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Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006)




Sunway University College


The Bézier surface with C continuity on each common boundary between two composite triangular Bézier
patches is generated. The directional derivatives on the Bernstein polynomials are discussed. This is to ensure
that the C continuity is maintained along the boundary between the piecewise polynomials. The composite
patches are then generated by elevating the degree of the Bézier triangles.

Key words: Bézier triangle, directional derivatives, C r continuity, de Casteljau’s algorithm.


The idea of Bernstein polynomials on triangular patches was first introduced by de Casteljau
in 1959 (Boehm et al., 1984). De Casteljau’s algorithm is commonly used for generating the
graph that approximates the bivariate Bernstein polynomials. It was proved by Mühlbach in
1995 that the algorithm was indeed a particular case of the general extrapolation algorithm
introduced by Brezinski in 1980 (Brezinski, 1980; Carstensen et al., 1995).
De Casteljau’s algorithm will partition the Bézier triangle into three subtriangles. By
repeating the process, the triangular Bézier patch will converge to the triangular Bézier
surface. By considering the C continuity at the common boundary between two triangular
Bézier patches, theorems and lemmas related to the directional derivatives on Bernstein
polynomials are presented (Goldman, 1983). Based on the concept of C continuity, the
1 2
Bézier surface with C or C continuity at the common boundary between two triangular
Bézier patches are demonstrated.

Bézier Function Surface of Degree n on Triangular Domain

Consider the trivariate Bernstein polynomials of degree n on a triangle as

n! i j k
(1) Bin (u) = u v w , i = (i, j, k), i + j + k = n
i! j! k!
where u = (u,v,w) are the barycentric coordinates with u+v+w=1 and u,v,w ≥0. We can also

This paper is an extension of an unpublished report (Cheah, 2000).
22 Cheah Seong Leang

obtain the recursive relation

(2) B in (u ) = uB n −11 (u ) + vB n −1 (u ) + wB n −13 (u)
i−e i−e2 i−e
1 2 3
where e = (1,0,0), e = (0,1,0) and e = (0,0,1) are index vectors. As the polynomials
B in (u ) are linearly independent, they form the basis for the set  n of polynomials of
degree less than or equal to n on a triangle. Then a Bézier function surface of degree n on
the triangular domain
T = {(u, v, w) u, v, w ≥ 0, u + v + w = 1}
is described as
(3) p n (u) = ∑ b i B in (u ) , u ∈ T, i = (i, j, k), i = i + j + k = n
i =n
where b are the Bézier points of pn(u) . The points b will form the Bézier net or the
i i
triangular Bézier patch of the triangular Bézier function surface pn(u) (Chen and Wang,
2002). Sometimes the Bézier net and the function surface pn(u) are simply termed as Bézier
Based on the relation (2), a recursive relation for generating triangular surfaces can be
obtained as follows (Farin, 1981; 1982).

Theorem 1 Let T = {(u, v, w) u, v, w ≥ 0, u + v + w = 1} and the Bézier triangle of degree n

on the triangular domain T as
pn(u)= ∑ bi Bin(u), i = (i,j,k), i = i + j + k
i =n

We define b 0i (u) = b i and for r = 1,2,…,n,

(4) b ir (u ) = ub r −11 (u) + vb r−12 (u) + wb r −13 (u ) , i = n−r

i+e i+e i+e
Then for r = 0,1,…,n,
(5) p n (u ) = ∑ bir (u )B in −r (u )
i = n −r
Specifically, when r = n,
(6) pn(u) = b 0n (u )

Since p n (u) = b 0n (u ) when r = n, then (4) and (6) give an algorithm to compute pn(u) .
This algorithm is known as the de Casteljau’s algorithm for trivariate polynomials of degree
n. Figure 1 shows the geometry behind de Casteljau’s algorithm. For any barycentric
coordinates (u,v,w), the points pn(u) are determined. The points pn(u) will subdivide the
control net of the Bézier triangle into three subtriangles.
Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006) 23

Theorem 2 If b i (u), r = 0,1,..., n is defined as (4), then


(7) b ir (u ) = ∑ b i+. B.
r (u ) , i = n − r .
. =r

Figure 1. The formation of three subtriangles through de Casteljau’s

algorithm. Bézier curves are generated at the common boundaries between
two adjacent patches.


Let α = (α1, α2, α3) ∈ z+ x z+ x z+ and x = (x1, x2, x3) be the barycentric coordinates. We
define (Farin, 1981)
. ∂ f
(8) D f = .1 . 2 .3 , . = α1 + α 2 + α 3
∂x1 ∂x 2 ∂x 3

Consider u as the vector in the direction of two points with different barycentric
coordinates. Assume that u = (u1 , u2 , u3). Then u1+u2+u3= 0. Hence, the directional
derivatives of a function f in the direction of u can be written as
∂f ∂f ∂f
(9) D u f = u1 + u2 + u3
∂x1 ∂x 2 ∂x 3
As B (1,0,0) (u) = u 1 , B (0,1,0) (u) = u 2 and B (0,0,1) (u) = u 3 , we can have
1 1 1

(10) D u f = ∑ B1Â (u)DÂf


Theorem 3 The directional derivative of order r for a function f in the direction of the
vector u = (u1 , u2 ,u3) , u1+ u2+ u3 = 0, is given by
(11) ∑
Dur f = BÂr (u)DÂf , r = 0,1,..., n , Â = (α1 , α 2 , α 3 ) ∈ z+ x z+ x z+

D f=f and D u f = f
0 0
24 Cheah Seong Leang

Proof The derivative equation (11) is true for r = 0. Assume that it is true for r. Then,
Dur+1f = u ∂ (Dr f ) + u ∂ (Dr f ) + u ∂ (Dr f )
1 ∂x u 2 ∂x u 3 ∂x u
1 2 3
r (u)DÂ+e1f + u
= u1 ∑ B. r Â+e2f + u ∑ Br (u)DÂ+e3f
∑ B.(u)D 3 Â =r .
Â=r 2 Â=r
= r r Â
∑ u1B 1 (u) + u2B 2 (u) + u3B 3 (u)D f
Â=r+1 
 . -e . -e . -e 

= ∑ B. r+1(u)DÂf

Thus (11) is true by induction. 

Lemma 1 For x = (x1,x2,x3), x1+x2+x3 = 1, and u = (u1,u2,u3), u1+u2+u3 = 0,
(12) D ur B in (x) = ∑ BÂr (u)Bin−−Âr (x)
(n − r)! Â = r
where i = (i1 , i2 , i3) and i1 + i2 + i3 = n .

Proof From Theorem 3,

Dur Bin (x) = ∑ BÂr (u)DÂBin (x)
. =r

.  n! 
∂  x 1i1 x i22 x i22 
D . B in (x) =  i 1! i 2! i 3! 
.1 .2 .3
But ∂x 1 ∂x 2 ∂x 3
= x 1i1 − .1 x i22 −. 2 x i33 −. 3
(i1 − . 1 )! (i 2 − . 2 )! (i3 − . 3 )!
(13) D . B in (x) = B in−−.r (x)
(n − r)!
By substituting (13), Lemma (1) is proven. 
Theorem 4 Assume that p n (x) = ∑b B
i =n
i (x) . Define b 0i (x) = b i . For r = 1,2,...,n,
r −1 r −1
(14) b ( x) = x b
i 1 i +e1 ( x) + x 2 b i +e 2
(x) + x 3b ir+−1e3 (x)
Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006) 25

Then for r = 0,1,...,n, the directional derivative of order r in the direction of u = (u1,u2,u3),
u1+u2+u3 = 0 is given by
(15) D ur p n (x) = ∑
(n − r)! . = r
b .n − r (x)B .r (u)

Proof Since
p n (x) = ∑ b i Bin (x)
i =n

⇒ Dur p n (x) = ∑ b i Dur Bin (x)

i =n

From Lemma 1,
D ur p n (x) = ∑ bi
(n − r)! i = n

B . (u)B
n −r
i −. (x)

= ∑ ∑
(n − r)! k = n − r . = r
b k +. B .r (u)B kn − r (x) , k = i −.

= ∑ B.r (u) k∑
(n − r)! . = r
b k +. B kn − r (x)

= ∑ b .n −r (x)B .r (u) (from Theorem 2)
(n − r)! . = r

Corollary 1
(16) Dur p n (x) = ∑ bkr (u)Bkn−r (x)
(n − r)! k =n −r

Proof From (15),

n!  
D ur p n (x) = ∑  ∑ b k + . B .r (u) B kn − r (x)
(n − r)! k = n − r  . = r 

Then from Theorem 2,
D ur p n (x) =
∑ b kr (u) B kn − r (x)
(n − r)! k = n − r

Lemma 2 Define b 0i (x) = b i for every i1+i2+i3 = n and for r = 1,2,...,n ,
b ir (x) = x1b ir+−1e1 (x) + x 2 b ir+−1e2 (x) + x 3 b ir+−1e3 (x)
Then for any direction u , u1+u2+u3 = 0,
(17) D ur b ir (x) = r! b ir (u) , r = 0,1,..., n.
26 Cheah Seong Leang

Proof From Theorem 2, for r = 0,1,...,n ,

b ir (x) = ∑
i +. B .r (x)

So, D ur b ir (x) = ∑
i +. D ur B .r (x)

Dur B.r (x) = r ! ø Bkr (u) B0.−k (x)

From Lemma 1,

k =r

= r ! B.r (u)
1 if . = k
B .0 −k (x) = 
0 if . ≠ k
D ur b ir (x) = r! ∑ b i +. B .r (u)
. =r

= r!b ir (u) (from Theorem 2)

Let us consider a triangle [T1 , T2 , T3 ] where b (n,0,0) , b (0,n,0) and b (0,0,n) are the Bézier points
at T1, T2, T3 respectively. Let u1, u2 and u3 be the vectors parallel to the directions of
T2 T3 , T3T1 and T1T2 respectively. We define
(i) ∆ 2 , 3 b ( α , i 2 , i 3 ) = b ( α , i 2 , i 3 + 1) − b ( α , i 2 + 1, i 3 ) and
r −1
(18) ∆ r
2,3 = ∆ 2,3 ∆ 2,3 , . constant,
(ii) ∆ 3,1 b (i1 , β ,i3 ) = b (i1 +1, β ,i3 ) − b (i1 , β ,i3 +1) and
(19) ∆ r
3,1 = ∆ 3,1 ∆ ,  constant,
r −1

(iii) ∆1,2 b (i1 ,i 2 ,γ ) = b (i1 ,i 2 +1,γ ) − b (i1 +1,i 2 ,γ ) and

(20) −1
∆r1,2 = ∆ 1,2 ∆r1,2 ,  constant,
whereby for i = (i1, i2, i3), i1+i2+i3 = n, bi are Bézier points that will form the triangle
[T1 , T2 , T3 ] .

Lemma 3 On the triangle [T1 , T2 , T3 ] , for r = 0, l ,..., n and .   are constants,

(i) if u 1 = T2 T3 , then
D ur 1 b (r α ,i2 ,i3 ) ( x ) = r! b (r α ,i2 ,i3 ) (u 1 ) = r! ∆r2,3 b ( α ,i2 ,i3 )

(ii) if u 2 = T3 T1 , then
Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006) 27

D ur 2 b (ir 1 ,β , i 3 ) (x ) = r!∆r3,1b (i 1 ,β , i 3 )
(iii) if u 3 = T1T2 , then
D ur 3 b (ir 1 ,i2 , ( x ) = r! ∆r1,2 b (i1 ,i2 ,

Proof It is sufficient to prove one of the cases due to the symmetric property.
Let us consider case (i).
The equation in case (i) is true for r = 0 since
D u0 1 b 0( α ,i 2 ,i3 ) ( x) = b 0( α ,i 2 ,i 3 ) ( x) = b ( α ,i 2 ,i 3 )
= ∆02,3 b ( α ,i 2 ,i3 )
If the equation is true for r, then from Lemma 2,
D ur +11b (rα+1,i 2 ,i3 ) (x) = (r + 1)!b (rα+1,i 2 ,i3 ) (u 1 )
Here u1 = (0 , –1 , 1) . That means
(r + 1)!b (r+α1,i2 ,i3 ) (u1 )
= (r + 1)! 0 − b (r α ,i2 +1,i3 ) (u1 ) + b (rα ,i2 ,i3 +1) (u1 ) )
= (r + 1)!(∆ r
2,3 ( α ,i 2 ,i3 +1) − ∆r2,3 b ( α ,i2 +1,i3 ) )
= (r + 1)!∆r2,3 b ( α ,i2 ,i3 )
Thus Lemma 3 is true by mathematical induction. 
Composite Cubic Bézier Patches With Cr Continuity

By considering any two arbitrary triangles [T1 , T2 , T3 ] and [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ] , let

x = (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) and xˆ = (x̂1 , x̂ 2 , x̂ 3 ) represent a point on [T1 , T2 , T3 ] and [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ]
The points at the common boundary T2 T3 have coordinates (0, x 2 , x 3 ) and
(0, x̂ 2 , x̂ 3 ) relative to [T1 , T2 , T3 ] and [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ] respectively. Assume that T̂1 has
barycentric coordinates (t 1 , t 2 , t 3 ) on [T1 , T2 , T3 ] . This implies that
T̂1 = t 1T1 + t 2 T2 + t 3 T3
28 Cheah Seong Leang

Given x̂ as the barycentric coordinates in [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ] , then

x = xˆ
 x1 = x̂1t1

⇔ x 2 = x̂1t 2 + x̂ 2
x = x̂1t 3 + x̂ 3
 3

This means that any point P with barycentric coordinates xˆ = (x̂1 , x̂ 2 , x̂ 3 ) on [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ]
will have its equivalent x = (x̂ 1 t 1 , x̂ 1 t 2 + x̂ 2 , x̂ 1 t 3 + x̂ 3 ) on [ T1 , T2 , T3 ], where
T̂1 = (t1 , t 2 , t 3 ) towards [T1 , T2 , T3 ] . Specifically, if P is situated at the common boundary
T2T3, then its barycentric coordinates are x = (0, x 2 , x 3 ) = xˆ .
Let bi and b̂ i be the Bézier points towards [T1 , T2 , T3 ] and [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ] respectively.
Then, for polynomials

p n (x) = b i Bin (x) towards [ T1 , T2 , T3 ]
i =n

p̂ n (xˆ ) = ∑ b̂ i B in (xˆ ) towards [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ]
i =n

we are interested in finding the relationship between bi and b̂ i so that p n (x) = p̂ n (xˆ ) for all
x and x̂ that represents the same barycentric coordinates. For example,

p1 (x) = p̂1 (xˆ )

 b̂(1,0,0) = b1(0,0,0) (t )

⇔  b̂(0,1,0) = b (0,1,0)
 b̂(0,0,1) = b (0,0,1)

and p 2 (x) = p 2 (xˆ )

 b̂ (2,0,0) = b (0,0,0)
(t )

 b̂ (0,2,0) = b (0,2,0)
 b̂ (0,0,2) = b (0,0,2)
⇔ 
 b̂ (1,1,0) = b1(0,1,0) (t )
 b̂ (1,0,1) = b1(0,0,1) (t )

 b̂ (0,1,1) = b (0,1,1)
Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006) 29

Theorem 5 Let p n (x) = ∑b B

i =n
i (x) be a polynomial that is defined under barycentric

coordinates x towards [ T1 , T2 , T3 ] and p̂ n (xˆ ) = ∑i =n

b̂ i B in (xˆ ) be another polynomial that is

defined under barycentric coordinates x̂ towards [T̂1 , T2 , T3 ] . Then the polynomials

p n (x) and p̂ n (xˆ ) have C r continuity along the common boundary T2 T3
⇔ b !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (t 1 , t 2 − 1, t 3 ) = b̂ !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (1,−1,0) ∀ ! = 0,1,..., r , i 2 + i 3 = n − ! , 0 ≤ r ≤ n
where (t 1 , t 2 , t 3 ) are the barycentric coordinates of T̂1 on the triangle [ T1 , T2 , T3 ].

Proof The polynomials p n (x) and p̂ n (xˆ ) have C continuity at T2 T3 if and only if for
any two linearly independent vectors u  = uˆ  ,  = (1,2),
D !u p n (0, x 2 , x 3 ) = D !uˆ p̂ n (0, x 2 , x 3 ) ∀ (0, x 2 , x 3 ) ∈ T2 T3 , ! = 0,1,..., r , 0 ≤ r ≤ n
⇔ ∑b
i = n −ρ
i (u  )B in −ρ (x) = ∑ b̂
i = n −ρ
i (uˆ  )B in −ρ (xˆ ) , xˆ = x = (0, x 2 , x 3 )

⇔ b !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (u  ) = b̂ !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (uˆ  ) , ! = 0,1,..., r , 0 ≤ r ≤ n

u 1 = T2 T3 = (0,−1,1) = uˆ 1 ,

u 2 = T2 T̂1 = (t 1 , t 2 - 1, t 3 ) ,

uˆ 2 = (1,−1,0) = T̂2 T̂1

Therefore, we obtain
(23) b !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (0,−1,1) = b̂ !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (0,−1,1)
b ρ(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (t 1 , t 2 − 1, t 3 ) = b̂ ρ(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (1,−1,0) ç ! = 0,1,..., r , i 2 + i 3 = n − ! , 0 ≤ r ≤ n
From Lemma 3, the equation (23) yields
∆!2,3 b (0,i 2 ,i3 ) = ∆!2,3 b̂ (0,i 2 ,i3 ) , i 2 + i 3 = n − !
Ð b (0,i 2 ,i3 ) = b̂ (0,i 2 ,i3 ) , i 2 + i 3 = n
and this is the condition for (24) when ! = 0 . Thus, the polynomials p n (x) and p̂ n (xˆ )
have C continuity on T2 T3 if and only if
b (0,i 2 ,i3 ) (t 1 , t 2 − 1, t 3 ) = b̂ (0,i 2 ,i3 ) (1,−1,0)
for ! = 0,1,..., r , 0 ≤ r ≤ n and i 2 + i 3 = n − ! . 
30 Cheah Seong Leang

Corollary 2 For every ! = 0,1,..., r , 0 ≤ r ≤ n ,

p n (x) = p̂ n (xˆ )
(25) Ð b̂ (! ,i 2 ,i3 ) = b !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (t ) , i 2 + i 3 = n − !
where t = (t 1 , t 2 , t 3 ), t 1 + t 2 + t 3 = 1 are barycentric coordinates for T̂1 on [ T1 , T2 , T3 ].
Proof From Lemma 3, the equation (21) is equivalent with
D !t′ b !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (x) = D !t′′b̂ !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (xˆ ) , ! = 0,..., r , 0 ≤ r ≤ n
where t ' = (t 1 , t 2 − 1, t 3 ) and t '' = (1,−1,0).
Since t ' and t have the same directions, therefore
(26) b !(0,i2 ,i3 ) (x) = b̂ !(0,i2 ,i3 ) (xˆ )
But equation (26) is also true for x = t = (t 1 , t 2 , t 3 ) and xˆ = (1,0,0) . So,
b!(0,i2 ,i3 ) (t ) = b̂ !(0,i2 ,i3 ) (1,0,0)
= b̂ ( !,i2 ,i3 ) ,
for ! = 0,1,...,r , 0 ≤ r ≤ n , i 2 + i 3 = n − ! 
Implications of Corollary 2 :
ˆ = t is inside the triangle [ T , T , T ], then T̂ will divide the triangle
(a) When T1 1 2 3 1
[ T1 , T2 , T3 ] into three subtriangles. The points b (0,i 2 ,i 3 ) (t ) that are obtained will be the
same as the required coefficients. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. Partitioning of [ T1 , T2 , T3 ] by T̂1 into three subtriangles

when T̂1 is inside the triangle [ T1 , T2 , T3 ]
Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006) 31

(b) When T̂1 is outside the triangle [ T1 , T2 , T3 ], then for the given Bézier points b i , the
points b̂ i have to satisfy the C continuity at the common boundary T2 T3 between the
two surfaces p n (x) and p̂ n (xˆ ) . See Figure 3.

Figure 3. Two adjacent triangles form a smooth

Quadrilateral with C continuity

Example Let n = 3, r = l. Assume that t = (t 1 , t 2 , t 3 ) is situated outside the control

triangular Bézier patch.
For ! = 0 , equation (25) implies that
b̂ !(0,i 2 ,i3 ) = b (0,i 2 ,i3 ) , i2 + i3 = 3
For ! = 1 ,
b̂ !(1,i 2 ,i3 ) = b1(0,i 2 ,i3 ) (t ) , i2 + i3 = 2
= t 1 b (1,i 2 ,i3 ) + t 2 b (0,i 2 +1,i3 ) + t 3 b (0,i 2 ,i3 +1)

Therefore for C continuity, the quadrilaterals formed by the two adjacent triangles at the
common boundary between the two triangular Bézier patches are smooth planes.
Figure 4(left) shows the combined composite patches with control net at the center
1 2
accompanied by two composite patches with C and C continuities on the right and left of
the control net respectively. Figure 4(right) is the improvement of Figure 4(left) by raising 8
degrees. A closed surface can be obtained by setting the barycentric coordinates based on
some end conditions as seen in Figures 5 and 6.
32 Cheah Seong Leang

Figure 4. (Left) The combined composite cubic patches with control net at the center
1 2
accompanied by two composite patches with C and C continuities on the right and left of
the control net respectively. (Right) The effect of raising by 8 degrees (Cohen et al., 1985).

Figure 5. (Left) The control composite cubic Bézier patches with C continuity at each
common boundary. (Right) The effect of 5 degrees elevation.

Figure 6. (Left) The control composite cubic Bézier patches with C continuity at each
common boundary. (Right) The effect of 5 degrees elevation.


The concept of triangular spline has improved the flexibility in designing objects. The wide
application of triangular spline in solid modeling and texture mapping has always been a
great challenge for computer graphics and virtual environments (Sheffer et al., 2002;
Chandrajit et al., 2003). Hence, the study in the degree of continuity is important for
Sunway Academic Journal 3, 21–33 (2006) 33

designing objects that are formed by piecewise patches. As we can see, the C continuity at
the common boundaries between triangular patches has made the composition of surfaces
possible (Stephen, 2002). Future development will see the possibility of controlling the
curve and surfaces based on the interval parameterization concept whereby developable
objects can be generated without fail (Chen and Deng, 2003).


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