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Version for AutoCAD LT 2000-2004

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Version v1.8
AutoCAD LT without Limits Software to enable Arx- and LispInterfaces and to reactive disabled Commands

TM-CAD Engineering
Torsten Moses
Hauptstrasse 43
10317 Berlin
Tel. 030 / 5530620
Fax 030 / 5530620

Edition November 2003

Copyright by TM-CAD Ingenieurbro Torsten Moses 2001-2003

This manual is also available as Online-Helpsystem inside LT-Extender program. The Online-Helpsystem offers context-sensitive access to all help-topics, index-list, complete fulltext search
functions and favourite help-topics may be stored for fast access.

2001-2003 TM-CAD Engineering Torsten Moses. All Rights reserved.

TM-CAD Engineering Torsten Moses
Hauptstrasse 43
10317 Berlin
Phone/Fax: ++49 30 5530620

AutoCAD, AutoLISP, Visual LISP, ADS, ARX, ObjectARX and ExpressTools are registered trademarks of
Autodesk, Inc.
DOS, Windows, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other brands and product brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

License conditions:
This software is protected by national and international copyright laws. The licensee is granted the
permission to use the software on one place at a time only and to make backup copies
TM-CAD Engineering makes no warranty, including but not limited to any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software and accompanying materials. The
software and accompanying materials are provided solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall TM-CAD
Engineering be liable to any special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or
arising out of the use of the software or accompanying materials.


Overview.................................................................................................................................... 5
System Requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
Installation ................................................................................................................................. 6

Start with AutoCAD LT ............................................................................................................ 7

Online-Help................................................................................................................................ 7
De-Installation ........................................................................................................................... 7


Register your License................................................................................................................ 8


Language Selection................................................................................................................... 8

Features and Usage

What LT-Extender offers ........................................................................................................... 9

Activating disabled AutoCAD -commands.............................................................................. 10

Drawing commands ...................................................................................................... 10
Extended Attribute Commands ..................................................................................... 11
3D Surfaces commands................................................................................................ 11
3D Operations ............................................................................................................... 11
Raster-/Image commands............................................................................................. 11
ACIS commands ........................................................................................................... 12
Pan/Zoom/3D-Orbit commands .................................................................................... 12
Viewport Shading Modes .............................................................................................. 13
Renderer commands .................................................................................................... 13
Common commands ..................................................................................................... 14
Special commands........................................................................................................ 14
Freeware Features .................................................................................................................. 14
Activating disabled System-Variables ..................................................................................... 15
Appload Loading applications .............................................................................................. 17
ARX interface .......................................................................................................................... 17
LISP interface.......................................................................................................................... 18
Processing Acad.rx file............................................................................................................ 18
Processing Acad2000.lsp and Acad2000Doc.lsp files ............................................................ 19
Processing MNL files............................................................................................................... 19
'DemandLoad' for ARX Applications ....................................................................................... 20
Automatically loaded Applications........................................................................................... 20

AutoCAD -compatible environment ........................................................................................ 20

Interactive Lisp-Prompt ........................................................................................................... 21
Toolbars................................................................................................................................... 21
LayerTools............................................................................................................................... 22
Running LayerTools ...................................................................................................... 22
Using LayerTools .......................................................................................................... 22
Autodesk ExpressTools........................................................................................................... 23
Supported ExpressTools versions ................................................................................ 23
ExpressTools Volumes 1-8 ........................................................................................... 24
ExpressTools Volumes 1-9 ........................................................................................... 25



Known Limitations ................................................................................................................... 26

Limitations, Solutions and Alternatives.................................................................................... 27
Debugging and Erorr-Analysis................................................................................................. 28
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)......................................................................................... 28



Installing LT-Extender Updates ............................................................................................... 29



Some Notes about Translations .............................................................................................. 29


LT-Extender 2000 Plus for AutoCAD LT 2000 (or higher) is the most advanced software for customising

AutoCAD LT. Using several advanced technologies, LT-Extender 2000 Plus offers the unique power to

break through (nearly) all AutoCAD LT limitations activating and enabling hidden features, emulating non

existing features and providing easy-to-use interface, users will get AutoCAD power running AutoCAD LT !

Extend your AutoCAD LT capabilities to (nearly) complete AutoCAD !

LT-Extender 2000 Plus extends your AutoCAD LT by implementing the following features:

disabled activates more than 60 (up to 90) AutoCAD commands disabled in

AutoCAD commands AutoCAD LT (Image, Acis, 3d drawing&surface, 3dOrbit, Render commands)




allows you to load & run AutoCAD -ARX-Programs like they are used under





allows you to load & run AutoLisp-Programs like they are used under



Activates more than 75 System-Variables, which are deactivated in

AutoCAD LT more than 30 are directly accessible from the menu

'Appload' command

Appload allows you to load & run Arx- and Lisp-Applikations



Lisp offers a new command prompt that features (like AutoCAD ) to enter and
evaluate AutoLisp expressions

automatically Load of

loads Arx/Lisp-Applications automatically as defined by the user; these

applications are directly loaded at AutoCAD LT startup

automatically Load of
Acad.rx file

this support file is managed under AutoCAD LT in compatible way as under

AutoCAD to ensure highest compatibility for applications

automatically Load of
Acad*.lsp files

these support files are managed under AutoCAD LT in compatible way as

under AutoCAD to ensure highest compatibility for applications

automatically Load of
Menu-Lisp files

automatically loads all those Menu-Lisp (*.mnl) files related to active menus to
ensure highest compatibility for applications

DemandLoad for Arx


the so-called 'DemandLoad' technology for Arx applications is completely and

compatible emulated by LT-Extender under AutoCAD LT

AutoCAD compatible

emulates most compatible AutoCAD environment for highest compatibility for

applications by providing all AutoCAD support files even under LT

ExpressTools Support

allows the usage of Autodesk ExpressTools even under AutoCAD LT

LayerTools included

the LayerTools offer highly effective methods to control the drawing layers with
reference entities incl. Restoring and reverse selection

AccuRender Support

installed AccuRender 3.1 is automatically detected and prepared to run in LT

After installing LT-Extender 2000 Plus, a new pulldown menu column "LT-Extender" is shown automatically,
providing access to all the new features and commands additionally, there are some usual entries around
LT-Extender like Online-Help, Registration and License dialog, and access to LT-Extenders homepage. With

its easy installation and problem-free intgration into AutoCAD LT, even unexperienced users will be able to
use all the new features and possibility provided by LT-Extender 2000 Plus.
Users will take advantage of LT-Extender 2000 Plus in several way:

1. all important, missing AutoCAD commands are enabled, that are available with AutoCAD , but

disabled with AutoCAD LT.

2. Arx- and Lisp applications may be loaded and run: therefore, all possibilities are opened to use

AutoCAD applications even with AutoCAD LT.

3. the feature to automatically load Arx- and Lisp applications allows you to have your most

important and required applications loaded and ready-to-use directly with AutoCAD LT startup.
4. the interactive Lisp prompt features the direct use of AutoLisp expressions at the prompt

5. software costs: it is possible now to use LT without missing the most important AutoCAD features
Some notes on LT-Extender's Trial version:

After installing the LT-Extender Trial version, the program works for 200 AutoCAD LT sessions.
LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Introduction 5

System Requirements

For LT-Extender 2000 Plus, you only need a valid AutoCAD LT 2000 or higher version installed running
Windows 95/98/ME/NT4.0(Servicepack 5 or higher)/2000/XP for PC with x86 compatible processor.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus works with AutoCAD LT in all language versions !


Important: please close all running AutoCAD LT sessions before installing LT-Extender 2000 Plus !
Installation is very simple: Please run the LT-Extender installation program "Setup.exe" from your
installation package (on CD or downloaded), i.e. from Windows-Explorer.
Especially when installing from CD: if the CD Autorun function is active, the installation is automatically
started after inserting the CD into the CD drive; otherwise please run the installation program "Setup.exe"
manually as described.
Setup only needs to know where you want
LT-Extender to be installed please use a
separate folder (i.e.: "x:\Programs\LTExtender").
After copying all LT-Extender files, the LTExtender program group is created on the
Windows' Startmenu (with online help,

registration tool "Register 2 AutoCAD

LT" and Uninstallation-Routine).

At last, the registration tool "Register 2

AutoCAD LT" will be started to register LT

Extender with AutoCAD LT.

Please select all AutoCAD LT installations,

where you want LT-Extender to be
integrated thats all.

With this registration tool "Register 2 AutoCAD LT" you may change the LT-Extender integration into

AutoCAD LT at any time later please note ; AutoCAD LT must not be running then !

6 Introduction

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Start with AutoCAD LT

The "Register 2 AutoCAD LT" tool registers LT-Extenders with AutoCAD LT therefore, LT-Extender is
automatically loaded at startup and all program features are immediately active and available.
At startup, LT-Extender 2000 Plus loads its own menufile abd shows the pulldown menu column "LT
Extender" there you will find all new AutoCAD commands and features, and all advanced LT-Extender
features like setup, AutoLoad management, registration/licensing, online-help and version info.
LT-Extender also searches for the Autodesk ExpressTools at LT startup if the ExpressTools are found (in
all Support Pathes defined for current LT configuration), LT-Extender automatically loads & activates the
ExpressTools menu, and also loads its own program file "AcedUtil.lsp", which contains program support and
functions emulations for ExpressTools. After startup, ExpressTools functions are immediately available
There are more detailled informations on ExpressTools in chapter "Autodesk ExpressTools".

LT-Extender 2000 Plus uses Microsoft's "HTML-Help" - a help system that is based on the Microsoft Internet
technology, which combines text-, graphics- and video-information in highly compressed files (*.chm). These
helpfiles are represented by a special browser similar to the Internet Browser. The HTML help offers search
functions, an index, a glossary, excellent navigation, as well as the possibility of storing often used topics
as favorites. In order to use HTML Help there must a special run-time-modul be present. In contrast to the
standard Windows Help, which is integrated in all Windows systems, the HTML Help is a separate,
standalone program in Windows 95 and Windows NT 4,0 - the HTML assistance is integrated by default with
Windows 98/2000 (or later versions); on other systems, it is only present, if the Internet Explorer 4 (or higher)
is installed.
Therefore, the HTML Help should be installed on Win95/NT systems. This is done by implementing the file
"HHUPD.EXE" from the directory "Htmlhelp.upd" on the LayerManager's installation CD. In generally,
applying this HTML-runtime-update is always suggested to use the most current version of HTML-runtime.
Attention: The MS Internet-Explorer 3.02 (IE5.0 or later is suggested) must be present on your system. It
must NOT be the systems default Internet Browser (you may also use Opera or Netscape), but some
components of the MS Internet Explorer are needed for using HTML-Help. Under all circumstances,
executing the HTML-runtime-update HHUPD.EXE is preferred in order to have the most current version
installed. By MS IE 4.01 or Win98, there is version V.1.1 of HTML-Help-runtime-module supplied, but there
are new version available meanwhile. The most current version may be downloaded from Microsoft's
websites on Internet (search for HHUPD.EXE).

If you would like to uninstall LT-Extender 2000 Plus, please follow these 2 steps:

1. Close running AutoCAD LT sessions and run the standard software uninstallation (control panel ->
software or from LT-Extender startmenu program group)
2. now you can manually remove the LT-Extender folder from disk (i.e. with Windows-Explorer)
Alternatively, you can also delete the LT-Extender folder from disk because of specific method of

integration of LT-Extender into AutoCAD LT there is no risk to damage your AutoCAD LT installation.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Introduction 7

Register your License
After installation, LT-Extender will run in trial mode for 200 starts without limitations. After 200 starts a regular
license is required; but some features will continue to work as Freeware features (see "Freeware Features").
These commands will remain to work after trial period as Freeware:
all Image commands, ShadeMode, VpClip, XClip, LayerTools, Hatch2Solid, Solid2Hatch

The License dialog will show your serial number, the

program code and your license code, if provided before.
If you are using the trial version, you may enter your License
code here.

To obtain a regular LT-Extender license, please send serial-number and program-code together with your
personal informations to the given email address or fax alternatively, you may get your license online from
LT-Extender website After receiving your license code (by email or online), open
License dialog again and enter your license code after LT restart LT-Extender will run without limitations.
Alternatively you may also purchase the registered LT-Extender version online (secure with SSL !):

Language Selection
LT-Extender 2000 Plus may be configured very flexible for available and desired language support :

1. Command file: defines all re-activated AutoCAD commands using selected language
2. Menu file: select the menufile in desired language
3. Message file: Program messages are displayed using selected language
4. Online-Help: selects the online-help file in desired language
Using separate languages may be useful in situations when not all components are not available in desired
language (i.e. Menu and message files are used in Spanish, Online-help is used in English language).
The filenames indicate the language used there is
a 2/3 character language key (de, en, fr etc.).
When the configuration dialog is closed, all settings
become immediately active except for the
command file, that is activated after restarting


8 Registration

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage

What LT-Extender offers

AutoCAD LT is based on absolutely the same software kernel as AutoCAD in fact, AutoCAD LT is only

a feature limited edition of the AutoCAD software. Just other than with AutoCAD LT 97/98, that is much

more different to AutoCAD 14, Autodesk has chosen to build AutoCAD LT (since version 2000) on the

same kernel as AutoCAD (in technical realisation).

During LT-Extender 2000 Plus development lots of interesting details about LT and its design were found :

1. AutoLisp: is really existing and active inside AutoCAD -LT

2. ARX-Interface: is also existing and active inside AutoCAD -LT

3. Commands: nearly all AutoCAD commands, officially not existing in LT, are re-activated

In fact, both the Lisp- and ARX-interface are used by AutoCAD LT itself. But Autodesk has implemented
several locks to prevent the interfaces' usage for external (Lisp/Ads/Arx) programs :
LT-Extender provides a user-friendly and compatible access to all these unlocked components and features:


AutoCAD commands

activates more than 60 (up to 90) additional AutoCAD commands,

(Raster/Image-, ACIS-, 3D drawing, 3D-Orbit-, and Renderer commands)




allows you to load & run AutoCAD -ARX-Programs like they are used under





allows you to load & run AutoLisp-Programs like with AutoCAD


activates 75 System-Variables, which are deactivated in AutoCAD LT more

than 30 system variables are directly accessible from the menu

'Appload' command

Appload allows you to load & run Arx- and Lisp-Applikations



Lisp offers a new command prompt that features (like AutoCAD ) to enter and
evaluate AutoLisp expressions

automatically Load of

loads Arx/Lisp-Applications automatically as defined by the user; these

applications are directly loaded at AutoCAD LT startup

automatically Load of
Acad.rx file

this support file is managed under AutoCAD LT in compatible way as under

AutoCAD to ensure highest compatibility for applications

automatically Load of
Acad*.lsp files

this support file is managed under AutoCAD LT in compatible way as under

AutoCAD to ensure highest compatibility for applications

automatically Load of
Menu-Lisp files

automatically loads all those Menu-Lisp (*.mnl) files related to active menus to
ensure highest compatibility for applications

DemandLoad for Arx


the so-called 'DemandLoad' technology for Arx applications is completely and

compatible emulated by LT-Extender under AutoCAD LT


emulates a most compatible AutoCAD environment for highest compatibility for

applications by providing all AutoCAD support files even under LT

LayerTools included

the LayerTools offer highly effective methods to control the drawing layers with
reference entities incl. Restoring and reverse selection

ExpressTools Support

allows the usage of Autodesk ExpressTools even under AutoCAD LT

AccuRender Support

installed AccuRender 3.1 is automatically detected and prepared to run in LT

LT-Extender 2000 Plus marks a new milestone in customizing AutoCAD LT both the number of features
and the technical solution are highly sophisticated. The most special fact, in opposite to any other software

that is customizing AutoCAD LT, is given with the LT-Extender technology: only AutoCAD LT internal

features and technologies are re-activated and enabled, there is nothing brought into AutoCAD LT from
'outside'. Therefore, the highest level of compatibility is ensured for users and applications.
In summary of all details, LT-Extender 2000 Plus is the most complete, compatible and valuable solution to

push your AutoCAD LT to AutoCAD level. To ensure a comfortable environment for AutoCAD LT users,
LT-Extender offers a set of toolbars, one for each sub-menu these toolbars are nearly identically to the

original AutoCAD toolbars.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 9

Activating disabled AutoCAD-commands

One of the most interesting features provided by LT-Extender is called "command activation": Nearly all

AutoCAD commands, which are claimed to be not existing under AutoCAD LT, will be re-activated. This

means, LT-Extender will enable these missing, native AutoCAD LT commands. LT-Extenders does not
need to re-program these commands with its own code; instead, all re-activated commands are native,

internal AutoCAD LT commands the simple truth: Autodesk has locked these commands for the users

Enabling these AutoCAD LT native commands also ensures highest compatibility and comfort for users and

applications, those enabled commands act like original AutoCAD commands (they are original commands).
Only those non-existing commands are provided by LT-Extender itself. Additionally, LT-Extender provides a
new pulldown menu which contains all those enabled commands.
With only a few exceptions, all those enabled commands are available with all supported versions of

AutoCAD LT (2000-2004) all exceptions are explained in the following chapters

Overview on re-activated commands :
Drawing commands

3dface, Edge, 3dmesh, Tabsurf, Edgesurf, RevSurf, Rulesurf, Sphere, Pface,

Mline, MlEdit, MlStyle, Sketch, Trace

ext. Atrribute commands AttRedef, eAttEdit, eAttExt, BAttMan


Box, Wedge, Pyramid, Cone, Sphere, Dome, Dish, Torus

3D Operations

3dArray, Rotate3d, Mirror3d, Align

Raster/Image commands ImageAttach, ImageClip, ImageQuality, ImageAdjust, Transparency, Advanced

ACIS commands

Cylinder, Torus, Box, Cone, Extrusion, Interfere, Union, SolidEdit, Rotation,

Section, Slice, AcisIn, AcisOut, StlOut, AmeConvert, SolDraw, SolView, SolProf;
and also the complete set of Solid Edit commands

Pan/Zoom/3D commands 3dOrbit, 3dcOrbit, 3dZoom, 3dZoomTransparent, 3dPan, 3dPanTransparent,

3dclip, 3dSwivel, 3dRender, 3dDistance, Camera
Shading commands

offers the permanent shading for viewports using all 6 Shading modes :
2D Wireframe, 3D Wireframe, Flat, Gouraud, Flat+Edges, Gouraud+Edges

Renderer commands

Render, Scene, Light, Mat, Matlib, Mapping, ShowMat, Background, Fog,

LsNew, LsEdit, LsLib, Replay, ImageSave, 3dsout, 3dsin, Rpref, Stats

Common commands

Xopen, XClip, VPClip, QDim, DXBin, Load, PsIn, PsOut, PsFill, Shell, Compile,
Hatch2Solids, Solids2Hatch

Special commands

appload (Loads ARX/LISP programs); lisp opens the interactive Lisp prompt

Drawing commands

All drawing commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 and higher.
These following drawing commands are enabled:

3dface, 3dmesh, Tabsurf, Edgesurf, Revsurf,

Rulesurf, Sphere, Pface, Sketch, Trace (Trace
is not available from Toolbar)

Mline, Mledit, Mlstyle

10 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Extended Attribute Commands

The Extended Attributes commands can be made available for all AutoCAD LT versions. These commands

are defined by additional Arx files, which are not shipped with LT. If you have a valid AutoCAD license, or if

you have an AutoCAD Trial version installed, even AutoCAD LT can load these programs.
Nessecary program files:
1. acEAttEdit.arx, acEAttEditRes.dll, acEAttExt.arx, acEAttExtRes.dll, Battman.arx, BattmanRes.dll

2. if both AutoCAD LT and Windows can locate these files (support pathes !), AutoCAD LT will
load these programs automatically when entering the appropriate commands
These following Extended Attributes commands are enabled:
AttRedef, eAttEdit, eAttExt
optional: BAttMan

3D Surfaces commands

All 3D Surfaces commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 and higher.
These following 3D-Surface commands are enabled:

Ai_Box, Ai_Wedge, Ai_Pyramid, Ai_Cone, Ai_Sphere,

Ai_Dome, Ai_Dish, Ai_Torus

3D Operations

All 3D Operations commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 and higher.
These following 3D-Operation commands are enabled:
3dArray, Rotate3d, Mirror3d, Align

Raster-/Image commands

All Raster/Image commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 and higher.
These following Raster/Image commands are enabled:

ImageAttach, ImageClip, ImageQuality, ImageAdjust,

Transparency, Advanced Clip
-Image, -ImageAdjust (special Commandline versions
are not available from Menu/Toolbar)

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 11

ACIS commands

All ACIS commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 or higher; additionally there is a
number of variants implemented for the solidedit command.
These following ACIS commands are enabled:

Cylinder, Torus, Box, Cone, Extrusion, Subtract, Interfere, Union, SolidEdit, Rotation, Section,
Slice, AcisIn, AcisOut, StlOut, AmeConvert, SolDraw, SolProf, SolView

Variants of SolidEdit

Pan/Zoom/3D-Orbit commands

All Pan/Zoom/3D-Orbit commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions since 2000i or higher; for

AutoCAD LT 2000 the Pan/Zoom/3D-Orbit commands are not completely available, unfortunately !
These following Pan/Zoom/3D-Orbit commands are enabled:

3dOrbit, 3dcOrbit, 3dZoom, 3dZoomTransparent,

3dPan, 3dPanTransparent, 3dClip, 3dSwivel,
3dRender, 3dDistance, Camera

12 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Viewport Shading Modes

The permanent Viewport shading is available for all AutoCAD LT versions all viewports can be
permanently configured to use one of the 6 available shading modes; the drawing model may be edited then
even in shaded representation.
These following Shading modes are available :

2D-Wireframe, 3D-Wireframe,
Flat+Edges, Gouraud+Edges



Renderer commands

All Renderer commands can be made available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 and higher.

In original AutoCAD , these commands are provided by some additional Arx programs these Arx programs

are not included in the AutoCAD LT package. If you have a valid AutoCAD license, or if you have an
AutoCAD Trial version installed, even AutoCAD LT can load these programs.
Nessecary program files:

acRender.arx, acLsObj.arx, Render.xmx, RendComm.dcl, Render.dcl, Render.lli, Render.mli,

Rm_Sdb.dwg, Sitename.txt
if both AutoCAD LT and Windows can locate these files (support pathes !), AutoCAD LT will
load these programs automatically when entering the appropriate commands

These following Renderer commands are enabled:

Render, Scene, Light, Mat, Matlib,

Mapping, ShowMat, Background, Fog,
Lsnew, Lsedit, Lslib, Replay, ImageSave,
3dsout, 3dsin, Rpref, Stats

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 13

Common commands

All the following common commands are available for all AutoCAD LT versions 2000 and higher.
Additionally, some further commands are provied for the command line: _Shell, _Compile.
These following common commands are enabled:

ImageClip, XClip, VPClip

Appload, DXBin, Load, PsIn, PsOut, PsFill,

Hatch2Solid, Solid2Hatch, XOpen


Special commands

The following special commands are available for all AutoCAD LT they are all directly provided by LT
Extender, because AutoCAD LT does not offer these commands as built-in features.
These following special commands are directly provided by LT-Extender 2000 Plus :
Appload, Lisp
Appload :
Lisp :

opens the file dialog to select Arx/Lisp application to be laoded

opens the interactive lisp prompt to enter & evaluate Lisp expressions

Starting with version v.1.7, Lisp processing is available at command prompt like with AutoCAD - for
compatibility, the special Lisp prompt still remains available.

Freeware Features
As a special bonus, LT-Extender offers a range of free function and commands (so-called Freeware).
After installing the Trial version, LT-Extender will work for 200 program starts, without any limitation after
this trial period has expired, LT-Extender will stop working, until a regular license is provided. But even if the
trial period has expired, some important "freeware" features will continue working without limitations, that
means, you can still use those functions without regular license.
The following commands are provided for free, without License, and for all LT versions:
1. all Image commands
Image. Image, ImageAttach, ImageAdjust, -ImageAdjust, ImageClip, ImageQuality,
Transparency, Advanced Image Cut (ImgCut)
2. Viewport Clip (VpClip)
3. Xref Clip (XClip)
4. permanently Viewport-Shading (ShadeMode)
5. LayerTools
6. Hatch2Solid, Solid2Hatch

14 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Activating disabled System-Variables

Besides reactivated commands, LT-Extender offers more than 75 reactivated system variables, which are

hidden or not existing in AutoCAD -LT the most important system variables are accessible from the menu.
There are many and important system variables which will effect several commands and the kind, structure
and visual aspects of entities in summary: nessecary additions to those reactivated commands
List of reactivated System-Variables which are accessible from the LT-Extender menu :

OffsetGapType, SurfType, SurfTab1, SurfTab2, SurfU, SurfV, TraceWid, HidePrecision,



DispSilh, FacetRatio, SolidCheck, AcisOutVer


CmlJus, CmlScale, CmlStyle


BindType, XFadeCtl


SketchInc, SkPoly


ProxyNotice, ImageHlt, PolarMode, PsVpScale, UcsVp, DragP1, DragP2, ShpName


TreeDepth, TreeMax, WhipThread

Alphabetical list of all reactivated System-Variables :


Controls whether AutoCAD loads the acad.lsp file into every drawing or just the first drawing
opened in an AutoCAD session.


Stores the directory path, if any, specified by the ACAD environment variable, with path
separators appended if necessary.


Stores the AutoCAD version number. This variable differs from the DXF file $ACADVER
header variable, which contains the drawing database level number.


Controls the ACIS version of SAT files created using the ACISOUT command.


The AREA system variable stores the last area computed by the AREA command.


Controls how xref names are handled when binding xrefs or editing xrefs in place.


Specifies multiline justification.


Controls the overall width of a multiline.


Sets the multiline style that AutoCAD uses to draw the multiline.


Controls whether the 3D compass is on or off in the current viewport.


Displays the name of the current profile.


Indicates the drawing modification status using bitcode.


Stores the exit method of the most recently used dialog box.


Controls display of silhouette curves of solid objects in Wireframe mode. Also controls
whether mesh is drawn or suppressed when a solid object is hidden.


Sets the regen-drag input sampling rate.


Sets the fast-drag input sampling rate.


Stores the same value as SYSCODEPAGE (for compatibility reasons).


Controls the aspect ratio of faceting for cylindrical and conic ACIS solids.


Indicates whether the current drawing is partially open.


Controls the accuracy of hides and shades.


Controls whether the entire raster image or only the raster image frame is highlighted.


Stores the last string echoed to the command line.


Displays the user's name as configured or as input when AutoCAD is loaded.


Stores the menu file name, including the path for the file name.


Suppresses the message display (muttering) when it wouldn't normally be suppressed.


Controls how to offset polylines when a gap is created as a result of offsetting the individual
polyline segments.


Indicates which AutoCAD platform is in use.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 15


Obsolete. Has no effect in AutoCAD 2000 and later releases


Obsolete. Has no effect in AutoCAD 2000 and later releases except to preserve the integrity
of pre-AutoCAD 2000 scripts and LISP routines.


Controls the display of optional dialog boxes and errors for batch plotting and scripts.


Controls settings for polar and object snap tracking.


Returns the product name.


Returns the program name.


Assigns a project name to the current drawing.


Indicates wether to displays a notice when a proxy is created or not display a message.


Sets the view scale factor for all newly created viewports.


Indicates whether a drawing is in reference-editing state and stores the reference file name.


Stores current viewport size in pixels (X and Y).


Sets a default shape name that must conform to symbol- naming conventions.


Sets the record increment for the SKETCH command.


Determines whether the SKETCH command generates lines or polylines.


Turns the solid validation on and off for the current AutoCAD session.


Sets the number of tabulations to be generated for RULESURF and TABSURF commands
and sets the mesh density in the M direction for REVSURF and EDGESURF command.


Sets the mesh density in the N direction for the REVSURF and EDGESURF commands.


Controls the type of surface-fitting performed by the Smooth option of the PEDIT command.


Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the M direction.


Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the N direction.


Indicates the system code page specified in the acad.xmx file.


Contains the directory name configured for placement of temporary files.


Sets the default trace width.


Specifies the maximum depth, that is, the number of times the tree-structured spatial index
can divide into branches.


Limits memory consumption during drawing regeneration by limiting the number of nodes in
the spatial index (oct-tree).


Determines whether the UCS in viewports remains fixed or changes to reflect the UCS of
the current viewport.


Stores a bitcode indicating the state of the Auto and Control options of the UNDO
command. It's the sum of the following values:


Stores the number of marks placed in the UNDO control stream by the Mark option. The
Mark and Back options are not available if a group is currently active.


USERI1, USERI2, USERI3, USERI4, and USERI5 are used for integer values.


USERR1, USERR2, USERR3, USERR4, and USERR5 are used real numbers.

users1users5 USERS1, USERS2, USERS3, USERS4, and USERS5 are used text string data.

Controls whether to use an additional processor (multithreaded processing) to improve the

speed of operations such as ZOOM and PAN that redraw or regenerate the drawing.


Indicates whether the UCS is the same as the WCS.


Indicates whether a drawing file is read-only or can be written to.


Controls the fading intensity for references being edited in-place.

More System Variables available with LT 2004 :

toolpalettepath Defines where Tool Palettes files are stored.

Controls the notification for updated or missing xrefs.


Controls whether hatch patterns and gradient fills are associative.


Specifies the angle of a gradient fill.


Specifies the color for a one-color gradient fill or the first color for a two-color gradient fill.

16 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus


Specifies the second color for a two-color gradient fill.


Makes the color a tint (mixed with white) or a shade (mixed with black) in a one-color
gradient fill.


Specifies whether a gradient fill uses one color or two colors.


Specifies the pattern of a gradient fill (1-9).


Specifies whether the pattern in a gradient fill is centered or is shifted up and to the left.

Appload Loading applications

One of the most important features provided by LT-Extender 2000 Plus is given with the appload command,

that allows the user (like the original AutoCAD command) to select, load & run both Arx and Lisp programs.

With this command the user is enabled to use AutoCAD applications even under AutoCAD LT, to improve

comfort, functionality and flexibility of AutoCAD LT just as needed.

Important Specialty:
As an improvement against the original appload command, LT-Extender additionally offers to load any
filetype (*.*) at the file dialog. In generally, LT-Extender analyses the kind of selected program files to detect
wether to load the specified program file as an Arx file or to load the file as Lisp program..The Filetype is
only used to filter the displayed files on the file selection dialog !

This means, that users may also select unusual AutoCAD program files like Menu-Lisp files (*.mnl), before
loading further Arx and/or Lisp programs this is a very important detail to load more complex applications,
that often need their Menu-Lisp files to be loaded before.
Currently, *.fas/*.vlx/*.dvb applications can not be loaded development for this features is is on the
way, and may be provided with future versions of LT-Extender
Additional informations are given in chapter "Automatically loaded Applications".

ARX interface

All AutoCAD LT versionen since LT 2000 have a complete and active ARX interface included you will

recognize that AutoCAD LT uses lots of *.arx file to establish its functionality (like AutoCAD does); the LT
installation folder contains many arx files.
But Autodesk has blocked any access to the ARX interface for external applications there is no (arxload
filename) function and no original appload command available. This way, it looks like the ARX interface
wouldn't be existing ...
Based on our ARX activation technology "LTE", which is integrated into LT-Extender, there is a technical

solution available to re-activate the ARX interface even under AutoCAD LT, thus managing Arx applications
this includes loading and running those Arx applications.

Usage and handling of Arx applications under AutoCAD LT is therefore absolutely the same as under

AutoCAD . In some details a very small number (of very specialised) AutoCAD -Arx programs may have

trouble when running under AutoCAD LT. This may range from minor, unimportant mailfunctions up to even

crashes of the applications and/or AutoCAD LT itself.

There are many reasons possible for such incompatibilities:

1- the program code may target exclusively and in a very special way to real AutoCAD

2- it is possible, that arx programs will mistakenly use the wrong Registry parts of AutoCAD

instead of using the AutoCAD LT parts of the Registry (i.e. problems with DemandLoad)
3- in very rare situations it may happen, that applications will use complex communication between

Arx and Lisp program code that is not exactly working as under AutoCAD .

But most of all Arx applications written for AutoCAD will also run under LT without problems one example
is "LayerManager Professional" (also by TM-CAD Engineering) that uses complex technologies and both Arx
and Lisp interface -LayerManager is completely working under LT without any problems

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 17

Usage of Arx-Interface and Arx applications from the users' point of view :
LT-Extender offers several opportunities for managing and using Arx applications all these opportunities
are shown at the LT-Extender-Menu column, and will be explained here:
1. Appload: the Appload command allows you to manually load & run Arx/Lisp applications
2. Lisp-Prompt: at the Lisp prompt, Arx applications may be loaded with (arxload filename)
3. AutoStart: using the AutoStart dialog, Arx/Lisp applications may be placed into the list of

automatically loaded applications, that are available for use directly after AutoCAD LT start
The re-activated Arx-Interface is also available for applications:
The ARX-Interface is not only available in interactive mode (for the user), but also for applications in
compatible way. This means, that both Arx and Lisp programs may dynamically load further Arx applications
at runtime

LISP interface

Important note : with AutoCAD LT 2004 the AutoLisp interpreter was removed by Autodesk we are
currently implementing a new Lisp interpreter to be intergrated with LT-Extender for LT 2004.

With all versions of AutoCAD LT 2000-2002 the internal AutoLisp interpreter is present and active. But
AutoLisp was handicaped by Autodesk in some important details: at first, AutoLisp is not active at the
command prompt, and both functions (load lispprogram) und (arxload arxprogram) have been removed. So it
looks as there would be no chance to get into AutoLisp, as first impression
During development of LT-Extender 2000 Plus, a special technology was built which enables the access to
AutoLisp in usual manner the most interesting and important fact is, that LT-Extender uses the original,
built-in AutoLisp, in opposite to other Lisp-enabling software. This ensures highest performance, compatibility

and stability in the context of AutoLisp under AutoCAD LT.

Features of AutoLisp-Activation:
1. complete compatibility at applications' level: this means, that AutoLisp applications will run even

under AutoCAD LT without differences and limitations

2. both that missing AutoLisp functions (load lispprogram) and (arxload arxprogram) are provided
by LT-Extender in compatible way
3. AutoLisp applications may use Standard-AutoLisp, Protected-AutoLisp and Kelvinated-AutoLisp
4. nested and recursive loads of AutoLisp applications is working properly
5. an interactive Lisp prompt is provided to enter and evaluate Lisp expressions; this is an
alternative and replacement for the missing Lisp evaluation at the command prompt
There were intensive tests made to ensure compatibility and stability of the AutoLisp integration: even most
complex AutoLisp applications with more than 1 MByte of program code were completely working without
any problems and with full performance. It was very interesting to recognize, that applications usually run just

faster under AutoCAD LT compared with AutoCAD - because AutoCAD LT is smaller and does not have
so much overhead, the overall performance is just better an interesting side-effect !

There are some limitations known for using AutoLisp under AutoCAD LT at this moment:
1. there is no possibility for using VisualLisp files (*.fas, *.vlx) (we are working on that)
2. some ActiveX based VisualLisp functions are not available: vlr-..., vla-..., vlax-...; all other vl-...
functions are available and working properly

3. AutoLisp applications using those programming interfaces of several AutoCAD -Extentions

(MAP, ADT, LDDT etc.) will not work, because these interfaces are not available under LT

Processing Acad.rx file

AutoCAD LT shows some further limitations compared to AutoCAD : the usual support file Acad.rx will not
be processed (because there is no Arx interface available, in official statements). This file is used in the

context of user-customization of AutoCAD to automatically load specified Arx applications, listed in that file.

These specified Arx applications are normally loaded at AutoCAD startup.

The main goal of LT-Extender is to provide the most compatible AutoCAD environment even under

AutoCAD LT for users and applications therefore, this missing feature of processing acad.rx file is
provided by LT-Extender now.

18 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

LT-Extender processes the file Acad.rx once per session at AutoCAD LT startup and loads the
specified Arx applications automatically !

Some Notes: it is recommended to create a new, empty file Acad.rx in the Support folder of your AutoCAD
LT installation some applications will insert their program file(s) during installation. Additionally, users may
also manually insert their most preferred Arx applications here. LT-Extender will search all support pathes for
the specified arx applications so it is not nessecary to specify pathes if the application is located within one
of those support pathes.

Processing Acad2000.lsp and Acad2000Doc.lsp files

AutoCAD LT shows another limitation: the usual support files Acad2000.lsp and Acad2000Doc.lsp are

not processed like they are processed under AutoCAD (because there is no Lisp interface, as officially

stated). These 2 files are used in the context of user-defined AutoCAD customization. Usually these files
contain pre-defined commands, loading of Lisp and/or Arx applications and many other customizations.
There applies the following rules for processing these files:

1. the files Acad.lsp, Acad2000.lsp are processed once per AutoCAD /AutoCAD LT session
2. the files AcadDoc.lsp, Acad2000Doc.lsp are processed once when a drawing is loaded

The main goal of LT-Extender is to provide the most compatible AutoCAD environment even under

AutoCAD LT for users and applications therefore, this missing feature of processing Acad.lsp,
Acad2000.lsp, AcadDoc.lsp, Acad2000Doc.lsp files is provided by LT-Extender now.

LT-Extender loads the files Acad.lsp, Acad2000.lsp once when AutoCAD LT ist started and the files
AcadDoc.lsp, Acad2000Doc.lsp are loaded once for eached opened drawing !
Some Notes: it is recommended to create new, empty files Acad.lsp, Acad2000.lsp, AcadDoc.lsp,
Acad2000Doc.lsp in the Support folder of your LT installation some applications will insert their settings
and program file(s) during installation. Additionally, users may add their own customizations there, of course.
Support for S::STARTUP function:

Running AutoCAD the function S::STARTUP may be used to run desired Lisp-code after AutoCAD startup.

This feature is also provided for AutoCAD LT by LT-Extender, so Lisp programs may use the S::STARTUP
function in usual way.

Processing MNL files

There are further limitations implemented with AutoCAD LT in opposite to AutoCAD : when using

additional menu files (i.e. menu columns of loaded AutoCAD applications) the related Menu-Lisp files *.MNL
are ignored, they are simply not loaded. Usually these Menu-Lisp files contain small AutoLisp routines,
functions and commands, that are used to ensure the menu's and the applications proper functionality;
sometimes, the Menu-Lisp files may also contain the main application's loading code (that means,
applications are loaded and initialised by the Menu-Lisp file). If such applications are loaded by LT-Extender,
the missing MNL processing feature would prevent those applications from working properly
But LT-Extender 2000 Plus also provides a simple, but most effective solution for this basic problem under

AutoCAD LT this solution completely works without automatically and any further user interaction :
LT-Extender analyses all active menu files and searches for their related Menu-Lisp files

*.mnl at AutoCAD LT startup; all existing Menu-Lisp files are then loaded automatically !
There are no further requirements nor any user interactions nessecary all that analysis and loading of

Menu-Lisp files is managed automatically. With this special LT-Extender feature, compatibility of AutoCAD
LT from the applications and the users point of view is significantly improved.
As example, with this LT-Extender feature it is possible to provide a new Menu-Lisp file Aclt.mnl for the
(standard) menu file Aclt.mnu to load commonly used Arx/Lisp applications and functions.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 19

'DemandLoad' for ARX Applications

For Ads/Arx applications, AutoCAD offers the so-called "DemandLoad" technology this allows those
Ads/Arx applications to be loaded automatically and/or by demand, when an appropriate command is

entered. This 'DemandLoad'-technology for external applications is not supported by AutoCAD LT this

means, AutoCAD LT will not load and run those applications, based on the 'DemandLoad' technology.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus provides this 'DemandLoad'-technology even under AutoCAD LT : at startup, LTExtender analyses the Windows' Registry, loads all applications defined for startup activation, and also
defines appropriate commands for all other Ads/Arx applications. From the applications' point of view, the

'DemandLoad'-technology is completely and compatibly active even under AutoCAD LT.

Automatically loaded Applications

Another main target for LT-Extender development was to offer the maximum support for the user in all cases

of customizing AutoCAD LT. This includes to provide missing features for automatically loaded applications

the same way as this is possible under AutoCAD .

Using the function "StartUp Applications"
from the LT-Extender menu column, the shown
dialog will open. The user may add Arx/Lsp
program files, which shall be loaded
automatically; of course, entries may also be
removed and repositioned.

At AutoCAD LT startup LT-Extender 2000 Plus

will process this list of applications in exactly
that defined order.

Important Notice:
This dialog for automatically loaded applications also allows loading of any filetype (filter: all files (*.*)). In
generally, LT-Extender analyses the kind of each specified program file to detect wether the program file is to
be loaded as Arx or Lisp application. The filetype is only used as filter for the shown filelist at the file
selection dialog !
This means, there is no problem when selecting Menu-Lisp files (*.mnl) this may be useful, if some
applications need their Menu-Lisp file to be processed before the main Arx/Lisp program code is loaded: a
very important requirement for more complex applications that usually will use the menu file technology for
activating the application.

Many AutoCAD applications will be loaded indirectly by means of their menu files because AutoCAD
normally loads the Menu-Lisp file (*.mnl) automatically for a given menu. When this Menu-Lisp file is

processed by AutoCAD , the main applications' Arx/Lisp program files will be loaded from inside the Menu
Lisp file. With this technology, AutoCAD applications have a simple, stable, and especially profil-dependent
method to activate or deactivate the application by loading resp. unloading the menu file.

Additionally, LT-Extender also offers direct support for MNL (Menu-Lisp) files, therefore, loading *.mnl files
with this function "Automatically loaded Applications" should not be nessecary (except special conditions).
For more informations about direct Menu-Lisp support, please see chapter "Processing MNL files".

AutoCAD-compatible environment

Usually, in a typical installation, AutoCAD uses a couple of so-called support files like Acad.lin,
AcadIso.lin, Acad.pat, AcadIso.pat, Acad.dcl, Acad.slb, Acad.unt and some more; these support files

are also often used by AutoCAD applications. Under AutoCAD LT, these support files are also present, but
they are always named Aclt.*. Therefore, most applications will not find the Acad.* support files under

AutoCAD LT this will lead into some irritations and further errors during program run.
20 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

LT-Extender offers an elegant solution for that problem :

Controlled by a settings file named "LT-Extender.afc", LT-Extender will automatically create the typical

AutoCAD support files Acad.* based on the same-named LT support files Aclt.*. The settings file "LT
Extender.afc" contains all usually reference definitions to create these AutoCAD compatible support files.

Each appropriate AutoCAD support file is created in the same folder as the original AutoCAD LT support
file. This file generation process is executed automatically and in the background, when LT-Extender starts.

With this feature, LT-Extender ensures a typical AutoCAD environment and thus, it provides the best

compatibility for AutoCAD applications running under AutoCAD LT.

If the user encounters a missing AutoCAD support file, it is easy to supply the missing definition using the
settings file "LT-Extender.afc" by using a text editor like Notepad.exe simply add the appropriate entry

Interactive Lisp-Prompt
Starting with version v.1.7, AutoLISP is completely available at the command prompt without any
restrictions ! The following explanations are only maintained for historical review
Besides the main features of LT-Extender 2000 Plus to load & run Arx and Lisp applications, LT-Extender
also offers the ability to evaluate AutoLisp expressions by means of a separate, interactive Lisp prompt. All
Lisp expression input must be finished with <Return>/<Enter>.
Using the new command Lisp (resp. using the menu
function) the shown Lisp prompt is opened there you
may enter and evaluate AutoLisp expressions.
Please note these comments:

Opposite to AutoLisp evaluation with AutoCAD , LT-Extender does not support AutoLisp directly at the
command prompt ! Instead, there is a special Lisp prompt provided this Lisp prompt is compatible with
standard AutoLisp; but AutoLisp expressions must be finished using the <Return>/<Enter> key.
Some details about technical backgrounds:
Of course, it has always been the development target to achive the direct AutoLisp compatibility for the
command prompt. LT-Extender just contains appropriate program code inside But there were lots of
difficulties in many details, that all guided to the decision to deactivate that feature. As example: it would be

nessecary to "filter" all input from the prompt, which must be manipulated in such a way that AutoCAD LT
would not recognise this input as an AutoLisp expression. Additionally, that manipulated input would go into
commandline history, that might be recalled with the cursor keys even editing the recalled commandline
input had to be manipulated, and so on. In summary, there would be a high risk to disturb the complete
commandline processing ! Additionally, even if AutoLisp would be available at the prompt, another problem
can't be solved this way: handling Menu-Lisp expressions is not enabled, because this is processed by an
internal interpreter

To improve comfort and to provide fast access to all features, LT-Extender offers a range of toolbars. There
is a toolbar for each pulldown sub-menu. All Toolbars may be managed using the standard toolbar functions.
Troubleshooting: In very rare situations it may happen, that only 'smilies' are displayed for the toolbars. In
that case, LT was not able to locate the bitmap files for the icons but solving this problem is simple:
1. Please check, if the 'MenuSource' folder below LT-Extender's home path is defined to be an

AutoCAD LT support path if not, please add that folder 'MenuSource'

2. Re-Compile LT-Extender menu file: under "Tools->Customize->Menus" you should first unload
the LT-Extender menu, then select the same menu (*.mnu !) and load this (ignore the warning).
The menu file is re-compiled now and the Toolbars should be displayed using proper icons

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 21

LayerTools is a set of layer handling functions designed for fast, easy layer configuration by graphically
selected entities to determine layers to be effected. The user may apply layer functions like "Freeze/Thaw",
"On/Off", "Lock/Unlock" directly inside the drawing by selected reference entities. There is an opportunity to
select sub-entities resp. their layers (block attributes), if the user answers with <Return> key instead of
selecting entities: a new prompt is displayed to select sub-entities.
A very special, powerful and user-friendly feature is offered with reverse selection: that means, all layer
operations are executed with those layers, which are not selected by entities : in other words, the user may
select all those entities, for their layer should not be effected by LayerTools functions.
LayerTools records all layer changes using Restore function, layer changes can be undone stepweise and
without limits, in modelspace, paperspace and layouts. All changes to drawing entities are not effected ! This
way, LayerTools allows comfortable entities editing and restoring layers to their previous states !

Running LayerTools
Command: DDLTOOLS (also as small icon on AutoCADs statusbar)
When LayerTools is started, a small dialogbox appears, that will always remains in AutoCAD's window
foreground and works simultaneously and parallel to AutoCAD even better than a ToolBar.
If you have finished LayerTools, the program could be re-opened with command "DDLTOOLS" or from LTExtender's Pulldown menu or from LayerTool's Icon at the LT statusbar.

Using LayerTools
Take a look at LayerTools' options: right click into empty dialogbox area - the contextmenu will be shown.
"Minimize when focus is lost": reduces the dialog to the titlebar if
LayerTools is not active, i.e if the user works inside the AutoCAD drawing
"Active mouse tracking": LayerTools will watch the mouse and
automatically activate the drawing window or LayerTools dialog box
LayerTool functions will process those layers of selected (or not-selected) entities. When a function starts,
the user is asked for entities selection first select the entities to determine the layers to be processed.
You may also answer with <Space>/<Return> key at the entities selection prompt: then it is possible
to select sub-entities to determine layers (like block attributes and XRef entities)
Current: changes the current layer to reference entity's layer
Freeze: changes all reference entities' layer to frozen
Off: changes all reference entities' layer to off
VP-Freeze: changes all reference entities' layers to vp-frozen
Lock: changes all reference entities' layer to locked
UnLock: changes all reference entities' layer to unlocked
Copy: copies all entities on reference entities' layers to another layer that
is also determined by reference entity
Change: moves all entities on reference entities' layers to another layer
that is also determined by reference entity
Show: QuickView all entities located on layers of reference entities
Erase: erases all entities located on layers of reference entities
Foreground: positions all entities located on layers of reference entities
into foreground
Background: positions all entities located on layers of reference entities
into background
Restore: restores the previous layer situation
Not-selected Layer: if this option is active, all functions will process all those NOT SELECTED layer !
Restoring layer situations will NOT effect other edit operations you made with drawing entities !
22 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Some Examples:
"Lock" & "Not-selected Layer": assume, layer "XYZ" is determined by reference entities that means, all
other layers will be locked, "XYZ" remains unlocked, and you may only edit entities on layer "XYZ"
"Off" & "Not-selected Layer": assume, layer "XYZ" is determined by some reference entities all other
layers will be changed to OFF, except layer "XYZ" that remains visible.
The Restore stack is unlimited in size and depth, that means you may restore all previous layer situations
even back to the beginnig of your LayerTools operations.

Autodesk ExpressTools

Starting with version v.1.6, LT-Extender offers direct support for the popular Autodesk ExpressTools that

means, LT-Extender enables loading & running ExpressTools even under AutoCAD LT by emulating all
ExpressTools kernel functions with its own program code these kernel functions are originally provided by
those "AcetUtil*.fas" program files, which can't be loaded under LT. Because LT-Extender automatically
detects the presence of ExpressTools, they are completely loaded, activated and managed by LT-Extender.
By providing ExpressTools support, users will take advantage in several ways :
nearly all ET functions and tools are available under LT, so users will find their commonly used tools

and technologies even when running AutoCAD LT

those drawings created under AutoCAD using the ET and ET specific entities are now displayed
correctly and without proxies (i.e. WipeOuts, RText, ArcAlignedText, etc.)
These major ET tools and functionen are now available in LT:
"Invisible" images to hide & mask entities
revision text for entities
"Reactive Text" links to external text files
Arc-aligned text entities
masking text entities
creates hatch patterns from images
reference summary on all resources used by the drawing

Supported ExpressTools versions

There are 2 major ExpressTools versions available for AutoCAD 2000/2000i/2002 : Volumes 1-8 and
Volumes 1-9. Both versions are described here to prevent irritations and misunderstandings.

ExpressTools Volumes 1-8: the ET Vol.1-8 are shipped with all versions of AutoCAD 2000 (Vanilla, MAP,
MDT, LDT etc.) and they are not Freeware ! This means, you will need at least one valid license of

AutoCAD 2000/2000i/2002 to install and use ET Vol.1-8.

Because ET Vol.1-8 are automatically installed together with AutoCAD , there is no specific "License
Agreement" available for ET due to Online help, the installed ET Vol.1-8 "are free examples of those most

popular tools ". This means, you can install and use ET Vol.1-8 with both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT !

ExpressTools Volumes 1-9: Starting with AutoCAD 2000i, there are no free-of-charge ExpressTools

available on your AutoCAD installation CD now you are free to buy those ExpressTools Vol.1-9 which are

updated and improved for AutoCAD 2000i/2002 from the Autodesk Online Shop (149 USD - Juli 2002).
Based on the "License Agreement" for ET Vol.1-9 you will need a separate license of ET Vol.1-9 for each

machine; but using the ET Vol.1-9 is not limited to AutoCAD only by refering to the "License Agreement"
therefore, using ExpressTools is valid under AutoCAD LT ! It is suggested to purchase a valid ET license

from Autodesk Online Shop ( for each machine.

Which ET version is installed ? If you have already installed ET, or if you are currently using the ET with

AutoCAD , you might need to know, which version you are running neither the Online help nor the "About"

will give the answer. Please have a look into the folder named ".\Express" of your AutoCAD installation and
check the presence of the following files, which are specific for the appropriate ET version :
ExpressTools Volumes 1-8
acetloc.lsp, isort.lsp, acetflt.lsp, acetmain.hlp

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

ExpressTools Volumes 1-9

acetmail.arx, acetftp.arx, acetutil2.fas (- acetutil4.fas)

Features and Usage 23

ExpressTools Volumes 1-8

This chapter provides all nessecary informations to install and activate ExpressTools Vol.1-8 successfully

under AutoCAD LT. You can use the ExpressTools Vol.1-8 regardless of their language version with all

versions of AutoCAD and LT 2000/2000i/2002 and all derivated products.

Installing ET Vol.1-8 for LT

Installing ExpressTools Vol.1-8 under AutoCAD LT is a really simple task, and will only need the following

two steps described here (AutoCAD LT must be closed !) :

Step 1: locate the ExpressTools folder ".\Express"

Usually, ExpressTools are installed into a folder named .\Express check your PC to locate the
position of ExpressTools on your machine

Step 2 : start LT and add a new Support-Pfad for the ".\Express" folder
Menu->Tools->Options, Page "Files", "Support File Search Path"; this support path is nessecary to
find all ET program files

After closing and restarting AutoCAD LT, the ExpressTools will be activated and ready to use.

Activating and Using ET Vol.1-8 under LT

After locating the ExpressTools folder ".\Express" on your PC and providing the support path for this folder,

please close and restart AutoCAD LT.

When restarting AutoCAD LT, LT-Extender will automatically detect the presence of ExpressTools and will
load its support program code for the ExpressTools. Additionally, the ExpressTools menu is loaded and
displayed if nessecary then, the ExpressTools are just ready to use
LT-Extender will document the proper ExpressTools activation with the following command line message :
* LT-Extender 2000 Plus : ExpressTools Vol.1-8 Support - OK

Note 1: if the given message is not displayed after the first AutoCAD LT restart, please close and
restart LT again also, check for the proper support path definition.
Note 2: if the ExpressTools-menu is not displayed, you can also load and display the menu manually

as usual under AutoCAD ,

Limitations and Problems with ET Vol.1-8

Some ExpressTools commands are using ActiveX/VBA based VisualLisp functions this is the major reason
for a few ExpressTools commands not running properly under LT; ActiveX/VBA support is not available
under LT in generally.
The following ET functions and commands are currently not or not completely working or will show some
error messages this is caused by ActiveX/VBA based VisualLisp functions used by those programs :
Delete Layer (laydel)
Replace Path (redir)
Make Shape (mkshape)

is currently not working

works incomplete only and shows some error messages
works nearly complete, but error message after shape creation

The future development of LT-Extenders will also include more emulations of ActiveX/VBA based
VisualLisp functions then, the above mentioned tolls will probably work fine.
If you encounter any further problems with particular ExpressTools functions and commands, please send us
a short bug report to, if nessecary, add example drawing(s) proper
ExpressTools support is of highest importance for LT-Extender and we will provide any bugfixing as soon as
possible this is promised !

24 Features and Usage

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

ExpressTools Volumes 1-9

This chapter provides all nessecary informations to install and activate ExpressTools Vol.1-9 successfully

under AutoCAD LT. You can use the ExpressTools Vol.1-9 regardless of their language version with all

versions of AutoCAD and LT 2000/2000i/2002 and all derivated products.

Installing ET Vol.1-9 for LT

Installing ExpressTools Vol.1-9 under AutoCAD LT is really a simple task, and will only need the following

two steps described here (AutoCAD LT must be closed !) :

Step 1: locate the ExpressTools folder ".\Express"

Usually, ExpressTools are installed into a folder named .\Express check your PC to locate the
position of ExpressTools on your machine

Step 2: start LT and add a new Support-Pfad for the ".\Express" folder
Menu->Tools->Options, Page "Files", "Support File Search Path"; this support path is nessecary to
find all ET program files

After closing and restarting AutoCAD LT, the ExpressTools will be activated and ready to use.

Activating and Using ET Vol.1-9 under LT

After locating the ExpressTools folder ".\Express" on your PC and providing the support path for this folder,

please close and restart AutoCAD LT.

When restarting AutoCAD LT, LT-Extender will automatically detect the presence of ExpressTools and will
load its support program code for the ExpressTools. Additionally, the ExpressTools menu is loaded and
displayed if nessecary then, the ExpressTools are just ready to use
LT-Extender will document the proper ExpressTools activation with the following command line message :
* LT-Extender 2000 Plus : ExpressTools Vol.1-9 Support - OK

Note 1: if the given message is not displayed after the first AutoCAD LT restart, please close and
restart LT again also, check for the proper support path definition.
Note 2: if the ExpressTools-menu is not displayed, you can also load and display the menu manually

as usual under AutoCAD ,

Limitations and Problems with ET Vol.1-9

Some ExpressTools commands are using ActiveX/VBA based VisualLisp functions this is the major reason
for a few ExpressTools commands not running properly under LT; ActiveX/VBA support is not available
under LT in generally.
The following ET functions and commands are currently not or not completely working or will show some
error messages this is caused by ActiveX/VBA based VisualLisp functions used by those programs :
Delete Layer (laydel)
Replace Path (redir)
Make Shape (mkshape)

is currently not working

works incomplete only and shows some error messages
works nearly complete, but error message after shape creation

The future development of LT-Extenders will also include more emulations of ActiveX/VBA based
VisualLisp functions then, the above mentioned tolls will probably work fine.
If you encounter any further problems with particular ExpressTools functions and commands, please send us
a short bug report to, if nessecary, add example drawing(s) proper
ExpressTools support is of highest importance for LT-Extender and we will provide any bugfixing as soon as
possible this is promised !

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Features and Usage 25

Known Limitations
This chapter will summarize any known limitations. All these limitations are main targets for the continuing
development of LT-Extender 2000 Plus, so these details may change in future releases of LT-Extender .
Using AutoLisp expressions inside Menus:
Starting with version v.1.7, AutoLISP is completely available from inside menus with only a very
minor limitation, as explained below
There is a minor limitation related to "(load lispfile)" function:
Syntax : (load lispfile) works fine without any problems
Syntax : (load lispfile OnError) can not be used from inside menu
Possible solutions and workarounds for the (load lispfile) Menu problem:
1. use (load lispfile) syntax, T / NIL is returned
2. use (ltload lispfile OnError) T / OnError is returned
AutoLisp expressions are not available inside Menus ?:
(only, if your LT version is not fully supported)
At this time, the most important restriction is given with the impossibility to use AutoLisp expressions from
inside pulldown menus only error messages will appear at the prompt. This is caused by the different

evaluation of those Lisp expression by AutoCAD - these expressions are not evaluated at command prompt
(they are echoed there only), instead they are processed by a special menu expression evaluator that is not

available with AutoCAD LT.

Possible solutions and workarounds for the Menu problem:
1. if any Arx/Lisp programs shall be loaded from within the menu, it is recommended to load these
programs i.e. with the list of "Automatically loaded Applications" feature.

2. because LT-Extender emulates that (under AutoCAD LT) missing feature of "Automatically load
of MNL files" , those menu Lisp expressions may be defined as simple helper command (defun
c:command (/) ) functions within the related Menu-Lisp files *.mnl this command may be
called from inside the menu then
LT-Extender offers a tool program "ConvertMNU.exe", that will convert the menu file

(*.mnu/mns), so the converted menu will work with both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT
Compiled menu files (*.mnc) are not compatible between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT :

The compiled menu files (*.mnc) are not compatible between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT for whatever

reasons ! Usually, this is not a problem as long as you will not use the compiled menu with both AutoCAD

and AutoCAD LT simultaneously, but only from AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT. The problem will rise up, if you

intend to use the menu with both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT in case, the application is installed only once.
Solution is very simple : Create a copy of the original menu system, including all mnu/mns/mnl files and
rename the copied files to appropriate names: i.e. "MyApp.mnu/mns/mnl" could be copied to "MyApp
LT.mnu/mns/mnl" don't forget the menu lisp files ! Run AutoCAD LT and load & compile the new menu

file; AutoCAD will continue using the original menu - this way the compiled menus will not conflict anymore.
Usage of VisualLisp programs (*.fas, *.vlx) is not available:
At this time, there is no chance for LT-Extender to load VisualLisp-specific files (*.fas/*.vlx) but VisualLisp
functions may be used (even in *.lsp files) without problems !.You may expect, that future versions of LTExtender will offer more support for VisualLisp program files.

Special programming interfaces are not available under AutoCAD LT:

Ads/Arx/AutoLisp applications using special programming interfaces like those of MAP, ADT, LDDT etc. will

not work or will not work properly, because these interfaces are not available under AutoCAD LT.
"Object Properties" dialog might ignore applications-defined entities:
Special application-defined entities (those entities that sometimes are shown as proxies) might be ignored by
the "Object Properties Manager" in most cases.- this seems to be related to the Demand-Load-Feature not
working properly. Like described above, manually/automatically loading the apropriate Arx application may
solve the problem.

26 Troubleshooting

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Limitations, Solutions and Alternatives

This chapter discusses suitable solutions and alternatives for the most common problems arising when using

AutoCAD applications under AutoCAD LT.

Since version v.1.7, AutoLISP is completely available from inside menus for major LT versions for
particular LT versions, AutoLISP is not yet supported inside menus; therefore, the following chapter
is only of importance, if your LT version will not offer AutoLISP inside menus.
Solutions and alternatives for the Menu-Lisp problem:

The most common problem when using AutoCAD applications under AutoCAD LT is related to the usage
of Menu files, which includes Lisp expressions. As explained in chapter "Known Limitations" these Menu Lisp
expressions are not evaluated and will lead into rror messages. In summary, using Lisp expressions inside
menus is not recommended : on one side, there are a number of other methods available, on the other side,
it will need much more efforts to maintain such menus.
1. Avoiding AutoLisp expressions inside Menus:
solution for this problem is really simple: AutoLisp expressions should not be used instead, the menus
should contain commands only; therefore, it is recommended to place all lisp expressions from the menu
files (*.mnu) as small command definitions into the appropriate menu lisp files (*.mnl). This way, the
menu system maintainance is much easierer, and the defined commands may be much more powerful.
Alternatively, these small helper command definitions may also be placed in normal lisp program files
that are then defined to be automatically loaded by LT-Extender's "Automatically Load of Applications"
feature. But the best solution (and therefore recommended) is to use Menu-Lisp files (*,mnl).
2. Avoiding (load "lispprogram") / (arxload "arxprogram") expressions:
Another commonly used (but unprofessional) method will load Arx and Lisp programs directly from inside

the menu this will only lead into error messages under AutoCAD LT Besides that solution under 1.
there are further solutions available: the Arx and Lisp programs may also be loaded a) from within the
appropriate Menu-Lisp (*.mnl) file or b) by LT-Extenders "Automatically loaded Applications" feature
3. Converting the menu files (*.mnu/mns) using the tool "ConvertMNU.exe"
This utility will remove all lisp expressions from the menu file (*.mnu/mns) and place appropriate lisp
commands into the related menulisp file (*.mnl) the menu will use those commands then.=> the new

menu will therefore work with both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
Compiled menu files (*.mnc) are not compatible between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT :

The compiled menu files (*.mnc) are not compatible between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT for whatever

reasons ! But this is usually no ptoblem as long as you will not use the compiled menu with both AutoCAD

and AutoCAD LT simultaneously, but only from AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT. The problem will rise up, if you

will use the menu with both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT simultaneously and in case, the application is
installed once only.
Solution is very simple : Please create a copy of the original menu system, including all .mnu/mns/mnl files
and rename the copied files to appropriate names: i.e. "MyApp.mnu/mns/mnl" could be copied to "MyApp
LT.mnu/mns/mnl" please don't forget the menu lisp files (.mnl) ! Thats all Run AutoCAD LT and load

and compile the new menu file; AutoCAD will continue to use the original emnu files. This way the compiled
menu files will not overlap anymore.
Arx applications are not running properly ?:

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee provided that all Arx applications will run properly under AutoCAD LT
there are lots of possible and sometimes complex reasons that may prevent some applications from working
the usual way (see chapter "Arx Interface"). One of the most common reason is that Arx programs could not
detect their own installation path, and therefore they will miss their *.dcl or *.ini files or similar files like that.
Possible Workarounds: sometimes it may be helpful to add the application's installation path to those

AutoCAD LT support pathes to ensure that the Arx application may find its related files.

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Troubleshooting 27

Debugging and Erorr-Analysis

This chapter describes some special LT-Extender features that may help you to detect and solve problems
related to LT-Extender. In order to provide assistance for both users and developers, LT-Extender offers a
special Debug Mode, that will create detailled protocols. The Debug mode may be useful especially when
using other Third-Parties' Arx- and/or Lisp programs, if any problems arise, an error analysis is available.

If possible, please test any Third-Party software which you plan to use with LT-Extender running AutoCAD

LT under regular AutoCAD - this will ensure that those applications run properly
Then activate the Debug mode as described below; the Debug and textscreen protocols will list all internal
processes and loaded program code to allow detailled analysis.
Debug-Mode Activation:
To activate the Debug mode, please create a simple, empty textfile named "Debug!" inside the LT-Extender

installation folder and restart AutoCAD LT. At startup, LT-Extender wil create a protocol file named "LT
Extender.log" and will list another protocol inside the AutoCAD textscreen with detailled informations on
internal processes of LT-Extenders.
Please send both the protocol file "LT-Extender.log" and the textscreen content together with all informations
which seems to be helpfully via email to this address : we will get in contact
with you to provide any solution and bugfixing as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What about the legal situation when using LT-Extenders or: is LT-Extender legal ?
The clear answer is : YES !
This is really two questions: "Is LT-Extender violating any laws by providing its features ?", and "Will the user
violate any laws when using LT-Extender ?" Almost certainly not ! Is LT-Extender violating any Autodesk
license agreements ? Not according to the opinions of some highly respected experts in the field of software
LT-Extender is completely based on own technologies of the author TM-CAD Engineering Torsten Moses.
Both the LTE Kernel system and the LT-Extender technologies are explicitely not violating any copyrights of

Autodesk in any way, nor they are breaking any paragraphs declared in the user's AutoCAD or AutoCAD
LT license contract, regardless wether US or German laws are underlying. Additionally, many of the license
contract's paragraphs are very disputed under European rights
The US copyright related laws know about "Reverse Engineering" that is legal under defined conditions. The
main condition claims that any files and data under 'foreign' copyrights (in this case: under Autodesks

copyright on AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT) may not be manipulated in any way. Exactly this will absolutely
not happen in any way by either LTE and LT-Extender !

Neither LTE nor LT-Extender are manipulating any AutoCAD and/or AutoCAD LT files in any way;
additionally, neither LTE nor LT-Extender are manipulating the effects or internal technologies of any

AutoCAD and/or AutoCAD LT files ! Therefore, the users position is absolutely legal when using
LT-Extender !
Some important notes:
Users that would like to activate the 3D-Surface commands and/or Renderer commands will need to copy

some original AutoCAD files into any support path of AutoCAD LT. It is absolutely nessecary to be in

possession of a valid AutoCAD license to use those files under AutoCAD LT, to have a minimum legal

safety ! In any case, the user will take all responsibility for using AutoCAD files under AutoCAD LT !

28 Troubleshooting

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Installing LT-Extender Updates
Installing updates for LT-Extender 2000 Plus is a very simple procedure. All updates and bugfixes are free of
costs and may be downloaded from LT-Extender's homepage
After downloading the update or bugfix, simply re-install the new version into the existing installation path,
thus overwriting the old files your software registration remains vaild: trial version remains trial version, and
licensed version remains licensed version.

Some Notes about Translations
Providing LT-Extender 2000 Plus in any desired language is in the interest of both the software developer
and the users, of course ! Therefore, LT-Extender has been designed to support translations and to made
this as easy as possible All language dependent components (pulldown menu column, messages and
dialogs, command names) are defined in simple text files, that may be edited with any ASCII Editor.
All users are hereby granted the right for LT-Extender translations under the following conditions !
Conditions for legitimated software translations:
1. all copyright statements must not be changed in any way !
2. the names of translated files must comply with the file naming rules (see below)
3. all translated files must be send as copy to the program author (,
in order to publish the translation to the websites
Of course, any person and any company that has provided the translation, may include their own copyright
on transaltion into the headers of translated files but this will also be provided by the program author, if
nessecary. All translations are then included into the LT-Extender installation package and provided for
Overview on the files to be translated :
All language dependent files will include a 2/3 character indication xx in their filenames accordingly to their
If any developer would like to add further language(s), it is strongly recommended to follow the given rules :
use a separate postfix "-xx" for each language to add; the following language postfixes are internally predefined for automatic language selection :





















Spanish-cst (castellano) cat (catalan)



For other languages not listed here, feel free to use any other postfixes (even with more than 2 characters).
LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Software-Updates 29

Please see the following tips and notes for translations :

Files to translate:

only thos text parts appearing within [] brackets and helptexts may be

Message file

all entries will using the form "Key # Message"; all Message texts may be

Command definition

all entries will use the form "internal_cmd # national_language_cmd";

national_language_cmd is the command name in national language

Some notes on Command definitions:

Its of essential importance to use all command definition entries with correct style and syntax otherwise,
some commands will not be available.
_.3dface # 3dflche

The original, built-in english AutoCAD command name is given left of # character this acts like a key and

must not be changed or tranlated in any way ! The name of that AutoCAD command in local, national
language is given right of # character there may be used several names (i.e. several aliases).for each builtin command; the only important fact is that the original built-in command name left of # character must not be
changed !
Online-Help Translation :
Translating the online help file is a much more complex job but all interested parties are invited to get in
contact with the program author, in order to find suitable procedures for the translation, depending on the
specific environment available simply send an email to
If there are any open questions, or any suggestions for LT-Extender or anything else regarding the software
and/or its translation, anyone is invited to contact the author we will be glad to provide any assistance as
needed !

30 Translations

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

LT-Extender 2000 Plus

Translations 31

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