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14 January 2010

California Edition

Calendar From Feast To Famine For Nursing

Recruiting Plummets; New Graduates Struggle
January 24-27
Just a few years ago, California’s nurses Emerson and Jones attribute that in
9KL<!B)5/-4(2!8-4>)*)4=)@! were healthcare’s rock stars – lured to new part to many veteran nurses retaining
8()+(*’+!'(2(=)6!7(+ jobs with hiring bonuses, low-interest home their positions past planned retirement.
M)5(+@!!N(./0!O*(/2)*6!L@N@6!/+!;3)! mortgages and even cars. Many are doing so because their
D)&4-;)!+:)(D)*@ The steepest recession since the Great investment portfolios took a beating in
Depression has put a kibosh on the party – the down stock market, or they have a
at least for now. spouse who has lost a job and they need
B)5/+;)*!S42/4)I “The hiring of nurses is certainly not as the income.
3;;:IJJEEE@3>A(*)5/-4$$+&A:-+/1A@-*5J aggressive as two Moreover,
or three years ago.” Nurse hiring in California (2009 and 2010 numbers estimated) many
says Jan hospitals are
Emerson, vice 11000 saving money by
February 10 president of hiring only
external relations veteran nurses
for the California who do not have
?)=-40!<441(2!'(22/(;/.)!8(*)!8-4>)*)4=)@!! Hospital 5083 5307 to undergo
'(=/>/=!'(2A+!B)+-*;6!8/;&!->!C401+;*&@ Association. “For 5500 expensive on-
the past year or the-job training.
?:)(D)*+!(40!%*)(D-1;!5*-1:+!E/22!A(D)! 18 months, many 2750 As a result, as
=(*)@!F""GHF"G#@ hospitals have many as 40% of
put in hiring newly minted
B)5/+;)*!-42/4)I freezes, or have 0 nurses cannot
frozen wages.” 2010 2009 2008 find a job,
3;;:IJJEEE@3(+=@-*5 Emerson’s
Source: CINHC
according to
observation may be an CINHC data.
February 10 understatement: according to the California Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare
Institute for Nursing and Health Care, System is one such institution. With a
projected nurse hiring is now less than half nurse vacancy rate that’s shriveled from
C4+1*)0!T3)!U4/4+1*)06!$R;3!<441(2! of what it was in 2008. The statewide 12% a few years ago to 4% today, the
8)4;)*@ vacancy rate for jobs has also dropped from 269-bed hospital hired no new nursing
<!+&A:-+/1A!-4!3-E!;-!*)01=)!;3)!*(4D+! 7% to less than 5% in the past two years. school graduates in 2009 and has no
->!;3)!14/4+1*)0@!FRGHF$VG@ “The economy has created a very plans to do so in 2010. Before the
unexpected aberration,” says CINHC
B)5/+;)*!-42/4)I Executive Director Deloras Jones. Continued on Next Page

E-Mail with
the details of your event, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be
published in the Calendar section,
space permitting.

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Nurses (Continued from Page One)

Top Placement...
Bottomless Potential recession, it regularly hired 30 or so However, a ramping up of nursing
recent nursing school graduates a year. education programs earlier in the decade
Advertise “Three years ago, everybody was has left so many new graduates without
hiring new graduates, but that’s changed,” work there are concerns many will seek
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 says Cynthia Hopkins, Salinas Valley’s jobs out of state, or abandon nursing
nurse recruiter. altogether – making California’s long-term
Hopkins adds that some nurses are shortage even worse.
In Brief even piling on extra shifts away from their
regular jobs, creating some concern
As a result, CINHC is using a recently
procured $500,000 grant from the Gordon
about on-the-job fatigue. She shies away and Betty Moore Foundation to create
from hiring anybody she believes is internship programs at community clinics to
working at more than one facility. expand the skills of recent graduates and
Stanford Revises CME
The hiring slump is occurring even as make them more marketable. Although the
Process the state struggles with an ongoing acute program would be limited to the Bay Area,
nursing shortage – a trend officials are Jones says her organization is also trying to
Stanford University School of secure a $5 million grant from the U.S.
concerned could aggravate the shortage
Medicine will revise its continuing
medical education (CME) in the long-term. Department of Labor to expand such
curriculum to include private “Everyone agrees as the economy internships statewide.
industry donations without undue rebounds, a lot of people will leave their “This will give the graduates an
outside influence. jobs, and there will be a huge need for opportunity to practice nursing until they
Stanford has accepted a $3
million gift from drug industry giant hiring,” Emerson says. can secure jobs,” Jones says.
Pfizer, Inc. to design a new medical
education curriculum. The money
comes with no strings, or input
from Pfizer.

Anthem Hopes To Tip Scales On CHF

“We set out to see if industry
would be willing to partner with us
to create a high-quality curriculum,
under the condition that Stanford
faculty would choose the topics Wireless Pilot Project Strives to Cut Hospitalizations
and design the curriculum
independent of the relationship
with industry,” says Robert Jackler, Anthem Blue Cross of California has teamed admitted as an inpatient about once a year.
M.D., Stanford’s assistant dean in with a Canadian company to better manage A pilot project involving 100 of Blue
charge of continuing medical
the health of its commercial managed care Cross’ commercial health maintenance
education. “We sought not to
prevent partnerships with industry, patients who suffer from congestive heart organization enrollees with CHF and a
but rather to redefine it.” He adds failure (CHF). bathroom-style scale launched last week. The
that the ultimate goal of designing a The ailment, which affects tens of enrollee uses the scale once a day,
new CME curriculum is to improve thousands of Californians, and it wirelessly transmits their
patient care and focus on issues
specific to Stanford physicians. occurs when a weakened heart weight to their provider. About a
The connection between CME is unable to pump effectively, dozen medical groups that
and companies that can benefit by causing uids to accumulate in contract with Blue Cross are
influencing physicians has been bodily tissues. It can be participating.
under scrutiny for the better part of
controlled with a low-salt diet Warnings are also supplied to
a decade, with widespread
incidents of drug companies and a variety of drugs, but a both providers and patients if
sponsoring marketing-heavy lack of close monitoring can there is a signicant increase in
seminars where physicians received force patients to be hospitalized weight over a short period of time
CME credit in lieu of attendance. for days at a time. – two pounds a day or ve or
“Our multi-year support of
Stanford’s efforts demonstrates our Blue Cross has only about six pounds in a week. It’s a
willingness to help redefine how 400 enrollees in its commercial This bathroom-style scale is sign the condition is not being
used to wirelessly transmit
CME is funded so that practicing health maintenance properly managed. The patient
weight data on Anthem
physicians can get access to the organization with CHF, but the is also prompted by another
enrollees with congestive heart
latest science, presented in ways
condition is extraordinarily failure. Source: Ideal Life wireless device to disclose if
that unquestionably put the
interests of the patient first and costly to manage: up to they are having shortness of
foremost,” says Freda Lewis-Hall, $30,000 per member per year, breath or other symptoms
M.D., Pfizer’s chief medical officer. according to Blue Cross of California Medical suggesting their condition is out of control.
Director Kurt Tamaru, M.D. Most of that cost
is tied up in hospitalizations – on average,
Continued on Page 3 each commercial enrollee with CHF is
Continued on Next Page

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* CHF (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise Most of Blue Cross’ CHF enrollees are to clinic patients in the eastern U.S. and in
prompted to supply their weights to providers some parts of California, but has yet to work
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 on a regular basis, but the data is often with a mainstream commercial health plan.
incomplete. They are also encouraged to call Tamaru hopes that the transmission of
*For our ads, not your hospital their physicians if there is a sudden weight data in real time – along with closer coaching
gain, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they of patients to improve their lifestyle and see a
will get a quick appointment, according to doctor more quickly if they need it – could cut
In Brief Tamaru.
The devices are provided by Toronto-
CHF management costs by up to 40%.
“Catching patients earlier, before they
based rm Ideal Life. Company President need hospitalization, is a key to managing
Jason Goldberg believes the equipment their conditions better and improving their
Lung Association Blasts makes it far easier to monitor a chronic lives,” he says.
California on Tobacco condition such as CHF. The Ideal Life devices only need to cut
Policies “The purpose is to align close costs by 1% for Blue Cross to break even. If
monitoring with routine daily activity, such the pilot proves successful, Blue Cross will use
The American Lung Association in as weighing one’s self in the morning,” it will all its CHF patients in California,
California has given the state Goldberg says. Ideal Life supplies the scales ofcials say.
failing grades for tobacco
prevention and control spending,
and concludes it has made a
lackluster effort in terms of its
maintaining its cigarette tax and
Molina’s Fourth Quarter Dips In Red
smoking cessation programs.
It’s the second year in a row
Rising Expenses Take Toll on Insurer’s Bottom Line
California received an “F” for its
tobacco prevention programs. The
Lung Association claims that the Molina Healthcare may post a loss as high as Molina in the fourth quarter was 87.2%, up
state’s allocation of funding is one- $6.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2009 from 84.7% in the fourth quarter of 2008.
fifth the level recommended by the
ending December 31, according to guidance The Long Beach-based Molina has also
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. issued by the Medicaid insurer this week. been experiencing leaps in membership
The state also received an “F” That’s a huge swing from the $14.8 million in growth over the past year. “Typically we see
for its tobacco tax, which at 87 net income posted by Molina a year ago. organic growth of two to three percent, and
cents per pack is more than a third Molina Chief Executive Ofcer J. Mario our organic growth has been running 10% to
below the national average of
$1.34 per pack. The report card Molina, M.D., attributes the projected losses 12%,” Molina says. He adds that new
noted that legislation the Lung in part to increased costs associated with members initially come with higher costs,
Association sponsored that would caring for patients suffering from the H1N1 although claims tend to atten out a few
have raised the tax to $1.50 a pack swine u virus. He notes that the u virus hit quarters after a member is added.
and raise an additional $1.2 billion
California, Michigan and Washington Molina notes that Medicaid rate
in revenue has stalled in the state
Senate. Action on the bill, SB 600, particularly hard. Those states comprise about decreases in New Mexico and Washington
authored by Sen. Alex Padilla, D- 75% of Molina’s business, Molina told also contributed to losses. Higher
Van Nuys, was suspended last investors at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare administrative costs, such as Medicare
summer. Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday. marketing, moving a call center from
About 4 million Californians
smoke, and some 37,000 of them “This was a big driver for the u costs for California to New Mexico, and higher
die each year from smoking-related us…the u has hit children more than adults,” premium taxes in Ohio, were also blamed.
illnesses. Smoking-related costs are Molina says, adding that the rates paid to Molina believes that if a healthcare
about $18 billion a year. cover children are less than other populations. reform package is passed, the insurer will
“It’s time to raise the grade.
Partly as a result, the medical loss ratio for have to balance a larger number of enrollees
For all Californians, strong tobacco
control policies must be a top with higher medical costs.
priority,” says Jane Warner, chief
executive officer of the Lung
Association in California.
California did receive an “A”
grade for restricting smoking in
public places. And four cities in
California – Richmond, Calabasas, Expert Healthcare Communications
Albany and Glendale – received
overall grades of “A.”
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Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!"6!;++1)!" Healthcare Trends Of 2010 – Part I

As Always, Eyes Will Have to Stay on Bottom Line
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! 1. Healthcare Reform:! Payment and Payer programs continue to grow.! As in the past,
778>!?4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! Mix Changes expect physicians to show preference for
+1%+@*/<A/-4!/+!BCC!(!&)(*! Assuming that full healthcare reform is employment by hospitals, health plans, and
DB$EC!/4!%12FG>!;A!/+!0)2/.)*)0! passed by Congress, actual large medical groups, which offer safety in
%&!)H:(/2!(+!(!'IJ! implementation will take months and, in numbers, ease of practice, and more balanced
(AA(@3:)4A6!-*!(+!(4!)2)@A*-4/@! some cases, years.! The most profound lifestyles.
4)K+2)AA)*> impact will be felt in reimbursement
changes ! impacting Medicaid, Medicare, 4. Clinical Integration and Changing Delivery
Disproportionate Share Hospital payments, Models
?22!!(0.)*A/+/456!+1%+@*/%)*!(40! and even commercial payment Hospitals and physicians will
)0/A-*/(2!/4L1/*/)+M rates.! Anticipate that the further align clinical and financial
majority of services hospitals incentives patterned after entities
/4R-S<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+2>@-: provide will be reimbursed at or that have created models that
near Medicare rates.! meet federal and health plan
T(/2/45!(00*)++M guidelines and rigorous standards
2. The Economy of integration.! Bundled payment
Y1*%(4F6!8?!C$Z#Z Unemployment will likely structures (e.g., acute care
remain high through 2010.! This episodes, VBP) for selected
will keep demand soft for cardiac and orthopedic
W)%+/A) healthcare services, and bad debt procedures are being piloted
KKK><(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: will persist at current levels or go currently and will likely expand to
J(@)%--F up.! Charity and indigent care other providers and procedures.!
KKK>R(@)%--F>@-:[<(&)*+<*-./0)*+ levels will also remain high as By ACOs will be introduced with the
=K/AA)* PPO enrollment increases and volume Steven T. objective of allowing qualified providers
KKK>AK/AA)*>@-:[<(&)*+<*-./0)*+ softens.! Enrollment in Medicare Valentine to assume responsibility for overall costs
7/4F)0;4 Advantage will remain fairly constant and quality of care for defined
until changes to premiums and benefits populations. Further, bundled payments are
<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+ kick-in.! Medicare Advantage providers likely to expand to cover pre-admission (two
will feel the impact of reimbursement to three days) and a longer timeframe post
reductions this year.! However, admission (30 to 60 days).
\0/A-*/(2!Y-(*0 Hierarchical Condition Category (“HCC”)
and Risk Adjustment Factor (“RAF”) 5. Consolidations and Closures
XA).)4!=>!9(2)4A/4)6!'*)+/0)4A6! improvements will not change for one Hospitals that cannot survive will be
=3)!8(:0)4!]*-1< year.! acquired, converted to alternative use, or
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!A3)! closed.! Expect to see a number of hospitals
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+</A(2!,! 3. Physician – Hospital Alignment close during the next five years.! Hospitals
T)0/@(2!8)4A)* Healthcare reform initiatives will favor that survive will generate sufficient patient
primary care and will be tough on volume (e.g., operate at 90% to 95%
_/:!7-AA6!\`)@1A/.)!9/@)!'*)+/0)4A6! specialists and sub-specialists.! Physician occupancy), manage payer mix, significantly
V-+</A(2!?++-@/(A/-4!-R!X-1A3)*4! supply will be re-calibrated through the reduce overhead, and achieve high
8(2/R-*4/( economics of reimbursement, from throughput.! ! Look for more development of
educational subsidies to payment levels for “hub and spoke” delivery systems, with the
\2(/4)!Y(A@32-*6!T>I>6!83/)R! procedures.! As medical home and “spokes” being more outpatient and physician
T)0/@(2!aRR/@)*6!7>?>!8(*)!V)(2A3! accountable care organizations (“ACOs”) offices.!
take root, primary care physicians are
b)/A3!^/@3:(46!T>I>6!\`)@1A/.)! once again headed to the front of the Steven T Valentine is President of The Camden
9/@)!'*)+/0)4A6!7(F)+/0)! “food chain.”! Specialists will become Group, a national healthcare consulting firm in El
8-::14/A&!V)(2A3@(*) integral players in the implementation and Segundo. He is a member of the Payers &
use of clinical care protocols as hospitals Providers Editorial Board.
'1%2/+3)* continue to drive down the cost of care.!
^-4!X3/4F:(4 Hospitals will work closely with specialists
Op-ed submissions of up to 575 words are
as bundled payments, clinical integration,
)0/A-*S<(&)*+(40<*-./0)*+>@-: welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
and value-based purchasing (“VBP”), or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3.

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5

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