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festival 24 fotogrammi

(event communication)

bolli billa


paul mijksenaar

feeling factory
(short movie)


feeling factory
(picture book)

the evolution of
(short movie)
the telecommunications
board game
(board game)




(short movie)
vladi polo
(brand communication)

Vincenzo Maselli
10 june 1989

education and trainig

-PhD in Planning, Design, and
Technology of Architecture
-High training course in
-Masters Degree in
design and visual
-Master in Web Design
-Bachelors Degree in
Industrial design
about me
I am an open-minded and
entusiastic person, with
different interests and
professional skills. During
my studies in design i have
had opportunity to deal with
many design areas, and I
realized that my interests
are mainly toy and animation
design (with a specific
passion for clay-mation), on
one side, and basic design
and the relationship between
art design and craft, on the

(board game)
(promotional material)

The kettle has two

handles, one on top
and the other on the

Handles are welded

to the main c
ontainer and coated
with a element in
thermosetting plastic.
The spout is
equipped of an
hole from where
the steam comes
out when the water
boils. As the speed
of the releasing
steam increases, the
vibrations become
louder, producing a



spessore 4.5 mm



spessore 1.5 mm


spessore 3 mm



Bolli billa is a
chrome stainless steel
stove top kettle with
the capacity of 2 liters.
The aim of the project
is to create a product
that is

Newark, and Amsterdams Schiphol.

His work for the Port Authority
of New York and New Jersey
was echoed in the set design
for Steven Spielbergs film The
He is also a professor in Visual
Information Design at the faculty
of Industrial Design Engineering at
the Delft University of Technology
in the Netherlands.

#exhaustive but concise

#easy to consult

#consistent with the

poetic ot the


Project of a folded brochure of 16 pages describing

life, work and poetry of Paul Mijksenaar.
The front page contains pictograms,
illustrations and photographs of his works. The
reverse page shows a map that describes his life
and poetry following a method of consultation which
shows the main important works of the master.

Paul Mijksenaar (born 1944) is

a designer of visual information
and is founder and director of
the international design bureau
Mijksenaar, based in Amsterdam
and New York. He is a specialist
in creating visual information
systems, such as wayfinding
signage for railway stations and
airports including New Yorks
JFK and LaGuardia, New Jerseys


The reverse page is

designed like a map. Each
paragraph is pigeonholed
into a rectangle identified
by two coordinates: a letter
from A to D (x-axis) and a
number from 1 to 4 (y-axis)
that can be found at the
index in the center of the
map. The three main areas
are: the biography, the
works and poetic of the
designer, and each of them
is identified by a color.
In the index there are also
arrows that suggest the
direction that we need to
follow in order to read that

The design of the exterior

Ulisse is a catamaran
designed to carrying out
research on marine life.
The project, developed
with the Engineer. Giorgio
Bergamini, was submitted to
a competition organised
by the CNR in 2008.
Ulisse is a 17x15 mt
catamaran which can
accommodate up 16 people.

The two hulls measure

2x18 meters and the main
deck 12x12 meters.
The structure is made of
fiberglass coated on the
deck and on top of the
hulls from marine
plywood slats of teak,
which is a lightweight
material but resistant to
The catamaran can come
close to the shore and
enter to the harbour
because of the removable

The interior design

inner perimeter of the

deck, becomes the chart
table and control panel.
The two hulls occupy a
space of 2x18 meters and
reach a maximum height
of 4 meters.



The interior design provides

-5 bathrooms,
-dining room for 16 people
with multifunctional table,
-nautical kitchen,
-16 beds (in the hulls),
-laboratories to
carry out research,
-pantry for reserves,
-cockpit and chart table
with instruments.









the main desk

The height of this element

varies according to
the altitude where it is
located. Two side tables
of 70 cm high and many
chairs 40 cm high come
from this strip. The same
tape that runs along the




The interior design


the hulls


Each hull contains two

bathrooms and 8 sleeps
divided in 4 separate
cabins. The maximum
distance from the inner
walls is 2.20 meters.
The topsides has an
inclination of 5 degrees
from the vertical axis,
ensuring its aerodynamic

Short movie of 2:37

minutes made after
a study about the
development of
The video provides an
overview of the

The main idea is to

show how these devices
have gone through the
history of man changing
lifestyles and ways of
interacting, all with an
ironic and playful way.

most important steps

concerning the evolution
of telegraphs and
telephones, starting with
the earliest forms of
distance communication,
like smoke signals, up
to the most modern
and technological
videophones. The video
is ironic and provocative,
because it takes known
paintings, which are
animated while interacting
with the telegraph and
the telephones. The
animation uses the
puppet method. Some
elements of the painting
are animated with a
purposefully unnatural
way, based on the
rotation of the element
around a pivot.

Meucci telephone


Paintings used are:

Newton Blake (cannocchiale)
Torre rossa De Chirico
(telegrafo ottico)
La morte di marat David
(telegrafo morse)
Galleria del Louvre Morst
(telfono meucci)
I giocatori di carte Cezanne
(telfono colonna)
Venere Botticelli
(telefono ragno)

Spider telephone

Dama con ermellino Leonado

(telefono bigrigio)
Gioconda Leonardo
(telegono grillo)
La creazione Michelangelo
(telefono sirio)
Maya vestita Goya
(cordlesse aladino)
Eva gonzales Marat
La famiglia di Carlo IV Goya


Grillo telephone

Aladino cordless


board game is an
educational game up
to 4 players who may
interact with the board.
On the board there is
a path of 40 square.
Each player plays with a
token. Each token starts
from the same square,
the common goal of
the game is to reach
the final square located
in the center of the
board with the highest
number of phone cards.
special squares

materials included
1 board (40x42cm);
4 different tokens (pink,
green, yellow and violet);
1 regular diece

100 phone cards;

100 invention cards;
50 prize cards;
50 pledge cards;

-Invention square.
When the player step on
this square, he should
draw an invention card.
The Invention cards
contains questions
about the technological
innovations that have
allowed the development
of telecommunications.
If the player answers
correctly he draws a
prize card, otherwise he
draws a pledge card.
Prize cards reward the
player in different ways.
pledge cards punish
the player.
-Telephone square
The payer that arrives
on this square should
draw a phone card.

Behind every phone card

there are questions about
the birth or technical
properties of a particular
model of phone.
If the player

earns the card.

If a player accumulates
less than 5 phone cards he
cant win the game.

WAVES is a system of
modular seating layout.
These chairs are builded

#with nice shape
#it makes shade
#easy to assemble

from four modules with

aluminum frame and slats in
marine plywood of okoume.
Depending on the used
modules, it can be obtained,
therefore, different types of
The project is an exhibition
space outside of the Teatro
India (Rome Ostiense), but

it is versatile and applicable

in many different contexts
with different configurations.
In this case, for example,
It was designed with
four obtained chairs with
different modules and a
larger structure, which
provides more shade and
space for seating.

ALOA is a Cultural
Association of the Order
of Architects, Planners,
Landscapers and
Conservationists in Rome
and province.
This is a profit association
that organizes cultural,
artistic, sport and tourism

On the 2013 they decided

to show a 3D videomapping on a wall made
of boxes, organized on
different depths located
in the center of the great
hall of the Ex Roman
Acquarium as it was the
location for the event.
The video, which lasts

1 minute, highlights the

sport activities in which
the members of the
association are involved
like sailing and soccer
and shows the location
in which the event took

VLADI POLO Industria is the

international leader in the field
of polo, producer of innovative
and unique projects in Europe
and CIS countries and the
official operators of the Italian
Polo Federation. The association
was founded in London in 2003
by Vladlena Hermes, the first
Russian polo player of the
post-Soviet period.

Roll-up of 100x200 cm
required by the Russian
sport association VLADI
POLO, which is responsible
for promoting Polo in Italy.
The project was carried
out in 2012 and it can be
divided in two parts: the
upper part illustrates the
activities of the association
(tourism, POLO forum, Polo
di emozioni, VLADI POLO
academy, VLADI POLO
the life style, VLADI art &
POLO maison); the lower
part illustrates the teams,
the main partners, the
technical partners and the
media partners.

Foldable Flyer in A5 format, made

upon request of the Russian sport
association VLADI POLO, as way to
promote the mission and activities of
the association.
The front of the flyer contains
informations about the main activities,
contacts and partners and photos of
Vladlena Hermes and the members

of the international VLADI Rome Polo

In the back there is a description of
the association, the services offered,
the pricing list and a how to section to
become a member with a description
of the world of Polo, emphasized by a
series of touching photos.

Design of the
corporate identity
and communication
campaign of an
event which took
place in Rome at
Nuovo Cinema
Palazzo from the
13th until the 15th
of December 2013.

The campaign included:

-Poster of 30x78 cm
for the advertising of
the event, including
informations on the
event (date and place)
and the list of the
-Postcards A6 and
flyers A4 to give
additional information
sur place on artists and
activities during the

Festival 24 fotogrammi is an
event organized by a group
of university students.
This event was born to
create a space, a place
where they included different
artistic performance from
film to photography, from
performance to video art,
from sculpture to painting by
giving a voice to young artists
of the local scene,
During the three days festival
there were two ongoing
competitions : one for
short movies, the other for
The theme chosen for the
Festival was Madness and

short movie

Feeling factory is an
animated short movie made
in 16/9, of 5:18 minutes,
made in claymation.
This movie speaks about the
discovery of the concept of
free will in a country where

people at a certain point

understand that they can
shape their feelings.
The images are described
by an external narrator who
speaks in rhyme in Italian
with English subtitles.

short movie

It took seven months to finish

the project divided in multiple
- Pitching of the Concept
- Draft of the script and
writing of the rhymes
- formulation of the
- Design of characters and

- Modeling of characters,and
- Animation and
- Photo-editing,
- Assembly of the photos and
creation of the sequences,
- Video-editing and choice of
audio and sound effects.
The materials used are:
clay for props-characters,
woodpaper covered
with wallpaper for the
scenographies, and painting
for furniture and props. At
first the characters were
made from a skeleton of
wire, which is necessary to
move their limbs; then, I
created the hair and shaped
their heads (with a core of
polystyrene). The rest of
the body was the final step.
Scenographies and props
were made in different
stages: the elements were
cut, pasted and painted as
for the walls I pasted the
wallpaper on the woodpaper.

picture book
An assitant was cleaning a shop,
when something fell from the top.
He noticed there was
something sospect,
touching the precious object.
With some work and manifacture,
he repaired the object fracture.
The result was a big deal
Even the feelings changed for real.
Once upon a time in a faraway land,
there was a little factory
that got out of hand.

Then the assistant got a clue,

about something no one new.

Strange tools and big machineries

were the proof of crazy sceneries.

The items that were so adored,

became something everyone could

The main goal of the

factory with high ceilings,
was to create strange objects
named items feelings.
It was not in peoples willings
to shape their feelings,
but only a pocket full of feelings,
could make people kneeling.
If an affinity was born this way,
to make it grow you had to pay.
And if you couldt pay a lot,
a simple hug was all you got.
Everyone in the town felt admiration
for this strange fabrication.

Feeling factory. A new

ability to feel liberty
is an illustrated book of 46
pages and its dimensions
are 19x25cm. The paper
used is coated 200gr. The
hardback cover, is printed
on coated paper 200 gr and

is plasticized. The book is

thread stitched. The taglines
of the images are in rhyme
in bilingual text (Italian English).
The font used is Metroscript
in the two versions: regular
and italic.

But, what happened over the years?

Once a feeling started wrecking,
everyone was upsetting.
Though, without discretion and liberty,
no one tried to change the affinity.
It would seem quite odd,
people considered those items like God.
Thus one day something strange
led the town to a big change.

The alterations that were handmade,
cuold steer the feelings to an upgrade.
The old feeling maker
was so shocked he could
no longer be a profit taker.
Everyone from that moment,
could manage their own enjoyment,
if an affinity wasnt much,
all you needed was one touch.
Every break through,
led to another point of view.
A simple affection,
originated from a former avversion,
and all the hostilities that came along,
seemed just off and wrong.
This new amiability
originated by this new capability,
became essential for the public utility.
In the crazy little community
the items were no more divine,
When people gained the opportunity,
to break free from the assembly line.

Each player should position
their token on the board
game in a different face of
the cube, starting from the
one on the lower edge of
that face.
The goal of the game is
to reach the LAGO square
position in the top face of
the cube.

LAGOCUBE is a board game with a 3D board,

with which can interact up to 4 players.
Each side represents a different
home ambient. Here the
players will play performing
different house activities
following just one goal:
reach the winning square
at the top of the cube.

45 junction by means of
an anodized aluminium

Token of turned
wood, coupled with a
neodymium magnet
Drawer with push-open
mechanism, 5x5x10cm

-Square Rotate the Cube

When stepping on this
square, the player should
throw the special dice whose
colour indicate the face of
the cube has to be on top.
-Square Door
The player that arrives to
this square should move his
token to the room of the
same colour of the square
where he is.

-Square wait
The player in this square will
have to do something related
to the room in which he is,
therefore he will be busy and
will lose one round of the
-Square exchange position
The player has to exchange
his position with another
player that he can choose.

Chipboard panel, 1.7 cm thick

coated with graphics and
lacquered with magnetic paint.
Flexa-Touch drawer latch.
A simple touch of the
finger releases the spring
and opens the drawer

Brancaccino is a small
theatre of about one
hundred seats.
It is located above the
Brancaccio theatre, in Via

Its schedule offers different

kind of performances all
conceived to have a huge
impact on the audience
by dealing with important
aspects of life.

The aim of the project was

to create an image which
represented the Brancaccino
Theatre season 2015-2016,
whose title was spazio
del racconto.
The idea was to evoke an
oniric atmosphere in which

imagination was free to

express itself.
This illustration has been
also used to create
advertising material: flyers,
posters and web formats.

Creation of promotional and

informational material for
SOrT office (guidance and
tutoring services) and for the
undergraduate and master
program of the Faculty of
Architecture of Sapienza

University of Rome for

academic year 2015-2016.
This office is responsible for
coordinating the university
placement projects, creating
a bridge between high school
and college, and providing

informations to students on
university courses and how
have access to them.

This material has been

created for the annual event
Porte Aperte 2015 edition.

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