whatever you want. When it is

voting/campaigning time, Republicans say, We will go to Washington DC and change that and they
revert to seeking power.
60% want Boehner replaced; 64% think he has been ineffective in fighting Obamas Agenda. Thats
because they give lip-service and then go along. It is the Democrat Agenda, not just Obamas. Its not
worth fighting the guywe may as well get onboard. There are a few exceptions, like in the House.
There is no national party agenda against, (you name it) and they even let the losers write the budget.
Republicans leaders dont disagree with government getting bigger. When did that happen?
Business, for example, finds it easier to let government to wipe out your competition: minimum wage
going up; healthcare goes up; it hurts your smaller business competitors so you support against your
principles. It works faster than providing a better product/service.
All it took was a genuine socialist to win, and everyone threw in with him.
So they throw in with Al Sharpton and just pay him off to not attack. Just throw in with the enemy and
have a strife-free life. It will all come back to bite them in the butts. But until then, we are left to fight
for ourselves.
48% and 60% want Republican speakers replaced.
81% of Republicans voted to stop Obamacare. The election was to STOP Obama, including Obama
Amnesty. The Republican strategy was to shut up, and not say anything and so it becomes even
clearer: the vote was anti-Obama. 57% support the Tea Party agenda.
Democrats always tell you what they fear when they attack it. You have Independents and most
Republicans supporting Tea Party ideas.
>>> Yet, some Republicans are trying to destroy the Tea Party.

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