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The writer took a village

of St. Petersburg where
Tom lives with his aunt
and also tells about his
life and friends as the
place setting.




The community have

cruel attitude. Injun
Joe had killed Dr.
Robinson to make
sure his fulfill came

The story was in 19th

century. The writer
mostly used midnight as
the setting in most of the
incident happened.


The writer should

choose place that
people will know. So
they can imagine the
location of the incident
take placed.





The writer should

include good manner
so that it will give a
good effect for those
who read the novel.

The writer should not

take midnight as the
time setting for the most
incident in the story.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain is an interesting

adventure novel. This novel narrates a beautiful picture of boyhood life along the
Mississippi River. Every novel has their own weakness that shown by many aspect such
as the characteristics, themes, moral values, plots, and settings. As to improve the
deficiency, I choose the setting as the aspect to critic. There are time setting, place
setting and also community setting that I want to improve in this novel.

Most time setting that the writer used was at midnight. Tom always went out in
the middle of the night without his aunts permission. As we know, it was very dark
during the midnight as on 19th century with just a few lamps around the village. So, it is
logic if people could see exactly what happened in dark? In science subject, humans
and animals did not have same forecast. As human, we see with stereoscopic vision
compare to animal which had limited eye sight where they could not estimate the actual
value. I think the writer should not tell the incident in detail because the boys cannot see
clearly in the dark.

In every novel, there also have place setting. In this novel, the writer chooses a
village in St. Petersburg where Tom lives with his aunt. Mark Twain chose this place
because this is the place where he actually grew up until his last breath. He appreciates
the place that gave many memories to him. I did not agree with this setting because I
could not imagine the surrounding. The writer should choose the place that all people
know, can imagine and be in the story from the beginning until the end of the story. If
the writer chooses Malaysia as the setting, readers at least know the surrounding in the

Lastly, we have community setting. One of the attitudes of the community in this
story is cruel. Injun Joe killed Dr. Robinson because he did not want to pay five dollars
more. Furthermore, Injun Joe still kept the revenge to Dr. Robinson. This had made him
took extreme action. This bad attitude should not be generating in the novel because it
is not suitable for the young age readers. They might be influence by the negative
manner from the story. To improve this negative attitude, the writer should include
positive manners so that it will give good effect to readers especially teenagers.

As conclusion, all the improvement should be taken to make the flow of the novel
more interesting. The writer should also consider the readers respond. Only the readers
can judge the whole story in the novel.

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