Your Sun Is in Aquarius (Tropical Zodiac) .: Find Out More With Your Full-Length Report..

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Chapter 1: The Sun

Your Sun is in Aquarius (Tropical zodiac).

Aquarius makes for the application of your mental self, so that there are
tendencies for you to analyze carefully any given project, or any undertaking
dealing with the material world. Find out more with your full-length report...
The planet ruled or symbolized by Aquarius is Uranus, which is the purely
Atlantean planet. In other words, Uranus is the principal theme of Aquarius, and
because Uranus is the realm of a distinctive Atlantean nature, then Aquarius is the
zodiacal sign best symbolized by thoughts, personalities and activities akin to the
series of prehistoric "space age" civilizations known as Atlantis. Find out more
with your full-length report...
For example, you may once have been involved with scientific discovery and
invention, and therefore in the present have the potential again for investigating
more scientific or technical areas like computers, engineering, inventing,
research, astrology and parapsychology, space travel and the like. Find out more
with your full-length report...
Element: Air
Mode: Fixed
Ruler: Uranus
Color: Electric Blue, Violet, Gray-green
Famous Aquarians:
Sir Francis Bacon, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Placido Domingo, Mia Farrow,
Zsa Zsa Gabor, Galileo Galilei, Barbara Hershey, Abraham Lincoln, James
Michener, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Paul Newman, Norman Rockwell, Jules
Verne, Oprah Winfrey, Virginia Woolf
Adventurous, curious, flexible, idealistic, humanitarian,
Independent, Innovative, intuitive, loyal, original, resourceful,
sociable, Spontaneous
Eccentric, inaccessible, inconsistent, intolerant, peculiar,
Quixotic, Radical, rebellious, scattered, unpredictable, unrealistic
Aquarius, the eleventh of the zodiac, is considered the sign of
Perspective, the future, and new projects. The water bearer symbolizes
Intellectual development through communication and innovation. Of all
signs, you are the most idealistic and humanitarian, with a strong sense
of community and fraternity. Your ruler Uranus, the planet of change and
revolution, represents originality and a strong drive for adventure and
Uranus is also called the rebel planet, and its energy is radical,
sudden, and unpredictable.
Aquarius is the third of the three air signs, which means that your
intellectuality is expressed as an intuitive grasp of universal
principles, along with a concern for the universal wellbeing of

Aquarius rules the eleventh house of the chart, sandeep, the sector
associated with friends and groups, intellectual pleasures,socializing,
and attitude toward society. However, it also describes personal hopes
and wishes, as well as collective trends and humanitarian issues.
Yours is a fixed sign, which means that you resist manipulative
You form your own opinion, however unusual it may be, and refuse to
If someone dares to push, pull, or pressure you, they will definitely
get to know your stubborn and eccentric side.

Scorpio Rising, you have a kind of autonomy that no other ascendant

seems to have. You are willing to risk your live in order to accomplish
your goals.
You pursue your objectives with a tremendous, fixed, emotional
intensity,and are able to draw on hidden sources of power.
You try to always be in control of situations, Sandeep, so that you
dont need to depend on anyone. You avoid feeling vulnerable at any
Your obsession with staying on top of everything becomes a passionate
battle for power.
While you may appear composed and self-possessed on the surface, you
contain a charismatic intensity and mesmerizing personality beneath the
surface,much like an active volcano before eruption. Its very hard for
others to resist you, when you want to draw them into your net, because
of your mysterious magnetism.
Your universe is infinite, deep, and spiritual, and people who decide
to venture into it, cant help but being touched by its unfathomable
atmosphere. However, your universe is not a trap, it is rather a way
for you to share an intensely emotional experience. Yet, your intimate
world is not easy to reach, because it is hidden and secret. If someone
wants to explore and discover it, they need to put a lot of effort,
intensity, and time into it.
Your Life-Path number is probably the most influential numerological
aspect to be considered, sandeep, and represents who you are at the time
of birth.
It indicates specific traits and will likely be active and
influential throughout your lifetime. It is the overall number that
determines much of what will be important to you and how you will handle
things as they come.
If your Life-Path number is FOUR, its good to recognize that its
strongly connected to the element of Earth from which it gains its
strength and profound sense of reality. FOURS can be seen as the
cornerstones of our society with their innate sense of dedication,
hardworking ethics and standards of excellence.
Those with a FOUR Life-Path are generally the most trustworthy,
practical and down-to-earth people there are. Organization and planning
will come easily. Once a FOUR sets their mind to something, hell will
freeze over before they leave it unfinished. Key qualities for a FOUR

Life-Path number are order, service, steady growth, a foundation, and

struggle against limits. People know they can depend on you once youve
made a commitment to them in both your work and personal life.
An artist in your soul, you are gentle and peaceful, a fine aesthete
who loves the touch of the noblest materials under his feet. Work bores
you, and idleness you adore! Your ideal: to have someone take care of
you. You dream of living under the protection of a prodigal patron who
would let your creative talents bloom with no material constraints.
You love working with your hands when it concerns art but hate
anything to do with work associated with daily life around the house.
You are looking for the right person to take care of you, make decisions
for you,flatter you and take you to a silky, green field every day.
The imaginary universe that you live in is very far from reality
where everything is but luxury, beauty, calm and voluptuousness..." When
you come back to earth, you fall into a dark pessimism, are very
stubborn,capricious and can pout. Your over-sensitivity is only matched
by your sluggishness.
When conflicts arise you take cover until the storm has passed; you
never even think of ramming your adversary with your horns. You usually
win your fights because your perseverance and your natural charm are
endearing. Your fault: You are an easy mark for wolves.

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