Viewpoint: The CDC Fatal Dog Attack Report Issued in 2000 Was Positively Biased

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Fatal dog attacks, 1989-1994. [Pediatrics. 1996] ...

U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

Display Settings: Abstract

Pediatrics. 1996 Jun;97(6 Pt 1):891-5.

Fatal dog attacks, 1989-1994.

Sacks JJ, Lockwood R, Hornreich J, Sattin RW.
Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA 30341, USA.

OBJECTIVES. To update data on fatal dog bites and see if past trends have continued. DESIGN. To merge data from vital
records, the Humane Society of the United States, and searches of electronic news files. SETTING: United States.
SUBJECTS. U.S. residents dying in the U.S. from 1989 through 1994 from dog bites. RESULTS. We identified 109 dog
bite-related fatalities, of which 57% were less than 10 years of age. The death rate for neonates was two orders of
magnitude higher than for adults and the rate for children one order of magnitude higher. Of classifiable deaths, 22%
involved an unrestrained dog off the owner's property, 18% involved a restrained dog on the owner's property, and 59%
involved an unrestrained dog on the owner's property. Eleven attacks involved a sleeping infant; 19 dogs involved in fatal
attacks had a prior history of aggression; and 19 of 20 classifiable deaths involved an unneutered dog. Pit bulls, the most
commonly reported breed, were involved in 24 deaths; the next most commonly reported breeds were rottweilers (16) and
German shepherds (10). CONCLUSIONS. The dog bite problem should be reconceptualized as a largely preventable
epidemic. Breed-specific approaches to the control of dog bites do not address the issue that many breeds are involved in
the problem and that most of the factors contributing to dog bites are related to the level of responsibility exercised by dog
owners. To prevent dog bite-related deaths and injuries, we recommend public education about responsible dog ownership
and dog bite prevention, stronger animal control laws, better resources for enforcement of these laws, and better reporting
of bites. Anticipatory guidance by pediatric health care providers should address dog bite prevention.

PMID: 8657532 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] !"#$"%&'()*+,&-../

MeSH Terms

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1 of 1 1/15/10 1:08 PM
Pet Pitbull - Positive Press


properly," he says. The dog should also be well-mannered, constantly under supervision when in public areas, and safely confined-with some
added precautions to prevent innocent trespassers from coming in contact with the dog. "Kids do come onto property," heeds Beck, adding that
young children cannot read "Beware of Dog" signs.

In California, for example, if a dog is reported to an animal control officer or law enforcement officer as being a threat to the neighborhood, the
state's dangerous dog law requires the dog's owner to be notified and a hearing held to determine if the dog is potentially dangerous (could cause
serious injury) or vicious (has caused serious injury). Dogs that are found to be potentially dangerous must be licensed, vaccinated, and kept
indoors or in "securely fenced yard from which the dog cannot escape, and into which children cannot trespass." Dogs that are found to be vicious
may be destroyed by the animal control department if the court finds that the release of the dog back into the owner's custody "would create a
significant threat to the public health, safety and welfare." The California courts may also prevent an owner – who is found to own a vicious dog –
from owning another dog for a period of up to three years.

To keep abreast of what is going on
The HSUS supports dangerous dog laws and has supported the passage of several laws in various
regarding breed banning and dangerous
states. The HSUS places the responsibility of the rampant dog bite statistics and even dog bite
dog legislation in your area, the following
fatalities squarely on the shoulders of the dog owner – not the type of dog. "Every dog owner must
organizations maintain legislative
accept responsibility for preventing dog bites by spaying and neutering their pets, training and
web-sites. Humane Society of the United
socializing them properly, and by ensuring that their dogs are safely confined," says Leslie Sinclair,
States – The HSUS maintains a web-site
DVM, HSUS's director of veterinary issues for companion animals. Pigeonholing a certain breed as
devoted to dog bite prevention,
dangerous and then banning it doesn't get rid of the problem, she notes, pointing out that dog
education, and legislative issues at:
owners who want a dangerous dog will simply turn to another breed. The Doberman Pinscher was
the "scary" dog of the 1970s, the Pit Bull in the 1980s, and now the Rottweiler in the 1990s.
American Kennel Club – The AKC's
Sinclair clarifies, however, that the HSUS doesn't deny that certain breeds, such as the Pit Bull,
Canine Legislation Department publishes
have a history of being abused by humans and have been used – and are still being used illegally –
a monthly newsletter, "Taking Command,"
for dog fighting in which the dog does not let go until it kills the other animal. With a good dangerous
that is available to the legislative
dog law, Sinclair says "The legislation focuses on the human who allowed the problem to develop,
chairperson of local, regional and
and who will "do it again" with another dog, if allowed to." She adds, "Good laws protect dogs and
national breed clubs. For the rest of us
require better care for the dogs."
dog owners, an electronic version can be
downloaded monthly from the AKC's
Watch Your Step
web-site at The
Currently, "watchdog" organizations that track breed banning legislation say that twelve states have
AKC also offers a free packet of
adopted dangerous dog laws and have "outlawed" laws banning specific breeds. Other states are
information on dangerous dog legislation
not regulated in this way. "People need to understand that dog ownership of certain breeds is
for those who are trying to battle or
getting tougher all the time," says Mickie Brown, legislative chairperson of the Bull Dog Club of
prevent breed banning in their areas.
America. She advises dog owners – particularly those of targeted breeds – to stay current on their
local situation. Animal legislation may not hit the front page of the paper, so it is possible for a dog
Rott-n-Chatter – This informative
owner to suddenly be in a situation in which he or she must either give up the dogs, or move.
web-site is from the Rottweiler folks who
maintain up-to-date legislative
"Dog owners of breeds that are often singled out for breed banning have an added responsibility,"
information on all breed bans for all
Sinclair echoes. "They not only need to keep an eye on the issues, they also need to be model dog
states. It can be accessed at:
owners." Dogs that are highly-trained, well socialized, and properly cared for, she notes, help to
counter random images of those that are abused, isolated, ill-kept, and poorly trained. They might
also help to prevent legislators from taking the easy way out with a breed ban law, and perhaps
consider more complex laws that are fairer to responsible owners and better for dogs as a whole.

! 1999 Joan Hustace Walker, Chesapeake, VA




2 of 3 1/15/10 12:43 PM
American Pit Bull Terrier--PIT BULL REPORTER...

Rottweilers now 'deadliest dog' !"#$%&'()*+%,&$%-./*#$"+0%12%

Veterinarians: Pit bulls second, but dogs aren't to blame 3+-4+5/+'%678%9:::;%4"+%0&<%4"+%=>=%

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 — It's not a record anyone would be proud of, but a study
released by veterinarians Friday found that rottweilers have passed pit bulls as the
deadliest dog breed in the United States. The authors didn't blame the animals, but people
for not knowing how to train their dogs and others for not knowing when to stay away
from unfamiliar dogs.

'People are more in fear of crime and violence, and this has
led to a selection of bigger dogs. If you start selecting bigger
dogs, you’ll get bigger bites.'
ROTTWEILERS were involved in 33 fatal attacks on humans between 1991 and 1998, the American Veterinary Medical
Association said.

Pit bulls, which had been responsible for more deaths than any other breed, were involved in 21 fatal attacks over the same

Rottweilers, first bred in Germany, surged in popularity during the 1990s as more people sought them for protection, said
Jeffrey Sacks, an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"People are more in fear of crime and violence, and this has led to a selection of bigger dogs," he said. "If you start selecting
bigger dogs, you’ll get bigger bites."

The study’s authors, using data from the Humane Society of the United States and media accounts of dog maulings, reported
27 people — 19 of them children — died from dog attacks in 1997 and 1998.

The numbers highlight widespread mistreatment of dogs and a growing public ignorance of how to behave around them,
researchers said. They blamed adults for not teaching children to stay away from unfamiliar dogs.

"It’s not a Rottweiler problem or a pit bull problem," said Randall Lockwood, the Humane Society’s vice president for research
and educational outreach. "It’s a people problem."

NONFATAL ATTACKS RISE !"#$"%%&'()*+(($,&-...

The annual number of reported fatal attacks has not varied widely in the past 20 years, the study said. But overall attacks are
on the rise — likely because families are busier, leaving them less time to train their dogs and watch their children.

"A dog has to have its behavior monitored and consequences put in place," Sacks said. "People don’t seem to have a lot of
time in their lives for that."

Pit bulls led all breeds for fatal attacks between 1979 and 1998, with at least one pit bull involved in 66 mauling deaths, the
study said. Rottweilers were blamed for 37 — most of those in the 1990s — followed by German shepherds with 17 and
huskies with 15.

Researchers cautioned the breakdown does not necessarily indicate which dogs provide the highest risk of fatal attacks
because incomplete registration of dogs and mixed breeds make it hard to determine how many of each type of dog Americans

1 of 1 1/12/10 7:34 PM
Responsible ownership the alternative to breed ...

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Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association November 15, 2000

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Jan 15 Go

Responsible ownership the alternative to breed
Dec 15 Go
banning, other restrictions
Dec 15 Go

A man is out for a stroll in his community with his Bull Terrier. He is
stopped by the local animal control officer and told that "pit bulls"
Dec 15 Go are restricted from his community. The man cannot prove that his
dog is not a pit bull-type dog and that it is a well-trained, household
2006 pet. The dog is confiscated and euthanatized.
Dec 15 Go
Think it could never happen in your community? Although only one
state currently has a statewide breed restriction (Ohio), hundreds of
2005 communities within the United States are actively pursuing breed
Dec 15 Go bans and breed-restrictive legislation.

2004 When Robert Duffy, executive director of the American Dog Owners
Association, learned that breed banning attempts in Germany during
Dec 15 Go the past year included approximately 16 breeds, he worried that the
spectrum of breed banning in the United States could increase as
2003 incidents characterize certain breeds as dangerous.
Dec 15 Go
"We get involved in many of these issues," he said, "writing to
legislators, asking how animal control officers can be charged with enforcing breed bans and restrictions
when they have little or no training to identify specific breeds. Even if they could, there is really no way of
Dec 15 Go defining what a 'pit bull' is and isn't."

2001 In an ADOA letter he sends to legislators across the country, Duffy cites approximately 15 breeds that are
similar in appearance to breeds that have been targeted as dangerous. "Owners of these dogs would not
Dec 15 Go
take kindly to their dogs being misidentified and something bad happening to them as a result," he said.
"In a lot of cases the animal control officer is the final judge."
Dec 15 Go Duffy has identified cities all over the country that are attempting to ban or restrict pit bull-type dogs,
and, increasingly, Rottweilers. In October, the village of Broadview, Ill, passed a breed-restrictive
ordinance adding Doberman Pinscher to those two categories. According to Duffy, Broadview is not a
Search by Headline Listing
home rule state, and is therefore bound by Illinois law that doesn't allow for breed-restrictive ordinances.
JAVMA News Express He said that Broadview's passing the ordinance, therefore, may be in violation of Illinois law. Broadview is
archive not unique, however. Duffy added that many communities disregard state laws when pursuing these
ordinances, which could open the door for lawsuits if an owner's pet is treated unjustly. Duffy has been
keeping a close watch on the kinds of breed that are being singled out.

"Pit bull-type dogs, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Terrier are among other
Biosecurity breeds being targeted of late," he said. "Rare and mixed breeds are also victims."
Public Health According to Dr. Randall Lockwood, vice president of research and educational outreach for the Humane
4/*)7055)41"4+8+.&+9):,556 Society of the United States, "Constitutional and practical issues are raised in the enforcement of breed-
%1/;,.)71,,&6(4,#/<#)5+%() specific ordinances because of difficulty inherent in determining breed with certainty."
Members Only Data in a report published in the Sept 15, 2000 issue of the JAVMA indicate that breed-specific legislation
is not the solution to dog bite prevention. The report revealed that, during the past 20 years, at least 25
#5/#$)=,1,)*")5,+1.)-"1,9 breeds of dog have been involved in 238 human fatalities. Pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers were
identified as being involved in 66 and 39 fatalities, respectively, over that 20-year period; however, other
purebreds and crossbreds caused the remainder of fatalities.

1 of 2 1/15/10 1:13 PM
Responsible ownership the alternative to breed ...

Some files on this page require

Adobe Reader software. Click Twenty-four percent of deaths involved dogs that were not restrained and were not on their owners'
on the image above to property, 58 percent of deaths involved dogs that were not restrained but were on their owners' property,
download it for free from the 17 percent involved restrained dogs on their owners' property, and one percent involved a restrained dog
Adobe site.
off its owners' property.

Dr. Gail C. Golab, co-author of the study and assistant director of the AVMA Education and Research
Division, confirmed, "Breeds responsible for human fatalities have varied over time. Since 1975, dogs
belonging to more than 30 breeds—including Dachshunds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and a
Yorkshire Terrier—have been responsible for fatal attacks on people."

The authors of the study say that, although fatal human attacks may appear to be a breed-related
problem, dogs of other breeds may bite and cause fatalities at higher rates.

"A dog of any breed can become dangerous when bred or trained to be aggressive," Dr. Jeffrey Sacks,
!"#$"%&'()*+,&-... epidemiologist for the CDC, said. "Fatal attacks represent only a very small proportion of dog bite injuries
and shouldn't be the primary factor driving public policy regarding dangerous dogs."

Duffy said that when a breed is restricted in a community, or if certain breeds are put on the "bad dog"
list, insurance rates for owners of those dogs become exorbitant.

"It's really a kind of banning," he said, "because the liability rates imposed are so great that most people
can't afford the insurance. In some places, you can't even get liability insurance because you own a [dog
of a] certain breed."

Inevitably, he says, owners who have trained, well-behaved dogs become affected by the small
percentage of owners whose dogs have been involved in aggressive incidents.

"All the responsible owners of the breed are put to financial hardship," Duffy said. "Their insurance is
likely to go right out the window."

Duffy would prefer to see communities adopt a law that takes all breeds of dog into consideration and is
focused on penalizing the owner of the dog with the objectionable behavior.

Dr. Golab agrees. She favors consistent enforcement of generic, non-breed-specific, dangerous-dog laws
with an emphasis on chronically irresponsible owners. She recommends increased enforcement of animal
!"#$%!&$"'(%)*** control ordinances such as leash laws and fencing requirements, prohibition of dog fighting, and
neutering. Dr. Golab also emphasizes the value of educational programs for adults and children that teach
pet selection strategies, pet care and responsibility, and bite prevention.

Pediatrician and medical epidemiologist Dr. Julie Gilchrist from the CDC also promotes the idea of
responsible pet ownership. "Dog bite reduction strategies are more likely to be effective if they focus on
reducing inappropriate dog and dog owner behaviors, regardless of the dog's breed, instead of on
banning specific breeds."

The AVMA's dog bite prevention campaign continues to inform the public about techniques for avoiding
dog bites, and to promote responsible pet ownership. Breeds don't need to be banned, but dog owners'
irresponsible behavior should be.

Sharon Granskog, AVMA public information assistant, contributed to this report.

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2 of 2 1/15/10 1:13 PM
Good News for Pets > Pet World

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Pit Bulls in the City IN THIS SECTION:

--A Revealing Steve Dale Biographical

Discussion on Breed
Article Archive
Specific Legislation,
Surprising Comments STEVE DALE:
from the Director for To arrange a personal interview
with Steve Dale, or for answers
the Center for the to your pet questions, contact
Human Animal Bond--


Part 1
"Pit bulls are different; they're like wild animals," says Alan Beck, director for !"#$%&'()*+%,&$%-./*#$"+0%#1%2"+%
the Center for the Human Animal Bond at Purdue University School of 3)&*&%42&'%5&11+'%61%768+9/+'%
Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, IN. "They're not suited for an urban :;<%=>>;?
environment. I believe we should open our eyes and take a realistic
approach to pit bulls."

Those who condemn pit bulls and call for breed bans targeting these dogs
tend to be members of the general population, or most often, it seems,
politicians. Beck isn't calling for breed bans – he stops just short of that
resulting from research yet to be published. Still, it's exceedingly rare for an !"#$%&'()*$+,-$./01$0"2'/($*2$
animal expert to vilify pit, and few would doubt Beck's credentials. He's
renowned for his decades of groundbreaking research on using animals in
therapeutic settings, such as nursing homes. He's the co-author of "Between
Pets and People: The Importance of Animal Companionship" (Purdue
University Press, West Lafayette, IN, 1996; $29.95).

Controversy about dangerous dogs seems to be in the media daily, and

mostly it's pit bull-bull-type dogs who are guilty. Many communities around
the world have responded with breed specific bans, but many experts
contend that's not the right answer.

In 2000, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), American

Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) teamed to investigate whether or not breed specific
legislation (banning individual breeds, such as pit bulls, from communities) is
effective. The results of their studies were published in several scientific

"We learned breed specific legislation is not the way to tackle the issue of !"#$%&'$#()*$+,-&.//0
dog bites," says Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the CDC Injury Center in Atlanta, GA.
"Instead, we should look at the people with those dogs responsible for the !"#$%&''$'()*$(+,$-.#$/,*"0-,/$#.$
bites." *.'1,$($2.33&-"#45*$)6.',$7/.0$
Animal Behaviorist Randy Lockwood, Vice President of research and *&00,*#,/$%4$#6,$-(3,$.;$($78"#$
education at the HSUS in Washington D.C. says about 100 percent of dogs
involved in fatal attacks were unaltered males, also in the overwhelming
majority of instances the dogs were previously complained about but animal
control or law enforcement failed to take action. Other risk factors include %&''$3(&'"-0*9
dogs who roamed the neighborhood or dogs who were tethered.

"I believe the answer is to strengthen and then enforce laws that encourage
responsible dog ownership for all dogs of all breeds," says Dr. Bonnie Beaver,
a veterinary behaviorist in College Station, TX who has worked on breed
specific issues, and is now the president of the AVMA. The thinking is if dogs

1 of 4 1/12/10 4:38 PM
• For each dog bite fatality there are about 670 hospitalizations and 16,000 emergency
room visits, 21,000 other medical visits (office and clinic), and 187,000 non-medically
treated bites.
• Dog bites are the second highest activity that sends children to emergency care
superseding the following activities: playground accidents, all-terrain vehicles and
moped use, volleyball, inline skating, horseback riding, baby walkers and
Not All Dogs Are Equal J$(4,+C9)*+%)'.$)PC'0%/+1)B0C0?0)3/')LO88)L0C1)FGGQI

The theory that "all dogs are equal" and should not be subject to "breed profiling" has placed the general
public at great risk. Hundreds of US cities are reacting by creating BSL to protect families and pets from
pit bull type dogs. On an international level, entire countries have banned them, including: England,
Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Singapore
and the UAE.

Experts Agree that Not All Dogs are Equal

In the canine world, aggressive personalities are both made and born. Herding dogs, for instance,
instinctually herd; it is an inherited trait. Pit bulls and fighting breeds instinctually fight and therefore
require special supervision. Alan Beck, a world-renowned dog ecologist, recently submitted testimony on
behalf of Ontario, Canada's pit bull ban:

“While all breeds of dogs can and do bite on occasion, pit bulls (due to their inherent fighting nature,
strength and high pain threshold) have a much higher potential of being involved in a serious attack
than most, if not all, breeds. There is no doubt that the fear of pit bull dogs is reasonable and social
tension about them should also be considered when a community is developing policy."

He adds in his conclusion that:

"Pit bulls are like a "loaded gun." Like guns, in the wrong hands there is great potential for serious
harm to humans and pets. Even in the hands of the "innocent" there is serious potential for harm
as is evidenced by the common media reports of attacks where pit bull owners are reported as
saying they were responsible and never had a problem until the attack in question."10

Alan Beck, PhD

Alan Beck is an ecologist with a doctorate from The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. From 1974-1979 he
directed the Bureau of Animal Affairs, in the Department of Health, City of New York. For the next ten years, he
directed the "Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society" at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1990,
he has been the Dorothy N. McAllister Professor of Animal Ecology and Director of the "Center for the Human-
Animal Bond" at Purdue University.

For more than two decades, he conducted studies on the interaction of people and their pet animals, the
epidemiology and behavior of animal bite injury, and the epidemiology of rabies. He has also served as a
consultant on the reporting of animal bite and animal control for the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and
several municipalities around the country.

Proactive Dog Policy: Why Seattle Needs It | by Colleen Lynn 7

Printer-friendly version

As state and local lawmakers work to pass laws to keep the pit bull population under control, pit bull owners say breed-
specific laws unfairly label pit bulls as vicious even if a dog hasn't attacked a person or another dog.
For a dog of any other breed to be considered "vicious" under Ohio law, it has to kill another dog or cause injury to a

Under Ohio law, people owning "vicious" dogs must pay more for liability insurance and keep their animal confined in a
locked, fenced yard or a secure enclosure with a roof.

In Toledo, residents may own only one pit bull, which must have a leash and be muzzled when in a public place.

Pain at the pound

Toledo resident Emmanuel Rodriguez shook his head in frustration last week at the Lucas County dog pound when an
employee told him he couldn't take his pit bull, Bo Stank, home because of the city's laws applying to vicious dogs.

"My dog's the friendliest dog in the world," he said angrily. But the employee told Mr. Rodriguez he must pay a $100 fine
and an additional $100 to have Bo neutered if he wants his dog back, because of a recently passed Toledo City Council

"You have until July 24 to pay all your fees," a pound employee told him. "You need to know if you don't pay by then, your
dog will be euthanized."

Mr. Rodriguez's pit bull was seized by county dog catchers after it was seen running loose without a collar near children on
July 6 near Asbury Park in West Toledo.

Witnesses said Bo returned home without incident. But when police arrived, they said Bo approached them in an
aggressive manner and one officer threatened to shoot the dog.

Mr. Rodriguez said Bo never has bitten anyone.

"He was only out for 10 minutes," Mr. Rodriguez told Karla Hamlin, a Lucas County deputy dog warden.

"It only takes a minute for somebody to get hurt," she responded.

Nature vs. nurture !"#$%!&$"'(%)**+

Dr. Gail Golab, director of animal welfare for the American Veterinarian Medical Association, called Mr. Rodriguez
irresponsible for not confining his dog properly. But she said breed-specific laws are a "knee-jerk" reaction by lawmakers
who don't address the real issue.

"[The veterinarian association does] not believe that the breeds considered to be pit bulls are inherently vicious," she said.
"It's not so much nature as it is nurture. It's about teaching dogs how to behave around people and teaching people how to
behave around dogs."

Dr. Golab said dog-bite statistics that suggest pit bulls bite most often are not necessarily accurate. They are hard to
properly formulate, she said, because it's hard for some people to identify what breed bit them and the only bites that
typically get recorded are ones reported in the media, to lawyers, or police.

The breed of dog that supposedly bites the most has changed over time, and there's a correlation with the breed's
popularity, she said.

"If you were to look back 20 years ago, you'd see German shepherds were responsible for the most dog injuries," she
said. "Five years later, you saw pit bulls. At other times you saw Rottweilers at the top spot, and still other times you saw
Doberman pinschers."

Defining 'pit bull'

Many experts have a hard time determining what a pit bull is.

The veterinarian association, which along with the American Kennel Club and the United Kennel Club set the standards
for dog breeds in the United States, says the term pit bull does not refer to a specific breed of dog. It's a generic label that
refers to several breeds.

2 of 4 1/12/10 4:36 PM



AAPS - 2008 Annual Meeting Abstracts - A ten-year, two-institutio...

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A ten-year, two-institution review of pediatric dog attacks: Advocating for a nationwide prohibition of
dangerous dogs
1 1 1 1
Jugpal S. Arneja, MD, FRCSC , Kara Pappas, B.S. , William Huettner, M.D. , Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D. , Gurbalbir Singh,
1 2
Children's Hospital of Michigan/Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

Affectionately referred to as ‘man’s best friend’, dog attacks in the pediatric population often test this analogy. Pediatric dog
attacks are a significant public health issue that negatively affects the psychological well-being of a child. We performed
analysis of our cumulative two-institution pediatric dog attack data, present representative cases and offer evidence to
support a nationwide prohibition of dangerous dogs.
A retrospective review was performed at two urban Children’s hospitals from 1996-2005 of all dog attacks presenting to
the plastic surgery service. Charts were reviewed with analysis of patient demographics, injury site, operative intervention,
and dog-specific data.
109 patients were included for review, with 83% of attacks occurring in the facial region. Mean age was 3.9 years (range
2-18 years). 67% of attacks involved multiple anatomic sites, 95% required surgical intervention with 30% requiring a skin
graft or flap reconstruction. 88% of dogs were known to the victim, 46% of attacks were provoked, 73% of dogs were
euthanized and 57% of dogs were deemed to be of a dangerous breed (Pit Bill or Rottweiler). Mean hospital duration was
4.7 days and 27% required additional reconstructive plastic surgery. Figures below illustrate a representative case of a
4-year old female attacked by her aunt's dog, resulting in a complete nasal amputation, preoperatively (upper), at time of
forehead flap reconstruction (middle), and five years post-operatively (lower), with an acceptable functional and aesthetic
Dog attacks in the pediatric population produce significant costs including physical morbidity, psychological disability, and
financial strains. A majority of attacks were by a known dog, in the facial region, by dogs which we define as of a
dangerous breed. Much of the injury patterns are unique to children and these injuries and associated costs can be
significantly diminished, as the problem is often preventable. Our cases present the ‘tip of the iceberg’ as our cases only
represented consultations directed to Plastic Surgery. The Province of Ontario, Canada has banned Pit Bulls since 2004, as
have several American cities. We describe the scope of the problem, preventative guidelines, and outline why
organizational advocacy in plastic surgery should be directed towards a national prohibition of dangerous dogs.

1 of 3 5/17/09 10:44 PM
Bites, Animal: Multimedia - eMedicine Emergenc...

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Bites, Animal: Multimedia
Author: Alisha Perkins Garth, MD, Staff Physician, Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency, Brigham and Women's
Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital
Coauthor(s): N Stuart Harris, MD, FACEP, Assistant Professor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital;
Attending Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital
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Updated: Jun 25, 2009

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Multimedia Overview
Differential Diagnoses & Workup
Media file 1: The devastating
damage sustained by a Treatment & Medication
preadolescent male during a pit Follow-up
bull attack. Almost lost in this
photograph is the soft tissue
damage to this victim's thigh. References
This patient required 2 units of
O- blood and several liters of Animal Bites (Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery)

isotonic crystalloid. Repair of Bites, Human (Emergency Medicine)

(Enlarge Image)
these wounds required a Facial Soft Tissue Trauma (Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic
pediatric surgeon, an Surgery)
experienced orthopedic surgeon, Bites, Insects (Emergency Medicine)
and a plastic surgeon. Attacks
Patient Education
such as these have caused a
Animal Bites Treatment
movement in some areas of the
country to ban pit bulls. Bites and Stings Center
Animal Bites Overview

Media file 2: Massive soft tissue damage of the right leg caused by a pit bull Animal Bites Causes
attack. This patient was transferred to a level one pediatric trauma center for Animal Bites Symptoms
care. At times, staff members may need counseling after caring for savagely Rabies Overview
mauled patients. Bacterial and Viral Infections Center


Target HbA1c Levels Still the Subject of Much Debate, But
(Enlarge Image) Tailored Therapy Should Be the Aim
Calcium Reverses Fracture Risk Associated With Diet High in
Animal Protein
Media file 3: Massive soft tissue damage of the lower left leg caused by a pit
bull attack. Most of the fatalities from dog bites are children. Rottweilers and pit Australia to Lift Ban on Animal Transplants

bulls are responsible for about 60% of fatalities. Articles

Reemerging Rabies and Lack of Systemic Surveillance in
People's Republic of China
British HIV Association Guidelines for Immunization of
HIV-Infected Adults 2008
Tularemia -- Missouri, 2000-2007

(Enlarge Image)

1 of 2 1/14/10 11:39 AM

Pitbull Mauling Deaths in Detroit

Cheryl L. Loewe, MD, Francisco J. Diaz, MD, and John Bechinski, DO

dead animal. The cases will be discussed in sequence in an

Abstract: Between the years 1987 and 2005, there were 6 deaths
reported in Wayne County, Michigan, associated with pitbull dog
order according to increasing age.
attacks. This article discusses the age incidence, scene investigation,
nature of the injuries, and discussion relative to fatal dog attacks, an CASE REPORTS
unusual accidental type of death.
Case 1
Key Words: mauling, pitbull, fatal dog bite
A 2-month old white male infant was found decapi-
(Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2007;28: 356 –360) tated on the living room floor. A 12-year-old sibling was
sleeping on the sofa in the same room and awoke because
the baby was crying. The infant was attacked by the family
pitbull, who was previously stray and recently acquired by

T he following 6 cases from the Wayne County Medical

Examiner’s Office in Detroit, Michigan, involve acciden-
tal blunt force injuries sustained in fatal pitbull dog attacks.
the family. Autopsy revealed decapitation with bite marks
surrounding the ragged tissue margins on the neck. The
dog was destroyed and examination of the gastric contents
The findings seen at autopsy, in general, consist of multiple revealed multiple fragments of bone, skin and soft tissue,
lacerations, sets of puncture wounds, and extensive scalp the nose, 1 globe, and both ears of the infant. Toxicology
avulsions, primarily sustained to the head and neck region of was negative (Figs. 1A and 1B—ref. case 9589-87— black
the body, which result in extensive mutilating injuries to the and white photographs).
body and death results from exsanguination. There is a
tendency for these animals to attack the neck region and Case 2
destroy the blood vessels of the neck and cause extensive A 1-year-old white male child was placed on the
avulsions of the scalp and ears. In the majority of the cases, kitchen floor by his 54-year-old grandmother, who was baby-
the victims were children or elderly. Four of the victims were sitting the child. The grandmother stepped out of the room
children (age range 2 months to 6 years), 1 victim was a momentarily and returned to find the child being attacked by
middle-aged adult (age 44), and 1 victim was an elderly adult the family pitbull. The salient autopsy findings include mul-
(age 91). Three of the victims were male and 3 of the victims tiple lacerations and sets of puncture wounds to the face,
were female. Three of the victims were white and 3 of the neck, and arms. Extensive scalp and facial avulsions were
victims were black. also present. Internally, there was a puncture wound to the
right internal jugular vein. The animal forcefully attacked
MATERIALS the neck region of the body, causing fracture dislocation of
The following 6 cases of death caused by pitbull maul- the vertebral spine at the level of C7–T1. There were also
ing are presented, which were all investigated and autopsied punctures, lacerations, and crushing injury to the larynx.
between the years 1987 and 2005 at the Office of the Wayne Toxicology was negative (Figs. 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D—ref.
County Medical Examiner, Detroit, Michigan. A thorough case 04-3275—images 11, 19, 21, and 28).
scene investigation and a complete autopsy with documenta-
tion of external and internal injuries were performed in all Case 3
cases. Complete toxicological screening was performed on all A 1-year-old male child was attacked while playing in
cases. In some cases, the animal(s) involved in the attack the front yard of his home by 2 pitbull dogs who were
were shot and the gastric contents were recovered from the roaming the streets freely. The mother had stepped inside the
home briefly to answer the telephone and saw her son being
attacked through the window.
Manuscript received January 30, 2006; accepted June 28, 2006. Autopsy revealed a large gaping hole in the right side of
From the Office of the Wayne County Medical Examiner, Detroit, Michigan. the neck with numerous puncture wounds to the right main
Reprints: Cheryl L. Loewe, MD, Office of the Wayne County Medical carotid and right jugular vein, the esophagus, and trachea.
Examiner, 1300 E. Warren, Detroit, MI 48207. E-mail: cloewe@co. The entire back was covered by scratch marks and puncture
Copyright © 2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins wounds. Multiple lacerations were present on the face, the
ISSN: 0195-7910/07/2804-0356 chest, and the groins. Toxicology was negative (Fig. 3—ref.
DOI: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e31815b4c19 case 93-8688 — kodachrome).

356 The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology • Volume 28, Number 4, December 2007
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology • Volume 28, Number 4, December 2007 Pitbull Mauling Deaths

FIGURE 1. A, Partially reconstructed face recovered from

dog stomach. B, Decapitation.

Case 4
A 6-year-old black female child was walking to
school in an alley adjacent to her backyard. The family was
in the process of moving to a nearby neighborhood and the
2 family pitbulls had just been set free after being locked
up in the basement before the incident. The child grew up
with these 2 pitbull dogs. Both dogs, who were roaming
loose in the backyard, attacked the child in the alley and
dragged her into the backyard of the dwelling. The child’s
pantyhose and skirt were pulled down below the knees.
The mother of the child attempted to pull the dogs off of
her daughter and called her husband for assistance. The
police arrived and shot the dogs. The child was acciden-
tally shot by police gunfire in the back of the knee.
Autopsy examination revealed numerous lacerations, punc-
ture wounds, and avulsions to the face and neck, 67 in total. FIGURE 2. A, Lacerations: Face, neck, and back. B, Perfora-
Brush burn abrasions consistent with drag marks were also tion neck blood vessels. C, Puncture wounds on larynx. D,
present. Neck dissection disclosed complete transection of the Fracture of vertebral spine.
left common carotid artery. In addition, there were multi-
ple skull and facial fractures with evidence of blood
aspiration in the lungs. Multiple fragments of skull bone demonstrated on the back of the right knee and a bullet
were absent and/or separately received with the body, was recovered from the wound track. Toxicology was
including the left orbit and the left maxilla. A superficial negative (Figs. 4A and 4B—ref. case 3365-05—images 5
gunshot entrance wound involving soft tissue was also and 15).

© 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 357

Loewe and Diaz The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology • Volume 28, Number 4, December 2007

and the legs. There was complete avulsion of the left ear and
partial avulsion of the right ear. Extensive scalp avulsions
were also noted. There was complete transection of the left
brachial artery, the left basillic vein, and the right common
carotid artery. There was a bone defect in the T1 vertebra and
dislocation of the first right rib. Toxicology revealed a post-
mortem blood ethanol of 0.11 g/dL (no figures available).

Case 6
A 91-year-old black woman was attacked by her own
family pitbull dog at home. The autopsy revealed multiple
extensive scalp avulsions, 1 measuring 5 inches in diameter
on the back of the head with exposure of the calvarium and
FIGURE 3. Lacerations and abrasions, neck and back. deep undermining pockets of subgaleal hemorrhage. Numer-
ous lacerations were present on the eyes, both cheeks, the
mouth, the lower face, the left upper neck, both ears, and the
left side of the head. Many paired puncture wounds were
noted consistent with animal teeth. Two of the lacerations on
the face were deep and associated with absence of the lip,
skin, facial muscle and soft tissue, right maxilla, and zygoma,
resulting in exposure of the sinuses and oropharyngeal cavity.
A closed right hip fracture was present. Internal examination
revealed pale, bloodless viscera, blood aspiration in both
lungs and comminuted fracture of the bilateral zygoma,
bilateral maxillary bones, the palatine bone, and the right
mandible with loss of several upper and lower teeth and
laceration of the tongue. Toxicology was negative (Figs. 5A
and 5B—ref. case 05-11440 —images 14 and 4).

These cases presented demonstrate rather dramatic mu-
tilating injuries sustained to the human body after pitbull
attack. The common trend in the observable injuries include
injury to the blood vessels and/or organs of the neck in all of
the cases, resulting in exsanguination. Extensive scalp avul-
sions were also observed in most of the cases and the portion
of avulsed scalp is unattached to the head and likely eaten by
the animal. The patterned sets of puncture marks are another
consistent finding compatible with the dentition of the animal
(Fig. 6A—ref kodachrome— dog mouth—ref. case 93-8688).
Scratch marks were noted in some cases and a comparison of
these patterned injuries are consistent with the animal claws
that inflicted them (Fig. 6B—ref. case 93-8688 — dog paw).
In 2 of the cases, the animal attacked forcefully enough to
FIGURE 4. A, Lacerations, face. B, Gunshot wound on the leg. fracture and/or separate the vertebral spine. Complete decap-
itation injury was present in 1 case and the gastric contents
recovered from the animal confirm that the soft tissue and
Case 5 bone are eaten by the animal. In half of the cases, there were
A 44-year-old black woman was attacked by 2 pitbulls fractures of the facial bones and/or calvarium. Avulsions or
who resided at an occupied dwelling while walking down the partial avulsions of the ears was another common finding.
street. The subject was observed laying on the ground and 1 The majority (67%) of the victims were small children, those
dog was attacking the neck region of the victim, while the least likely to protect themselves. The same reasoning can
other dog was attacking her lower back. A citizen notified the apply to elderly victims.
police who arrived and shot the animals with their service The head and neck region of the child was at the level
weapons. Autopsy revealed multiple clusters of abrasions, of the dogs teeth, making these anatomic regions more
deep lacerations, and puncture wounds distributed over the accessible to the dog during attack. Of the dog-mauling
face, the front and back of the neck the arms, the lower back, deaths of neonates in the literature, all occurred on the dog

358 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology • Volume 28, Number 4, December 2007 Pitbull Mauling Deaths

FIGURE 5. A, Lacerations, face. B, Avulsion, scalp. FIGURE 6. A, Pitbull jaw-teeth. B, Pitbull paw.

owner’s property and involved 1 dog and a sleeping child. and strong and its insertion on the mandible provides a
Few people are aware that some dogs view infants as poten- powerful mechanical advantage.5 Many of the canines in-
tial prey.1 volved in dog attacks can generate up to 1800 pounds of force
One study of fatal dog attacks in the United States per square inch with a bite,6 which is enough force to
showed that the pitbull breed was determined to be the most penetrate sheet metal, so it is reasonable to see how there is
frequent (41.6%) dog breed implicated in human attacks.1 enough force to snap the vertebral spine or fracture the skull,
Pitbull terriers, German Shepherds and Rottweilers are the as demonstrated in this series of cases.
breeds most often involved in fatal attacks, 70% are commit- The majority of reported dog attacks seem to happen
ted by a pet dog within the owner’s yard or its proximity, and when the dog is “unprovoked,” meaning that both parents and
most dogs involved in biting or attacking are known to the children failed to see what their behavior meant to their dog.7
victim or the victim’s family.2 People may behave differently Different types of aggression leading to attacks in
toward their own dogs than toward stray dogs and this may different circumstances can be distinguished, for example,
explain this difference. Surprisingly, stray dogs are usually dominance aggression when the dog challenges a member of
involved in attacks of a more innocent nature and bites the “family pack” such as a new baby, protective aggression
typically occur on the hands and legs as opposed to the head when the victim is regarded as a threat to the family, posses-
and neck.3 In general, fatalities due to dog bites are rare. In 1 sive aggression toward a victim that invades the dog’s terri-
study, from 1979 to 1998, 238 deaths were reported in the tory or attempts to move an item “possessed” by the dog such
United States.4 While the sex of the pitbull involved in these as food or toys.8 Some of the aggressive reactions of a dog
fatal attacks was unrecorded, in general, male dogs, espe- relate to genetically controlled breed characteristics, namely
cially the non-neutered, bite more frequently.1 Younger dogs the Pitbull and Rottweiler breeds, and some communities
also tend to bite more often, with dogs aged 6 to 11 months have enacted breed-specific restrictions or bans.4 Aggression
having the highest bite rate.3 Dogs acting in a pack are far can, however, be equally be derived from environmental
more dangerous than the same animal individually, and in circumstances and learning. In the inner city, quite often the
this study 2 of the cases involved more than 1 dog. pitbull breed is acquired for purposes of protection, guarding,
Dogs have 42 teeth, 20 in the upper jaw and 22 in the and even fighting so that these dogs are obligated or duty
lower jaw. The canine masseter-pterygoid complex is short bound to behave aggressively.9 Also, pain and fear, especially

© 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 359

Loewe and Diaz The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology • Volume 28, Number 4, December 2007

in dogs that have been maltreated, can provoke aggressive offenses were based on reckless disregard for another indi-
behavior. viduals’ safety.9 The majority of the convictions ranged from
Victims of dog bites can be found completely un- involuntary manslaughter or criminal recklessness to even
dressed or partially undressed, which may erroneously sug- murder, second degree.9
gest a sexual assault rather than a dog bite setting10 and the Finally, the dog-bite prevention recommendations
6-year-old child described in case 4 of this series serves as an stated by the CDC include adequate owner and public edu-
example. cation through veterinarians and the public schools, animal
control at the community level, and accurate surveillance of
CONCLUSIONS reported dog bites.9
The authors acknowledge that this series of fatal dog-
mauling deaths represent a small sample of cases, but fortu- REFERENCES
nately dog-mauling deaths are rare in our society. Sadly, they 1. Sacks JJ, Lockwood R, Hornreich J, et al. Fatal dog attacks, 1989 –1994.
Pediatrics. 1996;97(6, Pt 1):891– 895.
affect mostly small children, are unprovoked and are often 2. Lauridson JR, Myers L. Evaluation of fatal dog bites: the view of the
caused by the family pet rather than the stray dog roaming the medical examiner and animal behaviorist. J Forensic Sci. 1993;38:726 –
neighborhood. 731.
The salient injuries observed include blunt force inju- 3. Wright JC. Canine aggression toward people: bite scenarios and preven-
ries consisting of lacerations and puncture wounds primarily tion. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 1991;21:299 –314.
4. Sacks JJ, Sinclair L, Gilchrist J, et al. Breeds of dogs involved in fatal
involving the head and neck and avulsions of scalp which human attacks in the United States between 1978 and 1998. J Am Vet
result in exsanguination. The forces exerted by the animal Med Assoc. 2000;217:836 – 840.
may be strong enough to snap the vertebral spine, fracture the 5. Miller SJ, Copass M, Johansen K, et al. Stroke following Rottweiler
skull, or even cause decapitation. attack. Ann Emerg Med. 1993;22:262–264.
6. Calkins CM, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, et al. Life-threatening dog
The pitbulls aggressiveness may be a combination of attacks: a devastating combination of penetrating and blunt injuries.
genetic based aggressiveness coupled with inner city envi- J Pediatr Surg. 2001;36:1115–1117.
ronmental factors in that these animals are quite often trained 7. Matthews JR, Lattal KA. A behavioral analysis of dog bites to children.
to protect, fight, and guard and are therefore duty-bound to J Dev Behav Pediatr. 1994;15:44 –52.
behave aggressively. The younger, male, non-neutered pitbull 8. Shewell PC, Nancarrow JD. Dogs that bite. BMJ. 1991;303:1512–1513.
9. National Canine Research Foundation. Fatal Dog Attack Studies.
is at greater risk of attacking. Manorville, NY: National Canine Research Foundation; 2002.
Criminal charges and convictions of owner(s) of a dog 10. Tong GTF, Pang TC. Unusual injuries: savaged to death by dogs. Med
involved in a fatal attack are reported, and the majority of the Sci Law. 1965;5:158 –160.

360 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Embargoed for Release Until 8 AM, September 15, 2000

Special Report
Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks
in the United States between 1979 and 1998
Jeffrey J. Sacks, MD, MPH; Leslie Sinclair, DVM; Julie Gilchrist, MD;
Gail C. Golab, PhD, DVM; Randall Lockwood, PhD

Objective—To summarize breeds of dogs involved in (DBRF) in the United States.1-3 Most victims were chil-
fatal human attacks during a 20-year period and to dren. Studies indicate that pit bull-type dogs were
assess policy implications. involved in approximately a third of human DBRF
Animals—Dogs for which breed was reported involved reported during the 12-year period from 1981 through
in attacks on humans between 1979 and 1998 that 1992, and Rottweilers were responsible for about half
resulted in human dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF). of human DBRF reported during the 4 years from 1993
Procedure—Data for human DBRF identified previ- through 1996. These data have caused some individu-
ously for the period of 1979 through 1996 were com- als to infer that certain breeds of dogs are more likely
bined with human DBRF newly identified for 1997 to bite than others and should, therefore, be banned or
and 1998. Human DBRF were identified by searching regulated more stringently.4,5 The purposes of the study
news accounts and by use of The Humane Society of reported here were to summarize breeds associated
the United States’ registry databank. with reported human DBRF during a 20-year period
Results—During 1997 and 1998, at least 27 people and assess policy implications.
died of dog bite attacks (18 in 1997 and 9 in 1998). At
least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in 238 Procedure
human DBRF during the past 20 years. Pit bull-type We collected data from The Humane Society of the
dogs and Rottweilers were involved in more than half of United States (HSUS) and media accounts related to
these deaths. Of 227 reports with relevant data, 55 dog bite attacks and fatalities, using methods from pre-
(24%) human deaths involved unrestrained dogs off vious studies.1-3 The HSUS maintains a registry of human
their owners’ property, 133 (58%) involved unrestrained DBRF, including date of death, age and sex of decedent,
dogs on their owners’ property, 38 (17%) involved
restrained dogs on their owners’ property, and 1 <( 1%)
city and state of attack, number and breeds of dogs
involved a restrained dog off its owner’s property. involved, and circumstances relating to the attack. To
supplement HSUS reports, as in the past, a database6 was
Conclusions—Although fatal attacks on humans
appear to be a breed-specific problem (pit bull-type
searched for accounts of human DBRF that occurred in
dogs and Rottweilers), other breeds may bite and 1997 and 1998. Our search strategy involved scanning
cause fatalities at higher rates. Because of difficulties the text of newspapers and periodicals for certain words
inherent in determining a dog’s breed with certainty, and word combinations likely to represent human DBRF
enforcement of breed-specific ordinances raises con- followed by a review of articles containing those terms.
stitutional and practical issues. Fatal attacks represent Data obtained from HSUS and news accounts were
a small proportion of dog bite injuries to humans and, merged to maximize detection of human DBRF and
therefore, should not be the primary factor driving avoid duplicate reports. One new human DBRF from
public policy concerning dangerous dogs. Many practi- 1996 was identified in the 1997 and 1998 reports and
cal alternatives to breed-specific ordinances exist and was added to the existing data for 1996.
hold promise for prevention of dog bites. (J Am Vet
Med Assoc 2000;217:836–840) A human DBRF was defined as a human death
caused by trauma from a dog bite. In addition to
excluding 9 human deaths, as described in previous

F rom 1979 through 1996, dog attacks resulted in

more than 300 human dog bite-related fatalities
reports (eg, dying of rabies from a dog bite, strangling
on a leash or scarf pulled by a dog, dying from fire ant
From the Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, US Department of Health and
Human Services, US Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Hwy NE (MS K-63), Atlanta, GA 30341
(Sacks, Gilchrist); The Humane Society of the United States, 2100 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037 (Sinclair, Lockwood); and the
Division of Education and Research, American Veterinary Medical Association, 1931 N Meacham Rd, Ste 100, Schaumburg, IL 60173
(Golab). Dr. Sacks’ present address is the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 4770 Buford Hwy NE (MS K-45), Atlanta, GA 30341. Dr. Sinclair’s present address is Shelter Veterinary Services, 9320 Jarrett
Ct, Montgomery Village, MD 20886.
Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the authors or their affili-
ated agencies.
The authors thank Dr. Suzanne Binder for technical assistance.

836 Vet Med Today: Special Report JAVMA, Vol 217, No. 6, September 15, 2000
bites after being pushed on a mound by a dog, or dying Results
from a motor vehicle or bicycle crash while being Fatalities during 1997 and 1998—During 1997
chased by a dog), for 1997 and 1998, we excluded 3 and 1998, at least 27 people died as the result of dog
additional deaths: death resulting from infection sec- bite attacks (18 people in 1997 and 9 in 1998). Of 27
ondary to a dog bite, death attributable to trauma from human DBRF, 19 (70%) were children (1 was ≤ 30 days
being knocked over but not bitten, and death resulting old, 3 were between 7 and 11 months old, 9 were
from myocardial infarction, which was caused by an between 1 and 4 years old, and 6 were between 5 and
individual being chased but not bitten. For the 20-year 11 years old), and 8 were adults (ages 17, 44, 64, 70,
study, we excluded 4 human deaths from attacks by 73, 75, 75, and 87). Approximately half (n = 15 [56%])
guard or police dogs “at work” and approximately 90 of the human DBRF were male.
deaths when breed information for the attacking dog Five (19%) deaths involved unrestrained dogs off
was unavailable; thus, this study included approxi- the owners’ property, 18 (67%) involved unrestrained
mately 72% of cases of human DBRF and is not dogs on the owners’ property, 3 (11%) involved
exhaustive. restrained dogs on the owners’ property, and 1 (4%)
We tallied data in 2 ways to provide alternatives involved a restrained dog off the owner’s property.
for breed data interpretation. First, we used a human Eighteen (67%) deaths involved 1 dog, 5 (19%)
death-based approach in which we counted whether a involved 2 dogs, and 4 (15%) involved 3 dogs. Sixty
particular breed was involved in a death. When multi- percent of attacks by unrestrained dogs off the owners’
ple dogs of the same breed were involved in the same property involved more than 1 dog.
fatal episode, that breed was counted only once (eg, if Fatal attacks were reported from 17 states
10 Akitas attacked and killed a person, that breed was (California [4 deaths]; Georgia and North Carolina [3
counted once rather than 10 times). When crossbred each]; Kansas, Texas, and Wisconsin [2 each]; and
dogs were involved in a fatality, each suspected breed Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky,
in the dog’s lineage was counted once for that episode. Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York, South
Second, we tallied data by dog. When multiple dogs of Dakota, and Tennessee [1 each]).
the same breed were involved in a single incident, each Some breed information was reported for all 27
dog was counted individually. We allocated crossbred attacks. As in recent years, Rottweilers were the most
dogs into separate breeds and counted them similarly commonly reported breed involved in fatal attacks, fol-
(eg, if 3 Great Dane-Rottweiler crossbreeds attacked a lowed by pit bull-type dogs (Table 1). Together, these
person, Great Dane was counted 3 times under cross- 2 breeds were involved in approximately 60% of
bred, and Rottweiler was counted 3 times under cross- human deaths.
bred). Data are presented separately for dogs identified
as pure- and crossbred. Lastly, dogs were classified as to Twenty-year data—Some breed information was
whether they were on or off the owners’ property and available for 238 human DBRF. More than 25 breeds of
restrained (eg, chained or leashed) or unrestrained at dogs were involved in DBRF during the past 20 years
the time of the attack. (Table 2). Of 227 human DBRF for which data were

Table 1—Breeds of dogs involved in human dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF) in the United States, by 2-year period, between 1979 and
1998. Death-based approach of counting most frequent purebreds and crossbreds involved in 7 or more human DBRF

1979– 1981– 1983– 1985– 1987– 1989– 1991– 1993– 1995– 1997–
Breed 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Total

Pit bull-type 2 5 10 9 11* 8 6 5 4* 6 66
Rottweiler 0 0 1 1 3 1 3 10 10 10 39
German Shepherd Dog 2 1 4* 1 1 4* 2 0 2 0 17
Husky-type 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 1 15
Malamute 2 0 3 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 12
Doberman Pinscher 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 9
Chow Chow 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 8
Great Dane 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7
Saint Bernard 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7
Wolf-dog hybrid 0 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 0 14
Mixed-breed 0 3 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 12
German Shepherd Dog 0 2 0 2 2 2† 0 1 2 0 10†
Pit bull-type 0 1 0 3 2† 3 1 1 0 0 10†
Husky-type 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 6
Rottweiler 0 0 0 0 1† 1 0 1 1 2 5†
Alaskan Malamute 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3
Chow Chow 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3
Doberman Pinscher 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Saint Bernard 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Great Dane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1† 0†
No. deaths for which 10 20 26* 24 22 34* 24 25 26* 27 238
breed was known

*Numbers differ from previous reports because police/guard dogs "at work" were excluded, and 1 new DBRF was identified as occurring in 1996. †A purebred dog
and a crossbred dog of this breed were involved in a single fatality; therefore, that breed is counted only once in the total column.

JAVMA, Vol 217, No. 6, September 15, 2000 Vet Med Today: Special Report 837
Table 2—Breeds of dogs involved in human dog bite-related fatalities between 1979 and 1998, using
death-based and dog-based approaches
Death-based approach Dog-based approach

Breed Purebred Crossbred Total Purebred Crossbred Total

Pit bull-type 66 11* 76* 98 20 118

Rottweiler 39 6* 44* 60 7 67
German Shepherd Dog 17 11* 27* 24 17 41
Husky-type (includes at least 2 Siberian) 15 6 21 15 6 21
Malamute 12 3 15 13 3 16
Wolf-dog hybrid 0 14 14 0 15 15
Mixed-breed (NOS) 0 12 12 0 47 47
Chow Chow 8 3 11 8 13 21
Doberman 9 1 10 12 1 13
Saint Bernard 7 1 8 7 1 8
Great Dane 7 1* 7* 11 2 13
Labrador Retriever 1 4 5 1 7 8
Akita 4 0 4 4 0 4
Sled-type (NOS) 3 0 3 12 0 12
Bulldog 2 1 3 2 1 3
Mastiff 2 1 3 4 1 5
Boxer 2 1 3 4 1 5
Collie 0 3 3 0 6 6
Bullmastiff 1 1 2 1 1 2
Hound-type (NOS) 1 1 2 1 1 2
Retriever-type (NOS) 1 0 1 1 0 1
Chesapeake Bay Retriever 1 0 1 1 0 1
West Highland Terrier (NOS) 1 0 1 1 0 1
Terrier-type (NOS) 1 0 1 1 0 1
Japanese Hunting Dog (NOS) 1 0 1 1 0 1
Newfoundland 1 0 1 1 0 1
Coonhound 1 0 1 1 0 1
Sheepdog (NOS) 1 0 1 1 0 1
Australian Shepherd 0 1 1 0 3 3
Rhodesian Ridgeback 1 0 1 1 0 1
Cocker Spaniel 1 0 1 1 0 1

*A purebred dog and a crossbred dog of this breed were involved in a single fatality; therefore, that breed is counted only
once in the total column.
NOS ! Not otherwise specified.

available, 55 (24%) deaths involved unrestrained dogs DBRF as well as an accurate determination of the
off the owners’ property, 133 (58%) involved unre- breeds involved. Numerator data may be biased for 4
strained dogs on the owners’ property, 38 (17%) reasons. First, the human DBRF reported here are like-
involved restrained dogs on the owners’ property, and ly underestimated; prior work suggests the approach
1 (< 1%) involved a restrained dog off the owner’s we used identifies only 74% of actual cases.1,2 Second,
property. to the extent that attacks by 1 breed are more news-
Four hundred three dogs were responsible for worthy than those by other breeds, our methods may
these attacks. There were almost twice as many dogs have resulted in differential ascertainment of fatalities
involved in off-owner-property attacks, compared with by breed. Third, because identification of a dog’s breed
attacks occurring on the owners’ properties. In 160 may be subjective (even experts may disagree on the
human deaths, only 1 dog was involved; in 49 deaths, breed of a particular dog), DBRF may be differentially
2 dogs were involved; and in 15 deaths, 3 dogs were ascribed to breeds with a reputation for aggression.
involved. Four and 7 dogs were involved in 3 deaths Fourth, it is not clear how to count attacks by cross-
each; 5, 6, and 10 dogs were involved in 2 deaths each; bred dogs. Ignoring these data underestimates breed
and 11 and 14 dogs were responsible for 1 death each. involvement (29% of attacking dogs were crossbred
dogs), whereas including them permits a single dog to
Discussion be counted more than once. Therefore, we have elect-
Ideally, breed-specific bite rates would be calculat- ed to present data separately for purebred and cross-
ed to compare breeds and quantify the relative danger- bred dogs to demonstrate at least 2 alternative count-
ousness of each breed. For example, 10 fatal attacks by ing methods. Relative rankings do not differ greatly
Breed X relative to a population of 10,000 X’s (1/1,000) whether one focuses only on purebred dogs or includes
implies a greater risk than 100 attacks by Breed Y rela- crossbred dogs. The crossbreed issue is also problemat-
tive to a population of 1,000,000 Y’s (0.1/1,000). ic when estimating denominators (ie, breed-specific
Without consideration of the population sizes, Breed Y population sizes).
would be perceived to be the more dangerous breed on The denominator of a dog breed-specific human
the basis of the number of fatalities. DBRF rate requires reliable breed-specific population
Considering only bites that resulted in fatalities, data. Unfortunately, such data are not currently avail-
because they are more easily ascertained than nonfatal able. Considering American Kennel Club registration
bites, the numerator of a dog breed-specific human data7 for Rottweilers in parallel with fatality data for
DBRF rate requires a complete accounting of human that breed indicates that as the breed has soared in pop-

838 Vet Med Today: Special Report JAVMA, Vol 217, No. 6, September 15, 2000
ularity, so have Rottweiler-related deaths (24,195 regis- DBRF have varied over time. Pinckney and Kennedy13
trations from 1979 through 1982 and 0 deaths; 272,273 studied human DBRF from May 1975 through April
registrations from 1983 through 1990 and 6 deaths; and 1980 and listed the following breeds as responsible for
692,799 registrations from 1991 through 1998 and 33 the indicated number of deaths: German Shepherd Dog
deaths). However, official registration or licensing data (n = 16); Husky-type dog (9); Saint Bernard (8); Bull
are likely to be biased, as owners of certain dog breeds Terrier (6); Great Dane (6); Malamute (5); Golden
may be less likely than those owning other breeds to Retriever (3); Boxer (2); Dachshund (2); Doberman
register or license their dogs4 and, thus, should not be Pinscher (2); Collie (2); Rottweiler (1); Basenji (1);
used to calculate these rates. Finally, it is imperative to Chow Chow (1); Labrador Retriever (1); Yorkshire
keep in mind that even if breed-specific bite rates could Terrier (1); and mixed and unknown breed (15). As
be accurately calculated, they do not factor in owner- ascertained from our data, between 1979 and 1980,
related issues. For example, less responsible owners or Great Danes caused the most reported human DBRF;
owners who want to foster aggression in their dogs may between 1997 and 1998, Rottweilers and pit bull-type
be drawn differentially to certain breeds. dogs were responsible for about 60% of human DBRF.
Despite these limitations and concerns, the data Indeed, since 1975, dogs belonging to more than 30
indicate that Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs breeds have been responsible for fatal attacks on people,
accounted for 67% of human DBRF in the United States including Dachshunds, a Yorkshire Terrier, and a
between 1997 and 1998. It is extremely unlikely that Labrador Retriever.
they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the In addition to issues surrounding which breeds to
United States during that same period and, thus, there regulate, breed-specific ordinances raise several practi-
appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities. cal issues. For optimal enforcement, there would need
Although the fatality data are concerning, one must to be an objective method of determining the breed of
broaden the context to consider both fatal and nonfatal a particular dog. Pedigree analysis (a potentially time-
bites when deciding on a course of action. Nonfatal dog consuming and complicated effort) combined with
bites continue to be a public health problem in the DNA testing (also time-consuming and expensive) is
United States. Although this and prior reports1-3 docu- the closest to an objective standard for conclusively
ment more than 330 DBRF during a 20-year period, identifying a dog’s breed. Owners of mixed-breed or
these tragedies represent only the most severe manifes- unregistered (ie, by a kennel club) dogs have no way of
tation of the problem. In 1986, nonfatal dog bites result- knowing whether their dog is one of the types identi-
ed in an estimated 585,000 injuries that required med- fied and whether they are required to comply with
ical attention or restricted activity.8 By 1994, an estimat- breed-specific ordinances. Thus, law enforcement per-
ed 4.7 million people (1.8% of the US population) sus- sonnel have few means for positively determining a
tained a dog bite; of these, approximately 800,000 (0.3% dog’s breed and deciding whether owners are in com-
of the US population) sought medical care for the bite pliance or violation of laws.
(332,000 in emergency departments), and 6,000 were Some municipalities have attempted to address
hospitalized.9-11 This 36% increase in medically attended this classification issue of unregistered and mixed-
bites from 1986 to 1994 draws attention to the need for breed dogs by including within their ordinances a
an effective response, including dog bite prevention pro- description of the breed at which the ordinance is
grams. Because (1) fatal bites constitute less than directed. Unfortunately, such descriptions are usually
0.00001% of all dog bites annually, (2) fatal bites have vague, rely on subjective visual observation, and result
remained relatively constant over time, whereas nonfatal in many more dogs than those of the specified breed
bites have been increasing, and (3) fatal bites are rare at being subject to the restrictions of the ordinance.
the usual political level where bite regulations are pro- When a specific breed of dog has been selected for
mulgated and enforced, we believe that fatal bites should stringent control, 2 constitutional questions concerning
not be the primary factor driving public policy regarding dog owners’ fourteenth amendment rights have been
dog bite prevention. raised: first, because all types of dogs may inflict injury
Several interacting factors affect a dog’s propensity to people and property, ordinances addressing only 1
to bite, including heredity, sex, early experience, breed of dog are argued to be underinclusive and, there-
socialization and training, health (medical and behav- fore, violate owners’ equal protection rights; and second,
ioral), reproductive status, quality of ownership and because identification of a dog’s breed with the certainty
supervision, and victim behavior. For example, a study necessary to impose sanctions on the dog’s owner is pro-
in Denver of medically-attended dog bites in 1991 sug- hibitively difficult, such ordinances have been argued as
gested that male dogs are 6.2 times more likely to bite unconstitutionally vague, and, therefore, violate due
than female dogs, sexually intact dogs are 2.6 times process. Despite such concerns, a number of breed-spe-
more likely to bite than neutered dogs, and chained cific ordinances have been upheld by the courts.14-16
dogs are 2.8 times more likely to bite than unchained Another concern is that a ban on a specific breed
dogs.12 Communities have tried to address the dog bite might cause people who want a dangerous dog to sim-
problem by focusing on different factors related to bit- ply turn to another breed for the same qualities they
ing behavior. sought in the original dog (eg, large size, aggression
To decrease the risk of dog bites, several communi- easily fostered). Breed-specific legislation does not
ties have enacted breed-specific restrictions or bans. In address the fact that a dog of any breed can become
general, these have focused on pit bull-type dogs and dangerous when bred or trained to be aggressive. From
Rottweilers. However, breeds responsible for human a scientific point of view, we are unaware of any formal

JAVMA, Vol 217, No. 6, September 15, 2000 Vet Med Today: Special Report 839
evaluation of the effectiveness of breed-specific legisla- like breed-specific legislation, all these approaches
tion in preventing fatal or nonfatal dog bites. appear formally unevaluated for effectiveness.
An alternative to breed-specific legislation is to reg- Targeting and evaluation of prevention efforts
ulate individual dogs and owners on the basis of their requires improved surveillance for fatal and nonfatal
behavior. Although, it is not systematically reported, our dog bites. Dog bites should be reported as required by
reading of the fatal bite reports indicates that problem local or state ordinances, and reports of such incidents
behaviors (of dogs and owners) have preceded attacks in should include information about the circumstances of
a great many cases and should be sufficient evidence for the bite, ownership, breed, sex, reproductive status of
preemptive action. Approaches to decreasing dangerous the dog, history of prior aggression, and the nature of
dog and owner behaviors are numerous. The potential restraint prior to the bite incident. Collection of data
importance of strong animal control programs is illus- on the entire dog population (eg, breed, age, sex)
trated by our data; from 1979 through 1998, 24% of would help resolve comparative risk issues and may be
human DBRF were caused by owned dogs (typically accomplished by combining paperwork on mandatory
more than 1) that were roaming off the owners’ proper- rabies immunizations with registration of breed and
ty. Some deaths might have been averted through more sex. Only with numerator and denominator data and
stringent animal control laws and enforcement (eg, leash with formal evaluations of the impacts of strategies
laws, fencing requirements). Although the bite preven- tried by various communities will we be able to make
tion effectiveness of such animal control ordinances and science-based recommendations for decreasing the
programs has not been systematically evaluated, free- number of dog bites. In the interim, adequate funding
roaming dogs and dogs with menacing behavior are for animal control agencies, enforcement of existing
problems that need to be addressed even if they do not animal control laws, and educational and policy strate-
bite (eg, causing bicycle or car crashes). gies to reduce inappropriate dog and owner behaviors
Generic non–breed-specific, dangerous dog laws will likely result in benefits to communities and may
can be enacted that place primary responsibility for a well decrease the number of dog bites that occur.
dog’s behavior on the owner, regardless of the dog’s
breed.17 In particular, targeting chronically irresponsi- !"#$%&#'()*#+,-#'./,)*#.0#1&,2&345#6()#7/88#7+,#9+5#&,+:)&-#(,#
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840 Vet Med Today: Special Report JAVMA, Vol 217, No. 6, September 15, 2000

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